Så ska turisternas trängsel lösas i Norrbottensfjällen

Så ska turisternas trängsel lösas i Norrbottensfjällen

Trenden att fler vill vandra i fjällen håller i sig och vid STF:s nordliga stationer märker man ett fortsatt ökat tryck. Här har man redan vidtagit åtgärder för att minska trängseln.

Bil har kört in i skyltfönster i Stockholm

Bil har kört in i skyltfönster i Stockholm

På Kungsholmen i centrala Stockholm, närmare bestämt på St: Eriksgatan har en man kört rakt in i en skyltfönstret på en klädesbutik. – Det är en äldre gentleman som har kört bilen, säger Ola Österling, polisens presstalesperson. Mannen har inte kommit till skada men fordonet behöver bärgas från platsen. – Jag har inte hört att det ska vara något allvarligt utan han har tappat kontrollen och backat in i skyltfönstret, säger Ola Österling. Fångats på övervakningskamera Hela händelsen filmades på övervakningskamera. Ingen ska ha skadats i samband med händelsen som inträffade klockan 20.56. Polispatrullen på platsen har önskat att en glasjour kommer ut och en anmälan om vårdslöshet i trafiken har nu upprättats.

Sexism, gubbar och hat – Jessica ändå först någonsin i världens bästa liga

Sexism, gubbar och hat – Jessica ändå först någonsin i världens bästa liga

▸ Jessica Campbell är den första kvinnliga tränaren i världens bästa hockeyliga – NHL. Det var när Seattle Kraken tog emot St Louis Blues som den kanadensiska ishockeytränaren skrev historia i båset, och möttes av ett stort jubel. Men resan till finrummet har inte varit spikrak och på vägen har hon stött på sexism och bakåtsträvande gubbar. Vad kommer hon ifrån för bakgrund? Hur har hon tagit sig till ishockeyns finrum? Och vad betyder det här för sporten?

Med: Jonathan Ekeliw och Patrik Sylvegård Programledare: Demir Lilja

Miljoner utan el och flera döda – nu dundrar Milton in

Miljoner utan el och flera döda – nu dundrar Milton in

Orkanen Milton har dragit in över Florida med vindar på runt 50 meter per sekund. Minst lika fruktade är de meterhöga vattenmassorna som orkanen befaras föras med sig över land. Människor uppmanas att omedelbart söka skydd. Hushåll och företag är utan el och på torsdagsmorgonen, svensk tid, kommer rapporter om skadade och flera dödsoffer på Floridas atlantkust. I St. Lucie County har en tornado dragit fram i samband med att stormen dragit in över delstaten. – Vi har förlorat några liv, säger Keith Pearson vid St. Lucie County-polisen till ABC News. – Bilar lyftes upp och vältes upp och ned, flyttades hundratals meter, fortsätter han. Det är i nuläget oklart hur många som har omkommit i ovädret. ”Enorma skador” TV4 Nyheternas USA-korrespondent Tomas Kvarnkullen rapporterar från Portland, Oregon. – Det finns ingen tvekan om att det kommer att handla om enorma skador efter Milton men i och med att detta oväder sker just nu är det svårt att veta exakt hur omfattande skadorna blir. Vi har fått höra om 125 förstörda hem. Det kommer med stor säkerhet vara betydligt fler än så. – Det är flera orter som också har enorma vattenmassor just nu och siffran över antalet strömlösa justeras uppåt hela tiden. Den senaste siffran jag såg var två miljoner. Evakueringar – men inte för alla Karavaner av bilar har lämnat Florida de senaste dygnen men det finns också de som väljer att stanna kvar – trots den enorma faran. – Så brukar det vara i samband med så här omfattande oväder i Florida. Människor stannar kvar i sina hem av olika anledningar, de som har djur som de inte vill överge eller i vissa fall de som vill uppleva att vara mitt i stormen, säger Tomas Kvarnkullen. Även om läget är fortsatt allvarligt drar många en lättnadens suck av att det värsta ovädret inte verkar slå direkt mot det tätbefolkade storstadsområdet runt Tampa. Vindstyrkan har också avtagit sedan Milton drog in över södra USA. Milton klassas nu som en kategori 2-orkan på den femgradiga skalan.

Larmar i ny rapport: Dröjer 88 år tills Sverige når full bemanning

Larmar i ny rapport: Dröjer 88 år tills Sverige når full bemanning

Utsikterna för primärvården är dystra. Enligt DLF:s rapport kommer primärvården inte vara fullbemannad tiotalet år och vissa regioner kommer aldrig nå full bemanning. Bland dessa finns Örebro, Kronoberg och Dalarna. I de nämnda regionerna är satsningarna för små för att riktvärdet någonsin ska kunna uppnås. I andra regioner har man inte kunnat lämna ut uppgifter om hur många läkare man har eller kommer behöva i framtiden. Ylva Sandström vädjar nu till ansvariga politiker att satsa på att utbilda och anställa. – Man behöver utöka antalet ST-tjänster kraftigt – och inte bara tillsätta tio tjänster till. Det är för små siffror. Utan det behövs en kraftig utbyggnad av antalet ST-läkare. Socialstyrelsens riktvärde för läkarbemanning i primärvården kom i april 2022. Riktvärdet innebär att en specialist i allmänmedicin ska ansvara för 1 100 invånare och varje ST-läkare (läkare under specialistutbildning) för 550 invånare. Det är utifrån dessa siffror som DLF beräknat hur många som måste anställas i regionerna för att vården ska anses fullbemannad. Jämtland-Härjedalen ett undantag Bara ett fåtal av landets regioner har tagit beslut om att försöka följa riktvärdena, ännu färre har satt upp handlingsplaner för hur man ska nå dessa i tid. Den enda regionen som av DLF upplevs vara i balans är Jämtland-Härjedalen. I regionen har man 103 specialister i allmänmedicin jämfört med riktvärdet på 104. Anledningen är att regionen tidigt såg varningsklockorna. 2013 införde Jämtland-Härjedalen ett hyrläkarstopp, något som ledde till en sjukvårdskris. Regionen insåg då att det inte längre gick att fortsätta som man tidigare gjort, och satsade på att själva utbilda sin personal istället för att rekrytera från andra regioner. – Nu kan de med personerna som de utbildat bemanna upp sina vårdcentraler och regionen har nu överlägset flest ST-läkare per invånare, säger Ylva Sandström. Att utbilda en specialist i allmänmedicin tar i genomsnitt åtta år, exklusive läkarprogrammet. Regionerna måste våga satsa över tid för att lösa bemanningsfrågan. Ylva Sandström tror att Jämtland-Härjedalen kan vara ett föredöme för andra regioner. – I en liten region så tror man kanske att det är omöjligt. Men det är inte så stora tal det handlar om. Jämtland har visat att det går.

ST på YouTube

S.T - Mycket du inte förstår [Live i P3 Din Gata]

Albumaktuella S.T var förbi studion för att köra en av sina låtar från det nya albumet, men bjöd också på en överraskning!

P3 Din Gata på YouTube


SPOTIFY LÄNK: https://open.spotify.com/track/2y8AsD76fBMipxfs2cxdXV?si=Jmu3rVh7Rf69NwliEsRZRQ Artist: Z.E @officialz.e ...

Z.e Official på YouTube


Artist : S.T Instagram - @s.tofficial Prod : AQ beats Instagram - @aqbeats Video/Edit : Sniffchild Instagram - @sniffchild.

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ST - Ympäri Centtii

276 ON THE MAP! Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/strikaorst Produced by: Cent Entertainment Beat By: @prodbymagishan ...

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BVBSTP | Highlights from Matchday 7! ▻ Sub now: https://redirect.bundesliga.com/_bwCS Watch the Bundesliga highlights of ...

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ST i poddar

The Fitness Scientist: "Even A Little Alcohol Is Hurting Your Health!", "Late Night Screen Time Linked To Cancer!", "Working Shifts Kills You 15 Years Early!" - Kristen Holmes

If you enjoy hearing about the transformative power of sleep, I recommend you check out my conversation with Dr Matthew Walker, which you can find here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Us8n8VBQn_cIf you have ever wanted to understand what exactly Circadian Rhythm is, and its unbelievable total body impacts, this is the episode for you.Kristen Holmes is the Vice President of Performance Science at the health and fitness monitoring company, WHOOP. Kristen’s focus is on understanding the scientific, psychological and personal factors that either promote or harm human performance.In this interview, Steven and Kristen discuss everything from the amazing impact of harnessing your Circadian Rhythm, Heart Rate Variability, the psychology of peak performance, and how people can take control of their health.Follow Kristen:Instagram: https://bit.ly/47oC8fhWatch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsbFollow me:Instagram: http://bit.ly/3nIkGAZTwitter: http://bit.ly/3ztHuHmLinkedin: https://bit.ly/41Fl95QTelegram: http://bit.ly/3nJYxSTWatch the episodes on Youtube: https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsbFollow me:Instagram: http://bit.ly/3nIkGAZTwitter: http://bit.ly/3ztHuHmLinkedin: https://bit.ly/41Fl95QTelegram: http://bit.ly/3nJYxSTSponsors:Whoop: https://join.whoop.com/en-uk/CEOShopify: http://shopify.com/bartlettHuel: https://g2ul0.app.link/G4RjcdKNKsb Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

Yuval Noah Harari: The Urgent Warning They Hope You Ignore, “More War Is Coming”, Yuval’s Chilling Future Predictions!

If you enjoy hearing about the potential impact of AI on humanity, I recommend you check out my conversation with ex-Google office, Mo Gawdat which you can find here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bk-nQ7HF6k4He has shown millions of readers how humans have evolved to where we are now, but what does the future hold for us as a species?Yuval Noah Harari is a best-selling author, public intellectual and Professor of History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He is best known for his bestselling books, ‘Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind’, ‘Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow’ and ‘21 Lessons for the 21st Century’. His books have sold over 45 Million copies in 65 languages.In this interview, Steven and Yuval discuss everything from how AI will change everything, the importance of language and stories, why the idea of finding a ‘soulmate’ is a myth, and the ongoing battle for human attention.You can pre-order the 10th anniversary edition of ‘Sapiens’, here: https://bit.ly/48JVQ6cFollow Yuval:Twitter: https://bit.ly/3HdUxR7Instagram: https://bit.ly/41WLbCTYouTube: https://bit.ly/3vyAwm0Flight fund:https://flightfund.com/Watch the episodes on Youtube -https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsbMy new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now:https://smarturl.it/DOACbookFollow me:Instagram:http://bit.ly/3nIkGAZTwitter:http://bit.ly/3ztHuHmLinkedin:https://bit.ly/41Fl95QTelegram:http://bit.ly/3nJYxSTSponsors:Huel: https://try.huel.com/steven-bartlett
Eight Sleep: https://www.eightsleep.com/uk/steven/ CODE: STEVEN Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

The Poo Scientist: "If Your Poo Looks Like This Go To A Doctor!", "Your Gut Health Causes Belly Fat, Anxiety!" & "Alcohol Is Destroying Your Gut Microbiome!"

If you enjoy hearing all about gut health, I recommend you check out my conversation with Dr Tim Spector, which you can find here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66hWntvp0_4&t=2165sIt controls your immune system, anxiety, depression and whether or not you get diseases, so why do we know so little about the gut microbiome?Dr Will Bulsiewicz is an award-winning gastroenterologist (medicine that focuses on the digestive system) and a world-renowned gut-health expert. He is the author of over 20 scientific papers and the book, ‘Fibre Fuelled’.In this conversation, Dr Will and Steven discuss everything from, the power of the microbiome, why fibre is crucial for optimal health, the importance of understanding your poo, and why food can be just as powerful as medication.You can purchase Dr Will’s book, ‘Fibre Fuelled: The Plant-Based Gut Health Plan to Lose Weight, Restore Health and Optimise Your Microbiome’, here: https://amzn.to/3NydmSBAdditional Interview Information:Interview Brief: https://drwillbrief.tiiny.siteThe Bristol Stool Chart: https://bit.ly/486k4YoDr Will’s supplement: https://38tera.comFollow Dr Will: Instagram: https://bit.ly/3tyHQguWebsite: https://bit.ly/3tsZum4Watch the episodes on Youtube: https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsbFollow me:Instagram: http://bit.ly/3nIkGAZTwitter: http://bit.ly/3ztHuHmLinkedin: https://bit.ly/41Fl95QTelegram: http://bit.ly/3nJYxSTSponsors:The Conversation Cards: https://thediary.com/products/the-cardsZoe: http://joinzoe.com with an exclusive code CEO10 for 10% offHuel: https://my.huel.com/daily-greens-uk Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

Thierry Henry (EXCLUSIVE): "I Cried Every Single Day", Dealing With Depression, My Childhood Trauma & Fighting For My Dad's Love!

If you enjoy hearing about the beautiful game, I recommend you check out my conversation with Frank Lampard, which you can find here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEDzn83BxFo What does it take to become a Premier League GOAT, and what does it take from you when you walk away from the game?Thierry Henry is a French professional football coach, broadcaster and former player. He is regarded as one of the best strikers and Premier League player of all time, and France’s highest-ever international goalscorer. He began his professional career in 1994 and played for Arsenal from 1999 to 2007, he is the club’s all-time leading goal scorer with 226 goals. He was PFA player of the year twice, in 2003 and 2004, and European Golden Boot twice, in 2004 and 2005, he retired as a player in 2014 and is now coach of the under-21 French national team.In this interview, Steven and Thierry discuss everything from the expectations of Thierry's family that he would become a great football player, never feeling good enough, always wanting to get his father’s approval, ‘dying’ when he stopped playing football and his mental struggles after the game.Watch the episodes on Youtube: https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsbMy new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now: https://smarturl.it/DOACbookFollow me:Instagram: http://bit.ly/3nIkGAZTwitter: http://bit.ly/3ztHuHmLinkedin: https://bit.ly/41Fl95QTelegram: http://bit.ly/3nJYxSTSponsors:Huel: https://my.huel.com/daily-greens-ukWHOOP: https://join.whoop.com/en-uk/CEOUber Trains: https://p.uber.com/creditsterms Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

The Love Expert: We've Built A Loveless Society & It's Making Us Depressed! (here's the fix!) Alain De Botton

If you enjoy hearing about the philosophy of life, I recommend you check out my conversation with Ryan Holiday, which you can find here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PafvhTSC4yEPhilosophy isn’t just for universities and lecture halls, philosophy can help guide every part of your life, from relationships, work to mental health.Alain de Botton is a British author, intellectual and co-founder of the global organisation, ‘The School of Life’. He is best known for the books, ‘Essays in Love’, ‘How Proust Can Change Your Life’, and ‘The Consolations of Philosophy’.In this interview, Steven and Alain discuss everything from, the origins of mental health problems, what it means to live a good life, why perfection is dangerous, why we are chasing love rather than money and why love itself is a skill.You can purchase Alain’s most recent book, ‘A Therapeutic Journey: Lessons from the School of Life’, here: https://amzn.to/41zQJTFWatch the episodes on Youtube: https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsbMy new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now: https://smarturl.it/DOACbookFollow me:Instagram: http://bit.ly/3nIkGAZTwitter: http://bit.ly/3ztHuHmLinkedin: https://bit.ly/41Fl95QTelegram: http://bit.ly/3nJYxSTSponsors:Huel: https://my.huel.com/daily-greens-ukUber Trains: https://p.uber.com/creditstermsFlight Fund: https://bit.ly/48dvgCq Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

The Top 7 Belly Fat Burning Hacks For 2024 That Are PROVEN To Work!

If you enjoyed this episode, check out my episode last year on habits! How break bad ones and maintain good ones: https://bit.ly/3vkCNANAs a holiday wrap-up, we’ve listened to you and answered one of the most popular questions; What is your favourite EVER episode?But, we think the more important question is what is YOUR favourite episode on the Diary of CEO of all time. Using our in-house data scientist and a group of analysts, we’ve found the most replayed and shared moments from 2023. This should be the most valuable episode you will ever listen to.7th Most Replayed Moment, Dr. Giles Yeo.Dr Giles takes on some of the biggest myths about health, weight and obesity.His books, Why Calories Don’t Count and Gene Eating: https://amzn.to/3NFeUdETwitter: https://bit.ly/3Y9IZF0Instagram: https://bit.ly/3Rs5bIj6th Most Replayed Moment, Dr. Mindy Pelz.In this moment we talk about intermittent fasting, the gut reset fast and the belly fat burning diet. Dr Mindy lays out how to eat and behave to improve our overall health.Instagram: https://bit.ly/461aBB0Dr Mindy’s book, Fast Like A Girl: https://amzn.to/41y9Opr5th Most Replayed Moment, Professor Matthew Walker.This is from my conversation with the Worlds Number One expert on sleep. He gives us a roadmap for how to sleep better, explaining the impact of our sleep on our overall health, happiness and everything in between.Instagram: https://bit.ly/3YsK1f6Matt’s bestseller, Why We Sleep: https://amzn.to/3totIGSTwitter: https://bit.ly/3yI60V74th Most Replayed Moment, Dr. Daniel Amen.Taken from Dr. Daniel Amen’s second appearance on the show, we discuss how to grow a healthier, better brain. Daniel is the World’s Leading Neuroscientist who may have scanned and seen more brains than anyone else.The no.1 book on Brain health: https://amzn.to/3vbmXshInstagram: https://bit.ly/3tHjm4rTwitter: https://bit.ly/3scQpgr3rd Most Replayed Moment, Gary Brecka.Gary Brecka is one of the world’s most renowned human biologists. Our conversation covers the ultimate human wellbeing checklist. From Dana White’s transformation using the super human protocol to stripping fat, listen to transform your life.Instagram: http://bit.ly/3IVf6DwTwitter: http://bit.ly/41w492P2nd Most Replayed Moment, Dr. Tim Spector.A favourite guest on DOAC, here Tim busts myths about a frequently debated subject: diet vs exercise.Foor For Life, Tim’s book: https://amzn.to/3RTckDtInstagram: https://bit.ly/3CDRuQDTwitter: https://bit.ly/3VG0zilNo.1 Most Replayed Moment: Dr Tara Swart.The most listened to moment ever this year is neuroscientist Dr. Tara explaining the brain and body’s connection. We dive into the influence the brain has on our health, relationships and well-being.Dr Tara’s book: https://amzn.to/47dokE0Instagram: https://bit.ly/48hJ1k2Twitter: https://bit.ly/46gqYZIBonus Moment, Mo Gawdat:This is from episode 101 with Mo Gawdat, and it’s the most shared episode we’ve ever had of all time on WhatsApp. Mo explains to me his influential equation for happiness, and we discuss how to put it into practice.Mo’s book, Solve For Happy: https://amzn.to/489n5qJInstagram: https://bit.ly/3qmYSMYThe Conversation Cards:https://bit.ly/4amtNewSponsors:Huel: https://my.huel.com/daily-greens-ukUber Trains: https://p.uber.com/creditsterms Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

Esther Perel (Love & Sex Expert): Why Men Love Porn More Than Their Partner! It's Time To Enjoy Sex Again! The Real Reason Men & Women Cheat!

If you enjoyed this video, I recommend you check out my conversation with dating expert Logan Ury, which you can find here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ow3ao6YsCgQWhy do people have affairs in happy relationships? Why does sex decline in some long term relationships and not others? Esther Perel is here to answer all of the biggest questions in sex and relationships.Esther Perel is a world-leading Belgian-American psychotherapist and relationship expert, best known for her work in human relationships and ‘erotic intelligence’. She is the New York Times best-selling author of, ‘Mating in Captivity’ and ‘The State of Affairs’, as well as the host of the podcast, ‘Where Should We Begin? with Esther Perel’.Follow Esther:Instagram: https://bit.ly/3Gx63qyTwitter: https://bit.ly/3T7vN4kWatch the episodes on Youtube -https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsbMy new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now:https://smarturl.it/DOACbookFollow me:Instagram:http://bit.ly/3nIkGAZTwitter:http://bit.ly/3ztHuHmLinkedin:https://bit.ly/41Fl95QTelegram:http://bit.ly/3nJYxSTSponsors: Huel: https://g2ul0.app.link/G4RjcdKNKsbEight Sleep: https://www.eightsleep.com/uk/steven/CODE: STEVEN (save $150 on the Pod Cover)ZOE: http://joinzoe.com with an exclusive code CEO50 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices


SNG LIVE AT THE O2:https://www.axs.com/uk/events/518134/shxtsngigs-tickets?skin=theo2This Week The Guys Discuss:WILDEST CHRISTMAS STORIESINTROLAST TOP 5SECRET SANTATRASH NEWSDEEPEST DARKEST SECRETLEAVE THE WORLD BEHINDQUESTION FOR THE TEAMTHREADSUBSCRIBE TO OUR REACTION CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/@ShxtsnGigsReactsJOIN THE SHXTSNGIGS CULT BABIES PATREON https://www.patreon.com/shxtsngigsBRAND NEW SNG MERCH https://www.shxtsngigsstore.com/Listen to SNG on:SPOTIFY https://open.spotify.com/show/6olvQhNhQwMbGG26t3rVgM?si=GvC4B1meTXWb8eMf4qTXAQAPPLE PODCASTS https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/shxtsngigs/id1481898329 Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Mel Robbins: "Saying These 2 Words Will Fix Your Anxiety!" The New Trick For Stress, Anxiety & Breaking Every Bad Habit In 2024!

If you enjoyed this video, I recommend you check out my first conversation with Mel, which you can find here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kOtvoX88J0From changing your life in 5 seconds, improving your relationships, and silencing your inner critic, Mel Robbins has all the tricks you need to change your life for the better.Mel Robbins is an American podcast host, author, motivational speaker, and former lawyer. She is the New York Times Bestselling author of books such as, ‘The 5 Second Rule’, and ‘The High 5 Habit’, as well as the host of the Webby award winning ‘The Mel Robbins Podcast’.You can listen to ‘The Mel Robbins Podcast’, here: https://apple.co/3R5qJLgFollow Mel:Instagram: https://bit.ly/47WT0ubTwitter: https://bit.ly/482JWUOYouTube: https://bit.ly/4a784XWWatch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsbMy new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now: https://smarturl.it/DOACbookFollow me:Instagram: http://bit.ly/3nIkGAZTwitter: http://bit.ly/3ztHuHmLinkedin: https://bit.ly/41Fl95QTelegram: http://bit.ly/3nJYxSTSponsors:Uber One: https://www.uber.com/gb/en/u/uber-one/Huel: https://g2ul0.app.link/G4RjcdKNKsbConversation Cards: https://thediary.com/products/the-cards Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

“Dynamo Is Dead!” - The Heartbreaking True Story Of Why Dynamo The Magician Vanished For Years! (Exclusive)

If you enjoy hearing about the power of magic and challenge of creativity, I recommend you check out my conversation with the illusionist, Derren Brown, which you can find here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVblCpr_qAc He’s walked on water, flown and now buried himself alive, but could the greatest magic trick of Dynamo life be his escaping from his demons?Dynamo is a British magician who first entered the spotlight in 2004. His TV series ‘Dynamo: Magician Impossible’ attracted over 250 million viewers and ran from 2011 to 2014, earning him the Best Entertainment Programme award in 2012 and 2013. He became the first magician to headline arenas such as the London O2 and Sydney’s Rod Laver arena. In 2013, he stepped away from the limelight to recover from serious health issues. You can watch Dynamo’s 2 hour special, ‘Dynamo is Dead’, on December 14th, this will be aired live at 9pm on Sky Max and streaming service NOWDynamo is back! But not as you have known him before… 'Dynamo is Dead' On Sky Max: http://bit.ly/3RHqSWCFollow Dynamo: Instagram: https://bit.ly/4agid4CTwitter:  https://bit.ly/3uTAKDHSonic rest therapy: https://edcanhelp.io/The Conversation Cards:https://bit.ly/4amtNewWatch the episodes on Youtube -https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsbMy new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now:https://smarturl.it/DOACbookFollow me:Instagram:http://bit.ly/3nIkGAZTwitter:http://bit.ly/3ztHuHmLinkedin:https://bit.ly/41Fl95QTelegram:http://bit.ly/3nJYxSTSponsors: Huel: https://try.huel.com/steven-bartlettWHOOP: https://join.whoop.com/en-uk/CEO Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

Michael Bublé (CHRISTMAS SPECIAL): "I Will NEVER Be Carefree Again!", Cancer Diagnosis, Dealing With Rejection & Being Mr Christmas!

If you enjoy hearing about Michael’s life story, check out my conversation with musical innovator, will.i.am, which you can find here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1m-2QhqdlfI&t=899sMost people think of Michael Bublé as the soundtrack of Christmas, yet often overlooked is his unwavering dedication to his music, the personal challenges he’s faced and the mission he’s on.From summers of catching and sorting salmon on his father’s arctic fishing boat, to earning his 10,000 hours performing songs in the clubs, malls and cruise ships of Canada. Michael has earned his success, including 5 Grammy wins, 15 Juno awards, 6 multi-platinum albums, and well over 14 billions streams worldwide.Bublé is a true family man, yet his journey has been marked by having to overcome severe adversity, including the cancer diagnosis of his eldest son.This year, Michael announced the launch of his whiskey brand, Fraser & Thompson Whiskey, created in partnership with longtime friend, award-winning Master Distiller and Blender, Paul Cirka.This is the real Michael Bublé, you just haven’t met him yet.Michael’s Instagram: https://bit.ly/48mwLOvTry Michael’s new Whisky available to buy here: https://bit.ly/48hntmWThe Conversation Cards:https://bit.ly/4amtNewMy new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now:https://smarturl.it/DOACbookWatch the episodes on Youtube -https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsbFollow me: Instagram: http://bit.ly/3nIkGAZTwitter: http://bit.ly/3ztHuHmLinkedin: https://bit.ly/41Fl95QTelegram: http://bit.ly/3nJYxSTSponsors: Huel: https://my.huel.com/daily-greens-ukZOE: http://joinzoe.com with an exclusive code CEO10 for 10% offUber Trains: https://p.uber.com/creditsterms Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

The No.1 Menopause Doctor: They’re Lying To You About Menopause! Brand New Science! (Men Need To Listen Too!): Mary Claire Haver

When does menopause start? What is menopause? How does menopause affect my marriage? Over 1.2 billion women are going through menopause right now. This leading expert uncovers the myths that have dominated our understanding for years.Dr Mary Claire Haver is a menopause expert, OBGYN, bestselling author and internet personality. She specialises in women's health, focusing on empowering and educating everyone to understand women’s bodies. In 2018, she founded 'The Galveston Diet', which became a bestseller in 2023. The Mary Claire Wellness Clinic, established in 2021, has helped to empower and educate thousands of women. Her new book is out May 2024 and provides everything a woman needs to know to thrive during her hormonal transition and beyond.If you enjoy hearing about promoting female health and the power of nutrition, check out my conversation with the nutritional and functional health expert, Dr Mindy Pelz, which you can find here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2mQOGzHtQcFollow Mary Claire Haver:Instagram: https://bit.ly/3TtYGrvTikTok: https://bit.ly/3v9U3sqPre-Order Dr Mary’s new book here: https://bit.ly/3RpP7XXThe Galveston Diet: https://amzn.to/3v7g9fuFlightfund:https://flightfund.com/The Conversation Cards:https://bit.ly/4amtNewWatch the episodes on Youtube -https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsbMy new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now:https://smarturl.it/DOACbookFollow me:Instagram: http://bit.ly/3nIkGAZTwitter: http://bit.ly/3ztHuHmLinkedin: https://bit.ly/41Fl95QTelegram: http://bit.ly/3nJYxSTSponsors: Huel: https://try.huel.com/steven-bartlettEight Sleep: https://www.eightsleep.com/uk/steven/ CODE: STEVEN Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices