
Duplantis är en svensk stavhoppare som föddes 1999. Han är känd för att vara en av världens bästa stavhoppare och har slagit flera världsrekord i sin karriär. Duplantis har vunnit flera internationella mästerskap och har blivit en förebild för unga idrottare runt om i världen. Han är även känd för att vara son till den före detta stavhopparen Greg Duplantis och svenska friidrottaren Helena Duplantis.

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Nya kärleksparet tar världen med storm – träffades på Duplantis skola

Nya kärleksparet tar världen med storm – träffades på Duplantis skola

▸ En mustaschprydd 22-åring vid namn Paul Skenes tog hela basebollvärlden med storm under sitt rookie-år i MLB. Det har ju inte heller blivit färre rubriker sedan han blev ihop med den världskända gymnasten Olivia Dunne. Inte nog med det… Det är just nu World Series mellan Dodgers och Yankees, där bara parkeringsbiljetterna går för cirka 60 000 kr. En boll har gått för 46 miljoner kronor på en auktion och basebollen verkligen kokar i USA just nu. Vi tar Makoto Asahara i hand och får svar på frågorna vi inte visste att vi hade.

Med: Makoto Asahara Programledare: Demir Lilja

Duplantis succé – vinner Diamond League för fjärde året i rad

Duplantis succé – vinner Diamond League för fjärde året i rad

Armand Duplantis gjorde bara tre hopp i tävlingen i Bryssel. Han klev in på 5,62, klarade sedan 5,92 – där han säkrade segern – och slutligen stadionrekordet 6,11. Tre världsrekord i år fick räcka. Det senaste kom den 25 augusti i Katowice med 5,26 – det häftigaste i OS-finalen i Paris den 5 augusti. – Min kropp känns inte så bra just nu och jag hade inte så många hopp kvar i kroppen. Så det var skönt att vinna efter två hopp, säger Duplantis och fortsätter: – Jag är en glad kille, det har varit en otrolig säsong. Duplantis kunde inkassera drygt 300 000 kronor för segern i finaltävlingen. Emmanouil Karalis, Grekland, slutade tvåa på 5,82 och hemmahopparen Ben Broeders, Belgien, trea på samma höjd. Daniel Ståhl fyra Svenske diskusstjärnan Daniel Ståhl slutade fyra på 66,26 – drygt fem meter från sitt svenska rekord. Australiensaren Matthew Denny vann tävlingen på 69,96. Tvåa slutade Mykolas Alekna med sitt kast på 68,86.

ANALYS: Det är upplagt för bråk

ANALYS: Det är upplagt för bråk

Förre timbroiten och Muf-ordföranden Benjamin Dousa var en av två överraskningar i Ulf Kristerssons regeringsombildning. Dousa blir biståndsminister och fortsätter arbetet med att reformera enligt moderat huvud. I skottgluggen står statliga biståndsorganet Sida. Även om Dousa självsäkert förutspådde att det inte kommer att bli några konflikter eftersom ”Sida formellt sett är underställt UD”. En nybliven ministers sätt att säga att ”hoppa” betyder förväntningar om en övertygande Duplantis-imitation från Sida. Här lär det bli bråk, trots Dousas löften. Bytte obekymrat ministerportfölj Den andra överraskningen var Liberalernas rockad. Två år in i mandatperioden verkar partiledaren Johan Pehrson ha insett att han trollat upp sig själv på läktaren när han tog rollen som arbetsmarknadsminister. Efter att ha kraschat i princip varenda presskonferens om skolan i två års tid fick Pehrson slutligen bli utbildningsminister. – Det är den viktigaste frågan för Liberalerna. Då är det avgörande att partiledaren finns där, sa Pehrson och bytte obekymrat ministerportfölj med partikollegan Mats Persson. Persson lämnar utbildningsdepartementet, blir ny arbetsmarknadsminister och slipper förmodligen sin partiledare på presskonferenser i framtiden. Lyckats med konststycket att få SD nöjda Annars premierade Kristersson trogna och lojala soldater. Ny utrikesminister blev som väntat Maria Malmer Stenergard. Hon har tidigare tagit den otacksamma rollen som migrationsminister och lyckats med konststycket att till och med få de notoriskt stingsliga Sverigedemokraterna nöjda. – En fantastiskt insats! recenserade Jimmie Åkesson med ovanligt mild röst. SD:s tonläge var avsevärt mer avmätt när den nye migrationsministern Johan Forssell kom på tal. Och Åkesson blev regelrätt avvisande när Kristersson i sin regeringsförklaring hävdade att migrationen nu var ”på mer hållbara nivåer”. – Det är inte alls hållbara nivåer! utbrast Åkesson. Johan Forssell lär få det tufft med Sverigedemokraterna som ny migrationsminister. Finns utrymme för konflikter Det märktes i regeringsförklaringen att det finns utrymme för konflikter i Tidösamarbetet det kommande året. Flera jobbiga frågor som exempelvis ett nationellt tiggeriförbud, vandel och informationsplikt ska då hanteras. Kanske var det inte så konstigt att Kristersson då hade blicken stadigt planterad långt bort i fjärran när han talade till riksdagen. Regeringsförklaringen var fylld av fraser som ”påbörjat resan”, ”andra halvlek”, ”Sverige ska fortsätta”. Och så vidare. En irriterad Magdalena Andersson gav Socialdemokraternas syn på regeringsförklaringen. – Man kan inte bara prata om morgondagen, man måste också se hur dagen ser ut! Samtidigt ser oppositionen väldigt uttråkad ut. Med två år till val verkar Socialdemokraterna i synnerhet sakna maktens grytor. Kanske gör det att även Magdalena Andersson kan skriva under på sista raden i Ulf Kristerssons regeringsförklaring. ”I morgon blir en bättre dag”. En förhoppning både opposition och Tidöpartier kan enas om – alla på sitt eget sätt.

Duplantis på YouTube

Armand Duplantis slår världsrekord och tar OS-guld | Olympiska spelen i Paris 2024 | Kanal 5 Sverige

Se mera av det du älskar på Kanal 5 eller streama nu! https://bit.ly/MaxSverige Fullkomligt magiska scener utspelar sig när ...

Kanal 5 Sverige på YouTube


World record holders Mondo Dupantis and Karsten Warholm raced over 100m on Sept. 4th at Letzigrund Stadium in Zurich, ...


Här får Duplantis & Sjöström guldbilar

Armand Duplantis & Sarah Sjöström fick varsin exklusiv guldbil från Polestar efter OS-gulden i Paris.

Sportbladet på YouTube

Duplantis Wins The Olympics And Destroys The World Record

Fair Use Disclaimer: This video is for educational and transformative purposes, falling under the Fair Use Doctrine (17 U.S.C. ...

peakzzmindset på YouTube


Nineb Youk - Duplantis Häng med i svängarna Fortsättning följer!! ————————————————————— Duplantis är ...

Nineb Youk på YouTube

Duplantis i poddar

Angels: Our Hidden Help

Are you curious about angels? Be inspired by this Boardroom Chat with Jesse and Cathy and learn how God strategically positions angels in your midst every day. Follow JDM on these social media platforms: *Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JesseDuplantisMinistries *Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jesseduplantisministries/ *Twitter: http://twitter.com/jesse_duplantis   *Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/jesseduplantismin For more information, visit www.jdm.org Ways to Give: PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/jdmgivingWebsite: https://www.jdm.org/donate Text to Give: https://www.jdm.org/w-JDMTextToGive Join TotalJDM now and get access to years of messages by Jesse and Cathy Duplantis for free! *TotalJDM: https://total.jdm.org/  

Learn How To Create Your World

Get ready to create an amazing 2024 as Jesse teaches you how no matter what’s going on in the world today, you can be the architect of your best life. Follow JDM on these social media platforms: *Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JesseDuplantisMinistries *Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jesseduplantisministries/ *Twitter: http://twitter.com/jesse_duplantis   *Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/jesseduplantismin For more information, visit www.jdm.org Ways to Give: PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/jdmgivingWebsite: https://www.jdm.org/donate Text to Give: https://www.jdm.org/w-JDMTextToGive Join TotalJDM now and get access to years of messages by Jesse and Cathy Duplantis for free! *TotalJDM: https://total.jdm.org/  

Our Contribution to the World, Part 1

When you shine for Jesus, you glorify the Father. Learn how to be a super spreader for the Lord and kindle the light of the Gospel everywhere you go. Follow JDM on these social media platforms: *Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JesseDuplantisMinistries *Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jesseduplantisministries/ *Twitter: http://twitter.com/jesse_duplantis   *Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/jesseduplantismin For more information, visit www.jdm.org Ways to Give: PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/jdmgivingWebsite: https://www.jdm.org/donate Text to Give: https://www.jdm.org/w-JDMTextToGive Join TotalJDM now and get access to years of messages by Jesse and Cathy Duplantis for free! *TotalJDM: https://total.jdm.org/  

My Testimony of Heaven, Part 2

Walk through the fields of paradise as Jesse shares, for the second time, his supernatural trip to Heaven. Be encouraged as Jesse tells of God’s great love for you, the future He has for you in Heaven, and the message He told him to give you, “Tell My people I’m coming soon!” Follow JDM on these social media platforms: *Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JesseDuplantisMinistries *Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jesseduplantisministries/ *Twitter: http://twitter.com/jesse_duplantis   *Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/jesseduplantismin For more information, visit www.jdm.org Ways to Give: PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/jdmgivingWebsite: https://www.jdm.org/donate Text to Give: https://www.jdm.org/w-JDMTextToGive Join TotalJDM now and get access to years of messages by Jesse and Cathy Duplantis for free! *TotalJDM: https://total.jdm.org/  

Vision Is Self-Investment In Your Future, Part 1

Do you have a vision for your future? Jesse teaches you how to receive God’s plan for your life and he gives you the tools you need to bring it to pass. Follow JDM on these social media platforms: *Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JesseDuplantisMinistries *Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jesseduplantisministries/ *Twitter: http://twitter.com/jesse_duplantis   *Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/jesseduplantismin For more information, visit www.jdm.org Ways to Give: PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/jdmgivingWebsite: https://www.jdm.org/donate Text to Give: https://www.jdm.org/w-JDMTextToGive Join TotalJDM now and get access to years of messages by Jesse and Cathy Duplantis for free! *TotalJDM: https://total.jdm.org/  

The Most Wonderful Time of The Year, Part 4

Get ready for a fresh look at the manger and beyond as Jesse explores the different characters of Christmas in a whole new way. You’ll be inspired to live a higher life of faith as he shares his personal insights on some of the more unusual elements of the Christmas story. Follow JDM on these social media platforms: *Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JesseDuplantisMinistries *Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jesseduplantisministries/ *Twitter: http://twitter.com/jesse_duplantis   *Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/jesseduplantismin For more information, visit www.jdm.org Ways to Give: PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/jdmgivingWebsite: https://www.jdm.org/donate Text to Give: https://www.jdm.org/w-JDMTextToGive Join TotalJDM now and get access to years of messages by Jesse and Cathy Duplantis for free! *TotalJDM: https://total.jdm.org/  

Vision Is Self-Investment In Your Future, Part 3

Do you have a vision for your future? Jesse teaches you how to receive God’s plan for your life and he gives you the tools you need to bring it to pass. Follow JDM on these social media platforms: *Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JesseDuplantisMinistries *Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jesseduplantisministries/ *Twitter: http://twitter.com/jesse_duplantis   *Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/jesseduplantismin For more information, visit www.jdm.org Ways to Give: PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/jdmgivingWebsite: https://www.jdm.org/donate Text to Give: https://www.jdm.org/w-JDMTextToGive Join TotalJDM now and get access to years of messages by Jesse and Cathy Duplantis for free! *TotalJDM: https://total.jdm.org/  

Doing the Things I Can't Do, Part 2

Discover how empowering it is to move beyond what you can do and into what God can do THROUGH you as Jesse inspires you to remove the limits and step out in faith. No matter who you are or where you come from, God CAN use you to do the impossible! Follow JDM on these social media platforms:*Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JesseDuplantisMinistries*Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jesseduplantisministries/*Twitter: http://twitter.com/jesse_duplantis *Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/jesseduplantismin For more information, visit www.jdm.org Ways to Give: PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/jdmgiving Website: https://www.jdm.org/donate Text to Give: https://www.jdm.org/w-JDMTextToGive Join TotalJDM now and get access to years of messages by Jesse and Cathy Duplantis for free! *TotalJDM: https://total.jdm.org/  

The Most Wonderful Time of The Year, Part 5

Get ready for a fresh look at the manger and beyond as Jesse explores the different characters of Christmas in a whole new way. You’ll be inspired to live a higher life of faith as he shares his personal insights on some of the more unusual elements of the Christmas story. Follow JDM on these social media platforms: *Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JesseDuplantisMinistries *Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jesseduplantisministries/ *Twitter: http://twitter.com/jesse_duplantis   *Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/jesseduplantismin For more information, visit www.jdm.org Ways to Give: PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/jdmgivingWebsite: https://www.jdm.org/donate Text to Give: https://www.jdm.org/w-JDMTextToGive Join TotalJDM now and get access to years of messages by Jesse and Cathy Duplantis for free! *TotalJDM: https://total.jdm.org/  

My Testimony of Heaven, Part 1

Walk through the fields of paradise as Jesse shares, for the second time, his supernatural trip to Heaven. Be encouraged as Jesse tells of God’s great love for you, the future He has for you in Heaven, and the message He told him to give you, “Tell My people I’m coming soon!” Follow JDM on these social media platforms: *Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JesseDuplantisMinistries *Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jesseduplantisministries/ *Twitter: http://twitter.com/jesse_duplantis   *Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/jesseduplantismin For more information, visit www.jdm.org Ways to Give: PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/jdmgivingWebsite: https://www.jdm.org/donate Text to Give: https://www.jdm.org/w-JDMTextToGive Join TotalJDM now and get access to years of messages by Jesse and Cathy Duplantis for free! *TotalJDM: https://total.jdm.org/  

The Most Wonderful Time of The Year, Part 2

Get ready for a fresh look at the manger and beyond as Jesse explores the different characters of Christmas in a whole new way. You’ll be inspired to live a higher life of faith as he shares his personal insights on some of the more unusual elements of the Christmas story. Follow JDM on these social media platforms: *Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JesseDuplantisMinistries *Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jesseduplantisministries/ *Twitter: http://twitter.com/jesse_duplantis   *Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/jesseduplantismin For more information, visit www.jdm.org Ways to Give: PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/jdmgivingWebsite: https://www.jdm.org/donate Text to Give: https://www.jdm.org/w-JDMTextToGive Join TotalJDM now and get access to years of messages by Jesse and Cathy Duplantis for free! *TotalJDM: https://total.jdm.org/  

Doing the Things I Can't Do, Part 1

Discover how empowering it is to move beyond what you can do and into what God can do THROUGH you as Jesse inspires you to remove the limits and step out in faith. No matter who you are or where you come from, God CAN use you to do the impossible! Follow JDM on these social media platforms:*Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JesseDuplantisMinistries*Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jesseduplantisministries/*Twitter: http://twitter.com/jesse_duplantis *Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/jesseduplantismin For more information, visit www.jdm.org Ways to Give: PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/jdmgiving Website: https://www.jdm.org/donate Text to Give: https://www.jdm.org/w-JDMTextToGive Join TotalJDM now and get access to years of messages by Jesse and Cathy Duplantis for free! *TotalJDM: https://total.jdm.org/  

The Most Wonderful Time of The Year, Part 3

Get ready for a fresh look at the manger and beyond as Jesse explores the different characters of Christmas in a whole new way. You’ll be inspired to live a higher life of faith as he shares his personal insights on some of the more unusual elements of the Christmas story. Follow JDM on these social media platforms: *Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JesseDuplantisMinistries *Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jesseduplantisministries/ *Twitter: http://twitter.com/jesse_duplantis   *Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/jesseduplantismin For more information, visit www.jdm.org Ways to Give: PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/jdmgivingWebsite: https://www.jdm.org/donate Text to Give: https://www.jdm.org/w-JDMTextToGive Join TotalJDM now and get access to years of messages by Jesse and Cathy Duplantis for free! *TotalJDM: https://total.jdm.org/  

The Most Wonderful Time of The Year, Part 1

Get ready for a fresh look at the manger and beyond as Jesse explores the different characters of Christmas in a whole new way. You’ll be inspired to live a higher life of faith as he shares his personal insights on some of the more unusual elements of the Christmas story. Follow JDM on these social media platforms: *Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JesseDuplantisMinistries *Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jesseduplantisministries/ *Twitter: http://twitter.com/jesse_duplantis   *Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/jesseduplantismin For more information, visit www.jdm.org Ways to Give: PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/jdmgivingWebsite: https://www.jdm.org/donate Text to Give: https://www.jdm.org/w-JDMTextToGive Join TotalJDM now and get access to years of messages by Jesse and Cathy Duplantis for free! *TotalJDM: https://total.jdm.org/  

Our Contribution to the World, Part 2

When you shine for Jesus, you glorify the Father. Learn how to be a super spreader for the Lord and kindle the light of the Gospel everywhere you go. Follow JDM on these social media platforms: *Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JesseDuplantisMinistries *Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jesseduplantisministries/ *Twitter: http://twitter.com/jesse_duplantis   *Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/jesseduplantismin For more information, visit www.jdm.org Ways to Give: PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/jdmgivingWebsite: https://www.jdm.org/donate Text to Give: https://www.jdm.org/w-JDMTextToGive Join TotalJDM now and get access to years of messages by Jesse and Cathy Duplantis for free! *TotalJDM: https://total.jdm.org/  

What Will You Have Me To Do? Part 2

Jesse encourages you as he teaches how knowing Christ intimately will lead you to new roads of duty in your walk of faith. You’ll also be inspired as you learn how God will supply the courage and strength you need to fulfill His calling on your life. Follow JDM on these social media platforms: *Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JesseDuplantisMinistries *Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jesseduplantisministries/ *Twitter: http://twitter.com/jesse_duplantis   *Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/jesseduplantismin For more information, visit www.jdm.org Ways to Give: PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/jdmgivingWebsite: https://www.jdm.org/donate Text to Give: https://www.jdm.org/w-JDMTextToGive Join TotalJDM now and get access to years of messages by Jesse and Cathy Duplantis for free! *TotalJDM: https://total.jdm.org/  

What Will You Have Me To Do? Part 1

Jesse encourages you as he teaches how knowing Christ intimately will lead you to new roads of duty in your walk of faith. You’ll also be inspired as you learn how God will supply the courage and strength you need to fulfill His calling on your life. Follow JDM on these social media platforms: *Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JesseDuplantisMinistries *Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jesseduplantisministries/ *Twitter: http://twitter.com/jesse_duplantis   *Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/jesseduplantismin For more information, visit www.jdm.org Ways to Give: PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/jdmgivingWebsite: https://www.jdm.org/donate Text to Give: https://www.jdm.org/w-JDMTextToGive Join TotalJDM now and get access to years of messages by Jesse and Cathy Duplantis for free! *TotalJDM: https://total.jdm.org/  

I’ve Tested Positive for Faith, Part 1

Elevate your spirit as Jesse shows you how to expose and eradicate any threat of the enemy. Get ready for healing, favor, restoration, and victory to flow in your life. It’s time to pass the faith-test and win! Follow JDM on these social media platforms:*Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JesseDuplantisMinistries*Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jesseduplantisministries/*Twitter: http://twitter.com/jesse_duplantis *Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/jesseduplantismin For more information, visit www.jdm.org Ways to Give: PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/jdmgiving Website: https://www.jdm.org/donate Text to Give: https://www.jdm.org/w-JDMTextToGive Join TotalJDM now and get access to years of messages by Jesse and Cathy Duplantis for free! *TotalJDM: https://total.jdm.org/  

How To Prosper In A World That Doesn’t Want You To Prosper, Part 2

In this eye-opening teaching, Jesse will take you higher in God as he explores the vastness of the Father's heart toward you. You serve a God of love, not a God of no. Ask and believe Him for WHATSOEVER and ANYTHING-God wants to say YES! Follow JDM on these social media platforms:*Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JesseDuplantisMinistries*Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jesseduplantisministries/*Twitter: http://twitter.com/jesse_duplantis *Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/jesseduplantismin For more information, visit www.jdm.org Ways to Give: PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/jdmgiving Website: https://www.jdm.org/donate Text to Give: https://www.jdm.org/w-JDMTextToGive Join TotalJDM now and get access to years of messages by Jesse and Cathy Duplantis for free! *TotalJDM: https://total.jdm.org/  

Someone’s Knocking on the Door, Part 1

Get ready to accomplish your desires, as Jesse teaches you how to be persistent in believing and seeking God for your life. Learn how determination, action, and prayer will get you the results you’re believing for. Follow JDM on these social media platforms: *Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JesseDuplantisMinistries *Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jesseduplantisministries/ *Twitter: http://twitter.com/jesse_duplantis   *Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/jesseduplantismin For more information, visit www.jdm.org Ways to Give: PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/jdmgivingWebsite: https://www.jdm.org/donate Text to Give: https://www.jdm.org/w-JDMTextToGive Join TotalJDM now and get access to years of messages by Jesse and Cathy Duplantis for free! *TotalJDM: https://total.jdm.org/  

Quit Believing For What You Don't Want, Part 1

Do you see your future filled with possibilities and blessings? Jesse shows you how to obliterate any doubt that could take root in your life and keep you from God’s best. Start believing God for what you do want, and trust Him today! Follow JDM on these social media platforms: *Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JesseDuplantisMinistries *Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jesseduplantisministries/ *Twitter: http://twitter.com/jesse_duplantis   *Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/jesseduplantismin For more information, visit www.jdm.org Ways to Give: PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/jdmgivingWebsite: https://www.jdm.org/donate Text to Give: https://www.jdm.org/w-JDMTextToGive Join TotalJDM now and get access to years of messages by Jesse and Cathy Duplantis for free! *TotalJDM: https://total.jdm.org/  

Quit Believing For What You Don't Want, Part 2

Do you see your future filled with possibilities and blessings? Jesse shows you how to obliterate any doubt that could take root in your life and keep you from God’s best. Start believing God for what you do want, and trust Him today! Follow JDM on these social media platforms: *Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JesseDuplantisMinistries *Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jesseduplantisministries/ *Twitter: http://twitter.com/jesse_duplantis   *Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/jesseduplantismin For more information, visit www.jdm.org Ways to Give: PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/jdmgivingWebsite: https://www.jdm.org/donate Text to Give: https://www.jdm.org/w-JDMTextToGive Join TotalJDM now and get access to years of messages by Jesse and Cathy Duplantis for free! *TotalJDM: https://total.jdm.org/  

How To Prosper In A World That Doesn’t Want You To Prosper, Part 1

Laugh and learn as Jesse illustrates the importance of knowing your calling and the difference between worldly success and godly prosperity. Discover how to live in God’s blessing no matter what and achieve your God-given destiny. Follow JDM on these social media platforms:*Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JesseDuplantisMinistries*Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jesseduplantisministries/*Twitter: http://twitter.com/jesse_duplantis *Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/jesseduplantismin For more information, visit www.jdm.org Ways to Give: PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/jdmgiving Website: https://www.jdm.org/donate Text to Give: https://www.jdm.org/w-JDMTextToGive Join TotalJDM now and get access to years of messages by Jesse and Cathy Duplantis for free! *TotalJDM: https://total.jdm.org/  

Impossible Things Happen When the Winds are Contrary, Part 1

Get ready to walk on the water with Jesus as Jesse shares a passionate message that will quicken your faith to step into God’s unstoppable plan for your life. Follow JDM on these social media platforms:*Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JesseDuplantisMinistries*Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jesseduplantisministries/*Twitter: http://twitter.com/jesse_duplantis *Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/jesseduplantismin For more information, visit www.jdm.org Ways to Give: PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/jdmgiving Website: https://www.jdm.org/donate Text to Give: https://www.jdm.org/w-JDMTextToGive Join TotalJDM now and get access to years of messages by Jesse and Cathy Duplantis for free! *TotalJDM: https://total.jdm.org/  

Impartation: A Gift In Waiting, Part 1

Is your faith spoken of wherever you go? Jesse inspires you to let your light shine and be the impartation of Jesus the world needs. Follow JDM on these social media platforms: *Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JesseDuplantisMinistries *Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jesseduplantisministries/ *Twitter: http://twitter.com/jesse_duplantis   *Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/jesseduplantismin For more information, visit www.jdm.org Ways to Give: PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/jdmgivingWebsite: https://www.jdm.org/donate Text to Give: https://www.jdm.org/w-JDMTextToGive Join TotalJDM now and get access to years of messages by Jesse and Cathy Duplantis for free! *TotalJDM: https://total.jdm.org/