Tre ukrainska dykare misstänks för sabotaget av Nord Stream

Tre ukrainska dykare misstänks för sabotaget av Nord Stream

Tre ukrainska dykare misstänks av tyska myndigheter för att ligga bakom sabotaget av Nord Stream-gasledningarna 2022, rapporterar Expressen tillsammans med flera tyska medier. En av dykarna uppges ha gått under jorden och efterlyses av tysk domstol.

"Borde be om ursäkt och hålla tyst"

"Borde be om ursäkt och hålla tyst"

I september 2022 registrerades flera explosioner i Östersjön, samtidigt upptäcktes läckage från gasledningarna Nord Stream 1 och 2. Sedan sabotaget varit ett faktum har det spekulerats och riktats flera olika anklagelser kring vem som ligger bakom. I veckan gick en grupp ut i Wall Street Journal och tog på sig dådet, som de menade att president Zelenskyj initialt godkänt. Tyska anklagelser mot Polen De svenska och danska utredningar lades ner tidigare i år, men i Tyskland pågår fortfarande en utredning. I veckan meddelade man att tre ukrainska medborgare var misstänkta för inblandning i dådet. En av dem var en ukrainsk dykare som var bosatt i Polen. Tyskland skickade en arresteringsorder till sitt grannland, men dykaren hann lämna landet innan han kunde gripas. Den tidigare chefen för den tyska underrättelsetjänsten BND, August Hanning anklagade i veckan Polen för inblandning i sabotaget. Hannin menade att operationen måste fått stöd från Polen för att kunna genomföras och att Tyskland borde söka kompensation från Polen – något som rört upp känslor i grannlandet, rapporterar AP. Polen: ”Ljudet av rysk desinformation” Krzysztof Gawkowski, biträdande premiärminister i Polen nekade till att Polen och Ukraina skulle ha haft något med sprängningarna av gasledningarna att göra och slog tillbaka mot August Hanning. – Jag tror det man hör är ljudet av rysk desinformation, sade Gawkowski. Hanning arbetade tidigare under den tyska kanslern Gerhard Schröder. Efter sin politiska karriär arbetade han för ryska statliga gasbolag, bland annat Nord Stream. Även den polska premiärministern Donald Tusk reagerade på uttalandena om Polens inblandning. ”Till alla er som har drivit och stöttat Nord Stream 1 och 2. Det enda ni borde göra i dag är att be om ursäkt och hålla tyst”, skriver Polens premiärminister Donald Tusk på X. Uppgifter: Beslutet togs på fyllan I veckan publicerade Wall Street Journal ett avslöjande där de talat med ett antal anonyma personer som uppgav att de varit delaktiga i sabotaget eller planeringen. Enligt tidningens källor ska Ukrainas president Zelenskyj initialt ha godkänt operationen mot Nord Stream, för att sedan ha ångrat sig. Beslutet ska enligt källorna ha tagits av ukrainska affärsmän och militärer, när de festade. Ukraina förnekar all inblandning i dådet. – Hela grejen föddes en natt med kraftigt supande, säger en officerare som varit inblandad i planen till WSJ.

Senaste spåret efter sabotaget: Ukrainsk dykare i en vit skåpbil

Senaste spåret efter sabotaget: Ukrainsk dykare i en vit skåpbil

Tysk domstol har efterlyst en 44-årig ukrainsk dykare som misstänks för inblandning i sabotaget mot Nord Stream under hösten 2022. Det kan Expressen avslöja tillsammans med de tyska tidningarna Süddeutsche Zeitung och Die Zeit, samt tv-kanalen ARD. Dykaren kunde spåras efter att bilen han färdades i, en vit skåpbil, fastnade i en fartkamera i närheten av den hamn där segelbåten ”Andromeda”, som tyska utredare kunnat knyta till sprängdådet, befann sig strax före explosionen, enligt tidningen. Dykaren ska vara bosatt i Polen, men är ukrainsk medborgare. Totalt misstänks tre personer för inblandning i sprängningen av gasledningarna. De misstänkta tros vara bland besättningen på fem personer som gav sig ut på Östersjön med segelbåten ”Andromeda” Gått under jord De andra två misstänkta, en man och en kvinna, är också ukrainska medborgare. Enligt Expressens granskning driver duon ett dykföretag i Ukraina där även den nu efterlyste 44-åringen kopplas till. Efterlysningen ska ha utfärdats redan i juni efter begäran från den federala åklagarmyndigheten. Tyskland har begärt en europeisk arresteringsorder, och bett om hjälp från Polen. Men polska myndigheter har ännu inte agerat på begäran. Enligt tidningens uppgifter ska mannen nu gått under jord. Utreddes i Sverige Det var i slutet av september 2022 som det exploderade i de ryska gasledningarna Nord Stream 1 och 2, sydost om den danska ön Bornholm. Sabotaget har utretts även i Sverige och Danmark, då explosionerna inträffade i ländernas ekonomiska zoner. Men utredningarna har lagts ner.

Enligt åklagaren kunde det antas att svensk domstol saknar jurisdiktion då brottet saknade koppling. Än så länge finns det inga bevis i utredningen att ukrainska staten ska varit inblandad i sprängdådet. Ukraina har förnekat all inblandning i händelsen.

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Nord Stream i poddar

Who Sabotaged the Nord Stream Pipeline?

A new investigation claims a Ukrainian military officer coordinated the attack on Russia's Nord Stream pipelines. But was he acting as a maverick? Or on behalf of Ukraine?We hear from James Waterhouse in Kyiv and Newsnight’s diplomatic editor Mark Urban, and get the latest update on the "stalemate" war.And we catch up with Olga, a teacher from Kherson, who has lived through Russian occupation, constant bombardment and floods. She tells us what life was like under Russian occupation and how that compares with life one year after her city was liberated.Today’s episode is presented by Victoria Derbyshire and Vitaly Shevchenko. The producers were Keiligh Baker, Arsenii Sokolov, Madeleine Drury and Clare Williamson. The technical producer was Rohan Madison. The series producer is Tim Walklate. The senior news editor is Sam Bonham. Email with your questions and comments. You can also send us a message or voice note via WhatsApp, Signal or Telegram to +44 330 1239480You can join the Ukrainecast discussion on Newscast’s Discord server here:

Controversy about Nord Stream explosion sparks criticism in Ukraine - Weekly, 11-17 Nov, 2023

Explosions on the Nord Stream pipeline last year continue to raise the interest of investigators, with several recent articles pointing at possible Ukrainian involvement. However, these publications sparked criticism in Ukraine. This is our weekly roundup of key events and trends in and around Ukraine. Volodymyr Yermolenko, the chief editor of UkraineWorld, is joined by Anastasiia Herasymchuk and Dariia Synhaievska, analysts and journalists at UkraineWorld, to discuss key events and trends in and around Ukraine over the past week. UkraineWorld ( is brought to you by Internews Ukraine, one of the largest Ukrainian media NGOs. Support us at We provide exclusive content for our patrons. You can also support our volunteer trips to the frontlines at PayPal:

Standing ovation for a Nazi in Canada, Nord Stream Update & the Hypocrisy of the Green Party

In this episode of The Source, we talk with author and independent journalist Fabian Scheidler about the theories surrounding the Nord Stream pipeline bombing and which one is most plausible one year later. Then we examine the significance of an incident in the Canadian Parliament where politicians, including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, mistakenly gave a standing ovation to a former SS Nazi officer. Then we discuss the hypocrisy of the German Green party and why they changed their position on climate, war and other issues after coming to power. Finally, we analyze Austria's long-standing policy of neutrality, including toward the war in Ukraine, and what lessons we can learn from it. ABOUT FABIAN SCHEIDLER: Fabian Scheidler, born in 1968, studied history and philosophy at the Free University of Berlin and theater directing at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Frankfurt/M. Since 2001, he has worked as a freelance writer for print media, television, theater and opera. In 2009, he founded the independent television magazine Kontext TV with David Goeßmann. Otto Brenner Media Prize for critical journalism (2009). As a dramaturge and playwright, he worked for many years for the Grips Theater in Berlin. In 2013, his opera "Death of a Banker" (music: Andreas Kersting) premiered at the Gerhart Hauptmann Theater in Görlitz. In 2015, Fabian Scheidler's book "Das Ende der Megamaschine. Geschichte einer scheiternden Zivilisation" by Promedia Verlag (Vienna). The Robert Jungk Library for Future Studies selected it as one of the "TOP 10 Future Literature 2015". Visit his website here: Support our independent and non-profit journalism: ► PayPal:  ► Patreon:  ► Betterplace (Credit Card incl.):  ► INT. BANK ACC: DE89430609678224073600  FOLLOW US ONLINE:  ► PODCAST:  ► RUMBLE:  ► TELEGRAM:  ► Facebook:  ► Instagram: actv_munich  ► Website:  ► Twitter:  ► YouTube: 

Nord Stream Update, Ukraine’s Counteroffensive Gains & Dispute with Poland

In this episode of The Source, we speak with journalist and international law and human rights lawyer Dimitri Lascaris about the Nord Stream pipeline bombing one year after it happened. We also talk about the significance of the recent territorial gains made by the Ukrainian counteroffensive in capturing the village of Andriivka in eastern Bakhmut. We take a look at the deteriorating relations between Poland and Ukraine related to agricultural exports, as well as the upcoming elections in Slovakia and how this will affect support for the war in Ukraine. Finally, we talk about whether peace is still possible between Russia and Ukraine 19 months after the outbreak of war. ABOUT DIMITRI LASCARIS: Dimitri Lascaris is a journalist and lawyer. As a lawyer, he specializes in class action litigation, international law and human rights. He was a member of the shadow cabinets of the Green Parties of Canada and Quebec. In 2020, he ran for the leadership of the Green Party of Canada and came in second. Support our independent and non-profit journalism: ► PayPal:  ► Patreon:  ► Betterplace (Credit Card incl.):  ► INT. BANK ACC: DE89430609678224073600  FOLLOW US ONLINE:  ► PODCAST:  ► RUMBLE:  ► TELEGRAM:  ► Facebook:  ► Instagram: actv_munich  ► Website:  ► Twitter:  ► YouTube:   

Who blew up the Nord Stream pipeline?

When the Nord Stream pipelines - that pump gas from Russia to Germany - were damaged in September it didn’t take long for investigators to determine they had been sabotaged. Almost six months on, and despite three different investigations, are we any closer to knowing who carried out the attack and why?This podcast was brought to you thanks to the support of readers of The Times and The Sunday Times. Subscribe today: Marc Bennetts, Foreign Correspondent, The Times.Host: Manveen Rana.Clips: CNN, DW News, Reuters, Sky News, Euronews, C-Span, The Hill. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Controversy about Nord Stream explosion sparks criticism in Ukraine - Weekly, 11-17 Nov, 2023

Explosions on the Nord Stream pipeline last year continue to raise the interest of investigators, with several recent articles pointing at possible Ukrainian involvement. However, these publications sparked criticism in Ukraine. This is our weekly roundup of key events and trends in and around Ukraine. Volodymyr Yermolenko, the chief editor of UkraineWorld, is joined by Anastasiia Herasymchuk and Dariia Synhaievska, analysts and journalists at UkraineWorld, to discuss key events and trends in and around Ukraine over the past week. UkraineWorld ( is brought to you by Internews Ukraine, one of the largest Ukrainian media NGOs. Support us at We provide exclusive content for our patrons. You can also support our volunteer trips to the frontlines at PayPal:

The Hunt for the Nord Stream Bombers

In the early morning hours of September 26, 2022, in the deep abyss of the Baltic Sea, an international mystery of substantial consequence began to unfold when a bomb ruptured the Russian-dominated Nord Stream pipeline. It was the opening salvo in a four-pronged attack that day that would leave three of the four pipelines incapacitated. One year later, no suspects have been arrested and no sponsor — nation state or otherwise — has been formally accused of responsibility.This week on Intercepted, we present a special documentary, "The Hunt for the Nord Stream Bombers." We hear from Holger Stark, an investigative journalist from Germany’s Die Zeit newspaper who has broken several major stories on the bombing, as well as retired Swedish engineer Erik Andersson, who organized a groundbreaking independent expedition to film all four of the blast sites. Jeremy Scahill takes us through what we know and what we don’t about the bombing and examines the top suspects and the mounting evidence suggesting Ukrainian involvement in the attacks.If you’d like to support our work, go to, where your donation, no matter what the amount, makes a real difference.And if you haven’t already, please subscribe to the show so you can hear it every week. And please go and leave us a rating or a review — it helps people find the show. If you want to give us additional feedback, email us at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Nord Stream Bombing: Debunking the Mainstream Media Narrative

In this episode of The Source, we talk with author and independent journalist Fabian Scheidler about recent mainstream media reports on the Nord Stream pipeline bombing. We also discuss NATO's recent pledge to admit Ukraine into its alliance and its implications for possible peace talks with Russia. Finally, we talk about the Julian Assange case and what it means for democracy. ABOUT FABIAN SCHEIDLER: Fabian Scheidler, born in 1968, studied history and philosophy at the Free University of Berlin and theater directing at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Frankfurt/M. Since 2001, he has worked as a freelance writer for print media, television, theater and opera. In 2009, he founded the independent television magazine Kontext TV with David Goeßmann. Otto Brenner Media Prize for critical journalism (2009). As a dramaturge and playwright, he worked for many years for the Grips Theater in Berlin. In 2013, his opera "Death of a Banker" (music: Andreas Kersting) premiered at the Gerhart Hauptmann Theater in Görlitz. In 2015, Fabian Scheidler's book "Das Ende der Megamaschine. Geschichte einer scheiternden Zivilisation" by Promedia Verlag (Vienna). The Robert Jungk Library for Future Studies selected it as one of the "TOP 10 Future Literature 2015". Visit his website here: Support our independent and non-profit journalism: ► PayPal:  ► Patreon:  ► Betterplace (Credit Card incl.):  ► INT. BANK ACC: DE89430609678224073600  FOLLOW US ONLINE:  ► PODCAST:  ► RUMBLE:  ► TELEGRAM:  ► Facebook:  ► Instagram: actv_munich  ► Website:  ► Twitter:  ► YouTube: