
Brown är ett privat forskningsuniversitet i Providence, Rhode Island, USA. Universitetet grundades 1764 och är det tredje äldsta högskolan i New England. Brown är känt för sin liberala läroplan och sin höga akademiska standard. Universitetet har en stark forskningsprofil och är rankat som ett av de bästa universiteten i USA.

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Kremlanlitad skådespelare: "Jag blev förlamad av Kamala Harris"

Kremlanlitad skådespelare: "Jag blev förlamad av Kamala Harris"

Klippet har setts miljontals gånger och har i veckor spridits vidare över internet med hashtaggen #HitAndRunKamala. I vad som ser ut att vara ett seriöst nyhetsinslag från ”KBSF-TV San Francisco News” påstår en kvinna att hon som 13-åring blev förlamad efter att ha blivit påkörd av vicepresidenten Kamala Harris, i en smitningsolycka 2011. – När jag låg på sidan av gatan såg jag en kvinna. Jag visste inte då att det var Kamala Harris, då såg jag bara en rädd, främmande kvinna. Hon satt bakom sin ratt och tittade tillbaka på mig. Jag hörde min mamma skrika och sedan startade kvinnan sin bil och körde därifrån, berättar offret, som kallar sig för ”Alicia Brown”. Anlitad av Storm-1516 Brown hävdar vidare att det först på sjukhuset framgick att kvinnan var Kamala Harris och att hennes medarbetare hotade flickans mamma till tystnad. Forskare vid Microsoft konstaterar nu att klippet är desinformation – och att det är den ryska gruppen Storm-1516 som har producerat det. I samband med en ny studie skriver företaget att den Kremlkopplade trollfabriken har anlitat en skådespelare för att spela rollen som offer. Forskarna på Microsoft bedömer att videon är skapad för en amerikansk målgrupp och anser att den är ett tecken på att Ryssland har ökat sina ansträngningar för att påverka presidentvalet den 5 november. ”När vi närmar oss valet bör vi förvänta oss att ryska aktörer fortsätter att använda cyberproxy och hackergrupper för att förstärka sina budskap genom falska nyhetssajter och sociala kanaler inriktade på att sprida splittrande politiskt innehåll, iscensatta videor och AI-förstärkt propaganda”, skriver Microsoft. Därför sticker det ut Sebastian Bay, expert på desinformation och valsäkerhet, förklarar att det falska klippet sticker ut. Tidigare har han främst sett liknande produktion skapat för en inhemsk målgrupp i Ryssland, inte för mottagare i västvärlden. – Att de har stor förmåga kan man inte chockas av. De har gjort enskilda saker de senaste tio åren och om de vill så kan de, men det är ett risktagande att göra det för en internationell målgrupp, säger han. Bay tar exempelvis upp innehåll som producerades i samband med Rysslands annektering av Krim och hur man då använde skådespelare för att sprida ett falskt narrativ och påverka den inhemska debatten. ”En utmaning” Som vanlig sociala medier-användare kan det vara svårt att veta vad som är sant eller falskt. – Det är absolut en utmaning. Ibland är det svårt att motbevisa och det spelar ofta ingen roll om det blir motbevisat. Sprids något i ett stressat läge kan det vara katalysatorn som får bägaren att rinna över, säger Sebastian Bay. – Det visar behovet av fri och oberoende media och att mediehusen behöver resurserna för att kunna granska och analysera data, fortsätter han. Desinformationsexperten har inte sett liknande påverkansförsök i Sverige.

Osannolika bilderna från stranden – här tar flygande insekterna över

Osannolika bilderna från stranden – här tar flygande insekterna över

Strandbesökare på Rhode Island njöt av det fina vädret i lördags när de plötsligt fick sig en oväntad syn: en enorm svärm av trollsländor tog över stranden Misquamicut Beach. Svärmen ska ha sett ut som ett "svart moln" och fick många solsugna att lämna stranden, rapporterar lokala medier. Invasionen varade i närmare fem minuter, säger en strandbesökare till CNN. "Bara njut" Ginger Brown, expert på trollsländor på Rhode Island, säger till CBS news att sländorna är kända för att flytta, om deras naturliga miljöer som träsk och myrar torkar ut. Och skulle du själv fastnar i en slände-svärm, har du ingen anledning att bli rädd. "Njut bara av fenomenet", sa hon. "De har utmärkt syn, de kommer inte att flyga in i ditt ansikte".

Brown på YouTube

Deep Layered Brown Noise ( 12 Hours )

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Listen to “Sensational” here: Lyrics: INTRO Uh huh Yes Let's go (Haha) how you feeling Hook ...

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Jaylen Brown confronts Stephen A. over his 'unnamed source' from First Take | Stephen A. Smith Show

Jaylen Brown sits down with Stephen A. Smith and confronts him on an "unnamed NBA source" that he used on First Take while ...

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James Brown - I Got You (I Feel Good) (Live 8 2005)

James Brown performing at Live 8's "Final Push" in Edinburgh's Murrayfield Stadium on the 6th July, 2005. Organised by Sir Bob ...

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Brown i poddar

Deep Brown Noise | Sleep Sound (12 Hours)

Deep Brown Noise, is an even deeper and more powerful form of Brown Noise, emphasizing the lowest frequencies. It's particularly effective at creating a serene and uninterrupted environment for sleep, study, or any activity that requires shielding from external noise. Brown Noise is especially suitable for those who find higher-frequency white noise sounds too sharp or bothersome. Whether you're seeking to soothe a baby or increase concentration, Brown Noise can create a tranquil and calming ambiance, enabling you to concentrate solely on the task at hand. --- White Noise & Sleep Sounds (12 Hours) is the world’s best and fastest-growing sleep sound podcast, where we’ve helped millions of listeners find it easier to achieve deep sleep, study, relax, focus, meditate, mask unwanted noise, and overcome anxiety. Great for all ages, soothing babies, and pet anxiety too! Our White Noise, Pink Noise, Brown Noise, Nature Sounds, and many other custom Sleep Sounds offer 12 hours of continuous calm to help you sleep💤and find your inner peace🙏 --- Follow us on ⁠Instagram⁠ & ⁠TikTok⁠ & ⁠YouTube⁠ @12hourwhitenoise Follow us on ⁠X (formerly known as Twitter)⁠ @sleepwithnoise Follow us on ⁠Facebook⁠ @whitenoiseandsleepsounds --- To support this podcast and unlock all the ad-free and intro-free episodes, SUBSCRIBE at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ --- Have a sound you'd like to hear? For requests, email ⁠⁠⁠⁠ or visit ⁠⁠⁠⁠ 😊 --- Your listenership is valued! If these Sleep Sounds have been helpful for you, I'd be so grateful if you'd rate the show on either Spotify or Apple Podcasts🙏 --- 💤 Keywords: Deep Brown Noise | Brownian Noise | 12 Hour | 12 Hour Sounds Machines | ADHD | Alpha | Ambient | Ambient Noise | Ambience | Anxiety | ASMR | Asti | Autism | Baby | Background Noise | Beach | Bed | Bedtime Sounds | Best | Best Noise for Sleep | Best Sleep Sounds | Best Sound Machine | Best White Noise | Binaural Beats | Box Fan | Brain Wave | Brown Noise | Brown Noise for Sleep | Brown Noise Machine | Brown Noise Sound | Calm | Calming Sounds | Calming Sounds for Sleep | City | Cityscape | Clean | Concentrate | Concentration | Continuous | Deep Sleep | Deep Sleep Machine | Deep Sleep Pink Noise | Deep Sleep Sounds | Delta | Depression | Dohm | Drone | Evo | Fall Asleep | Fall Asleep Faster | Fan | Fan Sound Machine | Focus | Free | Gamma | Hatch | Health | Heavy Rain | Insomnia | Insomniac | Lightning | Loud White Noise | Lectrofan | Loopable | Massage | Marpac | Meditate | Meditation | Mental Health | Most Relaxing Sounds for Sleep | Nature Sounds | Newborn | Night Sounds for Sleeping | Noise Machine | Noise Machine for Sleeping | Ocean | Oscillating Fan | Pet | Pink Noise | Pink Noise for Deep Sleep | Pink Noise Machine | Pink Noise Sound Machine | Pink Sound | Pink Sound Machine | Rain | Rainstorm | Relax | Relaxation | Relaxing Sounds for Sleep | Relaxing White Noise | Rest | Restful | Rohm | Sleep | Sleep Machine | Sleep Music | Sleep Noise | Sleep Sound | Sleep Sounds | Sleep Stories | Sleep Story | Snoring | Sooth a Baby | Soothing Sleep Sounds | Soothing Sounds | Sound Asleep | Sound Cancellation | Sound Machine for Sleep | Sound Machine White Noise Generator | Sound Machines | Sound Masking | Soundscape | Sounds to Fall Asleep To | Sounds to Help Sleep | Sounds to Help You Fall Asleep | Sounds to Help You Sleep | Sounds to Make You Sleep | Sounds to Sleep To | Sounds to Make Me Sleep | Storm | Stress | Study | Studying | Thunder | Thunderstorm | Tinnitus | Travel | Uninterrupted | Water | Waves | Wellness | Well-being | Wellbeing | White and Pink Noise | White Noise | White Noise for Sleep | White Noise Machine | White Noise Music | White Noise Newborn | White Noise Sleep Machine | White Noise Sleep Sounds | White Noise Sound | White Noise Sound Machine | White Noise Waves | Wind | Yoga | Zen --- View Disclaimer ⁠⁠HERE⁠

Brown Noise Sound Machine (12 Hours)

Our tried and true Brown Noise, beloved by 10's of millions of people around the world! Brown Noise is a much deeper, fuller version of the popular White Noise, with a heavy emphasis on low-end frequencies. Its soothing, calming, constant tones are wonderful for helping adults and babies alike to fall and stay asleep, for study, for meditation, for managing anxiety, or for any other activities where you want to block out the world and focus solely on the task at hand. It also has incredible sound masking properties for use in distracting and noisy environments! *If you have been enjoying this Sound Machine up until now, don't fret that you see this new episode published with a more recent date! It's the same exact Sound Machine that you and millions of others have been 💤 to for years. I just republished it so that it would be at the top of the feed and remain more visible for new folks just finding the podcast! --- 🗣️ Follow Us on Instagram & TikTok @12hoursoundmachines --- 👉 IF YOU'RE EXPERIENCING ISSUES WITH EPISODES NOT LOADING/PLAYING, just give it a bit more time. Sometimes the episode plays immediately, and other times, unfortunately, it can take upwards of 1 minute or more for it to begin streaming to your device. My Podcast Hosting Platform has some trouble with the file size since the tracks are so long. Most times you hit play you'll be just fine, but if you find it lagging, just give it a bit more WILL eventually start to play 😊. --- If these Sound Machines have been helpful for you, I'd be so grateful if you'd rate the show on either Spotify or Apple Podcasts 🙏 --- To unlock intro-free, ad-free versions of all the 12 Hour Sound Machines, subscribe to the Podcast at This free episode has an ad or two at the very beginning but once the Sound Machine starts, rest assured there will be no more interruptions whatsoever 😴 . If you have any specific sounds you'd like added, hit me up at --- Episode Keywords: Brown Noise | White Noise | Ambient Noise | Baby | Sleep | Travel | Sound Masking | Sound Cancellation | Meditation | ADHD | Anxiety | Autism --- © 12 Hour Sound Machines, LLC. All rights reserved. Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this content is strictly prohibited. -—- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Brown Noise | Sleep Sound (12 Hours)

Our BELOVED FAN FAVORITE! Brown Noise, also known as Red Noise, is a deeper and more powerful form of White Noise, with a strong emphasis on low-frequency sounds. It's tried-and-true and perfect for creating a peaceful and distraction-free environment for sleeping, studying, or any activity where you want to block out external noise. Brown noise is especially effective for those who find the higher-frequency sounds of white noise too harsh or annoying. Whether you're soothing a baby or trying to concentrate, brown noise can provide a calming and relaxing atmosphere, helping you focus solely on the task at hand. --- White Noise & Sleep Sounds (12 Hours) is the world’s best and fastest-growing sleep sound podcast, where we’ve helped millions of listeners find it easier to achieve deep sleep, study, relax, focus, meditate, mask unwanted noise, and overcome anxiety. Great for all ages, soothing babies, and pet anxiety too! Our White Noise, Pink Noise, Brown Noise, Nature Sounds, and many other custom Sleep Sounds offer 12 hours of continuous calm to help you sleep💤and find your inner peace🙏 --- Follow us on Instagram & TikTok & YouTube @12hourwhitenoise Follow us on X (formerly known as Twitter) @sleepwithnoise Follow us on Facebook @whitenoiseandsleepsounds --- To support this podcast and unlock all the ad-free and intro-free episodes, SUBSCRIBE at ⁠⁠⁠ --- Have a sound you'd like to hear? Email ⁠⁠ or visit ⁠⁠ 😊 --- Your listenership is valued! If these Sleep Sounds have been helpful for you, I'd be so grateful if you'd rate the show on either Spotify or Apple Podcasts🙏 --- 💤 Keywords: Brown Noise | Brownian Noise | 12 Hour | 12 Hour Sounds Machines | ADHD | Alpha | Ambient | Ambient Noise | Ambience | Anxiety | ASMR | Asti | Autism | Baby | Background Noise | Beach | Bed | Bedtime Sounds | Best | Best Noise for Sleep | Best Sleep Sounds | Best Sound Machine | Best White Noise | Binaural Beats | Box Fan | Brain Wave | Brown Noise | Brown Noise for Sleep | Brown Noise Machine | Brown Noise Sound | Calm | Calming Sounds | Calming Sounds for Sleep | City | Cityscape | Clean | Concentrate | Concentration | Continuous | Deep Sleep | Deep Sleep Machine | Deep Sleep Pink Noise | Deep Sleep Sounds | Delta | Depression | Dohm | Drone | Evo | Fall Asleep | Fall Asleep Faster | Fan | Fan Sound Machine | Focus | Free | Gamma | Hatch | Health | Heavy Rain | Insomnia | Insomniac | Lightning | Loud White Noise | Lectrofan | Loopable | Massage | Marpac | Meditate | Meditation | Mental Health | Most Relaxing Sounds for Sleep | Nature Sounds | Newborn | Night Sounds for Sleeping | Noise Machine | Noise Machine for Sleeping | Ocean | Oscillating Fan | Pet | Pink Noise | Pink Noise for Deep Sleep | Pink Noise Machine | Pink Noise Sound Machine | Pink Sound | Pink Sound Machine | Rain | Rainstorm | Relax | Relaxation | Relaxing Sounds for Sleep | Relaxing White Noise | Rest | Restful | Rohm | Sleep | Sleep Machine | Sleep Music | Sleep Noise | Sleep Sound | Sleep Sounds | Sleep Stories | Sleep Story | Snoring | Sooth a Baby | Soothing Sleep Sounds | Soothing Sounds | Sound Asleep | Sound Cancellation | Sound Machine for Sleep | Sound Machine White Noise Generator | Sound Machines | Sound Masking | Soundscape | Sounds to Fall Asleep To | Sounds to Help Sleep | Sounds to Help You Fall Asleep | Sounds to Help You Sleep | Sounds to Make You Sleep | Sounds to Sleep To | Sounds to Make Me Sleep | Storm | Stress | Study | Studying | Thunder | Thunderstorm | Tinnitus | Travel | Uninterrupted | Water | Waves | Wellness | Well-being | Wellbeing | White and Pink Noise | White Noise | White Noise for Sleep | White Noise Machine | White Noise Music | White Noise Newborn | White Noise Sleep Machine | White Noise Sleep Sounds | White Noise Sound | White Noise Sound Machine | White Noise Waves | Wind | Yoga | Zen --- View Disclaimer ⁠HERE

Deep Brown Noise Sound Machine (12 Hours)

The deepest, fullest Brown Noise you'll find! I took our beloved Brown Noise Sound Machine enjoyed by tens of millions of people worldwide and lowered the lows while also reducing the mids and highs. This is the gold standard for people who love deep, smooth, low soothing tones to help them sleep, study, manage their anxiety, or otherwise block out the world around them. Enjoy! --- 🗣️ Follow Us on Instagram & TikTok @12hoursoundmachines --- 👉 IF YOU'RE EXPERIENCING ISSUES WITH EPISODES NOT LOADING/PLAYING, just give it a bit more time. Sometimes the episode plays immediately, and other times, unfortunately, it can take upwards of 1 minute or more for it to begin streaming to your device. My Podcast Hosting Platform has some trouble with the file size since the tracks are so long. Most times you hit play you'll be just fine, but if you find it lagging, just give it a bit more WILL eventually start to play 😊. --- If these Sound Machines have been helpful for you, I'd be so grateful if you'd rate the show on either Spotify or Apple Podcasts 🙏 --- To unlock intro-free, ad-free versions of all the 12 Hour Sound Machines, subscribe to the Podcast at This free episode has an ad or two at the very beginning but once the Sound Machine starts, rest assured there will be no more interruptions whatsoever 😴 . If you have any specific sounds you'd like added, hit me up at --- Episode Keywords: Deep Brown Noise | Deepest Brown Noise | Deeper Brown Noise | Brown Noise | White Noise | Ambient Noise | Baby | Sleep | Travel | Sound Masking | Sound Cancellation | Meditation | ADHD | Anxiety | Autism --- © 12 Hour Sound Machines, LLC. All rights reserved. Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this content is strictly prohibited. -—- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Series 16 Bonus Episode with Browny's Dad : Alan 'Bomber' Brown | Curvature Of The Spine

Browny's old man Bomber Brown is with us for this week's Patreon episode. Talking through his rise from the streets of Peterlee to hallowed turf of Roker Park and St James's, including Sunderland delicacies, grandma's handbag, stranded in Sheffield, blue movies and Infirmary pit stops.📲 Don't forget to sign up to FairPlay app and use the promo code COSH to get involved with this weekends wager ➡️⚽️ We're betting there'll be more than 31.5 goals in the Premier League this weekend.get your fivers in 💷Hold your mates accountable for those friendly wagers, use Fairplay to bet with your mates on anything from ‘Will there be a VAR apology this weekend?’ to ‘who’s going to be last man standing in the pub?’ ⚽️🍻 18+ GambleAware #ad🎧 Full episode available to listen & download now: 🟢 Spotify - 🍏 Apple Podcasts - Get two extra episodes a month with the Undr The Cosh Patreon club⬇️ Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Jacqueline Brown (King of Spades, Ohio)

Our card this week is Jacqueline Brown, the King of Spades from Ohio.Jacqueline Brown and her coworkers went out on July 12th, 1985 to cash their paychecks and celebrate payday with some drinks. Instead, the night ended in tragedy when residents in another part of town were awoken to find Jacqueline shot and begging for help. And while first responders may not have been able to save her, detectives are dedicated to finding her killer... who may have been someone she knew.If you have any tips or remember someone acting suspicious around or after Jackie's death, please call and let detectives know. No lead is too small. Call the Dayton Police Department cold case tip line at 937-333-7109.To apple for a Cold Case Playing Card grant through Season of Justice, please visit  Let us deal you in… follow The Deck on social media.Instagram: @thedeckpodcast | @audiochuckTwitter: @thedeckpodcast_ | @audiochuckFacebook: /TheDeckPodcast | /audiochuckllcThe Deck is hosted by Ashley Flowers. Instagram: @ashleyflowersTikTok: @ashleyflowerscrimejunkieTwitter: @Ash_FlowersFacebook: /AshleyFlowers.AFFollow The Deck on social media and join Ashley’s community by texting (317) 733-7485 to stay up to date on what's new!

#188. UK’s First Helicopter Prison Escape, Bank Robber & 18 Years - Jimmy Browne

Jimmy Browne was a serial criminal who meticulously planned and conducted bank robberies. We talk about life in UK prisons coming toe-to-toe with some of the UK's most notorious criminals. Jimmy also goes in-depth on how he planned the famous helicopter escape from prison. This is The Eventful Life of Mr Jimmy BrowneYouTube: Dodge WoodallInstagram: @Dodge.WoodallWebsite: DodgeWoodall.comTikTok: @DodgeWoodallLinkedIn: Dodge Woodall Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Dog Salon Divas with Hayes Brown

Hayes Brown joins us to learn just how deranged the world of upscale dog grooming can be. Follow Hayes on Twitter @HayesBrown. Sign up to hear Normal Gossip's next secret here. Support Radiotopia's fall fundraiser! You can support Normal Gossip directly by buying merch or becoming a Friend or a Friend-of-Friend at Our merch shop is run by Dan McQuade. You can also find all kinds of info about us and how to submit gossip on our Komi page: Episode transcript here. Follow the show on Instagram @normalgossip, and if you have gossip, email us at or leave us a voicemail at 26-79-GOSSIP. Normal Gossip is hosted by Kelsey McKinney (@mckinneykelsey) and produced by Alex Sujong Laughlin (@alexlaughs). Jae Towle Vieira (@jaetowlevieira) is our associate producer. Abigail Segel (@AbigailSegel) is our intern. Justin Ellis is Defector's projects editor. Credits read by Emma Deshpande. Show art by Tara Jacoby. Normal Gossip is a proud member of Radiotopia.

Soft & Deep Brown Noise | Sleep Sound (12 Hours)

Soft & Deep Brown Noise is a subtle and gentle version of our Deep Brown Noise, featuring low-frequency sounds that are less intense than its deeper counterpart. It's ideal for generating a peaceful and undisturbed atmosphere for relaxation, meditation, or any activity that demands tranquility. Brown Noise is particularly beneficial for individuals who find the higher-pitched sounds of white noise too grating or uncomfortable. Whether you're trying to wind down after a long day or seeking to improve your focus, Brown Noise can produce a serene and soothing backdrop, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the present moment. --- White Noise & Sleep Sounds (12 Hours) is the world’s best and fastest-growing sleep sound podcast, where we’ve helped millions of listeners find it easier to achieve deep sleep, study, relax, focus, meditate, mask unwanted noise, and overcome anxiety. Great for all ages, soothing babies, and pet anxiety too! Our White Noise, Pink Noise, Brown Noise, Nature Sounds, and many other custom Sleep Sounds offer 12 hours of continuous calm to help you sleep💤and find your inner peace🙏 --- Follow us on Instagram & TikTok & YouTube @12hourwhitenoise Follow us on X (formerly known as Twitter) @sleepwithnoise Follow us on Facebook @whitenoiseandsleepsounds --- To support this podcast and unlock all the ad-free and intro-free episodes, SUBSCRIBE at⁠ --- Have a sound you'd like to hear? For requests, email ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ or visit ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ 😊 --- 💤 Keywords: Soft & Deep Brown Noise | Brownian Noise | 12 Hour | 12 Hour Sounds Machines | ADHD | Alpha | Ambient | Ambient Noise | Ambience | Anxiety | ASMR | Asti | Autism | Baby | Background Noise | Beach | Bed | Bedtime Sounds | Best | Best Noise for Sleep | Best Sleep Sounds | Best Sound Machine | Best White Noise | Binaural Beats | Box Fan | Brain Wave | Brown Noise | Brown Noise for Sleep | Brown Noise Machine | Brown Noise Sound | Calm | Calming Sounds | Calming Sounds for Sleep | City | Cityscape | Clean | Concentrate | Concentration | Continuous | Deep Sleep | Deep Sleep Machine | Deep Sleep Pink Noise | Deep Sleep Sounds | Delta | Depression | Dohm | Drone | Evo | Fall Asleep | Fall Asleep Faster | Fan | Fan Sound Machine | Focus | Free | Gamma | Hatch | Health | Heavy Rain | Insomnia | Insomniac | Lightning | Loud White Noise | Lectrofan | Loopable | Massage | Marpac | Meditate | Meditation | Mental Health | Most Relaxing Sounds for Sleep | Nature Sounds | Newborn | Night Sounds for Sleeping | Noise Machine | Noise Machine for Sleeping | Ocean | Oscillating Fan | Pet | Pink Noise | Pink Noise for Deep Sleep | Pink Noise Machine | Pink Noise Sound Machine | Pink Sound | Pink Sound Machine | Rain | Rainstorm | Relax | Relaxation | Relaxing Sounds for Sleep | Relaxing White Noise | Rest | Restful | Rohm | Sleep | Sleep Machine | Sleep Music | Sleep Noise | Sleep Sound | Sleep Sounds | Sleep Stories | Sleep Story | Snoring | Sooth a Baby | Soothing Sleep Sounds | Soothing Sounds | Sound Asleep | Sound Cancellation | Sound Machine for Sleep | Sound Machine White Noise Generator | Sound Machines | Sound Masking | Soundscape | Sounds to Fall Asleep To | Sounds to Help Sleep | Sounds to Help You Fall Asleep | Sounds to Help You Sleep | Sounds to Make You Sleep | Sounds to Sleep To | Sounds to Make Me Sleep | Storm | Stress | Study | Studying | Thunder | Thunderstorm | Tinnitus | Travel | Uninterrupted | Water | Waves | Wellness | Well-being | Wellbeing | White and Pink Noise | White Noise | White Noise for Sleep | White Noise Machine | White Noise Music | White Noise Newborn | White Noise Sleep Machine | White Noise Sleep Sounds | White Noise Sound | White Noise Sound Machine | White Noise Waves | Wind | Yoga | Zen --- View Disclaimer HERE

Brown Noise + Heavy Rainstorm Sound Machine (12 Hours)

Our beloved Brown Noise combined with heavy, constant rainfall. Brown Noise is a much deeper, fuller version of the popular White Noise, with a heavy emphasis on low-end frequencies. Its soothing, calming, constant tones are wonderful for helping adults and babies alike to fall and stay asleep, for study, for meditation, for managing anxiety, or for any other activities where you want to block out the world and focus solely on the task at hand. It also has incredible sound masking properties for use in distracting and noisy environments! --- 🗣️ Follow Us on TikTok & Instagram! --- 👉 IF YOU'RE EXPERIENCING ISSUES WITH EPISODES NOT LOADING/PLAYING, download the episode to your device. All Podcast Players have an option to do this. That should resolve the issue! --- If these Sound Machines have been helpful for you, I'd be so grateful if you'd rate the show on either Spotify or Apple Podcasts 🙏 --- To unlock intro-free, ad-free versions of all the 12 Hour Sound Machines, subscribe to the Podcast at This free episode has an ad or two at the very beginning but once the Sound Machine starts, rest assured there will be no more interruptions whatsoever 😴 . If you have any specific sounds you'd like added, hit me up at --- Episode Keywords: Rain | Rainfall | Rainstorm | Storm | Brown Noise | Ambient Noise | Baby | Sleep | Travel | Sound Masking | Sound Cancellation | Meditation | ADHD | Anxiety | Autism --- © 12 Hour Sound Machines, LLC. All rights reserved. Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this content is strictly prohibited. --- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

12 Hours Straight Brown Noise - (No Ads, Interruptions, or Loops)

12 Hours of uninterrupted Brown Noise.  For sleep, deep focus, work, and meditation. No interruption or breaks, and never ads.  Enjoy!

Exposing the Porn Industry - Ex Porn Star Samantha Browne Tells All

Anything goes with James English Exposing the Porn Industry - Ex-Porn Star Samantha Browne Tells All You can contact James English on his social media platforms ⬇️⬇️ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Learning to Enjoy Being Alone is a Superpower - Les Brown Jordan Peterson Eric Thomas Jocko Willink

Learning to Enjoy Being Alone is a Superpower - Les Brown Jordan Peterson Eric Thomas Jocko WillinkOur mission is to inspire, educate and help people, students of all ages with both lack of motivation and mental health awareness. We bring speeches of top entrepreneurs like Andy Frisella, David Goggins, Jocko willink and many others.Our goal is to keep you motivated so that you can achieve your goals and follow your dreams. We are working hard to make your day better and push you to be your best! Whether you’re studying, working out, or just feeling unmotivated, we have the Motivational Video for you!Current release schedule is 1-2 videos per week.David goggins, Steve Harvey, TD jakes, Kobe Bryant, Eric Thomas, Tony Robbins, les brown, nick nuijicic, brain tracy, Chris Gardner, Darren hardy…motivational speech,best motivational speech,morning motivation,study motivation,powerful motivational speech,best motivational video,workout motivation,motivational video 2022,positive thinking,law of attraction coaching,ben lionel scott,law of attraction,wake up motivation,gym motivation,2023 mindset,positive affirmations,motivation for success,your world within,motivational video 2023,eddie pinero,running motivation,2023 motivation,best motivation,motivation compilation,motivational speech for success in life,whatever it takes,motivational speech 2023,discipline is everything,freddy fri,motivational speeches,motivation speech,motivation speech tamil,motivational speech workout,motivational speech steve harvey,motivational speech for students,motivation speech and music,motivational speech morning,motivational speech study,motivational speech denzel washington,motivational speech football  Support the show

Brown Noise + Rain Sound Machine (12 hours)

Our beloved Brown Noise combined with soothing, constant rainfall. Brown Noise is a much deeper, fuller version of the popular White Noise, with a heavy emphasis on low-end frequencies. Its soothing, calming, constant tones are wonderful for helping adults and babies alike to fall and stay asleep, for study, for meditation, for managing anxiety, or for any other activities where you want to block out the world and focus solely on the task at hand. It also has incredible sound masking properties for use in distracting and noisy environments! --- 🗣️ Follow Us on TikTok & Instagram! --- 👉 IF YOU'RE EXPERIENCING ISSUES WITH EPISODES NOT LOADING/PLAYING, download the episode to your device. All Podcast Players have an option to do this. That should resolve the issue! --- If these Sound Machines have been helpful for you, I'd be so grateful if you'd rate the show on either Spotify or Apple Podcasts 🙏 --- To unlock intro-free, ad-free versions of all the 12 Hour Sound Machines, subscribe to the Podcast at This free episode has an ad or two at the very beginning but once the Sound Machine starts, rest assured there will be no more interruptions whatsoever 😴 . If you have any specific sounds you'd like added, hit me up at --- © 12 Hour Sound Machines, LLC. All rights reserved. Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this content is strictly prohibited. --- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

266. How to Love Family When You’re Divided On Beliefs with adrienne maree brown & Autumn Brown

Just in time for the holidays: adrienne maree brown and Autumn Brown join us for a heart-opening, mind-bending conversation about sisterhood, justice, family, and how to love ourselves and people with different values simultaneously.  Why their family holidays used to end in explosions – and the strategy they used to transform family time into peaceful respites. Their intentional practice for creating a more beautiful way of spending time together - including their weekly “Sister Check-ins.”  What their mother did as children to protect their dignity, and what they are doing now to protect hers. Their beautiful vision for the future – and invitation to all of us to go with them.  For our conversation with adrienne, check out 239. Why Are We Never Satisfied? With adrienne maree brown.  About adrienne:  adrienne maree brown grows healing ideas in public through writing, music, and podcasts. adrienne has nurtured Emergent Strategy, Pleasure Activism, Radical Imagination and Transformative Justice as ideas, frameworks, networks and practices for transformation. adrienne’s work is informed by 25 years of social and environmental justice facilitation primarily supporting Black liberation. adrienne is the author/editor of Emergent Strategy: Shaping Change, Changing Worlds; Pleasure Activism: The Politics of Feeling Good; Grievers; and Maroons.adrienne lives in Durham, NC. TW: @adriennemaree IG:@adriennemareebrown About Autumn:  Autumn Brown is a mother, organizer, theologian, artist, and facilitator. The youngest child of an interracial marriage, rooted in the complex lineages of counter-culturalism and the military industrial complex, Autumn is a queer, mixed-race Black woman who identifies closely with her African and European lineages, and a gifted facilitator who grounds her work in healing from the trauma of oppression.  Autumn is a facilitator with the Anti-Oppression Resource & Training Alliance (AORTA), a worker-owned cooperative devoted to strengthening movements for social justice and a solidarity economy through political education, training, and planning. Prior to joining AORTA, Autumn served as the Executive Director of RECLAIM!, a non-profit that works to increase access to mental health support so that queer and trans youth may reclaim their lives from oppression in all its forms. Autumn co-hosts the podcast "How to Survive the End of the World" with her sister, adrienne maree brown. She lives in Minneapolis with her three brilliant children. IG:@autumnmeghanbrown To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

12 Hours Straight Brown Noise (Blended) - No Ads, Interruptions, or Loops

12 Hours of uninterrupted Brown Noise - the original, full spectrum blended version  For sleep, deep focus, work, and meditation. No interruption or breaks, and never ads.  Enjoy!

12 Hours Straight Brown Noise (250Hz) - No Ads, Interruptions, or Loops

12 Hours of uninterrupted Brown Noise - 250Hz version.  For sleep, deep focus, work, and meditation. No interruption or breaks, and never ads.  Enjoy!