
Alaska är en delstat i nordvästra USA och är den största delstaten till ytan. Den gränsar till Kanada i öster och har en lång kustlinje mot Stilla havet i väster. Alaska är känt för sin vackra och varierande natur, med bland annat bergskedjor, glaciärer och nationalparker. Delstaten har också en rik kultur och historia, med inflytande från ursprungsbefolkningen och den tidigare guldgruveeran. Alaska är populärt bland turister som vill uppleva vildmarken och det unika djurlivet, inklusive björnar, valar och örnar.

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Alaskas fetaste brunbjörn korad

Alaskas fetaste brunbjörn korad

De tävlande brunbjörnarna är bland de största i världen och har sitt hem vid Brooks River i Katmai national park, Alaska. Publiken har via livekameror på kunnat observera björnarna för att skapa sig en bild av sin favorit. Under en vecka pågick tävlingen där allmänheten fick rösta fram den individ de bäst tycker ”exemplifierar fetma och framgång” bland brunbjörnar. Tävlingen var i formen av ett slutspelsträd där björnarna ställdes mot varandra för att sedan elimineras en efter en. I finalen stod fjolårssegraren, honan 128 Grazer, mot hanen, 32 Chunk. I den avgörande omröstningen blev det en jordskredsseger för Grazer som tog hem tävlingen med över 40 000 rösters marginal. Dödade Grazers unge Längs med floden förbereder sig björnarna för vinterdvalan genom att fånga en sorts laxfisk. På en dag kan en björn få i sig över 30 fiskar. Men att fånga lax i strömmande vatten är inte ofarligt, inte ens för en björn. Tidigare i somras ska Chunk ha dödat en av Grazers ungar, rapporterar AP. Ungen ska ha fallit ner för ett vattenfall och sedan attackerats av Chunk, som anses vara en av de mest dominanta brunbjörnarna i området och den största längs floden. Chunk beskrivs ha mörk päls, tätt sittande ögon och ett karaktäristiskt ärr över nosen. Han ska tack vare sin storlek ha tagit sig till toppen av hierarkin vid floden, med tillgång till de bästa platserna för att fånga fisk. Grazer är å sin sida ljus i pälsen och med smal nos. ”Hon har för sitt orädda lynne och styrka vunnit de andra björnarnas respekt”, skriver Fat Bear Week är till föra att uppmärksamma och fira motståndskraften hos brunbjörnar i reservatet i Alaska. Populationen i området uppgår till 2 200 individer.

Jägarens obehagliga fynd i skogen: Märkligaste och hemskaste jag sett

Jägarens obehagliga fynd i skogen: Märkligaste och hemskaste jag sett

I helgen var Espen Persson, 27, ute på älgjakt i skogen i Kaxås i Krokoms kommun när han hittade två döda älgtjurar som krokat fast i varandras horn, vilket P4 Jämtland var först med att uppmärksamma. Det som antagligen har hänt är att älgarna har varit i slagsmål och fastnat i varandras horn, vilket har slutat med att de båda dött, möjligtvis av stress, menar Espen Persson. Och det här hör inte till vanligheten. – Jag har absolut inte sett det förut, jag frågade farsan som jagat i 50 år, han har aldrig varit med om det heller. Det måste ha varit en riktigt hemsk död för båda älgarna, säger han till TV4 Nyheterna. ”Fightats hårt” Bredvid älgkropparna låg stora stockar som fallit ner. – Vi ser att de har fightats ganska hårt. Att älgtjurar ryker ihop när de är brunstiga är inget konstigt, men att de dör på det här sättet är inget som Espen hört talas om, i alla fall inte i Sverige. – Det är riktigt sällsynt här, det är annat i Kanada eller Alaska där det är större älgar med andra slags horn. ”En riktigt hemsk död” Espen Persson tror att älgarna legat där i max några dagar, eftersom kropparna inte luktade och bukarna inte hade börjat svälla. – Det är nog det märkligaste och hemskaste jag har sett i skogen, det kan jag intyga. Sen är det ju sorgligt att det ska gå till på det där sättet också, men det är ju naturens gång om man säger så.

Ny skandal med Boeing-plan – tappade motorhuven

Ny skandal med Boeing-plan – tappade motorhuven

Planet – en Boeing 737-800 tillhörande Southwest Airlines – landade säkert och bogserades tillbaka till gaten. Destinationen var Houston, enligt den amerikanska luftfartsmyndigheten FAA.

FAA kommer att utreda händelsen, som inträffade på söndagsmorgonen, lokal tid.

Den amerikanska flygjätten Boeing har varit under lupp sedan en omskriven olycka där en dörrplugg föll av ett av bolagets modernare plan, den olycksdrabbade modellen 737 Max, i januari. Betalat miljardbelopp Efter den incidenten har Boeing betalat flygbolaget Alaska Airlines motsvarande cirka 1,7 miljarder kronor. Pengarna ska täcka förluster, förlorade intäkter och servicekostnader – men flygbolaget kommer att få mer pengar av Boeing.

I mars rapporterades en annan incident med en 737-800, en modell som togs i bruk för första gången i slutet av 1990-talet. I det fallet hade en yttre panel fallit av, vilket upptäcktes först när planet landat i Medford, Oregon.

Nytt säkerhetshaveri för Boeing: Landade med öppen lastdörr

Nytt säkerhetshaveri för Boeing: Landade med öppen lastdörr

Säkerhetsbekymren för Boeing fortsätter. Under förra veckan landade ett Boeing-plan från Los Cabos i Mexiko till Portland International Airport med en delvis öppen lastdörr. Enligt uppgifter till den lokala tv-kanalen KOIN ska flera av passagerarnas djur ha befunnit sig i lastutrymme. Inga ska dock ha kommit till fysisk skada. ”Det fanns inga indikationer att lastdörren var öppen innan flygningen och allt pekar på att dörren öppnades delvis efter landningen”, enligt ett uttalande från Alaska Airlines till tv-kanalen. Uppförsbacke för Boeing Flygplanstillverkaren Boeing har haft en rejäl uppförsbacke under en längre tid, efter en rad kritiserade händelser. Huvudsakligen handlar kritiken om olyckan där ett Boeing-plan, även det tillhörande Alaska Airlines, tvingades nödlanda efter att en vindruta och en del av en nödutgångsdörr lossnat. Händelsen med den öppna lastdörren inträffade dagen efter att passagerare på en annan flygning från Portland med Alaska Airlines, hade känt lukt av ångor och tvingades vända. Och under torsdagen lossnade ett hjul från en Boeing 777 tillhörande United Airlines som precis hade lyft från San Fransisco International Airport. Hjulet lossade från en av de bakre hjulaxlarna och föll till marken.

Alaska på YouTube

Sveriges Alaska del 3 - Grubbdalen | Vandring, fiske och vildmarksliv.

I den här filmen åker jag tillbaka till västra Jämtland och de skogsklädda dalarna som vissa kallar Sveriges Alaska. Denna gång ...

Peter Persson - In i vildmarken på YouTube

Preparing for Alaska's Cold and Dark Winter / Part 2

Join us for an epic video on preparing for the extreme and bone chilling cold Alaska winter! We live off grid in the beautiful Alaska ...

Homestead Living Alaska på YouTube

Alaska in 8K 60p HDR (Dolby Vision)

Explore Juneau, Alaska with us as we navigate through an Alaskan summer. We visited the Tracy Arm Fjord, Mendenhall Glacier, ...

Jacob + Katie Schwarz på YouTube

Autumn Days in Alaska | Harvesting Vegetables for Winter Storage

We enjoy the fall season in Alaska in the garden harvesting cabbage, carrots, celery and more. After cleaning and processing our ...

Simple Living Alaska på YouTube

4 Days Alone in Alaska - Bushcraft Camping & Foraging Food

I am spending 4 days solo camping in a hot tent bushcraft shelter. I fishing for my food, sea kayaking, hiking, exploring glaciers ...

Outdoor Boys på YouTube

Alaska i poddar

Are Ru Ready For The Ruvolution?

Join Alaska and Willam for a special video episode of Race Chaser where they chat about some highlights from the Drag Race International franchises this year and they "Meet the Queens" of Season 16 of the flagship program! Do you think she's dressed for the Ruvolution or nah? Listen to Race Chaser Ad-Free on MOM Plus Follow us on IG at @racechaserpod and click the link in bio for a list of organizations you can donate to in support of Black Lives Matter FOLLOW ALASKA FOLLOW WILLAM RACE CHASER IS A FOREVER DOG PODCAST Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

HOT GOSS #228 “Name ‘Em, Celebration Tour Download, and Senate Twink”

On this, the last podcast episode of 2023, Alaska and Willam get into the hottest of goss as Willam recaps Madonna’s Celebration Tour, Alaska rebuffs the idea of a New Year’s Resolution, and they both recount the details surrounding ‘Senate Twink.’ Plus the DM’s lead them to google nudist resorts in Palm Springs and reaffirm that Alexis Michelle is a generous top. Get your Very Delta 2024 Calendar here: Listen to Race Chaser Ad-Free on MOM Plus Follow us on IG at @racechaserpod and click the link in bio for a list of organizations you can donate to in support of Black Lives Matter Rainbow Spotlight: Bad Bitch Christmas by Rhea Litre and Sam Garfield FOLLOW ALASKA FOLLOW WILLAM RACE CHASER IS A FOREVER DOG PODCAST Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

The Alaska Triangle Pt. 2

Some of the wildest UFO encounters have happened in the Alaska Triangle. Are aliens behind the many unsolved disappearances there? Or should we believe the stories that say cryptids—like the Hairyman—are stalking the region? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

2023 Clip Show

2023 was a huge year of podcasting for Alaska and Willam as they covered Season 8, Season 15, All Stars 8, Season 8 again, and Season 9 on Race Chaser! Please enjoy this compilation of funny and memorable moments from the pod, all submitted by listeners like you. Thanks so much for listening to the show and for being friends of the pod. Listen to Race Chaser Ad-Free on MOM Plus Follow us on IG at @racechaserpod and click the link in bio for a list of organizations you can donate to in support of Black Lives Matter FOLLOW ALASKA FOLLOW WILLAM RACE CHASER IS A FOREVER DOG PODCAST Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

The Alaska Triangle Pt. 1

Missing planes, government cover-ups, something called the Dark Pyramid… The mysteries run deep in this remote region of Alaska, which has been earning an unnerving—and some say, supernatural—reputation since the 1950s. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Race Chaser S9 Ep 14 “Grand Finale”

It all comes down to this; the Finale Lip Sync Smackdown of Season 9; featuring stunts and shows, and a whole lot of rose petals. Join Alaska and Willam as they recap this herstory-making episode of television, which includes a luminous RuPaul giving just a taste of performance, all the queens from Season 9, and some iconic reveals and lip sync moments from the Top 4. Join us in congratulating Sasha Velour on her win. Listen to Race Chaser Ad-Free on MOM Plus Follow us on IG at @racechaserpod and click the link in bio for a list of organizations you can donate to in support of Black Lives Matter FOLLOW ALASKA FOLLOW WILLAM RACE CHASER IS A FOREVER DOG PODCAST Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Alone in the Alaska Wilderness | The Long Walk | 3

Leon Crane abandons the safety of an old hunter’s cabin to make a final push towards what he hopes is a small village. But the ice in the river he’s following has begun to crack, making for a perilous journey. And the closer Crane gets to safety, the more the Alaska winter seems determined to bring him to his knees.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

Race Chaser S9 E13 “Reunited” (w/ Trinity The Tuck & Valentina)

Willam is joined this week by special guest co-host Trinity The Tuck to recap the Season 9 Reunion where things got a little heated, a little spicy, and the Miss Congeniality Award was re-named the Fan Favorite Award. Plus Valentina calls into the pod to share some of her experiences with filming the Reunion and how she dealt with her sudden stardom. Listen to Race Chaser Ad-Free on MOM Plus Follow us on IG at @racechaserpod and click the link in bio for a list of organizations you can donate to in support of Black Lives Matter FOLLOW ALASKA FOLLOW WILLAM RACE CHASER IS A FOREVER DOG PODCAST Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Alone in the Alaska Wilderness | Lone Survivor | 4

Journalist Brian Murphy first discovered Leon Crane’s story buried in a press release about a fellow airman, who had died when their B-24 bomber crashed in Alaska in 1943. At the end of the release, he found mention of a “lone survivor,” who walked out of the frozen Yukon over the course of three months. Today, Brian Murphy joins host Mike Corey to talk about how he pieced together Crane’s epic journey for his book, 81 Days Below Zero: The Incredible Survival Story of a World War II Pilot in Alaska's Frozen Wilderness.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

MOM Presents: Give it to Me Straight (w/ Alaska)

Maddy Morphosis is joining the MOM family! In today’s episode, she talks with Alaska about perfume, malicious sobriety, riding coattails, and much more. Follow us @maddymorphosis @theonlyalaska5000 FOLLOW MOM PODCASTS GIVE IT TO ME STRAIGHT IS A MADDY MORPHOSIS AND MOGULS OF MEDIA (M.O.M) PRODUCTION Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

HOT GOSS #227 “Phoenix Had a Birthday, Scalloped Tongue, and Pittsburgh Bound”

In this video episode, Alaska and Willam chat about Alaska’s holiday tour and her feelings on hot cocoa, Willam’s wild nights in Atlanta, and why a person might put out a cigarette on a hot dog. Plus things get a little political before they read your letters and discuss Mother’s scalloped tongue once again. Full video episodes of Race Chaser are available on MOM Plus Gold at Follow us on IG at @racechaserpod and click the link in bio for a list of organizations you can donate to in support of Black Lives Matter Rainbow Spotlight: Riot by Shecock With Avengence FOLLOW ALASKA FOLLOW WILLAM RACE CHASER IS A FOREVER DOG PODCAST Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

HOT GOSS #224 “Sloppy Goss, Nipple Talk, and Syphilis” (w/ Meatball)

Willam is joined by guest co-host Meatball to unpack all of the week’s goss. From celebrating the two year anniversary of ‘Fat Slut,’ to Melissa McCarthy’s love of character wigs, and even a George Santos update. Plus they take a moment to honor the Trans Day of Remembrance, before diving deep into the cave to learn about insane hook ups and guys who are most certainly cheating. Listen to Race Chaser Ad-Free on MOM Plus Follow us on IG at @racechaserpod and click the link in bio for a list of organizations you can donate to in support of Black Lives Matter Rainbow Spotlight: Black Madonna by Billy Porter FOLLOW ALASKA FOLLOW WILLAM RACE CHASER IS A FOREVER DOG PODCAST Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

HOT GOSS #223 “The Strike Is Over, CeaseFireNow, and No Nut November?”

Alaska and Willam discuss all the goss related to Kylie, Nicki, & Kim, the end of the actor’s strike, and the frustrations of not being on the list. Plus they read a letter about the importance of representing the LGBTQ community, and then urge everyone to demand a #CeaseFireNow. Plus some self-reflection in the DM’s and a letter from a Him Bull. Visit to learn more about how you can support a #FreePalestine Rainbow Spotlight: Toot it Up by Jojo Guadz Listen to Race Chaser Ad-Free on MOM Plus Follow us on IG at @racechaserpod and click the link in bio for a list of organizations you can donate to in support of Black Lives Matter Rainbow Spotlight: Dear Santa, Bring Me a Man - Alaska, Courtney Act, and Willam FOLLOW ALASKA FOLLOW WILLAM RACE CHASER IS A FOREVER DOG PODCAST Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Alone in the Alaska Wilderness | Survival Mode | 1

It’s December 1943 and First Lieutenant Leon Crane and his crewmates board the Iceberg Inez, a B-24 bomber, for a test run. But when the plane runs into trouble and crashes, Crane finds himself alone in a remote stretch of Alaskan backcountry, far from the army base, Ladd Airfield. With no gear or supplies to protect himself from the harsh winter conditions, he must rely on his own ingenuity in his quest to find help. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

Missing Series-Missing in Alaska 'The Alaskan Triangle' EP. 159

We discuss the strange and weird disappearances of individuals in Alaska and the ominous Alaskan Triangle! Visit us at for unheard episodes!This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at

HOT GOSS #226 “ RIP Sophie, Scameo, and A Very Blue X-Mas” (w/ Lady Bunny)

Alaska and Willam discuss all the hottest goss from slippers at the Kennedy Center Honors, to disgraced elected officials on cameo, to Steve Guttenberg on Broadway! Then they are joined by Lady Bunny to talk about her new show “Lady Bunny: A Very Blue X-Mas!” Plus Willam and Alaska take a moment to mourn the tragic loss of Sophie Anderson. Go see Lady Bunny in her new show “A Very Blue X-Mas!” Tickets and information on her IG @official_lady_bunny Listen to Race Chaser Ad-Free on MOM Plus Follow us on IG at @racechaserpod and click the link in bio for a list of organizations you can donate to in support of Black Lives Matter Rainbow Spotlight: God Bless The Trap by BVT FOLLOW ALASKA FOLLOW WILLAM RACE CHASER IS A FOREVER DOG PODCAST Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

He is KILLING the Engines!! The Nightmare of Alaska Airlines flight 2059

If you're struggling or just want to improve, consider therapy with our sponsor BetterHelp 👉🏻 for a 10% discount on your first month of therapy with a licensed professional, specific to your needs. If you are in need of urgent help, please use this link and find your country 👉🏻 Imagine being a pilot, sitting in the cockpit of an airliner at 31 000 feet when suddenly, a colleague you are giving a ride to, surges forward and starts trying to shut down your aircrafts engines! This is exactly what happened to Alaska Airlines flight 2059 and the reason behind it, is what this video is all about. I want to take this time to say that this is an issue that sits very close to my heart and I hope this video will be used to show that ANYONE is susceptible to mental health issues and might require help. We must all work together to fight the stigma surrounding mental health and work towards a safer and more inclusive mental environment, in aviation but also in other sectors. //Petter ----------------------------------------------------- If you want to support the work I do on the channel, join my Patreon crew and get awesome perks and help me move the channel forward! 👉🏻 Our Connections: 👉🏻 Exclusive Mentour Merch: 👉🏻 Our other channel: 👉🏻 Amazon: 👉🏻 BOSE Aviation: Social: 👉🏻 Facebook: 👉🏻 Instagram: 👉🏻 Twitter: 👉🏻 Discord server: Download the FREE Mentour Aviation app for all the lastest aviation content 👉🏻 Below you will find the links to videos and sources used in this episode. SOURCES ----------------------------------------------------- ‘Is This Hell?’ The Pilot Accused of Trying to Crash a Plane Tells His Story - By Mike Baker Reporting from Portland, Ore. – The New York Times Decision Considerations - Aerospace Medical Dispositions - Item 47. Psychiatric Conditions - Use of Antidepressant Medications Germanwings 9525 Final Report – American Airlines Project Wingman Analysis of Psilocybin-Assisted Therapy in Medicine: A Narrative Review Attempted murder charges dropped against pilot who 'tried to cut plane's engines' FAA announces new pilot mental health committee ahead of NTSB summit Videos used: - Qatar Airways - Emirates - United - Alaska Airlines Pilot Association - Delta - Southwest - Cathay Pacific - CBS News - KOIN 6 - KATU News 00:00 - Intro 00:54 - A Normal Day? 08:28 - 30 Years Ago 12:07 - A Broken System 16:11 - Chain of Disaster 19:22 - Bad Trip 26:06 - A Call for Change

Alone in the Alaska Wilderness | Cabin Fever | 2

Pilot Leon Crane has spent a week stranded in the Alaska backcountry after his plane crashed, and is in desperate need of food. He’s now considered “missing in action” by the army, with no rescue coming. His only option is to keep walking along a frozen river. But a stroke of luck buoys his spirits and gives him just enough fuel to keep searching for signs of civilization.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

Checks and Balance: Update on Alaskan oil and ice

In June 2022 Charlotte Howard took a reporting trip to Alaska to consider how that state is grappling with the desire to drill for oil, and the need to protect its fragile climate from a warming world. We’ve updated the story—which we first ran as a mini-series at the end of last year—to publish on our holiday break. These are those two episodes back-to-back, along with news of some big developments since they were first broadcast. Sign up for a free trial of Economist Podcasts+. If you’re already a subscriber to The Economist, you’ll have full access to all our shows as part of your subscription. For more information about how to access Economist Podcasts+, please visit our FAQs page or watch our video explaining how to link your account.

Mysterious Forces and Haunted Roads

Ominous sounds from the skies could be a sign of the impending apocalypse. Drivers are spooked by phantom headlights and ghostly hitchhikers along Alaska's haunted highways.For even more of The Alaska Triangle, head to discovery+. Go to to start your 7-day free trial today. Terms apply. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Race Chaser S9 E6 "Snatch Game"

Does Season 9 have the deadliest Snatch? You be the judge! Well, you, Willam, and Alaska can be the judge as this week the queens don their best celebrity impressions; from Drag Race alum, to historic queer figures, to NeNe Leakes. Plus it’s Madonna Part Deaux on the runway, but somehow there are still duplicates! And Peppermint cements herself as a lip sync assassin. Get your tickets to Race Chaser Live on Oct 23rd in Queens! Listen to Race Chaser Ad-Free on MOM Plus Follow us on IG at @racechaserpod and click the link in bio for a list of organizations you can donate to in support of Black Lives Matter FOLLOW ALASKA FOLLOW WILLAM RACE CHASER IS A FOREVER DOG PODCAST Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Race Chaser S9 Ep12 “Category Is”

Alaska and Willam recap the iconic ‘Category Is’ episode featuring the Top 4 of Season 9; a veritable who’s who of drag stars. The queens have to write and record their own original verses, learn and perform choreography by Todrick Hall, and open up to Ru and Michelle in a podcast interview; all before breaking down in tears as they look at a photo of their younger selves. Who’s going home? Spoiler Alert: no one! Listen to Race Chaser Ad-Free on MOM Plus Follow us on IG at @racechaserpod and click the link in bio for a list of organizations you can donate to in support of Black Lives Matter FOLLOW ALASKA FOLLOW WILLAM RACE CHASER IS A FOREVER DOG PODCAST Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

The Haunted Cabin and Alaskan Giants

A woman's idyllic Alaskan dream soon descends into a paranormal nightmare as she starts to suffer attacks by an unseen force. Recent sightings may prove that a Native American legend about a mysterious race of giants is true.For even more of The Alaska Triangle, head to discovery+. Go to to start your 7-day free trial today. Terms apply.Find episode transcripts here: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Episode 11 - The Butcher Baker of Alaska

Today we explore one of the most nightmarish cases we’ve covered. Robert Hansen aka The Butcher Baker of Alaska, was a small town family man, quiet and unassuming - but beneath the surface a monster was lurking. He would abduct women off the streets, take them to his secluded cabin, rape them, strip them naked and set them free in the surrounding woods - so that he could fulfil his second passion - and hunt them like game…   See for privacy and opt-out information.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

S4 Ep3: A Massacre in Alaska

This week's episode sees us head to the US state of Alaska in a Seeing Red first! It's gonna be a chilly one, or should I say a 'chilling' one...? Bethan tells us about one man's mission to protect the area in which he lived... at any cost. Theme music thanks to and mixed by Support us at Check out our show sponsor Noom are there to help you achieve your fitness goals. They use one on one coaching and proven psychological teachings to help you live a healthier life and feel great about yourself. Check them out if you need some support during lockdown and visit their website today! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit