Miami Heat

Miami Heat är en professionell basketorganisation baserad i Miami, Florida. Laget är medlem i den östra konferensen i NBA (National Basketball Association) och grundades 1988. Miami Heat har vunnit totalt tre NBA-mästerskapstitlar (2006, 2012, 2013) och har haft flera framstående spelare genom åren, inklusive LeBron James, Dwyane Wade och Shaquille O'Neal.

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Sveriges nästa NBA-stjärna ska bygga bodybuilderfysik

Sveriges nästa NBA-stjärna ska bygga bodybuilderfysik

Som nummer 44 i NBA:s årliga draft valdes Pelle Larsson av Miami Heat, en organisation som förknippas med framgång i USA. Spelare som Lebron James, Dwayne Wade och Shaquille O´Neal har spelat i den svart röda tröjan och nu är det en 23-årig svensk som kommer att klubbens färger. Landslaget fortsatt viktigt Larsson gick på college i Arizona och efter tre år i öknen blir det nu Miami. Men trots framtiden i NBA är han tydlig med sina känslor för det svenska landslaget. – Det finns inget som går att jämföra med att spela i den svenska tröjan, säger Larsson, som hoppas att det svenska landslaget tar sig till EM nästa sommar och att han då får spela inför den svenska publiken igen. Heat-spelaren pratar även om hur det ska bli att dela planen med de allra största stjärnorna och få se hur de är utanför planen. Hur de för sig i vardagen och sköter sin träning. Kommer bygga muskler Många spelare utvecklar väldigt mycket muskler de första åren i ligan och blir mycket mer muskulösa. Ett exempel är den grekiska stjärnan Giannis Antetounmpo som gick från att vara en slank, nästan smal kille, till att bli ett riktigt fysfenomen. Detta är något Pelle Larsson har skämtat om med sina kompisar. – Får se vad som händer, jag brukar bygga på mig en del muskler. Så det kanske blir någon typ av bodybuilder-stuk, säger Larsson och skrattar. Måste spela försvar Att det första målet är att få speltid är något han är tydlig med och tränarstaben borta i Florida har sagt till Pelle ”spelar man inte försvar så får man inte chansen offensivt”.

NBA inleds den 13 november, då möter Miami Heat med Pelle Larsson Detroit Pistons med NBAs andra svensk Bobi Klintman.

FT: Klimatkrisen kommer rita om hela ekonomier

FT: Klimatkrisen kommer rita om hela ekonomier

Globala BNP kan halveras till 2070 på grund av klimatkrisen, enligt en ny rapport från brittiska Institute and Faculty of Actuaries. De har använt ett slags omvänt stresstest som räknar baklänges från en hittills odefinierad temperatur då världens ekonomi troligtvis skulle upphöra att fungera. Det är en radikal modell, men den kommer förmodligen närmare sanningen än de gängse, skriver Financial Times. Företag och investerare underskattar konsekvent klimatkrisens finansiella påverkan. Det beror på att de har fokuserat på kostnaden för övergången till fossilfritt men tagit mindre hänsyn till de fysiska effekterna av klimatkrisen, skriver tidningen. Förändrade havsnivåer, temperaturer, vattenbrist eller eldsvådor ritar om ekonomin för hela branscher och samhällen. The costs of inaction on global warming are potentially vast and often not sufficiently factored in to asset values. By Vanessa Houlder and Nathalie Thomas

Financial Times, 17 August 2023 The world is reeling from record-breaking heatwaves, wildfires and rainfall. Devastating floods have ravaged northern China. Wildfires have ripped through Canada, southern Europe and, in recent days, the Hawaiian island of Maui. The human toll from these disasters, which experts say are becoming more common and more intense due to human-induced climate change, can be counted first of all in the thousands of lives lost. But it can also be measured in the economic value destroyed, and potentially created, as governments shift policies to contain or mitigate the climate crisis. In a world that is rapidly becoming more vulnerable to extreme weather events, outdated assumptions about asset values also need recalibrating. The big danger is of a “climate Minsky moment”, the term for a sudden correction in asset values as investors simultaneously realise those values are unsustainable. So far, businesses and investors have paid less attention to the physical effects of climate change and more to the costs and risks of decarbonising, as the world tries to limit the rise in average global temperatures. The former is discussed half as frequently as the latter in US corporate disclosures, according to the Brookings think-tank. Equities have not priced in climate change risks, research by the IMF and others has repeatedly shown.  The perceived remoteness of risks such as sea level rises is one explanation. Another is the formidable difficulty of mapping interactions between the economy and greenhouse gas emissions. Nobel Prize winner William Nordhaus, who began modelling climate change as far back as 1975, describes this as the thorniest problem of all. Assessing abatement costs is “simple stuff” by comparison, he says.  Vast computing power is trying to solve the conundrum. The data group Cambridge Econometrics and Ortec Finance recently crunched numbers for Singapore’s GIC. The sovereign wealth fund’s long-term investment horizon — and the city-state’s vulnerability to flooding — make it unusually mindful of climate risks. It wanted to know how a portfolio composed of 60 per cent global equities and 40 per cent bonds would fare under varying climate policies. In a “net zero” scenario involving ambitious decarbonisation, cumulative returns over 40 years were 10 per cent lower than a baseline that assumed no climate change. The most pessimistic outcome was a “failed transition” that put the world on course for a rise of more than 4C from pre-industrial levels by 2100. Cumulative returns were then nearly 40 per cent lower than the baseline, though some feel the outcome could be much worse than that given the unknowable levels of disruption that such a rise might trigger. Investors “may be surprised by the underperformance” of the hypothetical portfolio, says GIC. The message is clear: investors ignore long-term climate risks at their peril. Agriculture is among the most vulnerable sectors. Morgan Stanley estimated in a report last year that at least 44 per cent of wheat, 43 per cent of rice, 32 per cent of maize and 17 per cent of soyabean production comes from at-risk areas. Climate change-induced disasters could put at least $314bn of annual production in jeopardy. Companies that produce detailed analysis of climate risks are increasingly alert to the potential for sharp increases in commodity prices. Unilever estimates that extreme weather events could increase palm oil prices by 12-18 per cent by 2050, depending on the extent to which rising temperatures can be limited, and other food and commodities ingredients by 14-21 per cent. The impact would be unevenly spread. Some cold countries might become more productive. The cultivation of certain crops has already migrated northwards, to cooler climates. Warmer temperatures helped Russia to become the world’s top wheat exporter last decade. Prior to the Ukraine war, scientists named it and Canada as new global agricultural frontiers. Climate change has enabled vineyards in regions such as the UK and Denmark. Food insecurity is exacerbated by water shortages. Agriculture accounts for about 70 per cent of freshwater consumption globally, although in regions such as Asia it can be higher. Already 2bn people lack access to clean, safe drinking water. By 2030, demand for freshwater is forecast to exceed supply by 40 per cent. Areas that once took water for granted are coming to terms with shortages. “For us in Europe, water scarcity was something that affected others and now it’s hitting us,” says Vinçent Caillaud, chief executive of water technologies at Veolia, the French water group. Industry is also reliant on dwindling water resources. Moody’s estimates that as much as half of the chemical sector’s global assets are exposed to water stress. German industry’s use of the Rhine for cooling and transport has been repeatedly jeopardised by droughts. Low water levels in 2018 cut profits at chemical giant BASF by €250mn. Too much water can cause as much havoc as too little. Around a fifth of computer and electronics factories in Asia are in flood-prone areas, according to Moody’s. ON Semiconductors shut one production site hit by disastrous 2011 Thailand floods because of “excessive” reconstruction costs. Preventive action lowers risks. The world’s largest contract chipmaker, TSMC, has raised the foundations of newly built fabrication plants in Taiwan by two metres. Of all the climate risks, flooding is most straightforward to analyse. But that does not mean it is priced in. Recently published research suggested that US residential properties exposed to flood risk are overvalued by between $121bn and $237bn. In some counties bordering the Gulf and Atlantic coasts, properties are likely to be overvalued by more than 10 per cent on average, their owners falsely comforted by out-of-date federal flood maps and government-subsidised insurance.  Wildfires are another source of mounting anxiety. They were recently highlighted by Dave Burt, one of the “Big Short” investors who correctly anticipated chaos in the US subprime mortgage market in the 2000s. In evidence to a Senate committee, he said insurance premiums for wildfire protection were just $1.5bn in 2021; damages were six times bigger. A move by insurers to close that gap could result in a drop of up to $495bn in property values, he said.  Once cyclones and chronic risks such as drought, heat and sea-level rises are factored in, San Francisco emerges as one of the areas most economically exposed, according to a Moody’s assessment. Idaho’s state capital, Boise, and Nashville, Tennessee are among the safest. Such forecasts provide an insight into likely migration patterns within the US in the second half of this century. The consequences for the Bay Area’s sky-high real estate values and its tax base will be significant.  Globally, the movement of people away from hard-hit areas is likely to be on a far bigger scale. More than 20mn people a year on average have been displaced by extreme weather-related events since 2008. By 2050, as many as 1.2bn could be uprooted by climate change, according to the Institute for Economics and Peace think-tank. Sovereign bonds are already registering the financial consequences of these trends. Nations facing a greater projected change in physical risks pay higher spreads for long-term debt financing, according to the IMF. It suggests that bond investors have more incentive to price in climate risks because a creditor country’s physical infrastructure assets are more likely to be directly affected. A simulation of the effect of climate change on sovereign credit ratings for 109 countries suggested that climate-induced sovereign downgrades could happen as early as 2030, according to new research by economists from UEA and Cambridge university. China and India are among those facing the biggest reductions in creditworthiness. Damage will be mitigated by defences. Dykes have successfully protected the Netherlands, much of which is below sea level. Spending $50bn a year on flood defences for coastal cities could reduce expected losses of $1tn to some $60bn in 2050, researchers calculate. The wealthier the region, the better the chance of adequate defences. S&P recently upgraded Miami bonds to AA on this basis, even though the city expects the sea level to rise by up to 21 inches by 2070. Climate-savvy investors and entrepreneurs are spotting opportunities as industries and countries look to adapt. Innovations to mitigate the impact of future water shortages are an important theme. Gradient, a Boston-based business that has designed novel ways to treat industrial wastewater, became the first water tech start-up to achieve a $1bn valuation this year. Desalination — the removal of salt from sea and other saline water — at present covers just 1 per cent of global freshwater demand. The market is expected to grow by nearly 9 per cent annually between 2022 and 2027, according to consultancy Technovia. Industries such as mining are exploring its use. So too are countries such as the UK, France and Italy that have not yet used desalination on a significant scale. “Water scarcity and the [climate] situation that has crystallised over the last couple of years are pushing the deployment of these technologies,” says José Díaz-Caneja, chief executive of Spanish conglomerate Acciona’s water business.  But costs remain relatively high, and efficiency is low. One cubic metre of desalinated water can cost between 40 cents and $1 compared with 10-25 cents for the same measure of normal tap water. Its use for irrigation is limited as much agricultural land is far from coastal areas where desalination plants are located. Crop science is also attracting greater political and investor attention. Previously sceptical European countries are warming to gene-edited varieties engineered to withstand extreme temperatures and drought. Examples include a short corn requiring less water, which Germany’s Bayer hopes to introduce to markets such as the US this decade. Brussels has proposed loosening restrictions on some gene-edited crops. A change in EU rules is likely to lead to more research, according to Geoff Graham, vice-president of seed product development at Corteva. Service industries will be forced to adapt. The evacuation of thousands of visitors from Greek islands ravaged by wildfires this summer was a stark reminder of how extreme heat threatens the tourism industry. For some tropical destinations such as the Maldives, rising global temperatures pose an existential threat. For southern Europe, intolerable summer temperatures will force writedowns of hotels and resorts in countries including Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Portugal, France and Greece.  Southern destinations will try to minimise losses by marketing spring and autumn holidays, but the European Commission is surely underestimating impacts when it asserts that a massive 4C rise in global temperatures would reduce tourism demand in the Greek islands by just 9 per cent. Demand in cooler destinations such as the west of Wales could increase by as much as 16 per cent, the EC adds.  Hoteliers and tour operators will expand cruise lines, which can flex itineraries around weather conditions, along with hotel capacity in northern Europe. The head of tour operator Tui suggested this month that destinations such as Belgium would become more popular. Skilful adaptation would soften the blow from climate change. It is rarely accounted for in climate models but is one reason to hope that the most bearish financial forecasts are too pessimistic. Yet many models also omit factors that could make the outcomes far worse than predicted. Many assume that climate change does not slow gross domestic product growth. They do not take account of mass migration. Climate tipping points, such as thawing permafrost or an ocean circulation collapse, are rarely included.  More fundamentally, the past is an unreliable guide to the future. Modellers typically use a quadratic function to plot the relationship between damages and temperatures. Some 2 per cent of output would be lost at 3C of warming, while 8 per cent of output would be lost at 6C of warming, according to Nordhaus’s 2016 model. There is great uncertainty about the potential effects of such large rises, but even so the credibility of those predictions looks weak. It makes more sense to conduct a reverse stress test, argues a new report from the UK’s Institute and Faculty of Actuaries. This involves working backwards from an as-yet undefined temperature at which the world’s economy would plausibly cease to function. Using this logic, the report’s authors suggest that half the world’s GDP could be destroyed as early as 2070. There is a cavernous gap between such cataclysmic forecasts and the modest impacts anticipated by pension funds and listed companies in their climate risk reporting. Consider, for example, the risk assessments regularly carried out for Shropshire county council, a local authority in the UK. As recently as 2020, it reported that its annualised portfolio returns would be hit by just 0.1 per cent over 30 years even as the world hurtled towards 4C of warming. There is growing unease that existing climate models may be providing a false sense of security. The UK Pensions Regulator recently raised concerns over scenario impacts that “seem relatively benign and appears to be at odds with established science”. Last November the Financial Stability Board warned that the scenarios used to assess risks to the financial system may understate climate vulnerability.  An abrupt correction of asset values is possible once markets recalibrate the likely impacts of climate change, says the Carbon Tracker think-tank founder Mark Campanale. University College London professor Steve Keen also predicts such a “Minsky moment” and warns it will be “unpleasant, abrupt and wealth-destroying”. There are powerful arguments why financial institutions should pay closer attention to the physical risks of climate change. Doing so might reduce the chance of sudden shocks and reinforce the case for mitigation. Moreover, it would improve the allocation of resources, deter building in flood zones and incentivise spending on climate-resilient infrastructure. Focusing on the physical effects of poorly mitigated climate change might seem defeatist. But time is fast running out to decarbonise the economy. Investors have begun to price in the decarbonisation challenge. They need to start counting the considerable costs of inaction, too. ©The Financial Times Limited 2023. All Rights Reserved. FT and Financial Times are trademarks of the Financial Times Ltd. Not to be redistributed, copied or modified in any way.

Conor McGregor anklagas för övergrepp – ska ha attackerat kvinna på toalett

Conor McGregor anklagas för övergrepp – ska ha attackerat kvinna på toalett

NBA liksom klubben Miami Heat uppger att man undersöker händelserna som ska ha ägt rum efter finalmöte fyra mellan Miami och Denver förra veckan.

En kvinna säger att Conor McGregor attackerat henne inne på en toalett i arenan i Miami. Händelsen har polisanmälts men McGregor nekar till brott.

Tidigare under matchen golvade McGregor Miamis maskot under en av periodvilorna. McGregor och maskoten Burnie skulle som den del av ett reklamjippo för en smärtlindringsprodukt skojboxas. Maskoten, eller snarare personen inne i Burniedräkten, föll till golven efter ett slag från McGregor, men kampsportaren fortsatte att puckla på honom.

Mannen i Burniedräkten uppges ha plåstrats om och må bra.

McGregor har inte gått någon fajt sedan han skadade benet i juli 2021. Hans senaste vinst var i januari 2020.

Miami förlorade finalserien i NBA mot Denver med 4–1 i matcher.

Denver Nuggets fick fira NBA-titeln i natt

Denver Nuggets fick fira NBA-titeln i natt

Denver Nuggets är nya mästare i NBA-basketen efter seger med 94–89 mot Miami Heat i natt. Det är första gången Denver, som spelat i ligan 47 år, vinner titeln, skriver TT. Matchens poängbäste blev Denvers serbiske storstjärna Nikola Jokic med 28 poäng. – Det var en riktigt ful match och vi kunde inte skjuta, men till slut löste vi det. Jag är bara glad att vi vann matchen, sa Jokic. Jokic utsågs också till finalseriens mest värdefulla spelare.

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Game Recap: Heat 101, Pelicans 99

Pelle Larsson knocked down two free-throws with :06 seconds remaining in regulation to lift the Heat over the Pelicans, 101-99.

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Miami Heat i poddar

New Year Leave-Behinds: No More Trade Rumors, Play-In Tournament or Contract Complaints

To celebrate the New Year, Wes Goldberg and David Ramil take a look at the things the Miami Heat should leave behind in 2023, including trade rumors, contract complaints, Bam Adebayo not getting enough credit, the play-in tournament and more. Support Us By Supporting Our Sponsors! eBay Motors For parts that fit, head to eBay Motors and look for the green check. Stay in the game with eBay Guaranteed Fit at Let’s ride. eBay Guaranteed Fit only available to US customers. Eligible items only. Exclusions apply. PrizePicks Go to and use code lockedonnba for a first deposit match up to $100! Gametime Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code LOCKEDONNBA for $20 off your first purchase. FanDuel Score early this NFL season with FanDuel, America’s Number One Sportsbook! Right now, NEW customers get ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS in BONUS BETS with any winning FIVE DOLLAR MONEYLINE BET! That’s A HUNDRED AND FIFTY BUCKS – if your team wins! Visit to get started. FANDUEL DISCLAIMER: 21+ in select states. First online real money wager only. Bonus issued as nonwithdrawable free bets that expires in 14 days. Restrictions apply. See terms at Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER or visit (CO, IA, MD, MI, NJ, PA, IL, VA, WV), 1-800-NEXT-STEP or text NEXTSTEP to 53342 (AZ), 1-888-789-7777 or visit (CT), 1-800-9-WITH-IT (IN), 1-800-522-4700 (WY, KS) or visit (KS), 1-877-770-STOP (LA), 1-877-8-HOPENY or text HOPENY (467369) (NY), TN REDLINE 1-800-889-9789 (TN) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

The Questionable Giannis Ejection, LeBron’s Miami Heat Legacy, and the 76ers’ Early Success Without Harden | Real Ones

Logan and Raja react to Giannis Antetokounmpo’s ejection midway through the third quarter against the Detroit Pistons, the respect that refs give role players as opposed to stars, and stare-down technical fouls (1:05). Along the way, they discuss LeBron James’s comments on his tenure with the Miami Heat and whether his legacy would have been similarly dominant if he'd gone somewhere else (11:09). Next, the guys talk about how the Philadelphia 76ers have won six straight games since the season opener and how the team has been able to flourish without the distractions that accompanied James Harden’s trade request (32:08). Later, they talk about Anthony Edwards’s next potential leap this season and how he's continuing to develop into an NBA superstar for the Minnesota Timberwolves (44:43). Finally, the guys close with their Real Ones of the Week (50:28).The Ringer is committed to responsible gaming, please checkout to find out more or listen to the end of the episode for additional details.Hosts: Logan Murdock and Raja BellProducer: Jonathan KermahProduction Assistant: Kai Grady Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

How the Miami Heat Beat LeBron's Lakers Without Jimmy Butler, Nikola Jovic's Role, Bam vs AD

Without Jimmy Butler, the Miami Heat went into Los Angeles and beat LeBron James and the Lakers. Who stepped up, and why might Nikola Jovic's role change going forward? Wes Goldberg and David Ramil break down the Heat's win, a big fourth quarter from Duncan Robinson and hand out Credit Cookies. Plus, did Bam Adebayo lose points with the national audience? Support Us By Supporting Our Sponsors! Hungryroot Hungryroot is the easiest way to get fresh, high-quality food delivered to your door. They’ve got healthy groceries and simple recipes, all in one place. Just go to, to get 40% off your first delivery and get your free veggies.  BetterHelp This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Make your brain your friend, with BetterHelp. Visit today to get 10% off your first month. LinkedIn LinkedIn Jobs helps you find the qualified candidates you want to talk to, faster. Post your job for free at Terms and conditions apply. PrizePicks Go to and use code lockedonnba for a first deposit match up to $100! Gametime Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code LOCKEDON for $20 off your first purchase. FanDuel Score early this NFL season with FanDuel, America’s Number One Sportsbook! Right now, NEW customers get ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS in BONUS BETS with any winning FIVE DOLLAR MONEYLINE BET! That’s A HUNDRED AND FIFTY BUCKS – if your team wins! Visit to get started. FANDUEL DISCLAIMER: 21+ in select states. First online real money wager only. Bonus issued as nonwithdrawable free bets that expires in 14 days. Restrictions apply. See terms at Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER or visit (CO, IA, MD, MI, NJ, PA, IL, VA, WV), 1-800-NEXT-STEP or text NEXTSTEP to 53342 (AZ), 1-888-789-7777 or visit (CT), 1-800-9-WITH-IT (IN), 1-800-522-4700 (WY, KS) or visit (KS), 1-877-770-STOP (LA), 1-877-8-HOPENY or text HOPENY (467369) (NY), TN REDLINE 1-800-889-9789 (TN) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Why the Miami Heat Are Being Patient With Jimmy Butler, Goran Dragic Retires and Fake Trade Monday

Jimmy Butler is out again for the Miami Heat's game against the Houston Rockets, and there are conflicting reports about how much longer he’ll be out. How much longer will the Heat be without Butler? Wes Goldberg and David Ramil discuss that, Goran Dragic's retirement and All-Star voting first returns before debuting a new segment called Fake Trade Monday. Support Us By Supporting Our Sponsors! Jase Medical Empower yourself when you purchase a Jase Case, providing you with a personal supply of 5 antibiotics that treat 50+ infections. Get yours today at and use code LOCKEDON to get $20 off your order.  BetterHelp This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Make your brain your friend, with BetterHelp. Visit today to get 10% off your first month. PrizePicks Go to and use code lockedonnba for a first deposit match up to $100! Gametime Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code LOCKEDON for $20 off your first purchase. FanDuel Score early this NFL season with FanDuel, America’s Number One Sportsbook! Right now, NEW customers get ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS in BONUS BETS with any winning FIVE DOLLAR MONEYLINE BET! That’s A HUNDRED AND FIFTY BUCKS – if your team wins! Visit to get started. FANDUEL DISCLAIMER: 21+ in select states. First online real money wager only. Bonus issued as nonwithdrawable free bets that expires in 14 days. Restrictions apply. See terms at Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER or visit (CO, IA, MD, MI, NJ, PA, IL, VA, WV), 1-800-NEXT-STEP or text NEXTSTEP to 53342 (AZ), 1-888-789-7777 or visit (CT), 1-800-9-WITH-IT (IN), 1-800-522-4700 (WY, KS) or visit (KS), 1-877-770-STOP (LA), 1-877-8-HOPENY or text HOPENY (467369) (NY), TN REDLINE 1-800-889-9789 (TN) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Miami Heat's Jimmy Butler Injury Concern Scale and Why Erik Spoelstra Should Be the Favorite For Coach of the Year

Jimmy Butler was optimistic when discussing his foot injury on Tuesday, but there are signs that the Miami Heat could be without him for a while longer. Wes Goldberg and David Ramil break down the latest, then argue why Erik Spoelstra is being slept on for Coach of the Year before discussing two potential Heat trade targets. Support Us By Supporting Our Sponsors! Jase Medical Empower yourself when you purchase a Jase Case, providing you with a personal supply of 5 antibiotics that treat 50+ infections. Get yours today at and use code LOCKEDON to get $20 off your order.  BetterHelp This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Make your brain your friend, with BetterHelp. Visit today to get 10% off your first month. PrizePicks Go to and use code lockedonnba for a first deposit match up to $100! Gametime Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code LOCKEDON for $20 off your first purchase. FanDuel Score early this NFL season with FanDuel, America’s Number One Sportsbook! Right now, NEW customers get ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS in BONUS BETS with any winning FIVE DOLLAR MONEYLINE BET! That’s A HUNDRED AND FIFTY BUCKS – if your team wins! Visit to get started. FANDUEL DISCLAIMER: 21+ in select states. First online real money wager only. Bonus issued as nonwithdrawable free bets that expires in 14 days. Restrictions apply. See terms at Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER or visit (CO, IA, MD, MI, NJ, PA, IL, VA, WV), 1-800-NEXT-STEP or text NEXTSTEP to 53342 (AZ), 1-888-789-7777 or visit (CT), 1-800-9-WITH-IT (IN), 1-800-522-4700 (WY, KS) or visit (KS), 1-877-770-STOP (LA), 1-877-8-HOPENY or text HOPENY (467369) (NY), TN REDLINE 1-800-889-9789 (TN) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Why the Miami Heat's Loss to Clippers Highlights Glaring Defensive Issue

The Miami Heat lost to the LA Clippers on Monday night, highlighting a major issue that continues to be a problem for this team. Wes Goldberg goes under the hood to break down Miami's slipping defense, ask if injuries are the main reason, or if there are other roster problems the Heat need to address with a trade. Support Us By Supporting Our Sponsors! Hungryroot Hungryroot is the easiest way to get fresh, high-quality food delivered to your door. They’ve got healthy groceries and simple recipes, all in one place. Just go to, to get 40% off your first delivery and get your free veggies.  BetterHelp This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Make your brain your friend, with BetterHelp. Visit today to get 10% off your first month. LinkedIn LinkedIn Jobs helps you find the qualified candidates you want to talk to, faster. Post your job for free at Terms and conditions apply. PrizePicks Go to and use code lockedonnba for a first deposit match up to $100! Gametime Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code LOCKEDON for $20 off your first purchase. FanDuel Score early this NFL season with FanDuel, America’s Number One Sportsbook! Right now, NEW customers get ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS in BONUS BETS with any winning FIVE DOLLAR MONEYLINE BET! That’s A HUNDRED AND FIFTY BUCKS – if your team wins! Visit to get started. FANDUEL DISCLAIMER: 21+ in select states. First online real money wager only. Bonus issued as nonwithdrawable free bets that expires in 14 days. Restrictions apply. See terms at Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER or visit (CO, IA, MD, MI, NJ, PA, IL, VA, WV), 1-800-NEXT-STEP or text NEXTSTEP to 53342 (AZ), 1-888-789-7777 or visit (CT), 1-800-9-WITH-IT (IN), 1-800-522-4700 (WY, KS) or visit (KS), 1-877-770-STOP (LA), 1-877-8-HOPENY or text HOPENY (467369) (NY), TN REDLINE 1-800-889-9789 (TN) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Why the Miami Heat Are Happy Without Damian Lillard, the 'New Splash Bros.' and Jimmy Butler Injury Update

Why are Miami Heat fans taking a victory lap around Joe Cronin and the Trail Blazers, and are they wrong to do so? Wes Goldberg argues that we're talking about the Damian Lillard trade all wrong, and that some Heat fans are losing sight of the big picture. Then he breaks down the impressive 3-point shooting numbers of Duncan Robinson and Tyler Herro before providing the latest injury updates for Jimmy Butler, Caleb Martin and others. Support Us By Supporting Our Sponsors! eBay Motors For parts that fit, head to eBay Motors and look for the green check. Stay in the game with eBay Guaranteed Fit at Let’s ride. eBay Guaranteed Fit only available to US customers. Eligible items only. Exclusions apply. PrizePicks Go to and use code lockedonnba for a first deposit match up to $100! Gametime Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code LOCKEDONNBA for $20 off your first purchase. FanDuel Score early this NFL season with FanDuel, America’s Number One Sportsbook! Right now, NEW customers get ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS in BONUS BETS with any winning FIVE DOLLAR MONEYLINE BET! That’s A HUNDRED AND FIFTY BUCKS – if your team wins! Visit to get started. FANDUEL DISCLAIMER: 21+ in select states. First online real money wager only. Bonus issued as nonwithdrawable free bets that expires in 14 days. Restrictions apply. See terms at Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER or visit (CO, IA, MD, MI, NJ, PA, IL, VA, WV), 1-800-NEXT-STEP or text NEXTSTEP to 53342 (AZ), 1-888-789-7777 or visit (CT), 1-800-9-WITH-IT (IN), 1-800-522-4700 (WY, KS) or visit (KS), 1-877-770-STOP (LA), 1-877-8-HOPENY or text HOPENY (467369) (NY), TN REDLINE 1-800-889-9789 (TN) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

How Jimmy Butler, Jaime Jaquez Jr. Fueled Miami Heat's Double-Digit Win Over Hornets

A nice, easy, convincing win for the Miami Heat. The Heat beat the Hornets 115-104 getting big games from six players who scored in double digits, including 17 for Jaime Jaquez Jr and Jimmy Butler going for 15 in 29 minutes. Wes Goldberg and David Ramil break down the win, Jaquez continuing to show growth, Duncan Robinson's improved defense, hand out Credit Cookies and ask where the Heat rank in the East. Support Us By Supporting Our Sponsors! Dave is the financial app that's leveling the financial playing field. Download Dave today at You could get up to $500 in 5 minutes or less! No credit check. No late fees.  eBay Motors For parts that fit, head to eBay Motors and look for the green check. Stay in the game with eBay Guaranteed Fit at Let’s ride. eBay Guaranteed Fit only available to US customers. Eligible items only. Exclusions apply. PrizePicks Go to and use code lockedonnba for a first deposit match up to $100! Gametime Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code LOCKEDONNBA for $20 off your first purchase. FanDuel Score early this NFL season with FanDuel, America’s Number One Sportsbook! Right now, NEW customers get ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS in BONUS BETS with any winning FIVE DOLLAR MONEYLINE BET! That’s A HUNDRED AND FIFTY BUCKS – if your team wins! Visit to get started. FANDUEL DISCLAIMER: 21+ in select states. First online real money wager only. Bonus issued as nonwithdrawable free bets that expires in 14 days. Restrictions apply. See terms at Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER or visit (CO, IA, MD, MI, NJ, PA, IL, VA, WV), 1-800-NEXT-STEP or text NEXTSTEP to 53342 (AZ), 1-888-789-7777 or visit (CT), 1-800-9-WITH-IT (IN), 1-800-522-4700 (WY, KS) or visit (KS), 1-877-770-STOP (LA), 1-877-8-HOPENY or text HOPENY (467369) (NY), TN REDLINE 1-800-889-9789 (TN) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Could the Miami Heat Really Trade for LeBron James?

Things aren't going well for the Lakers, raising questions about their future and if LeBron James would consider leaving to win a championship elsewhere. The Ringer's Bill Simmons recently suggested some fake trade ideas, one of which lands LeBron back with the Heat. Wes Goldberg and David Ramil bat around the trade idea, what LeBron returning to Miami would do for the Heat's title chances, if LeBron and Jimmy Butler could co-exist and more. Support Us By Supporting Our Sponsors! Hungryroot Hungryroot is the easiest way to get fresh, high-quality food delivered to your door. They’ve got healthy groceries and simple recipes, all in one place. Just go to, to get 40% off your first delivery and get your free veggies.  BetterHelp This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Make your brain your friend, with BetterHelp. Visit today to get 10% off your first month. LinkedIn LinkedIn Jobs helps you find the qualified candidates you want to talk to, faster. Post your job for free at Terms and conditions apply. PrizePicks Go to and use code lockedonnba for a first deposit match up to $100! Gametime Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code LOCKEDON for $20 off your first purchase. FanDuel Score early this NFL season with FanDuel, America’s Number One Sportsbook! Right now, NEW customers get ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS in BONUS BETS with any winning FIVE DOLLAR MONEYLINE BET! That’s A HUNDRED AND FIFTY BUCKS – if your team wins! Visit to get started. FANDUEL DISCLAIMER: 21+ in select states. First online real money wager only. Bonus issued as nonwithdrawable free bets that expires in 14 days. Restrictions apply. See terms at Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER or visit (CO, IA, MD, MI, NJ, PA, IL, VA, WV), 1-800-NEXT-STEP or text NEXTSTEP to 53342 (AZ), 1-888-789-7777 or visit (CT), 1-800-9-WITH-IT (IN), 1-800-522-4700 (WY, KS) or visit (KS), 1-877-770-STOP (LA), 1-877-8-HOPENY or text HOPENY (467369) (NY), TN REDLINE 1-800-889-9789 (TN) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Are We Concerned About the Miami Heat? Plus Orlando Robinson's Future and Nikola Jovic's Next Step

Miami Heat players are saying the team is mediocre and needs to play with more urgency. Is it time to be more concerned about the Heat, who have lost five of their last seven? Wes Goldberg and David Ramil discuss why they are still optimistic -- but also realistic. Plus, how Orlando Robinson has carved out a role and the next stage of Nikola Jovic's development is underway. Support Us By Supporting Our Sponsors! Dave is the financial app that's leveling the financial playing field. Download Dave today at You could get up to $500 in 5 minutes or less! No credit check. No late fees.  eBay Motors For parts that fit, head to eBay Motors and look for the green check. Stay in the game with eBay Guaranteed Fit at Let’s ride. eBay Guaranteed Fit only available to US customers. Eligible items only. Exclusions apply. PrizePicks Go to and use code lockedonnba for a first deposit match up to $100! Gametime Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code LOCKEDONNBA for $20 off your first purchase. FanDuel Score early this NFL season with FanDuel, America’s Number One Sportsbook! Right now, NEW customers get ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS in BONUS BETS with any winning FIVE DOLLAR MONEYLINE BET! That’s A HUNDRED AND FIFTY BUCKS – if your team wins! Visit to get started. FANDUEL DISCLAIMER: 21+ in select states. First online real money wager only. Bonus issued as nonwithdrawable free bets that expires in 14 days. Restrictions apply. See terms at Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER or visit (CO, IA, MD, MI, NJ, PA, IL, VA, WV), 1-800-NEXT-STEP or text NEXTSTEP to 53342 (AZ), 1-888-789-7777 or visit (CT), 1-800-9-WITH-IT (IN), 1-800-522-4700 (WY, KS) or visit (KS), 1-877-770-STOP (LA), 1-877-8-HOPENY or text HOPENY (467369) (NY), TN REDLINE 1-800-889-9789 (TN) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

How Tyler Herro, Nikola Jovic Helped the Miami Heat Wreck the Rockets Elite Defense

The Miami Heat beat the Houston Rockets, 120-113, on Monday night. Tyler Herro led the Heat in scoring and Bam Adebayo had a double-double, but it might have been Nikola Jovic who impressed the most. Wes Goldberg and David Ramil discuss what might have been the best game of Jovic's career and if he's carved out a regular role going forward. Plus, Kyle Lowry's injury and Credit Cookies. Support Us By Supporting Our Sponsors! Jase Medical Empower yourself when you purchase a Jase Case, providing you with a personal supply of 5 antibiotics that treat 50+ infections. Get yours today at and use code LOCKEDON to get $20 off your order.  BetterHelp This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Make your brain your friend, with BetterHelp. Visit today to get 10% off your first month. PrizePicks Go to and use code lockedonnba for a first deposit match up to $100! Gametime Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code LOCKEDON for $20 off your first purchase. FanDuel Score early this NFL season with FanDuel, America’s Number One Sportsbook! Right now, NEW customers get ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS in BONUS BETS with any winning FIVE DOLLAR MONEYLINE BET! That’s A HUNDRED AND FIFTY BUCKS – if your team wins! Visit to get started. FANDUEL DISCLAIMER: 21+ in select states. First online real money wager only. Bonus issued as nonwithdrawable free bets that expires in 14 days. Restrictions apply. See terms at Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER or visit (CO, IA, MD, MI, NJ, PA, IL, VA, WV), 1-800-NEXT-STEP or text NEXTSTEP to 53342 (AZ), 1-888-789-7777 or visit (CT), 1-800-9-WITH-IT (IN), 1-800-522-4700 (WY, KS) or visit (KS), 1-877-770-STOP (LA), 1-877-8-HOPENY or text HOPENY (467369) (NY), TN REDLINE 1-800-889-9789 (TN) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Miami Heat: East Rivals passing them with trades?

With almost half the NBA season over, the Eastern Conference has split into four tiers, with the Miami Heat seemingly in tier 2 with Orlando, New York, Indiana and Cleveland. The Knicks have already made a trade, but it appears the Pacers and Magic are looking to upgrade also. Will the Heat regret not making a move as well? Ethan and Greg look at the options and the risks.Sponsors: Water Cleanup of Florida, (5RSN)Join us on our Off The Floor Discord server! Get updates/information/stats from the 5OTF crew and hang out with other Heat fans! Sponsors:* Check out PrizePicks and use my code fiveonthefloor for a great deal:* Check out Steel Tie Spirits:* Check out Steel Tie Spirits: Inquiries: & Opt-Out:

Diagnosing the Miami Heat's Problems with Nikola Jovic, Fourth Quarters and Injuries

The Miami Heat lost two games in New York over the weekend because of fourth-quarter struggles and injuries. Which issue is the bigger concern for the Heat going forward? Wes Goldberg and David Ramil break down losses to the Knicks and Nets and zoom out to ask what the team's biggest issue is and react to Nikola Jovic's comments that he's being "misused" by the Heat. Support Us By Supporting Our Sponsors! eBay Motors For parts that fit, head to eBay Motors and look for the green check. Stay in the game with eBay Guaranteed Fit at Let’s ride. eBay Guaranteed Fit only available to US customers. Eligible items only. Exclusions apply. PrizePicks Go to and use code lockedonnba for a first deposit match up to $100! Gametime Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code LOCKEDONNBA for $20 off your first purchase. FanDuel Score early this NFL season with FanDuel, America’s Number One Sportsbook! Right now, NEW customers get ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS in BONUS BETS with any winning FIVE DOLLAR MONEYLINE BET! That’s A HUNDRED AND FIFTY BUCKS – if your team wins! Visit to get started. FANDUEL DISCLAIMER: 21+ in select states. First online real money wager only. Bonus issued as nonwithdrawable free bets that expires in 14 days. Restrictions apply. See terms at Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER or visit (CO, IA, MD, MI, NJ, PA, IL, VA, WV), 1-800-NEXT-STEP or text NEXTSTEP to 53342 (AZ), 1-888-789-7777 or visit (CT), 1-800-9-WITH-IT (IN), 1-800-522-4700 (WY, KS) or visit (KS), 1-877-770-STOP (LA), 1-877-8-HOPENY or text HOPENY (467369) (NY), TN REDLINE 1-800-889-9789 (TN) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

How Jimmy Butler, Duncan Robinson Helped Miami Heat Escape Charlotte With a Much-Needed Win

The Miami Heat were up by as many as 14 but this team can't even make it easy. They escape Charlotte with a win over the Hornets after seeing their lead dwindle to one in the final moments. How did Jimmy Butler, Duncan Robinson and Kevin Love help the Heat improve to 13-10? Wes Goldberg and David Ramil break down the game, hand out Credit Cookies and discuss Miami's issues in fourth quarters this season. Support Us By Supporting Our Sponsors! Dave is the financial app that's leveling the financial playing field. Download Dave today at You could get up to $500 in 5 minutes or less! No credit check. No late fees.  eBay Motors For parts that fit, head to eBay Motors and look for the green check. Stay in the game with eBay Guaranteed Fit at Let’s ride. eBay Guaranteed Fit only available to US customers. Eligible items only. Exclusions apply. PrizePicks Go to and use code lockedonnba for a first deposit match up to $100! Gametime Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code LOCKEDONNBA for $20 off your first purchase. FanDuel Score early this NFL season with FanDuel, America’s Number One Sportsbook! Right now, NEW customers get ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS in BONUS BETS with any winning FIVE DOLLAR MONEYLINE BET! That’s A HUNDRED AND FIFTY BUCKS – if your team wins! Visit to get started. FANDUEL DISCLAIMER: 21+ in select states. First online real money wager only. Bonus issued as nonwithdrawable free bets that expires in 14 days. Restrictions apply. See terms at Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER or visit (CO, IA, MD, MI, NJ, PA, IL, VA, WV), 1-800-NEXT-STEP or text NEXTSTEP to 53342 (AZ), 1-888-789-7777 or visit (CT), 1-800-9-WITH-IT (IN), 1-800-522-4700 (WY, KS) or visit (KS), 1-877-770-STOP (LA), 1-877-8-HOPENY or text HOPENY (467369) (NY), TN REDLINE 1-800-889-9789 (TN) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

How Duncan Robinson and Jaime Jaquez Jr. Helped Power Miami Heat's First Blowout Win of the Season

The Miami Heat got their first double-digit win, beating the Bulls by 18, their widest margin of victory this season. The Heat never trailed in the game and have now won eight of their last nine. Wes Goldberg and David Ramil break down everything that went right, award Credit Cookies to Bam Adebayo and Duncan Robinson, among others, before discussing Jaime Jaquez Jr.'s best comps. Support Us By Supporting Our Sponsors! eBay Motors For parts that fit, head to eBay Motors and look for the green check. Stay in the game with eBay Guaranteed Fit at Let’s ride. eBay Guaranteed Fit only available to US customers. Eligible items only. Exclusions apply. PrizePicks Go to and use code lockedonnba for a first deposit match up to $100! Gametime Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code LOCKEDONNBA for $20 off your first purchase. FanDuel Score early this NFL season with FanDuel, America’s Number One Sportsbook! Right now, NEW customers get ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS in BONUS BETS with any winning FIVE DOLLAR MONEYLINE BET! That’s A HUNDRED AND FIFTY BUCKS – if your team wins! Visit to get started. FANDUEL DISCLAIMER: 21+ in select states. First online real money wager only. Bonus issued as nonwithdrawable free bets that expires in 14 days. Restrictions apply. See terms at Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER or visit (CO, IA, MD, MI, NJ, PA, IL, VA, WV), 1-800-NEXT-STEP or text NEXTSTEP to 53342 (AZ), 1-888-789-7777 or visit (CT), 1-800-9-WITH-IT (IN), 1-800-522-4700 (WY, KS) or visit (KS), 1-877-770-STOP (LA), 1-877-8-HOPENY or text HOPENY (467369) (NY), TN REDLINE 1-800-889-9789 (TN) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

How the Heat's Bench Nearly Led a Comeback After Trailing the Bulls 33-8 | Miami Heat vs Chicago Bulls Postgame

After going down 33-8 to start the game, the Miami Heat outscored the Bulls 108-91 the rest of the way, but it was just too big of a hole to climb out of on the second night of a back-to-back as the Heat lost, 124-116 on Thursday night. How did the Heat turn things around and why did the comeback fall short? Wes Goldberg and David Ramil react to the game, hand out Blame Pie, ask if they should expect more from Jimmy Butler, and provide an update on Tyler Herro's nearing return. Support Us By Supporting Our Sponsors! Dave is the financial app that's leveling the financial playing field. Download Dave today at You could get up to $500 in 5 minutes or less! No credit check. No late fees.  eBay Motors For parts that fit, head to eBay Motors and look for the green check. Stay in the game with eBay Guaranteed Fit at Let’s ride. eBay Guaranteed Fit only available to US customers. Eligible items only. Exclusions apply. PrizePicks Go to and use code lockedonnba for a first deposit match up to $100! Gametime Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code LOCKEDONNBA for $20 off your first purchase. FanDuel Score early this NFL season with FanDuel, America’s Number One Sportsbook! Right now, NEW customers get ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS in BONUS BETS with any winning FIVE DOLLAR MONEYLINE BET! That’s A HUNDRED AND FIFTY BUCKS – if your team wins! Visit to get started. FANDUEL DISCLAIMER: 21+ in select states. First online real money wager only. Bonus issued as nonwithdrawable free bets that expires in 14 days. Restrictions apply. See terms at Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER or visit (CO, IA, MD, MI, NJ, PA, IL, VA, WV), 1-800-NEXT-STEP or text NEXTSTEP to 53342 (AZ), 1-888-789-7777 or visit (CT), 1-800-9-WITH-IT (IN), 1-800-522-4700 (WY, KS) or visit (KS), 1-877-770-STOP (LA), 1-877-8-HOPENY or text HOPENY (467369) (NY), TN REDLINE 1-800-889-9789 (TN) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

First Annual COOKIES Awards! Best Individual Performance, Signature Move, Biggest Hater and More

Welcome to the first annual COOKIES Awards! Locked On Heat's celebration of this year in Miami Heat basketball. Wes Goldberg and David Ramil hand out awards for best individual performance, team performance, hair and makeup, signature move, Spoism, biggest hater and more. Support Us By Supporting Our Sponsors! eBay Motors For parts that fit, head to eBay Motors and look for the green check. Stay in the game with eBay Guaranteed Fit at Let’s ride. eBay Guaranteed Fit only available to US customers. Eligible items only. Exclusions apply. PrizePicks Go to and use code lockedonnba for a first deposit match up to $100! Gametime Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code LOCKEDONNBA for $20 off your first purchase. FanDuel Score early this NFL season with FanDuel, America’s Number One Sportsbook! Right now, NEW customers get ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS in BONUS BETS with any winning FIVE DOLLAR MONEYLINE BET! That’s A HUNDRED AND FIFTY BUCKS – if your team wins! Visit to get started. FANDUEL DISCLAIMER: 21+ in select states. First online real money wager only. Bonus issued as nonwithdrawable free bets that expires in 14 days. Restrictions apply. See terms at Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER or visit (CO, IA, MD, MI, NJ, PA, IL, VA, WV), 1-800-NEXT-STEP or text NEXTSTEP to 53342 (AZ), 1-888-789-7777 or visit (CT), 1-800-9-WITH-IT (IN), 1-800-522-4700 (WY, KS) or visit (KS), 1-877-770-STOP (LA), 1-877-8-HOPENY or text HOPENY (467369) (NY), TN REDLINE 1-800-889-9789 (TN) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

How Duncan Robinson and Caleb Martin Powered the Miami Heat to a Win Over the Raptors

The Miami Heat went into Toronto and beat the Raptors behind big performances from Duncan Robinson, Caleb Martin and Orlando Robinson. How did the Heat pull off the win without Bam Adebayo, and what more can we say about Duncan's evolution? Wes Goldberg and David Ramil break down the game, hand out Credit Cookies and review the positives from some rare Nikola Jovic minutes. Support Us By Supporting Our Sponsors! eBay Motors For parts that fit, head to eBay Motors and look for the green check. Stay in the game with eBay Guaranteed Fit at Let’s ride. eBay Guaranteed Fit only available to US customers. Eligible items only. Exclusions apply. Jase Medical Get $20 off these lifesaving antibiotics with Jase Medical by using code LOCKEDON at checkout on PrizePicks Go to and use code lockedonnba for a first deposit match up to $100! Gametime Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code LOCKEDONNBA for $20 off your first purchase. FanDuel Score early this NFL season with FanDuel, America’s Number One Sportsbook! Right now, NEW customers get ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS in BONUS BETS with any winning FIVE DOLLAR MONEYLINE BET! That’s A HUNDRED AND FIFTY BUCKS – if your team wins! Visit to get started. FANDUEL DISCLAIMER: 21+ in select states. First online real money wager only. Bonus issued as nonwithdrawable free bets that expires in 14 days. Restrictions apply. See terms at Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER or visit (CO, IA, MD, MI, NJ, PA, IL, VA, WV), 1-800-NEXT-STEP or text NEXTSTEP to 53342 (AZ), 1-888-789-7777 or visit (CT), 1-800-9-WITH-IT (IN), 1-800-522-4700 (WY, KS) or visit (KS), 1-877-770-STOP (LA), 1-877-8-HOPENY or text HOPENY (467369) (NY), TN REDLINE 1-800-889-9789 (TN) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Miami Heat: All but Bam, Love flop in Phoenix

The Miami Heat closed out a 2-3 road trip with a loss in Phoenix, as Grayson Allen got loose, and strong performances from Kevin Love and Bam Adebayo were not enough. Ethan, Brady, Alex and Greg went live on the Five Reasons YouTube channel to assess a depressing defeat and the trip as a whole.Sponsors: ROK Esports Center,, InsuranceByLinnette.comJoin us on our Off The Floor Discord server! Get updates/information/stats from the 5OTF crew and hang out with other Heat fans! Sponsors:* Check out PrizePicks and use my code fiveonthefloor for a great deal:* Check out Steel Tie Spirits:* Check out Steel Tie Spirits: Inquiries: & Opt-Out:

Miami Heat: Rolled by the Clippers without Butler

Short on wings, and still missing Jimmy Butler, the Miami Heat fell to 1-2 on their road trip as the Clippers cruised in the second half. Ethan, Greg and Brady recapped it on the YouTube channel. Sponsors: ROK Esports Center,, InsuranceByLinnette.comJoin us on our Off The Floor Discord server! Get updates/information/stats from the 5OTF crew and hang out with other Heat fans! Sponsors:* Check out PrizePicks and use my code fiveonthefloor for a great deal:* Check out Steel Tie Spirits:* Check out Steel Tie Spirits: Inquiries: & Opt-Out:

How Tyler Herro, 3-Point Shooting Fueled Miami Heat's Win Over Magic

Tyler Herro scored 28 points and the Miami Heat shot 52% from 3-point range to beat the Orlando Magic, 115-106, Wednesday night. How did Miami do it against one of the NBA's elite defenses? Wes Goldberg and David Ramil break down the impressive win, Herro's importance to the offense, hand out Credit Cookies and ask if Haywood Highsmith has played his way back into the starting lineup. Support Us By Supporting Our Sponsors! eBay Motors For parts that fit, head to eBay Motors and look for the green check. Stay in the game with eBay Guaranteed Fit at Let’s ride. eBay Guaranteed Fit only available to US customers. Eligible items only. Exclusions apply. BetterHelp This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Make your brain your friend, with BetterHelp. Visit today to get 10% off your first month. PrizePicks Go to and use code lockedonnba for a first deposit match up to $100! Gametime Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code LOCKEDONNBA for $20 off your first purchase. FanDuel Score early this NFL season with FanDuel, America’s Number One Sportsbook! Right now, NEW customers get ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS in BONUS BETS with any winning FIVE DOLLAR MONEYLINE BET! That’s A HUNDRED AND FIFTY BUCKS – if your team wins! Visit to get started. FANDUEL DISCLAIMER: 21+ in select states. First online real money wager only. Bonus issued as nonwithdrawable free bets that expires in 14 days. Restrictions apply. See terms at Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER or visit (CO, IA, MD, MI, NJ, PA, IL, VA, WV), 1-800-NEXT-STEP or text NEXTSTEP to 53342 (AZ), 1-888-789-7777 or visit (CT), 1-800-9-WITH-IT (IN), 1-800-522-4700 (WY, KS) or visit (KS), 1-877-770-STOP (LA), 1-877-8-HOPENY or text HOPENY (467369) (NY), TN REDLINE 1-800-889-9789 (TN) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Miami Heat Wishlist: A 50-Point Game for Tyler Herro, Hardware for Bam Adebayo, Youth for Jimmy Butler

What are we getting the Miami Heat for Christmas? Wes Goldberg and David Ramil go through our list and hand out gifts to each Heat player, including Tyler Herro, Jimmy Butler, Bam Adebayo, Jaime Jaquez Jr. and more. Then Wes asks for his own Heat-related gifts for the holiday. Support Us By Supporting Our Sponsors! eBay Motors For parts that fit, head to eBay Motors and look for the green check. Stay in the game with eBay Guaranteed Fit at Let’s ride. eBay Guaranteed Fit only available to US customers. Eligible items only. Exclusions apply. BetterHelp This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Make your brain your friend, with BetterHelp. Visit today to get 10% off your first month. PrizePicks Go to and use code lockedonnba for a first deposit match up to $100! Gametime Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code LOCKEDONNBA for $20 off your first purchase. FanDuel Score early this NFL season with FanDuel, America’s Number One Sportsbook! Right now, NEW customers get ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS in BONUS BETS with any winning FIVE DOLLAR MONEYLINE BET! That’s A HUNDRED AND FIFTY BUCKS – if your team wins! Visit to get started. FANDUEL DISCLAIMER: 21+ in select states. First online real money wager only. Bonus issued as nonwithdrawable free bets that expires in 14 days. Restrictions apply. See terms at Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER or visit (CO, IA, MD, MI, NJ, PA, IL, VA, WV), 1-800-NEXT-STEP or text NEXTSTEP to 53342 (AZ), 1-888-789-7777 or visit (CT), 1-800-9-WITH-IT (IN), 1-800-522-4700 (WY, KS) or visit (KS), 1-877-770-STOP (LA), 1-877-8-HOPENY or text HOPENY (467369) (NY), TN REDLINE 1-800-889-9789 (TN) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Jimmy Butler's Game-Winner Powers Miami Heat Over Bulls, Plus Donovan Mitchell Trade Rumors

Jimmy Butler made a step-back, game-winning shot at the buzzer to lift the Miami Heat to a win over the Chicago Bulls. Wes Goldberg and David Ramil discuss Butler's superstar moment and hand out some Credit Cookies for the win before discussing the latest Donovan Mitchell rumors and if the Heat should consider trading for him. Support Us By Supporting Our Sponsors! Dave is the financial app that's leveling the financial playing field. Download Dave today at You could get up to $500 in 5 minutes or less! No credit check. No late fees.  eBay Motors For parts that fit, head to eBay Motors and look for the green check. Stay in the game with eBay Guaranteed Fit at Let’s ride. eBay Guaranteed Fit only available to US customers. Eligible items only. Exclusions apply. PrizePicks Go to and use code lockedonnba for a first deposit match up to $100! Gametime Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code LOCKEDONNBA for $20 off your first purchase. FanDuel Score early this NFL season with FanDuel, America’s Number One Sportsbook! Right now, NEW customers get ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS in BONUS BETS with any winning FIVE DOLLAR MONEYLINE BET! That’s A HUNDRED AND FIFTY BUCKS – if your team wins! Visit to get started. FANDUEL DISCLAIMER: 21+ in select states. First online real money wager only. Bonus issued as nonwithdrawable free bets that expires in 14 days. Restrictions apply. See terms at Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER or visit (CO, IA, MD, MI, NJ, PA, IL, VA, WV), 1-800-NEXT-STEP or text NEXTSTEP to 53342 (AZ), 1-888-789-7777 or visit (CT), 1-800-9-WITH-IT (IN), 1-800-522-4700 (WY, KS) or visit (KS), 1-877-770-STOP (LA), 1-877-8-HOPENY or text HOPENY (467369) (NY), TN REDLINE 1-800-889-9789 (TN) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Miami Heat: Herro, Jovic lead Miami to win over Rockets

Tyler Herro led all scorers with 28 points, while Nikola Jovic played an all around good game to lead the Miami HEAT to victory 120-113 on Monday night at the Kasaya Center.Greg Sylvander, Bryan Fonseca and Sean Rochester break down the action and discuss the game in detail.Sponsors; ROK Esports, A Aggressive Insurance, Eric Rubenstein PAJoin us on our Off The Floor Discord server! Get updates/information/stats from the 5OTF crew and hang out with other Heat fans! Sponsors:* Check out PrizePicks and use my code fiveonthefloor for a great deal:* Check out Steel Tie Spirits:* Check out Steel Tie Spirits: Inquiries: & Opt-Out: