
Nottingham är en stad i centrala England, belägen i regionen East Midlands. Staden är känd för sin rika historia, med anor från vikingatiden och medeltiden. Nottingham är också känt för sin koppling till legenden om Robin Hood, som sägs ha varit en fredlös som stal från de rika och gav till de fattiga i skogarna runt Nottingham.

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Trumps son Barron, 18, hyllas efter framgången bland unga väljare

Trumps son Barron, 18, hyllas efter framgången bland unga väljare

Enligt experter är orsakerna bakom Donald Trumps seger i presidentvalet många. Har han framför allt lyckats spela på de missnöjeskänslor som finns kring ekonomin och invandringen i USA. – Valresultatet är en röst emot både sittande president och administration, men också mot utvecklingen som landet går i, säger USA-experten Erik Åsard, professor emeritus vid Uppsala universitet. Även den förändrade synen på brev- och förtidsröster anses ha varit en framgång för Trumpkampanjen i årets val. Istället för att misstänkliggöra förtidsröstande – vilket Trump gjorde 2020 – har man uppmanat sina väljare att rösta i förtid. ”Mobiliserade framför allt unga män” Trump har också lyckats mobilisera unga väljare, enligt nyhetsbyrån AP:s väljarundersökning VoteCast som förklarar hur olika väljargrupper resonerar. Enligt undersökningen röstar 46 procent av unga väljare mellan 18 och 29 år på Donald Trump, jämfört med 36 procent i valet 2020. För Demokraterna har samma siffra minskat med nio procentenheter från 61 procent 2020 till 52 procent 2024. – Han försökte inte bygga en koalition som gick utanför hans väljarbas. I stället försökte han göra sin väljarbas större, och det verkar ha varit framgångsrikt på det sättet att det gav energi och mobiliserade framför allt unga män, säger Todd Landman, USA-kännare och professor vid brittiska University of Nottingham. ”Hjälpt oss välta internet” En person som anses ha varit särskilt viktig för Donald Trumps framgång bland unga är hans egen son – 18-årige Barron Trump. – Barron har rekommenderat flera podcasts som vi har medverkat i. Hatten av för den unge mannen. Varje rekommendation han har gett oss har hjälpt oss välta internet, säger Trumps rådgivare Jason Miller till Politico, rapporterar New York Post. Donald Trump själv har sagt att hans son tycker om att vara involverad i politiken. – Han gillar politik. Det är ganska roligt, sa Donald Trump i maj. – Han säger till mig ibland ”pappa, det här är vad du måste göra”.

Arsenals fasta situationer

Arsenals fasta situationer

▸ Tottenham hade drömläge att tvåla till ärkerivalen Arsenal på hemmaplan då gästerna saknade nyckelspelarna Rice och Ödegaard. Men det blev gästerna som drog det längsta strået när Gabriel nådde högst på en hörna och tryckte in matchens enda mål. Bortaseger blev det även på Anfield när Nottingham Forest fick taktiken att stämma mot ett blekt Liverpool. Korten stod som spön i backen i Bournemouth, Haaland slog nytt rekord och Manchester United vann en tung 3-0 seger mot Southampton.

Med: Frida Fagerlund och Patrik Syk

Våldsamma protester skakar England – flera gripna och poliser skadade

Våldsamma protester skakar England – flera gripna och poliser skadade

I onsdags greps 100 personer efter våldsamheter i Londons regeringskvarter och i går fredag greps ytterligare tio personer när en byggnad intill en polisstation sattes i brand i Sunderland. Under lördagen rapporterar brittiska medier om ännu fler oroligheter på flera håll i Storbritannien, och att det ska vara högerextrema krafter som ligger bakom. Sky News rapporterar om stora polispådrag i både Leeds och Nottingham. Det kommer också rapporter om oroligheter i Blackpool där två grupper ska ha rykt ihop. Den ena gruppen ska bland annat ha sjungit ”engelsk tills jag dör”, ”vi vill ha vårt land tillbaka” och sånger om högerextrema English Defence Leagues ledare Tommy Robinson. Riktade in sig på asylsökande Vidare rapporteras att två unga pojkar har gripits efter att ha uppvisat våldsamt beteende i Hartlepool. Personer ska ha kommit till skada i Liverpool, Blackpool och Hull. I den sistnämnda staden rör det sig om tre skadade poliser efter att en grupp försökt rikta in sig på ett hotell där det ska bo flertalet asylsökande. Landets premiärminister Keir Starmer har hållit krissamtal med sina ministrar under lördagen och har understrukit att regeringen står bakom polisen. ”Polisen har vårt fulla stöd att ingripa mot de extremister som tar till våra gator för att gå till attack mot poliser, förstöra för företag, och försöka sprida hat i vårt samhälle”, säger en talesperson i ett uttalande. Misstänks ha mördat tre flickor Oroligheterna har sin grund i knivdådet i Southport som skakade hela Storbritannien tidigare i veckan. Tre unga flickor dödades och flera vuxna och barn skadades när en 17-årig pojke gick till attack med kniv på en danskurs med Taylor Swift-tema. Den misstänkte gärningsmannen greps strax efter dådet och har sedan dess kunnat identifieras som Axel Rudakubana, som är född i Storbritannien. Innan domaren gav grönt ljus för landets medier att namnge honom florerade rykten om att gärningsmannen var asylsökande, vilket ledde till våldsamma protester utanför en moské i Southport.

Svidande kritik mot Secret Service efter mordförsöket: "Ogreppbart"

Svidande kritik mot Secret Service efter mordförsöket: "Ogreppbart"

20-årige Thomas Matthew Crooks hann avfyra flera skott med sitt halvautomatiska gevär från sin plats på ett tak med överblick över scenen innan han neutraliserades av prickskyttar från Secret Service. Ögonvittnet Greg Smith säger att han såg skytten flera minuter tidigare. – Jag tänkte för mig själv: Varför pratar Trump fortfarande, varför har de inte dragit bort honom från scenen? Nästa som händer är att fem skott hörs, säger Smith till BBC. ”De var ett steg bakom” Nu undrar en hel värld hur det kunde hända. NBC beskriver misstaget som det största sedan den dåvarande presidenten Ronald Reagan blev skjuten utanför ett hotell i Wahington D.C. 1981, och har talat med flera sakkunniga. – De var ett steg bakom, de skulle haft platserna täckta i förväg, säger den tidigare insatspolisen Steve Nottingham, som tidigare har ansvarat för säkerheten för flera världsledare. Jim Cavanaugh arbetade innan sin pension som specialagent på Secret Service och säger att det är rutin att säkra alla höjder och tak. – Det är ogreppbart för mig att någon ens var däruppe, säger han. När FBI:s specialagent Kevin Rojek höll presskonferens under söndagsmorgonen höll han med om att det var ”överraskande” att gärningsmannen hann avfyra så pass många skott. Kallar upp chefen Republikanerna vill sjösätta en utredning för att gå igenom hur skytten lyckades undgå Secret Service-personalen och ta sig upp på taket. Representanthusets talman Mike Johnson skriver följande på X: ”Det amerikanska folket förtjänar att höra sanningen. Secret Service-chefen Kimberly Cheatle och andra berörda chefer kommer att höras av oss så fort som möjligt.” Trump själv tackade Secret Service-personalen i ett meddelande på Truth Social. Secret Service ska vidare ha inlett en egen interundersökning.

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Nottingham i poddar

Neville reacts to Man Utd's defeat to Nottingham Forest | 'I can't get excited at this group of players'

Gary Neville is joined by Rob Hawthorne as they react to Manchester Utd's 2-1 defeat to Nottingham Forest at the City Ground and discuss what Jim Ratcliffe needs to change at the club and what the future holds for Erik ten Hag.

POST MATCH REACTION: Nottingham Forest 2-1 Man United

Goals from Nicolas Dominguez and Morgan Gibbs-White secured a second successive win for Nottingham Forest as they beat Manchester United 2-1 at the City Ground. 🎙🎙 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


Matt Davies is joined by former Nottingham Forest midfielder Lewis McGugan to review the Reds' 2-1 win against Manchester United in the Premier League at the City Ground on Saturday evening. Nicolas Dominguez and Morgan Gibbs-White scored fine goals but there was another Matt Turner mistake, although he did bounce back well afterwards. Also, Liverpool winger Liverpool Fabio Carvalho appears to have been watching the game. He has had an unproductive spell on loan at RB Leipzig so far this season. Do like and subscribe to the podcast, which is sponsored by the Trent Navigation, if you can. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

'Nottingham Forest V Tottenham | Big-Match Preview: Udogie's New Deal, Contracts Update, Team News!'

Host Ricky Sacks is joined by returning guests Lee McQueen, Jess Iszatt and Mitch Fretton to preview Tottenham Hotspur’s upcoming Premier League fixture against Nottingham Forest, along with discussing Destiny Udogie signing a new long-term contract at the football club. An independent award-winning Tottenham Hotspur Fan Channel providing instant post-match analysis and previews to every single Spurs match along with a range of former players, managers & special guests. Everyone likes a beer and if you don't there's a good chance you know someone who does. Beer Passport features 70 unique taprooms around London where you can get an exclusive offer at each one you visit like Buy One Get One Free, 50% off a flight of beer, or even a FREE pint. You'll be drinking the freshest beers directly from the source and you'll get a stamp at each taproom you visit, just like your own passport! If you're partial to a pre-match pint, Beer Passport has several local brewery taprooms near the ground. Beer Passport is perfect for those looking to find somewhere to drink before the match and for those of you who like to get out and about for a drink on non-match days. Head to and use code LWOSBEER for 20% off a passport." To grab our exclusive discount off your NordVPN plan - go to - you'll also receive 4 extra months for free and there's no risk with Nord’s 30 day money-back guarantee! is a new customer brand formed offering unforgettable sports travel experiences, for fans by fans. They take the hassle out of your experience and send you to bucket-list sporting events all across the globe, of couse including watching our beloved Tottenham Hotspur. See Spurs in style by going to: Please can we ask you to take this opportunity to *SUBSCRIBE* to the Last Word On Spurs and THANKS FOR WATCHING. Whilst watching our content we would greatly appreciate if you can LIKE the video and SUBSCRIBE to the channel, along with leaving a COMMENT below. - DIRECT CHANNEL INFORMATION: - Media/General Enquiries: - SOCIALS: * Twitter: * Instagram: * Facebook: * Clubhouse: * YouTube: WEBSITE: #THFC #TOTTENHAM #NFOTOT Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


Nottingham Forest face Blackpool in the FA Cup third round at the City Ground on Sunday. Matt Davies is joined by Michael Temple and Mikey Clarke to look ahead at the game and discussion team selection as Forest are missing their AFCON contingent. Will Nuno make further changes with the likes of Vlachodimos coming in in goal? Do like and subscribe to the podcast if you can. We're grateful for the support of our sponsors, the Trent Navigation Inn. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Nottingham Forest 2-1 Manchester United: The 1865 Premier League Match Report

The Reds recorded their first win over Manchester United in many a year, with goals from Nico Dominguez and Morgan Gibbs-White sandwiching Marcus Rashford's effort (following a goalkeeping ricket from Matt Turner). Rich Ferraro is joined by Baz and Jeremy Davies to discuss Nuno's game plan with two number 10s, the benefits of counter-attacking and the fate of our hapless goalkeeper. We are joined by Jon from the Magnificent 24_7 Manchester United podcast to provide the view from the away end. We will be back next week with the Friday 5 and a report on the Blackpool FA Cup tie - in the meantime, thank you for listening in 2023 and wishing you a Happy New Year. Subscribe to 1865 via your podcast provider, and please leave a review, as it helps other Forest supporters find our content: Apple - Spotify - YouTube. Join us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Threads or TikTok. 1865: The Nottingham Forest Podcast is part of the Sports Social Network, and partnered with FanHub; thanks to Greene King Sport for sponsoring this episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


Matt Davies is joined by Mark Sutherns and Greg Mitchell as we take your Nottingham Forest questions on AFCON, FFP, January transfers and more. This podcast is sponsored by the Trent Navigation. Do like and subscribe if you can. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Sports Report: Forest beat Man Utd & Emery merry

Steve Crossman and 5 Live Sport’s team of reporters take you through the biggest stories from Saturday’s football as Nottingham Forest record their first Premier League victory over Manchester United in 29 years.Dion Dublin also joins the pod to give his thoughts on the 3 o’clock results – PLUS you’ll hear reaction from the likes of Erik ten Hag, Unai Emery and Brendan Rodgers.


Matt Davies is joined by Nottingham Forest fan and TNT Sports commentator Darren Fletcher to discuss the 3-1 win against Newcastle, look ahead to Saturday's game against Manchester United and the January transfer window. This podcast is sponsored by the Trent Navigation. If you don’t have a ticket for the United game then you can watch it both indoors at The Trent Navigation and outdoors undercover on the big screen with free entry Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

The 1865 Friday Five: 5th January 2024

Happy New Year to all of our listeners. It's the return of the Friday 5, presented by Rich Ferraro with Tom Newton and the Maradona of the Midlands. As usual, Jamie Martin brings us the top five stories coming out of the City Ground this week: ⁠FFP: are Forest in danger of a points deduction? Nino not interested in moving to Forest Jonjo ⁠⁠Shelvey is not a Reds player! Forest beat ⁠⁠Man Utd ⁠⁠AFCON - six Reds players away on international duty George Edwards also shares his thoughts on a possible City Ground return for Keylor Navas. Subscribe to 1865 via your podcast provider, and please leave a review, as it helps other Forest supporters find our content: Apple - Spotify - YouTube. Join us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Threads or TikTok. 1865: The Nottingham Forest Podcast is part of the Sports Social Network, and partnered with FanHub; thanks to Greene King Sport for sponsoring this episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


Matt Davies is joined by Michael Temple and Mark Sutherns to discuss Nottingham Forest's 3-1 win at Newcastle United as Chris Wood struck a Premier League hat-trick. We discuss that and bold team selection from Nuno Espirito Santo as he secured a first win as manager and Forest won for the first time since beating Aston Villa at the start of November. Do like and subscribe to this podcast, which is sponsored by the Trent Navigation, if you can. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


Matt Davies is joined by Emily Anderson and Nottingham Forest legend Garry Birtles to reflect on Nuno Espirito Santo's flying start as manager after replacing Steve Cooper. We'll also discuss the early transfer talk as the January window opens with Scott McKenna, Andrew Omobamidele, Andrey Santos and Nuno Tavares all tipped to leave. There has also been a report that Forest could look to bring Keylor Navas back to the club due to the goalkeeping struggles of this season. Do like and subscribe to the podcast if you can. We are grateful for the support of the Trent Navigation Inn, our sponsors. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

The 1865 Friday Five: 29th December 2023

It's the "Friday Five"! Each week, 1865 brings you a round up of the five top stories coming from the City Ground over the last few days. Our newshound Jamie Martin has the latest roundup, and Rich Ferraro is joined by The Maradona of the Midlands to discuss: 1 Nuno's first win 2 Forest complain to PGMOL about Rob Jones vs Bournemouth 3 Joe Worrall returns to the Forest squad 4 Ibrahim Sangare is suspended 5 Gustavo Scarpa returns to Brazil We'll be back on Sunday with a report on tomorrow's match at the City Ground, as the Reds take on Manchester United in the Premier League. Subscribe to 1865 via your podcast provider, and please leave a review, as it helps other Forest supporters find our content: Apple - Spotify - YouTube. Join us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Threads or TikTok. 1865: The Nottingham Forest Podcast is part of the Sports Social Network, and partnered with FanHub; thanks to Greene King Sport for sponsoring this episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Nottingham Forest 0-2 Tottenham Hotspur: The 1865 Premier League Match Report

Despite a creditable performance, it was another home defeat for the Reds as they lacked quality in both boxes. Richarlison scored in first half stoppage time before Dejan Kulusevski embarrassed Matt Turner to double the lead. Yves Bissouma's red card could have offered Forest a lifeline, but Harry Toffolo and Neco Williams were unfortunate to be denied by visiting keeper Vicario. Rich Ferraro is joined by Baz to discuss the game, with a view from the away end by JP from The Cheese Room Podcast. As well as discussing the game, we have to talk about the elephant in the room - relegation is now a plausible threat and the Head Coach's position looks increasingly precarious with each week without a win. Subscribe to 1865 via your podcast provider, and please leave a review, as it helps other Forest supporters find our content: Apple - Spotify - YouTube. Join us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Threads or TikTok. 1865: The Nottingham Forest Podcast is part of the Sports Social Network, and partnered with FanHub; thanks to Greene King Sport for sponsoring this episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Sarah Clapson on Forest's fresh start under Nuno Espirito Santo

Sarah Clapson answers your Nottingham Forest questions after Nuno Espírito Santo's first four games in charge for the club. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Newcastle United 1-3 Nottingham Forest: The 1865 Premier League Match Report

It was a wonderful Christmas present for Reds fans as Chris Wood's hat-trick gave the Reds all the points against the striker's former club. Nuno Espirito Santo made a number of changes to his team but targeted pace down the wings and got a deserved win as a result. Rich Ferraro is joined by George Edwards to discuss the view from the away end and a happy, if long, day for the Forest fans. We get a Geordie view from Jack of the Toon Under Podcast, and we also try and reflect upon what went right, and how the new Head Coach can make sure it wasn't just a flash in the pan. Subscribe to 1865 via your podcast provider, and please leave a review, as it helps other Forest supporters find our content: Apple - Spotify - YouTube. Join us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Threads or TikTok. 1865: The Nottingham Forest Podcast is part of the Sports Social Network, and partnered with FanHub; thanks to Greene King Sport for sponsoring this episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


Matt Davies is joined by Michael Temple and Mark Sutherns to react to Nottingham Forest's FA Cup third round draw against Blackpool at the City Ground. The Reds fought back from 2-0 down to draw with goals from Nicolas Dominguez and Morgan Gibbs-White. We'll be live from 5.30pm so join us if you can to have your say. Like and subscribe to the podcast if you can as it makes a difference. We're grateful to be sponsored by the Trent Navigation Inn. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


Nottingham Forest could reportedly face a charge for breaching Premier League profitability and sustainability rules after submitting their latest accounts. They have now hired top sports lawyer Nick De Marco to fight their corner according to the Daily Telegraph. Matt Davies looks at the situation after speaking briefly with football finance expert Kieran Maguire, who is quoted in a further report in The Times about the situation. Forest have issued a statement saying they have done nothing wrong. #NFFC Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


Nottingham Forest will look to make it two wins in a row over Christmas when they welcome Manchester United to the City Ground on Saturday. Chris Wood scored a hat-trick against his former club Newcastle United on Boxing Day and Forest will hope Anthony Elanga will be equally impressive when he faces his old team. Will Nuno Espirito Santo make any changes to the team bar the one forced upon him with Ibrahim Sangare suspended? Matt Davies is joined by Greg Mitchell and Emily Anderson to look ahead to the Premier League fixture. Please like and subscribe the podcast, which is sponsored by the Trent Navigation Inn, if you can. It would be a massive help to us. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


Nottingham Forest have six players heading to AFCON as we look at the impact that could have on the club with Ivory Coast, Senegal and Nigeria all represented. We also look at Jonjo Shelvey's transfer to Turkey and reports around his loan deal in fact being a permanent one. Do like and subscribe the podcast if you can. We are grateful for the support of the Trent Navigation Inn as our sponsors. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


Matt Davies and Mark Sutherns discuss Nottingham Forest's 2-0 defeat to Spurs in the Premier League. The Reds battled but lacked any quality at both ends of the pitch as Matt Turner had a dreadful night and Forest failed to battle back against 10 men. #NFFC Do like and subscribe to the podcast as it makes a massive difference. We're thrilled to be sponsored by the Trent Navigation Inn, who will be showing all of England's games at Euro 2024. Buy tickets now to watch three games for the price of two as England face Serbia on June 16, Denmark on June 20 and Slovenia on June 25. Get your discount tickets now: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


Nuno Espirito Santo takes charge of Nottingham Forest for the first time when they take on Bournemouth in the Premier League on Saturday. Matt Davies is joined by Mikey Clarke and Mark Sutherns to discuss the game at the City Ground in depth. #NFFC Do like and subscribe if you can as it's a massive help. This podcast is grateful for the support of the Trent Navigation Inn. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


Nottingham Forest have officially sacked Steve Cooper and look set to appoint Nuno Espirito Santo as the new manager. Matt Davies is joined by David Prutton, Lewis McGugan and Michael Temple to discuss the decision to part ways with the man who led Forest to the Premier League and helped keep them there, as well the move to bring in former Wolves boss Nuno. #NFFC Do like and subscribe to the podcast as it makes a massive difference. We're thrilled to be sponsored by the Trent Navigation Inn, the best Forest fan pub pre and post match. You can win tickets for Forest vs Bournemouth thanks to the Trent Navigation by following them on Twitter or Facebook and clicking on either of the links below. Twitter (X): Facebook: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Steve Cooper SACKED by Nottingham Forest

Nottingham Forest have sacked head coach Steve Cooper after 2 years in charge at the City Ground. 🎙🎙 Follow us on Twitter: Max Hayes: Sarah Clapson: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


Matt Davies is joined by two ex-pros and one Greg Mitchell to discuss the problems facing Nottingham Forest. Garry Birtles and Lewis McGugan will break down the 2-0 defeat to Tottenham as well discuss what is going wrong with the Reds. Is Steve Cooper the big problem after one win in 13 Premier League games? Or is it Taiwo Awoniyi's injury or the make up of the squad after 40-plus signings? #NFFC Do like and subscribe to the podcast as it makes a massive difference. We're thrilled to be sponsored by the Trent Navigation Inn, the best Forest fan pub pre and post match. You can win tickets for Forest vs Bournemouth thanks to the Trent Navigation by following them on Twitter or Facebook and clicking on either of the links below. Twitter (X): Facebook: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit