Jill Biden

Jill Biden är en amerikansk utbildare och författare. Hon är gift med Joe Biden, som är USA:s nuvarande president. Jill Biden har en doktorsexamen i utbildning och har arbetat som lärare och professor. Hon har också varit engagerad i olika välgörenhetsorganisationer och har fokuserat på frågor som rör utbildning och stöd till militärfamiljer. Som USA:s första dam spelar hon en viktig roll som representant för landet och stödjer sin make i hans politiska arbete.

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Jill Biden: "Joe är den ende mannen för jobbet"

Jill Biden: "Joe är den ende mannen för jobbet"

Hon och maken var på lördagen ute på flera kampanjmöten i New York och var måna om att visa att Joe Biden fortsätter kampanjen inför höstens presidentval. Demokrater, några öppet och en hel del anonymt, och New York Times ledarsida har uppmanat Biden att lämna över till en yngre förmåga i valet mot Donald Trump, efter Bidens svaga insats i debatten häromkvällen. Läget i Demokraterna beskrivs av en del som panikartat. Biden, 81, verkade i debatten åldersmärkt. Han var hes, blandade ihop saker, hade svårt att avsluta meningar och resonemang emellanåt och var inte rapp i replikerna mot Trump på det vis som han har gett prov på förr. Jill Biden hymlade inte om vad som rör sig i folks huvud efter debatten, vid ett av mötena i New York. Vet inte Jag vet vad ni tänker på. Som Joe sade tidigare idag så är han inte ung. Och efteråt så sade han till mig: "Jill, jag vet inte vad som hände. Det kändes inte bra". Svaret från henne var, enligt egen utsago, att 90 minuters debattprestation inte ska låtas stå för vad han uträttat under fyra år som president. Svårt byta Hon lyfte fram hans förmågor och gjorde också därmed klart att vare sig han eller hon har några planer på att avbryta kampanjandet för att låta någon annan mäta sig med Trump. Enligt bedömare av partiets inre liv och formalia skulle det vara mycket svårt att byta ut Joe Biden om han inte själv vill. Under söndagen far Biden till presidentegendomen Camp David, där han också förberedde sig för den mindre lyckade debattinsatsen. Den här gången samlar han barn och barnbarn omkring sig.

ANALYS: Det finns bara en person som kan få Joe Biden att tänka om

ANALYS: Det finns bara en person som kan få Joe Biden att tänka om

Kan Bidens insats verkligen få så drastiska konsekvenser? Demokrater har redan tidigare uttryckt oro för om president Biden har vad som krävs för att vinna höstens val. Få har dock sagt det öppet, men det har inte varit en hemlighet att flera av hans partikamrater menat att han borde nöja sig med en period i Vita huset. Oron för Bidens förutsättningar har fått mer uppmärksamhet när olika incidenter inträffat. Biden har flera gånger haft svårt att formulera sig, han har sett sett trött och ofokuserad ut eller ramlat både i privata och officiella sammanhang. Men det som setts som varningssignaler, även för demokratiska väljare, har tidigare inte skett vid ett så stort och viktigt tillfälle som debatten i Atlanta. Kritiken som hörs nu kanske lägger sig. Eller så påbörjas nu avgörande samtal bakom kulisserna, för att försöka övertyga Biden om att hoppa av. Få tror att Biden skulle lyssna på de uppmaningarna, om inte en specifik person skulle ställa sig bakom – hans hustru och USA:s first lady, Jill Biden. Är det möjligt att byta ut Biden? Han har redan vunnit så många delegater under partiets primärval att nomineringen är säkrad, men han har inte officiellt utsetts till partiets kandidat. Det väntas ske först under Demokraternas konvent i Chicago i augusti. Skulle Biden besluta sig för att hoppa av innan dess har vi ett betydligt mer dramatiskt konvent att vänta. I stället för att nominera Biden skulle huvudpunkten på agendan bli att utse en ny kandidat. Demokraterna har regler för hur det ska ske och den enklaste vägen skulle vara om Biden nekar till att ta emot nomineringen. De delegater som annars hade lagt sina röster på Biden, i enlighet med primärvalsresultaten, kan då lägga sin röst på andra kandidater. Sannolikt skulle många av delegaterna följa vem Joe Biden vill se som sin ersättare, förutsatt att han ställer sig bakom något namn. Vem skulle ta över? Det mest självklara alternativet är Kamala Harris, som är Bidens vicepresident och vicepresidentkandidat inför höstens val. Men det skulle vara ett val som delar av partiet inte är bekväma med, eftersom Harris inte anses särskilt populär och dessutom har haft lägre siffror än Joe Biden själv. (Presidenten har väldigt lågt förtroende bland väljarna). Direkt efter debatten i Atlanta tog det inte lång tid innan uppmärksamheten riktades mot den toppdemokrat som varit föremål för spekulationer länge om att ta över efter Biden. Kaliforniens guvernör, Gavin Newsom, en högprofilerad talesperson för Biden-kampanjen, svarade att han hoppas att Biden kommer tillbaka och att han står på scenen igen i en kommande debatt. Det finns dock fler namn inom Demokraterna som skulle kunna bli aktuella, som J.B. Pritzker, guvernör i Illinois, eller Michigans guvernör Gretchen Whitmer.

Kraven, nya detaljen och förbudet – detta gäller inför superduellen i tv

Kraven, nya detaljen och förbudet – detta gäller inför superduellen i tv

Den 27 juni gör Joe Biden och Donald Trump upp i valrörelsens första presidentdebatt i Atlanta. De båda kandidaterna har godkänt CNN:s inbjudan och gått med på att acceptera reglerna och formatet för den 90 minuter långa debatten. Trump och Biden har bland annat gått med på att tillsammans stå på ett enhetligt podium och att deras respektive placeringar kommer att bestämmas genom att singla slant. Mikrofonen kommer att vara helt avstängd så länge kandidaten inte har ordet, vilket gör att de inte kommer ha samma möjligheter att avbryta varandra. Därtill kommer moderatorerna, Jake Tapper och Dana Bash, att få ”använda alla verktyg som står till deras förfogande för att säkerställa en civiliserad diskussion”, enligt CNN. Nya detaljen Kampanjpersonal kommer inte att få interagera med kandidaterna under debattens 90 minuter, som inkluderar två reklampauser. Varken rekvisita eller anteckningar tillåts, men kandidaterna kommer att tilldelas en penna, ett pappersark och en flaska vatten. Dessutom måste de båda kandidaterna uppfylla de krav som anges i artikel II i den amerikanska konstitutionen för att kunna tjänstgöra som president, vilket både Trump och Biden gör. Även de andra kandidaterna, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Cornel West och Jill Stein, uppfyller kraven. Något som skiljer sig från tidigare debatter är att det inte kommer att finnas någon publik på plats.

Jill Biden på YouTube

Watch Jill Biden Protect Her Husband from a Yelling Vegan

Jill Biden and Symone Sanders fought off two protesters who stormed Joe Biden's victory speech. Subscribe to VICE News here: ...

VICE News på YouTube

Jill Biden praises Joe for answering 'every question' during debate

The 81-year-old US President's wife helped him on to stage at a 'Let's Go Joe' event in Atlanta where she then appeared to baby ...

Daily Mail på YouTube

FULL SPEECH: First lady Dr. Jill Biden takes the stage at the DNC

First Lady Dr. Jill Biden talked about her husband's kindness and devotion to helping others during his years of service. Subscribe ...

ABC News på YouTube

WATCH: First lady Jill Biden speaks at 2024 Democratic National Convention | 2024 DNC Night 1

First lady Jill Biden spoke Monday at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, where Kamala Harris will step into the ...

PBS NewsHour på YouTube

Cringe moment Jill Biden congratulates husband Joe, 81, ‘like a child’ after debate horror show

This is the cringe moment Jill Biden congratulated husband Joe "like a child" after his debate horrorshow against Donald Trump.

The Sun på YouTube

Jill Biden i poddar

Charlie Kirk on How Jill Stein and Joe Manchin Could Hurt Biden in 2024, and Progressive Left Turning on Each Other | Ep. 667

Megyn Kelly is joined by Charlie Kirk, CEO of Turning Point USA, to talk about Vivek Ramaswamy's attacks on NBC and the RNC, How Gov. Ron DeSantis could have improved his debate night, why the RNC should be thinking outside the box, how candidates should have been attacking Biden instead of each other, the shock poll showing Trump ahead of Biden among black men, Trump up huge in Georgia, whether the polls are too go to be true, the Democrats' dominance in get out the vote and microtargeting, how Jill Stein could play a spoiler role in 2024 like she did in 2016, whether RFK Jr. will pull voters from Trump or Biden, the Democrats' 2020 strategy unable to work in 2024, how No Labels and Manchin might impact the race, who's winning culture war issues on abortion and trans issues, intersectional infighting between anti-Israel protesters and Antifa and trans activists, the bizarre association between BLM and pro-Palestinian causes, the sickness and depravity it takes to tear down Israeli hostage posters, why it's young people and often young women doing it, how this moment might lead some on the left to open their eyes to the reality of our culture, the anti-Israel left turning on the New York Times, oppression Olympics on display in a viral drunk driving police bodycam video, Biden administration wanting to change the definition of parent to take out gendered terms, and more.More from Charlie Kirk: http://CharlieKirk.com Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/MegynKellyTwitter: http://Twitter.com/MegynKellyShowInstagram: http://Instagram.com/MegynKellyShowFacebook: http://Facebook.com/MegynKellyShow Find out more information at: https://www.devilmaycaremedia.com/megynkellyshow

20 Minutes Of Chris Complaining About Jill Biden's Godless Christmas Decorations

On this episode of "The Federalist Radio Hour," Common Sense Society Executive Editor Christopher Bedford and Federalist Culture Editor Emily Jashinsky discuss the First Lady Dr. Jill Biden's White House Christmas decorations and the backlash against her aesthetically off-putting "interpretation of The Nutcracker Suite" video.

President-Elect Joe Biden & Dr. Jill Biden

Stephen took a rare trip away from his Ed Sullivan Theater office building Covid studio to interview President-elect Joe Biden and Dr. Jill Biden in person. Dr. Biden said her husband was elected because of his empathy, and that she was surprised by the tone of the attack on her doctorate degree but was overcome with gratitude for all the people who came out in support of her (Original Air Date: December 17th, 2020). Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Ep. 2214 Jill Biden's Christmas DISASTER!!!

How does Iowa’s satanic altar relate to Jill Biden’s Christmas disaster? Listen to find out!   Resources:  Help Mike beat the deep state and get the comfiest products on the market for the lowest prices yet with CODE: TURLEY! HERE: https://www.mypillow.com/turley Get carrying TODAY with Countrywide Concealed HERE: https://www.frebahlem.com/BG484F42/G38H44Q/ Don’t let Big Tech WIN by staying connected to Dr Steve and joining the movement to reclaim our freedoms at: https://join.turleytalks.com/insiders-club=podcast HE’LL BE BACK! Get your limited edition TRUMPINATOR 2024 Bobblehead HERE: https://offers.proudpatriots.com/order-form-TurleyTalks_Podcast Thank you for taking the time to listen to this episode.  If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and/or leave a review. Sick and tired of Big Tech, censorship, and endless propaganda? Join my Insiders Club with a FREE TRIAL today at: https://insidersclub.turleytalks.com Make sure to FOLLOW me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrTurleyTalks BOLDLY stand up for TRUTH in Turley Merch! Browse our new designs right now at: https://store.turleytalks.com/ Do you want to be a part of the podcast and be our sponsor? Click here to partner with us and defy liberal culture! https://advertising.turleytalks.com/sponsorship If you want to get lots of articles on conservative trends, sign up for the 'New Conservative Age Rising' Email Alerts: https://turleytalks.com/subscribe/. 


In honor of the historic win yesterday of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris (the first woman VP ever -- and a woman of color!!), I'm re-releasing my interview with THE NEW FIRST LADY OF THE UNITED STATES Prof. Jill Biden!! We discussed the many themes of her recent memoir: loss, family traditions, education, motherhood, and more. I am truly filled with HOPE after this monumental moment in history, a moment our country so desperately needed. Let's hear it for healing and reclaiming the soul of our nation. And congratulations to Jill!!  Now there's more! Subscribe to Moms Don't Have Time to Read Books on Acast+ and get ad-free episodes. https://plus.acast.com/s/moms-dont-have-time-to-read-books. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

EP. 011 - It's DOCTOR Jill Biden to you!

In today's episode, Shalewa and Gastor chin-check Joseph Epstein for taking reckless about Dr. Jill Biden Link up with us. Instagram: @WarReportPod @SilkyJumbo @GastorAlmonte Twitter: @SilkyJumbo @GastorAlmonte Theme music "Guns Go Cold" provided by Kno of Knomercyproductions Twitter: @Kno Instagram: @KnoMercyProductions --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/warreportpod/support

Palestinians Polled Show Disturbingly High Support for Hamas, Jill Biden's Disastrous Christmas Post, Increasing Amount Losing Faith in 'American Dream', Romans 14:8

On today's Quick Start podcast: NEWS: Palestinians Polled Show Disturbingly High Support for Hamas, Jill Biden's Disastrous Christmas Post MAIN THING: Increasing Amount Losing Faith in 'American Dream' LAST THING: Romans 14:8 SHOW LINKS: CBN News https://www2.cbn.com/news Faithwire https://www.faithwire.com/ CBN News YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@CBNnewsonline Email us! QuickStartPodcast@cbn.org

Happy Birthday, Mr. President... Dr. Jill looks petrified as Biden meanders into crowd | 11.20.23 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

It's not every day you turn the ripe age of 81! President Joe Biden, once again, breaks his own record as oldest American president. Grace cringes over the activities of the octogenarian and the lack of care from the love of his life, Jill.

Jill Biden's Bizarre White House Christmas - Grift Report

First Lady Jill Biden's Christmas video featuring the Dorrance Dancers performing a tap dance interpretation of The Nutcracker Suite in the White House has faced criticism and mockery online. Labeled as 'bizarre,' 'freaky,' and 'absolute garbage,' the video intended to spread holiday cheer but received backlash, with comparisons to former First Lady Melania Trump's Christmas celebrations. Despite the negative reception, some viewers appreciated the creative approach, praising the video for bringing joy and a playful spirit to the White House's Christmas festivities. Expect this and more on The Grift Report with Hotep Jesus. 👾 Telegram Chat: https://t.me/+ziKfkBjZsIk0OTZh 💊 30% Off Master Focus™: https://menoforder.com/discount/griftreport 💵Earn: Affiliate Sign Up Form: https://af.uppromote.com/masterfocus/register ❄️ Hoteps Been Told You 2.0: https://www.patreon.com/HotepsBeenToldYou 💰 Support Hotep Nation: https://hotepnation.com/donate 🖥️Buy a Streaming PC: https://repairkd.com/streaming-pc-builds Subscribe and like to jig the algo!

How Did Jill Biden Get COVID-19 Again If She Had 2 Shots and 2 Boosters Of An “Effective” Vaccine? w/ Jeffrey A. Tucker & Dr. Kelly Victory – Ask Dr. Drew – Episode 260

How did First Lady Jill Biden test positive for COVID-19 for a second time if she already received two doses and two boosters of the vaccine? Why do so many continue to insist that the mRNA shots for COVID are both “safe & effective” when the evidence in front of them tells a different story? Jeffrey A Tucker returns with Dr. Kelly Victory to discuss the hypocrisy of people who say to “trust the science” until it disagrees with them, the constantly-moving goalposts of mRNA’s disciples, and new rumors of returning lockdowns and mask mandates. Jeffrey A. Tucker is Founder and President of the Brownstone Institute. He is also Senior Economics Columnist for Epoch Times, author of 10 books, including Liberty or Lockdown, and thousands of articles in the scholarly and popular press. He speaks widely on topics of economics, technology, social philosophy, and culture. Follow him at https://twitter.com/jeffreyatucker and https://brownstone.org/ 「 SPONSORED BY 」 Find out more about the companies that make this show possible and get special discounts on amazing products at https://drdrew.com/sponsors • COZY EARTH - Say goodbye to hot, restless nights with soft, temperature-regulating bedding from Cozy Earth. Susan and Drew love Cozy Earth's sheets made with super-soft viscose from bamboo! Use code DREW at checkout to save 40% at https://drdrew.com/cozy • GENUCEL - Using a proprietary base formulated by a pharmacist, Genucel has created skincare that can dramatically improve the appearance of facial redness and under-eye puffiness. Genucel uses clinical levels of botanical extracts in their cruelty-free, natural, made-in-the-USA line of products. Get an extra discount with promo code DREW at https://genucel.com/drew • PRIMAL LIFE - Dr. Drew recommends Primal Life's 100% natural dental products to improve your mouth. Get a sparkling smile by using natural teeth whitener without harsh chemicals. For a limited time, get 60% off at https://drdrew.com/primal • THE WELLNESS COMPANY - Counteract harmful spike proteins with TWC's Signature Series Spike Support Formula containing nattokinase and selenium. Learn more about TWC's supplements at https://twc.health/drew • BIRCH GOLD - Don’t let your savings lose value. You can own physical gold and silver in a tax-sheltered retirement account, and Birch Gold will help you do it. Claim your free, no obligation info kit from Birch Gold at https://birchgold.com/drew 「 MEDICAL NOTE 」 The CDC states that COVID-19 vaccines are safe, effective, and reduce your risk of severe illness. You should always consult your personal physician before making any decisions about your health.  「 ABOUT THE SHOW 」 Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Kaleb Nation (https://kalebnation.com) and Susan Pinsky (https://twitter.com/firstladyoflove). This show is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. 「 ABOUT DR. DREW 」 Dr. Drew is a board-certified physician with over 35 years of national radio, NYT bestselling books, and countless TV shows bearing his name. He's known for Celebrity Rehab (VH1), Teen Mom OG (MTV), Dr. Drew After Dark (YMH), The Masked Singer (FOX), multiple hit podcasts, and the iconic Loveline radio show. Dr. Drew Pinsky received his undergraduate degree from Amherst College and his M.D. from the University of Southern California, School of Medicine. Read more at https://drdrew.com/about Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Daily Dish: Oct. 7th Video Stuns Chris Cuomo, Jill Biden's Christmas Video Is CRINGE, & Sen. Kennedy's Hilarious

Today the Chicks chat about Chris Cuomo's epiphany after seeing the uncensored footage of Hamas, Jill Biden's horrible White House Christmas video, Senator Kennedy's quip, and SO much more!Please support our great sponsors at:Start saving on your heating bill today! Visit http://www.edenpuredeals.com and enter Code CHICKS50 to save an extra $50 on the GEN40. Heat your office or home now, cools the same space this summer!Visit https://www.AMAC.us/CHICKS to sign up for your FREE one-year membership. No Credit Cardrequired, sign up today!Visit http://fogchicks.com and use promo code CHICKS to save 15% off your order plus Free RushShipping.Visit http://www.knowyourriskradio.com to get their FREE Common Sents Investing Guide or call 866-779-RISK.Visit https://Mypillow.com/CHICKS - Enjoy all the great savings – Code CHICKS.

Ep 31 | Burning Man Under the Sea, Jill Biden Tests Positively ... for COVID

Jill Biden tests positive for COVID, and Burning Man is flooding. Joined by Derek Richards and Matt McClowry. Click here to vote on what Garrett should eat in the UK. WHAT DO YOU WANT TO FORCE QB TO EAT IN THE UK? - Poll (quiz-maker.com) Follow the boys@TheDtlandau ► https://davelandau.com/ @QTRBlackGarrett ► https://linktr.ee/14BlackGarrett Get your next delicious bowl of high-protein cereal at https://MagicSpoon.com/NORMAL and use the code NORMAL to save $5.

Absurd Truth: Jill Biden's Bizarre Christmas Tap Dancers

The White House films a weird tap dancing video to Jill Biden's 2023 Christmas decorations and it's full of characters. Also, a reminder that John Legend and Kelly Clarkson’s woke rendition of “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” is lame.Please visit our great sponsors:Black Rifle Coffeehttps://blackriflecoffee.com/danaJoin the Coffee Club today and get 30% off your first month’s subscription.All Family Pharmacyhttps://allfamilypharma.com/danaSave 10% with code DANA10 when you order today at https://allfamilypharma.com/danaExpress VPNhttps://expressvpn.com/danaGo incognito and protect your privacy with 3 extra months FREE.Headrest Safehttps://theheadrestsafe.comUse code DANA for an exclusive $50 off. Hillsdalehttps://danaforhillsdale.comVisit Hillsdale College for a special Christmas viewing of O Little Town Of Bethlehem. Nimi Skincarehttps://nimiskincare.comDon’t compromise. Use promo code DANA for 10% your order.Patriot Mobilehttps://patriotmobile.com/danaGet a free smartphone with code FRIDAY76 when you switch today! Wise Food Storagehttps://preparewithdana.comSave $50 on your 4-Week Survival Food Kit plus free shipping when you order today!


Zibby had the honor of interviewing the former Second Lady (and perhaps future First Lady), Dr. Jill Biden. She spoke to Zibby about childhood traditions, loss, the state of schools opening this fall, her passion for teaching and more on Instagram Live. Now there's more! Subscribe to Moms Don't Have Time to Read Books on Acast+ and get ad-free episodes. https://plus.acast.com/s/moms-dont-have-time-to-read-books. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

11/10/23: Jill Stein RUNNING in 2024, Manchin QUITS Senate, Vivek vs Haley, Biden Protested by Peace Activists

On this stream: Jill Stein will seek the Green Party nomination in 2024 - Joe Manchin won’t seek re-election to the Senate, sparking rumors about a No Labels Presidential run - Vivek Ramaswamy and Nikki Haley spar over Ukraine at debate - Biden protested by ceasefire activists at UAW speech - and more.Due Dissidence is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support our work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit duedissidence.substack.com/subscribe

S2 Bonus 9: The Trial of Robert Durst: Jill Biden's Ex-Husband Joins the Circus

In this special breaking news edition of Jury Duty, Jill Biden's Ex-Husband Joins the Circus, host Kary Antholis examines the claim by Bill Stevenson, the ex-husband of First Lady Jill Biden, that he had an affair with Kathie Durst in 1982, just days before she went missing. Kary is joined by co-host Brittany Bookbinder and Charles V. Bagli, who is reporting on the Durst trial for The New York Times and CrimeStory.com. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Hunter, Joe and (Dr.) Jill Biden, with Salena Zito and Andy McCarthy | Ep. 38

Megyn Kelly is joined by Salena Zito, columnist for the Washington Examiner and columnist for the New York Post, and Andy McCarthy, bestselling author, National Review Institute Senior Fellow, and contributing editor at National Review, to talk about the Hunter Biden investigation and social media suppression, whether a special counsel for the investigation, Joe Biden's connections to China, Jill Biden's insistence on being called Dr. Jill Biden, the elite disdain for much of the country and more.Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:Twitter: http://Twitter.com/MegynKellyShowInstagram: http://Instagram.com/MegynKellyShowFacebook: http://Facebook.com/MegynKellyShowFind out more information at:https://www.devilmaycaremedia.com/megynkellyshow

EP 512 | Fauci and BLM Are Back, And Jill Biden Has COVID?! This Is Only The Beginning!!

Fauci and BLM are making a comeback, oddly enough right before an election year?? Jill Biden has covid (despite having many jabs), so now people are on the alert. ► Today's Sponsors: Try out America's Marketplace: https://publicsq.com/ American, grass-fed meat: whiteoakpastures.com/GRAHAM Promo Code “GRAHAM" Protect your savings with the precious metal IRA specialist. www.birchgold.com Text: Graham to 989898 Same 5G Network. Half the cost. https://www.puretalkusa.com/ Code: Graham ► Watch LIVE on Rumble:  https://rumble.com/c/GrahamAllenOfficial Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

woMAN of Courage: Jill Biden Awards Trans on International Women’s Day | 3/9/23

In case you missed it, yesterday was International Women’s Day – yes, that’s a thing – and Jill Biden, never wasting an opportunity to participate in identity politics, held a ceremony in which 11 women were presented a Woman of Courage Award for “showing courage while fighting for their rights.” The Texas Legislature let down women across the state on International Women’s Day by passing a resolution that honors transsexuals. Two new polls reveal that most Americans believe doctors and pharmaceutical companies should be held liable for potential harmful side effects from the use of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones. Illegal immigration is costing American taxpayers 30% more since 2017. A new study discovered that the services provided to those illegally crossing the border cost nearly $182 billion a year. U.S. Marine Corps Sergeant Tyler Vargas-Andrews testified before the House Foreign Affairs Committee about the injuries he sustained during the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan.   Today's Sponsors:     This New Year, resolve to stop supporting companies that don’t align with your values. Their 100% U.S.-based customer service team makes switching easy! Just go to http://PATRIOTMOBILE.COM/NEWS or call them at 878-PATRIOT! Get FREE ACTIVATION today with the offer code NEWS.   BOGO is BACK! So when you buy one Thunderstorm, you get one FREE! EdenPURE’s Buy One Get One FREE sale is this week only! Just go to http://www.EdenPUREdeals.com and use discount code SARA. Shipping is free! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

SPEAKER JORDAN IS INEVITABLE! Massive Momentum, New Biden Investigation BOMBSHELL! Peace In Israel?, with Jillian Biltz

Jim Jordan plans to bring the Speaker vote to the floor tomorrow, Biden cancels trip as Israel Ground Invasion of Gaza Appears imminent and Yellen says US can ‘absolutely’ afford another war, and Jillian Biltz of Mad Dog Armory joins the show for Monday Gunday. Check Out Our Partners: Patriot Mobile: Go to https://www.PatriotMobile.com/Benny and get FREE Activation Allegiance Gold: Go to http://www.protectwithbenny.com/ and get up to $5,000 in free silver with a qualifying purchase Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices