
Auckland är den största staden i Nya Zeeland och ligger på Nordön. Staden är känd för sina vackra stränder, hamnar och den ikoniska Sky Tower. Auckland erbjuder också ett brett utbud av kulturella aktiviteter, shopping och restauranger. Det är en populär destination för turister och ett viktigt ekonomiskt centrum i Nya Zeeland.

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Här hoppar mannen rakt mot späckhuggaren – se magplasket

Här hoppar mannen rakt mot späckhuggaren – se magplasket

En 50-årig man filmas när han gör ett magplask rakt mot en späckhuggare och dennes kalv på Nya Zeeland. Hans beteende har beskrivits som ”skamligt” och ”patetiskt”, rapporterar Sky News. Filmen har väckt starka reaktioner på sociala medier efter att Nyzeeländska naturvårdsdepartementet publicerat klippet på Instagram där flera användare har uttryckt sin ilska. Straffades efter tilltaget Mannen har fått böta runt 4 000 kronor för det som hände utanför Devonports kust i Auckland i februari – men många tycker att ett strängare straff vore motiverat. ”Detta är ett fruktansvärt beteende och den ignoranta bristen på respekt för naturen är hjärtskärande”, skriver en användare. Späckhuggaren hade även en kalv med sig och i filmklippet kan man höra människor heja på mannen innan han börjar simma mot späckhuggarna i ett andra försök att nå dem efter att han hoppat i. Vid ett tillfälle i videon skriker mannen: ”Jag rörde den” till de andra på båten. Utredaren: Ett idiotiskt beteende Utredaren Hayden Loper kritiserar mannens oansvariga beteende och menar att det hade kunnat sluta riktigt illa. – Detta är ett idiotiskt beteende och visar en chockerande brist på hänsyn för späckhuggarna. Det är ett mycket tydligt brott mot lagen, säger han enligt Sky News.

"Blod rann från människors ansikten"

"Blod rann från människors ansikten"

Planet på väg till Auckland tappade plötsligt höjd mitt under flygningen och flera av de 263 passagerarna kastades handlöst mot taket. Nu utreds den tekniska orsaken till att planet drabbades av "en stark rörelse", uppger flygbolaget Latam. Händelsen är en av flera allvarliga säkerhetsincidenter som har drabbat plan från flygplanstillverkaren Boeing under den senaste tiden. Ambulanspersonal har uppgett att de behandlade cirka 50 personer när planet av typen Boeing 787 Dreamliner väl landat. Fyra av dem befinner sig på tisdagen fortsatt på sjukhus. En av passagerarna, Brian Joka, berättar för Radio New Zealand att han såg en passagerare slå i taket på planet innan denne rasade ned och slog revbenen i ett armstöd. – Han låg i planets tak, på rygg, och tittade ned på mig. Det var som "Exorcisten", säger Joka. 28-åriga Clara Azevedo säger till tidningen New Zealand Herald att passagerarna fruktade för sina liv. – Vi var inte säkra på om vi skulle överleva eller inte, säger hon. Flygbolaget har i ett mejl bett passagerarna om ursäkt och erbjudit dem att stå för kostnader som tillkommit som en följd av händelsen.

Dagen då en vulkan under vattnet nästan utplånade ett helt land

Dagen då en vulkan under vattnet nästan utplånade ett helt land

Först kom den brända doften av varmt svavel. Sen hördes ett vrål. Vulkanen Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai i önationen Tonga hade vaknat. Människor flera hundra mil bort hörde explosionerna. Askan dolde solen. Tsumanivågorna nådde sköljde över Tongas låglänta öar och nådde så långt som till Peru. Det var ett av de kraftigaste utbrotten som någonsin uppmätts. Och en varningssignal, skriver The Washington Post. Forskare har länge varnat för riskerna med undervattensvulkaner. Men ändå hör de till några av naturens minst övervakade riskfaktorer. Till och med erfarna vulkanforskare säger att de vet väldigt lite om vad som sker inuti de magmafyllda strukturerna mellan utbrotten. (Svensk översättning av Omni). The volcanic eruption in Tonga was one of the most powerful ever recorded. Experts say it was a wake-up call. By Derek Hawkins, Charlotte Lytton, Matthew Abbott, Shelly Tan and Frank Hulley-Jones Charlotte Lytton and Matthew Abbott traveled to Tonga to report this story. All photographs were made in May 2023. Sept 1, 2023 First came the burnt-match smell of hot sulfur. Then, a roar from below the water. The towering undersea volcano known as Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai had awakened, and on a balmy afternoon in January 2022 it began blasting its insides into the sky above this Pacific island chain with a force unmatched in recent history. People thousands of miles away heard the explosions. The plume of ash and gas blotted out the sun. Tsunamis hurtled outward, engulfing villages in Tonga's low-lying islands and crashing into shorelines as far away as Peru. It was one of the most powerful volcanic eruptions ever recorded. And it was a wake-up call. Scientists say the event underscored the dangers posed by submarine volcanoes, which are found by the thousands in every ocean on Earth, some of them perilously close to coastlines. But more than 18 months after the historic eruption, even the most vulnerable nations are struggling to keep closer watch over these underwater behemoths. Experts estimate there are dozens of active seamounts around the globe that could, under the right circumstances, erupt like Hunga, with the potential to claim hundreds of thousands of lives and reshape coastlines. Roughly a million other submarine volcanoes exist globally, most of them millions of years old and extinct. These are some of the world's least-monitored natural hazards. Only a handful of the most accessible submarine volcanoes have ever been mapped in detail. Even veteran volcanologists say they know little about what goes on inside these magma-filled structures between eruptions. The challenge in studying them involves both cost and logistics. The specialized equipment used for monitoring is expensive - often too much of a financial burden for well-heeled research institutions, let alone small developing nations such as Tonga. Many of these volcanoes span long stretches of the ocean. Deploying the instruments is arduous, even in shallow waters, requiring skilled crews and a network of vessels and communication devices to provide real-time data. "It is difficult to say which one will be next," said Kenna Harmony Rubin, a professor of geochemistry and volcanology at the University of Hawaii, "and when." Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai formed in early 2015 after a moderate volcanic eruption fused two uninhabited islands into a single landmass. The volcanic cone was visible above the waves. The volcano extends about 6,500 feet down to the ocean floor. Its caldera, the craterlike depression at the summit, dipped roughly 500 feet below sea level prior to the 2022 eruption. Like other volcanoes, Hunga's interior contains vents and magma reservoirs that make up a volcanic plumbing system extending deep into the rock. As the magma churns through this system, gases can build up, increasing the pressure inside. Eruptions can happen when the internal pressure becomes too strong for the rock to hold back. Volcanic activity is a fact of life in Tonga. Residents are well attuned to the risks posed by falling ash and ocean swells that can result from shallow-water eruptions - though nobody could have predicted the events of January 2022. The kingdom, formerly a British protectorate, is made up of about 170 tiny, mostly flat islands, only about a quarter of which are inhabited. Scattered throughout the archipelago are 12 active underwater peaks, including Hunga. All are part of the Kermadec-Tonga subduction zone, where one tectonic plate dives beneath another. This seismically active region of the Pacific stretches from New Zealand's North Island to the northwestern tip of the Tonga island chain. Most of the country's roughly 106,000 residents live on the main island of Tongatapu, a 100-square-mile atoll about the size of Sacramento. The economy is driven mainly by agriculture, along with tourism and fishing. Many Tongans rely on small plantation farming for a living, harvesting cash crops such as coconuts, squash and root vegetables. Many also depend on remittances sent from family members who work abroad. Hunga had been mostly inactive for seven years when a series of small eruptions began in December 2021. An ash plume became visible from Tonga's capital city, Nukualofa, about 40 miles away on Tongatapu's north coast. Sulfur dioxide drifted across Tonga's other island groups, while bursts of steam and ash spilled over the volcano's edge. On Tongatapu, people would sometimes gather for drinks and watch the volcano bubble. Virginie Dourlet, a French teacher who until recently lived in Nukualofa, said she remembers wondering, "Is the baby island going to survive?" By early January 2022, the activity seemed to have subsided. The Tonga Geological Services declared the volcano dormant on Jan. 11. But a few days later, the sulfuric odor wafted over the Tongan capital. The sky turned an otherworldly blue and purple, the result of fine ash particles scattering the sun's light. "It was gorgeous," Dourlet said, "but in an impending doom kind of way." Soon, the water along the Nukualofa waterfront began to retreat, creating whirlpools. Locals instantly recognized this as a sign of a coming tsunami. "People completely freaked out," Dourlet said. Sela Faitangane, a 30-year-old teacher and mother of two, was walking through a wooded part of Tonga's Nomuka island when she heard a thunderous boom. The ground beneath her shook. She emerged from the tree line and saw friends and neighbors running inland. People were shouting frantically, some of them carrying children in their arms. Ocean water was rushing over the landscape. A boy called out to her, "You can't go there!" "He meant you can't go near the road," Faitangane recalled, "because it was already flooded with the sea." Faitangane scrambled into her car with her husband, her newborn baby and 4-year-old son, and headed for high ground. More booms came, so loud that they left a ringing in Faitangane's ears. Speeding away, they watched in terror as a wall of water inundated their neighborhood, toppling houses. The sky darkened. Ash rained down. Faitangane and other Nomuka residents sheltered on a hillside. When they ran out of clean water for making baby formula, Faitangane had to hand her infant daughter to another mother to breastfeed. "On that day," Faitangane said, "we thought it was the end of the world for us." A global team of researchers led by Shane Cronin, of the University of Auckland, and the Tonga Geological Services spent months investigating what made the Hunga eruption so violent. The Hunga eruption appears to have started with a mixing of different types of magma inside the volcano, which may have caused a rapid buildup of gas, Cronin's team found. The pressurization initiated the eruption and expelled molten rock with such force that it caused a downward collapse of the caldera. The surrounding ocean rushed in over the hot molten rock rising through the structure. Steam and magma blasted through the volcano's narrow fissures, while also tearing open new cracks and allowing more magma to froth upward. The result was a chain reaction of explosions as the water drained into the volcano and encountered fresh magma. Volcanic material shot up at hypersonic speed, forming a plume that stretched 36 miles into the sky. The eruption generated two types of tsunamis. One was most likely caused by the caldera collapse displacing a huge volume of seawater. The other may have been caused by atmospheric shock waves from the eruption. Tsunami waves - some of them topping 50 feet - crashed into Tonga's islands within an hour of the eruption. Hours later, smaller waves reached other coastlines around the world. Southwest, on the island of Atata, Lisala Folau was out walking when the waves struck. He grabbed hold of a mangrove tree as the waters tossed his body. At one point, he could hear his son calling out to him, but he didn't answer because he didn't want his son to risk his life trying to rescue him. Folau held on like that for 27 hours, he said, thinking the whole time, "I can't lose the tree." On another part of the island, Elisiva Tu'ivai and her grandmother also clung to mangroves for hours as the sea rocked them. They struggled to keep their heads above water. "I was scared I would die," Tu'ivai said, as "the water washed me in and out." In the brief respite between wave swells, they managed to wade back to land. They clambered to the island's highest point, the path strewn with broken trees and rubble that had been her neighbors' homes. As the night went on, other survivors emerged from the water. The next day, they caught a boat to Tongatapu, beginning what would be a nearly year-long period without homes of their own. In total, the Hunga eruption spanned from the afternoon of Jan. 15 to the next morning. The shock wave propagated around the planet, felt more than 7,000 miles away in India. The tsunamis ravaged Atata, as well as Tonga's smaller Mango Island, about 60 miles away. Four people died. Some 84 percent of the country's population was affected by the blast, either by being displaced or suffering damage to their properties and plantations. Tonga went dark for days. Cables that supplied the island nation with phone and internet connectivity were severed. The volcanic plume was the biggest and highest ever viewed by satellite, rendering the country unobservable from the sky and leaving people around the world worried about the severity of the damage. "We couldn't see the impacts on the ground. Was the island just gone? Had the entire population died? Even when the ash cloud disappeared, we still didn't know because the undersea cables were severed," said volcanologist Sam Mitchell of the University of Bristol. "The satellite images were coming out and we still hadn't heard from them. It was traumatizing." Faitangane spent a day on the hill on Nomuka with her family and others waiting for the waters to recede. "When we came down, there was nothing left for us," she said. "Not even our house, our clothes, no food." Rescue boats arrived and provided some relief, she said. The family initially lived in a tent, then moved into an old house that withstood the tsunami. "As long as we feel shelter over our head," she said, "that's okay with us." The devastation in Tonga has renewed focus on the dangers of underwater volcanoes around the world and has sparked questions about which one might be next to blow. But experts caution that even comparatively wealthy nations will struggle to keep tabs on threats lurking offshore. "The current state of monitoring is simply that almost none are monitored at all," said David Clague, a volcanologist at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute in California. "This lack of monitoring is not neglect, but simply that there are many such potentially active submarine volcanoes, and even a single seismometer is expensive to install and to maintain." The Western Pacific is now the prime area of concern, said Bill Chadwick, a research professor at Oregon State University's Hatfield Marine Science Center. Explosive activity is common in subduction zones. A 1,740-mile stretch starting near Japan and extending south in the Western Pacific is a particular danger point. The same is true for the subduction zone that links Samoa, Fiji and Tonga, as well as for the one near the Aleutian Islands, a chain of large volcanic islands in Alaska that are geologically similar to Hunga. Some of the known submarine volcanoes could pose a significant hazard to nearby populations. Marsili, a 1.8-mile-tall volcano beneath the Tyrrhenian Sea, sits a mere 109 miles south of Naples. Recent models have shown that activity there could trigger a tsunami with potential waves of almost 100 feet, swallowing the Sicilian and Calabrian coasts. The challenge is that "submarine volcano monitoring is in its nascency," said Rubin, of the University of Hawaii, "well behind the state-of-the-art for volcanoes on land." Scientists must constantly monitor for rapid changes at the surface that can indicate accumulation of magma below, as well as the buildup of toxic gases and increased seismic shaking that can indicate an increase in pressure. Real-time monitoring requires telecommunications between instruments deployed on the seafloor and a laboratory, with either a cable connecting the instrument to the lab, or a buoy wired to a device capable of transmitting acoustic data via satellite. Research operations to volcanic sites can cost an estimated $36,000 per day, while installing cables nearby to pick up activity runs into the millions. "For the several hundred known submarine volcanoes, such a network is simply too expensive to contemplate," Clague said. In the long term, Rubin says more affordable solutions for monitoring submarine volcanoes may be on the horizon, such as swarms of inexpensive next-generation sensors that could collectively send data back to shore for computers to analyze. "We aren't there yet as a global scientific community," Rubin said, "but hopefully the next decade of technology advances allow this to occur." On Tonga, last year's epic blast has heightened the urgency of all kinds of volcanic monitoring, and geologists are now working to install new instruments to monitor the land-based volcanoes along the main island chain. Thermal infrared detectors will help experts watch for temperature changes at vents and fissures that can signal eruptive activity. Sulfur gas monitors will track the release of dangerous volcanic fumes. Tonga is also being outfitted with synthetic aperture radar, which scientists can use to identify whether there have been changes such as ground swelling due to magma rising closer to the surface. Half of eight planned new seismographs are currently running, though Cronin, of the University of Auckland, noted there is a "lack of long-term seismic records in the area to provide a background of what is normal and what is heightened activity." "Volcano monitoring for eruption prediction in general is a difficult business," Rubin said. Even with lots of monitoring equipment installed, sometimes warnings come just days or even hours before a blast. And advanced warning can't always prevent the long-term repercussions of a major eruption. In the aftermath of the Hunga eruption, Tu'ivai's family had to relocate to the kingdom's main island. Ten of them now live together in Masilamea, in one of 22 units on a newly built plot funded by the government. That includes her mother, Elisiva Taimikovi. Their jobs at a local resort were wiped away, too, leaving the family unsure what the future holds. "We have only been given the houses. This is not a home. Our plantation and routines have gone," Taimikovi said. The unit is sparse; the family sits cross-legged on the floor, a small tent outside their front door where much-needed extra rooms should be. "We knew we couldn't rebuild" what was lost last year, she said. But this new reality is hard to accept. "We'll never forget. This will stay with us forever." - - - Lytton and Abbott reported from Tonga. Additional contributions by Sam Mitchell of the University of Bristol; Shane Cronin of the University of Auckland; David Clague of the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute in California; Frank Ramos of New Mexico State University. © 2023 The Washington Post. Sign up for the Today's Worldview newsletter here.

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Auckland i poddar

Auckland vs Hamilton: Where is the best place to invest? ⎜ Ep. 1545

In this episode, we discuss the pros and cons of investing in Hamilton and Auckland. That includes whether it's better to invest in the larger city (Auckland), or go for the more affordable option (Hamilton). Ultimately we share the facts then take a step back so you can decide which is the right place to invest for you.

Volunteers work to deliver Christmas cheer to Aucklanders

More than 14,000km from the North Pole, Aucklanders are packing prezzies for people in need. Over 200 volunteers are working with the Auckland City Mission to distribute food parcels and toys throughout the city. But inflation has them worrying about the cost of Giving. Felix Walton visited their workshop at Eden Park.

355-The Auckland Islands Castaways

In 1864, two ships' crews were cast away at the same time on the same remote island in the Southern Ocean. But the two groups would undergo strikingly different experiences. In this week's episode of the Futility Closet podcast we'll tell the story of the Auckland Islands castaways and reflect on its implications for the wider world. We'll also consider some fateful illnesses and puzzle over a street fighter's clothing. Intro: Lewis Carroll proposed fanciful logic problems. In 1946, a kangaroo made off with William Thompson's money. Sources for our feature on the Aucklands Islands castaways: Joan Druett, Island of the Lost: An Extraordinary Story of Survival at the Edge of the World, 2007. Nicholas A. Christakis, Blueprint: The Evolutionary Origins of a Good Society, 2019. Elizabeth McMahon, Islands, Identity and the Literary Imagination, 2016. A.W. Eden, Islands of Despair, 1955. William Pember Reeves, New Zealand, 1908. F.E. Raynal, Wrecked on a Reef, or Twenty Months on the Auckland Islands, 1880. T. Musgrave, Castaway on the Auckland Isles: Narrative of the Wreck of the "Grafton," 1865. Don Rowe, "A Tale of Two Shipwrecks," New Zealand Geographic 167 (January-February 2021). "The Kindness of Strangers," Economist 431:9141 (May 4, 2019), 81. Peter Petchey, Rachael Egerton, and William Boyd, "A Spanish Man-o-War in New Zealand? The 1864 Wreck of Grafton and Its Lessons for Pre-Cook Shipwreck Claims," International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 44:2 (2015), 362-370. Bernadette Hince, "The Auckland Islands and Joan Druett's Island of the Lost," Shima: The International Journal of Research Into Island Cultures 2:1 (2008), 110. "Mystery of the Shipwreck Shelter," [Wellington, New Zealand] Sunday Star-Times, Feb. 21, 2021. Charles Montgomery, "The Audacity of Altruism: Opinion," Globe and Mail, March 28, 2020. "Was New Zealand Pre-Cooked?" [Wellington, New Zealand] Sunday Star-Times, April 26, 2015. Herbert Cullen, "Wreck of the Grafton Musgrave -- An Epic of the Sea," New Zealand Railways Magazine 9:2 (May 1, 1934). "Twenty Months on an Uninhabited Island," Glasgow Herald, Dec. 27, 1865. "Wreck of the Grafton: Journal of Captain Musgrave," Australian News for Home Readers, Oct. 25, 1865. "New Zealand," Illustrated Sydney News, Oct. 16, 1865. "The Wreck of the Grafton," Sydney Mail, Oct. 7, 1865. "The Wreck of the Schooner Grafton," Sydney Morning Herald, Oct. 2, 1865. "Wreck of the Schooner Grafton," The Age, Oct. 2, 1865. "The Wreck of the Schooner Grafton," Bendigo Advertiser, Sept. 30, 1865. Grafton collection, Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa (retrieved Aug. 8, 2021). "Grafton Wreck and Epigwaitt Hut," Department of Conservation, Te Papa Atawhai (retrieved Aug. 8, 2021). Listener mail: "Suez Crisis," Wikipedia (accessed Aug. 11, 2021). Christopher Klein, "What Was the Suez Crisis?" History, Nov. 13, 2020. "Suez Crisis," Encyclopaedia Britannica, July 19, 2021. "History: Past Prime Ministers," (accessed Aug. 13, 2021). "Anthony Eden," Wikipedia (accessed Aug. 12, 2021). David Owen, "The Effect of Prime Minister Anthony Eden's Illness on His Decision-Making During the Suez Crisis," QJM: An International Journal of Medicine 98:6 (June 2005), 387–402. David Owen, "Diseased, Demented, Depressed: Serious Illness in Heads of State," QJM: An International Journal of Medicine 96:5 (May 2003), 325–336. Meilan Solly, "What Happened When Woodrow Wilson Came Down With the 1918 Flu?" Smithsonian Magazine, Oct. 2, 2020. Dave Roos, "Woodrow Wilson Got the Flu in a Pandemic During the World War I Peace Talks," History, Oct. 6, 2020. Steve Coll, "Woodrow Wilson’s Case of the Flu, and How Pandemics Change History," New Yorker, April 16, 2020. "History of 1918 Flu Pandemic," Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, March 21, 2018. This week's lateral thinking puzzle was contributed by listener Neil de Carteret and his cat Nala, who sent this corroborating link (warning -- this spoils the puzzle). You can listen using the player above, download this episode directly, or subscribe on Google Podcasts, on Apple Podcasts, or via the RSS feed at Please consider becoming a patron of Futility Closet -- you can choose the amount you want to pledge, and we've set up some rewards to help thank you for your support. You can also make a one-time donation on the Support Us page of the Futility Closet website. Many thanks to Doug Ross for the music in this episode. If you have any questions or comments you can reach us at Thanks for listening!

Around the motu : Todd Niall in Auckland

Todd reflects on the big stories in the City of Sails this year and a rollercoaster ride for the Auckland council as twin rain disasters struck on the region's anniversary weekend in January, closely followed by Cyclone Gabrielle.

Help! Should I Sell My Auckland Apartment? Future Predictions For The Auckland Apartment Market⎜Ep. 677

In this episode, we detail our predictions for the Auckland Central apartment market, including whether this is a good time to sell or whether it's better to continue holding on. This comes from a listener of the show, who has an apartment in the Sugartree complex, where the price of her property has fallen since her initial purchase. We go through whether she should sell, or whether it's better to weather the storm.

013- Auckland? Who'd Want To Live THERE?

Connect with Ryan & Others by Joining our Private NZ Ahead Membership!  Are you Considering Moving To New Zealand and are desperate to know what life in New Zealand is (really) like? Do You LOVE New Zealand & dream of moving here one day? Sign up HERE, and I will send you my FREE Moving to and Living in New Zealand Guide. A 5 Part Video Series! At the end of the series, you will be offered details of how to become part of our inspiring and growing private NZ Ahead community. SIGN UP NOW!   Show Notes: Ryan. Why Would You Live In Auckland New Zealand? This week, NZ Ahead member Ryan, talked intensively about why he loves living in Auckland. I asked him the following questions: Why did you choose to move to New Zealand? How did you get a visa to come to New Zealand? What about the cost to live in New Zealand? Was living in Auckland a huge bash on the wallet? Give me five reasons why you love living in Auckland New Zealand?   This interview is fabulous. We have been living in New Zealand for the past twelve years, and I STILL learned an enormous amount from Ryan! Ryan also promised to come back and do a part two podcast where he shares the things that shocked him about mortgages, jobs, houses and life in New Zealand. Look out for that one!   Are you moving with Pets to New Zealand? Then if you are, don't hesitate to reach out to Starwood Pet Travel. Mention NZ Ahead Podcast, and you'll get extra, extra special love!!    We LOVE Housesitting in New Zealand. Want to Try it too?  If you have been following us for a while, then you will know that we traveled the World for one year with our kids in 2018 and for 6 months in 2022 by ourselves. While we were traveling, we did a lot of housesitting. We are constantly asked how we did this and if we can share the website that we used. So here it is: The initial 'looking part' is free. You can oggle all of the beautiful houses around New Zealand that are waiting for YOU to look after them. Take a sneak peek here! (As I say, looking is completely free, so gander to your heart's content). Then, if you are serious about using Housesitting as a tool to travel the world for free (as we do), you can use my exclusive discount code to save yourself 20% by Clicking here. Still not sure about paying for a Housesitting membership? Remember that the cost of a yearly membership (approx $80 using the discount code above) will be paid back (and more) on the first housesitting night. It really is that simple!   SUBSCRIBE TO THE NZ AHEAD PODCAST NOW! 🇳🇿 🎧 ⬇️   Subscribe to us on Apple Subscribe on Android Subscribe on Spotify     Moving to New Zealand? Here's More Content For You! Being a teacher in New Zealand. Life at School. Moving to New Zealand from the USA. The Truth About The First Six Months. Taranaki. Why We Consider It One Of The BEST Places In NZ To Live. WARNING!! Do Not Say This in New Zealand!! Canada or New Zealand? Why We Chose New Zealand Life in New Zealand Compared to the UK. From a Kiwi Who's Tried Both Leaving America to live in New Zealand 7 Things That Scared us About Moving To New Zealand Living in New Zealand. Why 30% Of Immigrants Go Back Home Moving to New Zealand. The How's, the Whys and the Hoops. Moving to New Zealand. 5 Rookie Mistakes to Avoid Making Americans in New Zealand. Will They Ever Feel at Home?   Interested in Life in New Zealand? Here's More Content For You! Is New Zealand NEGLECTING These Essential Life Skills? Lions and Tigers and Bears Oh My...Scary Things in New Zealand 7 Weird Things About New Zealand You Know You're in New Zealand When... Where To Live in New Zealand? North or South Island? Christmas Down Under? Wonderful or Weird?     Behind The Scenes Podcast Episodes (Where we share the things that are happening in our lives right now). Episode #1: Meeting Our Teenage Daughter. Life at 17. Episode #2: Our Son at 20. Homeschooled. No College. Three Jobs. Episode #3: We Met Online. The Māori Subscribers Who Changed Our Lives. Episode #4: The REAL Reason We Left the UK. Episode #5: Quitting School. Now What? Episode #6. Dealing With The Mistakes You Make Online   Can't Wait To Travel Again? Here's Some Inspiring Content For You! 7 Most Beautiful Places on Earth (And Why You Need To Visit Them SOON!  Japanese Culture. 7 Things You Should (Really) Know BEFORE You Go How to Travel The World For Free. Or at Least Very, Very Cheap. Italy Travel (Like You've Never Seen Before. In Your Life.)   Follow us on: YouTube Pinterest Facebook TikTok   Subscribe to us on Apple Subscribe on Android Subscribe on Spotify

An Evening with Sarah J. Maas (2019)

Sarah J. Maas is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Throne of Glass series and A Court of Thorns and Roses series, as well as an international bestselling YA author. Sarah wrote the first incarnation of the Throne of Glass series when she was just 16, and it has now sold in 35 languages. Celebrate her latest novel "Kingdom of Ash", the epic finale of the Throne of Glass series with Sarah and fellow readers. This is an exclusive New Zealand event presented by Auckland Writers Festival and Bloomsbury Publishing.

Private health pushing Auckland labs to the brink

Private healthcare is pushing medical lab services to the brink in Auckland. The escalating pressure is complicating what was already a very difficult rescue job at one of the country's busiest labs, Community Anatomic Pathology Services, or APS. RNZ reporter Phil Pennington spoke with Ingrid Hipkiss.

337. Live from Auckland with Cal Wilson, Mai Chen and Grace Petrie - part one

The Guilty Feminist episode 337: Live from AucklandPresented by Deborah Frances-White and Cal Wilson with special guests Mai Chen and Nga-Atawhainga Creagh and music from Grace PetrieRecorded 23 July at the Bruce Mason Centre in Auckland. Released 19 December 2022.The Guilty Feminist theme by Mark Hodge and produced by Nick Sheldon.More about Deborah Frances-Whitehttps://deborahfrances-white.com about Cal Wilson about Grace Petrie more information about this and other episodes…visit https://www.guiltyfeminist.comtweet us our Facebook page out our Instagram join our mailing list new podcasts are out nowMedia Storm Power it UP Comedy Club to a live recordingSoho Theatre, 4-7 January:, 24 January: Place, 26 January: Theatre, 5pm on 29 January: you to our amazing Patreon supporters.To support the podcast yourself, go to  You can also get an ad-free version of the podcast via Apple Podcasts or Acast+ Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Episode 37 - Auckland

The Pod has landed in New Zealand and are officially on tour. After a stop off in Hong Kong and a visit to Hamilton for the Chiefs game, we sit down in Augusto's studios in central Auckland for a chinwag with Lions legend Stephen Ferris.  See for privacy and opt-out information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Ep.159 Encounters In Auckland (Throwback Tuesday)

Throwbacks are where I re-release old episodes from the archives. So don't worry if you have heard it already, as 'New episodes' will continue to come out on Sundays. To get some of the old episodes heard.~~~Tonight we are going to be hearing from Chris in Auckland, New Zealand. Chris has had many UFO encounters over the years, ranging from bright orbs to boomerang-shaped crafts, and has also had interactions with beings in vivid dreams as well as a wide awake state.More information on this episode on the podcast website: to share your encounter on the show? Email: UFOChronicles@gmail.comPodcast Merchandise: Help Support UFO CHRONICLES Podcast via PayPal tip and support by buying me a coffee you for listening!Please leave a review if you enjoy the show.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at

Auckland Airport expects 63,000 flyers on busiest day of 2023

'Tis the season for reuniting with loved ones... and traffic jams and airport queues. It's the busiest day of the year for Auckland Airport, with 63,000 people expected to arrive or leave on flights Almost 18,000 travellers are taking off to international destinations. Emma Stanford was at the gate