Ramlösa Shipping ska göra en IPO på Nasdaq First North

Ramlösa Shipping ska göra en IPO på Nasdaq First North

Ramlösa Shipping beskriver sig själva som ett investmentbolag inom sjöfart. Bolagets specialister övervakar den internationella marknaden för att hitta goda  investeringsmöjligheter som delägare i fartyg. Bolaget skriver att de i december 2022 förvärvade en majoritetsandel i en råoljetanker, London Star på 76 000 dödviktston. Fartyget har trafikerat nord- och sydamerikanska farvatten och befraktats genom i Penfield […]

Hagberg & Aneborn is rebranding to Bergs Securities and launches Certified Adviser services

Hagberg & Aneborn is rebranding to Bergs Securities and launches Certified Adviser services

Hagberg & Aneborn Fondkommission AB (”Hagberg & Aneborn”) today announces it is rebranding as Bergs Securites (the “Company”) and launches Certified Adviser services to companies listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market and Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market. The name change reflects the strategic transformation journey that Hagberg & Aneborn has undergone, moving from a sole focus on issuer services to now being a full-service financial adviser specialized in public tech and life science transactions.

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Hernö Gin | VD Emma Edfors om Direktlistning på Nasdaq First North Growth Market 19/6 2024

00:00 Intro 00:35 Kort pitch om bolaget 00:56 Om produkter marknader, produktion och försäljning 02:44 Emission innan ...

Direkt Studios på YouTube

Nasdaq First North, the home of the ambitious

Nasdaq First North is the market for businesses that want to raise capital, get visibility and get the credibility of being a public ...

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First North listing

Information about NASDAQ OMX European growth market, First North.

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Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market – a stepping stone to the Main Market

On the Nasdaq First North Growth Market, we have a senior growth market segment, designed to assist companies in raising ...

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Nasdaq First North - the home of the ambitious

Nasdaq First North is our market for small and medium sized growth companies. Through First North, companies can access the ...

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