De blev brevvänner 1980 – träffas nu för första gången

De blev brevvänner 1980 – träffas nu för första gången

I årskurs 3 skrevs det första brevet mellan Johanna Medin i Karlskrona och Martha Gray i Louisville, USA. Brevvännerna har hållit kontakten och nu över 40 år senare har de träffats för första gången.

Bartenders nya verklighet: Rädda liv i opioidepidemin

Bartenders nya verklighet: Rädda liv i opioidepidemin

Servera en öl, rädda ett liv. Allt fler amerikanska barer har utrustats med Narcan, en nässprej som är motgift mot opioider, till följd av att framför allt fentanylrelaterade överdoser skjuter i höjden. Det skriver The New York Times i ett reportage. En stillsam lördagskväll förra året fick Kevin Foehrkolb, bartender på en irländsk pub i Maryland, rycka in när en gäst plötsligt tuppade av. Mannens ögon rullade bakåt och han var alldeles gul i ansiktet. – Jag trodde det var något som händer på nattklubben bredvid. Inte på ett lugnt ställe som detta, där folk spelar spel och tar ett glas, säger han. As fentanyl overdoses in public spaces spike, the lifesaving drug Narcan is being stocked by more and more bars and restaurants. By Priya Krishna and Eleanore Park 15 August, 2023 Kevin Foehrkolb was tending bar on a routine Saturday night last September at Kent House Irish Pub in Towson, Maryland, when he heard a commotion from the corner booth where a group of regular customers were playing the card game Magic: The Gathering. “They were the type to drink beer, not get rowdy or do shots,” he said. When he ran over, he saw that one man’s face had turned yellow and his eyes had rolled back in his head. He was overdosing. From behind the bar, Foehrkolb grabbed Narcan — a nasal spray version of naloxone, a drug that reverses opioid overdose — then tilted the man’s head back and pushed the plunger to release the dose. The customer woke up and was taken to the hospital. Foehrkolb, still jarred from the experience, returned to his shift. “I thought it would be something that happens at the club next door,” he said. “Not so much at a quiet place where people are just playing games in a corner, casually drinking.” As the opioid crisis in the United States continues to worsen — deaths from such drugs more than doubled, to 105,000 from January 2015 to January, according to federal data — overdoses are now happening with regularity in or around social spaces like restaurants and bars. City officials and nonprofit organizations are working to get Narcan, which became available over the counter in March, to those businesses where it can be immediately useful. The jobs of service workers like Foehrkolb now include reversing an overdose. To some in the business, keeping Narcan on hand seems an obvious move — like stocking any other first-aid supplies, said Jed Thompson, the general manager of Mean Eyed Cat, a bar in Austin, Texas. But many others feel daunted by joining the front lines of yet another health crisis, after a pandemic they spent verifying vaccine cards and enforcing mask-wearing. “It shouldn’t be on these bartenders making no money,” said Ryan Purdy, who works at a Philadelphia brewery that stocks Narcan. “It should be on someone trained for it, who is expected to save lives.” Much of the spike in overdose deaths is due to fentanyl, a synthetic opioid that can be easily combined with recreational drugs like cocaine without the user’s knowledge. Even in minute amounts, fentanyl can be lethal. In New York City, fentanyl was present in 80% of overdose deaths in 2021, according to the city’s health department. And in Maryland, where Foehrkolb works, the state’s Opioid Operational Command Center reported that the drug killed 2,310 people from March 2022 to March, about 16 times as many as heroin. The results are already evident in the hospitality business. Last year, when Shreeta Waldon, the executive director of the nonprofit Kentucky Harm Reduction Coalition, looked at the Louisville ZIP codes where calls to emergency services were made about overdoses, almost all were in neighborhoods filled with bars, she said. She regularly visits restaurants and bars to pass out Narcan and train staff on its use, reassuring them that if someone is not overdosing, the spray won’t do any harm. Owners often resist stocking Narcan, thinking that it will invite drug use, she said. At the same time, the workers she is training frequently pull her aside and ask to have a dose for themselves, either to treat someone they come across or in case of their own overdose. (Historically, the restaurant business has had high rates of substance abuse.) “Our goal is to normalize it and make it as much a part of our normal life as possible,” Waldon said. Restaurants can play a big role in that normalization, said Dr. Michael L. Barnett, an associate professor at Harvard University’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health. “Everyone goes to restaurants or bars, and that raises the awareness of that problem,” Barnett said. He compared restaurants keeping Narcan on hand with the coffee shops that stopped using plastic straws, helping to shift public opinion against their use. “The effects of that can be hard to measure for a while, but I think they add up to something important.” Restaurants and bars are also public places that anyone can visit, said Max Moreland, an owner of FBR Management, which operates several bars in Austin that stock Narcan. Overdoses occur in other settings, he said, but “they can’t put Narcan in everybody’s house.” Noël Swain, the manager of Kent House, said that at bars, “there’s a feeling of community and social responsibility.” The accessible nature of these spaces is especially important for marginalized groups like LGBTQ+ people and racial minorities, who are disproportionately affected by the spread of fentanyl and may feel most comfortable picking up an emergency supply of Narcan at a bar, said Kochina Rude (whose legal name is Cary Escovedo), a drag queen who conducts Narcan training as part of a weekly drag show at the Oasis nightclub in San Francisco. “Nightclubs, restaurants, bars and hospitality venues are community spaces that can empower underserved communities that might face medical discrimination,” she said. “Even though that’s not necessarily what they’ve signed up to do, working in the nightlife industry, that’s the de facto of what ends up happening.” Rude receives her Narcan supply from the city’s Drug Overdose Prevention and Education (DOPE) Project, which distributed more than 84,000 doses of naloxone from July 2022 to June. Others have received free Narcan from local nonprofit organizations and city public health departments, or as part of settlement deals with opioid manufacturers. And the drug isn’t just staying parked behind a bar — it’s being used. According to the DOPE Project’s data, its naloxone was used in 8,765 overdose reversals in San Francisco during that same time period. In Portland, Oregon, where Mauricio Sanchez is a barista, similar scenarios are playing out. Two months ago, he had just finished serving a drink at Deadstock Coffee, when he stepped outside and saw a man collapsed nearby, surrounded by people who said the man had overdosed. Sanchez grabbed the Narcan in Deadstock’s storage lockers and gave two doses to the man, who regained consciousness. Sanchez was grateful that the shop had Narcan. But in a place like Portland, where opioid use has become endemic, he said government agencies weren’t taking enough responsibility for the problem. “They are expecting small businesses to look out for these people and help,” he said. “It feels like that is unfair.” Officials in some cities said that giving Narcan to restaurants is not meant to shift government duties onto workers. “We are not saying it is the responsibility of the restaurant staff to take this on alone,” said Deepa Avula, the executive deputy commissioner of the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. “But recognizing that this problem is prevalent in our city, we need to give individuals tools to help address the problem.” Some workers said their service experience made them distinctly qualified to respond to an overdose. “Bartenders and hospitality workers thrive on constantly having our eyes on 10 things at once and making sure someone hasn’t been over-served,” said Bridget Murphy, a co-owner of the worker-owned pizza shop Extra Extra in Buffalo, New York, which keeps Narcan with its medical supplies. Some of Murphy’s friends in the restaurant business told her they couldn’t understand why a pizzeria would carry Narcan. “I think in the same way where you can just go anywhere and ask if they have ibuprofen, you should also have Narcan in those spaces,” she said. But ibuprofen doesn’t carry the stigma that Narcan does. In summer 2021, a man overdosed while having a drink outside Donnybrook, a bar on New York’s Lower East Side. Maria Christenson, a manager, sprayed Narcan up his nose, reviving him. Yet even since the overdose incident, Meghan Joye, who runs Donnybrook, said she has hesitated to tell patrons that she has Narcan. “I didn’t want to be viewed as a safe place to do drugs,” she said. Kasey Anderson, the director of development and community engagement at the Alano Club, a recovery center in Portland, has heard this argument from bar owners many times. “You have a fire extinguisher on hand,” she said. “Does it invite someone to commit arson?” Being prepared to use Narcan is just part of having a service job, said Ellen Wirshup, a bartender who started Project Red, a Portland nonprofit that gives out Narcan. “We are already put in that role where we are providing service, providing care for other people,” she said. © 2023 The New York Times Company. Read the original article at The New York Times.

McDonald’s i rejält blåsväder – tioåringar arbetade natt utan betalt

McDonald’s i rejält blåsväder – tioåringar arbetade natt utan betalt

McDonald’s är ett av världens största varumärken och deras logotyp känns igen världen över. Men nu är det inte bara deras saftiga burgare eller krispiga pommes frites som gör att företaget är i ropet. 

Det har nämligen kommit uppgifter om att McDonald’s-restauranger haft två tioåriga barn anställda. Barnen ska ha synts arbeta så sent som klockan två på morgonen utan att få betalt. Sanningen bakom loggan på McDonald's – inte som du tror McDonald's-restauranger under utredning

Enligt CNN har det amerikanska US Department of Labor, motsvarande det svenska Arbetsmarknadsdepartementet, slagit fast att barnen ska ha arbetat sena nätter på en restaurang i Louisville, Kentucky. Avslöjandet ska dessutom vara en del av en större utredning som bedrivs, där de utreder brott mot barnarbetsrätten. 

Arbetsmarknadsdepartementet ska också ha kommit fram till att tre olika restaurangägare driver mer än 60 McDonald's-restauranger i Kentucky, Indiana, Maryland och Ohio. Där ska de ha anställt 305 barn som ska ha arbetat mer än den tillåtna gränsen. De ska även ha tvingats utföra arbetsuppgifter som enligt lag ska vara förbjudna. Barnen ska dessutom ha arbetat utan att få betalt. 

Tillsammans tvingas nu de tre restaurangägarna att betala böter på totalt 212 754 dollar, vilket motsvarar drygt 208 000 svenska kronor.  McDonald’s-anställd avslöjar: Det här HATAR jag när kunderna beställer McDonald's får kritik i sociala medier Händelsen har även blivit viral på sociala medier där klipp nu sprids och kommentarsfält fylls med åsikter och kommentarer kring restaurangens agerande. "Böterna är för milda. Inga lärdomar kommer att dras. De kommer bara att fortsätta vad de gör och dölja det bättre", skriver en person på Tiktok. En annan tycker att 200 000 dollar är alldeles för lite och anser att restaurangerna istället bör försättas i konkurs.  McDonald's svarar: Därför bär personalen i köket inte handskar Foto: Skärmavbild Tiktok/nosybystandersFoto: Skärmavbild Tiktok/nosybystanders Men det är inte bara företaget McDonald's som får utstå kritik. Kommentarer och höjda röster riktas även mot barnens föräldrar där många tycker att de inte bör ha låtit händelsen inträffa.  "Det här är galet. Jag visste alltid var mina barn var när de var 10 år. Hur kunde föräldrarna låta detta hända?", skriver en upprörd person på Tiktok. En annan frågar helt sonika om föräldrarna också kommer få böter. Foto: Skärmavbild Tiktok/nosybystandersFoto: Skärmavbild Tiktok/nosybystanders – Dessa rapporter är oacceptabla, djupt oroande och står i strid med de höga förväntningar vi har på hela McDonald’s-varumärket, säger Tiffanie Boyd, senior vice president och chief people officer på McDonald’s USA till CBS News.

Här kan du läsa ännu mer nyhet om snabbmatskedjorna: Trender, avslöjanden och nyheter.

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BONUS: Bourbon & Biden (Live from Louisville!)

Congressman Morgan McGarvey, State Senator Karen Berg, and special guest Perry Bacon Jr. join Jon, Jon, Tommy, and Dan live from Louisville! New Speaker of the House (and possible but unproven short king) Mike Johnson's MAGA bona fides are tested in an interview with Sean Hannity. Kentucky prepares for the November 7th gubernatorial race between Democrat incumbent Andy Beshear and Mitch McConnell mentee, Daniel Cameron. And, Joe Biden gets a primary challenger: Congressman Dean Phillips of Minnesota. Plus, Rep. McGarvey serves up tough questions and samples of the state's bourbon offerings in a segment called "I'll Drink the Fifth." For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email and include the name of the podcast. 

Identifying the top positions of need for Louisville after the first wave of portal commits

Dalton identifies the top positions of need for the Louisville Cardinals after the first wave of portal commits: -Cornerback (eyes on Quincy Riley & Jarvis Brownlee) -Edge rusher (who steps up besides Ashton Gillotte & Mason Reiger?) -Linebacker (find a replacement for Gilbert Frierson) Title Sponsor- FanDuel Score early this NFL season with FanDuel, America’s Number One Sportsbook! Right now, NEW customers get ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS in BONUS BETS with any winning FIVE DOLLAR MONEYLINE BET! That’s A HUNDRED AND FIFTY BUCKS – if your team wins! Visit to get started. Support Us By Supporting Our Sponsors! LinkedIn LinkedIn Jobs helps you find the qualified candidates you want to talk to, faster. Post your job for free at Terms and conditions apply. eBay Motors With all the parts you need at the prices you want, it’s easy to turn your car into the MVP and bring home that win. Keep your ride-or-die alive at Eligible items only. Exclusions apply. eBay Guaranteed Fit only available to US customers. PrizePicks Go to and use code lockedoncollege for a first deposit match up to $100! Daily Fantasy Sports Made Easy! Gametime Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code LOCKEDONCOLLEGE for $20 off your first purchase. FanDuel Score early this NFL season with FanDuel, America’s Number One Sportsbook! Right now, NEW customers get ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS in BONUS BETS with any winning FIVE DOLLAR MONEYLINE BET! That’s A HUNDRED AND FIFTY BUCKS – if your team wins! Visit to get started. FANDUEL DISCLAIMER: 21+ in select states. First online real money wager only. Bonus issued as nonwithdrawable free bets that expires in 14 days. Restrictions apply. See terms at Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER or visit (CO, IA, MD, MI, NJ, PA, IL, VA, WV), 1-800-NEXT-STEP or text NEXTSTEP to 53342 (AZ), 1-888-789-7777 or visit (CT), 1-800-9-WITH-IT (IN), 1-800-522-4700 (WY, KS) or visit (KS), 1-877-770-STOP (LA), 1-877-8-HOPENY or text HOPENY (467369) (NY), TN REDLINE 1-800-889-9789 (TN) Follow & Subscribe on all Podcast platforms… 🎧 Locked On College Conferences, HBCU, Basketball & More 🎧 #Louisville #LouisvilleCardinals Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Louisville looking to add more receivers as Kevin Coleman Jr & William Fowles enter transfer portal

Dalton discusses the Louisville Cardinals looking to add more wide receivers as Kevin Coleman Jr & William Fowles enter the transfer portal. He explains that the movement within the position group was expected, and that Jeff Brohm has a great history of recruiting receivers. At the end, Dalton conducts the weekly mailbag. Title Sponsor- FanDuel Score early this NFL season with FanDuel, America’s Number One Sportsbook! Right now, NEW customers get ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS in BONUS BETS with any winning FIVE DOLLAR MONEYLINE BET! That’s A HUNDRED AND FIFTY BUCKS – if your team wins! Visit to get started. Support Us By Supporting Our Sponsors! LinkedIn LinkedIn Jobs helps you find the qualified candidates you want to talk to, faster. Post your job for free at Terms and conditions apply. eBay Motors With all the parts you need at the prices you want, it’s easy to turn your car into the MVP and bring home that win. Keep your ride-or-die alive at Eligible items only. Exclusions apply. eBay Guaranteed Fit only available to US customers. PrizePicks Go to and use code lockedoncollege for a first deposit match up to $100! Daily Fantasy Sports Made Easy! Gametime Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code LOCKEDONCOLLEGE for $20 off your first purchase. FanDuel Score early this NFL season with FanDuel, America’s Number One Sportsbook! Right now, NEW customers get ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS in BONUS BETS with any winning FIVE DOLLAR MONEYLINE BET! That’s A HUNDRED AND FIFTY BUCKS – if your team wins! Visit to get started. FANDUEL DISCLAIMER: 21+ in select states. First online real money wager only. Bonus issued as nonwithdrawable free bets that expires in 14 days. Restrictions apply. See terms at Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER or visit (CO, IA, MD, MI, NJ, PA, IL, VA, WV), 1-800-NEXT-STEP or text NEXTSTEP to 53342 (AZ), 1-888-789-7777 or visit (CT), 1-800-9-WITH-IT (IN), 1-800-522-4700 (WY, KS) or visit (KS), 1-877-770-STOP (LA), 1-877-8-HOPENY or text HOPENY (467369) (NY), TN REDLINE 1-800-889-9789 (TN) Follow & Subscribe on all Podcast platforms… 🎧 Locked On College Conferences, HBCU, Basketball & More 🎧 #Louisville #LouisvilleCardinals Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

12: Liquor Stores in Louisville, KY

In this week's episode, the gang announces their next venture (unfortunately it's not a liquor store in Louisville, KY). Please wish us luck on our imminent future as born again Belgians, and please enjoy this episode responsibly. Buy our merch! Logo by Courtney DeKorte. Theme by Mavus White. Music by PSOVOD, plasterbrain and tyops. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Three more portal commits for Louisville! Antonio Meeks, Rasheed Miller, Reuben Unije are now Cards

Dalton discusses three new transfer portal commits for the Louisville football program: -Tuskegee WR Antonio Meeks -Georgia Southern OL Rasheed Miller -Houston OL Reuben Unije Dalton also talks about Louisville men's basketball player JJ Traynor being out for the remainder of the season with a shoulder injury, and how it will affect Kenny Payne's rotation for the rest of the year. Title Sponsor- Jase Medical Today’s episode is brought to you by Jase Medical. Empower yourself when you purchase a Jase Case, providing you with a personal supply of 5 antibiotics that treat 50+ infections. Get yours today at, that’s J-A-S-E Support Us By Supporting Our Sponsors! LinkedIn These days every new potential hire can feel like a high stakes wager for your small business. That’s why LinkedIn Jobs helps find the right people for your team, faster and for free. Post your job for free at Terms and conditions apply. Jase Medical Empower yourself when you purchase a Jase Case, providing you with a personal supply of 5 antibiotics that treat 50+ infections. Get yours today at and use code LOCKEDON to get $20 off your order. Gametime Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code LOCKEDON for $20 off your first purchase. FanDuel Score early this NFL season with FanDuel, America’s Number One Sportsbook! Right now, NEW customers get ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS in BONUS BETS with any winning FIVE DOLLAR MONEYLINE BET! That’s A HUNDRED AND FIFTY BUCKS – if your team wins! Visit to get started. FANDUEL DISCLAIMER: 21+ in select states. First online real money wager only. Bonus issued as nonwithdrawable free bets that expires in 14 days. Restrictions apply. See terms at Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER or visit (CO, IA, MD, MI, NJ, PA, IL, VA, WV), 1-800-NEXT-STEP or text NEXTSTEP to 53342 (AZ), 1-888-789-7777 or visit (CT), 1-800-9-WITH-IT (IN), 1-800-522-4700 (WY, KS) or visit (KS), 1-877-770-STOP (LA), 1-877-8-HOPENY or text HOPENY (467369) (NY), TN REDLINE 1-800-889-9789 (TN) Follow & Subscribe on all Podcast platforms… 🎧 Locked On College Conferences, HBCU, Basketball & More 🎧 #Louisville #LouisvilleCardinals Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Transfers Jurriente Davis & Daeh McCullough are headed to Louisville! TE Tanner Koziol decommits...

Dalton discusses two new transfer portal commits for the Louisville football program: -Texas A&M linebacker Jurriente Davis -Oklahoma safety Daeh McCullough Dalton also explains why losing Ball State tight end transfer Tanner Koziol's commitment isn't going to hurt the Cardinals' future in the long run. Title Sponsor- Gametime Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code LOCKEDONCOLLEGE for $20 off your first purchase. Support Us By Supporting Our Sponsors! LinkedIn LinkedIn Jobs helps you find the qualified candidates you want to talk to, faster. Post your job for free at Terms and conditions apply. eBay Motors With all the parts you need at the prices you want, it’s easy to turn your car into the MVP and bring home that win. Keep your ride-or-die alive at Eligible items only. Exclusions apply. eBay Guaranteed Fit only available to US customers. PrizePicks Go to and use code lockedoncollege for a first deposit match up to $100! Daily Fantasy Sports Made Easy! Gametime Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code LOCKEDONCOLLEGE for $20 off your first purchase. FanDuel Score early this NFL season with FanDuel, America’s Number One Sportsbook! Right now, NEW customers get ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS in BONUS BETS with any winning FIVE DOLLAR MONEYLINE BET! That’s A HUNDRED AND FIFTY BUCKS – if your team wins! Visit to get started. FANDUEL DISCLAIMER: 21+ in select states. First online real money wager only. Bonus issued as nonwithdrawable free bets that expires in 14 days. Restrictions apply. See terms at Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER or visit (CO, IA, MD, MI, NJ, PA, IL, VA, WV), 1-800-NEXT-STEP or text NEXTSTEP to 53342 (AZ), 1-888-789-7777 or visit (CT), 1-800-9-WITH-IT (IN), 1-800-522-4700 (WY, KS) or visit (KS), 1-877-770-STOP (LA), 1-877-8-HOPENY or text HOPENY (467369) (NY), TN REDLINE 1-800-889-9789 (TN) Follow & Subscribe on all Podcast platforms… 🎧 Locked On College Conferences, HBCU, Basketball & More 🎧 #Louisville #LouisvilleCardinals Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

A HUGE addition: Louisville lands coveted portal tight end Mark Redman! What about Jaylin Lucas?

Dalton explains why San Diego State tight end Mark Redman is a huge addition to the Louisville Cardinals' offense (proven production, solid blocker, exceptional pass-catcher). He also explains why Louisville should prioritize Indiana RB transfer Jaylin Lucas due to his speed and versatility. At the end, Dalton conducts the weekly mailbag. Title Sponsor- LinkedIn LinkedIn Jobs helps you find the qualified candidates you want to talk to, faster. Post your job for free at Terms and conditions apply. Support Us By Supporting Our Sponsors! Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could listen to a textbook, like an audiobook? Now, you can! is an app that turns any academic reading into audio. Go to and you'll be able to get your first three weeks free! LinkedIn LinkedIn Jobs helps you find the qualified candidates you want to talk to, faster. Post your job for free at Terms and conditions apply. eBay Motors With all the parts you need at the prices you want, it’s easy to turn your car into the MVP and bring home that win. Keep your ride-or-die alive at Eligible items only. Exclusions apply. eBay Guaranteed Fit only available to US customers. PrizePicks Go to and use code lockedoncollege for a first deposit match up to $100! Daily Fantasy Sports Made Easy! Gametime Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code LOCKEDONCOLLEGE for $20 off your first purchase. FanDuel Score early this NFL season with FanDuel, America’s Number One Sportsbook! Right now, NEW customers get ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS in BONUS BETS with any winning FIVE DOLLAR MONEYLINE BET! That’s A HUNDRED AND FIFTY BUCKS – if your team wins! Visit to get started. FANDUEL DISCLAIMER: 21+ in select states. First online real money wager only. Bonus issued as nonwithdrawable free bets that expires in 14 days. Restrictions apply. See terms at Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER or visit (CO, IA, MD, MI, NJ, PA, IL, VA, WV), 1-800-NEXT-STEP or text NEXTSTEP to 53342 (AZ), 1-888-789-7777 or visit (CT), 1-800-9-WITH-IT (IN), 1-800-522-4700 (WY, KS) or visit (KS), 1-877-770-STOP (LA), 1-877-8-HOPENY or text HOPENY (467369) (NY), TN REDLINE 1-800-889-9789 (TN) Follow & Subscribe on all Podcast platforms… 🎧 Locked On College Conferences, HBCU, Basketball & More 🎧 #Louisville #LouisvilleCardinals Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Multiple Louisville football players enter on first full day of transfer portal being open...

Dalton is joined by The State of Louisville football analyst Grant Mulligan to discuss: -Multiple Louisville football players entering on first full day of transfer portal being open -Josh Minkins, Marquis Groves-Killebrew, Victoine Brown -Popeye Williams, Jackson Hamilton, Izaiah Reed -And more! Perris Jones' GoFundMe: Title Sponsor- Gametime Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code LOCKEDONCOLLEGE for $20 off your first purchase. Support Us By Supporting Our Sponsors! Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could listen to a textbook, like an audiobook? Now, you can! is an app that turns any academic reading into audio. Go to and you'll be able to get your first three weeks free! LinkedIn LinkedIn Jobs helps you find the qualified candidates you want to talk to, faster. Post your job for free at Terms and conditions apply. eBay Motors With all the parts you need at the prices you want, it’s easy to turn your car into the MVP and bring home that win. Keep your ride-or-die alive at Eligible items only. Exclusions apply. eBay Guaranteed Fit only available to US customers. PrizePicks Go to and use code lockedoncollege for a first deposit match up to $100! Daily Fantasy Sports Made Easy! Gametime Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code LOCKEDONCOLLEGE for $20 off your first purchase. FanDuel Score early this NFL season with FanDuel, America’s Number One Sportsbook! Right now, NEW customers get ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS in BONUS BETS with any winning FIVE DOLLAR MONEYLINE BET! That’s A HUNDRED AND FIFTY BUCKS – if your team wins! Visit to get started. FANDUEL DISCLAIMER: 21+ in select states. First online real money wager only. Bonus issued as nonwithdrawable free bets that expires in 14 days. Restrictions apply. See terms at Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER or visit (CO, IA, MD, MI, NJ, PA, IL, VA, WV), 1-800-NEXT-STEP or text NEXTSTEP to 53342 (AZ), 1-888-789-7777 or visit (CT), 1-800-9-WITH-IT (IN), 1-800-522-4700 (WY, KS) or visit (KS), 1-877-770-STOP (LA), 1-877-8-HOPENY or text HOPENY (467369) (NY), TN REDLINE 1-800-889-9789 (TN) Follow & Subscribe on all Podcast platforms… 🎧 Locked On College Conferences, HBCU, Basketball & More 🎧 #Louisville #LouisvilleCardinals Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

132: Old Louisville's Pink Triangle Murder

On a rainy night in June, 2010, a 911 call would set off one of the biggest murder scandals to shock Louisville, Kentucky. Two men, living in a crumbling Victorian mansion in Old Louisville, both accused each other of killing a man they had buried in the old wine cellar. The ensuing trials transfixed locals with talk of kinky sex, drugs, counterfeit money, guns and a sledge hammer. Reserached, written, hosted and produced by Erica KelleyResearch assistance by Haley GrayMain Resource: “A Dark Room in Glitterball City: Murder, Secrets and Scandal in Old Louisville” by David DominéOriginal Graphic Art by Coley HornerOriginal Music by Rob Harrison of Gamma RadioEdited & Mixed by Erica KelleyCase Suggested by David Dominé code: code: southernfriedBest Fiends, friends without the “R”Sources: | Donate | In the Media: (Twitter) @southernfriedtruecrime (Insta)This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at

Caullin Lacy & Ja'Corey Brooks give Louisville one of the best wide receiver groups in the ACC!

Dalton discusses two new football additions for the Louisville Cardinals: -South Alabama WR Caullin Lacy -Alabama WR Ja'Corey Brooks Lacy and Brooks both bring differentiating skillsets to the program, but will be able to immediately contribute in 2024. Dalton explains that by adding both, Jeff Brohm's squad now has one of the best wide receiving cores in the ACC. Title Sponsor- PrizePicks Go to and use code lockedoncollege for a first deposit match up to $100! Daily Fantasy Sports Made Easy! Support Us By Supporting Our Sponsors! Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could listen to a textbook, like an audiobook? Now, you can! is an app that turns any academic reading into audio. Go to and you'll be able to get your first three weeks free! LinkedIn LinkedIn Jobs helps you find the qualified candidates you want to talk to, faster. Post your job for free at Terms and conditions apply. eBay Motors With all the parts you need at the prices you want, it’s easy to turn your car into the MVP and bring home that win. Keep your ride-or-die alive at Eligible items only. Exclusions apply. eBay Guaranteed Fit only available to US customers. PrizePicks Go to and use code lockedoncollege for a first deposit match up to $100! Daily Fantasy Sports Made Easy! Gametime Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code LOCKEDONCOLLEGE for $20 off your first purchase. FanDuel Score early this NFL season with FanDuel, America’s Number One Sportsbook! Right now, NEW customers get ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS in BONUS BETS with any winning FIVE DOLLAR MONEYLINE BET! That’s A HUNDRED AND FIFTY BUCKS – if your team wins! Visit to get started. FANDUEL DISCLAIMER: 21+ in select states. First online real money wager only. Bonus issued as nonwithdrawable free bets that expires in 14 days. Restrictions apply. See terms at Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER or visit (CO, IA, MD, MI, NJ, PA, IL, VA, WV), 1-800-NEXT-STEP or text NEXTSTEP to 53342 (AZ), 1-888-789-7777 or visit (CT), 1-800-9-WITH-IT (IN), 1-800-522-4700 (WY, KS) or visit (KS), 1-877-770-STOP (LA), 1-877-8-HOPENY or text HOPENY (467369) (NY), TN REDLINE 1-800-889-9789 (TN) Follow & Subscribe on all Podcast platforms… 🎧 Locked On College Conferences, HBCU, Basketball & More 🎧 #Louisville #LouisvilleCardinals Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Sam Kerr's devastating ACL injury | Bev Yanez on Racing Louisville and the draft | Gotham FC's transfer dominance | Cedella Marley resigns from her role at JFF | (Soccer 01/08)

Jenny Chiu, Sandra Herrera, Lisa Carlin, and Darian Jenkins discuss all the latest news in the women's game starting with Sam Kerr's devastating ACL injury, the trickle down effect it will have both on her club team Chelsea as well as internationally for Australia and the upcoming Olympics (1:11). Then, the A3 crew discuss Cedella Marley resigning from her role as JFF's global women's football ambassador in protest of how the Reggae Girlz have been treated (13:01). Next, the team breakdown all the recent transfer news including Gotham FC bringing in four USWNT players and what this means for the league (23:58). Then, Bev Yanez is welcomed in to the show to discuss her coaching role at Racing Louisville, how and when she became interested in switching gears from player to coach, and how she's looking for players that fill her team's needs holistically (35:31). And finally, the team discuss the upcoming NWSL College Draft this Friday in addition to who's expected to go first and who to watch out for (51:16). Attacking Third is a finalist for the "Diverse Voices Award" category in the Sports Podcast Awards. Click on the link to vote for us! Watch USWNT, NWSL and WSL games on P+" with a link to Attacking Third is available for free on the Audacy app as well as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher and wherever else you listen to podcasts.  Follow the Attacking Third team on Twitter: @AttackingThird, @SandHerrera_, @LisaCarlin32, @Jordangeli , @JennyaChiu and @Darian_Jenks. Visit the Attacking Third YouTube channel: You can listen to Attacking Third on your smart speakers! Simply say "Alexa, play the latest episode of the Attacking Third podcast" or "Hey Google, play the latest episode of the Attacking Third podcast." For more soccer coverage from CBS Sports, visit To hear more from the CBS Sports Podcast Network, visit To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

REACTION: Louisville Cardinals sign 14 commitments in the 2024 class on Early Signing Day

Dalton discusses the Louisville Cardinals signing 14 football commitments in the 2024 class on Early Signing Day: -Minimal surprises -Thoughts on the overall class -Highest ceiling -Early enrolees -Who will contribute early? Title Sponsor- FanDuel Score early this NFL season with FanDuel, America’s Number One Sportsbook! Right now, NEW customers get ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS in BONUS BETS with any winning FIVE DOLLAR MONEYLINE BET! That’s A HUNDRED AND FIFTY BUCKS – if your team wins! Visit to get started. Support Us By Supporting Our Sponsors! Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could listen to a textbook, like an audiobook? Now, you can! is an app that turns any academic reading into audio. Go to and you'll be able to get your first three weeks free! LinkedIn LinkedIn Jobs helps you find the qualified candidates you want to talk to, faster. Post your job for free at Terms and conditions apply. eBay Motors With all the parts you need at the prices you want, it’s easy to turn your car into the MVP and bring home that win. Keep your ride-or-die alive at Eligible items only. Exclusions apply. eBay Guaranteed Fit only available to US customers. PrizePicks Go to and use code lockedoncollege for a first deposit match up to $100! Daily Fantasy Sports Made Easy! Gametime Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code LOCKEDONCOLLEGE for $20 off your first purchase. FanDuel Score early this NFL season with FanDuel, America’s Number One Sportsbook! Right now, NEW customers get ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS in BONUS BETS with any winning FIVE DOLLAR MONEYLINE BET! That’s A HUNDRED AND FIFTY BUCKS – if your team wins! Visit to get started. FANDUEL DISCLAIMER: 21+ in select states. First online real money wager only. Bonus issued as nonwithdrawable free bets that expires in 14 days. Restrictions apply. See terms at Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER or visit (CO, IA, MD, MI, NJ, PA, IL, VA, WV), 1-800-NEXT-STEP or text NEXTSTEP to 53342 (AZ), 1-888-789-7777 or visit (CT), 1-800-9-WITH-IT (IN), 1-800-522-4700 (WY, KS) or visit (KS), 1-877-770-STOP (LA), 1-877-8-HOPENY or text HOPENY (467369) (NY), TN REDLINE 1-800-889-9789 (TN) Follow & Subscribe on all Podcast platforms… 🎧 Locked On College Conferences, HBCU, Basketball & More 🎧 #Louisville #LouisvilleCardinals Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Episode 316: A House Is Not Always A Home (feat. Louisville Tenants Union)

This week we're joined by three members of Louisville Tenants Union—Jessica Bellamy, Josh Poe, and returning guest Haley O'Shaughnessy—to discuss tenant organizing in Louisville; the similarities between what's going on in parts of America and Palestine; the political economy of real estate capital; and how the rent is too damn high, among many other things. Please throw some money their way to help out the fight: And you can follow them here: @LouisvilleTenantsUnion on Instagram @LouisvilleTenants on Facebook @LouTenantsUnion on Twitter Finally, you can support our Patreon at:

Louisville football transfer portal recruiting update: Jalen Kimber, Nic Scourton, Peny Boone

Dalton gives an update on transfer portal recruiting for the Louisville Cardinals football program: -Florida DB Jalen Kimber commits to UofL -Purdue EDGE Nic Scourton will visit Louisville on January 4th -Toledo RB Peny Boone includes Cards in top-three (Kentucky & Florida State) Support Us By Supporting Our Sponsors! LinkedIn LinkedIn Jobs helps you find the qualified candidates you want to talk to, faster. Post your job for free at Terms and conditions apply. eBay Motors With all the parts you need at the prices you want, it’s easy to turn your car into the MVP and bring home that win. Keep your ride-or-die alive at Eligible items only. Exclusions apply. eBay Guaranteed Fit only available to US customers. PrizePicks Go to and use code lockedoncollege for a first deposit match up to $100! Daily Fantasy Sports Made Easy! Gametime Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code LOCKEDONCOLLEGE for $20 off your first purchase. FanDuel Score early this NFL season with FanDuel, America’s Number One Sportsbook! Right now, NEW customers get ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS in BONUS BETS with any winning FIVE DOLLAR MONEYLINE BET! That’s A HUNDRED AND FIFTY BUCKS – if your team wins! Visit to get started. FANDUEL DISCLAIMER: 21+ in select states. First online real money wager only. Bonus issued as nonwithdrawable free bets that expires in 14 days. Restrictions apply. See terms at Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER or visit (CO, IA, MD, MI, NJ, PA, IL, VA, WV), 1-800-NEXT-STEP or text NEXTSTEP to 53342 (AZ), 1-888-789-7777 or visit (CT), 1-800-9-WITH-IT (IN), 1-800-522-4700 (WY, KS) or visit (KS), 1-877-770-STOP (LA), 1-877-8-HOPENY or text HOPENY (467369) (NY), TN REDLINE 1-800-889-9789 (TN) Follow & Subscribe on all Podcast platforms… 🎧 Locked On College Conferences, HBCU, Basketball & More 🎧 #Louisville #LouisvilleCardinals Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Bronny's Debut, DePaul-Louisville Fallout, and the Juwan Howard Mystery With J. Kyle Mann

The Ringer’s Tate Frazier is joined by J. Kyle Mann to discuss Louisville's painful loss to DePaul Bronny James's college debut in USC's home game against Long Beach State, Eric Musselman getting himself ejected in Arkansas's loss to Oklahoma, the stranger-than-fiction Juwan Howard mystery, Miami's shocking blowout loss to Colorado, a check-in on the undefeated teams, and more, before later closing the show with some shout-outs.Host: Tate FrazierGuest: J. Kyle MannProducer: Kyle CrichtonThe Ringer is committed to responsible gaming, please checkout to find out more or listen to the end of the episode for additional details. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Cornerback and offensive line are the top needs for the Louisville Cardinals in the transfer portal

Dalton discusses the top transfer portal needs for the Louisville Cardinals this offseason: -Cornerback -Offensive line -Overall upgrades -Defensive depth -And more! Perris Jones' GoFundMe: Title Sponsor- FanDuel Score early this NFL season with FanDuel, America’s Number One Sportsbook! Right now, NEW customers get ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS in BONUS BETS with any winning FIVE DOLLAR MONEYLINE BET! That’s A HUNDRED AND FIFTY BUCKS – if your team wins! Visit to get started. Support Us By Supporting Our Sponsors! Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could listen to a textbook, like an audiobook? Now, you can! is an app that turns any academic reading into audio. Go to and you'll be able to get your first three weeks free! LinkedIn LinkedIn Jobs helps you find the qualified candidates you want to talk to, faster. Post your job for free at Terms and conditions apply. eBay Motors With all the parts you need at the prices you want, it’s easy to turn your car into the MVP and bring home that win. Keep your ride-or-die alive at Eligible items only. Exclusions apply. eBay Guaranteed Fit only available to US customers. PrizePicks Go to and use code lockedoncollege for a first deposit match up to $100! Daily Fantasy Sports Made Easy! Gametime Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code LOCKEDONCOLLEGE for $20 off your first purchase. FanDuel Score early this NFL season with FanDuel, America’s Number One Sportsbook! Right now, NEW customers get ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS in BONUS BETS with any winning FIVE DOLLAR MONEYLINE BET! That’s A HUNDRED AND FIFTY BUCKS – if your team wins! Visit to get started. FANDUEL DISCLAIMER: 21+ in select states. First online real money wager only. Bonus issued as nonwithdrawable free bets that expires in 14 days. Restrictions apply. See terms at Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER or visit (CO, IA, MD, MI, NJ, PA, IL, VA, WV), 1-800-NEXT-STEP or text NEXTSTEP to 53342 (AZ), 1-888-789-7777 or visit (CT), 1-800-9-WITH-IT (IN), 1-800-522-4700 (WY, KS) or visit (KS), 1-877-770-STOP (LA), 1-877-8-HOPENY or text HOPENY (467369) (NY), TN REDLINE 1-800-889-9789 (TN) Follow & Subscribe on all Podcast platforms… 🎧 Locked On College Conferences, HBCU, Basketball & More 🎧 #Louisville #LouisvilleCardinals Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Louisville looks to end football season on a positive note as they take on USC in the Holiday Bowl

Dalton previews the Louisville Cardinals upcoming Holiday Bowl matchup with the USC Trojans: -Opt-outs and transfers -Players to watch for (Maurice Turner & Mason Reiger) -Why the game is hard to predict -Bold predictions -Key storylines -And more! Title Sponsor- FanDuel Score early this NFL season with FanDuel, America’s Number One Sportsbook! Right now, NEW customers get ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS in BONUS BETS with any winning FIVE DOLLAR MONEYLINE BET! That’s A HUNDRED AND FIFTY BUCKS – if your team wins! Visit to get started. Support Us By Supporting Our Sponsors! LinkedIn LinkedIn Jobs helps you find the qualified candidates you want to talk to, faster. Post your job for free at Terms and conditions apply. eBay Motors With all the parts you need at the prices you want, it’s easy to turn your car into the MVP and bring home that win. Keep your ride-or-die alive at Eligible items only. Exclusions apply. eBay Guaranteed Fit only available to US customers. PrizePicks Go to and use code lockedoncollege for a first deposit match up to $100! Daily Fantasy Sports Made Easy! Gametime Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code LOCKEDONCOLLEGE for $20 off your first purchase. FanDuel Score early this NFL season with FanDuel, America’s Number One Sportsbook! Right now, NEW customers get ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS in BONUS BETS with any winning FIVE DOLLAR MONEYLINE BET! That’s A HUNDRED AND FIFTY BUCKS – if your team wins! Visit to get started. FANDUEL DISCLAIMER: 21+ in select states. First online real money wager only. Bonus issued as nonwithdrawable free bets that expires in 14 days. Restrictions apply. See terms at Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER or visit (CO, IA, MD, MI, NJ, PA, IL, VA, WV), 1-800-NEXT-STEP or text NEXTSTEP to 53342 (AZ), 1-888-789-7777 or visit (CT), 1-800-9-WITH-IT (IN), 1-800-522-4700 (WY, KS) or visit (KS), 1-877-770-STOP (LA), 1-877-8-HOPENY or text HOPENY (467369) (NY), TN REDLINE 1-800-889-9789 (TN) Follow & Subscribe on all Podcast platforms… 🎧 Locked On College Conferences, HBCU, Basketball & More 🎧 #Louisville #LouisvilleCardinals Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Louisville basketball's Dennis Evans no longer medically cleared to play for the Cardinals' program

Dalton discusses Louisville basketball's Dennis Evans no longer being medically cleared to play for the Cardinals' program, and what it means for the front court moving forward. Dalton also talks about where the ACC wins might come from in the coming months. Title Sponsor- Gametime Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code LOCKEDONCOLLEGE for $20 off your first purchase. Support Us By Supporting Our Sponsors! LinkedIn LinkedIn Jobs helps you find the qualified candidates you want to talk to, faster. Post your job for free at Terms and conditions apply. eBay Motors With all the parts you need at the prices you want, it’s easy to turn your car into the MVP and bring home that win. Keep your ride-or-die alive at Eligible items only. Exclusions apply. eBay Guaranteed Fit only available to US customers. PrizePicks Go to and use code lockedon for a first deposit match up to $100! Daily Fantasy Sports Made Easy! Gametime Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code LOCKEDONCOLLEGE for $20 off your first purchase. FanDuel Score early this NFL season with FanDuel, America’s Number One Sportsbook! Right now, NEW customers get ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS in BONUS BETS with any winning FIVE DOLLAR MONEYLINE BET! That’s A HUNDRED AND FIFTY BUCKS – if your team wins! Visit to get started. FANDUEL DISCLAIMER: 21+ in select states. First online real money wager only. Bonus issued as nonwithdrawable free bets that expires in 14 days. Restrictions apply. See terms at Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER or visit (CO, IA, MD, MI, NJ, PA, IL, VA, WV), 1-800-NEXT-STEP or text NEXTSTEP to 53342 (AZ), 1-888-789-7777 or visit (CT), 1-800-9-WITH-IT (IN), 1-800-522-4700 (WY, KS) or visit (KS), 1-877-770-STOP (LA), 1-877-8-HOPENY or text HOPENY (467369) (NY), TN REDLINE 1-800-889-9789 (TN) Follow & Subscribe on all Podcast platforms… 🎧 Locked On College Conferences, HBCU, Basketball & More 🎧 #Louisville #LouisvilleCardinals Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Should Louisville play multiple quarterbacks in the Holiday Bowl against the USC Trojans?

Dalton discusses the Louisville Cardinals upcoming Holiday Bowl matchup with the USC Trojans; he explains why multiple quarterbacks should play for Jeff Brohm's squad (Harrison Bailey, Pierce Clarkson, Brady Allen). Dalton recaps the women's basketball team taking down the Kentucky Wildcats for the seventh-straight meeting. Title Sponsor- PrizePicks Go to and use code lockedoncollege for a first deposit match up to $100! Daily Fantasy Sports Made Easy! Support Us By Supporting Our Sponsors! Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could listen to a textbook, like an audiobook? Now, you can! is an app that turns any academic reading into audio. Go to and you'll be able to get your first three weeks free! LinkedIn LinkedIn Jobs helps you find the qualified candidates you want to talk to, faster. Post your job for free at Terms and conditions apply. eBay Motors With all the parts you need at the prices you want, it’s easy to turn your car into the MVP and bring home that win. Keep your ride-or-die alive at Eligible items only. Exclusions apply. eBay Guaranteed Fit only available to US customers. PrizePicks Go to and use code lockedoncollege for a first deposit match up to $100! Daily Fantasy Sports Made Easy! Gametime Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code LOCKEDONCOLLEGE for $20 off your first purchase. FanDuel Score early this NFL season with FanDuel, America’s Number One Sportsbook! Right now, NEW customers get ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS in BONUS BETS with any winning FIVE DOLLAR MONEYLINE BET! That’s A HUNDRED AND FIFTY BUCKS – if your team wins! Visit to get started. FANDUEL DISCLAIMER: 21+ in select states. First online real money wager only. Bonus issued as nonwithdrawable free bets that expires in 14 days. Restrictions apply. See terms at Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER or visit (CO, IA, MD, MI, NJ, PA, IL, VA, WV), 1-800-NEXT-STEP or text NEXTSTEP to 53342 (AZ), 1-888-789-7777 or visit (CT), 1-800-9-WITH-IT (IN), 1-800-522-4700 (WY, KS) or visit (KS), 1-877-770-STOP (LA), 1-877-8-HOPENY or text HOPENY (467369) (NY), TN REDLINE 1-800-889-9789 (TN) Follow & Subscribe on all Podcast platforms… 🎧 Locked On College Conferences, HBCU, Basketball & More 🎧 #Louisville #LouisvilleCardinals Learn more about your ad choices. Visit