Maha Energy vände till förlust under första kvartalet

Maha Energy vände till förlust under första kvartalet

Oljebolaget Maha Energys ebitda-resultat uppgick till -0,2 miljoner dollar i det första kvartalet 2023 (0,5).

Börsuppgången tilltog – SBB och Sinch i topp

Börsuppgången tilltog – SBB och Sinch i topp

Stockholmsbörsen steg inför onsdagskvällens räntebesked från Federal Reserve och vid stängning såg det ut så här:

• OMXSPI: +1,3% • OMXS30: +1,2%

SEB varnade i ett marknadsbrev för ”en viss risk för att Fed överraskar marknaden med mer hökaktiga toner” trots att marknaden ser en höjning som utesluten. På hemmaplan presenterade gamingbolaget Enad Global 7 nya finansiella mål och ett utdelningsprogram, vilket skickade upp aktien 19,5 procent. Northgold rusade 19,8 procent efter positiva testresultat från sin borrning i Finland. Cybersäkerhetsbolaget Yubico gjorde på onsdagen börsdebut efter sammanslagningen med spacbolaget ACQ Bure. Aktien handlades upp 2,9 procent. SBB toppade OMXS30 med en uppgång på 5,8 procent, före Sinch och Boliden som båda steg över 3 procent. Enda bolaget i indexet på rött var Essity, som tappade 0,4 procent. Energisektorn hörde till dagens förlorare i spåren av ett sjunkande oljepris. Maha Energy föll 5,5 procent och Africa Oil tappade 1,6 procent. Axfood minskade 2,5 procent efter ett säljråd från SEB. New York-börserna i går • S&P 500: -0,2% • Nasdaq: -0,2% • Dow Jones: -0,3%

Maha Energy på YouTube

Pressträff Direkt - Maha Energy

Maha Energys VD Kjetil Solbraekke och CFO Roberto Marchiori presenterar resultatet från bolagets andra kvartal 2024. De går ...

Investor Studios på YouTube

Investor Update - MAHA Energy

Maha Energy AB presenterar delårsrapporten för det tredje kvartalet 2024 tisdagen den 19 november 2024 klockan 1400.

Investor Studios på YouTube

Maha Energy - Presentation Erik Penser Bank - 3 juni 2021

Maha Energys VD Jonas Lindvall presenterar bolaget på Erik Penser Banks Bolagsdag den 3 juni 2021.

Carnegie Play på YouTube

Pressträff Direkt – Maha Energy

Maha Energy presenterade delårsrapport och aktuella händelser onsdagen den 29 maj 2024 klockan 10.00. Talare var: Kjetil ...

Investor Studios på YouTube

Maha Energy i poddar

Maharishikaa on matter objects and negative energy

Answering Rebecca on how to prioritise one of Maharishikaa’s core teachings of ‘taking care of matter’ Maharishikaa describes the relationship between matter and negative energy in terms of clutter and dirt and energetic ‘noise’. #Maharishikaa #NegativeEnergy #TakeCareOfMatter Aaryaa Maharishikaa Preeti Maiyaa, is a revolutionary female mystic who fearlessly dares to demystify spirituality in her unrelenting call to realize Self, and act from Source. Detailed biography: If you would like to make a Dakshinaa offering directly to Maharishikaa: Online transfer: PayPal: If you wish to make a donation to charitable works inspired by Maharishikaa: Lives transformed by Maharishikaa: Subscribe to our mailing list:

Mahatma Powerful Healing Energy

The Mahatma Energy, is a very powerful healing energy also known as the Avatar of Synthesis, which speeds up our path to Spiritual Ascension one-thousand fold. The more the people access this Energy the more enlightened the Earth vibration becomes, and the quicker the world consciousness will rise.

Maharishikaa | On ‘kundalini awakening’ and sexual energy exchange.

Referencing a previous answer on Kundalini awakening, Angie asks the Maharishikaa why Esteban should be careful with whom he chooses to exchange sexual energy? Maharishikaa throws light on the process when kundalini energy is disturbed, and the impact it has on one's sexual life. #Maharishikaa #KundaliniAwakening #SexualEnergy Aaryaa Maharishikaa Preeti Maiyaa, is a revolutionary female mystic who fearlessly dares to demystify spirituality in her unrelenting call to realize Self, and act from Source. Detailed biography: If you would like to make a Dakshinaa offering directly to Maharishikaa: If you wish to make a donation to charitable works inspired by Maharishikaa: Lives transformed by Maharishikaa: Subscribe to our mailing list:

Maha Ashtalakshmi Reiki - 8 Goddess energies & Quantum energy with Sanghamitra Chatterjee

Maha Ashtalakshmi Reiki with Sanghamitra on The Mystic Lotus & Dragonflies Awesome Healers' Training Summit! Boost your abundance in all areas of life with Maha Ashtalakshmi Reiki by Sanghamitra Chatterjee, a unique combination of Quantum Energy and Goddess Energies! Planet Jupiter - the holder of this modality and distributed into the 8 powers of AshtaLakshmi Quantum energy is in ALL of Us! The social conditioning as we grow up blocks the manifestation of abundance and wealth in our lives. Manifestation requires a certain vibration or frequency! With Quantum energy, we infuse it to attract our manifestations and hasten it! By letting go of restrictive energies like fear, anxiety or even negative thoughts, we let the Universal energies and our presence to vibrate at the level of our manifestation! Quantum energy is received by us when our body is in the frequency of accepting! It works when we are ready, waiting for us to be in the mode of receiving! Meet 8 forms of Goddess Lakshmi. With a joyful heart, just receive and let the energies flow! Is it always money that brings us happiness? Goddess Lakshmi, the giver of wealth and prosperity, bestows specific types of wealth through the unique 8 forms known AshtaLakshmi! The 8 forms are: 1. AdiLakshmi 2. Dhan Lakshmi 3. Dhanya Lakshmi 4. Gaja Lakshmi 5. Santana Lakshmi 6. Veera Lakshmi 7. Vidya Lakshmi 8. Vijaya Lakshmi Know the importance of Swastik symbol for abundance Please click here for more: Please click here to Signup free & receive exclusive invites to more such calls by The Mystic Lotus and Dragonflies - #ashtalakshmi #ashtalakshmimantra #lakshmi #money #moneytips #reading #readings #guidance #guidancemessages #holistichealth #holistichealing #alternatehealing #healing #healyourbody #healer #MLHealerstrainingsummit23 #subscribe #subscribetomychannel #like #follow #comment #themysticlotusanddragonflies #mysticlotus #themysticlotusanddragonflies #sanghamitra Discover India's Best healers with us for a better, brighter YOU! DISCLAIMER: All the information on the calls, groups, events, videos, pages and websites of The Mystic Lotus and Dragonflies are for information purposes only. It is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical or psychological advice, guidance, diagnosis or treatment. It is recommended you see a medical or relevant professionals first for any illness or concerns whatsoever. We do not offer medical diagnosis, advice, course of treatment or any other opinion on your conditions or treatment options. All terms & conditions mentioned on our terms page here are applicable: