
Traton är en tysk fordonstillverkare som tillverkar lastbilar, bussar och transportfordon. Företaget grundades 2018 och är en del av Volkswagen-koncernen. Traton har flera välkända varumärken under sig, såsom MAN, Scania och Volkswagen Caminhões e Ônibus. Traton har som mål att bli en ledande aktör inom hållbara transporter och arbetar aktivt med att utveckla elektriska och självkörande fordon. Du kan läsa mer om Traton på deras hemsida.

Traton på YouTube

TRATON Group - Scania eTruck Preview

TRATON AG, formerly Volkswagen Truck & Bus AG, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Volkswagen AG and a leading commercial ...

AutoMotoTV på YouTube

TRATON GROUP Dual Brand Platoon

TRATON brands MAN & Scania present its innovative and unique DUAL BRAND PLATOON. Autonomous driving on the next ...

GOMEX Newsroom på YouTube

TRATON Group - Scania Trucks and Buses Preview

TRATON AG, formerly Volkswagen Truck & Bus AG, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Volkswagen AG and a leading commercial ...

AutoMotoTV på YouTube

TRATON Group - MAN Trucks Preview

TRATON AG, formerly Volkswagen Truck & Bus AG, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Volkswagen AG and a leading commercial ...

AutoMotoTV på YouTube

Traton i poddar

Episod 45 - Sustainable transportation with Andreas Follér at Traton & Scania

"Its about tracking and understanding how to, in a smart, way decarbonise the world economy" In this episode, Andreas Follér, Chief Sustainability Officer at Traton Group & Head of Sustainability at Scania, talks about the key steps in the sustainable transition of the transportation system. He highlights the importance of phasing out fossil fuels and shares his insights in circularity, product as a service and human rights as a lens for social sustainability. He also covers working with sustainability in a global environment with varying legislation and the importance of leadership to enable sustainable development. Hosts: Josefin Borglund & Patrik Sandin