Draghi: EU ska investera minst 8.000 miljarder – per år

Draghi: EU ska investera minst 8.000 miljarder – per år

EU behöver investera uppemot 5 procent av unionens totala BNP för att finansiera de enorma satsningar på konkurrenskraft som krävs för att hålla jämna steg med USA och Kina. Det är en av slutsatserna i en omtalad rapport som presenterades i Bryssel på måndagen.

Utspelet: "Han vet att jag är galen"

Utspelet: "Han vet att jag är galen"

Det är extremt jämnt inför presidentvalet i USA som avgörs i början av november. Siffrorna varierar dag för dag. Ibland leder Republikanernas kandidat Donald Trump och ibland leder Demokraternas kandidat Kamala Harris. Om det skulle bli expresidenten Donald Trump som vinner valet så är han säker på en sak. Nämligen att Kina inte skulle våga provocera honom då ”Xi Jinping vet att jag är galen”, säger han i en intervju med The Wall Street Journal. – Jag hade en väldigt stark relation med honom. Han var faktiskt en riktigt god, jag vill inte säga vän, jag vill inte säga något dumt, men vi kom väldigt bra överens, säger Trump. Hotar med höga tullar I intervjun säger han också att han skulle införa tullar på mellan 150 och 200 procent mot Kina om de inför en blockad mot Taiwan. Trump får också frågan om amerikanska soldater skulle kunna sättas in i samband med det. – Jag skulle inte behöva det, eftersom han (Xi Jinping reds. anm.) respekterar mig och vet att jag är galen, säger han. Samtalen med Putin Donald Trump säger också att han och Vladimir Putin hade flera samtal under hans tid i Vita Huset och att han kom bra överens med den ryske presidenten. – Jag sa: ”Vladimir, om du ger dig på Ukraina kommer jag slå till mot dig så hårt att du inte kommer fatta vad som hände. Jag kommer slå till mot dig mitt i Moskva. Vi är vänner, jag vill inte göra det, men jag har inget alternativ”, säger han i intervjun.

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Kina i poddar

Episode 452: The murder of Kinahan bagman Marco Yaqout

A super wealthy nightclub owner is gunned down in Marbella, Spanish police establish money laundering links with the Kinahan Cartel but the murder probe focuses on members of Ridouan Taghi’s Dutch network.This week two men were acquitted of the murder of flash socialite Marco Yacout shot dead in his UK registered Bentley as he pulled into the carport of his expensive villa.But while the suspects walked free, evidence gave an intriguing insight into the melting pot which is the Costa Del Crime where celebrities, tourist and some of the world’s most dangerous criminals rub shoulders over cocktails and sangria. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Episode 445: The Kinahan Cartel bed down with Russia and Iran in hopes of avoiding extradition to Ireland

Dapper Don Christy Kinahan Snr and his son Daniel are playing Russian Roulette with Vladimir Putin as the Irish Government make moves to bring them home to face charges.In an incredible spin of the wheel, they have placed everything on black and have become deeply embedded in the Russian and Iranian regimes offering up their transport routes and South American cocaine suppliers in exchange for sanctuary as their future in the United Arab Emirates looks increasingly bleak.As Justice Minister Helen McEntee begins the process of setting up an extradition agreement with Dubai we look at the links between the Kinahans and the mafia states they believe may save them. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Best of the BelTel: Gerard Mackin, the Belfast-born Kinahan enforcer the criminal underworld fears

Gerard Mackin is the six-foot-tall gangland enforcer who is feared from the Falls to Limerick That is not surprising when you consider he was convicted of nailing another person to a floor – with a nail gun. He has been in the Continuity IRA and in INLA. He was given a one-million-euro contract by the Kinahan crime clan to take out their arch-rival Gerry Hutch.   Born in west Belfast, Gerard Mackin’s crime CV is formidable and his earned him the reputation as one of the most violent criminals in Ireland.   The Belfast Telegraph’s crime correspondent Allison Morris tells his story.   Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Episode 461: The lavish lifestyle of Kinahan bagman and CAB target Dean Masterson

Kinahan Cartel associate and CAB target Dean Masterson enjoyed a lavish wedding ceremony in recent weeks and has now jetted off to Mexico for his honeymoon.The recently released mortgage fraudster who was working as a milkman in Dublin picked up a hefty tab at the exclusive Ballymagarvey Village venue and entertained friends and family in style.Masterson was suspected of running the Kinahan payroll in Ireland and once worked as a driver for the Cartel top brass.Nicola speaks with Niall Donald about the convicted criminal and the spectacular nuptials that have focused attention back on his finances. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

224 Om Kina del III - reformer och repression - med Jojje Olsson

Frilansjournalisten Jojje Olsson gästar vår serie om Kinas historia. I tre delar målar vi upp utvecklingen i Mittens rike, som har en både fascinerande och våldsam historia. Idag är Kina en ekonomisk supermakt, men under den nuvarande presidenten Xi Jinping har landet utvecklats i en alltmer auktoritär riktning. Vi pratar om situationen i Hongkong, behandlingen av uigurerna i Xinjiang och kidnappningen av den svenske förläggaren Gui Minhai.Mer om Jojje kan du läsa på hans hemsida: www.inbeijing.seProgramledare: Fritte FritzsonProducent: Ida WahlströmKlippning: Gustav WulffSignaturmelodi: Vacaciones - av Svantana i arrangemang av Daniel AldermarkFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/alltduvelatveta/Instagram: @alltduvelatveta / @frittefritzsonTwitter: @frittefritzsonFoto Jojje Olsson: Mela Pan Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/alltduvelatveta. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Episode 448: Kinahan ally Edin Gacanin strikes deal with Dutch prosecutors

Bosnian mob boss Edin Gacanin is reported to have cut a deal with the Dutch prosecutors and accepted a seven year prison sentence.The incredible plea bargain means that he will serve just a few years for smuggling 2,400 kilos of cocaine.Gacanin is one of the members of the European Super Cartel headed up by Daniel Kinahan and made his negotiations from Dubai where he remains.Nicola speaks with Niall Donald about the secret deal with a mob boss. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Inside the Kinahan crime cartel and their €1 billion empire

Christy Kinahan is the former Dublin taxi driver who heads the world’s most wanted international gang. John Mooney, who has been pursuing Christy and his gang for a decade, considers if the net is finally closing in.This podcast was brought to you thanks to the support of readers of The Times and The Sunday Times. Subscribe today: thetimes.co.uk/storiesofourtimes. Read John’s Sunday Times magazine piece on the Kinahans in full. Guest: John Mooney, Investigative Reporter, The Sunday Times.Host: Manveen Rana.Get in touch: storiesofourtimes@thetimes.co.ukClips: RTE, Virgin Media News. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Silent Partner | 1

Episode 1: The Kinahans begins its story in Dublin of the late 1970’s as heroin burst onto the scene. The Dunne’s, Ireland’s leading crime group, were responsible for much of the devastation the new opioid had brought across Dublin City. It wasn’t long before a young petty criminal from Phibsboro wanted a slice of the pie. His name was Christy Kinahan.The Kinahans is brought to you by The Irish Sun. This series was written and produced by UrbanMedia. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

The Seeds Of The Cartel | 2

Episode 2: As Christy faces his first long stint behind bars, a chance encounter inside the halls of Mountjoy Prison forges a relationship that will change Irish gangland forever. Upon his release in the early 90’s, Christy makes a decision to leave Ireland for good. While in the UK, Holland and Belgium, we see how the Dapper Don hones his craft, and expands his fledgling cartel’s criminal offering. The Kinahans is brought to you by The Irish Sun. This series was written and produced by UrbanMedia. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

The Kids | 3

If Daniel and Christopher Kinahan Jr had been born into a different family, their path in life would have certainly been different. Listen to how the pair got involved in organised crime from a young age, and how relationships forged in their late teens would have drastic consequences for the world of organised crime in the years to come. The Kinahans is brought to you by The Irish Sun. This series was written and produced by UrbanMedia. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

A Self-fulfilling Prophecy | 10

As The Kinahan’s structures and key members begin to fall in a post-sanctions world, we ask some questions on our series finale… Where on earth are Christy and his two sons? How long can they stay on the run? And what comes next for Irish gangland…The Kinahans is brought to you by The Irish Sun. This series was written and produced by UrbanMedia.  Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

“U Rat” | 4

The Kinahan gang receive a lot of unwanted attention after the murder of Paddy Doyle on The Costa Del Sol. Spanish police close in on the gang, as wiretaps reveal the extent of The Cartels intricate money laundering systems. After a large sum of money goes missing, things between Gary Hutch and Daniel Kinahan begin to sour. The repercussions will be long lasting and deadly.The Kinahans is brought to you by The Irish Sun. This series was written and produced by UrbanMedia. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

The Feud | 6

In the wake of The Regency, Gardai are on high alert around the city, as retaliation attacks begin to take place on a near weekly basis. With The Kinahans gone into hiding, their foot soldiers carry out a series of brutal murders on Hutch allies. An underfunded police force struggles to keep on top of the violence, as The Regency’s first arrests take place across the country. The Kinahans is brought to you by The Irish Sun. This series was written and produced by UrbanMedia. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Kommer Apple och Kina göra slut?

I nästan två decennier har Kina och Apple varit tätt sammanflätade. Kina har blivit ovärderligt för Apple när det gäller tillverkning av paddor, datorer, airpods och inte minst Iphones. Kineserna har dessutom köpt en ansenlig mängd Apple-produkter - för bara några år sedan var en av tre mobiler som såldes i Kina en Iphone. Men i år har sprickorna i relationen mellan Apple och Kina blivit smärtsamt tydliga. Kinesiska konsumenter vänder Apple ryggen, ett tech- och handelskrig har satt djupa spår och på toppen av det har Kinas tuffa pandemipolitik vingklippt Apples enorma produktionsapparat. I det här avsnittet ställer vi oss frågan: Vad har hänt i kärlekssagan mellan världens mest prestigefyllda företag och den mäktiga technationen? Kommer Kina och Apple till sist att göra slut? Och vart ska Apple i så fall ta vägen? Till vår hjälp har vi Johan Nylander, journalist baserad i Hongkong och författare till boken "The epic split - Why 'Made in China' is going out of style”. Programledare: Jacob Lovén och Tom Xiong Gäster: Johan Nylander Produktion och ljudsättning: Kristoffer Folin på Ljudmagi Innehållsproducent: Katarina Andersson Ansvarig utgivare: Anna Careborg Musik licensierad från Epidemic Sound, Blue Dot Sessions och Artlist Avsnittet innehåller ljudklipp från Volvo Trucks (The Epic Split reklamfilm), CNBC, Unboxing Therapy, Bloomberg. Vill du fortsätta fördjupa dig i Kinas techscen? Gå in på svd.se/dendigitaladraken.

Hiding In Plain Sight | 8

A European Arrest Aarrant is issued for Gerry Hutch, but he manages to evade authorities completely. Is it possible he has someone working on the inside? Tyson Fury continues his comeback, and the cash keeps stacking up for Daniel and others around him. A Tweet in 2020 highlights his presence in the sport like never before, and brings some unwanted attention to the cartel…The Kinahans is brought to you by The Irish Sun. This series was written and produced by UrbanMedia.  Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Kin Of The Ring | 7

As the feud begins to trickle out, The Kinahan's establish themselves as a global powerhouse from their new base in the Middle East. Connections are forged with other international drug lords, and a “Super Mafia” is formed.Back closer to home, Jonathan Dowdall's past catches up with him, as he tries to flee Ireland to escape prosecution. The Kinahans is brought to you by The Irish Sun. This series was written and produced by UrbanMedia. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

19. Rostgumpsvalor, kinaguiden och hybridrödstjärt

Asiatiska rostgumpsvalor Bokrecension av nya Kinaguiden Hybridrödstjärt i första vinderdräkt ...och lite annat höstsnack