Tidigare SHL-spelaren i blåsväder – ber nu om ursäkt

Tidigare SHL-spelaren i blåsväder – ber nu om ursäkt

Den tidigare SHL-spelaren Joonas Rask, 34, är i blåsväder efter att ha betett sig olämpligt på ett bröllop. Nu ber han om ursäkt.  – Jag är oerhört ledsen om jag har sårat någons känslor, säger han till MTV.

Skolskytten i förhör: Ångrar dådet

Skolskytten i förhör: Ångrar dådet

Den 12-årige pojke som misstänks för skottlossningen på en skola i finska Vanda har hittills förhörts en gång av polis.

Han har under förhören avslöjat motivet till dådet och sagt att han varit utsatt för mobbning i skolan som han gått i under bara några månader. Uppgifterna har även bekräftats av polisens förundersökning. Enligt MTV Uutinet hade den misstänkte även skrikit något om mobbning när han sköt i klassrummet. Han ska också uttryckt att han ångrar dådet och att han är ledsen, enligt polisen. Pojken är misstänkt för mord och två fall av mordförsök, men kommer på grund av sin låga ålder inte att åtalas för gärningen, rapporterar MTV Uutiset. Enligt tv-kanalen bekräftade polisen på torsdagen att skytten var maskerad med någon form av halsduk. Dådet var planerat Polisen uppger att dådet planerat men ville inte berätta närmare hur länge gärningsmannen planerat skolskjutningen.

Det har dock rapporterats om att planeringen påbörjats redan före påskhelgen.

En tolvårig pojke sköts till döds och två flickor skadades i skolskjutningen i Vanda. Skadeläget för de skadade flickorna är fortfarande oklart.

Tre barn skadade efter skjutning på skola i Finland – en gripen

Tre barn skadade efter skjutning på skola i Finland – en gripen

Allmänheten uppmanas att hålla sig borta och tungt beväpnad polis är på plats. Boende i området uppmanas att hålla sig inomhus och inte öppna dörren för okända personer. Enligt finska Iltalehti ska skottlossningen ha skett i ett kontor på skolan. Finska medier rapporterar att rör sig om en grundskola där det går runt 800 elever och finns runt 90 anställda. Enligt skolans rektor, Sari Laasila har elever och personal tagit skydd inne på skolan och väntar på instruktioner från polisen. I en film publicerad av Ilta-Sanomat syns hur en person hålls upp mot en polisbil och sedan leds in i bilen. Skadeläget för de tre barn som skadats är oklart i nuläget. Föräldrar har försökt ta sig in i skolan Enligt Vandas biträdande direktör för utbildning, Katri Kalske har stadens kristeam sammankallats, rapporterar Yle.

Enligt finska MTV är det många förändrar och släktningar som har tagit sig till platsen. – Föräldrarna är i kontakt med sina barn på telefon, som har sagt att de sett vad som hänt. Här råder stor oro och osäkerhet. Några av föräldrarna har försökt ta sig in i skolan, men polisen har fått avvisa dem., säger MTV:s reporter. Vittnet: Hörde ett skott Ett vittne som arbetade i närheten berättar för Iltalehti att ett skott gärdes strax efter klockan nio. – Jag kunde inte koppla det till ett vapen, sen hördes fruktansvärda skrik och ett par barn sprang över gården, säger vittnet. Några minuter senare anlände polis, ambulans och förstärkningsstyrkor till platsen. Polisen har kallat till en presskonferens klockan 13, lokal tid.

Här går Grönborg till attack mot domarbasen: "Dra åt helvete!"

Här går Grönborg till attack mot domarbasen: "Dra åt helvete!"

Trots att hans Tappara besegrade HIFK i Liiga i helgen var Rikard Grönborg vansinnig efter matchen. Anledningen var två tacklingar i matchen som Grönborg tyckte borde ha renderat utvisningar för HIFK men som domarna valde att fria. På finska MTV:s ljudupptagning inför presskonferensen efter matchen hörs Grönborg gå till kraftfull verbal attack mot ligans domarbas Jyri Rönn. - Jag är så jävla förbannad just nu. Det är ett jävla skämt. - Dra åt helvete, hörs Grönborg säga på ljudupptagningen. Nu riskerar han att straffas för utbrottet. Under måndagen meddelade Liigas VD Mikko Pulkkinen att Grönborg utreds för händelsen. Grönborg har också kritiserats hårt i finländsk media. "Grönborgs beteende var rent utsagt pinsamt. Under all kritik", skriver Ilta-Sanomats krönikor Sami Hoffrén.

"Bytte min frihet mot att få sova med mina barn" – viktigaste från memoarerna

"Bytte min frihet mot att få sova med mina barn" – viktigaste från memoarerna

Pappans förmyndarskap, drogproblemen och kampen mot skvallertidningarna: The New York Times går igenom de viktigaste delarna i Britney Spears omtalade memoarer som släpptes i veckan.

I boken beskriver Spears genomgående känslan av att vara alltför uppmärksammad av allmänheten, att vara övervakad på ett påträngande sätt. Det gäller både hennes egna föräldrar, paparazzi och till och med de läkare som hon säger ”tog mig bort från mina barn, mina hundar och mitt hem”. Berättelsen som helhet är dock på många sätt ofullständig. Bland annat hänvisar den glatt till hennes senaste äktenskap med Hesam Asghari, även känd som Sam, som ansökte om skilsmässa i augusti efter lite mer än ett år tillsammans. Något som öppnat upp för debatter om att Asghari enbart var ute efter Spears pengar. The pop star’s new book, “The Woman in Me,” recounts her rise to fame, struggles that became tabloid fodder and her efforts to escape a conservatorship that long governed her life. By Julia Jacobs and Joe Coscarelli 19 october, 2023 There came a point during the 13 years that a conservatorship strictly governed Britney Spears’ life and career that she gave up fighting it, the singer recalls in her memoir, “The Woman in Me,” which is being released Tuesday. Her father, James P. Spears, had been put in charge of her affairs in 2008 after she was twice hospitalized for involuntary psychological assessments. At times over the years that followed, she pushed back privately, but ultimately her exhaustion and fear of losing access to her two young sons won out, she recalls in the book. “After being held down on a gurney,” the memoir reads, “I knew they could restrain my body any time they wanted to. And so I went along with it.” Spears adds, “My freedom in exchange for naps with my children — it was a trade I was willing to make.” In the much-awaited 275-page memoir, which The New York Times obtained from a retail store in advance of its authorized release, Spears writes about her career as a teen idol, her struggles that became tabloid fodder, her time under the conservatorship and her eventual push for its termination in 2021, when she regained the right to make her own decisions. Throughout, she describes the feeling of being too much in the public eye, too scrutinized, whether by her parents or the paparazzi, or even by the doctors who she says “took me away from my kids and my dogs and my house.” But the story is, by nature, incomplete, referring cheerily to Spears’ post-conservatorship marriage to Hesam Asghari, known as Sam, who filed for divorce in August after a little more than a year. Below are other notable moments from the book. From performing her first solo — the Christmas carol “What Child Is This?” — at her mother’s local day care to auditioning with Whitney Houston’s “I Have Nothing” in rooms full of record executives, Spears tracks her rapid ascent to fame as a child and teenager. When she was 10 years old, she recalls, she was on the show “Star Search,” where the host, Ed McMahon, asked her if she had a boyfriend. After she replied that she didn’t, because they were “mean,” McMahon responded, “I’m not mean! How about me?” She “kept it together” until she left the stage, Spears writes, “But then I burst into tears.” After appearing on “The Mickey Mouse Club,” Spears writes, she decided that she wanted to live a “normal life” back in Kentwood, Louisiana, until Larry Rudolph, a lawyer whom her mother met on the audition circuit, suggested that she record a demo. She won a record deal at 15, and Rudolph became her longtime manager. Spears quickly rose from a teenager performing at malls to a 16-year-old pop princess with a hit single: “... Baby One More Time.” She went on tour with the boy band ’N Sync, and had a high-profile romance with Justin Timberlake. She writes that she “couldn’t help but notice” that talk show hosts asked Timberlake different kinds of questions from the ones that she was asked: “Everyone kept making strange comments about my breasts,” the book says, “wanting to know whether or not I’d had plastic surgery.” The pressure only grew as she became a fixture on MTV, and the public criticism ultimately led her to start taking Prozac, she recalls. Spears recounts her connection with Timberlake as magnetic and describes their breakup — which she said he initiated over text message — as leaving her “devastated” and fantasizing about quitting show business. She recalls her reaction to the release of Timberlake’s music video “Cry Me a River,” in which, as she describes it, “a woman who looks like me cheats on him and he wanders around sad in the rain.” She viewed the media as portraying her as a “harlot who’d broken the heart of America’s golden boy,” she writes, when in reality: “I was comatose in Louisiana, and he was happily running around Hollywood.” As first revealed in excerpts released by People magazine earlier this week, Spears recounts in detail the decision to get an abortion after she became pregnant while in the relationship with Timberlake. She said she didn’t view the pregnancy as “a tragedy,” but that he thought they were too young, leading her to agree “not to have the baby.” After the breakup, Spears says, she felt forced by her father and her management team to participate in an interview with Diane Sawyer, during which Sawyer pressed her on what she did to Timberlake that caused him “so much pain.” (In the book, Spears confirms a longtime rumor when she says she kissed choreographer Wade Robson during her relationship with Timberlake, but she suggests that her behavior was related to rumors of Timberlake’s unfaithfulness.) Spears recalls that interview as a “breaking point” for her. “I felt like I had been exploited,” she writes, “set up in front of the whole world.” Tackling the peak years of her notorious stint as a paparazzi and tabloid fixture, Spears writes about her early adulthood forays into partying and nightlife with a sense of disbelief about how they were portrayed in the media. Of her time being photographed alongside celebrity peers such as Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan, Spears writes, “It was never as wild as the press made it out to be,” saying that she had no interest in hard drugs and “never had a drinking problem.” Instead, Spears describes her “drug of choice” as the ADHD medication Adderall, which “made me high, yes, but what I found far more appealing was that it gave me a few hours of feeling less depressed.” Spears writes that during some of her most widely known public episodes — shaving her head and attacking a paparazzo’s car — she was “out of my mind with grief” following the death of her aunt and a custody fight with her ex-husband, Kevin Federline. “With my head shaved, everyone was scared of me, even my mom,” she writes. “Flailing those weeks without my children, I lost it, over and over again. I didn’t even really know how to take care of myself.” Spears adds: “I am willing to admit that in the throes of severe postpartum depression, abandonment by my husband, the torture of being separated from my two babies, the death of my adored aunt Sandra, and the constant drumbeat of pressure from paparazzi, I’d begin to think in some ways like a child.” In early 2008, amid her public struggles, the singer’s father, known as Jamie, was appointed conservator of her finances and personal life by the state of California, an arrangement that lasted in various forms until 2021. Even as she returned to work as an entertainer, Spears writes that her every action was monitored, including who she could date or spend time with. “I know I had been acting wild, but there was nothing I’d done that justified their treating me like I was a bank robber,” Spears writes in her memoir. “Nothing that justified upending my entire life.” She describes the decision as being made by her father along with support from her mother and a business manager, Louise Taylor, known as Lou, who has denied being an architect of the conservatorship. (Jamie Spears has long defended his involvement as an effort to protect his daughter from financial exploitation.) “Too sick to choose my own boyfriend and yet somehow healthy enough to appear on sitcoms and morning shows, and to perform for thousands of people in a different part of the world every week,” Spears writes, adding of her father: “From that point on, I began to think that he saw me as put on the Earth for no other reason than to help their cash flow.” Elsewhere, Spears recalls her father saying, “I’m Britney Spears now.” “I went from partying a lot to being a total monk,” Spears writes. “Security guards handed me prepackaged envelopes of meds and watched me take them. They put parental controls on my iPhone. Everything was scrutinized and controlled. Everything.” Any pushback by Spears was frowned upon, ignored or minimized, she writes: “I even mentioned the conservatorship on a talk show in 2016, but somehow that part of the interview didn’t make it to the air. Huh. How interesting.” While Spears had intermittently pushed back against the conservatorship behind closed doors to no avail, she traces the beginning of the end of the arrangement to disputes with her father near the end of 2018, when she was made to undergo further mental health evaluations and then spend more than three months in rehab. “My father said that if I didn’t go, then I’d have to go to court, and I’d be embarrassed,” Spears writes, adding that he threatened to make her look like an “idiot.” In addition to being prescribed lithium at the facility, Spears says, she was allowed only an hour of television before a 9 p.m. bedtime. “They kept me locked up against my will for months,” she writes. “I couldn’t go outside. I couldn’t drive a car. I had to give blood weekly. I couldn’t take a bath in private. I couldn’t shut the door to my room.” It was there, in a $60,000-per-month Beverly Hills rehab, that Spears says a nurse showed her clips of fans representing the viral #FreeBritney movement that was questioning the need for the singer’s conservatorship. “That was the most amazing thing I’d ever seen in my life,” Spears writes. “I don’t think people knew how much the #FreeBritney movement meant to me, especially in the beginning.” She writes that “it felt like every day there was another documentary about me on yet another streaming service” (including one, “Framing Britney Spears,” by The New York Times). “Seeing the documentaries about me was rough,” she writes. “I understand that everyone’s heart was in the right place, but I was hurt that some old friend spoke to filmmakers without consulting me first.” She adds, “There was so much guessing about what I must have thought or felt.” When her father was removed as her conservator, not long before the arrangement was ended entirely, “I felt relief sweep over me,” Spears writes. “The man who had scared me as a child and ruled over me as an adult, who had done more than anyone to undermine my self-confidence, was no longer in control of my life.” When she received the call from her new lawyer, Mathew S. Rosengart, that the conservatorship was officially over, Spears writes, she was at a resort in Tahiti. But Spears remains raw about the aftermath of the conservatorship, writing of her continued estrangement from much of her family. “Migraines are just one part of the physical and emotional damage I have now that I’m out of the conservatorship,” she writes. “I don’t think my family understands the real damage that they did.” While some say the conservatorship saved Spears’ life, she writes, “No, not really. My music was my life, and the conservatorship was deadly for that; it crushed my soul.” Throughout her time performing a revue in Las Vegas, Spears writes, she was not allowed to update the show. “When I wanted to perform my favorite songs, like ‘Change Your Mind’ or ‘Get Naked,’ they wouldn’t let me,” she writes. “It felt like they wanted to embarrass me rather than let me give my fans the best possible performance.” Now that she has the opportunity to create freely again, the singer writes, she does not feel motivated to do so, although she mentions a one-off collaboration with one of her musical heroes, Elton John, released last year. “Pushing forward in my music career is not my focus at the moment,” Spears says. “It’s time for me not to be someone who other people want; it’s time to actually find myself.” © 2023 The New York Times Company. Read the original article at The New York Times.

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