Jonah Hills exflickvän: "Jag var utsatt för psykisk misshandel"

Jonah Hills exflickvän: "Jag var utsatt för psykisk misshandel"

Jonah Hill, 39, anklagas av exflickvännen Sarah Brady för ”psykisk misshandel”. I flera sms som Brady publicerat kräver Hill bland annat att hon ska radera bilder på sig själv i bikini från sin Instagram. ”Det här är en varning till alla tjejer. Om din partner pratar med dig så här, börja planera på att lämna”, skriver hon.

Så blev vänsterhjälten Russell Brand ett av alt-högerns affischnamn

Russell Brand var Hollywoodstjärna och ett av den brittiska vänsterns affischnamn. Han var gift en av världens största artister, nominerades till ”årets hjälte” i The Guardian och gav Labour sin välsignelse efter uppvaktning från partiledaren Ed Miliband. Tio år senare var det mansaktivisten Andrew Tate och konspirationsteoretikern Alex Jones som red ut till Brands försvar när han anklagades för sexuella övergrepp. I etablerad media var han sedan tidigare avfärdad som konspirationsteoretiker och mörkerman. Vad hände? Efter att ha gjort sig känd som en gränslös komiker och mediepersonlighet i Storbritannien slår Brand igenom i USA som skådespelare i slutet av 00-talet. Han har huvudroller i ”Forgetting Sarah Marshall” och ”Get him to the greek”, där han spelar mot bland andra Jonah Hill och Mila Kunis. Under inspelningen av den sistnämnda filmen träffar han artisten Katy Perry. Paret gifter sig 2010 men skiljer sig bara två år senare. Perry berättar senare att Brand var mycket kontrollerande och inte tyckte om att ”hon var chefen”. I början av 2010-talet gör Brand politiska utspel som gör honom till en gunstling i delar av den brittiska vänstern. Han gästspelar som redaktör för vänstertidningen The New Statesman och uppmanar till ”revolution”. Han intervjuas i BBC och får frågan om hur hans drömsamhälle ser ut. – Ett socialistiskt och jämlikt system som bygger på en omfattande omfördelning av resurser där företag beskattas hårt, svarar Brand. Flera röster både till höger och vänster avfärdar redan här Brand som oseriös. Andra ser en avväpnande charm som blåser liv i en trött rörelse. ”Han är det bästa som hänt vänstern på flera år”, skriver aktivisten George Monbiot när han nominerar Brand till ”årets hjälte” i The Guardian 2014. Något han senare ska komma att ångra. I den nyss omnämnda BBC-intervjun berättar Brand att han aldrig har röstat och inte heller har några planer på att göra det. Inför parlamentsvalet 2015 gör Labourledaren Ed Miliband ett försök att få honom på andra tankar och låter sig intervjuas på Brands Youtubekanal. Efter intervjun meddelar Brand att han stödjer Labour i valet. ”De konservativa borde vara oroliga”, skriver vänsterdebattören Owen Jones när Brand ställer sig bakom Labour. Trots Brands stöd förlorar Labour valet och Miliband tvingas bort kort senare. Under de senaste åren har Brand synts allt mindre på filmduken och i etablerade medier. Hans fokus har legat på de egna sociala kanalerna. Han streamar dagligen på plattformen Rumble och har en rask publiceringstakt på sin Youtubekanal med över 6,5 miljoner prenumeranter. I klippen talar Brand in i kameran, ofta i en enda tagning, om politik och samhällsfrågor. Om hans ståndpunkter förr var tydligt vänster är det mer grumligt nu. Det övergripande budskapet är att den politiska och mediala eliten ljuger om det mesta – från kriget i Ukraina till pandemin. I ett av hans mest sedda klipp hävdar Brand att det pågår en världsomspännande mörkläggning kring coronavirusets ursprung. ”Brands Youtubekanal är en katalog av samtidens skitsnack”, sammanfattar sajten Wireds skribent Peter Guest. Brands politiska resa väcker bestörtning bland flera tidigare meningsfränder. Vad fan har hänt med Russell Brand? frågar sig George Monbiot, kolumnisten som nominerade Brand till ”årets hjälte”. ”Om det politiska landskapet blir mörkare de kommande åren, som jag misstänker, så kommer det delvis vara på grund av människor som Brand. I juni 2023 publicerar magasinet Prospect ett reportage om Brands metamorfos. ”Russell Brands resa till att bli en av alternativhögerns starkaste röster har varit lika anmärkningsvärd som konstig”, lyder ingressen. Lördagen den 16 september publicerar The Sunday Times och Channel 4 en granskning där fyra kvinnor anklagar Brand för våldtäkt och sexuella övergrepp. Kvinnorna vittnar om händelser som ska ha ägt rum mellan 2006 och 2012. Bland annat hävdar en kvinna att hon hade en relation med den 14 år äldre Brand när hon var 16 år. Under förhållandet ska han ha förgripit sig på henne vid flera tillfällen. Fördömandena haglar, hans agentur avbryter samarbetet och Youtube tar bort möjligheten för Brand att tjäna pengar på annonser. Men han får också stöd från inflytelserika högerröster som Andrew Tate, Tucker Carlson och Alex Jones. Dagen före publiceringen har Brand publicerat ett klipp där han kraftfullt förnekar anklagelserna. Hans förklaring är att etablerade medier försöker sätta dit honom på grund av hans åsikter. – För mig ser det ut som en koordinerad attack, säger en uppjagad Brand. En av de som svarar på Brands X-inlägg är världens rikaste person, Elon Musk. ”Självklart. De gillar inte konkurrens”, skriver Musk. Vill du läsa mer?

Jonah Hill anklagad för ofredande: "Total fabricering"

Jonah Hill anklagad för ofredande: "Total fabricering"

Skådespelaren Jonah Hill har blivit anklagad för att ha ofredat den före detta barnstjärnan Alexa Nikolas, som ska ha varit 16 år vid tillfället. Det skriver Deadline. Nikolas, som är känd från serien ”Alexa 101”, menar att hon blev bjuden till en fest där hon påstår att Jonah Hill ”tryckte upp mig mot väggen och körde ned sin tunga i min hals.” Hill har svarat via sin advokat att det rör sig om en ”total fabricering” som ”aldrig har hänt.” Samtidigt menar Hill via advokaten att Nikolas är en ”opålitlig källa.”

Jonah Hill anklagad för psykisk misshandel: "Han kan dra åt helvete"

Jonah Hill anklagad för psykisk misshandel: "Han kan dra åt helvete"

Skådespelaren Jonah Hill, 39, och hans ex-flickvän Sarah Brady, 25, var ett par från 2021 fram till 2022. Efter uppbrottet från Brady gick Jonah Hill vidare med entreprenören Olivia Millar, och i början av juni föddes parets första barn. Jonah Hill och Sarah Brady. Bildkälla: Stella Pictures. Det skrev Jonah Hill i sina sms till Sarah Brady

I helgen bestämde sig Brady för att dela med sig av sms som Jonah Hill skickade till henne när de var ett par, och hon menar att han utsatte henne för psykisk misshandel. Brady säger också att hon väntade med att avslöja sms:en tills efter Jonah och Olivias bebis föddes. Detta för att inte orsaka Olivia eller barnet onödig stress.

"Jag delar med mig av det här offentligt för att hålla det för mig själv orsakar mer skada på min mentala hälsa än det gör att dela med sig av det", skrev Brady, via People.

Sarah Brady jobbar som surf-instruktör, och på Instagram har hon delat med sig av bilder på när hon surfar och badar. Något som Jonah Hill var upprörd över. Jonah Hill ville inte att Sarah skulle lägga ut bilder där hon bar baddräkt. Bildkälla: Stella Pictures. I sms:en som Jonah Hill ska ha skrivit till Sarah Brady så står det bland annat att läsa att han inte vill att hon ska "surfa med män" eller lägga ut bilder där hon har baddräkt.

"Det här är en varning till alla tjejer. Om din partner pratar med dig såhär, så se till att göra upp en plan över hur du ska sticka. Ring mig om du behöver någon som lyssnar", skrev hon.

Deras konversation visar att Sarah Brady skickat skärmdumpar på de bilder hon tagit bort från sina sociala medier. Jonah Hill svarade då att det var "en bra början" men att hon "inte verkade fatta".

"Du vet om mina gränser. Du vägrar ta bort en del bilder och det har du gjort klart. Jag hoppas att det gör dig lycklig", skrev han. Jonah Hill skrev till sin flickvän att han ville att hon skulle ta bort en del bilder på Instagram där hon surfade. Bildkälla: Sarahhbrady/Instagram  Jonah Hill hånas på sociala medier

I ett senare meddelande skrev Jonah Hill att han inte var rätt tjej för honom om hon ville "surfa med män, ha opassande vänskaper med män, modella, lägga ut bilder på sig själv i baddräkt, lägga ut sexiga bilder".

Jonah Hill ville inte heller att Sarah Brady skulle umgås med "tjejkompisar från förr". Och om hon skulle göra det så var det bara kaffe eller lunch som funkade. Jonah Hills regler handlade bland annat om att Sarah inte fick modella eller surfa med andra män. Bildkälla: Sarah Brady/Instagram Reaktionerna har inte låtit vänta på sig, och på Twitter så riktas massiv kritik mot Jonah Hill där han kallas för både misogyn och sexist.

Jonah Hill själv har inte bemött kritiken.

”Vad är vitsen med att träna när läkemedel kan göra oss smala?”

”Vad är vitsen med att träna när läkemedel kan göra oss smala?”

Diabetesläkemedlet Ozempic har blivit ett populärt bantningspreparat eftersom det också har en viktminskade effekt. Men vad innebär det om vi inte längre behöver träna för att bli smala? Den frågan ställer sig den amerikanska skribenten och författaren Xochitl Gonzalez i en artikel i The Atlantic. Under en lång tid vägrade hon motion som ett sätt att kämpa mot idealen och jobba på sin självacceptans. ”Men allt jag gjorde var egentligen att sabotera min egna mentala hälsa”, skriver hon och lyfter exempel på träningens positiva effekter på våra liv. The idea that we exercise to get thin may be more dangerous than ever. By  Xochitl Gonzalez March 25, 2023 In the summer of 2015, one of my best friends died at work. Shannon was 38, childless, single and thriving, and working as an executive at a global public-relations firm, where she handled a major client. She was set to take a family vacation—treating her nephews to a Disney trip or some such—when her boss sent down an edict that no one on her account was allowed to take time off. Saying no to your boss is hard, but disappointing your nephews is even harder, so Shannon stood her ground and refused to cancel her trip. She then proceeded—in a conference room—to have a panic attack about how the decision might affect her career. The panic attack triggered a heart attack; the heart attack revealed a preexisting tear in a heart valve; the tear led to internal bleeding that, after a two-week-long coma, led to her death. You can see why, though it isn’t technically true, I say that Shannon “died at work.” You can also see how my 36-year-old self—also single, also childless, also stuck in a successful but frustrating career and in need of some time off—–was very messed up by this. Everyone who knew Shannon was. As the bench in Prospect Park we dedicated to our friend says: Shannon, she gave a lovely light. It was in this state of despair that I reluctantly accompanied a friend to SoulCycle. I’m allergic to exercise-guru talk and pseudo-spirituality, but in the dark of that studio with the music enveloping me, forcing my heart to push itself in the way that Shannon’s could no longer do, something dislodged the deepest layers of my grief. I sat, pedaling as hard as I could, sobbing with abandon, knowing the black of the room and the sound of the music and the whirring of the bikes were giving me cover. I kept returning, booking a bike in the back and letting the sweat and tears wash down my face. I did this for weeks until one day, I realized I hadn’t cried. And another day, I realized I was smiling. In the time that I was, as my friends would tease me, in the “Cult of Soul”—I dispute this, for what it’s worth; I never bought any merch—I transformed my life. Eventually I got up the guts to pursue what I had really always wanted to do, which was to write books. Unfortunately, because time is finite, I had to do it in the mornings before work and on the weekends—all of the times when I used to be on the bike. Fitness can be a complicated thing. For some, the motivation is health, and for others it’s pure enjoyment of the sport or physical activity. But for many—especially the Gen Xers among us, who, if we weren’t given an eating disorder by our Boomer moms, picked one up at college or from our Cosmopolitan and Vogue magazines—the real point is weight loss. Yes, exercise has health benefits, but those are side effects of the aesthetic goal. This was how I had always approached exercise. I worked out because of eating issues and body-image challenges cultivated early in my life. Drawn by my grief to SoulCycle, I’d seen a different side of exercise and of what it could mean to me. But after a lifetime of other messages, the lesson didn’t stick. I still thought that I worked out in order to not gain weight. And at the same time, I felt bad about this. Against the backdrop of the body-positivity movement, I was suspicious of my devotion to physical fitness. I needed to write; was my fear of my own fat worth the time taken away from the work required to change my life? Couldn’t I simply love myself as I was? For a long time, I did very little exercise. I was obsessed with my art and my project. Other things took precedence over fitness—or rather, as I saw it, over my own vanity. And then something shifted. Well, two things. First, a series of back injuries left me barely able to walk without pain and took a year of care to recover from. I yearned for movement, and my doctor recommended regular Pilates classes. Then, at the beginning of this year, the Netflix algorithm fed me the documentary Stutz, directed by Jonah Hill. The film is about the life and work of Hill’s therapist, Phil Stutz, whom Hill credits with making his life “immeasurably better.” Stutz helps his patients develop what he calls their “life force”—the part of you that can guide you when you are most lost. Stutz describes the life force as a pyramid. At its base is your relationship with your physical body, meaning we need physical movement combined with quality sleep and diet. In the middle of the pyramid are our relationships with other people, meaning we need them. And at the top is our relationship with ourselves. Interestingly, Hill—not a Gen X woman—had a similar psychic relationship with exercise as I did. In the film, he discusses having been scarred as a child by being told he was fat, and how fitness was always seen as a punishment to fix the crime of being overweight. It was only when he viewed working out as a component of caring for his mental happiness—something that he could control, something that could increase the amount of joy he might be capable of feeling—that his perspective shifted. Hearing him say that, it suddenly clicked for me too: Exercise can be an act not of vanity, but of psychological self-care. Many wars are being waged against women—against our bodies, our rights, our sizes, our images of ourselves, and who is and isn’t allowed to claim this identity. For a long time, I felt that by rejecting movement, I was rejecting an idealized and impossible body image, that I was learning “self-acceptance.” But really I was just sabotaging my own mental health. This is not an anti-fat or anti-body-positivity message. I love that younger women are being raised without the internalized self-hatred I was steeped in. I really love that young women of color are spurning the notions of “good bodies” that are rooted in a beauty standard that excludes our communities. If anything, I’m finally personally connecting the dots that the fat-activist and body-positivity communities have been railing about for some time: Fatphobia in the fitness industry is harmful. It alienates many people from movement. But in the Age of Ozempic, the idea that we work out to get thin may be even more dangerous than ever, no matter your size. Ozempic now offers injectable skinniness to the same moneyed Alo- and Lululemon-wearing men and women who have been filling up fitness classes and gyms for years, all of them there to chase the elusive goal of “thinner,” or, if they’ve caught it, to keep that slim frame in their clutches. But at the same time, all of them have been benefiting from the side effects of endorphins and rising heart rates, the pleasure of experiencing the vitality of their own blood-pumping bodies. If they can now stay skinny with just an injection and a few picked-over meals, will they abandon fitness? What is a life where you don’t need to move your body and you don’t need to eat, but you know you look good in designer clothes? What is real living if you are doing it for the ’gram? A few weeks ago, I went to California for a book talk and signing. I’ve probably signed thousands of books, but for the first time ever, I was asked to dedicate a book to a Shannon. I immediately felt my eyes burn hot and my throat close up. My Shannon was the type of person who got off on her friends doing well, and I’ve often imagined how pumped she would be to see me now. But the truth is, I was able to make these changes because of her, because her death made me reassess my life and what being alive means. And it also led me into that very dark spin studio where, class after class, I went from drowning in sadness to feeling that my crazy dreams might be achievable. It was easy for Stutz to convert me to his philosophy, because I already knew that what he was saying was true. I just hadn’t made the connection before. Did it need to come in the form of a luxury fitness class? No. But did being next to the other bodies help? Absolutely. Because people: We need them. Since I watched that documentary, not a day has passed without me forcing myself, in some way, to move. Ideally, with somebody else—even if that somebody else is just my dog running up a hill with me. I even went back to a SoulCycle class for the first time in years. Not to be thinner or stronger, but to control the volume of my own happiness. © 2023 The Atlantic Media Co., as first published in The Atlantic. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency.

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Jonah Hill i poddar

Adam22 a Cuck, Jonah Hill Allegations, & Keke Palmer Controversy

Yerrrr we're back and the boys are talking about Andrew's irritable bowels, Alexx's big news, Adam22 & Lena the Plug, Jonah Hill's text messages & boundaries, Keke Palmer's Usher serenade, Elon suing Zuck's Threads app, and much much more. INDULGE 00:00 Alexx commits to the thing he loves most 02:38 Power-washing pooing + Hot Hole Action 13:24 Pilot Pooing Prevention + Andrew is really American 16:19 Who understands food? Where you ranking Indian? 20:44 Akaash LOVED Greece 22:33 Tour guides love being racist 24:03 Worshipping nature + go where the rich people go 27:34 You need the mandem at St. Tropez 28:35 Robin Hood for info - Bernie Schulzers 31:55 Dov is connected + Not taking no for an answer 37:03 Alexx smuggles mom INTO Mexico 41:03 Dov really is Jewish 45:24 Mark prefers upstate NY to St. Tropez 48:43 Zelensky will love this segment 50:13 Mark, Mushrooms, Pink Floyd & FEAR 57:23 Free Jonah from these whales + NOT ABUSE 01:07:12 Andrew jealous + sl*t buckets are haram 01:12:20 Why you playing a man’s sport? 01:13:03 Backflipping trendsetting 01:14:09 Jason Luv’s meat ain’t that big 01:18:18 Destiny radicalised Adam22 + kill a story with a story 01:24:13 Alexx’s HOT TAKE 01:29:36 Musk suing + end goals for Threads & Twitter? 01:41:32 Do you wanna see the Musk + Zuck fight? 01:45:58 Colleen Ballinger got BARS 01:50:58 Ain’t no women on To Catch a Predator 01:54:11 Women allowed boundaries 01:57:49 Respect Black QUEENS + Usher Revival 02:02:50 Africa is a continent + new Usher lyrics 02:04:58 Jay-Z built like a Boogie Board 02:05:39 Roc Nation v Illuminati? Rubin’s White Party 02:17:47 Tom Brady is smashing the brakes out of Kim K? 02:18:49 Thank you Allah for Salma Hayek 02:24:13 Alexx’s Mom fed Mexico + Mmm-ing Middle-Agers 02:26:41 50+ can still get this meat 02:27:32 Gay Voice Defence 02:30:35 Love you WeezyWTF

Steve-O Sides With Jonah Hill

Go to for a 60 day FREE trial Go to for 10% off your first month Go to to save a few bucks Steve-O and the boys sit down in London to discuss the Jonah Hill controversy, Adam22's wife Lana doing videos with other dudes, Skinny Vinny's dreams and reservations about fame, the upcoming filming of The Bucket List special, Mel Gibson, and a whole lot more! This was a different episode for us and we really enjoyed it! Come see me on tour! Follow us on social media! @steveo @scottjrandolph @skinnyvinny @paulbrisske Steve-O's Hot Sauce! - Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Boys Gone Wild | Episode 179: Jonah Hill/Huw Edwards

In a big week for naughty boys we discuss the Huw Edwards and Jonah Hill contraversys aswell as Andrews fury at Horatio for turning all of his white clothes green.

Leaked Texts To Warn Women

Katherine's Telling Everybody Everything about this week's Jonah Hill controversy. What the heck is going on there. Was it emotional abuse as it's being called? Or is it okay to be honest in your relationship and set boundaries? Who dates a professional surfer and then asks her not to post pics in a bathing suit? Were his alleged requests misogyny dressed up as 'boundaries' or what? Also, some HPV chat and an unlikely ad for Landrover. Plus, your letters about coparenting, therapy, and more. x Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


This week on The Bomb Squad Pod: Curveballs, Cheesecake Factory, word salad, weaponising therapy, the squad open a takeaway, Jonah Hill, existential questions, golden years, perfect day? & much more. Support the squad and get an extra episode every Thursday: See the squad live: Follow The Bomb Squad Pod on: Youtube Instagram TikTok

PP 4: We're Sending Jonah Hill to Jail (and Threads and AI)

We're chatting Jonah Hill wildin out with surfer girls, Zuckerberg's hot new body and even hotter new app. Plus some AI shit and whether or not the libs will let us watch the child sex slavery movie. Get bonus content on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Jonah Hill’s 'boundaries', Louis Theroux's lost touch, Kim and Kourtney’s epic fallout

No interview this week angels, instead, we're covering the hottest celeb talking points from the past few days. First, we get into the topic that's currently ruling the internet, actor Jonah Hill's toxic 'boundaries', which came to light when his ex Sarah Brady shared their private messages on her Instagram. We debate the dangers of therapy speak and at which point it becomes a tool for manipulation and narcissism, the difference between boundaries and controlling behaviour, plus why fame enables emotional abuse. Next, a rich-person drama to rival Succession: the epic fallout between Kim and Kourtney Kardashian over Dolce and Gabanna. Did Kourtney steal Kim's "wedding country" and "wedding singer" Andrea Boccelli? Is Kim a money-grabbing manipulator who puts fame before family? And finally, *whisper it*, has Louis Theroux lost his touch? We debrief on Louis' new Spotify podcast, in particular the episode with former Straight Up guest Amelia Dimoldenberg, where his interview style seemed to not only irk her, but in all honesty, us as well. Please leave us a review on Apple or Spotify, and find us on Insta @straightuppod Articles, TV shows, podcasts, films etc. discussed: restaurant on Charlotte Street Green Tea Peng live at Somerset House. Keep up to date with GTP's upcoming shows via her IG @greenteapeng Why are millennials talking in therapy speak? Sidney Lima for The Times You People The Kardashians The Louis Theroux Podcast on Spotify Thank you to our fabulous sponsors for this episode: Art Fund, which has an amazing art pass that allows you to see paid exhibitions at major galleries from the Tate to the V&A and National Gallery at half the price! Head to to claim your discounted under 30 membership – then we recommend booking DIVA at the V&A. Yonder, the new lifestyle credit card that gives you the most incredible perks, allowing you to convert the money you spend on your card into points that are then redeemable at some of London’s best restaurants, bars, cafes and entertainment spots – from Lina Stores to BAO. AND if you join now you get your first 6 months for free! Get yours at ⁠⁠

Jonah Hill | October 2018

October 2018: Hill and Bill discuss Jonah’s directorial debut 2018 film, 'Mid90s'; working in the Apatow circle; the confusing realm of comedy; and more. Host: Bill Simmons Guest: Jonah Hill Production Support: Steve Ceruti, Ben Cruz, Tim Angan and Garrett Gonzales

Hyperfixating, Jonah Hill and breaking up with your therapist

Inspired by Jonah Hill’s problematic texts, this week we take a deep dive into THERAPY! How does therapy benefit your relationship? How do you BREAK UP with your therapist? Does your hyperfixation when it comes to dating stop you from seeing red flags? All this and more, including wild therapy stories from the Curious F*ckers…Vote for us to win the Listeners' Choice Award at the British Podcast Awards here: out Beducated here: and get 40% off a yearly pass with the code 'comecurious'BUY FLORENCE'S DEBUT BOOK: you to our editor @daisykrg Music: Desire by Fauc & Taz HJOIN THE CURIOUS FCKERS CLUB ON FACEBOOK! (1100 MEMBERS AND BUILDING!) Support and donate Follow our socials @comecurious @florencebark @reedamberx Get in touch for any business enquiries - show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at

Dr. Drew Wants To Save Jonah Hill | Chris Distefano is Chrissy Chaos | EP 128

Welcome to Chrissy Chaos!!!Chris is joined by media personality, internist, and addiction medicine specialist Dr Drew Pinksy to talk about what makes us happy, the Jonah Hill situation, Keke Palmer and her boyfriend, and fatherhood.Support Our Sponsors!!!BETTER HELPChrissy Chaos is sponsored by BetterHelp.Visit BetterHelp dot com slash CHAOS today to get 10% off your first month.FACTOR MEALSHead to and use code CHAOS50 to get 50% off.#chrisdistefano #Podcast #ComedyUNCUT WILD CONTENT GO HERE👉 us Muffin Butt!🙆🏼‍♂️ Chris DistefanoInstagram - - -🎥 Vito Calise producerInstagram - -🎞 producer V 🙋‍♀️Website - https://www.venetiageras.comInstagram - -🎤More Chris D ComedyWebsite: Dates: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Ep25 Jonah Hill, weaponising "therapy speak" & grief after estrangement

On this episode, host Harriet Shearsmith talks about Jonah Hill and THAT boundaries text drama, weaponising therapy terminology and the grief after estrangement.You can find Harriet on instagram, tiktok and threads at @tobyandroo or @unfollowing_mum You can also book a 1:1 empowerment coaching session with Harriet at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Jonah Hill Is Right, Keke Palmer Is Wrong

My thoughts on why there is literally nothing wrong with Jonah Hill's leaked text messages regarding what he wants in a partner. Also, Keke Palmer wears an inappropriate outfit to an Usher concert and her boyfriend rightfully calls her out on it. And, cocaine was found at the White House but its owner will apparently never be found.   Ep.188 - - - Click here to join the member exclusive portion of my show:  Grab some “Yes We CANdace” merch here: - - -  Today’s Sponsors: ExpressVPN - Get 3 Months FREE of ExpressVPN: - - - Socials: Follow on Twitter: Follow on Instagram: Follow on Facebook: Subscribe on YouTube:

Too Woke Boys 154: Filling Your Bonus Hole w/ Jonah Hills Boundary Texts

The boys get together to discuss the leaked texts of Jonah Hill while he was dating surfer Sarah Brady. The boys get into a long discussion about boundaries and mental health. There is a push in the medical community to call vaginas "bonus holes" and the boys discuss how great this is and how its not insane at all. Natalie Portman and her husband Benjamin Millepied are going through a rough patch and the boys extend their "bonus rods" to her for support. There is a haiku for poetry corner, and a very special last email from the pilot of the millionaire sub that imploded in the ocean. someone from San Diego asked the boys for advice. Follow the IG/TikTok page: @TooWokeBoys New vids coming to the tiktok page! Email the show: Like, Comment, Subscribe on the YouTube Channel  We are doing our best to roll out new video content! - If you are interested in editing video content for the boys hit them up Donate to the show on Venmo/ Cashapp: TheSlutFund Give a FIVE STAR REVIEW for the show on iTunes Make sure to give five star reviews on Spotify also! (fun ones will be read on the show) Share a screenshot of the show on your IG stories and let everyone know  YOU ARE AN ALLY @JeffZenisek @MalcolmKelner --- Support this podcast: