Israeler vid gränsen vill se vedergällning: Vi har varit för tålmodiga

Israeler vid gränsen vill se vedergällning: Vi har varit för tålmodiga

I den israeliska staden Sderot nära gränsen till Gaza har man vant sig vid att bo i frontlinjen för Hamas. Men den senaste attacken är annorlunda, skriver The Washington Post i ett reportage från gränsen. – Vi har varit för tålmodiga, för försiktiga. Jag tror vår nation nu är enad i att göra det som borde ha gjorts för länge sedan, säger 34-årige Maor Ben Haim som hjälper sin gravida fru och sina barn ombord på en buss. Han och hans familj forslas iväg till evakueringsboenden på hotell vid Döda havet. 85-åriga Rachel Dahan är en av få som valt att stanna. De höga dödssiffrorna från Gaza bekommer henne inte: – Om jag kunde skulle jag åka dit och döda dem allihopa. (Svensk översättning av Omni). Sderot has long been on the front lines but the last Hamas attack was something utterly different, and residents want the situation to change. By Loveday Morris October 17, 2023 SDEROT, Israel - Just a mile away from Gaza, the city of Sderot is no stranger to being on the front lines of Israel's conflict with Hamas. Residents know the routine well - when the rockets fall here, they have 15 seconds to get to safe rooms before a potential hit. Bus stops double as bomb shelters. But this time things are different. Border communities are still reeling from the Hamas-led assault that killed 1,400 Israelis, and now amid the trauma, there is an unwillingness to return to the status quo. "We want to make these terrorist attacks stop," said Maor Ben Haim, 34, as he loaded his six-months-pregnant wife and children onto an evacuation bus over the weekend. "That's it. We were too patient, too gentle. I think the nation is now united to do what should have been done a long time ago." Israel has said it is ready to crush Hamas, and residents here are shipping out as Gaza braces for the force of an all-out assault. Like other communities along the 40-mile fence with Israel, the streets of Sderot now lie largely empty save for security forces, volunteers and the smattering of residents who have decided to stay. Nine out of 10 people in the working-class southern city of 30,000 people have left. Thousands who did not flee in the initial attack have been ferried out like Ben Haim and his family to hotels on the Dead Sea and other parts of Israel. Passing them on the roads are columns of soldiers and armored vehicles, as hundreds of thousands of troops ready themselves for the expected ground invasion. In recent days, much of Sderot and its surroundings has been declared a closed security zone as the military prepares staging grounds on the border. New concrete road blocks have been installed to stop traffic as artillery blasts out shells into Gaza. From an overlook in the city, beyond the supposedly impenetrable border fence that Hamas made light work of in the Oct. 7 assault, the Gazan cities of Beit Hanoun and Beit Lahia stretch out below. Black plumes rise from the sky as shells from Israeli tanks hit their mark, with the sound of explosions occasionally punctuated by the rattle of machine gun fire. On the other side of the fence, 2,750 Palestinians in Gaza have already died in the air and artillery assault since last Saturday, according to health authorities there. But that doesn't bother Rachel Dahan, 85, one of just 4,000 residents who remain in Sderot. "Shut the door, shut the door!" she implored, as a nurse checked in with her on Monday, still paranoid that gunmen were on the loose. An Arabic speaker after having grown up in Morocco before emigrating to Israel, she has fond memories of visiting Gaza to eat fish and attend weddings before the 40-mile-long separation fence was constructed to pen off the Gaza Strip. But now she'd like to see it erased. "If I could, I'd go kill them all," she said, letting out an "oy, oy, oy" at the boom of outgoing artillery at the end of a temporary humanitarian cease-fire. Like many in this town, she was a die-hard supporter of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, but now she curses at his name. She's the first call of the day for Malka Stein, a nurse from Rescuers Without Borders, who had traveled from northern Israel to volunteer. But now she thinks she may be needed more at home, as the Israeli government moved to evacuate 28 communities close to the Lebanese border, amid fears of a broader conflagration with Hezbollah. "It's not good," she said, as she swept Dahan's floor and made her lunch. Israeli authorities have urged everyone to leave Sderot and other communities within a few miles of Gaza - though evacuation orders here aren't compulsory. At a makeshift aid distribution point, Veronica Odarchuk, 19, who fled the war in Ukraine a year-and-a-half ago for Israel, sorted packets of coffee, instant noodles and sugar to be ferried to the last remaining residents of the city. Now she's not sure her family made the right decision. "I think Ukraine might be safer right now," she said, as she prepared to go out on a distribution run. The last of those taking up the offers of the evacuation buses gathered at a school in the rocket-scarred town to head out over the weekend, dragging suitcases and hauling bags. A 15-year-old clung to a pink doll. Volunteers helped the elderly board. As a second group waited for a ride out, a rocket flashed across the sky and people rushed toward the school shelter, reminding some of their reasons for leaving. About 74 rockets have made direct hits on homes here over the past week. But for some, the decision is harder than others. Yossi and Shmurit Edrich's baby was born on Oct. 6, just hours before Hamas's incursion into their town. Premature and weighing just over 4 pounds, the baby has to stay in the hospital for a week. But for some, the decision is harder than others. Yossi and Shmurit Edrich's baby was born on Oct. 6, just hours before Hamas's incursion into their town. Premature and weighing just over 4 pounds, the baby has to stay in the hospital for a week. But the Edrichs were desperate to get their other kids out to safety, leaving their newborn in the hands of the doctors for now. "My heart is breaking," said Shmurit. "But I have four other children; I have to take care of them." The city has emptied out before, but people are expecting a longer haul this time, said Ayelet Shmuel, director of the city's resilience center. "The city knows how to run," she said. "But this time we don't know what's going to happen." At a staging ground not far from the border fence, Israeli troops are gearing up for a bloody battle. Some 286 have already died. "Now we are going for our revenge," said Capt. Nadav Mizrahi, a reserve officer deployed with a tank brigade. "To destroy everything from top to bottom," he said. "I'm sure we can do it. It will take time and cost lives. But it's our country. We will do anything." © 2023 The Washington Post. Sign up for the Today's Worldview newsletter here.

Sista bilderna på Hamas-ledaren – kastar en planka innan han skjuts

Sista bilderna på Hamas-ledaren – kastar en planka innan han skjuts

Hamasledaren ska ha dött i Tel Sultan i staden Rafah i södra Gaza under onsdagen. Enligt IDF ska det ha skett under en eldstrid mellan två Hamasmän och militären. IDF gick initialt ut med att tre personer dödats, men bekräftade senare med hjälp av dna och tandkort att en av de döda var Yahya Sinwar. Israeliska medier uppger att IDF inte var medvetna om att Sinwar befann sig i byggnaden. Sent på onsdagen publicerade IDF en drönarvideo som uppges visa Sinwars sista tid i livet. I ett söndersprängt hus syns hur en nästintill livlös person sitter i en fåtölj. IDF har pekar ut personen som Sinwar. I ett försök att mota bort drönaren kastar han en planka mot den, men missar. Militären visste inte att det var Sinwar Enligt Times of Israel ska en israelisk soldat ha informerat sina överordnade om hur en misstänkt person gick in och ut ur byggnaden under förmiddagen. Militären ska då ha öppnat eld mot huset. Senare under eftermiddagen ska militären med hjälp av en drönare sett hur tre personer lämnat byggnaden och rört sig från hus till hus. Två av dem ska ha banat väg för den tredje personen. Militären öppnade då eld igen, och personerna skadades och delades upp. Sinwar ska då ha hamnat ensam i ett hus, något som bekräftas av IDF:s talesperson Avichay Adraee. Han ska ha rört sig uppåt i huset samtidigt som en stridsvagn avfyrade ett skott mot huset innan soldater stormade byggnaden. Sinwar uppges då ha kastat en granat som fick soldaterna att dra sig tillbaka. Då skickades drönaren in som visar hur han täckt sitt huvud och skadat armen, sedan kastar han plankan mot drönaren. En israelisk stridsvagn sköt sedan mot Sinwar som dog. Först efteråt ska de israeliska soldaterna ha förstått att det var Yahya Sinwar som dödats. Ryktades vara en brutal ledare 61-årige Yahya Sinwar var Hamas ledare i Gaza och ses som högst ansvarig för attackerna den 7 oktober och har länge varit jagad av Israel. Det har ryktats om att han gömt sig tunnelsystem under Gaza och han har kallats för "Slaktaren från Khan Yunis", då han beskrevs som väldigt brutal. Han satt fängslad i 23 år i Israel innan han släpptes i en fångutväxling 2011. Efter hans död skrev Israels premiärminister Benjamin Netanyahu på sociala medier att ”Hamas inte längre kommer att styra Gaza”. I ett tal meddelade Netanyahu att Sinwars död inte innebär slutet på kriget i Gaza, men början på slutet. Sen vände han sig till invånarna i Gaza. – Jag har ett enkelt meddelande, detta krig kan ta slut imorgon. Från Irans håll hävdar man att motståndet nu kommer att stärkas till följd av hans död. "Han kommer att bli en förebild för ungdomar och barn som kommer att fortsätta hans väg mot Palestinas befrielse. Så länge som ockupation och aggression existerar kommer motståndet att bestå, för martyren förblir vid liv och en inspirationskälla", skriver Irans FN-delegation i New York på plattformen X.

Israel: Kommer lyssna på USA – men bestämma själva

Israel: Kommer lyssna på USA – men bestämma själva

Israel ska fortsätta att lyssna på sin närmaste allierade USA i krigets utveckling, men i slutändan kommer man fatta sina egna beslut, baserat på egna nationella intressen, säger Benjamin Netanyahus stab i ett uttalande. Uttalandet kommer efter att källor uppgett för Washington Post att man är villig att begränsa attackerna mot militära mål – och inte slå mot Irans olje- och kärnenergimål. Beskedet ska ha levererats av Netanyahu under ett samtal med USA:s president Joe Biden förra veckan. USA lättade Israel har lovat ett ”blodigt svar” på Irans robotattacker i oktober. Enligt tidningen möts det nya beskedet av lättnad från amerikansk håll. Vita huset har tidigare uttryckt oro för dessa attacker, som riskerar att orsaka skenande globala energipriser och samtidigt öka risken för ytterligare eskalering, samt direkt militär inblandning för USA. Vita huset har ännu inte kommenterat uppgifterna officiellt.

FN: Israels stridsvagnar har forcerat FN-postering

FN: Israels stridsvagnar har forcerat FN-postering

Israeliska stridsvagnar har forcerat en FN-postering i södra Libanon under söndagsmorgonen. Det uppger FN:s fredsbevarande styrkor, Unifil, rapporterar Reuters. Enligt Unifil ska huvudingången ha förstörts av de israeliska stridsvagnarna. Representanter för FN:s fredsbevarande insats i Libanon, Unifil, kräver en förklaring av Israel för "chockerande överträdelser". Israels premiärminister Benjamin Netanyahu har tidigare uppmanat FN-chefen att "omedelbart" flytta FN:s fredsbevarande styrkor i södra Libanon till säkerhet. Texten uppdateras

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Benjamin Netanyahu i poddar

Could Benjamin Netanyahu be replaced?

As Benjamin Netanyahu is losing the trust of his people, Anshel Pfeffer asks could he be replaced?We also take a look back at some of the year’s stories - featured on the World in 10 - that have stuck with us..And a new species of wasp takes the name of a Dr Who villain.Your daily round-up of the biggest stories from across the world, as seen through the eyes of the Times of London. You can hear more of these stories on Times Radio, and read more at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

311. Does Israel have the Right to Exist? | PM-Elect Benjamin Netanyahu

Dr. Peterson's extensive catalog is available now on DailyWire+: Jordan B. Peterson and Israel Prime Minister-Elect Benjamin Netanyahu discuss the history of Israel, its status as an embattled nation, the importance of the struggle for statehood, why and how the PM came back from political demise, and his vision for the future.Benjamin Netanyahu was recently reelected as Prime Minister of Israel, having previously served in the office from 1996–1999 and 2009­–2021. From 1967–1972 he served as a soldier and commander in Sayeret Matkal, an elite special forces unit of the Israeli Defense Forces. A graduate of MIT, he served as Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations from 1984–1988, before being elected to the Israeli parliament as a member of the Likud party in 1988. He has published five previous books on terrorism and Israel’s quest for peace and security. He lives in Jerusalem with his wife, Sara. In his newest book "Bibi: My Story" the newly reelected prime minister of Israel tells the story of his family, the story of his people, his path to leadership, and his unceasing commitment to defending his country and securing its future. - Links - For PM Netanyahu: Website: Twitter: “Bibi: My Story” (Auto-Biography): - Chapters - (0:00) Coming up(1:25) Intro(4:03) Moses and the first settlers(10:55) Response to the Palestinian claim(16:07) The basis for a claim(22:55) Making something of it(26:04) The refugee problem(30:00) Ultimatums and progress(33:34) Herzl, Bipartisan world support(39:38) the Balfour Declaration, Hitlerism(44:40) The importance of power and productivity(50:50) PM Netanyahu’s goal, the three pillars of peace(51:48) Steps toward economic freedom(55:55) The fat man thin man diet(59:50) Brush with political demise(1:04:00) Bibi: My Story(1:04:40) What guides a leader vs a politician?(1:10:00) The Abraham Accords, Obama(1:17:00) Israel and Donald Trump(1:18:38) Why has the process stalled with Biden? // SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL //Newsletter: // COURSES //Discovering Personality: Authoring Suite: https://selfauthoring.comUnderstand Myself (personality test): // BOOKS //Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life: Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos: of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief: // LINKS //Website: https://jordanbpeterson.comEvents: // SOCIAL //Twitter: socials: #JordanPeterson #JordanBPeterson #DrJordanPeterson #DrJordanBPeterson #DailyWirePlus #podcast 

Israel’s next move

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faces trouble at home and abroad. AP correspondent Tia Goldenberg and scholar Hussein Ibish explain the significance of a high-profile killing in Lebanon. This episode was produced by Miles Bryan and Hady Mawajdeh, edited by Matt Collette, fact-checked by Laura Bullard with help from Haleema Shah, engineered by David Herman, and hosted by Noel King. Transcript at Support Today, Explained by making a financial contribution to Vox! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Benjamin Netanyahu

Benjamin Netanyahu is Israel's longest-serving Prime Minister, but his government’s plans for judicial reform have triggered one of the most serious crises of his political career.Timandra Harkness looks at the life of the man who has won six elections and who is known to his supporters as 'King Bibi'.Credits:The Hoover Institution: “Bibi: My Story,” Benjamin Netanyahu On His Life And Times The 92nd Street Y: Benjamin Netanyahu and David Rubenstein in ConversationPresenter: Timandra Harkness Production: Sally Abrahams, Diane Richardson, Alix Pickles Production Coordinator: Maria Ogundele Sound Engineer: James Beard Editor: Damon Rose

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Elon Musk and Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu Talk about After they Visit Hamas Attack Aftermaths!

November 12 – Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Sen. Chris Murphy and RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu joins Meet the Press to discuss Israel’s war on Hamas, humanitarian aid, and the return of the hostages taken during the October 7th attack. Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) discusses expectations for Democrats in 2024 and foreign aid, as the wars in Israel and Ukraine divide Congress. RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel responds to states voting in favor of abortion initiatives and the future of the GOP. Carol Lee, former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson and Marc Short join the Meet the Press roundtable. 

Interviews with: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel

First, Dana talks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in his first CNN interview since the Israel-Hamas war began. Dana presses him on growing pressure for Israel to limit civilian casualties, the effort to free the hostages being held by Hamas, and his refusal to take responsibility for the October 7 attacks.   Then, with US President Joe Biden expressing frustration at Israel’s reluctance to implementing humanitarian pauses inside Gaza and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken saying more needed to be done to keep civilians safe, Dana speaks with US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan to discuss the shift from the US in its approach to its close ally Israel.    Next, Dana sits down with RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel to discuss her party’s disappointing election results and whether Republicans need to take a new approach to the abortion debate.   Finally, former Obama senior adviser David Axelrod and former Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan join Dana to discuss a huge political week, including Sen. Joe Manchin’s announcement he won’t be seeking re-election in 2024, the possibility of a Trump/Biden rematch and how the third-party presidential lane could get crowded in 2024. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Piers Morgan Uncensored: Benjamin Netanyahu Exclusive

On tonight's episode of Piers Morgan Uncensored, Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks to Piers in a world exclusive interview in the midst of the protests threatening to bring down his government.Watch Piers Morgan Uncensored at 8 pm on TalkTV on Sky 522, Virgin Media 606, Freeview 237 and Freesat 217. Listen on DAB+ and the app.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.