Amini favorit till EU-pris

Amini favorit till EU-pris

Bland de tre finalister som utsetts är nämligen iranska Mahsa Zihna Amini storfavorit, efter att ha nominerats av alla de tre största partigrupperna i EU-parlamentet: konservativa EPP, socialdemokratiska S&D och liberala RE. 22-åriga Amini avled i september 2022 efter att ha gripits av Irans moralpolis, för att hon inte ansågs bära sin obligatoriska huvudsjal på korrekt vis. Hennes död följdes av omfattande protester mot de styrande i Iran. Övriga finalister är två nicaraguanska människorättsaktivister, Vilma Núñez de Escorcia och Rolando José Álvarez Lagos, samt tre aborträttsaktivister: Justuna Wydrzynska från Polen, Morena Herrera från El Salvador och Colleen McNicholas från USA. Vem som får priset avgörs den 19 oktober av EU-parlamentets talman och gruppledare.

Ryssland rundar sanktioner genom "skuggflottor" och fiktiva företag

Ryssland rundar sanktioner genom "skuggflottor" och fiktiva företag

Med hjälp av fiktiva företag och falska transportnätverk kan Ryssland glida undan västvärldens sanktioner, och på så sätt få leverans av EU-sanktionerade varor – som egentligen är avsedda för transport till bland andra Centralasien och Kaukasusregionen. Det hävdar Ukraina-presidentens kontorschef, Andrii Yermak, i ett inlägg på Telegram. ”Mellanföretag används för att skaffa västerländska elektroniska komponenter med dubbla ändamål. Falska företag skapas också för att bilda en "skuggflotta" av LNG-tankfartyg, och för att transportera flytande naturgas.”, skriver Andrii Yermak i uttalandet. Komponenter i ryska vapen Han påpekar också att västerländska komponenter förekommer i ryska vapen. ”Samtidigt har alliansen Ryska federationen-Iran-Nordkorea redan blivit en militär som öppet hånar demokratier”, fortsätter Yermak i uttalandet. Yermak ber nu omvärlden om att agera skyndsamt mot Ryssland. ”Det finns mindre och mindre tid kvar att stärka demokratiernas ställning i världen och det är nödvändigt att agera nu.”, skriver han vidare. Storinvasionen av Ukraina Till följd av storinvasionen av Ukraina 2022 har EU och USA infört sanktioner mot Ryssland, som framför allt tar sikte på olja och gas. Bland annat USA och Kanada har förbjudit all import av rysk olja och gas. EU har infört åtgärder som i praktiken ska stoppa 90 procent av importen, med vissa undantag för länder i öst som gjort sig beroende av ledningar från Ryssland. Storbritannien införde det hittills största sanktionspaketet mot Rysslands skuggflotta av oljetankfartyg den 17 oktober.

Sista bilderna på Hamas-ledaren – kastar en planka innan han skjuts

Sista bilderna på Hamas-ledaren – kastar en planka innan han skjuts

Hamasledaren ska ha dött i Tel Sultan i staden Rafah i södra Gaza under onsdagen. Enligt IDF ska det ha skett under en eldstrid mellan två Hamasmän och militären. IDF gick initialt ut med att tre personer dödats, men bekräftade senare med hjälp av dna och tandkort att en av de döda var Yahya Sinwar. Israeliska medier uppger att IDF inte var medvetna om att Sinwar befann sig i byggnaden. Sent på onsdagen publicerade IDF en drönarvideo som uppges visa Sinwars sista tid i livet. I ett söndersprängt hus syns hur en nästintill livlös person sitter i en fåtölj. IDF har pekar ut personen som Sinwar. I ett försök att mota bort drönaren kastar han en planka mot den, men missar. Militären visste inte att det var Sinwar Enligt Times of Israel ska en israelisk soldat ha informerat sina överordnade om hur en misstänkt person gick in och ut ur byggnaden under förmiddagen. Militären ska då ha öppnat eld mot huset. Senare under eftermiddagen ska militären med hjälp av en drönare sett hur tre personer lämnat byggnaden och rört sig från hus till hus. Två av dem ska ha banat väg för den tredje personen. Militären öppnade då eld igen, och personerna skadades och delades upp. Sinwar ska då ha hamnat ensam i ett hus, något som bekräftas av IDF:s talesperson Avichay Adraee. Han ska ha rört sig uppåt i huset samtidigt som en stridsvagn avfyrade ett skott mot huset innan soldater stormade byggnaden. Sinwar uppges då ha kastat en granat som fick soldaterna att dra sig tillbaka. Då skickades drönaren in som visar hur han täckt sitt huvud och skadat armen, sedan kastar han plankan mot drönaren. En israelisk stridsvagn sköt sedan mot Sinwar som dog. Först efteråt ska de israeliska soldaterna ha förstått att det var Yahya Sinwar som dödats. Ryktades vara en brutal ledare 61-årige Yahya Sinwar var Hamas ledare i Gaza och ses som högst ansvarig för attackerna den 7 oktober och har länge varit jagad av Israel. Det har ryktats om att han gömt sig tunnelsystem under Gaza och han har kallats för "Slaktaren från Khan Yunis", då han beskrevs som väldigt brutal. Han satt fängslad i 23 år i Israel innan han släpptes i en fångutväxling 2011. Efter hans död skrev Israels premiärminister Benjamin Netanyahu på sociala medier att ”Hamas inte längre kommer att styra Gaza”. I ett tal meddelade Netanyahu att Sinwars död inte innebär slutet på kriget i Gaza, men början på slutet. Sen vände han sig till invånarna i Gaza. – Jag har ett enkelt meddelande, detta krig kan ta slut imorgon. Från Irans håll hävdar man att motståndet nu kommer att stärkas till följd av hans död. "Han kommer att bli en förebild för ungdomar och barn som kommer att fortsätta hans väg mot Palestinas befrielse. Så länge som ockupation och aggression existerar kommer motståndet att bestå, för martyren förblir vid liv och en inspirationskälla", skriver Irans FN-delegation i New York på plattformen X.

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Iran i poddar

96. Series 5: Empires of Iran

Persia was the first great superpower. The empire built by Cyrus, Darius, Xerxes and the rest of the Achaemenids stretched from India in the east to the Mediterranean in the west, from Russia in the north to the Gulf of Oman in the south. It laid the foundation for empires of the future. It was destroyed by Alexander the Great, but Iran has risen many times since. In this series we'll look at the ancient Persian empire, but also their successors; the Sassanians, who fought against Rome, in a vast war that eventually led to the Rise of Islam; then the Saffavids, during whose rule Shi'ism took root in Iran; and we'll end with the Iranian Revolution and the way it laid the foundations for political islam and much of the politics that drives the Middle-east today. First episode out Tuesday. For bonus episodes, ad-free listening, reading lists, book discounts, a weekly newsletter, and a chat community. Sign up at Twitter: @Empirepoduk Email: Producer: Callum Hill Exec Producer: Jack Davenport + Neil Fearn Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Iran vows a harsh response after scores killed in blasts near general's tomb

There were two explosions near the tomb of the Iranian general Qasem Soleimani, who was killed in 2020 by a US drone. Also: Ukraine and Russia in "biggest prisoner swap" so far; Francoise Bornet - the woman in the famous Paris kiss photo dies aged 93.

Iran 101 (The Last 100 Years in Iran) - Part 1

A concise, foundational history of Iran from the late 1800s to mid-1950s. *Correction: When discussing the AIOC (Anglo Iranian Oil Company)'s revenue, I say 40 million dollars, but I what I meant is 40 million euros. What is the difference between Persia and Iran? What is a shah? Who were the major leaders from the late 1800s until 1953? When was oil discovered in Iran? How did the British and Russians influence Iran? Who was Mohammed Mossadegh and how did he affect the Iran we know today? We will learn the answers to these questions and more in this episode. Sources used in the making of this episode: Source ListSpecial thanks to my research assistant, Rachel Cox, for her incredible work on these episodes. Instagram: (sign up for email newsletter): join the email list, click on the website link, and it will take you there.Song credit: "Heart of Indonesia" by mjmusics 

Iran blasts: At least 73 killed

Hundreds of people were walking near the tomb of Iranian general Qasem Soleimani on the fourth anniversary of his assassination by the US. Also: Tensions rise in Lebanon following the killing of a deputy leader of Hamas, and why humans may be more attuned to the emotions of chickens than was ever thought.

'All I know is they want me dead': Iran's web of terror

Iran has built an intricate network of gangs, private investigators and assassins to target enemies of the regime around the world. An investigation by The Sunday Times has found that Tehran has launched at least 17 plots, including abductions and murders, against UK targets since the start of last year. So, what is it like to be one of these targets?This podcast was brought to you thanks to the support of readers of The Times and The Sunday Times. Subscribe today: Guest: Dipesh Gadher, Home Affairs Correspondent, The Sunday Times.Host: Luke Jones. Get in touch: Forbes, Parliament TV, 60 Minutes, Guardian News, Kayhan Life, Sky News, ABC News, BBC News. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

259. Iran: England - 'The Little Satan'

On the day of England vs. Iran, Tom and Dominic are joined by friend of the show, Ali Ansari, to discuss Anglo-Iranian relations.  Tune in to hear stories of freemasons, early Iranian analysis of Tories and Whigs, the Anglo-Persian War, Salman Rushdie's fatwa, the ancestor of British Petroleum, and why Iran still sees England as a fox-like, 'little Satan'. Join The Rest Is History Club ( for ad-free listening to the full archive, weekly bonus episodes, live streamed shows and access to an exclusive chatroom community. *The Rest Is History Live Tour 2023*: Tom and Dominic are back on tour this autumn! See them live in London, New Zealand, and Australia! Buy your tickets here: Twitter:  @TheRestHistory @holland_tom @dcsandbrook Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

312: Reagan, Iran-Contra and the Cold War

Warmonger or nuclear disarmer? Ronald Reagan’s presidency survived an assassination attempt, the AIDS epidemic and the Iranian hostage crisis. He powered through the 1980s, creating his own truth and narrative, in a series of events that read like a Hollywood screenplay.  Tom and Dominic take a look at the impact of Reagan's presidency, the enduring effects of his politics, and why none of the scandals that scarred his time in office led to his downfall. They reflect on Reagan's legacy, and whether he can truly take credit for ending the Cold War, as the curtain falls on his blockbuster presidency. *The Rest Is History Live Tour 2023*: Tom and Dominic are back on tour this autumn! See them live in London, New Zealand, and Australia! Buy your tickets here: Twitter:  @TheRestHistory @holland_tom @dcsandbrook Producer: Theo Young-Smith Executive Producers: Jack Davenport + Tony Pastor Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Iran 101 (The Last 100 Years in Iran) - Part 2

*Note: I make an error in stating that there are 10,000 Jews that whittle down to 9,000. The actual number is 100,000 (not 10,000).* A concise, foundational history of Iran from 1950s through the 1979/1980 Revolution. How did Iran change under the rule of Mohammed Reza Shah? Who is Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and how did he change Iran? What happened during the Revolution in Iran in 1978 to 1979, and how did Iran become an Islamic Republic? How did this change the lives of Iranians? What is the Iranian Hostage Crisis and how did it end? We will learn the answers to these questions and more in this episode. Sources used in the making of this episode: Source ListSpecial thanks to my research assistant, Rachel Cox, for her incredible work on these episodes. Instagram: (sign up for email newsletter): join the email list, click on the website link, and it will take you there.Song credit: "Heart of Indonesia" by mjmusics 

PDB Afternoon Bulletin | January 5th, 2024: North Korean Missiles For Moscow & Iran Rounds Up Bombing Suspects

In this episode of The PDB Afternoon Bulletin:     A look at the latest intelligence regarding Russia’s use of North Korean ballistic missiles in Ukraine, and the Putin regime’s plans to source additional munitions and missiles from Iran. Iran says they have begun arresting suspects linked to the deadly suicide attack by ISIS that left more than 80 dead and nearly 300 injured. Please remember to subscribe if you enjoyed this episode of The PDB Afternoon Bulletin.     Email: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

1/4/24: Ryan Confronts Biden Admin On War Crime Charges, Broader War Looms After Iran Attack, Bernie Demands No Israel Funding, Trump Beats Biden With Young Voters, Epstein Documents Unsealed, Wall St Dystopian Landlord Scheme, And Bibi Allies Defend Starvation Of Gaza

Krystal and Ryan discuss Ryan confronting the State Dep on war crimes charges, broader war looms after Iran terror attacks, Bernie demands no more Israel funding, Trump beating Biden with young and Hispanic voters, Epstein documents unsealed, Wall Street builds entire neighborhoods, and Bibi allies defend starvation of Gaza.   To become a Breaking Points Premium Member and watch/listen to the show uncut and 1 hour early visit: Merch Store: for privacy information.

Episode 445: The Kinahan Cartel bed down with Russia and Iran in hopes of avoiding extradition to Ireland

Dapper Don Christy Kinahan Snr and his son Daniel are playing Russian Roulette with Vladimir Putin as the Irish Government make moves to bring them home to face charges.In an incredible spin of the wheel, they have placed everything on black and have become deeply embedded in the Russian and Iranian regimes offering up their transport routes and South American cocaine suppliers in exchange for sanctuary as their future in the United Arab Emirates looks increasingly bleak.As Justice Minister Helen McEntee begins the process of setting up an extradition agreement with Dubai we look at the links between the Kinahans and the mafia states they believe may save them. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Iran 101 (The Last 100 Years in Iran) - Part 3

*Note: I simplify the Iran Nuclear Deal way down in these episodes; it is obviously much more complex. Please do your research into this controversial deal—in my studies I have found some Iranians in favor of President Donald Trump removing the USA from the deal, and others who are against it. I failed to mention this in the episode.*A concise, foundational history of Iran from 1980 to 2022. What are the rights given to women in Iran? How is the government set up? What happened during the Iran-Iraq War? Why is the Iran Nuclear Deal so controversial? How do Iranians express discontent with the government, and what happens when they do? What is life like in Iran today and what are some of the current issues Iranians are facing? We will learn the answers to these questions and more in this episode. Sources used in the making of this episode: Source ListSpecial thanks to my research assistant, Rachel Cox, for her incredible work on these episodes. Instagram: (sign up for email newsletter): join the email list, click on the website link, and it will take you there.Song credit: "Heart of Indonesia" by mjmusics 

PDB Afternoon Bulletin | January 3rd, 2024: Terror Strikes Iran & Menendez Indicted Again

In this episode of The PDB Afternoon Bulletin:     A major terrorist attack in Iran on Wednesday at a ceremony marking the 4th anniversary of the assassination of Qassem Suleimani left more 100 people dead. New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez faces new charges of accepting bribes and using his influence to help the government of Qatar. Please remember to subscribe if you enjoyed this episode of The PDB Afternoon Bulletin.     Email: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

12/30/23: Israel Demands US Attack Iran

Krystal comes with a breaking segment on Israel's war hawks demanding US attack Iran. To become a Breaking Points Premium Member and watch/listen to the show uncut and 1 hour early visit: Merch Store: for privacy information.

Iran-Contra Pt. 1

Throughout the 1980s, Ronald Reagan's administration ran an illegal weapons trade right under Congress's nose. Even today, it's impossible to say for sure who was involved, due to the changing stories and possible cover-ups surrounding the Iran-Contra Affair. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Episode 23- Iran-Iraq War Part 1: Revolution!

Sources for all related episodes: Karsh, Efraim (2002). The Iran–Iraq War: 1980–1988 Farrokh, Kaveh (2011). Iran at War: 1500–1988. Timmerman, Kenneth R. (1991). The Death Lobby: How the West Armed Iraq

December 22nd, 2023: Contradictions on Gaza, Iran's Photo Phishing, & Texas' Migrant Move

In this episode of The President's Daily Brief:   Israeli officials send mixed signals on Gaza's future post-Hamas. We delve into the impact of these contradictory statements.   We cover the startling tactics of young Iranian women trained by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard, who are sending provocative photos to IDF members for intel.   After over a year of silence, US and Chinese military officers reopen dialogue. We analyze the significance of this communication.   In the Back of the Brief, Texas takes dramatic action in the migrant crisis, flying over 120 people from the U.S.-Mexico border to Chicago. We investigate the implications.   Please remember to subscribe if you enjoyed this episode of The President's Daily Brief.   Email: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit