SHB: Marknaden underskattar potentiell återhämtning i Systemair

SHB: Marknaden underskattar potentiell återhämtning i Systemair

Efter Systemairs rapport på torsdagen har vissa estimat justerats upp på lite längre sikt, medan det råder delade meningar om huruvida den förväntade vändningen på bolagets marknader är inprisad i värderingen eller inte.

SHB på YouTube

Something Sinster has Boarded this Oil Rig || Still Wakes the Deep #1 (Playthrough)

Disaster strikes the Beira D oil rig off the coast of Scotland. Navigate the collapsing rig to save your crew from an otherworldly ...

SuperHorrorBro på YouTube

Amanda the Adventurer 2 Demo - Story Explained and Secrets

In this video we walk through the story of the demo for Amanda the Adventurer 2, taking a look at the secrets and potential story to ...

SuperHorrorBro på YouTube

Spring Bonnie Emerges from the Pit || FNAF: Into the Pit #1 (Playthrough)

Five Nights at Freddy's: Into the Pit is here and this is part 1 of a full playthrough. Check out FNAF Into the Pit: ...

SuperHorrorBro på YouTube

Exploring Banban's Secret City || Garten of Banban 7 (Full Game)

The latest episode of crazy mascot horror game series Garten of Banban is here with Garten of Banban 7. This is a full ...

SuperHorrorBro på YouTube

Welcome to SuperHorrorBro | SHB CHANNEL TRAILER

Hey guys I thought it was about time I uploaded a channel trailer to explain what this channel is all about and to welcome new ...

SuperHorrorBro på YouTube