
Senaste nytt om Virginia - Nyheter, podcasts, videor och inlägg på sociala medier om Virginia.

Virginia, 36, mördade föräldrarna – och lät kropparna ligga kvar i huset

Virginia, 36, mördade föräldrarna – och lät kropparna ligga kvar i huset

Virginia McCullough, 36, döms till livstids fängelse för mordet på sina föräldrar i grevskapet Essex i Storbritannien, rapporterar Sky News. Medan grannarna fick höra historier om att föräldrar var bortresta eller var sjuka, byggde McCullough på en provisorisk gravplats åt sin pappa, som låg död i hemmet. Morden skedde någon gång i juni 2019. McCullough förgiftade sin pappa för att sedan knivhugga sin mamma till döds. Sedan gömde hon kropparna och fortsatte bo i familjens hus tillsammans med liken – i över fyra år. Enligt en åklagare levde McCullough sedan på sina föräldrars besparingar och tog stora lån i deras namn, samtidigt som hon fortsatte att ljuga för ekonomer, släkt och läkare om vart föräldrarna var, skriver BBC. Polisens kamera fångar kusliga erkännandet McCullough hade fyra systrar. Familjen har under dagen gett ett uttalande om sina föräldrars död, skriver BBC. ”Vår familj är förkrossade och hjärtkrossade över våra föräldrar, som togs ifrån oss på ett så hänsynslöst sätt”. Kropparna upptäcktes först hösten 2023, när poliser gjorde en husrannsakan och sedan grep McCullough. Polisens kroppskameror fångar det kusliga ögonblicket när McCullough inser att hon är ertappad. McCullough säger lugnt och samlat att hon tänker samarbeta och visar sedan poliserna var de kan hitta kropparna och ett blodigt vapen. – Min pappas kropp är där inne, säger hon. Poliserna frågar sedan om mamman. – Det är lite mer komplicerat, svarar McCullough, för att sedan förklara att kroppen ligger i en garderob på övervåningen. ”Le lite, ni fick fast skurken” McCullough säger också att hon visste att hon någon gång skulle ertappas och att det är rätt att hon avtjänar straffet. Sedan säger hon till poliserna: – Le lite, ni fick åtminstone fast skurken.

Flera döda när orkanen Helene slår mot Florida: "Extremt farlig"

Flera döda när orkanen Helene slår mot Florida: "Extremt farlig"

Tidigt på fredagsmorgonen, svensk tid, rapporterade amerikanska medier att orkanen minskat i styrka, från en kategori fyra, till en kategori två på den femgradiga orkanskalan. Däremot ska den fortfarande vara kraftfull med vindar på runt 50 meter per sekund. ”Det här är en extremt farlig och livshotande situation”, skriver nationella orkancentret i en uppdatering och uppmanar människor att söka skydd. Centret varnar för att stormens öga kan pressa upp vatten längs Floridas nordvästra kuster, med katastrofala stormfloder på upp till sex meter som följd. Vi kommer att vakna upp till en delstat där det med stor sannolikhet har skett dödsfall, sade Floridas guvernör Ron DeSantis vid en pressträff sent på torsdagen, lokal tid. Över en miljon hushåll och företag uppges stå utan el då orkanen drar in över delstaten. Minst tre dödsoffer En person rapporteras redan ha omkommit i Florida när en skylt föll över en bil. Två personer uppges ha dödats i vad man tror var en tornado som uppstått i Georgia. Ovädret väntas dra vidare norrut vilket fått flera delstater att utlysa nödläge, däribland Georgia, Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina och Virginia.

Harris till attack: Trump har "vanhelgat" militärkyrkogård

Harris till attack: Trump har "vanhelgat" militärkyrkogård

Den 26 augusti besökte Trump och hans medarbetare en militärkyrkogården i Arlington i Virginia, efter att man bjudits dit av anhöriga till soldater som dödades när USA drog sig tillbaka från Afghanistan 2021. Det skriver TT. Innan besöket ska Trump och hans stab förvarnats om att politiskt kampanjande inte är tillåtet på kyrkogården. Men när man kom dit både fotade och filmade man. På en av bilderna står Trump leende och gör tummen upp, intill anhöriga till en dödad soldat. Anställd knuffades åt sidan När en anställd på kyrkogården påtalade att fotandet och filmandet var förbjudet, ska denne ha knuffats åt sidan. Det här bekräftas av USA:s militär, som i ett uttalande från i torsdags skriver att en kyrkogårdsanställd ”bryskt knuffats åt sidan” efter att ha bett Trumps medarbetare om att sluta filma. Men Trumpkampanjen påstår att man fått ett specialtillstånd och förnekar anklagelserna. Man kallar den anställde som sa till för en ”föraktlig” individ med psykiska problem. Militären däremot skriver att personen ”agerat professionellt” och kallar händelsen för ”olycklig”. ”Vanhelgade helig mark” Demokraternas presidentkandidat Kamala Harris har reagerat starkt över bilderna. I ett inlägg på X skriver hon: ”Låt mig vara tydlig: den förre presidenten vanhelgade helig mark i syfte att plocka politiska poäng.” Hon fortsätter: ”Om det finns en sak som vi amerikaner alla kan enas om så är det att våra veteraner, tjänstgörande soldater och deras familjer ska hedras, aldrig nedvärderas, och i alla lägen behandlas med den största respekt och tacksamhet.”

Har knäckt Trump-skyttens telefon

Har knäckt Trump-skyttens telefon

Telefonen hade skickats till FBI:s labb i Quantico, Virginia, för undersökning, men än så länge har den inte givit mer information om ett eventuellt motiv eller politisk ideologi, rapporterar amerikanska medier. Utredarna ska bara ha hittat spår av aktiviteter som intresse för dataspel och dataprogrammering. Skottlossningen utreds av FBI som mordförsök på republikanernas presidentkandidat Donald Trump, som skadades i örat, och möjlig inhemsk terrorism. Två personer, däribland Thomas Matthew Crooks, dödades och två skadades allvarligt i dådet. Under de 48 timmarna innan han öppnade eld mot Donald Trump gjorde Thomas Matthew Crooks flera stopp i sin hemstad i en förort till Pittsburgh, rapporterar CNN som kartlagt skyttens sista dagar i livet. På fredagen besökte han den skytteklubb där han var medlem och övade på att skjuta. Morgonen därpå åkte han till detaljhandelskedjan Home Depot där han köpte en stege och till en vapenbutik där han köpte 50 magasin med ammunition. Sedan körde 20-åringern sin Hyundai Sonata en timme norrut, till Butler, Pennsylvania, där tusentals människor samlats för att se Donald Trumps kampanjtal. Han parkerade sin bil utanför kampanjmötet, med en hemmagjord bomb i bakluckan, som var kopplad till en utlösare som han tog med sig, enligt uppgifter till CNN. Sedan antas han ha använt sin nyinköpta stege för att klättra upp på en byggnad och öppna eld mot expresidenten.

Här kryper skytten omkring på taket – innan skotten avlossas

Här kryper skytten omkring på taket – innan skotten avlossas

Kritiken mot Secret service har haglat de senaste dagarna efter att 20-åriga Thomas Matthew Crooks lyckats klättra upp på ett tak 150 meter ifrån Donald Trumps kampanjtal i Pennsylvania och avlossat flera skott. Flera videor sprids nu på nätet. I en video som TMZ har släppt syns det hur skytten kryper omkring på taket innan han öppnar eld mot Trump, där ett av skotten dödar en man i publiken. Nedanför står flera hundra skrikande åskådare. Kort därefter dör även 20-åringen, skjuten av vaktstyrkan Secret service. Flera säkerhetsbrister Jim Cavanaugh, pensionerad specialagent som tidigare arbetat inom Secret service, är förvånad över att skytten kunde ta sig till en plats med fri sikt över podiet där Trump talade. – Det får inte vara någon som går uppe på ett tak. Alla upphöjda platser ska säkras, säger han till NBC. Flera säkerhetsexperter som tv-kanalen har talat med kallar mordförsöket på Trump för den största säkerhetsmissen sedan Ronald Reagan utsattes för ett liknande mordförsök utanför ett hotell i Washington 1981. Potentiell terrorism Vapnet som Crooks använde, ett AR-15-gevär, ska ha ägts av hans pappa. Tillsammans med skyttens telefon och andra bevis är vapnet nu skickat till FBI-labbet i Quantico, Virginia ”för bearbetning och exploatering.” Vad som ligger bakom mordförsöket på Trump är ännu oklar. Konspirationsteorierna har börjat hagla men FBI undersöker dådet som potentiell inhemsk terrorism.

Febrila jakten efter svar – vill bryta sig in i skyttens telefon

Febrila jakten efter svar – vill bryta sig in i skyttens telefon

Från ett tak blev Trump skjuten i örat under ett kampanjmöte i Pennsylvania. Skytten, den 22-åriga Thomas Matthew Crooks avlossade flera skott. Skotten träffade den tidigare presidenten, men också tre män i publiken. Två av dem skadades allvarligt och en man dog. Kort därefter dog 22-åringen, skjuten av vaktstyrkan Secret Service. Medlem i skytteklubb Vapnet, ett AR-15-gevär tros ägas av skyttens pappa. Bilder visar att han under skjutningen bar en t-shirt från Demolition Ranch – en av världens största Youtubekanaler om skjutvapen och vapensäkerhet, som bland annat säljer kläder. 22-åriga Crooks hade ett medlemskap i en lokal skytteklubb, Clairton Sportsmen's Club, i minst ett år. Hittat misstänkt bomb Under söndagen spärrade polisen av området runt Crooks hem i Bethel Park i Pennsylvania. Hemmet ligger drygt en timmes bilfärd bort från där skjutningen ägde rum. Enligt den lokala polisen ska man senare under dagen ha hittat sprängämnen i mannens bil, rapporterar Wall Street Jorunal. Tillgång till telefon FBI har skickat in en förfrågan till domstol om att få bryta sig in i skyttens telefon. Tillsammans med vapnet och andra bevis är telefonen nu skickad till FBI-labbet i Quantico, Virginia "för bearbetning och exploatering." – Vi arbetar hårt för att fastställa händelseförloppet relaterade till föremålet och hans rörelser under timmarna, dagarna och veckorna före skottlossningen, sa Kevin Rojek, en FBI-agent under söndagen samtidigt som han underströk att ”vi fortfarande är väldigt tidigt in den här utredningen.” Utredarna har inte hittat några hotfulla kommentarer på konton i sociala medier eller ideologiska positioner som kan hjälpa till att förklara vad som fick honom att rikta in sig på Trump, enligt New York Times. FBI-agenten, Kevin Rojek tror att Crooks agerade ensam och uppger att det inte finns några indikationer på att han hade psykiska problem. De undersöker dådet som ett potenitell inkemsk terrorism.

Sverige skriver samarbetsavtal med New York

Sverige skriver samarbetsavtal med New York

Samarbetet kommer ske inom ramen USA:s partnerprogram State Partnership Program (SPP) som samarbetar med drygt 100 länder runtom i världen. Bland annat har Norge ett samarbete med Minnesota och Finland med Virginia. Syftet med avtalet är att öka parternas militära förmåga genom bland annat gemensamma övningar och deltagande i varandras övningsverksamhet. – Avtalet med delstaten New York stärker samarbetet på försvarsområdet mellan Sverige och USA ytterligare. Det bidrar till ökat utbyte mellan Försvarsmakten och New Yorks nationalgarde, vilket ökar försvarsförmågan, säger försvarsminister Pål Jonson enligt regeringens pressmeddelande. New Yorks nationalgarde kommer placera en förbindelseofficer på den amerikanska ambassaden i Stockholm för att stödja samarbetet.

Virginia på YouTube

Virginia 8K Video Ultra HD 120 FPS (Mother of Presidents)

High Quality True HDR 8K VIDEO ULTRA HD 60FPS 240FPS , 120FPS , For Your 8K TV or 12K TV - Apple XDR TV , Samsung ...

8K Earth på YouTube

10 Best Places to Visit in Virginia - Travel Video

Check out all the places seen in this video: As it was the first state to be ...

touropia på YouTube

Virginia Tech Hail Mary vs. Miami Gets Overturned in Controversial Ending

Virginia Tech's game-winning Hail Mary to beat Miami was overturned after review. Right call? Subscribe: ...

Bleacher Report på YouTube

10 Best Places to Visit in VIRGINIA 2024 | US Travel Guide

Discover the charm and beauty of Virginia in our latest adventure: 10 Best Places to Visit in Virginia 2024 | US Travel Guide!


Unboxing Virginia: What It's Like Living in Virginia

Does everyone in Virginia still relive the Civil War days? Do most people have relatives who used to pick tobacco? And does ...

Nick Johnson på YouTube

Virginia i poddar

The Mark on the Wall by Virginia Woolf

Feeling stressed? Relax with tonight's bedtime stories, The Mark on the Wall and Kew Gardens by Virginia Woolf. If you like this episode, please remember to follow on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or your favourite podcast app. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

The Disappearance of Virginia C. Douglas (Maine)

MAINE MISSING PERSON, 1988: A spontaneous Maine adventure turns dark when Virginia C. Douglas steps into Reny's in Belfast, Maine and is never seen again. Where did Virginia go?This decades-old missing persons cold case spans two New England states, and will have you questioning which story to believe and who is to blame for the peculiar disappearance of Virginia C. Douglas.View source material and photos for this episode at darkdowneast.comFollow @darkdowneast on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTokTo suggest a case, email hello@darkdowneast.comSupport Dark Downeast on Buy Me a CoffeeShop Dark Downeast merch at

Transfer Portal Pickups, Military Bowl Preview: TSL Podcast 337

Virginia Tech football has received tons of good news as of late, from players announcing they're returning for 2024 to transfer portal commitments. The Military Bowl is right around the corner too. Sit down with the Tech Sideline crew as they discuss all that and more. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

#444 - A Tale Of Two Sisters - McLean, Virginia

This week, in McLean, Virginia, a frantic 911 call, from an out of state boyfriend starts an investigation, where a mother, and her adult daughter are found dead, in the same house. What initially looks like a standard murder/suicide, turns into a crazy plot, involving some wild staging, and very incriminating phone calls. The killer claims innocence until the very end, but the evidence was just too strong!Along the way, we find out that good bands play longer than 20 minute sets, that even rich people apparently have problems, and that even when the explanation seems obvious, there may be more layers to that onion!Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie WhismanNew episodes every Thursday!Donate at: or go to and use our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGo to for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!Follow us, check out James & Jimmie's other show, Crime In Sports! On Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, Wondery, Wondery+, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts!See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

SC EP:1013 Why Is There A Gorilla In Virginia?

John writes "This happened on the opening day of rifle season 1998 in the southwestern mountains of Virginia. Now to give a back drop to the property we used to hunt so you can get an idea. The parcel of land backed up to the New River, less than a mile above it. When I say above, you could walk to the river if not for the 100 foot sheer rock cliffs, caves and caverns that fall off to the riverbank. We had built a tree stand in an oak tree about 75-100 yards down in a holler. This stand was a 2-sided stand with a roof over top. The front side of the tree where we built the ladder was about 20-25 feet off the ground, whereas the backside was probably 60-70 feet above the kill zone. It was strategically placed this way because of the kill zone. The zone I mention is what you would call a super highway for deer. 3 different points coming together in an opening with an unobstructed view and vantage point. The leaves had fallen, so that Sunday afternoon I had taken a rake and swept them off the path to the stand. I always like to get into the stand by 530ish so if by chance I did spook a a buck it could have a chance to settle down. I got to the stand about 20 minutes late cause of forgetting my knife. I had walked this trail many times over the years so no need for a flashlight. Climbed up in full ghillie suit, got settled and waited. 20 minutes or so later, start hearing something walking my way. I could tell that it was on 4 feet, so I was expecting a deer at least. The sun had just started to come up, so I was just waiting on it to come to the bait pile that was set up about 30 yards from me. In the Laurel thicket im seeing movement and notice its too dark to be a deer. Well, I’m sitting there thinking to myself that’s got to be a bear, because deer do not make that much noise. When this thing/creature comes into my view the first thing I think is what the hell is a gorilla doing in the mountains of Virginia. It/she (breast In full view) makes its way to the bait pile, looks around to the thicket and here comes a smaller one. When I say smaller, I mean it looked like Cha-ka off the land of the lost episodes on tv only it was black and not copper. The adult stands up on all fours, starts looking around the forest. She grunted towards the small one and it instantly climbed on her back. She is scanning the forest, I don’t know if she scented me or just knew something was off. I was sitting completely still, not sure I was even breathing. She glanced up to the stand I was in and with a scowl on her face stared for a few seconds. She dropped back down on all fours, with the little one still on her back and let out what I can only describe as part scream part growl. 2 seconds later I hear a scream to the north from what I assume was another one, but this scream was much more intense, louder and more deeper. She turned and walked off down the trail. I sat there for at least an hour, maybe more without moving, barely breathing. After that time, I slowed lowered my rifle, which was a .270 ruger that I knew would have only pissed her off. Only way I think I could have done damage was a head shot, but the way I was shaking there’s no way I could have hit her. Besides I was worried about the other scream/howl to the north. I backed out up the trail turning complete circles to make sure I wasn’t being flanked. Once I got to the clearing, which was probably 50 yards wide, I sprinted like never before. Climbed to the fence, got on my knees to make sure I wasn’t followed. I ran to my truck, got in and left. The bigger one, I’m guessing the mom was at least 7 feet tall and probably had to weigh at least 600-700 lbs. Those guesstimates could be wrong because at the angle I was at and the shadows. The baby as I said looked just like Cha-Ka from the tv show Land of the Lost. It was on all fours the entire time so I could get a gauge on the size. I’d say even at the same time it was at least 100-150 lbs. When on all fours, they had a gait and body structure that resembled a hyena. The momma creature reminded me of a gorilla in the face. Sunken in eyes, protruding brow and flat nose. The face wasn’t hair covered. The body was completely covered in hair that seemed matted with mud. Hard to tell again with the shadows, but could tell it was somewhat long and unkempt. The skin on the face, hands and soles of the feet were a greyish color. I could see the feet when she turned and walked away. I didn’t notice any ears, but did notice that when she screamed that it looked like she had canines. I know you like to ask about what witnesses knew about the subject, so I’ll tell you. I thought ppl were crazy when talking about it. I laughed at a buddy once when he said he had seen one. I’ll never do that ever again. It’s been 25 years to the month and I have never spoken a word about this to anyone. I had seen the Patterson/Gimlin film and some things in the book but waved it off as delusional people."  

Hypnotic Bedtime Story: Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf

In tonight's Hypnotic bedtime story, we're once again reading a piece from Virginia Woolf, as her writing suits itself to our mission here completely. The stream of consciousness, for which she was known and celebrated, is so fluid and almost musical that it's perfect to go to sleep to. So just let your mind rest on Jessica's voice, as we ride the lovely waves of Mrs. Dalloway.   As always, tonight's episode will start with a relaxing introduction from Jessica, before we sink into tonight’s Sleep Hypnosis.  Want more Sleep Magic? Join Sleep Magic Premium ✨ Enjoy 2 bonus episodes a month plus all episodes ad-free, access to Jessica's complete back catalog of over 60 episodes, and show your support to Jessica.  To Subscribe 🪄 Apple Podcast listeners, just join using the prompts on the show page. All other listeners, subscribe via Supercast using this link  Spread the Magic: Love the Sleep Magic Podcast? Please subscribe & leave a review ⭐️ Feedback: How are we doing with Sleep Magic? Click here to let us know 🙌 Stay Social: Keep up with Jessica and share your thoughts by following us on Instagram: @sleepiestapp TikTok:@sleepmagicjess About Sleep Magic  ✨ Sleep Magic ✨ is a podcast from the creators of Sleep Wave, and hosted by hypnotherapist Jessica Porter.Sleep magic harnesses the power of Hypnosis to help you fall into a deep, restorative sleep easily, just like magic. Beyond helping you drift off into a deep sleep, Jessica will also spend time talking about all the different things that go into being, well, human! From releasing worries to building self-love, she’ll dive deep into how we can improve our relationship with ourselves, as well as our sleep, one night at a time. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

1. Virginia Hall’s Great Escape

How did the American spy Virginia Hall mastermind an astonishing prison break, leading her to become the Gestapo’s most wanted target? Helena Bonham Carter shines a light on extraordinary stories from World War Two. Join her for incredible tales of deception, acts of resistance and courage.A BBC Studios Podcast production for BBC Radio 4 and BBC Sounds. Producer: Amie Liebowitz Executive Producer: Paul Smith Written by Alex von Tunzelmann

History of Ideas 4: Virginia Woolf

Episode 4 in our series on the great essays is about Virginia Woolf’s masterpiece ‘A Room of One’s Own’ (1929). David discusses how an essay on the conditions for women writing fiction ends up being about so much else besides: anger, power, sex, modernity, independence and transcendence. And how, despite all that, it still manages to be as fresh and funny as anything written since.Read more on Virginia Woolf in the LRB:Jacqueline Rose on Woolf and madness‘It is, one might say, a central paradox of modern family life that its members are required to mould themselves in each other’s image and yet to know, as separate individuals or egos, exactly who they are.’Gillian Beer on Woolf and reality‘The “real world” for Virginia Woolf was not solely the liberal humanist world of personal and social relationships: it was the hauntingly difficult world of Einsteinian physics and Wittgenstein’s private languages.’Rosemary Hill on Woolf and domesticity‘Woolf, who had once found it humiliating to do her own shopping, spent the last morning of her life dusting with Louie, before she put her duster down and went to drown herself.’John Bayley on Woolf and writing‘For Virginia Woolf wish-fulfilment was in words themselves, that protected her from herself and from society.’Listen to David’s History of Ideas episode about Max Weber’s ‘The Profession and Vocation of Politics’. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

The Hokies are Going Bowling: TSL Podcast 335

Virginia Tech Football is headed to the Military Bowl to take on Tulane on December 27th. Sit down with the Tech Sideline crew as they discuss the upcoming few weeks surrounding the football team and break down the last week of men's and women's hoops! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Episode 323: The Case of Virginia Rappe

Ash, doing an Old Hollywood case? Groundbreaking. This one will have you spiraling through a whole slew of different emotions. It’s the case of Roscoe “Fatty” Arbuckle and Virginia Rappe. Back in the 20’s Roscoe Arbuckle, known as “Fatty” in his movies, was one of the most beloved actors. He and three of his friends decided to throw a Labor day prohibition party at a hotel in San Francisco. It was supposed to celebrate one of Roscoe’s latest roles and be a great time with all kinds of young and happenin’ celebrities but by the end of the night one party-goer, a rising star Virginia Rappe, would end up incredibly ill and would later die in the hospital from something that may or may not have happened to her at this party. As always, thank you to our sponsors:Peloton: The Peloton Bike+ is now $500 less, its best price yet! Including FREE delivery and setup. to learn moreStamps: Just go to, click the microphone at the top of the page, and enter codeMORBIDCurology:Get started with Curology just like I did with a free 30 day trial at Just pay $5 for shipping and handlingAudible: New members can try it free for 30 days. Visit or text morbid to 500500Prose: Take your FREE in depth hair consultation and get 15% off your first order today! Go to Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

The Disappearance of Virginia Sue Pictou Noyes (Maine)

MAINE MISSING PERSON, 1993: 26-year old Virginia Sue Pictou Noyes disappeared in the early morning hours of April 24, 1993, after she slipped out unnoticed from her Eastern Maine Medical Center hospital room. Nearly 30 years later, her family continues to search for answers through their own investigations and cultural rituals. This is the Cold Case of Virginia Sue Pictou Noyes.Homicide is the third leading cause of death of Native American women. Indigenous women are murdered and sexually assaulted at a rate 10 times higher than other ethnicities, with a majority of them committed by non-Native people on Native-owned land. 85% of Native women experience violence in their lifetime.If you or someone you know needs help, call StrongHearts Native Helpline at 1-844-7NATIVE (762-8483). It is a domestic, dating and sexual violence helpline for American Indians and Alaska Natives, offering culturally-appropriate support and advocacy daily from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. CT. The helpline is anonymous and confidential. If you have information regarding this case, please contact the Maine State Police Major Crimes Unit - North at (207) 973-3750 or toll free 1-800-432-7381. You may also report information about this crime using the leave a tip form.View source material and photos for this episode at darkdowneast.comFollow @darkdowneast on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTokTo suggest a case, email hello@darkdowneast.comSupport Dark Downeast on Buy Me a CoffeeShop Dark Downeast merch at

Shape-Changing UFO Stuns Virginia Man/House Committee to Receive Top-Secret UFO Briefing

According to a case file obtained from the National UFO Reporting Center, a Virginia man in 2012 spotted a shape-shifting UFO hovering near his home. At first glance, the object had the tail section and top rotor blades of a helicopter, but those aspects of the craft disappeared to reveal that it was a cylinder-shaped craft that made no sound. Also, Axios reports that members of the U.S. House UFO Caucus will soon be briefed about UAP by the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community. Links/Sources: NUFORC Sighting 119972 Filer’s Files #37 -2013 -Bosnia Pyramids May Prove Alien Intervention - National UFO Center Gallery | NUFORC House members to receive classified UFO briefing ( Check out my YouTube channel: Quirk Zone - YouTube Extraterrestrial Reality book recommendations: Link to ROSWELL: THE ULTIMATE COLD CASE: CLOSED: Link to COMMUNION by Whitley Strieber: Link to THE THREAT by David M. Jacobs: Link to TOP SECRET/MAJIC by Stanton Friedman: Link to NEED TO KNOW by Timothy Good: Link to UFOS AND THE NATIONAL SECURITY STATE, VOLUME 1: Link to UFOS AND THE NATIONAL SECURITY STATE, VOLUME 2: Link to THE ALLAGASH ABDUCTIONS: --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

TSL Today: December 14, 2023

Carter Hill is joined by Chris Coleman to talk all things Virginia Tech football, including the return of the receiving corp, Bhayshul Tuten's decision, the first transfer portal commitment and the reason for optimism in 2024. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

TSL Today: December 6, 2023

Carter Hill is joined by Andy Bitter to talk all things Virginia Tech football, including the return of Josh Fuga, recent transfer portal entries and how this affects some roster decisions in 2024. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

#434 - A Nearly Headless Horror Scene - Pemberton, West Virginia

This week, in Pemberton, West Virginia, a crazy day in a neighborhood of trailers, starting with one man, snorting pills & drinking cheap whiskey, before noon. He ends up at an odd "party", where he gets into an argument, over an alleged debt owed for a semi strip dance that was performed. Next thing you know, the murderer doesn't even remember the brutal way that they almost beheaded their victim, with a buck knife, then continued stabbing!Along the way, we find out that trails that you pay to ride, are not "outlaw trails", that if someone is doing any kind of strip dance for you, you should expect to pay them, and that you shouldn't drink your whiskey by the liter!!Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie WhismanNew episodes every Thursday!Donate at: or go to and use our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGo to for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!Follow us, check out James & Jimmie's other show, Crime In Sports! On Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, Wondery, Wondery+, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts!See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

Raising Taxes, Funding Childcare, and the Arena Deal

LINKS:Pod Virginia | PatreonLearn more about Jackleg MediaCheck out Black Virginia NewsIN THE NEWS: Democrats, who are about to control the General Assembly have a variety of viewpoints on Governor Glenn Youngkin's proposal to create a new tax on "digital personal property" -- especially considering the governor wants to pair it with a huge income tax cut that will disproportionately benefit the wealthiest Virginians.During the pandemic, the federal government provided millions of dollars to help families with childcare. Now that money is about to expire, and low-income parents across Virginia are trying to figure out what happens next. Governor Youngkin says the General Assembly need to step in and bridge the gap. That's why he's proposing more than $400 million to make sure low-income families are able to keep access to childcare. He also wants to invest $25 million to build capacity in childcare deserts.If the General Assembly creates a new authority that would own a proposed sports arena in Alexandria, the land in Potomac Yard where the arena would be built would be taken off the tax rolls. Thats’ a huge tax break for sports franchises that stand to make a lot of money on the deal--but one Pod Virginia guest says the deal isn't nearly as good for the Virginia taxpayer.TRIVIA: Which two Democrats are now seated on the other side of the aisle?At the Watercooler:- Ex-Capitol police officer Harry Dunn announces a run for Maryland's 3rd District- Pod Virginia launches its officia Discord for listeners who want to support the show Learn more at

Virginia Tech-Virginia Preview: TSL Podcast 332

Virginia Tech heads down to Charlottesville once again to take on Virginia. A bowl bid is on the line if the Hokies win and of course the usual bragging rights. Sit down with the Tech Sideline crew as they preview the Commonwealth Clash. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit