Harald Treutiger om mobbingen på SVT: "Varenda arbetskamrat tog andra vägar i korridorerna"

Harald Treutiger om mobbingen på SVT: "Varenda arbetskamrat tog andra vägar i korridorerna"

Den 13 september 1997 var det premiär för Robinson. Inspelningen ägde rum i Malaysia, och vann det året gjorde Martin Melin. Programledare för den första säsongen, och även året därpå, var Harald Treutiger.

Därefter har Robinson haft programledare som Anders Lundin, Robert Ashberg, Linda Lindorff, Anders Öfvergård och Paolo Roberto. I våras gick just Paolo Roberto till attack mot Linda Lindorff, som han menade betedde sig divigt under inspelningarna.

– Programledaren som var innan mig var rätt…ska jag vara riktigt ärlig så…Det vet alla i branschen. Hon är en jävla skitstövel. Hon kan låta teamet…Jag kan inte svära på att det är så här, men så här är det berättat för mig av många som har jobbat med henne, för jag har ju inte varit där själv. Hon kan åka iväg och käka lunch när teamet sitter kvar. Hon kan inte äta teamets mat utan hon måste åka in och käka, sa Paolo Roberto i podden TV-fabriken.

– En liten diva?, frågade då programledaren Fredrik Ralstrand.

– Big time, svarade då Paolo.

Ö-rådet i Robinson skakade om Sverige

När Robinson hade premiär i Sverige så chockade det många tittare i tv-sofforna, och programmet mötte massiv kritik och kallades för mobbings-tv. Detta då det berömda inslaget ö-rådet skapade så starka reaktioner hos tittarna att programmet fick pausas och klippas om, något som Aftonbladet skrev om.

Harald Treutiger är en av de kända män vi ser i det nya äventyrsprogrammet Bättre sent än aldrig som har premiär idag på Discovery+ och Kanal 5.

I programmet får vi följa de fem folkkära kändisarna Claes Malmberg, Thomas Ravelli, Harald Treutiger, Kjell Bergqvist och Peter Magnusson som ger sig ut på livets största äventyr där de ska beta av olika punkter på sina bucket lists.

Första anhalten är Marocko, och under resans gång kommer alla närmare varandra. Under en kväll vid lägerelden så skämtar Peter Magnusson om att det känns som att han ska vara med i ett ökenråd. Samtalet glider in på ämnet Robinson, och Claes Malmberg frågar sedan Harald mer om programmets intåg i de svenska hemmen.

– Vi blev rätt duktigt kritiserade. Det var kulturdebatter och det var löpsedlar. Det var ett så kallat drev kan man säga, säger Harald Treutiger i Bättre sent än aldrig.

Harald Treutiger var den första programledaren för Robinson i Sverige. Bildkälla: Jack Mikrut/TT Bild Harald Treutiger om drevet: "Det var en svintuff höst"

I synken berättar Harald mer om hur det såg ut i Robinsons begynnelse.

– Expedition Robinson var ju när det kom en helt ny typ av program med en inbyggd elakhet faktiskt. Deltagarna skulle själva bestämma vem som skulle ut till nästa avsnitt och inte få vara med. Det där blev oerhört kritiserat. All kritik hamnade hos mig för jag var tydlig representant för programmet. Det var en svintuff höst, minns Harald Treutiger.

Harald Treutiger var programledare för Robinson 1997 och 1998. Bildkälla: TT Bild Peter Magnusson frågar om Treutiger fick någon backning under den här tiden. Men den lös med sin frånvaro. 

Harald Treutiger berättar nu om drevet mot honom och Robinson. Bildkälla: discovery+ SVT, som då sände Robinson, fanns inte alls där för att stötta. Även Treutigers kollegor på kanalen behandlade honom som någon slags paria. Såg de Harald komma i korridorerna så vände folk på klacken eller tog en annan väg.

– Hela företaget sviktade. Varenda arbetskamrat valde att gå andra vägar i korridorerna. En del valde att vända och så. Det kände man ju, säger Treutiger.

Peter Magnusson rasar mot mobbningen: "I helvete heller"

Peter Magnusson reagerar med chock när han får höra om hur Treutiger behandlades på SVT. Harald Treutiger frågar då Peter Magnusson hur han hade reagerat om han hade träffat på Treutiger då under det pågående drevet.

– Jag tycker inte det är svårt. Jag hade garanterat inte vänt. I helvete heller. Jag skulle ha kysst dig, säger Peter Magnusson.

Peter Magnusson reagerar med bestörtning när han får höra om hur Treutiger behandlades. Bildkälla: discovery+ Efter nästan en månad hade känslorna för Robinson ute i stugorna vänt. Enligt Harald Treutiger var tittarna helt enkelt "hooked".  

– Så det blev ju en framgång ganska fort, efter att det varit nere i källaren, säger Treutiger.

Efter några veckor hade drevet mot Harald Treutiger och Robinson blåst över. Bildkälla: TT Bild I samband med succén så glömdes drevet bort. Men någon riktig revansch kände Treutiger aldrig att han fick. Snarare drog han en lättnandes suck när drevet hade blåst över.

Nästan exakt 26 år sedan har gått sedan det första avsnittet av Robinson sändes – och mycket vatten har hunnit flyta under broarna sedan dess.

– I backspegeln sett så var det en enorm erfarenhet för mig att gå igenom den här svängningen från hatad till älskad. Det är jag glad för att jag har i min ryggsäck, säger Harald Treutiger i Bättre sent än aldrig.

Bättre sent än aldrig sänds på discovery+ och Kanal 5 på onsdagar klockan 20.00 med premiär ikväll den 6 september.

Vill ta revansch – här kliver tidigare deltagaren in i Robinson igen

Vill ta revansch – här kliver tidigare deltagaren in i Robinson igen

Premiärveckan av höstens ”Robinson” lider mot sitt slut och det har blivit dags för säsongens första öråd, i vilket Lag Syd hamnat. Den som får flest röster och där med måste lämna Robinson är Lena Alke, något som för henne inte var oväntat – men en stor besvikelse. Den som får näst flest röster är Natalie Tellin som därför råkar ut för en tvist. – I vanliga fall hade örådet varit över just nu, men så är inte fallet i kväll, förklarar programledaren Petra Malm. Natalies värde för gruppen sätts på prov, när en tidigare Robinsondeltagare dyker upp, Tove Dalsryd. Lag Syd får då välja om de vill behålla Natalie i laget eller ersätta henne med Tove. Men majoriteten vill behålla Natalie och Tove får istället ta plats i Lag Nord. Tove Dalsryd vill ta revansch i Robinson Tove medverkade i Robinson förra hösten. Hon tog sig långt i säsongen, men blev utröstad i ett öråd strax innan finalen trots att hon satt på en hemlig immunitet – som hon då valde att inte använda. – Det känns så spännande! Jag ville göra en till säsong eftersom jag älskade hela upplevelsen med att tävla, bo på en strand och vara frånkopplad från världen i några veckor, säger Tove nu till TV4. – Dessutom känns det kul att få en ny chans eftersom jag åkte ut på ett så irriterande sätt förra gången, fortsätter hon.

Robinson på YouTube

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Robinson i poddar

Episode 525: The Death of Joan Robinson Hill- Part 1

On March 19, 1969, thirty-eight-year-old Houston socialite Joan Robinson Hill died at Sharpstown General Hospital from what doctors at the time believed was flu-related symptoms. Hill’s body was quickly taken to the mortuary and embalmed before an autopsy could be performed, violating Texas law and undermining any attempts determine the cause of Joan’s death. Nevertheless, Joan’s father, a wealthy oil tycoon, believed his daughter’s death to be a homicide, used his influence to have her remains exhumed and had not one, but two additional autopsies performed to determine the cause of death. Despite conflicting reports from the pathologists regarding a cause of death, Joan’s father was eventually successful in convincing the district attorney that her death was no accident, but was in fact murder committed by her husband, John Hill. After two unsuccessful attempts to convince a grand jury of John’s guilt, the district attorney finally convinced a third grand jury that John Hill had intentionally contributed to Joan’s death and he was charged with “murder by omission,” a first in the history of the Texas courts.John Hill was put on trial for the murder of his wife in the winter of 1971, but the jury would never get a chance to weigh in on his guilt or innocence. In September of 1972, after one mistrial and several delays leading up to a re-trial, John Hill was murdered by an intruder who’d broken into his home. Although investigators believed Hill’s murder to have been a robbery gone wrong, many in Houston suspected Joan’s father, believing his son-in-law had evaded justice, had paid to have John Hill killed, leaving the deaths of Joan and John Hill an enduring mystery.As always, thank you to the fantastic David White, of Bring Me the Axe Podcast, for research assistance ReferencesAssociated Press. 1971. "Doctor 'hated' first wife." Corpus Christi Times, February 26: 1.—. 1972. "Houston doctor slain at home." Corpus Christi Times, September 25: 13.—. 1969. "Meningitis said fatal to socialite ." Corpus Christi Times, October 11: 13.—. 1971. "Judge calls mistrial in Houston slaying." Fort Worth Star-Telegram, February 27: 12.—. 1970. "Panel indicts doctor in death of wife." Fort Worth Star-Telegram, May 23: 3.—. 1973. "District judge clamps lid on Houston doctor's murder." Odessa American, April 27: 3.—. 1971. "Testimony continues in trial of physician." Odessa American, February 23: 2.Gonzalez, J.R. 2009. 40 years later: Joan Robinson Hill. March 19. Accessed November 7, 2023. https://blog.chron.com/bayoucityhistory/2009/03/40-years-later-joan-robinson-hill/.New York Times. 1977. "Oilman is cleared in Houston murder of his son-in-law." New YorkTimes, October 22: 1.Thompson, Thomas. 1976. Blood and Money: A True Story of Murder, Passion, and Power. New York, NY: Doubleday.United Press International. 1980. "Heiress may have been toxic shock victim." United Press International, November 23.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

The Real Robinson Crusoe

Daniel Defoe’s 1719 novel Robinson Crusoe is one of the most widely published books in history. This story of a man stranded alone on an island is said to be second only to the Bible in its number of translations. But who was Defoe’s inspiration for creating one of the best-known protagonists in literature? And what led to this real-life sailor spending years of his life cut off from human contact? This is a Short History of the Real Robinson Crusoe. Written by David Jackson. With thanks Dr Rebecca Simon, historian and the author of Why We Love Pirates. For ad-free listening, exclusive content and early access to new episodes, join Noiser+. Now available for Apple and Android users. Click the Noiser+ banner on Apple or go to noiser.com/subscriptions to get started with a 7-day free trial. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

Episode 526: The Death of Joan Robinson Hill- Part 2

Part 2/2 - On March 19, 1969, thirty-eight-year-old Houston socialite Joan Robinson Hill died at Sharpstown General Hospital from what doctors at the time believed was flu-related symptoms. Hill’s body was quickly taken to the mortuary and embalmed before an autopsy could be performed, violating Texas law and undermining any attempts determine the cause of Joan’s death. Nevertheless, Joan’s father, a wealthy oil tycoon, believed his daughter’s death to be a homicide, used his influence to have her remains exhumed and had not one, but two additional autopsies performed to determine the cause of death. Despite conflicting reports from the pathologists regarding a cause of death, Joan’s father was eventually successful in convincing the district attorney that her death was no accident, but was in fact murder committed by her husband, John Hill. After two unsuccessful attempts to convince a grand jury of John’s guilt, the district attorney finally convinced a third grand jury that John Hill had intentionally contributed to Joan’s death and he was charged with “murder by omission,” a first in the history of the Texas courts.John Hill was put on trial for the murder of his wife in the winter of 1971, but the jury would never get a chance to weigh in on his guilt or innocence. In September of 1972, after one mistrial and several delays leading up to a re-trial, John Hill was murdered by an intruder who’d broken into his home. Although investigators believed Hill’s murder to have been a robbery gone wrong, many in Houston suspected Joan’s father, believing his son-in-law had evaded justice, had paid to have John Hill killed, leaving the deaths of Joan and John Hill an enduring mystery.As always, thank you to the fantastic David White, of Bring Me the Axe Podcast, for research assistance ReferencesAssociated Press. 1971. "Doctor 'hated' first wife." Corpus Christi Times, February 26: 1.—. 1972. "Houston doctor slain at home." Corpus Christi Times, September 25: 13.—. 1969. "Meningitis said fatal to socialite ." Corpus Christi Times, October 11: 13.—. 1971. "Judge calls mistrial in Houston slaying." Fort Worth Star-Telegram, February 27: 12.—. 1970. "Panel indicts doctor in death of wife." Fort Worth Star-Telegram, May 23: 3.—. 1973. "District judge clamps lid on Houston doctor's murder." Odessa American, April 27: 3.—. 1971. "Testimony continues in trial of physician." Odessa American, February 23: 2.Gonzalez, J.R. 2009. 40 years later: Joan Robinson Hill. March 19. Accessed November 7, 2023. https://blog.chron.com/bayoucityhistory/2009/03/40-years-later-joan-robinson-hill/.New York Times. 1977. "Oilman is cleared in Houston murder of his son-in-law." New YorkTimes, October 22: 1.Thompson, Thomas. 1976. Blood and Money: A True Story of Murder, Passion, and Power. New York, NY: Doubleday.United Press International. 1980. "Heiress may have been toxic shock victim." United Press International, November 23.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

Gäst: Robinson-Charlie

Robinson-Charlie (Charlie Wiberg) och Robinson-Peder berättar hemligheterna på Robinson-ön! Vi går igenom vad de tyckte om alla deltagare. Vad tyckte de om varandra? Hur bajsar man där? Låg Peder med Tove? Varför har alla så dåliga Personliga saker?.. Ja ni fattar - de svarar på allt. Och lite till... Prenumerera. KramSupport this show http://supporter.acast.com/storfrasarpodden. Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/storfrasarpodden. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Ep 158: Happy Holidays Week 1 (Joe DeRosa, Keith Robinson, Marina Franklin)

Big early Christmas present for you. Joe DeRosa, Keith Robinson and Marina Franklin join us for this holiday celebration. Watch Keith record is new special for Netflix at Sony Hall in NYC: https://sonyhall.com/events/keith-robinson/?id=17016 Joe DeRosa: https://www.joederosa.com/ Keith Robinson: https://www.instagram.com/keithrobinson438/?hl=en Marina Franklin: https://marinafranklin.com/ Sam Morril: https://www.sammorril.com/ Mark Normand: https://marknormandcomedy.com/ Shop: https://www.wemightbedrunkpod.com Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/wemightbedrunkpod Bodega Cat: http://www.bodegacatspirits.com  We Might Be Drunk is produced, recorded and edited by Gotham Production Studios. Head producer: Matthew Peters https://www.gothamproductionstudios.com/ If you want to start a podcast contact Hello@GothamPodcastStudio.com for a discount on services when referred by WMBD! Support the show by going to https://displate.com/wmbd?art=6247414ceddb3 & use code DRUNK to get up to 30% off. Support the show and snag an Aura frame for $30 off with code DRUNK at https://www.auraframes.com/DRUNK

Där tog Robinson-Peder adjö!

Han kämpade väl, eller nja, han var där, men nu tog resan slut för Robinson-Peder. Nu blir det barturné och kändisfester! Vi hinner även med att bli arga på Blocket, Agria, en Spökrunda, Playstation och Peder har en ny bil på gång... In och lyssna! KramSupport this show http://supporter.acast.com/storfrasarpodden. Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/storfrasarpodden. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

E687 Reality Recap - Gypsy Rose Released, Airport Meltdowns, and Housewives Only Fans with Ciara Robinson

Welcome back to The Viall Files: Reality Recap Edition! Today we are joined by Ciara Robinson to talk about all things reality TV. First, we talk about a viral video of two men getting delayed at the airport and needing to get home “for the girls.” Then, we talk about Gypsy Rose being released from prison and what we hope to see from her in her new chapter of life. Then, we talk about Housewives rumors, feuds, and Only Fans accounts. We then get the breaking news of Rachel Lindsay and Bryan Abasolo’s divorce. We finish up by talking Vanderpump Rules, our power rankings of the cast and how we feel about Scheana’s response to Scandoval.  “Imagine being her and not giving a f*ck.”  Start your 7 Day Free Trial of Viall Files + here: https://viallfiles.supportingcast.fm/  Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@theviallfiles.com to be a part of our Monday episodes. To Order Nick’s Book Go To: http://www.viallfiles.com  If you would like to get some texting advice send an email to asknick@theviallfiles.com with “Texting Office Hours” in the subject line! To advertise on the show, contact sales@advertisecast.com or visit https://www.advertisecast.com/TheViallFiles  THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS: Quince - Upgrade your closet with Quince. Go to https://www.Quince.com/viall for free shipping and 365-day returns on your order. Hinge - Manifest the dating experience you want this year - Download Hinge and find someone worth deleting the app for. MeUndies - Knock out your holiday shopping today and get 20% off your first order, plus free shipping, at https://www.MeUndies.com/VIALL  Vessi Footwear - If you have a trip coming up and need the perfect travel shoe, head to https://www.vessi.com/VIALL and get yourself a pair today. SKIMS - The Fits Everybody collection and more perfect-fit essentials are available now at https://www.SKIMS.com Plus, get free shipping on orders over seventy five dollars! Episode Socials: @viallfiles @nickviall @ciaracrobinson @nnataliejjoy @alison.vandam @dereklanerussell 

Harvey Miguel Robinson

Harvey Miguel Robinson committed his first murder when he was just 17. As the son of a convicted murderer and violent abuser, did he ever have a chance?  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

Episode 20 - SILENCED with Tommy Robinson - Father Calvin Robinson

Support our work here - https://urbanscoop.news/supportus/Calvin Robinson is a British Old Catholic cleric, conservative political commentator, writer and broadcaster.Since 2023, he has been a priest in the Nordic Catholic Church, an Old Catholic denomination.He is a regular contributor to The Daily Telegraph, the Daily Mail, Spiked, and First Things. Calvin also featured as a commentator on talkRADIO and formerly presented a regular show on GB News.Previously, Robinson had worked as a computer science teacher in a secondary school and as a video games journalist.He has witnessed the woke culture within the educational system and received much criticism for his open opinions.

Episode 242: John Edward Robinson

John Edward Robinson is one of the wildest schemers you’ll probably hear about. He spent most of his early life creating fake businesses and scheming investors and co-workers out of thousands of dollars. Somehow he avoided long prison terms and was able to fly under the radar of his parole officers in a big way. Things started to escalate even more though when John started “helping” young mothers out. You’re going to want to hear the end of this one guys, and we’ll see you soon for part 2! As always, thank you to our sponsors: Caliper: You can try Caliper CBD risk-free for 30 days. If you don’t love it they’ll give you a full refund at TRYCALIPER.com/MORBID Upstart: Find out how Upstart can lower your monthly payments today when you go to UPSTART.com/MORBID BestFiends: Download the 5 star-rated puzzle game, Best Fiends FREE today on the App Store or Google Play.  Curology: Go to Curology.com/morbid for a free 30-day trial, just pay for shipping and handling! See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

Ep 142: Morgana Robinson

Taskmaster champion and award-winning comedy actor Morgana Robinson is next on the bookings list. But who let the stray dogs out? Morgana Robinson stars in Newark Newark which is on Mondays at 9pm on Gold. Watch here. Follow Morgana on Instagram @morgana_robinson.Recorded and edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design) and Amy Browne (illustrations).Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Episode 243: John Edward Robinson Part 2

Part two of John Robinson is somehow crazier than part one! He stays on his bullshit: scamming people out of thousands of dollars, continuing to fake his philanthropist ways and he’s still trying to tell us that Lisa Stassi is happy and in Colorado with a man named Bill. Only this time, we’ve got people who are on to him… including the actual FBI. Somehow, even with them on his tail, John Robinson manages to murder 6 women in between prison stents. Stay tuned for part three!!! CHECK OUT THIS BOOK! Anyone You Want Me To Be by John Douglas and Stephen Singular As always, thank you to our sponsors:  Hello Fresh: Get twelve free meals—including free shipping!—with code morbid12 at HelloFresh dot com slash morbid12 Chili Technology: Head over to chilisleep.com/morbid for ChiliSleep’s best deal, available to Morbid listeners for a limited time! Prose: Take your FREE in-depth hair consultation and get 15% off your first order today! Go to Prose.com/morbid Caviar: And just for our listeners, Caviar is offering $10 off an order of $20 or more. All you have to do is put in the offer code MORBID2021 at checkout. Better Help: This podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp and Morbid: A True Crime Podcast listeners get 10% off their first month at betterhelp.com/Morbid See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

Internet Master & A Hidden Secret - What Was John Robinson Up To?

Hi Friends! I hope you are having a good day so far, today I wanted to talk about John Robinson who was a terrible person, wow! That ending, could you imagine though?? COULD YOU?! Geez. WILD. Love you so much and please be safe out there! Hope to be seeing you very soon x o Bailey Sarian Watch the original video here and don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube @BaileySarian! Tik Tok : https://bit.ly/3e3jL9v Instagram : http://bit.ly/2nbO4PR Facebook : http://bit.ly/2mdZtK6 Twitter : http://bit.ly/2yT4BLV Pinterest : http://bit.ly/2mVpXnY Youtube : http://bit.ly/1HGw3Og Snapchat : https://bit.ly/3cC0V9d Discord: https://discord.gg/BaileySarian

Tommy Robinson Tells His Story

Anything Goes with James English Tommy Robinson Tells His Story You can contact James on his social media platforms ⬇️⬇️ http://instagram.com/jamesenglish2 http://twitter.com/jamesenglish0   Sound Edited by Stephen Pettigrew https://www.facebook.com/shinersp/ https://soundcloud.com/shinersp Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices