Ed Sheeran har tydligen blivit extremt hög med Snoop Dogg

Ed Sheeran har tydligen blivit extremt hög med Snoop Dogg

En riktigt konstig vänskapstrio av kändisar och en oerhört dålig drogerfarenhet. Ed Sheeran höll inte tillbaka med scoopen när han gästade den populära podcasten Conan O'Brien Needs A Friend.

72 timmars-regel ska stoppa giriga försäljare

72 timmars-regel ska stoppa giriga försäljare

Biljettgiganten Ticketmaster tar till nya metoder för att försvåra för personer som säljer konsertbiljetter på andrahandsmarknaden, rapporterar Variety. Företaget har beslutat att alla biljetter som köpts till Olivia Rodrigos redan utsålda ”Guts”-turné skickas ut först 72 timmar innan varje konsert, oavsett när köpet gjordes. Ticketmaster har tidigare vidtagit liknande åtgärder i samband med Ed Sheeran-konserter, även om bolaget inte gått ut med det officiellt.

Mobilfri trend: Därför njuter vi mer utan luren

Mobilfri trend: Därför njuter vi mer utan luren

I sängen, i duschen och vid matbordet. För många av oss är mobilen en ständig följeslagare – oavsett vad vi gör eller var vi befinner oss. Samtidigt som vi är mer uppkopplade än någonsin kräver allt fler världsartister att konsertpubliken lägger bort sina telefoner. Bland dem finns Madonna, Ed Sheeran, Bruno Mars och Billie Eilish. Även Bob Dylan krävde vid sina Sverigekonserter i höstas att alla telefoner skulle låsas in för en bättre upplevelse, men sannolikt även för att ha ensamrätt på bilder och filmer från konserten. Men hur får man publiken att släppa telefonen? Ett sätt är att använda ett specialdesignat fodral som bara kan öppnas vid speciella upplåsningszoner. Bakom fodralet – som även används av ståuppkomiker som inte vill ha sina framträdanden tillgängliga på nätet och i omkring 1 500 skolor världen över – står det amerikanska företaget Yondr som grundades 2014 av entreprenören Graham Dugoni. Ett amerikanskt bolag tillverkar mobilfodral med ett magnetiskt lås som bara kan öppnas i speciella upplåsningszoner. Det används bland annat av artister som inte vill att publiken ska använda sina telefoner under konserter. Enligt bolaget är den mobilfria trenden tydlig i musikbranschen. — Vi har många anhängare i artistvärlden eftersom artisterna upplever det väldigt annorlunda att göra en konsert om alla använder sina telefoner. Det skapar en vägg mellan artisten och konserten, berättar Mia Ljungberg Nevado, som representerar Yondr i Skandinavien. — Det är förstås också störande för de få som inte använder sina mobiler. Om en telefon ringer eller om någon börjar filma tar det bort en del av upplevelsen. Skapar distraktion Bilden av att vår upplevelse kan påverkas om vi ser en konsert via mobilens skärm delas av Sissela Nutley, författare och hjärnforskare som är kopplad till Karolinska institutet. — Det mobilerna i det tillfället gör är att skapa en distraktion från att ta in upplevelsen här och nu. Det blir ytterligare en sak vi ska fokusera på. Fångar vi rätt grejer på skärmen, hur ser det ut, är det skärpa och rätt inzoomat? säger hon. — Allt det här tar av vår tankemässiga bandbredd och stör vårt arbetsminne. Då har vi inte lika stor möjlighet att fokusera och uppleva det som vi kanske var där för. Sissela Nutley, författare och hjärnforskare som är knuten till Karolinska institutet. Inom socialvetenskapen talar man om "technoference", en sammansättning av ”technology” och ”interference”, teknik och störning. Det syftar på att tekniken kommer emellan och stör vår närhet till varandra och våra relationer. Det gör att vi upplever relationens kvalitet som sämre, enligt Nutley. — Vår koncentration blir störd bara av att mobilen ligger framför oss. Tittar man på relationsbiten ser man att vi kommer ihåg mindre av samtalen om det ligger en mobil på bordet och vi tycker att personen som vi pratar med är mindre pålitlig. Triggar gamla drivkrafter Men varför är det så svårt att hålla fingrarna borta från mobilen – trots att vi ser vår favoritartist framträda, äter en efterlängtad middag med vänner eller redan borde ha gått och lagt oss för att orka upp till jobbet nästa morgon? Enligt Nutley beror det på att vi har jobbat in vanor där vi får känslomässiga belöningar via telefonen. — Det gör att vi känner oss smått beroende av att hela tiden ha den nära. Det triggar gamla drivkrafter i hjärnan som hör till det limbiska systemet, strukturer vi delar med reptildjur och dinosaurierna som levde för 150 miljoner år sedan. Det handlar om nyfikenhet, rädslor och sökande efter belöningar. Allt det får vi numera i de här gratisapparna. Kväver obehag En av våra viktigaste drivkrafter är att känna oss socialt ihopkopplade och att hålla koll på om vi får social bekräftelse. Vi vill underhålla vår sociala status genom att kolla om någon hört av sig eller hålla oss ajour med omvärlden. Dessutom kväver mobilen effektivt obehagskänslor som tristess eller jobbiga tankar, enligt Nutley. Hon menar att ingen annan enskild innovation har bidragit till så stora beteendemässiga förändringar hos oss som den smarta telefonen. — Det har påverkat vår sömn, vårt stillasittande, vår möjlighet till fokus – och det är ju för att den är tillgänglig hela tiden. Vi hade inte så här stora effekter när exempelvis tv:n kom, för vi kunde inte ta med den överallt. Fyra timmar om dagen I Mia Ljungberg Nevados fall var det när hon bodde i Hamptons utanför New York som hon lade märke till att många tycktes mer intresserade av att ta den perfekta bilden till sociala medier än av tillställningarna de var på. Mia Ljungberg Nevado, Yondrs representant i Skandinavien samt grundare av rörelsen Lookup, som vill inspirera människor att lägga bort mobilen och vara mer närvarande. Insikten fick henne att grunda Lookup, en rörelse som vill inspirera människor att stänga av mobilerna och vara mer närvarande. Den har hon fortsatt driva även efter att familjen flyttade till Sverige under pandemiåret 2020. Enligt Ljungberg Nevado använder en vuxen person sin telefon i snitt fyra timmar per dag till saker som inte är arbetsrelaterade. — Det är två hela månader om året. Om jag kan få de här personerna att en eller två dagar äta en måltid med sin familj eller sina vänner utan mobil, gå en mobilfri promenad eller inte börja dagen med sin telefon, så är jag glad. Har "mobildetox" Själv har hon förändrat sina mobilvanor. När hon reser låser hon in telefonen på hotellet de första 24 timmarna på en ny plats, för att vara mer uppmärksam på sin omgivning. Hon har också infört "mobildetox" varje vecka, där hon är bortkopplad i ett dygn från fredag till lördag. — Om jag tar samma morgonpromenad på söndagen med min telefon stannar jag och fotar. Jag älskar att fota, men jag är inte lika pigg och närvarande som när jag är utan min telefon. Smyger in i sovrummet Hennes råd till den som vill minska mobilanvändandet är att våga släppa konceptet om att ständigt vara tillgänglig, att stå emot impulsen att ta upp telefonen när man exempelvis sitter på bussen. — Det går av gammal vana även för mig. Jag sätter ibland ett gummiband runt min telefon för att påminna mig, "behöver du verkligen ta upp den just nu?" Jag kämpar med det också. Ljungberg Nevado betonar att hon inte är emot smarta telefoner, men hoppas att vi kommer reflektera mer kring hur vi använder dem. Att världsartister uppmanar publiken att lägga bort mobilerna tror hon kan inspirera fler att göra det även i vardagen. — Vi har nog alla sett hur telefonen smyger in i sovrummet eller till och med i duschen, för det finns människor som inte ens kan vara borta från den då. Jag tror vi börjar inse att den definitivt gjort våra liv mycket lättare, men att vi måste lägga undan den ibland.

Ed Sheeran på YouTube

Ed Sheeran - Perfect (Official Music Video)

The official music video for Ed Sheeran - Perfect Subtract, the new album, out 05.05.2023. Pre-order: https://es.lnk.to/subtract ...

Ed Sheeran på YouTube

Ed Sheeran - Shape of You (Official Music Video)

The official music video for Ed Sheeran - Shape Of You Subtract, the new album, out 05.05.2023. Pre-order: es.lnk.to/subtract ...

Ed Sheeran på YouTube

Ed Sheeran - Thinking Out Loud (Official Music Video)

The official music video for Ed Sheeran - Thinking Out Loud Subtract, the new album, out 05.05.2023. Pre-order: ...

Ed Sheeran på YouTube

Ed Sheeran - Bad Habits [Official Video]

The official video for Ed Sheeran - Bad Habits Subtract, the new album, out 05.05.2023. Pre-order: https://es.lnk.to/subtract ...

Ed Sheeran på YouTube

Ed Sheeran - Shivers [Official Video]

The official video for Ed Sheeran - Shivers Subtract, the new album, out 05.05.2023. Pre-order: https://es.lnk.to/subtract Subscribe ...

Ed Sheeran på YouTube

Ed Sheeran i poddar

Ep 125: Ed Sheeran

Up-and-coming singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran has a table reserved this week. And James is turning his weirdest dial up to 11.Ed Sheeran’s new album ‘=’ (Equals) is released on 29th October 2021 through Asylum/Atlantic. Pre-order it here.Follow Ed on Twitter @edsheeran and Instagram @teddysphotosRecorded and edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design) and Amy Browne (illustrations).Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Ed Sheeran's Autumn Variations live album is here!

Ed Sheeran's Autumn Variations live album is here. This is Your Daily Lowdown from HELLO! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Ed Sheeran's Life Wisdom That Will Leave You Speechless (Essential Listen)

Ed Sheeran's Life Wisdom That Will Leave You Speechless (Essential Listen) Get inspired and motivated every morning with our podcast, featuring insights from successful individuals on changing your mindset and achieving your goals. Don't miss out on this opportunity to start your day off right! Click here To Unlock The AD-FREE Version Of The Show For Only $2 Per Month If you find our podcast helpful, please take a moment to rate the show and leave us a review. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us provide you with the best possible content. Don't forget to sign up for our newsletter to stay up-to-date on the latest episodes and receive exclusive content and tips on personal growth and success. Thank you for tuning in and being a part of our community! http://bit.ly/3HMlZW5 My motivational speech podcast inspires listeners to reach their full potential through powerful stories and thought-provoking discussions. Your support by buying us a coffee helps us continue to create uplifting content. https://bit.ly/3RQKlTc Earn money by testing new apps and writing reviews! Register with Write App Reviews, choose apps to review from our database, and get paid at least $15 per review with no limit on how many you can do. Sign up now! https://bit.ly/3Bb8FbG Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Ed Sheeran chats Crouchfest, JayZ and Suncream

There's just a month until Crouchfest and you'll hear Ed Sheeran pass on valuable advice to Peter, Chris and Dave as well as discussing England's chances at the World Cup, his best [and worst] ever gigs, being friends with Beyonce and JayZ and what he'd put his time into after his music career. Crouchy gets asked about former team mates and has to pick his favourite England football song and the boys set up the nation's next referendum. Plus you'll also hear Ed discuss the challenges of being a parent and pass judgement on Chris wearing shinpads to 5 a side.For Crouchfest Tickets and to watch the interview in Ed's dressing room visit: thatpetercrouchpodcast.com Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Ed Sheeran - American Town (Live Acoustic)

Ed Sheeran is one of the most popular and successful singer-songwriters in the world. He is known for his catchy melodies, heartfelt lyrics, and masterful guitar playing. Sheeran has released four studio albums, all of which have been massive commercial successes. His most recent album, Divide, was released in 2017 and spent over a year at number one on the Billboard 200 chart. Sheeran's music is known for its relatability and honesty. He sings about his own life experiences, including his love for his wife and daughter, his struggles with mental health, and his journey to success. Sheeran's music has resonated with millions of people around the world, and he has become one of the most popular and beloved artists of his generation. On September 29, 2023, Sheeran released a live acoustic version of his song "American Town." The song was originally released on his album Autumn Variations, which was released on the same day. The live acoustic version of "American Town" is a beautiful and moving rendition of the song. Sheeran's vocals are powerful and expressive, and his guitar playing is masterful. The song is stripped-down and intimate, and it allows Sheeran's lyrics and vocals to take center stage. The song is about a young English girl who moves to an American town. She is initially homesick, but she eventually comes to love her new life. The song is a celebration of new beginnings and the power of love and friendship to overcome any obstacle. The live acoustic version of "American Town" is a stunning and heartfelt performance by Ed Sheeran. The song is a celebration of new beginnings and the power of love and friendship. Sheeran's vocals and guitar playing are masterful, and the song is stripped-down and intimate, allowing the lyrics and vocals to take center stage. This is a must-listen for any fan of Ed Sheeran or acoustic music. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Ed Sheeran jumps on stage with 50 Cent for surprise gig

Ed Sheeran jumps on stage with 50 Cent for a surprise gig. This is your Daily Lowdown from HELLO! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Ed Sheeran - Boat

Ed Sheeran, born on February 17, 1991, is a globally renowned singer, songwriter, and musician hailing from England. With his heartfelt lyrics, melodic tunes, and soulful voice, Sheeran has captured the hearts of millions around the world. Known for his versatile musical style that blends pop, folk, and acoustic elements, he has established himself as one of the most successful and influential artists of his generation. Sheeran's journey to stardom began with the release of his debut album "+," which produced chart-topping hits like "The A Team" and "Lego House." Since then, he has consistently delivered remarkable music, earning critical acclaim and an extensive fan base. Songs like "Thinking Out Loud," "Shape of You," and "Perfect" have become anthems of love and resonated deeply with listeners across diverse backgrounds. Sheeran's remarkable talent extends beyond his vocal abilities, as he also possesses exceptional skills as a guitarist and pianist. Furthermore, his commitment to charitable causes and his down-to-earth nature have endeared him to fans worldwide. Ed Sheeran's music continues to touch souls, inspire, and leave an indelible mark on the music industry.Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brandsPrivacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Ed Sheeran

Kirsty Young's castaway this week is Ed Sheeran. His songs have brought him two Grammys, four Brit awards and global success. Shortly after the release of his latest album, Divide, tracks from it occupied nine of the top 10 places in the UK singles chart.Born into a creative family, Ed had piano and cello lessons as a youngster and briefly sang in a local church choir. At the age of 11, seeing Eric Clapton play Layla on TV at the Queen's Golden Jubilee concert inspired him to take up the guitar. Ten years later, Ed himself was performing at the Queen's Diamond Jubilee concert.Ed left school and home at 16 to focus on playing gigs in London. Despite relentless performing he failed to secure a recording contract and decided to try his luck in America. During a successful stint performing in Los Angeles, he came to the attention of the Academy Award-winning actor and musician Jamie Foxx, and within months of returning to the UK he'd signed a record deal. His first single, The A Team, became a top ten hit around the world and won him an Ivor Novello award, and his second and third albums topped the UK and US charts. In 2015 he performed at Wembley Stadium as a solo artist for three nights to capacity crowds, and this year he is headlining the Pyramid stage on the final night of Glastonbury.Producer: Cathy Drysdale.

Eminem ft Ed Sheeran - Stan (Live at Rock & Roll Hall of Fame 2022 Induction)

Eminem ft Ed Sheeran - Stan (Live at Rock & Roll Hall of Fame 2022 Induction)

S2 Ep 1: Ed Sheeran

Table Manners returns with Ed Sheeran and an even more ferocious appetite! Yes, mum and I are back and still arguing over who does the dishes. Four helpings later, we're talking death row dinners, Lion bars, rotting shark and pizza butties… Produced by Alice Williams for Cup and Nuzzle Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Ed Sheeran - Plastic Bag

Ed Sheeran is one of the most popular and successful singer-songwriters of our time. He is known for his honest and relatable lyrics, his catchy melodies, and his diverse musical style. Sheeran has won numerous awards, including four Grammy Awards, four Brit Awards, and six Billboard Music Awards. He has also sold over 150 million records worldwide, making him one of the best-selling music artists of all time. Sheeran was born in Halifax, West Yorkshire, England, in 1991. He began writing songs at a young age and released his first independent album in 2005. Sheeran gained wider attention in 2011 with the release of his second album, +, which included the hit singles "The A Team" and "Lego House." He followed this up with the even more successful album x in 2014, which featured the global hits "Thinking Out Loud" and "Photograph." Sheeran's most recent album, =, was released in 2021 and debuted at number one in over 20 countries. Sheeran's music is often described as folk-pop, but he has also incorporated elements of hip hop, R&B, and electronic music into his work. His lyrics often deal with themes of love, loss, and personal growth. Sheeran is known for his ability to connect with his audience through his music, and his songs have resonated with people of all ages and backgrounds. Plastic Bag is a song by Ed Sheeran that was released in September 2023 as a single from his upcoming album, Autumn Variations. The song is a mid-tempo ballad with a simple acoustic guitar accompaniment. Sheeran's vocals are gentle and heartfelt, and the lyrics tell the story of a young couple who are falling in love. The song has been praised for its honest and relatable lyrics, as well as Sheeran's vulnerable performance. In an interview, Sheeran said that the song was inspired by his own experiences of falling in love. He said that he wanted to write a song that captured the feeling of being in a new relationship, when everything feels new and exciting. Plastic Bag is a beautiful and moving song about the early stages of love. It is a song that many people will be able to relate to, and it is sure to become a fan favorite. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

219 - EXAMPLE RETURNS! - Ed Sheeran, Tour Bus Secrets & Australia’s Most Dangerous Animals!

On today’s episode Happy Hour favourite Example is joining the boys to share stories from his tour bus and to discuss what it’s really like being on comedy panel shows. He’s also telling us about Ed Sheeran’s house, why he nearly missed his Creamfields set and he’s sharing some of the scariest animals he’s seen in Australia...Produced by Katie Baxter Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

E2: Funeral Shoes, Ed Sheeran & Sir Elton John

On this weeks episode Rox finally premieres her “Podcast Anthem”, Mark discusses his funeral pulling shoes, we find out what really happens in the Instagrams DMs between Ed Sheeran & Sir Elton John and how they got their Christmas song approved by Sir Bob Geldof and Band Aid. #LadBabyPodcastEmail: ladbabypodcast@gmail.comPresenter & Producer: Mark & Roxanne HoyleSound Engineer/Editing: @mountstreetstudiosHosted by: Global

Ed Sheeran: Interviewed Live in Studio!

Today on Valentine in the Morning: Val gets a star on the walk of fame, happy + healthy = wealthy, and we bake cookies for Ed Sheeran, live in studio!_Listen live every weekday from 5-10am pacific: https://www.iheart.com/live/1043-myfm-173/ Website: 1043myfm.com/valentine Instagram: @ValentineInTheMorningFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/valentineinthemorning TikTok: @ValentineInTheMorning

S11 Ep 31: Ed Sheeran

We welcome back one of our very first Table Manners guests this week.. a relatively unknown - but cracking chap - the one and only Ed Sheeran. Gorgeous Ed joins us over zoom for an almighty catch-up. We discuss his wedding food (that I really indulged in), how to drink vintage wine, cups of tomato soup before bed, his wife Cherry’s vegetable garden & teaching his daughter Lyra to have good Table Manners. He’s back with a new banger, Bad Habits and we are here for it. Thanks for coming back Ed, Lennie owes you and the family a home cooked meal x Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Ed Sheeran teases new music after breaking yet another record

Ed Sheeran teases new music after breaking yet another record and Mariah Carey's christmas lawsuit has been dropped. Join us for your Daily Lowdown from HELLO! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

053 - MIKILL PANE - From Council Estate, To Private School, To Making Music With Ed Sheeran!

Mikill Pane - the legend - drops by the Happy Hour studio this week to talk us through how he ended up becoming a huge name in the indie rap scene. Mikill discusses his journey from council estate, to private education, to famously collaborating with Ed Sheeran! Mikill's back, and he's not going anywhere! ***Please take the time to rate and review us on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your pods. It means a great deal to the show and will make it easier for other potential listeners to find us. Thanks!*** See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

Ep.14: Ed Sheeran, Tinder & A Stag

Ireland's Favourite comedy duo tackle the big issues.This Week: Living in the city vs living in the country. Stags and Hens. Noel's News. The 2 Johnnies vs Ed Sheeran. Maura's Mystery topic Have your say on #2johnniespod Snapchat: Johnnybtippman & Johnnysmacks Instagram: the2johnnies Facebook.com/the2johnnies Subscribe lads  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices