Amerikaner shoppar som om det inte fanns någon morgondag

Amerikaner shoppar som om det inte fanns någon morgondag

Räntorna stiger, inflationen biter sig fast, hushållens besparingar krymper och arbetsmarknaden kyls av. Ändå shoppar amerikanerna som om det inte fanns någon morgondag, skriver Wall Street Journal. I augusti spenderade de 5,8 procent mer än samma månad förra året, en bra bit över inflationen som kom in strax under 4 procent. Flyg- och evenemangsindustrin har haft en rekordsommar. Banker som erbjuder sina kunder att sätta upp sparmål noterar att upplevelsemål är 1,5 gånger så vanliga som långsiktiga mål. Pandemin och klimatkrisen verkar ha medfört att allt fler vill leva här och nu, innan det är för sent, i stället för att spara till en osäker framtid. Concerts, trips and designer handbags are taking priority over saving for a home or rainy day. By Rachel Wolfe

The Wall Street Journal, 1 October 2023 Consumers should be spending less by now. Interest rates are up. Inflation remains high. Pandemic savings have shrunk. And the labor market is cooling. Yet household spending, the primary driver of the nation’s economic growth, remains robust. Americans spent 5.8% more in August than a year earlier, well outstripping less than 4% inflation. And the experience economy boomed this summer, with Delta Air Lines reporting record revenue in the second quarter and Ticketmaster selling over 295 million event tickets in the first six months of 2023, up nearly 18% year-over-year. Economists and financial advisers say consumers putting short-term needs and goals above long-term ones is normal. Still, this moment is different, they say. A tough housing market has more consumers writing off something they’d historically save for, while the pandemic showed the instability of any long-term plans related to health, work or day-to-day life. So, they are spending on once-in-a-lifetime experiences because they worry they may not be able to do them later. “It’s not a regret-filled, spur-of-the-moment decision,” says Michael Liersch, who oversees a team of advisers as head of advice at Wells Fargo. “It’s the opposite of that, where I would regret not having done it.” Liersch cautions that it’s too soon to say whether the spate of spending is a fleeting moment or a new normal. And consumers remain frustrated about inflation as the price of many goods remains significantly higher than a few years ago. Ibby Hussain, who works in marketing for a financial communications firm, says the Brooklyn, N.Y., apartment he and his fiancée rent for $3,000 a month would cost a million dollars to buy. At current rates, that means around $5,000 a month after a $200,000 down payment, not including property taxes. “And it’s not even that nice of an apartment.” So, instead of saving for a down payment like he expected to after turning 30 and getting engaged in the past year, he splurged. First, he bought a $1,600 Taylor Swift Eras Tour ticket and then he spent $3,500 on a bachelor party trip to Ibiza, Spain. “I might as well just enjoy what I have now,” he says. Ally Bank, whose online platform started allowing customers to create savings buckets for different goals in 2020, says users create about one-and-a-half times more experience-oriented buckets such as travel and “fun funds” versus those associated with longer-term planning. Lindsey and Darrell Bradshaw went into credit-card debt to finance a vacation to Maui this past spring. The couple booked the trip only a few weeks after Lindsey, 37, quit her job to be a full-time caregiver to their 8-year-old son, who has special needs. “We did not have the money and we were like, ‘Let’s just do this anyway,’ ” says Darrell Bradshaw, a 39-year-old general contractor in Seattle. The trip cost about $10,000, including three, $1,000 last-minute plane tickets, 10 nights at a $385-a-night 4-star resort and several elaborate meals. Even though the family decided to cancel subscriptions and cut back on dining out to help offset the bill, they say they have no regrets—especially since they got to see Lahaina just a few months before it was decimated by deadly wildfires. Fears about a changing climate are driving some people to try to see places before they’re gone. In a monthly Deloitte survey of 19,000 global consumers, climate change was the only topic among 19 different concerns that respondents reported feeling significantly more worried about over the past year. Josh Richner says he greatly lowered his retirement contribution to afford a cross-country trip that included a $7,000 Alaskan cruise so his family could see the ice caps, which have been melting at a rapid clip. “I’ve never spent that much on a trip before,” says the 35-year-old, who says the splurge was also motivated by the pandemic and a health scare. About six months ago, Richner and his wife decided to sell their Columbus, Ohio, home to travel the country with their two young children. Working for National Legal Center, a law firm that helps consumers resolve debt, he knows the potential consequences of living in a way that gives priority to the present. But he isn’t worried. “I just hit a point where the thing that we had been talking about maybe hopefully doing some day, we’re going to do it now,” he says. “I’m not going to worry about money anymore. I don’t have it in me.” Consumers might not be able to keep splurging forever. Labor strikes and student loan repayments could both lead people to pull back. Rising gas prices could also deter travel. For those who study spending, however, the robustness up to this point has been a surprise. In the New York Federal Reserve Bank’s August SCE Household Spending Survey, households reported spending 5.5% more than last year. The share of households that said they made at least one large purchase in the previous four months increased to 64% from 57%, its highest reading since August 2015. “Normally at a time when you have higher inflation, but also higher interest rates, you don’t expect spending to hold up so well,” says Wilbert van der Klaauw, an economic research adviser on household and public policy at the Fed. Rather than funnel all their spare change into a house or retirement account, Candice and Jasmine Kelly started a bucket-list fund after attending back-to-back funerals a few months ago. The couple adds a few hundred dollars from their paychecks each month into the fund, which they have used to try fancy restaurant tasting menus and buy Jasmine her dream designer handbag. Instead of waiting to have fun when they retire, Candice, a 26-year-old management analyst in Charlotte, N.C., says the couple is trying to do the opposite. They want to enjoy their money while they’re young—even if it means working longer. “All the rules that exist around money and lifestyle are just things people made up, so we’re playing a different game, and honestly I think we’re having more fun,” says Candice.

Experten: Så påverkar AI-genererat innehåll amerikanska väljarna

Experten: Så påverkar AI-genererat innehåll amerikanska väljarna

Mängder av desinformation har spridits för att påverka presidentvalet i november. Det är inte bara den före detta presidenten som använder sig av AI i detta syfte utan även amerikanska underrättelsetjänsten och Ryssland. Man har bland annat spridit innehåll där det att ser ut som att Kamala Harris har orsakat en hit and run-olycka där hon har lämnat en flicka förlamad. – Det är ganska allvarlig desinformation och allvarliga anklagelser, säger Paulina Modlitba. “Försöker påverka bilden av Trumps politik” I amerikanska valet har många väljare redan tagit ställning men det finns ett antal vågmästarstater och väljargrupper som man fortfarande kan påverka. På sina sociala medier har nu den före detta presidenten publicerat en AI-bild på sig själv med några svarta väljare. Väljargruppen har historiskt röstat mer på Demokraterna. – Här försöker man ju gå in och påverka den bilden av att Donald Trumps politik och att Donald Trump som politiker främjar svartas frågor i USA. Hon används som ett slagträ Någon som har använts som ett slagträ i AI-kriget är artisten Taylor Swift. Trump publicerade en AI-genererad bild på artisten med texten ”Taylor vill att du röstar på Donald Trump“. Paulina Modlitba menar att han själv porträtterade det som ett skämt men det resulterade i att artisten själv gick ut och officiellt stöttade Harris. – Och det är ju ett tydligt tecken på hur viktig person Taylor Swift är i dagens samhälle. För att hon används i det här AI-kriget. Trots mängden desinformation med hjälp av AI så har situationen inte blivit så illa som många fruktat, enligt Paulina Modlitba. – Kombinationen av supervalår och AI trodde man att det skulle bli en tsunami av desinformation. Men man ser mer att det används som ett verktyg, säger hon.

Därför är det otursdag i dag

Därför är det otursdag i dag

I dag infaller enligt alla vidskepliga årets värsta otursdag, fredag den 13:e. Dagen då en del undviker att gå under stegar, lägga nycklarna på bordet eller ens gå ut. Men det är dock oklart hur gammalt just otursbegreppet fredag den 13:e är. – Egentligen handlar det om siffran 13. Det äldsta beläggen är att det finns 13 som är samlade vid ett bord. En del menar att det ska gå tillbaka till när Jesus och lärjungarna sitter samlade. Sedan är just fredagen kopplade till långfredagen som blir lite otursdag. Tommy Kuusela. Just fredag den 13:e går dock inte så långt tillbaka historiskt. – Det går inte längre tillbaka än till 1800-talet, säger Tommy Kuusela. Tur för Taylor Swift Men för vissa är fredag den 13:e inte en otursdag. Världsartisten Taylor Swift har flera gången lyft fram siffran 13 som något förknippat med henne. – Hon har fått 13 till ett lyckotal. Hon har ofta skrivit 13 på handen. Hon föddes den 13:e och blev 13 år på fredag den 13:e, säger Tommy Kuusela.

Fredrik Strage: "Taylor Swifts stöd till Harris kommer inte påverka valet"

Fredrik Strage: "Taylor Swifts stöd till Harris kommer inte påverka valet"

Världsstjärnan Taylor Swift har länge hållit sig borta från partipolitiken – fram till nu. Efter debatten mellan Trump och Harris visar hon för första gången sitt stöd för vice presidenten. ”Jag kommer att lägga min röst på Kamala Harris i presidentvalet 2024” skriver hon i ett inlägg på Instagram. – Det krävdes att Trumps kampanj spred AI-bilder för att hon skulle reagera. Hon ser ingen annan utväg, säger popkritikern Fredrik Strage. Rädsla att tappa publik De AI-manipulerade bilderna visar världsartisten som Uncle Sam med texten ”Taylor vill att du ska rösta på Donald Trump.” En annan med fans som bär ”Swifties for Trump” T-shirts. Bilderna kan vara en av anledningarna till att stjärnan nu offentligt visar vem hon röstar på. – Som gammal country artist har hon många konservativa fans och har tidigare varit rädd för att tappa en stor del av publiken om hon uttrycker sig politiskt, säger Fredrik Strage. Påverkar inte valet Taylor Swift ställningstagande kan på sin höjd leda till mindre biljettförsäljning på konserterna i Tennessee tror Fredrik Strage. Men hennes uttalande kommer inte påverka valresultatet. – Jag tror inte artister har det inflytandet på valutgången. Se hur det blev förra valet när världsartister ställde sig bakom Hillary Clinton – Trump vann ändå, säger han.

Taylor Swift på YouTube

Taylor Swift - Blank Space

Exclusive Merch: ▻Follow Taylor Swift Online Instagram: ...

TaylorSwiftVEVO på YouTube

Taylor Swift - I Can Do It With A Broken Heart (Official Video)

Watch the official music video for “I Can Do It With A Broken Heart" by Taylor Swift. Buy/download/stream 'The Tortured Poets ...

Taylor Swift på YouTube

Taylor Swift - Fortnight (feat. Post Malone) (Official Music Video)

The official music video for “Fortnight (feat. Post Malone)” by Taylor Swift, from 'THE TORTURED POETS DEPARTMENT'.

Taylor Swift på YouTube

Taylor Swift - You Belong With Me

Music video by Taylor Swift performing You Belong With Me. (C) 2009 Big Machine Records, LLC ▻Exclusive Merch: ...

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Taylor Swift - Shake It Off

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Taylor Swift i poddar

Taylor Swift, your person of the year?

Calling all Swifties! Richard and Marina discuss the powerhouse that is Taylor Swift being bestowed TIME Magazine's 'Person of The Year'; Richard breaks down the battle for Christmas number 1 - and provides plenty of musical facts you can claim as your own; plus we reflect on the I'm A Celebrity finale and offer a whole host of book recommendations. Twitter: @restisents Email: Producer: Neil Fearn Executive Producers: Tony Pastor + Jack Davenport Recommendations; Read David Gann - The Wager: A Tale of Shipwreck, Mutiny and Murder Werner Herzog - Every Man for Himself and God Against All J.L. Carr - A Month In The Country Oliver Soden - Masquerade: The Lives of Noël Coward Adrian Edmondson - Berserker! Katherine Rundell - Impossible Creatures G.T. Karber - Murdle Board Games Wavelength The Mind Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

The Year of Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift grabbed many headlines in 2023. Her widely popular Eras Tour, which proved too much for Ticketmaster to handle, has been both a business and a cultural juggernaut. And Time magazine named her as its person of the year.Taffy Brodesser-Akner, a staff writer for The New York Times, explains why, for her, 2023 was the year of Taylor Swift.Guest: Taffy Brodesser-Akner, a staff writer for The New York Times Magazine.Background reading: Ms. Swift’s greatest gift is for telling her own story — better than any journalist could. But Ms. Brodesser-Akner gave it a shot anyway.Fan demand for Ms. Swift broke Ticketmaster, and that was just the prologue. These are the moments that turned her Eras Tour into a phenomenon.For more information on today’s episode, visit Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.

Taylor Swift left unimpressed with host's joke at Golden Globes

Your Daily Lowdown from HELLO! Taylor Swift was left unimpressed with a joke made at her expense at the Golden Globe Awards on Sunday evening - here's a rundown of what happened at the Hollywood event. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Taylor Swift breaks Elvis Presley's major record

Taylor Swift breaks Elvis Presley's major record. This is your Daily Lowdown from HELLO! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

01 Intro Taylor Swift reputation Stadium Tour

Intro Taylor Swift's reputation Stadium Tour on Dallas Texa.

Seducing Taylor Swift | 2 Bears, 1 Cave Ep. 204

This week on 2 Bears, 1 Cave, Tom and Bert kick off the episode with their recent interactions with musicians. Bert saw Metallica and Tom's been talking with Oliver Anthony. They go on to talk about some of the biggest names in music: Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift, and James Hetfield. Bert has a revelation about donating to GoFundMe. Tom and Bert switch lanes into a little sports talk, then baller foods. They wrap up the episode with a huge announcement. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

11. Taylor Swift's Billion Dollar Business

How did a revolutionary healthcare business go from millions of pounds of NHS contracts to bankruptcy? What's the story behind Taylor Swift’s business empire? Are UK university degrees no longer worth it for graduates? Join Robert and Steph for this episode of The Rest Is Money as they answer all of these questions and more. Email: X: @TheRestIsMoney Instagram: @TheRestIsMoney TikTok: @RestIsMoney Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

2023 Wrap and News: Taylor Swift's Unlikely Running Routine / More Keto Debates / Sub-2 Marathon in '24?

It's been a big year in the world of sport and the team wrap up some of the highlights, focus on the trending sports science stories (incl. Taylor Swift's unlikely running regime) and our selection of the best sporting events we witnessed and, would have liked to have witnessed.SHOW NOTESArticle showing that cold water immersion impairs performances done about 90 min afterNice visual representation of positive pacing in the marathon, with specific reference to the big positive splits in Valencia this yearThe first salvo in the ketogenic diet and performance debate from Tim NoakesThe response from Louise Burke and Jamie WhitfieldThe Systematic review on Talent development and promotion programmesYoutube interview of Remco Evenepoel, as alluded to on the showOr the Apple podcast equivalent Get bonus content on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Taylor Swift fan who died at Eras concert – cause of death revealed

Taylor Swift fan who died at Eras concert – cause of death revealed. This is your Daily Lowdown from HELLO! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Taylor Swift Before She Was Famous | Part 4

For the final episode on Taylor Swift, Vanessa and Natalie get caught up on what's going on in Taylor's life today. We'll hear about the epic battle between the Gaylors and the Hetlors, and how Taylor's relationship with football star Travis Kelce has brought Americans together. We'll also talk to the journalist who visited Taylor's favorite New York restaurants and hounded the waitstaff for details about the pop queen’s dining escapades. Featuring Larrison Campbell, Nicole Boyce, and Rachel Handler. Click ‘Subscribe’ at the top of the Infamous show page on Apple Podcasts or visit to get access wherever you get your podcasts. A Campside Media & Sony Music Entertainment production. Find more great podcasts from Sony Music Entertainment at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Taylor Swift, AI Alliance, University Presidents, and Guest Lou Paskalis

Kara and Scott discuss TIME's Person of the Year, Taylor Swift, George Santos' Cameo stardom, and yet another Republican debate. Then, they critique the testimony of three university presidents who spoke to Congress about anti-semitism on their campuses. And it’s a big week in AI news: Meta is teaming up with IBM to form an “AI Alliance,” Google launched a new model, “Gemini,” and Elon Musk’s AI startup has filed with the SEC to raise up to $1 billion. Then we’re joined by Friend of Pivot and Chief Strategy Officer for Ad Fontes Media, Lou Paskalis to discuss Linda Yaccarino’s decision to stick it out at X. You can find Lou on X at @LouPas. Follow us on Instagram and Threads at @pivotpodcastofficial. Follow us on TikTok at @pivotpodcast. Send us your questions by calling us at 855-51-PIVOT, or at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Ep 755: The Taylor Swift Era

This year there was one artist who smashed records. But what does Taylor Swift’s monumental success say about the future of the music industry?To find out more about Tortoise:Download the Tortoise app - for a listening experience curated by our journalistsSubscribe to Tortoise+ on Apple Podcasts for early access and ad-free contentBecome a member and get access to all of Tortoise's premium audio offerings and moreIf you want to get in touch with us directly about a story, or tell us more about the stories you want to hear about contact Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Taylor Swift gets another family seal of approval

Taylor Swift gets another family seal of approval. This is your Daily Lowdown US edition. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Taylor Swift - You Belong With Me

credit to @Taylor Swift 

Taylor Swift Before She Was Famous | Part 1

Believe it or not, there was a time when Taylor Swift wasn’t the most famous person on the planet. She was just an up-and-coming country prodigy thrilled to land a cameo on her favorite TV show. During this time, Vanessa spent hours with her, in multiple cities, even on the set of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. Listen to the never-before-heard recordings of their time together as Vanessa and Natalie look back on the early days of Taylor’s epic career. Click ‘Subscribe’ at the top of the Infamous show page on Apple Podcasts or visit to get access wherever you get your podcasts. A Campside Media & Sony Music Entertainment production. Find more great podcasts from Sony Music Entertainment at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Taylor Swift

In this episode of the I Can't Sleep Podcast, fall asleep learning about Taylor Swift. Yes, we all love Taylor, but did you know that if you start to learn about all the amazing things she's done in her career that you'll totally drift off? Happy sleeping! Ad-Free Episodes Want an ad-free experience? Follow this link to support the podcast and get episodes with no ads: Jupiter CBD Oil Save 20% off your first purchase by entering GETSLEEP upon checkout, or click here: SleepPhones Follow this affiliate link to purchase headphones you can fall asleep with: then enter the code ICANTSLEEP10 at checkout to receive a discount. This content is derived from the Wikipedia article Taylor Swift, available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) license. The article can be accessed at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Taylor Swift is TIME’s Person of the Year | Every Single Album: Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift was named TIME’s 2023 Person of the Year, and in conjunction with that honor gave a rare interview for the profile. Nora and Nathan talk about why she might have decided to give the interview (1:00), some of the major revelations that came from the piece (15:58), and what it means for her future music that she’s in a very happy moment in her life (48:21).Hosts: Nora Princiotti and Nathan HubbardProducer: Kaya McMullen Learn more about your ad choices. Visit