
Dallas är en stad i delstaten Texas i USA. Staden är den tredje största i delstaten och har en befolkning på över 1,3 miljoner invånare. Dallas är känt för sin rika historia, sin ikoniska skyline och för att vara hem till flera stora företag och sportlag.

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Båda Hollies foster saknade hjärna – ändå nekades hon att göra abort

Båda Hollies foster saknade hjärna – ändå nekades hon att göra abort

Rätten till abort har tagit en central plats i den amerikanska valrörelsen efter att flera delstater under de senaste åren har skärpt abortlagarna. Högsta Domstolen i USA beslutade 2022 att den konstitutionella rätten till fri abort skulle upphävas, vilket ledde till att förändringar godkändes i olika delar av landet. Riskerar livstids fängelse vid utförandet av abort Texas tillhör en av delstaterna som i dag har nära totalförbud. Läkare som utför en abort där kan riskera upp till livstids fängelse. Under 2023 ledde lagstiftningen till att fler än 35 000 kvinnor lämnade Texas för att utföra abort i en annan delstat, enligt Guttmacher Institute. Hollie Cunningham i Texas blev gravid i början av 2022 men fick i tjugonde veckan veta att fostret hade anencefali och saknade hjärna. Alternativen hon ställdes inför var antingen att fullfölja graviditeten eller att åka till en annan delstat. – Jag visste att min dotter inte skulle överleva, det kunde utsätta mig för livsfara och stoppa mig från att kunna bli gravid igen, säger hon när TV4 Nyheterna möter henne i hemmet utanför Dallas. ”Kallade oss för mördare” Hon och maken Cody beslutade sig för att åka till delstaten New Mexico för att utföra abort på en klinik, där abortmotståndare hade samlats utanför. – De skrek hemska saker till min man, de kallade oss för mördare. Han skrek tillbaka åt dem att vår graviditet var planerad, att det var vad vi ville, att vårt barn var älskat, att det här inte var vad vi ville, säger hon. Under 2023 blev hon gravid ännu en gång och fick besked om samma diagnos. – Jag var tvungen att gå igenom samma sak igen. Jag var tvungen att lämna min hemdelstat eftersom jag visste att jag inte hade något stöd. Så jag fick bara ta mig igenom den här traumatiska situationen ännu en gång, säger hon. Kvarlevorna lät hon kremera och askan finns i dag hemma hos henne, maken och deras två söner. Hon har också gjort i ordning två lådor med bilder och minnesföremål efter de två flickor familjen aldrig utökades med. – På så sätt är de nära oss hela tiden, säger hon. Fått stor plats i valrörelsen Demokraternas presidentkandidat Kamala Harris har kampanjat hårt på abortfrågan och lovar att skriva under ett återinförande av aborträtten, om ett sådant förslag skulle klubbas igenom i kongressen. Donald Trump har flera gånger skiftat åsikt i abortfrågan och har i stället hänvisat till att det är upp till delstaterna att bestämma. Inför presidentvalet har Trump inte velat svara på om han skulle använda veto för att stoppa ett nationellt förbud mot abort. Hollie Cunningham säger att hon inte är förvånad över att aborträtten har fått så stor plats i valrörelsen. Hon menar att det beror på att flera kvinnor berättat öppet om hur de har påverkats. – Det har öppnat ögonen för många och visat att vi behöver förändring och mer medkänsla. Det är inte okej att man tar bort våra rättigheter, säger hon.

Till första finalen – på 18 år: "Aldrig hört det"

Till första finalen – på 18 år: "Aldrig hört det"

Det tog honom nio år att ta sig till finalen i Stanley Cup. Men i natt, svensk tid, förverkligade Connor McDavid,  27, drömmen. På sitt eget lilla sätt. Med ett drömmål gav han Edmonton Oilers ledningen i mötet med Dallas Stars. Tio minuter senare spelade han fram kedjekamraten Zach Hyman till 2-0 och det räckte för att man skulle kunna hålla undan och vinna med 2-1. Edmonton vann semifinalen med 4-2 i matcher och möter nu Florida Panthers i finalen med start på lördag.

Svensken hyllas – av  ikonen: "Overkligt bra"

Svensken hyllas – av ikonen: "Overkligt bra"

Det var hans andra match i årets Stanley Cup, den nionde totalt under NHL-karriären. Nu kom första poängen för Philip Broberg. Den 22-årige svenske backtalangen sköt ett vackert 3-0-mål och hade stor del i Edmonton Oilers 3-1-seger på bortaplan i Dallas i natt, svensk tid. Nu är man en vinst från en finalplats. Broberg hyllades av självaste Wayne Gretzky. – Broberg ser overkligt bra ut, sa ”The Great One” i tv-sändningen av matchen hos amerikanska TNT.

Svenska målskyttar när Oilers vände mot Dallas

Svenska målskyttar när Oilers vände mot Dallas

Det startade illa med två insläppta mål under matchens första sex minuter. Men Edmonton Oilers reste sig i ”måste-matchen” i natt och vände 0–2 till en 5–2-seger hemma mot Dallas Stars. Och utjämnade till 2–2 i matcher i semifinalen av Stanley Cup. Svenskarna Mattias Janmark och Mattias Ekholm gjorde varsitt mål. – Janmarks 3–2-mål i numerärt underläge vänder matchen. Han är suverän på att döda utvisningar och bidrar med en massa energi till laget, kommenterade förre NHL-stjärnan Anson Carter i expertpanelen hos tv-kanalen TNT.

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DALLAS | The Ewing Family / First Appearance Of Southfork Ranch

DallasTVShow - Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE! - The Ewing family relaxes by the pool. First appearance of the famous second ...

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Dallas Mavericks vs Sacramento Kings Full Game Highlights | Dec 30 | 2025 NBA Season

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The Best Things to Do in Dallas, Texas 🇺🇸 | Travel Guide PlanetofHotels

Find top-rated & must-see attractions in #Dallas, Texas . Subscribe to the #PlanetofHotels YouTube channel for the best travel ...

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Dallas i poddar

394. JFK: Death in Dallas (Part 3)

“It wouldn't be very difficult to kill the president of the United States, you just have to be in a high building with a high powered rifle, telescopic sight and there's nothing anyone could do about it….” On the morning of Friday, 22nd November 1963, John F. Kennedy awoke with just hours to live. Ahead was a flight to Love Field, Dallas; then a motorcade into the heart of the city’s business district. But as the president and his glamorous wife, Jacqueline, settled back in their limousine for the journey towards destiny, they had no idea of the horror to come …   By 12:22pm the motorcade had reached Dealey Plaza in downtown Dallas, passing the nondescript Texas Book Depository and slowing for the unexpectedly large and enthusiastic crowds gathered to greet the President. At 12:25 bystanders spotted the figure of a man on the sixth floor of the Book Depository, staring strangely away from the motorcade. Then, at exactly 12.30 pm, the first shot rang out around the square…. Join Dominic and Tom as they break down the events of the day of the assassination of President Kennedy moment by moment, from the night before the murder to its traumatic aftermath, poring over the evidence in order to solve this supremely fascinating historical mystery.  *Dominic’s book The Fall of the Aztecs is available now from bookshops across the UK - the perfect Christmas present!* Twitter:  @TheRestHistory @holland_tom @dcsandbrook Producer: Theo Young-Smith Executive Producers: Jack Davenport + Tony Pastor Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

JFK: Death in Dallas (Part 3)

“It wouldn't be very difficult to kill the president of the United States, you just have to be in a high building with a high powered rifle, telescopic sight and there's nothing anyone could do about it….” On the morning of Friday, 22nd November 1963, John F. Kennedy awoke with just hours to live. Ahead was a flight to Love Field, Dallas; then a motorcade into the heart of the city’s business district. But as the president and his glamorous wife, Jacqueline, settled back in their limousine for the journey towards destiny, they had no idea of the horror to come … By 12:22pm the motorcade had reached Dealey Plaza in downtown Dallas, passing the nondescript Texas Book Depository and slowing for the unexpectedly large and enthusiastic crowds gathered to greet the President. At 12:25 bystanders spotted the figure of a man on the sixth floor of the Book Depository, staring strangely away from the motorcade. Then, at exactly 12.30 pm, the first shot rang out around the square…. Join Dominic and Tom as they break down the events of the day of the assassination of President Kennedy moment by moment, from the night before the murder to its traumatic aftermath, poring over the evidence in order to solve this supremely fascinating historical mystery.  *Dominic’s book The Fall of the Aztecs is available now from bookshops across the UK - the perfect Christmas present!* Twitter:  @TheRestHistory @holland_tom @dcsandbrook Producer: Theo Young-Smith Executive Producers: Jack Davenport + Tony Pastor Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

Episode 8: The Dallas Episode

In this episode Tana, Hunter and Brooke discuss Dallas, the Harry Jowsey controversy, and the Los Angeles restaurant scene's dirty secret. This episode is sponsored by Simplisafe (http://www.simplisafe.com/tana), Cerebral (http://www.cerebral.com/tana) , Buffy (http://www.buffy.co offer code Tana), and Raycon (http://www.buyraycon.com/tana).   YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcseTnvS6CC-mkIcwKfi-1A Hosts Social Media   Tana Mongeau Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tanamongeau/ Tana Mongeau Twitter: https://twitter.com/tanamongeau Tana Mongeau TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tanamongeaulol   Hunter Moreno Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/huntermoreno/ Hunter Moreno TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@huntermorenoo Hunter Moreno Website: https://www.huntermoreno.com/ Make Sure Your Friends Are Okay: https://www.makesureyourfriendsareokay.com/   Brooke Schofield Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brookeschofield/ Brooke Schofield Twitter: https://twitter.com/BroookeAmber Brooke Schofield TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@brookeschofield1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

Party Weekend

Happy New Year...'s Eve weekend! Our Dallas Stars will end 2023 with a home-and-home against the Chicago Blackhawks, and the holiday mood is pervasive. (All that red and green! Festive, right?) Wes and Mark feel like celebrating, but they always have an eye out for anything that could spoil the party. In this episode, they discuss: what these Stars are capable of, the perils of relying on "clutch" to carry the day, things to watch for this weekend, New Year's resolutions for our favorite GM, and much, much more. How much can a team can get done in 13 seconds? We're liable to find out. Welcome to Stargazing! What’s your Stars-related resolution for 2024? Let us know at Defending Big D, or DM us @WesALawrence or @KETibbetts. We need more hot takes to get us through a cold January. And show your friends you love them, man – share this episode around. Give us a rate or review, if the holiday mood hits you. See you next year!

Are the Dallas Cowboys still scared of the Green Bay Packers with Jordan Love, not Aaron Rodgers?

Aaron Rodgers and the Green Bay Packers have never lost at AT&T stadium. Cowboys fans quake in fear at the site of Rodgers. He's owned them the same way Troy Aikman and Dallas consistently beat up Brett Favre in the 1990's. But there are different coaches now and at least one new QB. So does the fear factor carry over? Locked on Cowboys host Marcus Mosher joins the show to talk about that, the matchups, and a lot more. Follow & Subscribe on all Podcast platforms… 🎧 https://link.chtbl.com/LOPackers?sid=YouTube Locked On NFL League-Wide: Every Team, Fantasy, Draft & More 🎧 https://linktr.ee/LockedOnNFL Peter Bukowski, co-founder of The Leap, brings you a daily look at the Green Bay Packers year round with Locked On Packers! Go beyond the latest injury news into what you're seeing on the field, how it works, and how it might change with new players or against a division rival. It's the podcast for fans who know what happened, they want to know why and how! And follow Peter Bukowski on Twitter, where he’ll be sharing the latest news about the Green Bay Packers and talking with fans. On Twitter: @Peter_Bukowski Support Us By Supporting Our Sponsors! Jase Medical Empower yourself when you purchase a Jase Case, providing you with a personal supply of 5 antibiotics that treat 50+ infections. Get yours today at jasemedical.com and use code LOCKEDON to get $20 off your order. BetterHelp This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Make your brain your friend, with BetterHelp. Visit BetterHelp.com/LOCKEDON today to get 10% off your first month. PrizePicks Go to PrizePicks.com/lockedonnfl and use code lockedonnfl for a first deposit match up to $100! Gametime Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code LOCKEDON for $20 off your first purchase. LinkedIn LinkedIn Jobs helps you find the qualified candidates you want to talk to, faster. Post your job for free at LinkedIn.com/LOCKEDONNFL. Terms and conditions apply. FanDuel Score early this NFL season with FanDuel, America’s Number One Sportsbook! Right now, NEW customers get ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS in BONUS BETS with any winning FIVE DOLLAR MONEYLINE BET! That’s A HUNDRED AND FIFTY BUCKS – if your team wins! Visit FanDuel.com/LOCKEDON to get started. FANDUEL DISCLAIMER: 21+ in select states. First online real money wager only. Bonus issued as nonwithdrawable free bets that expires in 14 days. Restrictions apply. See terms at sportsbook.fanduel.com. Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER or visit FanDuel.com/RG (CO, IA, MD, MI, NJ, PA, IL, VA, WV), 1-800-NEXT-STEP or text NEXTSTEP to 53342 (AZ), 1-888-789-7777 or visit ccpg.org/chat (CT), 1-800-9-WITH-IT (IN), 1-800-522-4700 (WY, KS) or visit ksgamblinghelp.com (KS), 1-877-770-STOP (LA), 1-877-8-HOPENY or text HOPENY (467369) (NY), TN REDLINE 1-800-889-9789 (TN) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

Holy Night I Robert Madu I Social Dallas

Pastor Robert Madu's latest message from our Christmas Eve Service, "Holy Night", is a reminder to us all to never let our circumstances let our light dim. During this holiday season, may your days be filled with love, and may your light continue to shine. Thank you for partnering with Social Dallas! To GIVE Online- head to our website: www.socialdallas.online/give Make sure to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE! Also follow us on all Social Media: Instagram: www.instagram.com/social_dallas

Dallas Martin Talks Being President Of Asylum Records, Making Roddy Ricci "The Box", Early Career With MMG & More

Dallas Martin Talks Being President Of Asylum Records, Making Roddy Ricci "The Box", Early Career With MMG & More Subscribe on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@mrraydanielsWatch full episodes on The GAUDS Show - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPrEnyg2MBs&list=PLykiYt2yLGSj7ZrxMn-0t0SNeYx6lVocsFollow:Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/raydaniels/?hl=enTwitter - http://twitter.com/raydanielsTikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@ray.daniels#raydaniels#thegaudsshowAdvertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brandsPrivacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy

Taked Out

Barely beat a bad team. Blow the doors off a bad team. Barely lose to a bad team. Then blow a lead and lose to a really good team in overtime. The Dallas Stars have had a pretty remarkable New Year's week. Wes and Mark are ready to start 2024 with a bang, so they're unloading some of their best analysis and barely-digestible hot takes in this week's Stargazing. In this edition, they discuss: when Scott Wedgewood, Starting Goaltender, reaches the moment of unsustainability, why the Stars should play three forwards in overtime, why the Stars should practice with three forwards in overtime first, the real cost of Miro Heiskanen's absence, however short it may be, what the last rollercoaster week can tell us about the team and its roster, and much, much more. Roope Hintz may be the Stars' best player, but is Jake Oettinger their most better? Let Wes and Mark explain this, then let us know what you think at Defending Big D. Or DM us @WesALawrence or @KETibbetts. Hot takes for cold weather! And show your friends you love them by sharing this episode around. Give us a rate or review, too. It's the preferred New Year's resolution.

How Dallas Saw the Future

This week David talks to Helen Thompson about Dallas and the end of oil. How did the world’s most popular soap opera come to explain the energy crisis and the future of a world hooked on fossil fuels? Is the fate of the Ewing family – fire and ruin – going to be the fate of America? And did J.R. Ewing really pave the way for President Donald Trump? Plus David and Helen discuss ‘oil fictions’, from Isaac Asimov to Italo Calvino.Watch the moment when ‘Miss Ellie Saves the Day’.Helen Thompson on ’the cosmic stakes of the age of oil’.Isaac Asimov’s imaginary report on a world without oil.Italo Calvino’s short story, ’The Petrol Pump’.Past Present Future is brought to you in partnership with the London Review of Books.Sign up to LRB Close Readings:Directly in Apple: https://apple.co/3pJoFPqIn other podcast apps: lrb.supportingcast.fm Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Episode 12

Dallas takes Erick through the story of his life and how he got to where he is today and talks about some of the mentors and people who helped him along the way in this extended episode of Dall's War Room.