Harry Potter-profilen om fans: "Borde vara över det"

Harry Potter-profilen om fans: "Borde vara över det"

Harry Potter-fansen borde gå vidare med sina liv och lägga Hogwarts-gänget bakom sig.  Det anser skådespelaren Miriam Margolyes från Potter-filmerna – som är ”för barn”, enligt hennes åsikt. – Jag oroar mig för Harry Potter-fansen för de borde vara över det där nu, säger Margolyes till nyzeeländska 1News.

Har Hollywood slut på fantasi?

Har Hollywood slut på fantasi?

▸ Av de 49 filmer som är schemalagda att ha premiär i år så är hälften av dem uppföljare, spin-offer eller förlängningar av redan existerande märken som DC och Marvel. I Sverige kommer snart en helt sprillans ny version av Ronja Rövardotter på Netflix och i utlandet så har det snackats mycket om att supersuccén Harry Potter ska bli tv-serie- behövs det verkligen nytt så nära inpå? För film- och tv-bolagen så är nyinspelningar och uppföljare en stor del av verksamheten. Vilka risker finns att skapa nya versioner av gamla klassiker? När har man lyckats och handlar allt bara om pengar? Gäst: Karolina Fjellborg, film och tv-kritiker på Aftonbladet. Programledare och producent: Jenny Ågren. Kontakt: podcast@aftonbladet.se.

ANALYS: På mötet i Davos nämns inte Trump – men han är ändå överallt

ANALYS: På mötet i Davos nämns inte Trump – men han är ändå överallt

Att vara i Davos under World Economic Forum är en nästan surrealistisk upplevelse. Helikoptrar surrar i luften, soldater och poliser vid varje gathörn, demonstranter på torget och överallt folk som stressar fram mellan möten med mobilerna klistrade vid öronen. Jag bor givetvis inte i Davos. Ett litet rum kostar runt 10 000 kronor per natt under World Economic Forum. I stället kör jag i en timme från ett billigare hotell som passar en mediabudget i dessa hårda tider – genom bergen, förbi poliskontroller och fram till kaoset. Mitt i detta träffar jag Peter Thal Larsen, som är chef för nyhetsbyrån Reuters politiska och ekonomiska analysavdelning. Han har rapporterat från Davos sedan 2006, och i år märker han att ingen verkar vilja diskutera det mest uppenbara: ”Vad händer med allt det här om Donald Trump vinner valet i november?” frågar han. Ingen verkar vilja svara på den frågan. Det ska hållas hundratals diskussioner, debatter och tal, men Donald Trump nämns inte i programmet en enda gång. Det är som att Trump är Lord Voldemort från Harry Potter-böckerna. Han som inte får nämnas vid namn. Zelensky, Macron och Li Qiang Det är förstås möjligt att någon av ledarna som kommer att hålla tal kommer att bryta barriären och faktiskt diskutera vad som skulle hända om Trump kommer till Davos nästa år som ”president elect.” Volodymyr Zelenskyj, som ska hålla ett tal på tisdag, kanske säger något om att Trump har sagt att han ska ”fixa kriget i Ukraina på 24 timmar.” Emmanuel Macron kanske kommer att vilja säga något om medierapporteringen som beskriver hur Donald Trump sa att USA aldrig kommer att hjälpa att försvara Europa om det blir attackerat. Kinas premiärminister Li Qiang kanske kommer att nämna Trump när han pratar om tullar som infördes under den förra presidenten. Men antagligen kommer de att hålla tyst. Får mig att minnas mästerverk från 1924 Det får mig att tänka på den mest kända boken som faktiskt har skrivits om staden Davos. I Thomas Manns mästerverk "Bergtagen," som han skrev färdigt år 1924, så beskrivs ett sanatorium uppe i bergen i Davos. Livet där uppe fortsätter som vanligt: patienterna fortsätter att få behandling, gå på promenader, förälska sig och hålla långa diskussioner. Men nere i lågländerna, långt bort från de schweiziska bergen, slits Europa, och världen, sakta isär. Mot slutet av boken bryter det första världskriget ut.

Harry Potter i poddar

367. The Real Harry Potter: Magic, Empire and Beastly Bullies

Eclectic traditions, obscure codes and cryptic ancient languages: the world of Harry Potter has captivated the imagination of children from all backgrounds for decades. A fantasy series inspired by a long lineage of stories, from Tolkien to Narnia, all committed to the importance of the building of moral character. Join Tom and Dominic in the first part of our series on Harry Potter, as they trace the roots of J.K. Rowling’s novels, and demystify the world of eminent headmasters, weird sports, prefects and houses. *The Rest Is History Live Tour 2023*: Tom and Dominic are back on tour this autumn! See them live in London, New Zealand, and Australia! Buy your tickets here: restishistorypod.com Twitter:  @TheRestHistory @holland_tom @dcsandbrook Producer: Theo Young-Smith Executive Producers: Jack Davenport + Tony Pastor Research: William Finlator Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone: Ch 1-5

Chapter 1 - The Boy Who LivedHe hurried to his car and set off home, hoping he was imagining things, which he had never hoped before, because he didn’t approve of imagination.“You can’t blame them,” said Dumbledore gently, “We’ve had precious little to celebrate for eleven years.”Q1 - What are your general impressions of McGonagall, Dumbledore, Hagrid, and the Dursleys?Q2 - Why can McGonagall transform into a cat? And if you could transform into an animal which would you choose?Q3 - Why do you think Voldemort could not kill Harry?Q4 - Do you think Dumbledore was right to separate Harry from the magical world?“You think it – wise – to trust Hagrid with something as important as this?” “I would trust Hagrid with my life,” said Dumbledore.“Yes, yes, it’s all very sad, but get a grip on yourself, Hagrid, or we’ll be found,” Professor McGonagall whispered, patting Hagrid gingerly on the arm…“Good luck, Harry,” he murmured.Q5 - What year do you think all this happened?Q6 - Is Dumbledore irresponsible for leaving Harry on the doorstep with just a letter?Q7 - Why do you think it took so long for Dumbly and Hagrid to get to Privet Drive?Chapter 2 - The Vanishing GlassHe liked to complain about things: people at work, Harry, the council, Harry, the bank, and Harry were just a few of his favorite subjects. This morning, it was motorbikes.Q1 - Out of all the magical things Harry can do in chapter 2, which do you think was the coolest?Hair GrowthShrinking SweaterAppearing on the roofTalking with a snakeMaking the glass disappearQ2 - What are your first thoughts about Harry?Q3 - What was the best birthday gift you ever got?Chapter 3 - The Letters From No OneQ1 - Do you think the knobbly sticks are a useful teaching/character-building tool?“What’s this?” he asked Aunt Petunia. Her lips tightened as they always did if he dared to ask a question. “Your new school uniform,” she said. Harry looked at the bowl again. “Oh,” he said. “I didn’t realize it had to be so wet.”Three things lay on the doormat: a postcard from Uncle Vernon’s sister Marge, who was holidaying on the Isle of Wight, a brown envelope that looked like a bill and – a letter for Harry?Q2 - How devastating must it be for Harry after the first letter was burned? He probably feels like he has to carry that for the rest of his life of never knowing who was writing to him.Q3 - Why do the Dursleys want so badly for Harry to not go to Hogwarts? Wouldn’t it be better for them to have him out of the house?He hoped the roof wasn’t going to fall in, although he might be warmer if it did. Four minutes to go. Maybe the house in Privet Drive would be so full of letters when they got back that he’d be able to steal one somehow.Q4 - Do you wonder if these letters are duplicated by magic or if Hogwarts is handwriting all these letters to Harry?Chapter 4 - The Keeper of KeysBOOM. They knocked again. Dudley jerked awake. “Where’s the cannon?” he said stupidly.Q1 - What was Dudley dreaming about?“Las’ time I saw you, you was only a baby,” said the giant. “Yeh look a lot like yer dad, but yeh’ve got yer mum’s eyes.”“Harry – yer a wizard.”Q2 - If you are starving in a hut and a massive giant breaks in and starts cooking up a meal, what would you hope that he made?Q3 - What are your first impressions of Hagrid? What’s up with his assault of Dudley?Q4 - The logistics and maybe ethics of Hagrid throwing an owl out of the door in the middle of a raging storm is interesting. Let’s discuss.She stopped to draw a deep breath and then went ranting on. It seemed she had been wanting to say all this for years.Q5 - Is it alarming or endearing that Hagrid can’t spell Voldemort?Q6 - Why do you think Voldemort tried to kill Harry and killed Lily and James?Q7 - Do you have any theories about what stumped Voldy about Harry?Q8 - Hagrid says that us Muggles would want all our problems solved with magic. Do you think this is true? And what is the first problem you are fixing with magic?Chapter 5 - Diagon AlleyQ1- Should the wizarding world have more than one bank? That seems like a bad monopoly.“Gringotts is the safest place in the world for anything yeh want ter keep safe – ‘cept maybe Hogwarts.”Q2 - Hagrid and Harry took the boat off the island. How long were the Dursleys stranded there before they got off?Q3 - Which book sounds the most interesting from Harry’s book list?Standard Book of SpellsA History of MagicMagical TheoryBeginners Guide to TransfigurationOne Thousand Magical Herbs and FungiMagical Drafts and PotionsFantastic Beasts and Where to Find ThemThe Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-ProtectionEven though everything Hagrid had told him so far was unbelievable, Harry couldn’t help trusting him.Q4 - What is the weirdest thing you think Hagrid keeps in his pocket?“If anyone but a Gringotts goblin tried that, they’d be sucked through the door and trapped in there,” said Griphook. “How often do you check to see if anyone’s inside?” Harry asked. “About once every ten years,” said Griphook, with a rather nasty grin.Q5 - Does Draco have the wrong wand? His mother picked it up for him…“But I know I’ll be in Slytherin, all our family have been – imagine being in Hufflepuff, I think I’d leave, wouldn't you?”“Where are your parents?” “They’re dead,” said Harry shortly.“Ah yes,” said the man. “Yes, yes. I thought I’d be seeing you soon. Harry Potter.”“It’s really the wand that chooses the wizard, of course.”Q6 - If you could choose your wand, which wand core would you want and why?“I remember every want I’ve ever sold, Mr Potter. Every single wand. It so happens that the phoenix whose tail feather is in your wand, gave another feather – just one other. It is very curious indeed that you should be destined for this wand when its brother, why its brother gave you that scar.”Q7 - How do we like Hagrid?

Harry Potter - Bedtime Story

Harry Potter awaits! Read by CAPTAIN EJ 😊🦸‍♂️ Want more Superhero Stories?🦸‍♂️ Join the Honeybee Library!🦸‍♂️ HoneybeeLibrary.com/superheroLISTEN TO:- Tons of exclusive Superhero Stories- Longer Superhero Stories- No AdvertisementsJoin our Private Podcast & listen with your favorite podcast app!HoneybeeLibrary.com/superhero____________________Request a new story: https://rb.gy/yta0g8____________________Welcome to Bedtime Stories with Superheros!! These stories are about adventures with ALL of my superhero friends! Read by my superhero friend….CAPTAIN EJ! I hope you enjoy! 😊💖- Love, Mrs. Honeybee____________________🙏 Unlock “The Superhero Secret Stories”🙏 Unlock: https://bit.ly/2YmreZE________________💖 Listen to Mrs. Honeybee's Stories💖 Listen: https://bit.ly/3sQfw4u________________Send CAPTAIN EJ a message:https://HoneybeeAndFriends.com/hi-captain-ej________________🦸‍♂️ Who is CAPTAIN EJ?🦸‍♂️ CAPTAIN EJ is a superhero living undercover as Mrs. Honeybee’s next-door neighbor! 🦸‍♂️ CAPTAIN EJ has the powers of a BOOOOOOMING voice and a generous heart! He is very kind, protective, and adventurous! CAPTAIN EJ protects The Honeybee Neighborhood and the city of Philadelphia. He is here for now, but if he gets the call, he may need to disappear at a moment's notice to save the city! CAPTAIN EJ’s superpower is his BOOOMING voice...and if he’s not careful, he could knock a building over!He has learned to have control over his voice...and read bedtime stories.Love, Mrs. Honeybee____________________Harry Potter, JK Rowling, movie, movies, book, story


This week we'll be heading to deepest King's Cross with a large bearded man on a motorbike who tells us that we're thumping good wizards, and capable of squeezing through tight entrances via magic. Yes, it's Harry Potter and the Philisopher's Stone.Joining me to get their wands out and wave them about, is not just one Tom, but two - messers Neenan and Crowley! Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/smershpod. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Why Don't Wizards Use Muggle Technology? - Harry Potter Explained

Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. The wizarding world has captivated our imaginations for decades- a realm filled with magic, wonder, and extraordinary beings. But have you ever noticed that in this vast Magical World, there is a distinct absence of Muggle Technology? While the functionality of muggle tech may PALE in comparison with the capabilities of magic, we do have to remember that the Wizarding World is host to all kinds of magical beings- Muggle Borns included.  And while the wizarding world may sometimes seem like a separate realm altogether, the surprisingly high number of Muggle-born witches and wizards that find themselves integrated into this enchanted society do bring with them a distinctly UNIQUE type of knowledge.  Where Arthur Weasley (A PURE-BLOOD wizard) may find himself entirely preoccupied overanalyzing the functionality of a Rubber Duck, a young Muggleborn wizard may be versed in an entire world’s worth of advanced tech. I wonder- with SOME knowledge of modern technology from the Muggle world, why don't we see the use of more Muggle technology in the wizarding world? And if Muggle Tech did make an appearance in the Wizarding World, would it be a net NEGATIVE or net POSITIVE? And is the distinct lack of Muggle Tech a deliberate choice made by the Wizarding community, or are there inherent limitations that prevent the incorporation of such tech? Today, we’re going to be exploring these very topics and attempting to decipher whether or not MUGGLE TECH has a place in Wizarding Society. Let’s dive in. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Harry Potter Relaxing Story Time 🪄🍃✨ English Fairy Tales, Audiobook & Bedtime Stories

This soothing Harry Potter Audiobook / fairy tale in English is called "Hagrid's Secret Dragons", inspired by J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter. Enjoy these Scottish sleep stories, romantic love sleep stories, and bedtime stories for grown ups (soft spoken ASMR) and relax for a while courtesy of Scotland's natural, musical sounds of the wilderness, to help you into a deep sleep.   It's Barry Trotter time again! I felt it was time for Mr. Pottery to make an appearance, so here's perhaps my favourite and most comprehensive instalment yet. :)  It features yourself alongside all three main protagonists, the big man Hagrid himself, truly immersive ambience and *SPOILER* some dragons... ;)  I didn't intend for this to become the edit it did, but many hours passed and many intricacies were added resulting in this here story! In Lehman's terms, this took waaaay longer to make than it needed to haha.  Hope you love it, and thank you to all of you as always for every ounce of your support. It means more than you know.  Sam x   Make yourself comfortable and relax to this soothing tale.  Support me in creating these stories on Patreon:  https://www.patreon.com/snoozewithsam  If you enjoy these sleep stories, it would mean to world to me if you showed your appreciation and support through my Patreon. This way I can continue to do what I do!  Thank you.  Sam    Support me here:  https://www.patreon.com/snoozewithsam​   Listen on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5LJgW_uI99g0ZAA-Yj2azQ​   All of my stories are original productions, having been recorded on location in Scotland.  "Snooze with Sam" whispers sleepy stories of Scotland's natural world, all with the help of a soft, soothing Island voice. Lay yourself down, get comfortable and lose yourself in the sea of gentle tones gifted by one of the world's most beautiful countries.   "Snooze with Sam" is brought to you by Sam Lawson, an entrepreneur, health and fitness professional, and lifelong musician from the Isle of Skye. He runs a Coaching business in Glasgow, Scotland, and finds great satisfaction in helping others find peace within themselves, coaching them towards personal transformation.   These original works are the property of Snooze with Sam, © Copyright 2020-2022. All rights reserved. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/snoozewithsam/message

Harry Potter Book Characters That Never Made It to the Movies

Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’re taking a look at the hidden trove of characters whose stories were left untold on the silver screen. Now, as avid readers, we all know that the movies could never capture every inked detail found within the beloved books. So today, we’re going to dive into the forgotten pages and reveal the diverse tapestry of characters that were included in the novels but omitted from the movies. Ranging from minor to major, today I want to introduce to you a comprehensive list of the characters who (for varying reasons) never made it to the big screen.  I certainly hope that we will get a chance to see some of these characters in the upcoming Harry Potter TV Show. Let’s dive in. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

50 Mind-Blowing Harry Potter Theories (MEGA COMPILATION)

Welcome to a SPECIAL installment of Harry Potter Theory. Today we’re going back and taking a look at 50 theories discussed on the channel over the last few years. From incredibly convincing and captivating all the way to complete absurdity, this list has it all.  As this is a compilation style video please be aware of some varied audio levels and inconsistent numbering.  Without further ado, let’s dive in. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Chapter 001: The Boy Who Lived

Owl Post Chapter 001: The Boy Who LivedEvery story has a beginning and the Harry Potter series starts with the most unlikely of people, the muggle of muggle families, the Dursleys. In this episode of Owl Post hosts Andrea Coffman and Matthew Rushing discuss the first chapter of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, talking about beginning with the Dursleys as our introduction, Voldermort's first mention, name changing, scars and much more. HostsAndrea Coffman and Matthew RushingSend us your feedback!Twitter: @JoinNerdPartyFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/thenerdpartyEmail: http://www.thenerdparty.com/contactThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/3169626/advertisement

10 Most Believable Harry Potter Theories

Welcome Harry Potter Theory. Today I've compiled 10 fan theories that…Actually make quite a lot of sense. And given the colossal numbers of Harry Potter Theories out there, it only seems only fitting that ONCE in a while we (I’m including myself here) hit the nail on the head. During my time on this channel I’ve covered some of the most preposterous theories out there..Like Cho Chang marrying Dudley Dursley and Dumbledore being a time travelling Ron Weasley. And so these theories, which come across as very REASONABLE and RATIONAL- are a bit of a breath of fresh air.  I can’t take credit for these theories, but I will be summarizing and dissecting them. Anyway, let’s dive in. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

4 HOUR Harry Potter Audiobook✨🪄🍃 Fairy Tales Bedtime Stories for Grown Ups

These soothing Harry Potter fairy tales are inspired by Harry Potter, and include my recent story, "The Philosopher's Stone - An Untold Story". Not just bedtime stories for grown ups, these sleep stories are perfect for everyone to fall asleep to. Here's my first highly-requested collection of Harry Potter-themed stories I'd written at the point of publishing, including the epic "Philosopher's Stone, an Untold Story"! Enjoy over 4 hours of Barry Trotter goodness, including some oldies in there. :D Fear not - there will be more to come in the future, I can assure you. ;) Make yourself comfortable and relax in these soothing fairy tales. Support me in creating these stories on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/snoozewithsam If you enjoy these sleep stories, it would mean to world to me if you showed your appreciation and support through my Patreon. This way I can continue to do what I do! Thank you. Sam Support me here: https://www.patreon.com/snoozewithsam ​ Listen on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5LJgW_uI99g0ZAA-Yj2azQ ​ Music and visuals are a combination of original productions and/or may include licensed and adapted, remixed, or transformed material from: https://freemusicarchive.org/home http://www.epidemicsound.com/ https://www.videvo.net/ https://www.canva.com/ Spatium by Keys of Moon | https://soundcloud.com/keysofmoon Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Music : "The End of the World" by Tristan Lohengrin www.tristanlohengrin.com Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ These original works are the property of Snooze with Sam, © Copyright 2020-2022. All rights reserved. "Snooze with Sam" whispers sleepy stories of Scotland's natural world, all with the help of a soft, soothing Island voice. Lay yourself down, get comfortable and lose yourself in the sea of gentle tones gifted by one of the world's most beautiful countries. "Snooze with Sam" is brought to you by Sam Lawson, an entrepreneur, health and fitness professional and lifelong musician from the Isle of Skye. He runs a Coaching business in Glasgow, Scotland, and finds great satisfaction in helping others find peace within themselves, coaching them on towards personal transformation. 00:00 - Introduction 02:01 - Hagrid's Secret Dragons 42:41 - Adventure on the Hogwarts Express 01:02:40 - Hogwarts on Christmas Eve 01:50:38 - The Forbidden Forest 02:25:39 - Night Flying over Hogwarts 02:44:57 - The Philosopher's Stone, an Untold Story These original works are the property of Snooze with Sam, © Copyright 2020-2022. All rights reserved. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/snoozewithsam/message

The Original Harry Potter Draft REJECTED by Publishers

Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today we’re taking a look at some unpublished content from Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone- scribblings and drafts taken straight from JK Rowling’s notes that never saw the light of day. These drafts will include… An original synopsis for the book that kept getting rejected by Publisher’s  A very early draft of a page from Philosopher's Stone where you’ll notice that Draco’s surname used to be ‘Spungen’ Another very early draft of one of the earliest pages of Philosopher’s Stone Page 1 draft of Chapter 6 ‘The Journey From Platform 9 and Three Quarters’ And a Page 2 draft of Chapter 6  If you enjoy peeling back the layers of the story and uncovering secret UNPUBLISHED tidbits, then let’s not wait any further. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Harry Potter Expert Answers the Web's Most Searched Questions

Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today we’re going to be GOOGLING Harry Potter, and answering 50 of the top Harry Potter questions that Google users have fed in to the search engine.  I expect a lot of these questions will be fairly straightforward, but you never know. In order to hit the 50 I’ll be asking Google ‘What’, ‘Why’, ‘How’, ‘Where’ and ‘When’ type questions. There are a couple duplicates, but I want to stay true to the format as google lists ‘10’ for each search. Anyway, without further ado- let’s dive in. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

10 WORST Ways Harry Potter Canon was Broken

Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing the top 10 WORST ways that canon has been BROKEN in the wizarding world of Harry Potter. When an author builds a fictional universe over the course of several decades, there are bound to be small contradictions here or there. But in the case of Harry Potter and the ever expanding universe of the wizarding world, there have been some pretty big doozies when it comes to the canon being—not just broken—but completely SHATTERED. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

10 Harry Potter MYTHS Fans Get Wrong

Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we're discussing 10 myths about the Harry Potter series. Since the release of the first Harry Potter novel in June of 1997, the wizarding world of Harry and his friends has continued to expand. What started off as a relatively small magical community that only focused on the United Kingdom, grew into a global universe and phenomenon with new and exciting narratives being brought to life in Europe, the Americas, Asia, and Africa. What was once known as Pottermore—a site where fans could go to learn more about the magical world of Harry Potter—became the Wizarding World and grew to include new franchises like Fantastic Beasts and short stories about things like the founding of North American wizarding school, Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.  So, while at one point in time, over 25 years ago, it may have been somewhat easy to keep the magical constructs that made up the wizarding world of Harry Potter straight, it has since become increasingly difficult to truly know EVERYTHING about this magical universe. As a result, sometimes even the most devoted fans get details about Harry Potter…well, WRONG. And with fans’ certainty that they are correct—answering queries on Reddit and other web forums—it’s not surprising that some of these myths about the series have gained lives of their own, and have been circulated around the Internet as fact. Which is why, in today’s video, I’ll be taking you through 10 of the most pervasive myths out there—some of which may even surprise you! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Hogwarts on Christmas Eve ☃️🎄❄️ Harry Potter Audiobook, Guided Sleep Story (ASMR)

This Harry Potter Christmas guided sleep story for grown-ups is called "Hogwarts on Christmas Eve" and is inspired by Harry Potter Audiobooks. Enjoy this original, magical, Scottish ASMR romantic sleep story for grown-ups (soft-spoken ASMR) and relax for a while courtesy of Scotland's natural, musical sounds of the wilderness, to help you into a deep sleep.  This story sets a new record for the most production time and effort! haha As I write this, it's silly o'clock in the morning and I've been working all day to bring this to you. Quite simply, I hope you love this Harry Potter-inspired sleep story which takes us on a journey through festive Hogsmeade, on a stroll to the school, through to your common room and to opening gifts next to a toasty fire.... :) Now, I must go to sleep haha goodnight you lovely people. S x Make yourself comfortable and relax to this soothing tale.  Support me in creating these stories on Patreon:  https://www.patreon.com/snoozewithsam If you enjoy these sleep stories, it would mean to world to me if you showed your appreciation and support through my Patreon. This way I can continue to do what I do!  Thank you.  Sam    Support me here:  https://www.patreon.com/snoozewithsam Listen on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5LJ...​  All of my stories are original productions, having been recorded on location in Scotland.  "Snooze with Sam" whispers sleepy stories of Scotland's natural world, all with the help of a soft, soothing Island voice. Lay yourself down, get comfortable and lose yourself in the sea of gentle tones gifted by one of the world's most beautiful countries. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/snoozewithsam/message

10 Things Magic CAN'T Do - Harry Potter Theory

Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today we’re discussing a topic near and dear to the Harry Potter story: MAGIC. Within the greater Wizarding World, magic flourishes at every turn, captivating readers and transporting them into a world of wonders. From spellbinding duels to extraordinary enchantments, the wizarding world exhibits an extraordinary amount of mystical potential. At times, the capabilities of magic even seem boundless. However, lurking beneath the surface of this magical tapestry lies a fascinating question: what are the limitations of magic? Forget what magic CAN do..Let’s instead focus on what it CAN’T do. Taking this approach, I think we’re in for a much shorter list. Let’s dive in. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Harry Potter - Bedtime Story

Harry Potter awaits! Relax and enjoy the story! 😊🦸‍♂️ Want more Superhero Stories?🦸‍♂️ Join the Honeybee Library!🦸‍♂️ HoneybeeLibrary.com/superheroLISTEN TO:- Tons of exclusive Superhero Stories- Longer Superhero Stories- No AdvertisementsJoin our Private Podcast & listen with your favorite podcast app!HoneybeeLibrary.com/superhero____________________Request a new story: https://rb.gy/yta0g8____________________Welcome to Bedtime Stories with Superheros!! These stories are about adventures with ALL of my superhero friends! Read by my superhero friend….CAPTAIN EJ! I hope you enjoy! 😊💖- Love, Mrs. Honeybee____________________🙏 Unlock “The Superhero Secret Stories”🙏 Unlock: https://bit.ly/2YmreZE________________💖 Listen to Mrs. Honeybee's Stories💖 Listen: https://bit.ly/3sQfw4u________________Send CAPTAIN EJ a message:https://HoneybeeAndFriends.com/hi-captain-ej________________🦸‍♂️ Who is CAPTAIN EJ?🦸‍♂️ CAPTAIN EJ is a superhero living undercover as Mrs. Honeybee’s next-door neighbor! 🦸‍♂️ CAPTAIN EJ has the powers of a BOOOOOOMING voice and a generous heart! He is very kind, protective, and adventurous! CAPTAIN EJ protects The Honeybee Neighborhood. He is here for now, but if he gets the call, he may need to disappear at a moment's notice to save the city! CAPTAIN EJ’s superpower is his BOOOMING voice...and if he’s not careful, he could knock a building over!He has learned to have control over his voice...and read bedtime stories.Love, Mrs. Honeybee

Ep 124 - Deathly Hallows 2 & 3: Chicken Wine

Join us for the first two chapter episode in a very long time! We're discussing chapters 2&3 of deathly hallows, aka the epic info dump. Donate to Amy's fundraiser: https://gofundme.com/f/help-amy-get-ffs?utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link_all&utm_source=customer HP TV Show Petition: ⁠⁠https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/nohptv/⁠⁠ ⁠⁠Enjoy Harry Potter Without Funding JK Masterlist - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19H9-NRMfaISLNMAaLSssQFrNy8dUTR3Jeq6oioK4OwQ/edit?usp=sharing⁠⁠ ⁠⁠Merch - https://www.redbubble.com/people/gobletofwine/shop?asc=u⁠⁠ ⁠⁠www.gobletofwine.co.uk  ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠patreon.com/gobletofwine ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠Twitter.com/gobletofwinepod   ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠Instagram.com/gobletofwinepodcast⁠⁠ ⁠⁠www.facebook.com/gobletofwinepodcast⁠⁠ ⁠⁠https://www.tiktok.com/@gobletofwinepod?lang=en⁠⁠ ⁠⁠https://www.youtube.com/@gobletofwinepodcast --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/gobletofwine/message

History of Magical Bloodlines in Harry Potter Explained

Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today we’re discussing bloodlines. Within the rich tapestry of the Harry Potter universe, the notion of magical bloodlines holds an undeniable allure. From the whispered legends of ancient wizarding families to the complex dynamics of pure-blood, half-blood, and muggle-born individuals, the concept of magical heritage weaves its way through the very core of the Wizarding World.  Blood status is one of the most controversial aspects- a concept in which wizarding families can be distinguished by the level of magically-endowed family members. Generally speaking, people are slotted in to one of the following categories: Pure-blood, half-blood or muggle. The existence of such a system, however, comes with it’s difficulties. You see, the different classifications of blood purity in the wizarding world actually act in a very similar fashion to race in the real world- which obviously leaves the door open for things like prejudice. Today we’ll embark on a journey to uncover the secrets and intricacies surrounding magical bloodlines in the Harry Potter universe. Delving into the depths of history and lore, together we’ll unravel the mysteries behind the significance of one's lineage within the wizarding community. Why does magical bloodline matter? What are the social implications associated with each bloodline category? And what sorts of underlying beliefs, prejudices, and privileges are associated with each classification in Wizarding society? The wizarding world is certainly not shy to elements of prejudice, In fact, one of the main focuses of Voldemort’s death eaters was establishing power over the worlds of half-bloods and muggles. Voldemort felt that those with pure-blood lines deserved to be in power, and anyone who got in his way would either be murdered or made to be indefinitely subservient- a slave to his regime. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices