Svängig dag slutade sidledes på Stockholmsbörsen – Alfa Laval rapportsteg

Svängig dag slutade sidledes på Stockholmsbörsen – Alfa Laval rapportsteg

Stockholmsbörsen handlades på båda sidor av nollstrecket under en tisdag där rapportfloden fortsatte, inte minst i USA. Alfa Laval, mest omsatta svenska rapportbolag, steg tydligt på sina halvårssiffror.

Liquid Wind och partners Alfa Laval, Carbon Clean, Siemens Energy samt Topsoe inviger eFuel Design & Performance Centre för att påskynda innovations- och produktionstakten av grönt elektrobränsle

Liquid Wind och partners Alfa Laval, Carbon Clean, Siemens Energy samt Topsoe inviger eFuel Design & Performance Centre för att påskynda innovations- och produktionstakten av grönt elektrobränsle

22 februari 2024 - Liquid Wind inviger ett eFuel Design & Performance Centre (DPC) i Hørsholm, Danmark, tillsammans med internationellt ledande partners inom avkarbonisering; Alfa Laval, Carbon Clean, Siemens Energy och Topsoe. Med en gemensam forsknings- och utvecklingsavdelning, kommer DPC att vara pådrivande för tekniska framsteg, stärka produktionskapaciteten och påskynda utbyggnaden av anläggningar för storskalig produktion av elektrobränslen.

Kärnkraftsavtal ska tecknas när Macron besöker Sverige

Kärnkraftsavtal ska tecknas när Macron besöker Sverige

Den franske presidentens statsbesök pågår i två dagar och inleds i Stockholm och avslutas i Skåne. Den 31 januari träffas ett hundratal tunga franska och svenska representanter från politik och näringsliv i Stockholms stadshus för att underteckna ett antal samarbetsavtal – bland annat inom energisektorn. En avtal om samarbete mellan Sverige och Frankrike inom forskning om kärnkraftsteknik ska signeras på Alfa Laval i Lund. Ledande försvarsföretag på plats Flera tunga företag närvarar på näringslivsseminariet. Från svensk sida bland andra Ericsson, Vattenfall och Ikea. Från Frankrike deltar MBDA och Airbus, två av Europas ledande företag inom försvarssektorn. – Med tanke på den geopolitiska situationen är det viktigt att ha i åtanke att Frankrike och Sverige är världsledande inom försvarsindustrin. Vi hoppas därför också kunna teckna konkreta avtal om samarbeten där, säger Jan Larsson, vd på halvstatliga Business Sweden, som arrangerar det hela. Därutöver närvarar president Macron och kung Carl XVI Gustaf, ihop med ministrar från den franska och svenska regeringen. Kärnkraften central i Frankrike Frankrike är en av Sveriges största handelspartner. Förra året exporterade Sverige varor till Frankrike till ett värde på drygt 78 miljarder kronor. Den franska exportmarknaden är den åttonde största för Sverige. När det gäller import hamnar Frankrike på nionde plats. Importen uppgick till närmare 64 miljarder kronor, enligt siffror från SCB. Svenska företag investerar 6 miljarder euro årligen i Frankrike, enligt Business Sweden. Det finns 160 svenska företag i landet som sysselsätter 95 000 personer. I Sverige finns 440 franska företag med 70 000 anställda. Detaljerna kring övriga energiavtal länderna emellan är ännu okänt. Värt att notera i sammanhanget är att Frankrike är en ledande kärnkraftsnation – 56 kärnkraftsreaktorer står för cirka 70 procent av den el som landet använder, inklusive export, vilket är den högsta andelen produktion globalt. Den svenska regeringen vill underlätta etablerandet av ny kärnkraft. Hittills har en utredning och en samordnare på området tillsatts.

Alfa Laval på YouTube

Alfa Laval liquid/liquid gasketed plate-and-frame heat exchanger

This animation shows the working principle of an Alfa Laval liquid/liquid 1-pass gasketed plate-and- frame heat exchanger where ...

Alfa Laval på YouTube

Vad vi gör på Alfa Laval

Development Engineers working with R&D for gasketed plate heat exchangers at Alfa Laval describes what they do and why ...

Alfa Laval på YouTube

Tutorial: The Alfa Laval S and P Flex separation systems

The S and P separation systems are ideal for efficient cleaning of marine engines. This animation video gives a detailed view of ...

Alfa Laval på YouTube

Assembly of Alfa Laval Gasketed plate heat exchanger

Watch the assembly of the world's most modern gasketed plate heat exchanger. The animation shows the components of an ...

Alfa Laval på YouTube

Animation | Alfa Laval decanter centrifuge for energy separation applications

Explore the working principle of an Alfa Laval decanter centrifuge and see how our innovative features secures optimal ...

Alfa Laval på YouTube

AlfaFlash - det mest effektiva systemet för cirkulationsblixtavdunstning

"Se hur AlfaFlash cirkulationsblixtindunstningssystem fungerar. Denna forcerade cirkulationsförångare är särskilt effektiv för ...

Alfa Laval på YouTube

Handledning: Oljerengöringsmodul 103 (OCM 103)

"Titta på den här videon för att lära dig hur du tar bort fasta partiklar och vatten från Alfa Lavals oljerengöringsmodul (OCM). Du börjar med att göra ...

Alfa Laval på YouTube

Alfa Laval i poddar

Rapportmorgon 20 juli: ABB, Alfa Laval och Boliden

Poddversionen av Rapportmorgon den 20 juli. Bolag som intervjuas: Intrum, Essity, Telia, Alfa Laval, ABB, Boliden, Betsson, Saab, Bonava, Volvo cars, Mips och Beijer Ref. I studion: Alexander Klaar, Pontus Herin och Ulf Petersson.   

66. Vad kunden vill ha – med Peter Thorwid, konceptchef på Alfa Laval

Ett avsnitt ur kundens perspektiv. Hur jobbar en av Sveriges industrijättar med konsulter och vad önskar de sig av konsultbolagen i gengäld? Konsultpodden är på besök hos Peter Thorwid, konceptchef på Alfa Laval och van konsultinköpare. Peter tittar både bakåt och in i framtiden. Han berättar även om hur konsulter varit avgörande i tunga projekt och varför det fungerat så bra. Poddvärdar är Mattias Loxi, Håkan Mildh Svensson & Helena Torhage. Konsultpodden tar sommaruppehåll men är tillbaka i höst igen.

212 Sameer Kalra, President Marine Division, Executive Vice President, Alfa Laval Group

It's all about changing our behaviour and opening-up The maritime industry is facing so many challenges. The only way forward is to change our behaviour and collaborate with others. Listen to Sameer Kalra, President of the Marine Division and Executive Vice President at the Alfa Laval Group. Going from old traditions to a new way of thinking is how you change.  It's interesting to listen to Sameer's insights and that he is willing to share them with the world. After all, he is a leader on a global scale, and Alfa Laval is a 140-year-old industrial provider.  I am so fortunate to have these conversations with so many thought leaders.  It gives me hope.  Please continue the conversation at your kitchen table, and invite some friends since  #everyconversationmatters  Thank you for listening.

029 Niclas Dahl, Market Unit Manager, Marine Equipment, Marine & Diesel Equipment, Alfa Laval

Niclas Dahl is the Market Unit Manager for Marine & Diesel Equipment at Alfa Laval in Shanghai, but he started up as a Business Manager for the Ballast Water business area within Alfa Laval some ten years ago.  He has been through a fantastic period of technical challenges, environmental considerations and together with the team was responsible for building a completely new company within the company. There were so many challenges when they first started that he cannot name anyone in particular. They were breaking new ground and found technical solutions to new regulations which they thought were going to come in full force and effect any day.  It still isn't. Niclas is very pleased that the company has taken a proactive approach to the new developments from the regulators point of view, he enjoys being a part of the change that is taking place now, than sitting waiting for it. Listen to this father of four daughters and his view upon the shipping industry, which he entered in 1998 and never wants to leave! Please take the time to comment on the website and show your support for raising the profile of shipping!   

212 Sameer Kalra, President Marine Division, Executive Vice President, Alfa Laval Group

It's all about changing our behaviour and opening-up The maritime industry is facing so many challenges. The only way forward is to change our behaviour and collaborate with others. Listen to Sameer Kalra, President of the Marine Division and Executive Vice President at the Alfa Laval Group. Going from old traditions to a new way of thinking is how you change.  It's interesting to listen to Sameer's insights and that he is willing to share them with the world. After all, he is a leader on a global scale, and Alfa Laval is a 140-year-old industrial provider.  I am so fortunate to have these conversations with so many thought leaders.  It gives me hope.  Please continue the conversation at your kitchen table, and invite some friends since  #everyconversationmatters  Thank you for listening.

212 Sameer Kalra, President Marine Division, Executive Vice President, Alfa Laval Group

It's all about changing our behaviour and opening-up The maritime industry is facing so many challenges. The only way forward is to change our behaviour and collaborate with others. Listen to Sameer Kalra, President of the Marine Division and Executive Vice President at the Alfa Laval Group. Going from old traditions to a new way of thinking is how you change.  It's interesting to listen to Sameer's insights and that he is willing to share them with the world. After all, he is a leader on a global scale, and Alfa Laval is a 140-year-old industrial provider.  I am so fortunate to have these conversations with so many thought leaders.  It gives me hope.  Please continue the conversation at your kitchen table, and invite some friends since  #everyconversationmatters  Thank you for listening.

Manufacturing's Digital Transformation: Alfa Laval's Voyage Towards Subscription-Based Solutions

Andrea Pelizzaro, leading Alfa Laval's connected services portfolio, discusses the company’s journey towards adding subscription-based offerings alongside their long-standing transactional, one-off sales business, emphasizing data's pivotal role in enhancing customer value, sustainability, and digital transformation in traditional industries.Find us on your favorite podcast app to unlock the secrets for successful subscription and usage-based business models.    Hosted by DigitalRoute  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

029 Niclas Dahl, Market Unit Manager, Marine Equipment, Marine & Diesel Equipment, Alfa Laval

Niclas Dahl is the Market Unit Manager for Marine & Diesel Equipment at Alfa Laval in Shanghai, but he started up as a Business Manager for the Ballast Water business area within Alfa Laval some ten years ago.  He has been through a fantastic period of technical challenges, environmental considerations and together with the team was responsible for building a completely new company within the company. There were so many challenges when they first started that he cannot name anyone in particular. They were breaking new ground and found technical solutions to new regulations which they thought were going to come in full force and effect any day.  It still isn't. Niclas is very pleased that the company has taken a proactive approach to the new developments from the regulators point of view, he enjoys being a part of the change that is taking place now, than sitting waiting for it. Listen to this father of four daughters and his view upon the shipping industry, which he entered in 1998 and never wants to leave! Please take the time to comment on the website and show your support for raising the profile of shipping!   

029 Niclas Dahl, Market Unit Manager, Marine Equipment, Marine & Diesel Equipment, Alfa Laval

Niclas Dahl is the Market Unit Manager for Marine & Diesel Equipment at Alfa Laval in Shanghai, but he started up as a Business Manager for the Ballast Water business area within Alfa Laval some ten years ago.  He has been through a fantastic period of technical challenges, environmental considerations and together with the team was responsible for building a completely new company within the company. There were so many challenges when they first started that he cannot name anyone in particular. They were breaking new ground and found technical solutions to new regulations which they thought were going to come in full force and effect any day.  It still isn't. Niclas is very pleased that the company has taken a proactive approach to the new developments from the regulators point of view, he enjoys being a part of the change that is taking place now, than sitting waiting for it. Listen to this father of four daughters and his view upon the shipping industry, which he entered in 1998 and never wants to leave! Please take the time to comment on the website and show your support for raising the profile of shipping!   

EPISODE 29: An Interview of Amol Chinchankar and Magnus Rieger of Alfa Laval

In this episode, I interview of Amol Chinchankar and Magnus Rieger of Alfa Laval.  Among other things, we talk about their centrifuge technology for tailings dewatering.  You can find Amol and Mangus at, and scrolling to mining and minerals, or email them at: