4 000 poliser och militärer i Paris – inför orolig fotbollsmatch

4 000 poliser och militärer i Paris – inför orolig fotbollsmatch

I samband med en match mellan den israeliska klubben Maccabi Tel Aviv och Ajax i Amsterdam greps 62 personer i torsdags förra veckan. Enligt nyhetsbyrån AFP attackerades de israeliska supportrarna efter att ha rivit ner och bränt palestinska flaggor i Amsterdam – och bland annat The Times of Israel har rapporterat att supportrarna ska ha skanderat hatiska slagord gentemot araber och palestinier. I sociala medier cirkulerade videos där de israeliska supportrarna utropade ”det finns inga skolor i Gaza för det finns inga barn kvar” tillsammans med videor där propalestinska demonstranter attackerade israeliska fotbollssupportrar och skrek ”det här är för barnen!” Stort säkerhetspådrag vid arenan I eftermälet av våldsamheterna fördömde bland annat Nederländernas premiärminister Dick Schoof och Sveriges statsminister Ulf Kristersson attackerna som antisemitiska. Minst fem israeliska fotbollssupportrar fördes till sjukhus och Israels premiärminister Benjamin Nethanyahu bestämde att man skulle flyga hem de israeliska supportrarna. Nu ska israeliska Maccabi Tel Aviv spela nästa Nations League-match mot Frankrikes lag i Paris och den franska polisen har ett stort säkerhetspådrag med 4 000 poliser och militärer på plats för att förhindra eventuella våldsamheter. – Här vid Stade de France där jag står just nu är det väldigt hög säkerhet med mycket poliser runt omkring mig och människor som har fått gå omvägar för att kunna ta sig hem till sina bostäder. Men ändå lugnt så som det ser ut nu några timmar bort, säger utrikesreporter Jennifer Paterson. 1600 säkerhetsvakter inne på Stade de France Fransk säkerhetstjänst har kallat matchen på torsdag kväll ett ”högriskevent” och franska inrikesministern Bruno Retailleau har sagt att han kommer att bevaka matchen. – Det är ett exceptionellt säkerhetspådrag som man pratar om och man verkligen har omringat hela området här, vanligtvis brukar man kunna komma betydligt närmre själva arenan, säger Jennifer Paterson. Hon själv måste stå några minuter bort från arenan eftersom man inte kan komma närmre utan att visa upp en biljett till matchen tillsammans med ett personligt ID-kort. – Det är väldigt ovanligt att man behöver göra för den här typen av match. Sen utöver det så är det 4 000 poliser och militärer som har satsat in. Inne på själva arenan kommer man också ha 1600 säkerhetsvakter, säger Jennifer Paterson. ”Vill visa att vi står tydligt här i Frankrike” Hittills har man sålt cirka 20 000 biljetter till matchen och aktivister har försökt få matchen stoppad. Inrikesministern har försökt stoppa alla palestinska flaggor och vill bara tillåta den franska och den israeliska under matchen. – Det har varit mycket diskussioner. Kanske inte så mycket om att ställa in men framförallt om att placera den någon annanstans där det skulle vara lugnare att hålla den. Jag hörde till och med någon politiker som pratade om att man skulle omlokalisera den ner till Korsika istället, säger Jennifer Paterson. I fransk media har inrikesministern även uttalat sig om säkerhetspådraget inför matchen. – Man vill visa att vi står tydligt här i Frankrike för att man ska kunna hålla den här typen av event. Man ska inte backa för några hot och man menar också att det säkerhetspådraget som man har här är så pass högt så att det inte ska behöva ske några allvarliga saker här ikväll utan man menar att säkerheten är så pass bra, säger utrikesreporter Jennifer Paterson.

Pingisfebern total – men det skapar akuta problem: "Kris nu och kommer bli värre"

Pingisfebern total – men det skapar akuta problem: "Kris nu och kommer bli värre"

▸ Det börjar hända saker i pingisvärlden, och sporten har fått ett rejält uppsving efter OS i Paris. Europeiska, och framförallt svenska pingisspelare, börjar rubba kineserna. Truls Möregårdh slog världsettan Wang Chuqin under OS, och nyligen slog även Anton Källberg kinesen. Är det här starten på ett skifte i pingisvärlden där Kina varit så dominerande? Och vad behövs för att Sverige ska växa som pingisnation?

Med: "Äpplet" Mikael Appelgren Programledare: Demir Lilja

Ministern rasar mot PSG-banderoll

Ministern rasar mot PSG-banderoll

Det är oacceptabelt, säger Frankrikes inrikesminister Bruno Retailleau till Sud Radio. Flaggan täckte stora delar av den ena kortsidan av Parc des Princes och den rullades ut precis innan avspark på onsdagskvällen. Längst ned stod det: "Krig på planen, men fred i världen". Torsdag nästa vecka möts Frankrike och Israel i Nations League på Stade de France i Paris. Yonathan Arfi, ordförande vid Rådet för judiska institutioner i Frankrike, beskriver flaggan som "skandalös", rapporterar nyhetsbyrån AFP. Enligt inrikesminister Retailleau kan det bli tal om att PSG straffas och han skriver på X: "Sådana budskap är i strid med reglerna i ligan och Uefa. Sker detta igen måste vi överväga att förbjuda tifon hos klubbar som inte följer reglerna". Klubben säger i ett uttalande att de inte visste om budskapet på supportrarnas flagga på förhand. "Klubben motsätter sig kraftigt varje form av politiskt budskap på stadion", skriver PSG.

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Paris i poddar

Paris Hilton: Sex Symbol, Slut Shaming & Sliving [VIDEO]

(VIDEO PODCAST) Paris Hilton on Call Her Daddy? That’s hot. Join Alex as she goes to Paris Hilton’s house for a sit-down interview. Paris reminisces on some of her most memorable 2000’s moments and what dating was like in her early twenties (hint: you were probably ghosted or blacklisted from every club). She also tells the story behind that iconic photo of her, Lindsay Lohan, and Britney Spears and talks about her long-term friendship with Kim Kardashian. Paris explains how she was typecast as the “dumb blonde” on The Simple Life and how she felt that character defined her for the majority of her career. Alex and Paris also discuss Paris’ leaked sex tape, how that impacted her romantic relationships, and the horrible slut shaming she had to overcome. Finally, Paris gushes over her marriage and how her husband is completely different from anyone she dated in her past. If you want even more of their love story, you can check out season two of Paris in Love now streaming on Peacock. Enjoy! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

89: Amy Childs Talks Traumatic Twins Birth, Friendship With Paris Hilton & MORE!

This episode is sponsored by Shopify, go to https://www.shopify.com/grace Amy opens up about the whirlwind journey of welcoming Twins, unexpected friendship with Paris Hilton, and embracing vulnerability with plastic surgery regrets. Amy: https://www.instagram.com/amychilds1990/?hl=en 💅 GKBarry: https://www.tiktok.com/@gkbarry?lang=en 🎧Listen Here: https://linktr.ee/savinggracepodcast 💖Follow on TikTok: http://www.tiktok.com/@savinggracepod 💗Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/savinggracepod/ If you'd like to work with us email the studio on workwithsavinggrace@fellasstudios.com

57. Paris

It may just be the most popular city on earth. Throughout history Paris has maintained a grip on the public imagination, thanks to its culture, architecture and its people. French journalist and historian Agnès Poirier joins Tom Holland and Dominic Sandbrook to discuss La Ville Lumièr. A Goalhanger Films & Left Peg Media production Produced by Jack Davenport Exec Producer Tony Pastor *The Rest Is History Live Tour 2023*: Tom and Dominic are back on tour this autumn! See them live in London, New Zealand, and Australia! Buy your tickets here: restishistorypod.com Twitter:  @TheRestHistory @holland_tom @dcsandbrook Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

354: Paris 1968: The Return of De Gaulle

Charles de Gaulle was a war hero in the First World War, and, having refused to accept his government’s armistice with Nazi Germany, became the voice of the French Resistance during the Second World War. But how did France’s largest uprising since the Paris Commune come to happen during his presidency? Join Tom and Dominic in the second part of our tour of Paris, as they look at de Gaulle’s role in the events of May 1968, and how he eventually overcame the protests. Read more about Tom and Dominic's trip to Paris, in partnership with Wise: https://wise.com/campaign/restishistory *The Rest Is History Live Tour 2023*: Tom and Dominic are back on tour this autumn! See them live in London, New Zealand, and Australia! Buy your tickets here: restishistorypod.com Twitter:  @TheRestHistory @holland_tom @dcsandbrook Producer: Theo Young-Smith Executive Producers: Jack Davenport + Tony Pastor Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

(351 PART 1) Max Whitlock OBE chats Team GB secrets and his ultimate comeback ahead of Paris 2024

Hello all you Private Parters, welcome back to the podcast where nothing is off limits!To celebrate getting through the first week of January, we're back with another fantastic guest. Today, Jamie is joined by a man whose grace and strength on the gymnastics mat have captivated audiences worldwide. He is Team GB's most successful gymnast ever and 6x Olympic champion... it's Max Whitlock OBE.In a completely unfiltered chat, Max chats to Jamie all about his gymnastics journey, from how he got into gymnastics to dedicating his life to the sport and exactly how it feels to compete at the Olympics. He also candidly discusses his struggles with comparison, pressure and fear of failure, which led him to nearly retire from the sport he loves. Plus, he reveals how he is preparing for the Paris 2024 Olympic games.💛 Tickets for Team GB’s Paris party house – where live entertainment meets in-person athlete medal celebrations – are available to purchase at https://www.teamgb.com/house💛 To follow Max on Instagram, click here.💛 Don't forget to follow us on all our socials by clicking here, and make sure you don't miss out on our weekly episodes by subscribing. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

(351 PART 2) Max Whitlock OBE chats Team GB secrets and his ultimate comeback ahead of Paris 2024

Hello all you Private Parters, welcome back to the podcast where nothing is off limits!To celebrate getting through the first week of January, we're back with another fantastic guest. Today, Jamie is joined by a man whose grace and strength on the gymnastics mat have captivated audiences worldwide. He is Team GB's most successful gymnast ever and 6x Olympic champion... it's Max Whitlock OBE.In a completely unfiltered chat, Max chats to Jamie all about his gymnastics journey, from how he got into gymnastics to dedicating his life to the sport and exactly how it feels to compete at the Olympics. He also candidly discusses his struggles with comparison, pressure and fear of failure, which led him to nearly retire from the sport he loves. Plus, he reveals how he is preparing for the Paris 2024 Olympic games.💛 Tickets for Team GB’s Paris party house – where live entertainment meets in-person athlete medal celebrations – are available to purchase at https://www.teamgb.com/house💛 To follow Max on Instagram, click here.💛 Don't forget to follow us on all our socials by clicking here, and make sure you don't miss out on our weekly episodes by subscribing. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.


In episode six of this new series exploring the sights and stories of Europe’s most beautiful, intriguing and historic cities, travel journalist Paul Bloomfield is joined by historian and author Professor Colin Jones for a jaunt around Paris. Together they stroll along boulevards and riverbanks and around the bastions and burial sites of this captivating city, as well as visiting a few places of worship and entertainment along the way. Plus, Colin introduces some of the many characters who influenced Paris over the centuries, and offers some top tips to history-loving travellers. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

Earle Girls vs Paris

(VIDEO PODCAST AVAILABLE ON SPOTIFY & YOUTUBE) In this week’s episode of Hot Mess, Alix jets off to Paris and reunites with her sister, Ashtin, who's studying abroad. They reveal the behind the scenes of fashion week, boys, and their sisterly differences - Alix is the anxious, high-strung, quick-thinking sister while Ashtin is the slow-walker that always takes her time. They even recount physical altercations from their youth, including Alix throwing a straightener at Ashtin and giving her a bloody nose. The two admit that while they are the best of friends, they still bicker.Alix and Ashtin later get cozy in their hotel room to dish on everything they have learned during their European adventure. Ashtin spills the tea on European men and tells a wild story of blacking out and getting home from a Paris club at 8am. Alix, on the other hand, recounts her chaotic flight to Miami which resulted in her getting naked. Finally, the truth behind Alix’s TikTok with NFL man is revealed as she shares the story about how he picked her up from the airport in a suit with flowers and a sign.Join Alix and Ashtin for a whirlwind adventure through the world of fashion, romance, and sibling bonds, all packed into this exciting episode of Hot Mess.Follow and connect with all things @HotMess across Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

Paris (English and French)

Mark Steel's In Town - ParisMark Steel is back with the 12th series of his award-winning show that travels around the country visiting towns that have nothing in common but their uniqueness. After thoroughly researching each town, Mark writes and performs a bespoke evening of comedy for a local audience.In this final episode Mark visits Paris. Yeah, that Paris. The one in France. Where he performs on a boat on the river Seine. In this special extended edition of the programme Mark performs the show in English and then in French, for a French-speaking audience.The English version is first and the French version starts at 35 minutes.In this series, Mark also popped to Nottingham, Tring, The Isles of Scilly, Salisbury, and Newport. And for the first time, there will be extended versions of each episode available on BBC sounds.Written and performed by Mark SteelAdditional material by Pete Sinclair Production co-ordinator Sarah Sharpe Production co-ordinator Katie Baum Sound Manager Jerry Peal Producer Carl Cooper Producer Richard MorrisWith special thanks to Mark's French teacher Fatima BelaouziA BBC Studios production for BBC Radio 4

353: Paris 1968: The Students' Revolt

May 1968 saw underlying tensions reach a climax in France, resulting in a period of civil unrest coloured by rioting, general strikes, and the occupation of universities and factories. Join Tom and Dominic in the first part of our tour through the streets of Paris, as they tell the story of how France’s economy came to a halt at the hands of cobblestone-wielding students. Read more about Tom and Dominic's trip to Paris, in partnership with Wise: https://wise.com/campaign/restishistory *The Rest Is History Live Tour 2023*: Tom and Dominic are back on tour this autumn! See them live in London, New Zealand, and Australia! Buy your tickets here: restishistorypod.com Twitter:  @TheRestHistory @holland_tom @dcsandbrook Producer: Theo Young-Smith Executive Producers: Jack Davenport + Tony Pastor Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

Paris Is Thriving

This week, Tara and Haley talk in-depth about fan favorite, Paris Geller. They take a closer look at her character arc, her rivalry and friendship with Rory, and her, um, selection of boyfriends. Did she get the ending we all expected from Rory? Grab a coffee and get comfortable because the girls have more to say. Our Sponsors:* Check out Recess Mood and use our code GTS for a great deal: http://www.takearecess.com* Check out Tecovas: http://www.tecovas.comAdvertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brandsPrivacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy

Paris Hilton Wrote Paris The Memoir

Throw on your Juicy tracksuit because this one is juicy. You know her, you feel something about her, but Paris Hilton rarely graces us with true glimpses into her world. Paris The Memoir is a true tell-all that tells most so brace yourself.  Join our Geneva Community to chat with the other worms!!!!  We’re going on tour!! NEXT WEEK:  3/22: Capitol City Comedy Club – Austin, TX https://www.capcitycomedy.com/shows/193758 [capcitycomedy.com] 3/23: Addison Improv – Dallas, TX https://improvtx.com/addison/event/celebrity+memoir+book+club/12658775/   TWO WEEKS:  3/28: The Crocodile – Seattle, WA https://www.ticketweb.com/event/celebrity-memoir-book-club-the-crocodile-tickets/12634905?pl=crocodile [ticketweb.com] 3/29: Helium – Portland, OR https://portland.heliumcomedy.com/shows/193672 [portland.heliumcomedy.com] 4/6: Liberty Hall- Dublin https://www.ticketmaster.ie/venueartist/198720/5405337 4/10: Bush Hall - London https://bit.ly/CelebrityMemoirBookClub NEW MERCH IS HERE https://celebritymemoirclub.limitedrun.com/ Join the Patreon for new episodes every Thursday! https://www.patreon.com/celebritymemoirbookclub  Follow us on Twitter @cmbc_podcast and Instagram @celebritymemoirbookclub  Art by @adrianne_manpearl and theme song by @ashleesimpsonross

A Sleepy Day in the Life of a Paris Sparrow

Narrator: Simon Mattacks 🇬🇧 Writer: Jessica Miller ✍️ Sound design: city morning birdsong, leaves blowing across pavement 🐦🍂 Includes mentions of: Food, Heights, Flying, Autumn, History, Animals, Architecture, Birds, Travel, Art, Art History. Welcome back, sleepyheads. Tonight's story is all about one of Paris’s feathered residents: a common sparrow, with fluffy grey feathers at her belly and sleek brown feathers across her wings, shiny dark eyes, and slender pink feet that can’t help tip-tapping when she hears music. 😴 Watch, listen and comment on this episode on the Get Sleepy YouTube channel. And hit subscribe while you're there! Enjoy various playlists of our stories and meditations on our Slumber Studios Spotify profile. Support our Sponsors - This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try and get on your way to being your best self. Go to betterhelp.com/getsleepy for 10% off of your first month. Check out other great products and deals from Get Sleepy sponsors: getsleepy.com/sponsors/ Support Us   - Get Sleepy’s Premium Feed: https://getsleepy.com/support/.  - Get Sleepy Merchandise: https://getsleepy.com/store.  - Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/get-sleepy/id1487513861.  Connect  Stay up to date on all podcast news and even vote on upcoming episodes!  - Website: https://getsleepy.com/.  - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/getsleepypod/.  - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/getsleepypod/.  - Twitter: https://twitter.com/getsleepypod.  Get Sleepy FAQs Have a query for us or need help with something? You might find your answer here: Get Sleepy FAQs About Get Sleepy  Get Sleepy is the #1 story-telling podcast designed to help you get a great night’s rest. By combining sleep meditation with a relaxing bedtime story, each episode will guide you gently towards sleep.    Get Sleepy Premium Get instant access to ad-free episodes, as well as the Thursday night bonus episode by subscribing to our premium feed. It's easy! Sign up in two taps!  Get Sleepy Premium feed includes:  Monday and Wednesday night episodes (with zero ads). The exclusive Thursday night bonus episode. Access to the entire back catalog (also ad-free). Extra-long episodes Exclusive sleep meditation episodes. Discounts on merchadise. We’ll love you forever. Get your 7-day free trial: https://getsleepy.com/support.    Thank you so much for listening!  Feedback? Let us know your thoughts! https://getsleepy.com/contact-us/.   That’s all for now. Sweet dreams ❤️ 😴 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

S03 EP38: Paris Fury

S03 EP38: Paris FuryJoining us this episode to discuss the highs and lows of parenting (and life) is Paris Fury. Paris' fantastic book 'Love & Fury' is available now. And yes, we're doing a live show on the 31st January 2022 at Hackney Empire.Join the mailing list here to be eligible for pre-order tickets:www.parentinghellpodcast.mailchimpsites.comA special early bird pre-sale link will be sent out on Thursday morning for mailing list members. Then general sale on Friday 26th so make sure you sign up! Thanks - Rob and Josh xxxIf you want to get in touch with the show here's how:EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.ukTWITTER: @parenting_hellINSTAGRAM: @parentinghellA 'Keep It Light Media' Production Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

TJG: Paris in Love Season 2 Recap

We debrief on Season 2 of Paris in Love! While the show is supposedly centered around Paris, the real focus is on Kathy for us. Is Kathy a monster? Will she film a season 3 or try to become a "Friend of" on RHOBH again? Paris seems to live her life in fear, is she really shy or a social introvert? We can't seem to figure Carter out... Is he just a fan? What will she name her third baby? Honestly, we were kind of bummed to have missed her concert--looked like a blast! Can we get a Vegas residency? Come judge with us! You can find us:Instagram & Threads: @twojudgeygirlsFacebook: www.facebook.com/twojudgeygirlsPodcast: ACast, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher Merch: www.etsy.com/shop/TwoJudgeyGirls  Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton (Paris: The Memoir) is a model, actress, entrepreneur, and New York Times best-selling author. Paris joins the Armchair Expert to discuss playing into stereotypes early in her career, the power of shame, and how therapeutic it was to write her book. Paris and Dax talk about what their early experiences in Hollywood were like, why the bad boy persona is attractive, and how much she relates to Pamela Anderson. Paris opens up about her traumatic reform school experiences, being a new mother, and her obsession with making a billion dollars.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices