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Ett nytt liv väntar för Seger: "Mina drömmar har alltid varit om fotboll"

Ett nytt liv väntar för Seger: "Mina drömmar har alltid varit om fotboll"

Lördagens match mellan Djurgården och Rosengård på Stockholms Stadion blev Caroline Segers sista. En 21-årig karriär är över för Europas mesta landslagsspelare. Meritlistan är lång: dubbla diamantbollar, trippla EM och VM-brons, dubbla OS-silver, sju SM-guld och en seger i Champions League. – I går var jag ganska kontrollerad skulle jag säga. I dag känns lite mer känslosamt och som att man har vaknat upp till verkligheten på ett annat sätt, säger Caroline Seger i Nyhetsmorgon. Straffmissen blev karriärens tyngsta stund En lång karriär på elitnivå innebär både toppar och dalar. En av hennes tyngsta stunder kom under straffläggningen i OS-finalen 2021. Seger hade chans att skjuta hem guldet till Sverige men missade straffen och fick nöja sig med ett silver. Efteråt har hon fått ta hjälp för att bearbeta sorgen. – Det är en dröm man har haft sedan man var liten, att kunna ta hem ett guld till sitt land, hon fortsätter: – Då krossades allting på ett par hundradelar. Där och då kändes det som att fotbollen var över för min del, erkänner hon. ”Mina drömmar har alltid varit om fotboll” Nu börjar ett nytt liv för Seger. En lång karriär är över, något som hon beskriver som omtumlande och svårt att acceptera och förstå. En identitetskris väntar för fotbollsspelaren Caroline Seger som nu ska bli Caroline Seger i nya sammanhang. – Det låter sorligt men mina drömmar har alltid varit om fotboll. Att göra fotbollen så stor jag bara kan och bättre för nästa generation. Så det låter ju så sorgligt att säga att jag inte har andra drömmar. Men det är också en sanning i det för att fotbollen har varit mitt allt.

Väljargrupperna som avgjorde: Därför röstade vi på Trump

Väljargrupperna som avgjorde: Därför röstade vi på Trump

Tillträdande presidenten Donald Trump har lyckats locka till sig nya väljargrupper som latinamerikanska och afroamerikanska män, men även förorternas medelklass. Grupper som visat sig ha blivit avgörande stödtrupper för Trumps seger, enligt de preliminära undersökningarna. I segertalet valde han att uttrycka tacksamhet till de nya väljargrupperna som säkrat hans väg tillbaka till Vita huset. – De kom från alla hörn, fackliga och icke-fackliga, afroamerikaner, latinamerikaner, asiatiska amerikaner, arabiska amerikaner, muslimska amerikaner. Vi hade alla, och det var vackert. Det var en historisk omgruppering som förenade medborgare från alla bakgrunder kring ett gemensamt kärnideal av sunt förnuft, sade Trump under sitt tal. Enligt en undersökning från Edison Research ökade andelen latinamerikanska väljare med 13 procent. I det mest latinamerikantäta området i södra Texas, Starr County, röstade man för första gången på över 100 år på Republikanerna, vilket även det traditionellt demokratröstande North Carolina gjorde. ”Vi är ett konservativt folk” 59-årige Roel Reyes från Texas är en av alla latinamerikaner som röstar på Trump – bland annat för att han anser att Demokraterna glömt bort ”småfolket”. – Demokraterna är numera ett helt annat parti. De har helt glömt bort småfolket, tycker jag. Det är väldigt, väldigt annorlunda. De flesta av latinamerikanerna är konservativa. Vi är ett konservativt folk. Och Demokraterna har gått långt till vänster – alldeles för långt, säger Roel Reyes. En annan väljare som lockats av Trump löften om en växande ekonomi är afroamerikanen H. Patricia Little som bor i en förort i North Carolina. – Vårt lilla samhälle har blivit ett låginkomstområde. Vi har inga köpcentra. Vi hade ett, som sedan stängde. Så det här samhället är verkligen i behov av tillväxt. Vi vill se tillväxt, för våra barn, skola, utbildning och jobb, säger H. Patricia Little. ”Vi röstar inte på Jesus” Trots att Trump och Demokraternas politik kan begränsa HBTQI-personers rättigheter får han stöd av vissa inom HBTQI-världen, bland andra 37-åriga Skyler Akind. Han känner sig numera välkommen av Demokraterna. – Jag skämtar ofta om att det var svårare att komma ut som republikan än som homosexuell. Jag säger så för att Republikanerna numera välkomnar alla. Så länge du tror på frihet, begränsad statlig makt och låga skatter, så är du välkommen. Jag tror att Demokraterna trodde att de hade monopol på vissa väljargrupper såsom latinamerikaner, HBTQI-personer och afroamerikaner, säger Skyler Akind, 37, från Georgia. Även 58-årige latinamerikanen, Ross Barrera stödjer Trump trots republikanens ”brister och misstag”. – Trump är väldigt rak. Han är inte en politiker som säger det du vill höra. Javisst, han kan vara fel ute, men vet du vad? Vi röstar inte på Jesus. Vi röstar inte på någon som är ett helgon. Det finns inga sådana. Gubben har sina brister. Han är mänsklig. Han har begått några misstag, men gillar det faktum att han är en affärssnubbe, säger Ross Barrera, 58, från Texas.

Carolina på YouTube

Taylor Swift - Carolina (From The Motion Picture “Where The Crawdads Sing” / Lyric Video)

Watch the official lyric video for “Carolina (From the Motion Picture Where The Crawdads Sing)” by Taylor Swift. 🕰️ Pre-order the ...

TaylorSwiftVEVO på YouTube

Taylor Swift - Carolina (From The Motion Picture “Where The Crawdads Sing” / Audio)

Watch the official visualizer for “Carolina (From the Motion Picture Where The Crawdads Sing)” by Taylor Swift. 🕰️ Pre-order the ...

TaylorSwiftVEVO på YouTube

KAROL G - Carolina (Visualizer)

Escucha / Stream “MSB” on your favorite platform:!YTD Subscribe to my YouTube channel here: ...

KarolGVEVO på YouTube

North Carolina vs. Louisville Game Highlights | 2024-25 ACC Men's Basketball

The Cardinals took over the end of the game against the Tar Heels and came away with an 83-70 victory. With 5:09 left, Louisville ...

ACC Digital Network på YouTube

Carolina i poddar

#451 - Turd Boy: Satanic Killer - Clemmons, North Carolina

This week, in Clemmons, North Carolina, a troubled young man changes his name, covers his face in tattoos, and idolizes Charles Manson, as he builds a weird following, in his filthy house. Monthly sacrifices, and blood drinking make it even weirder, but the real crazy comes, when people begin going to police with stories of murder. This ends up with multiple bodies, unlikely accomplices, and a huge mess!!Along the way, we find out that Betty White loved Legos, that trying to freak out everyone in town usually works, and that when having several corpses at your home, maybe you shouldn't try to draw attention to yourself, and your house!!Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie WhismanNew episodes every Thursday!Donate at: or go to and use our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGo to for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!Follow us, check out James & Jimmie's other show, Crime In Sports! On Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, Wondery, Wondery+, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts!See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

BB playing well, FB staff changes, Travis Stephenson joins

Carolina Basketball is playing well with a complete victory over Charleston Southern (8:20) and a gritty road win against Pitt (14:15)Tar Heel Football made some defensive staff changes and faces an important hire (38:05)1993 National Champion and Big Grits' best friend, Travis Stephenson, joins for an emotional interview (48:45)Plus: an INTENSE HCYJT (1:31:42) and a lot of people around the ACC have been #SoClassy in recent weeks (1:45:21)See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

An NBA Power Poll, Carolina’s Rock-Bottom, Eagles-Niners, and Million-Dollar Picks With Steven Ruiz and Sheil Kapadia

The Ringer's Bill Simmons starts with an NBA Power Poll ranking all the teams in the league in tiers. Then, he's joined by Ringer staff writer and Carolina Panthers fan Steven Ruiz. They discuss how grim the situation truly is in Carolina, plus they talk through Steven's QB rankings for The Ringer (30:32). After that, The Ringer's Sheil Kapadia joins Bill to talk through this crazy Philadelphia Eagles season, preview Eagles-Niners, and talk through some other games on the Week 13 NFL slate (58:47), and then Bill wraps up with Million-Dollar Picks (1:49:37)!The Ringer is committed to responsible gaming, please checkout to find out more or listen to the end of the episode for additional details.Host: Bill SimmonsGuests: Sheil Kapadia and Steven RuizProducers: Isaiah Blakely and Steve Ceruti Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

FB Season Ends, BB assessment heading to conference play

Carolina lost to West Virginia in the Duke's Mayo Bowl, but there are much larger questions for the Heels ahead (4:14)Tar Heel basketball finishes non-conference play tonight against Charleston Southern before heading into ACC action...we assess the season to-date for Carolina (46:35)Plus: Powerful Performer of the Month (54:43) and a Tar Heel with a Life Well Played (1:01:15)See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

#445 - Bed Chains & Dark Deeds - Socastee, South Carolina

This week, in Socastee, South Carolina, strange videos, a string of aggressive phone calls, a man, who is chained to the bed, every night, and the buying of a middle of the night Walmart pregnancy test all seem to add up to an awful murder, but detectives can't seem to be able to prove it. What happens when all the evidence points to only one brutal conclusion, but You don't know it can be proven in court?Along the way, we find out that no price is apparently too high to pay to swim with an elephant, that you should always remember that your cell phone can be a map to everything you've done, and that if your wife chains you to the bed at night, your marriage may be in trouble!!Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie WhismanNew episodes every Thursday!Donate at: or go to and use our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGo to for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!Follow us, check out James & Jimmie's other show, Crime In Sports! On Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, Wondery, Wondery+, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts!See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

Clemson recap, Hubert Davis joins, Creighton Lebo joins

Carolina picked up another ACC road win by grinding out a victory over Clemson (10:29) and now heads to Raleigh to face NC State (22:31)Geoff Collins named Carolina's new defensive coordinator (31:05)Latest installment of "Checking in with Coach Davis" (presented by CR Legal Team) (43:03)Creighton Lebo joins to talk Carolina's recent success, his green light to shoot and playing for his dad (50:57)Plus: Big time #SoClassy from Clemson (36:51), listener HCYJT (1:17:34), Amazing Tyler nearly knocked Jones out (1:31:50), Adam wants to write a Hallmark Christmas Movie (1:36:04) and Story time (1:39:56)See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

Kentucky preview, Hubert Davis joins, Mike Brey joins

Carolina comes out of the exam break with a stern test against Kentucky in Atlanta (10:14)Weekly feature: Checking in with Coach Davis (27:18)Former Notre Dame head coach Mike Brey joins to talk his time with the Irish, moving on to the NBA and some fun Carolina memories (37:09)Plus: #5SecondChallenge (55:20), more clarity on FB's roster ahead of the bowl game (1:04:46), the Pod Christmas tree is up (1:27:08), what's wrong with Louisville? (1:30:25) and a Pod Christmas gift option (1:36:30)See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

Big win over Tennessee, Red Panda joins

Carolina Basketball put on an offensive clinic in the first half and held off a hard-charging Tennessee team in the second half on Wednesday night in the Smith Center...we look back at the impressive Tar Heel victory (9:43) and preview the weekend's match-up with FSU (27:25)GOAT Halftime act Red Panda joins to talk flipping bowls from her foot to a stack on her head while riding a unicycle (38:37)Tar Heel men's soccer goalkeeper Andrew Cordes joins to talk Carolina's top notch defense, PK trash talk and more (57:31)Plus: All-ACC FB teams (32:48), Jones needs two tries on the #5SecondChallenge (1:18:03), Cascada appears in IDEWT (1:25:58) and old ticket stubs provide hilarious results in #Storytime (1:34:23)See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

Heels comeback vs FSU, Bowl game in Charlotte, New weekly feature with Coach Davis, James Okonkwo joins

Carolina ramped up the defensive pressure to earn a big comeback win versus FSU on Saturday in the Smith Center (3:35) and now travels to NYC to take on an excellent UConn team (25:35)Tar Heel football is heading back to Charlotte to face West Virginia in the Duke's Mayo Bowl (42:06)The first installment of our new weekly feature, "Catching up with Coach Davis" (presented by CR Legal Team) as Coach Davis joins for a weekly update (53:25)James Okonkwo joins to talk transferring to Carolina, British vs American life and teaches us which British swear words we can and can't use (1:01:45)Plus: CFP excludes FSU (36:05), #VacationFromLife (50:57), HCYJT (1:35:03) and memories from when the Yankees played Carolina in Chapel Hill (1:47:39)See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

UConn recap, Lexi Donarski from WBB joins, the NET is BACK

Carolina fell to a very good UConn team on Tuesday night in NYC...we look back at the game against the Huskies in the Garden (7:51)Lexi Donarski from Carolina's WBB team joins to talk transferring to UNC, the season to-date and her extensive figure skating/baton twirling background (23:12)Plus: #5SecondChallenge (49:43), the NET is BACK (and as bad as ever) (1:13:11), clarification on the goaltending call from the FSU game (1:27:12) and Storytime (1:33:36)See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

BB in the Bahamas, State recap, Lindsay Berra joins

Carolina Basketball went 2-1 in the Bahamas, but showed plenty of promise for the upcoming year (6:16)Carolina Football had a miserable trip to NC State...where do the Tar Heels go from here? (37:01)Lindsay Berra joins to talk her time at Carolina, her journalistic career and "It Ain't Over"...the documentary on her grandfather, Yogi Berra (53:51)Plus: future BB schedules (26:29), this month's Powerful Performance (32:35), unboxing Dewey's (1:19:50), this month's Life Well Played (1:33:14), we all need Tar Heel flags (1:42:53) and the Tip-Off Club is BACK (1:46:10)See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

Hubert Davis Live 12/11/23

Hubert Davis joins Jones Angell to talk about Carolina's game against UConn, preview the upcoming match-up with Kentucky, and answer Tar Heel fan's questions.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

Legends 1: North Carolina Monsters

Legends 1: North Carolina Monsters The world is a big, scary place, and that’s mostly because of the people around us. But if the legends are true, there are darker reasons to be afraid, and they are lurking in the shadows outside our homes. Narrated and produced by Aaron Mahnke, with writing by Harry Marks and research by GennaRose Nethercott. ———————— Lore Resources:  Episode Music:  Episode Sources:  All the shows from Grim & Mild: ———————— To advertise on our podcast, please reach out to, or visit our listing here. ©2023 Aaron Mahnke. All rights reserved.

Hubert Davis Live 1/8/24

Hubert Davis joins Jones Angell to talk about Carolina's win over Clemson, preview the upcoming match-up with NC State, and answer Tar Heel fan's questions.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

The Shark of South Carolina | Mallory Beach and the Murdaughs (Part 1)

In the high-profile Murdaugh case, a prominent South Carolina family finds themselves embroiled in a web of dark secrets, mysterious deaths, and shocking revelations that have left the nation captivated and craving answers. #crimehub #truecrime Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

FB keeps the Bell, BB moves to 2-0, Jonathan Miller joins

Carolina Football won its fifth straight over Duke in dramatic fashion (2:55) while Tar Heel Basketball moved to 2-0 with a complete victory over Lehigh (42:48)Jonathan Miller joins to talk walk-on life at Carolina, the transition from Matt Doherty to Roy Williams and more (54:02)Plus: HCYJT gets salty (28:29), Caleb Love returned to Cameron Indoor (and won again) (1:45:32) and Coach K might actually HATE Cascada (1:49:51)See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

Clemson recap, BB to the Bahamas, FH wins another championship

Carolina basketball finished its home stretch to begin the year with a win over UC Riverside (3:18) and now heads to face a quality field in the Battle 4 Atlantis (12:07)Tar Heel football left Death Valley frustrated as Carolina made too many mistakes to have a chance to beat Clemson (21:18)It was a huge weekend for Tar Heel Olympic Sports as Field Hockey brought home its 11th National Championship and both Men's and Women's Soccer advanced in the NCAA Tournament (49:15)See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

Clemson FB & UC Riverside BB previews, Terrific interviews with Noah Burnette and Ernest Bawa

It's another incredibly busy Tar Heel weekend as Carolina Basketball hosts UC Riverside in the Smith Center on Friday night (6:54) then Tar Heel Football clashes with Clemson in Death Valley on Saturday afternoon (20:05)Two awesome interviews...first, Noah Burnette from Carolina Football on both making the big kick and missing a big kick (and the subsequent fallout) (34:51)Then, Ernest Bawa from the Tar Heel men's soccer team joins to talk Carolina getting hot at the right time, his journey to Chapel Hill from Ghana and his signature goal scoring celebration (53:34)Plus: a double #5SecondChallenge (1:16:28), Tony Bennett is NOT happy (1:40:05), another great Walter Davis #Storytime (1:48:18) and Adam has an insane amount of unplayed voicemails (1:52:55)See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at