Senaste nytt om Concentric - Nyheter, podcasts, videor och inlägg på sociala medier om Concentric.
Senaste nytt om Concentric - Nyheter, podcasts, videor och inlägg på sociala medier om Concentric.
Börsprofilen John Skogman utnyttjade marknadens skepsis mot att budet på Concentric skulle gå igenom och köpte på sig en mängd aktier på lägre kursnivåer. Nu avslöjar han hur stor vinst han gjorde på det lyckade budklippet. ”Det blev ändå bra betalt”, säger han.
Budet på Concentric tar ett kliv närmare mot att gå igenom. Nordea Fonder, fordonsbolagets näst största ägare, har på onsdagen nämligen bestämt sig för att ge tummen upp till budet. ”Vi har nu tackat ja och har lämnat in våra aktier till depåbanken”, säger förvaltaren Mats Andersson till Di.
Blankningen ökar i budaktuella Concentric och aktien handlas under budkursen efter en vinstvarning. Delar av marknaden tycks spekulera i att budet från AP Møller dras tillbaka. Det vore en historisk märkeshändelse i en svensk kontext, och osannolikt enligt en expert på offentliga uppköpsbud. ”I praktiken så är det väldigt svårt.”
Fordonsunderleverantören Concentric vinstvarnade på onsdagen för tredje kvartalet, samtidigt som det håller på att köpas ut från börsen. Spannen i bolagets prognoser talar för att den svagare efterfrågan tagit ledningen på sängen, menar Handelsbankens verkstadsanalytiker Hampus Engellau, som inte tror att budet är i fara.
Under slutet av augusti presenterade den danska familjen Møllers maktbolag A.P. Møller Holding ett bud på Concentric. Det var ett bud som var attraktivt redan då, men som har har blivit än mer tilltalande efter den svenska fordonsunderleverantörens vinstvarning på onsdagen.
Concentric, som Circle lagt bud på, uppger att utmanande marknadsförhållanden, främst i form av avmattade slutmarknader, förväntas påverka det finansiella utfallet för Concentric negativt under det tredje kvartalet 2024. Det framgår av ett pressmeddelande.
Circle BidCo, som kontrolleras av den danska shipping- och konglomeratjätten A.P. Møller-Maersk, lägger ett rekommenderat kontantbud värt 230 kronor per aktie på verkstadsbolaget Concentric. Budet är värt nära 8,6 miljarder kronor.
Stockholmsbörsen fortsatte klättra för fjärde dagen i rad på onsdagen, och noterade därmed sin längsta uppgångssekvens sedan mars i år, om än med små steg. Dagens enda rapportbolag på huvudlistan, fordonsunderleverantören Concentric, slutade dock som jumbo efter nedslående siffror.
Concentric har upptäckt ett tillverkningsfel i en vattenpump. Bolaget har avsatt 100 miljoner kronor för garantianspråk, men kostnaderna riskerar att bli väsentligt högre, framgår av ett pressmeddelande.
Verkstadsaktien Concentric har stigit kraftigt under eftermiddagen, efter att på måndagsmorgonen ha aviserat en order på kylning av datacenter. Ingen av de analytiker som följer aktien har gått ut med något, visar Di:s rundringning.
Concentric/Eccentric contraction [FREE video] Over 2000 unique 3D videos show all human muscles in motion. If you're a student, ...
If you're struggling to understand the difference between concentric, eccentric, isometric, isotonic, or isokinetic contraction types, ...
Concentric, eccentric, isotonic and isokinetic muscle contractions explained. Learn more at ...
Concentric vs Eccentric loading In a concentric contraction, the muscle tension rises to meet the resistance then remains stable as ...
Let’s continue with this sleepy theory about the Earth and how fish migrations absolutely, positively prove that it must be hollow. What other explanation could there be? None, says Symmes! Help us stay ad-free and 100% listener-supported! Patreon: Buy Me a Coffee: Read “Symmes Theory of Concentric Spheres” at Project Gutenberg: Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY: If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website,
This evening, relax and sleep with one of the weirder scientific theories ever conceived, that the Earth is hollow and filled with other worlds. But first, there are 30 minutes of ambling preambles, because in 1826, of course there are. Enjoy! Want to support us? Neat! Here's how: Become a Patron: Buy Me a Coffee: Connect: Read "Symmes Theory of Concentric Spheres" at Project Gutenberg: Music: “Boring Books for Bedtime” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, I'd love to hear from you!
Let’s relax and sleep with more from one of the weirder scientific theories ever conceived, that the Earth is hollow and filled with other inhabited words. Newton is mentioned, so you know it’s science. Want to support us and help us stay ad-free? Neat! Patreon: Buy Me A Coffee: Read "Symmes Theory of Concentric Spheres” at Project Gutenberg: Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY ( If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website,
In this episode, we chat about host city of Jerusalem, the hosts of 1979, the postcards, the controversies, the fashion at Eurovision 1979, the interval act, European and Australian news, what was happening in entertainment, the WTF and OMG moments of the contest, the voting, and play our top 10 of 1979 based on a … Continue reading Episode 92 – “1979: Concentric Circles, Stereotypes, and Glittering Suspenders”
Mammon is the sustaining relationship that occupies the outermost ring of the #Concentrica... or at least it's supposed to... This week, the SLT discusses how tricky that can be and how we can keep things in the #Right rhythm. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S11:E9 What's The Difference Between Concentric and Eccentric Contractions Welcome to our latest episode, where we're diving deep into the world of anatomy and physiology! Today, we're unravelling the mystery surrounding concentric and eccentric muscle contractions. If you've ever found yourself confused about these terms, you're not alone. But fear not, because we're here to make this tricky topic simple and accessible. Understanding the different types of muscle contractions is essential for anyone in the fitness industry, whether you're a personal trainer, fitness professional, or simply a fitness enthusiast looking to deepen your knowledge. So, let's get started on demystifying concentric and eccentric contractions! Make sure you tell us your big takeaway from today's episode, by using the links below ————— Once you’ve listened to today’s episode share it with your friends by tagging us on your social stories and posts using @ParallelCoaching You can also send us a message here Or post in the Inner Circle Facebook group to tell us your big Takeaway from today's episode ———— Need More Help with Your Anatomy Exam Revision? Discover How 6500+ Fitpros In Training Are Walking Into Their Exam With Confidence And Guaranteeing A Pass Are you tired of staring at your manual and not knowing where to start? Our revision mastery Bootcamp breaks everything down into a clear and easy-to-follow structure. You can download the videos to MP3 and MP4 to slice your revision time in half and finally understand the key principles of exercise. This is not another course with more exams – it HELPS pass the course you’re already enrolled on! “EVERYTHING You Need To Learn, Revise And Pass Your Fitness Exam” If you want to get your revision structured, learn everything you need to know and feel confident on exam day, then click the link below: ————— Get updates on all of our latest Podcast Episodes: Join our Newsletter and get a free PARQ and Informed Consent download: ————— Dedicated to more Parallel Coaching P.S. You can also find us on the following platforms: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: YouTube: :) --- Send in a voice message:
Software is Hard? Where? - We take the dive into Adafruit Feathers and our favorite humidity sensor. Torque Your Gripper - Wrapping up the 2023 B-200 Balancing Ring production run - Lessons Learned Twisted Concentricity - We collect data on the BS-8 Balancing Stands, and find surprises. Good ones. Links for products/designs mentioned are at Follow me on Instagram at "spencer_webb_nh". ("PFG Stones" is a trademark of Kinetic Precision)
This week James is joined by Dr Dafydd Loughran, a surgeon by training and now CEO of Concentric Health - the market leading digital consent to treatment application seeing rapid adoption to support the record surgical backlogs being seen internationally. Trivia: James and Daf previously worked together clinically in operating theaters in Wales!LinkedIn: to be a guest: to Healthtech Pigeon 🐦: www.healthtechpigeon.comGet in touch with James : www.jamessomauroo.comLearn more about SomX for your healthtech company: