Bombdåd på tågstation i Pakistan – många döda

Bombdåd på tågstation i Pakistan – många döda

Minst 13 personer har dödats och minst 30 har skadats i en kraftig explosion på en järnvägsstation i Quetta i provinsen Baluchistan i Pakistan, meddelar en talesperson för landets regering på lördagen.

Tolken "Fawad" jobbade för Sverige – kvar i Afghanistan under dödshot

Tolken "Fawad" jobbade för Sverige – kvar i Afghanistan under dödshot

Omkring 8000 svenskar deltog i den internationella insatsen som skulle skapa säkerhet i ett krigshärjat Afghanistan. Men de fick också hjälp av tolkar och andra lokalanställda. En av dem har vi valt att kalla Fawad. Han jobbade i köket på den svenska basen. Nu lever han och hans familj gömda och stannar aldrig längre än några månader på samma ställe. – Vi som jobbade för svenska eller utländska trupper, om talibanerna får veta det dödar de oss kanske, säger han över ett videosamtal från någonstans i Afghanistan. Fanns på listan men blev kvar När talibanerna tog makten i Afghanistan 2021 evakuerade svenska myndigheter flera av de afghaner som arbetat för Sverige. Fawad fanns med på listan men i kaoset blev han kvar. Medan många andra länder fortsatt att lyfta ut sina tidigare lokalanställda har Sverige inte agerat. Björn Blanck tjänstgjorde för Försvarsmakten i Afghanistan i nästan tre år. Han säger att uppdraget hade varit omöjligt att utföra utan de lokalanställdas hjälp. – De är inte bortglömda. Jag har kontakt med samtliga personer som har jobbat nära svensk militär och de sitter fortfarande med det sista hoppet att Sverige till sist ska ta ansvaret och ge dem prövning. Startat insamling Nu försöker han hjälpa sina gamla kollegor med det som svenska myndigheter misslyckats med. Han har startat en insamling och samarbetar med en kanadensisk ideell organisation om att ordna resehandlingar och föra tre familjer över gränsen till grannlandet Pakistan där FN:s migrationsorganisation IOM finns. Väl där kommer Migrationsverket ta över och familjerna kan flygas till Sverige som kvotflyktingar. Han hoppas kunna visa regeringen och svenska myndigheter att det är möjligt att hjälpa de tidigare lokalanställda i Afghanistan. – Detta ska förhoppningsvis leda till att det blir tydligt att det fortfarande går att agera för de här personerna. Omkring 50 personer som jobbat för Sverige och deras familjer är kvar i Afghanistan. Försvarsminister Pål Jonson uppger för TV4 Nyheterna att regeringen arbetar på en lösning för dem, men avböjer en intervju. Samtidigt hoppas Fawad att Björns insamling ska lyckas. – Det skulle rädda våra liv, säger han. Det är en chans för mig och min familj att komma till Sverige och börja om våra liv.

Bombdåd på tågstation – flera döda

Bombdåd på tågstation – flera döda

Enligt talespersonen skedde bombningen när människor väntade på ett tåg som skulle ta dem till Rawalpindi. En separatistgrupp vars mål är att Baluchistan ska bryta sig loss från Pakistan har tagit på sig ansvaret för attacken, enligt ett uttalande som gruppen har gått ut med. En självmordsbombare ska ha riktat in sig på soldater som befann sig järnvägsstationen. Lokal polis uppger för den pakistanska tidningen Dawn att det verkar vara en självmordsattack, men att det är för tidigt att slå fast. Tidigare attacker i området har ofta utförts av separatistiska milisgrupper. Det har också skett attacker av pakistanska talibaner och av grupper kopplade till al-Qaida och IS.

Johan Forssell efter domen: "Systemfel"

Johan Forssell efter domen: "Systemfel"

Åklagaren avstod från att begära utvisning av två män, medborgare i Afghanistan respektive Pakistan, som turats om att våldta en 14-årig flicka. I framtiden kommer det inte att kunna ske, om regeringen får som den vill. Åklagare ska bli skyldiga att yrka på utvisning när utlänningar är åtalade för allvarliga brott, enligt direktiven till en pågående utredning. – Det handlar om tilliten till hela migrationspolitiken, säger migrationsminister Johan Forssell, M.

Iransk general död i flygkrasch

Iransk general död i flygkrasch

Olyckan uppges ha skett med en så kallad gyrokopter, en liten helikopterliknande luftfarkost, i samband med någon form av stridsåtgärd i en pågående "anti-terroroperation" i östra Iran. General Hamid Mazandarani rapporteras ha omkommit tillsammans med en pilot. Enligt den kontrollerade information som når ut skedde kraschen i närheten av staden Sirkan, som ligger i den oroliga provinsen Sistan och Baluchistan som gränsar mot Afghanistan och Pakistan. Irans väpnade styrkor, där revolutionsgardet ingår, inledde en militär operation där den 26 oktober, efter att tio poliser blivit dödade i ett dåd som tillskrivs sunnimuslimska milismän. I maj i år omkom Irans president Ebrahim Raisi i en annan helikopterolycka i Iran, tillsammans med utrikesminister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian och sex andra personer.

Oron i väst: Kina ska tredubbla sina kärnvapen – och rucka på balansen

Oron i väst: Kina ska tredubbla sina kärnvapen – och rucka på balansen

Nihon Hidankyo, en organisation som jobbar för nedrustning av kärnvapen, fick Nobels fredspris i år med motiveringen att ”användningen av kärnvapen inte lika otänkbar som innan”. Nobelpriskommitténs val kan kopplas till Rysslands hot om kärnvapen, menar Jakob Hallgren, som är direktör vid Utrikespolitiska institutet. – Den här normen mot användande av kärnvapen som har funnits sen 1945, eller tabut mot användande av kärnvapen som ibland brukar kallas, börjar väl erodera, vittra. Då vill man påminna om dessa dödsbringande vapens fruktansvärda effekter. Så det är ett farligt spel att hota om dessa vapen, säger Jakob Hallgren. Han har en lång erfarenhet av att jobba med kärnvapenfrågan, bland annat som Sveriges ambassadör för nedrustning och icke-spridningsfrågor och som ambassadör i Sydkorea, och menar att det finns mycket som talar för att det kan bli en upprustning igen, inte minst att avtalen som skrevs under kalla kriget håller på att gå ut. Kina utgör största risken för kärnvapenupprustning USA och Ryssland är det länder i världen som beräknas ha flest kärnvapen, men även Kina, Storbritannien och Frankrike hör till de fem erkända kärnvapenstaterna. Förutom dessa har numera även Indien, Pakistan, Israel och Nordkorea kärnvapen. I Europa har en debatt om kärnvapen inletts i ljuset av USA-valet. – Anledningen till att man talar om det i Europa handlar mycket om chansen att Donald Trump vinner presidentvalet. Det han har sagt om Nato har oroat ganska mycket i Europa, att man till och med kanske ska lämna Nato, säger Jakob Hallgren. Han menar att Kina utgör den största risken för att sätta igång en upprustningsspiral med kärnvapen. – Det finns trovärdiga uppgifter om att Kina ökar ganska offensivt. Kina har 500 vapen i dag, det finns uppgifter om att man ska gå upp till 1 000 eller 1 500. Det gör att de övriga kärnvapenstaterna blir oroliga. För här kommer då en stat som ruckar balansen, säger Jakob Hallgren. Flera avtal från Kalla kriget håller på att gå ut 1980 fanns det 80 000 kärnvapen i världen, vilket har minskat till 12 000. Det är ett resultat av avtal och begränsningar som framför allt Ryssland och USA har kommit överens om. – Vad det gäller just Kina, så handlar det väl om att Kina har en ambition att bli stormakt, eller det så kallade kinesiska folkets pånyttfödelse. När man är en supermakt finns det vissa attribut som kommer med det, och ett av dem är då att ha mycket kärnvapen och ha en förmåga till avskräckning, säger Jakob Hallgren. I både kärnvapenländer som USA och Indien, som har svåra relationer med Kina skapar detta en oro, vilket kan leda till en potentiell dominoeffekt. Bland annat den kinesiska långdistansroboten, som är något som inte setts på över 40 år från Kina, menar Hallgren dock är oroväckande. – Men de förvarnade i förväg och berättade för ryssarna och amerikanerna att nu kommer vi att skicka den här missilen. Alltså, det är inte på riktigt, säger Hallgren. Nya avtal mot kärnvapenanvändning ska enligt Ryssland tas upp för diskussion mellan kärnvapenländerna och det finns fortfarande kvarvarande avtal som respekteras.

Syed uppmanas åka till land – man inte bör resa till: Kanske dödar mig

Syed uppmanas åka till land – man inte bör resa till: Kanske dödar mig

TV4 Nyheterna träffar Syed Ghadeer Ali på Migrationsverkets förvar i Märsta. Här hålls han inlåst för att han inte frivilligt åker till Afghanistan där han menar att han riskerar dödsstraff enligt talibanernas sharialagar: – Jag är ateist, jag har en ateistisk symbol tatuerad på handen, de kanske kommer att döda mig direkt, säger Syed. Afghanistan, Jemen, Libanon, Somalia, Sudan, Syrien och Ukraina omfattas just nu av utrikesdepartementets kraftigaste varning: en uppmaning till svenska medborgare att lämna landet. Men bara hittills i år har Migrationsverket avslagit 748 asylansökningar från dessa länder och uppmanar de sökande att åka tillbaka. De flesta, 431 ärenden, handlar om afghanska medborgare. Skillnad på svenska medborgare och andra Både Migrationsverket och migrationsministern förklarar detta med att det är skillnad på svenska medborgare och andra. – Sverige har ju ansvar för svenska medborgare, säger Maria Malmer Stenergard, som var migrationsminister när denna intervjun gjordes men numera är utrikesminister. Malmer Stenergard menar att det farligare för svenskar att vistas i de listade länderna trots att riskerna för till exempel förföljda minoriteter och politiskt aktiva i hemlandet kan vara större än för svenska medborgare. – Det innebär andra risker för en svensk medborgare när den åker till ett främmande land jämfört för en person som hör hemma i det landet, säger Malmer Stenergard. Inga diplomatiska förbindelser med Afghanistan Syed Ghadeer Ali anser inte att han hör hemma i Afghanistan. Han har inte varit där sedan han var tre år gammal utan har vuxit upp som flykting i grannlandet Pakistan. Han kom till Sverige 2015, har lärt sig svenska och har fast jobb som stödassistent på ett gruppboende. – I Sverige har jag byggt upp ett liv med lägenhet, jobb, kompisar, körkort. Det känns väldigt svårt att bara lämna allting. Sverige har inga diplomatiska förbindelser med Afghanistan och talibanerna har inte heller förbundit sig till att emot utvisade asylsökande. Därför går det inte att genomföra tvångsutvisningar dit i dagsläget. Syed kan få vänta i 12 månader som är maxtiden man kan hållas i förvar. – Det känns som att jag väntar på ingenting. Polisen har ju sagt att de inte kan utvisa mig. Så jag har stor ovisshet om min framtid, det är väldigt, väldigt jobbigt.

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Pakistan i poddar

Josh Hazlewood Rips Through Pakistan: Day 3 | Sydney

Hazlewood runs through Pakistan, Warner finds his baggy and Abdullah Shafique lays a two-footed slide tackle on his own team mate.  Get 25% off your Smith Optics using the code FAST at If you want to support The Grade Cricketer, please join us on Patreon at  for all the audio of our World Cup review shows. We are covering every game involving Australia, England, India and Pakistan. You'll also get #AskTGC Fridays every week and access to the entire back catalogue of Patreon work that has been going for 3 years now.  See for privacy information.

Israel, India and Pakistan - Colonialism and Nationalism - Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy - #TPE 320

Dr. Pervez Amirali Hoodbhoy is a Pakistani nuclear physicist, author, media commentator, and social activist holding a PhD from MIT. Dr. Hoodbhoy comes back on the podcast to unpack identity, on this deep dive podcast we discuss Israel, Palestine, Religious Supremacy, Immigration, Afghan Refugees, Nationalism, Colonialism, Jehad, Political Islam, America, Bangladesh and more. The Pakistan Experience is an independently produced podcast looking to tell stories about Pakistan through conversations. Please consider supporting us on Patreon: To support the channel: Jazzcash/Easypaisa - 0325 -2982912 And Please stay in touch: The podcast is hosted by comedian and writer, Shehzad Ghias Shaikh. Shehzad is a Fulbright scholar with a Masters in Theatre from Brooklyn College. He is also one of the foremost Stand-up comedians in Pakistan and frequently writes for numerous publications. Chapters 0:00 Introduction 1:30 Israel, Palestine and States made based on Religious Supremacy 7:51 The dangers of Ideology 17:00 Immigration and Afghan Refugees 27:30 Notions of Nationalism and Partition of India 34:00 Colonialism and Religious Nationalism 38:43 Jehad and Political Islam 44:38 Hamas, Palestine and Israel 55:25 American influence on Arab states and Pakistan 1:04:00 Why Bangladesh is doing better than Pakistan 1:09:00 India and the primacy of the religious identity 1:22:00 Audience Questions

#278: 7-Year-Old Girl SA’d, Killed, & Thrown In Garbage - Pakistan’s Worst Serial Killer Caught

This was the first hit that Zainab’s family got after she went missing. The shop owner said he didn’t see her personally but he had CCTV cameras outside his shop. The family sat around holding their breath - eyes scanning the grainy footage. Some of the others were comforting them that they would find her in the footage and realize she was just lost. She would come home safe. But it fell silent. Nobody believed that anymore. On the screen, they saw 7-year-old Zainab in her pink coat walking hand in hand with a stranger. A strange man. He was not someone the family knew. He was Pakistan’s worst serial killer. Full Source Notes: To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Memon Culture, Cricket in Pakistan and Pakistan's Economic Challenges - Uzair Younus - #TPE 314

Uzair Younus comes back on The Pakistan Experience to discuss his visit to Karachi, Memon Culture, Gujrati Heritage, why India is thriving Economically and Pakistan is not, the Fitness issues of the Pakistani cricket team, stunted child growth in Pakistan, the Pakistani elites, 18th Amendment, Elections, PTI, PML-N, Smuggling, Chaliya and more. Uzair Younus is the director of the Pakistan Initiative at the Atlantic Council’s South Asia Center. The Pakistan Experience is an independently produced podcast looking to tell stories about Pakistan through conversations. Please consider supporting us on Patreon: To support the channel: Jazzcash/Easypaisa - 0325 -2982912 And Please stay in touch: The podcast is hosted by comedian and writer, Shehzad Ghias Shaikh. Shehzad is a Fulbright scholar with a Masters in Theatre from Brooklyn College. He is also one of the foremost Stand-up comedians in Pakistan and frequently writes for numerous publications. Chapters 0:00 Introduction and Uzair’s popularity in India 3:00 Uzair’s visit to Karachi 6:00 Language issue, Gujarati, Memons and Homogenization of cultures 18:00 Difference in Gujrati Memons and Pakistani Memons 22:00 Why is India thriving Economically and Pakistan is not? 27:30 Sports and Pakistan’s rejection of the Scientific Method 32:00 Pakistani cricketers fitness issues and the Sports Board 42:00 Pakistan needs to focus on Education and Healthcare 46:00 The Pakistani elites don’t care about the Pakistani public 55:00 Local Taxation and the 18th Amendment 1:03:00 Finance Minister won’t be able to fix everything 1:05:30 Difference in Indian and Pakistani Finance Ministry 1:10:00 Elections: PTI vs PML-N 1:19:00 Propaganda in Pakistan and Political musical chairs 1:28:00 Riko Deq 1:33:00 Jehangir Tareen's seed policy and Smuggling on the borders 1:41:00 Audience Questions

Episode 107 - Pakistan’s Kim Kardashian & The Selfie That Killed

Qandeel Baloch was a social media sensation, women’s rights activist - and a queen of controversy. In 2016 Qandeel released a series of photos and videos that she had captured with one of Pakistan’s most influential and powerful clerics. She also accused him of sexually harassing her - 25 days later Qandeel was murdered; rocking Pakistan as much in death as she had done in life. If you want to skip Suruthi's travel tales, please skip to 7:40 Sources: A Woman Like Her: The Short Life of Qandeel Baloch by Sanam Maher   See for privacy and opt-out information.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

Why I disagree with PML-N's politics - Shahid Khaqan Abbasi - Elections and Establishment - #TPE 318

Shahid Khaqan Abbasi is a Pakistani politician and businessman who served as the 21st prime minister of Pakistan. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi comes on The Pakistan Experience to discuss the Elections 2024, dealing with the Establishment, PML-N's politics, the return of Nawaz Sharif, General Bajwa's Extension, Hybrid Regime, Imran Khan, Tosha Khana, Foreign Policy, PIA and the LNG Case. The Pakistan Experience is an independently produced podcast looking to tell stories about Pakistan through conversations. Please consider supporting us on Patreon: To support the channel: Jazzcash/Easypaisa - 0325 -2982912 And Please stay in touch: The podcast is hosted by comedian and writer, Shehzad Ghias Shaikh. Shehzad is a Fulbright scholar with a Masters in Theatre from Brooklyn College. He is also one of the foremost Stand-up comedians in Pakistan and frequently writes for numerous publications. Chapters 0:00 Introduction and Elections 2024 3:00 Dealing with the Establishment and offers from the Establishment 7:16 PML-N’s Politics, PPP and Benazir’s election as Prime Minister 14:51 Has Nawaz Sharif’s Politics been buried? 19:13 General Bajwa’s Extension 21:30 Hybrid Regime, Democracy and the role of the Prime Minister 27:39 2014 Dharna, Military interference and Article 6 32:00 How to establish democracy in Pakistan, The Constitution and the rules of the Game 39:49 Specific Action Plan is needed for the Country 50:08 Nawaz Sharif’s Jalsa, Reality of Politics and Tosha Khana 1:00:21 Foreign Policy 1:04:15 Pakistan needs Radical Reform, CPEC and IPPs 1:17:20 Privatization of PIA 1:22:08 Shahid Khaqan Abbasi’s LNG Case, Biding and Investments 1:35:30 Audience Questions

Chaos In South Africa - Pakistan Scare Australia - PLUS ICC Awards

India won the shortest Test match in the history of Test cricket, as they overcame South Africa and an absolutely dreadful pitch. This levelled the series at 1-1, and lead to a big debate about pitches and what is appropriate. Props to Aiden Markram and Mohammed Siraj, who put in star performances. Meanwhile, Australia are on the cusp of victory over Pakistan. Paksitan gave them a scare, but will come up short after a catastrophic end to day 3. And the boys discuss the ICC awards for 2024. Which awards are up for grabs, and who do the boys tip for the win? VOTE CRICKET PODCAST - Links to podcast audio: Our website: Support the podcast: Buy merchandise: Facebook: Buy coffee: Twitter and Instagram: @thecricketpod Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Keeping the Dollar Artificially low is Wrong - Dr. Ali Hasanain - Economist - #TPE 312

Dr. Ali Hasanain comes on The Pakistan Experience to explain how keeping the Dollar artificially low in Pakistan is bad for the Economy in the long run. On this deep dive episode, we discuss how the Central Nervous System of Pakistan is broken, Fixing the Exchange Rate, Deficits, Imports, Exports, Trade with India, CPEC, the Tax Code, and more. Dr. Ali Hasanain is an Associate Professor at the Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS). He served as the Head of Department from 2019 to 2022. Dr. Hasanain’s research focuses primarily on how public service delivery can be improved through reform initiatives, particularly through technological progress and improvements in the media. He also studies how information and communication technologies (ICT) can improve market functioning. Dr. Hasanain’s research has been featured in The Guardian, Economist, Huffington Post, various World Bank blogs, VoxEU, VoxDev, Herald, Friday Times, Dawn, and other media outlets, as well as been the topic of the feature story of the World Bank’s global website. He is a member of Evidence in Governance and Politics (EGAP), a Senior Research Fellow at the Mahbub ul Haq Research Center, a member of the research board of PRIME Institute, a Fellow of the Consortium of Development Policy Research (CDPR), and a faculty advisor at the Technology for People Initiative (TPI). From 2014 to 2016, he was a Global Leaders Fellow at Oxford and Princeton universities. The Pakistan Experience is an independently produced podcast looking to tell stories about Pakistan through conversations. Please consider supporting us on Patreon: To support the channel: Jazzcash/Easypaisa - 0325 -2982912 And Please stay in touch: The podcast is hosted by comedian and writer, Shehzad Ghias Shaikh. Shehzad is a Fulbright scholar with a Masters in Theatre from Brooklyn College. He is also one of the foremost Stand-up comedians in Pakistan and frequently writes for numerous publications. Chapters 0:00 Introduction 1:30 Fixed Exchange Rate and Keeping the Dollar artificially low 8:00 GDP per Capita, Poverty and Income Inequality 14:00 Fiscal deficits and Problems with the artificial Dollar Rate 32:00 Miftah Ismail’s policies and fluctuating Dollar Rates 38:30 How can we fix the Economy and the Military Regime 58:00 Relationship and Trade with India 1:03:00 Fixing the Tax Code, Electoral Reforms and Creating the Knowledge Base 1:16:00 CPEC 1:23:00 Broken Nervous System of the Nation 1:36:30 Audience Questions

Nawaz Sharif, Imran Khan, 9th May, TTP and Afghan Refugees - Syed Muzammil Shah - #TPE 307

Anchor, Journalist and Thinker, Syed Muzammil Shah, comes back on The Pakistan Experience to discuss the return of Nawaz Sharif and what it means for politics in Pakistan, on this episode we discuss Muzammil's experience at Bol TV, the Pressures on Mainstream Journalists, Imran Riaz Khan, 9th May, PTI's Miscalculation, the future of PML-N, Civilian Supremacy, PTM, Afghan Refugees, TTP and Syed Muzammil Shah answers all your questions. The Pakistan Experience is an independently produced podcast looking to tell stories about Pakistan through conversations. Please consider supporting us on Patreon: To support the channel: Jazzcash/Easypaisa - 0325 -2982912 And Please stay in touch: The podcast is hosted by comedian and writer, Shehzad Ghias Shaikh. Shehzad is a Fulbright scholar with a Masters in Theatre from Brooklyn College. He is also one of the foremost Stand-up comedians in Pakistan and frequently writes for numerous publications. Chapters: 0:00 Introduction 1:00 Experience at BOL TV and Pressures of Mainstream Media 5:30 Thoughts on PTI people now going against PTI 8:00 The Economy of Journalism and Youtubers supporting Political Parties 17:00 How bad is the censorship and political repression 20:00 9th May and PTI’s miscalculation 30:00 PTI is Pakistan Tehreek e Imran 35:00 IPP, PPP and Nawaz Sharif 40:00 I can never vote for PML-N 43:00 Anwar Kakkar and Caretaker Set up 45:00 Has Nawaz Sharif been selected? 50:00 Decline of Civilian Supremacy from 2017 57:00 Economic Degradation and Civil War 59:00 Intersectionality, PTM, Baloch and TTP 1:11:00 Afghan Regugees and Afghan History 1:23:40 is TTP back in the North of Pakistan? 1:28:50 Audience Questions

Ep 381 - Pakistan In The Bag

Support the D.A.W.G.Z. @ yo0. Sup dawgs. Classic ep this week. Just your two bros. We cover Joe being lambasted for no good reason, geo-politics, the bright future the lads have to look forward too, and Pakistan WOW grate. Please enjoy. Thank you. 

Solutions to Pakistan's Problems and Social Media Propaganda and Trolling - Adeel Afzal - #TPE 313

Adeel Afzal comes back on The Pakistan Experience to discuss the Social Media Narratives on Palestine, Social Media Trolling, Media Propaganda, Salaam Arti, Drone Attacks, Afghan Refugees, Local Governments, Nawaz Sharif's return, GPO, Brainwashing and the Solutions to Pakistan's problems. Adeel Afzal is an actor, content creator and writer. The Pakistan Experience is an independently produced podcast looking to tell stories about Pakistan through conversations. Please consider supporting us on Patreon: To support the channel: Jazzcash/Easypaisa - 0325 -2982912 And Please stay in touch: The podcast is hosted by comedian and writer, Shehzad Ghias Shaikh. Shehzad is a Fulbright scholar with a Masters in Theatre from Brooklyn College. He is also one of the foremost Stand-up comedians in Pakistan and frequently writes for numerous publications. Chapters: 0:00 Introduction 1:30 People forcing you to have an opinion on anything 4:00 Falasteen 11:00 Algorithm and Media Propaganda 10:45 Will Adeel Afzal apologize? 20:00 Salaam Arti, Cricket and India 30:00 Media Propaganda and Dehumanization 37:00 Drone Attacks, War Strategies and Brainwashing 44:00 Afghan Refugees 49:00 Local Governments, Political Parties and Provinces 1:05:00 GPO and the Government not providing services to people 1:20:00 The Solutions we want 1:24:30 Audience Questions

EP22: Pakistan's Jeffrey Dahmer

Javed Iqbal is undeniably one of the most prolific and horrifying serial killers in history. Yet surprisingly, his name remains relatively unknown to many. This merciless individual managed to perpetrate unspeakable violence against 100 vulnerable children living on the streets of Lahore, Pakistan, with little notice from the authorities. Tragically, Javed subjected this powerless demographic of children to unthinkable brutality, whose plight went largely unnoticed until it quite literally wound up on the door of law enforcement. As we delve into the psychological and gruesome motivations behind Javed Iqbal's actions, we shed light on the young victims who were tragically considered "invisible" and unworthy of protection when they needed it the most. The only solace for some is the "eye for an eye" sentence that Javed Iqbal was ultimately given... Instagram + Threads: @psychopediapod @tank.sinatra @investigatorslater Patreon: Email: Website: To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Income Inequality, Social Mobility and Female Labour Participation - Dr. Hadia Majid - #TPE 316

Dr. Hadia Majid comes on The Pakistan Experience to discuss Income Inequality, Social Mobility and Female Participation in the Workforce. On this podcast, we discuss what is the middle class in Pakistan, BISP, direct cash transfers, Pink Busses and Economic Prescriptions for Pakistan. Dr. Hadia Majid is Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Economics at LUMS. Her research agenda considers the impact of monetary and public resource constraints on individuals in Pakistan with a special focus on women’s access to decent, empowering work. She has published in international journals and is currently editing a book titled Gender at Work in Pakistan. She has received grants from several agencies including ESRC-DFID, Oxfam, IDRC, IGC, IFPRI among others and has acted as a consultant for numerous government and non-governmental agencies on gendered labor market outcomes. A Fulbright scholar, she has a PhD from The Ohio State University and MSc from University of Warwick. The Pakistan Experience is an independently produced podcast looking to tell stories about Pakistan through conversations. Please consider supporting us on Patreon: To support the channel: Jazzcash/Easypaisa - 0325 -2982912 And Please stay in touch: The podcast is hosted by comedian and writer, Shehzad Ghias Shaikh. Shehzad is a Fulbright scholar with a Masters in Theatre from Brooklyn College. He is also one of the foremost Stand-up comedians in Pakistan and frequently writes for numerous publications. Chapters 0:00 Introduction 1:40 What is ‘decent’ work? 3:15 What is the middle class in Pakistan? 6:30 Income Inequality gap and Social Mobility 13:13 Women in the Labour Force, Covid and Tech 20:08 Benazir Income Support Program and Direct Cash Transfers 30:00 Women’s Education in Pakistan 33:00 Issues faced by Women in Workforce Participation and PInk Buses 43:30 Rethinking female participation in the Economy 59:45 Religion and Patriarchy 1:05:00 Education, Employment and Basic Rights 1:10:00 Economic Prescriptions and the Charter of Economy

Australia Pakistan Daily - Sydney Day 4

Australia v Pakistan, Sydney Day 4: It's all over. David Warner Week ended with David Warner Day, as the man of the hour got to take centre stage for one last Australian Test innings. Then he had plenty to say in support of this format of the game into the future. Pat Cummins was Player of the Series, in a contest where Pakistan were much more competitive than 3-0 suggest. So it ended, in traditional glorious Sydney sunshine. Support the show with a Nerd Pledge at Get Sydney live show tickets for for 7 January: Sort your super with CBUS on their 40th birthday: Find previous episodes at Title track by Urthboy

What is the Pakistani Identity? - Adeel Afzal on Religion, Culture and Urdu - #TPE 306

What is the Pakistani Identity? Is it religion? Is it Arab? Is it Indian? Writer, Actor and Content Creator Adeel Afzal is comes back on the podcast to unpack the Pakistani Identity, from the state creating an identity on the basis of religion to people playing the religion card, on this deep dive podcast we discuss Forced Nationalization, Regional Identitities, Heer Ranjha, the National Anthem, Urdu, Allama Iqbal, and Punjab. The Pakistan Experience is an independently produced podcast looking to tell stories about Pakistan through conversations. Please consider supporting us on Patreon: To support the channel: Jazzcash/Easypaisa - 0325 -2982912 And Please stay in touch: The podcast is hosted by comedian and writer, Shehzad Ghias Shaikh. Shehzad is a Fulbright scholar with a Masters in Theatre from Brooklyn College. He is also one of the foremost Stand-up comedians in Pakistan and frequently writes for numerous publications. Chapters: 0:00 Unpacking Identity and creating the Pakistani Identity 8:00 State Identity based on Religion and using the religion card 18:00 Religion, Culture and Discrimination 24:00 Forced Nationalization, Urdu and Imposed Narratives 37:00 Mazhar culture, Politics and Religion Card 46:00 Relegating regional languages and cultures 55:00 National Anthem and Haffez Jalandhari 1:00:00 Hockey, Cricket and Squash 1:04:00 Heer Ranjha and making Education for all 1:14:00 Imposing Identities and being disconnected from your own Identity 1:21:51 Gwadar and Economic Anxiety of the Baloch 1:28:30 Allama Iqbal and Poetry in the Sub-Continent 1:33:00 Conclusion

12/6/23: Bibi Shouted Down By Freed Hostages, Tapper Spars With Israeli Rep, Putin Meets With MBS, Pakistan Deepfake Smear Of The Intercept, Tuberville Folds On Military Hold Up, GOP Pushes To Impeach Biden, And How The CIA Helped Assassinate Lumumba

Ryan and Emily discuss Bibi being shouted down by freed hostages, Jake Tapper spars with Israeli rep on civilian casualties, AIPAC tries to offer AOC campaign cash, Putin and MBS meet, Pakistan deepfake smearing The Intercept, Tuberville backs down on military blocks, Republicans push to impeach Biden, and Stuart Reid joins to discuss how the CIA helped assassinate Lumumba.   BP Holiday Merch LIVE NOW (Use code BLACKFRIDAY for 15% off Non-Holiday Items):  To become a Breaking Points Premium Member and watch/listen to the show uncut and 1 hour early visit: for privacy information.

Travelling through Pakistan; from Karachi to K2 - Salman Rashid on Pakistan's Identity - #TPE 310

Salman Rashid is a Travel writer and a Fellow of Royal Geographical Society. Salman Rashid comes on The Pakistan Experience to discuss the Arabization of Pakistan, Pakistan's Identity Crisis, Ranjit Singh, Pakistan before Zia-ul-Haq, Mustansar Hussain Tarrar, Balochistan, Karachi, K2 and Lahore after Partition. The Pakistan Experience is an independently produced podcast looking to tell stories about Pakistan through conversations. Please consider supporting us on Patreon: To support the channel: Jazzcash/Easypaisa - 0325 -2982912 And Please stay in touch: The podcast is hosted by comedian and writer, Shehzad Ghias Shaikh. Shehzad is a Fulbright scholar with a Masters in Theatre from Brooklyn College. He is also one of the foremost Stand-up comedians in Pakistan and frequently writes for numerous publications. Chapters 0:00 Arabization of Names 9:30 Pakistan’s Identity Crisis and the role of British Colonialism 17:30 Ranjit Singh and old Empires in India 25:30 India and the history of hatred in Pakistan 32:44 Pre Zia Pakistan and Bengal 40:00 Quaid-e-Azam and Liaquat Ali Khan 45:00 Mustansar Hussain Tarrar should not be a travel writer 49:30 British mapping and writing 54:00 Love for Travel Writing and Ranikot 1:05:00 Hillpark and Karachi 1:10:00 Religiosity and fake piety during Zia-ul-Haq’s era 1:15:00 Urdu, Persian, Languages and Dialects 1:19:00 Things to see in Balochistan 1:23:30 King Porus, Alexander the Great and Mandi Bahauddin 1:28:40 Hindu contribution to Lahore and Partition 1:38:00 Audience Questions

Australia Pakistan Daily - Sydney Day 3

Australia v Pakistan, Sydney Day 3: Is this Jamal's Ashes? By god, it was for a while, as the Pakistani wonder produced another stunning passage of play, while Mitchell Marsh produced another fine chapter. With the match as beautifully poised as it could be, nobody could have quite imagined the stunning performance that came next. Support the show with a Nerd Pledge at Get Sydney live show tickets for for 7 January: Sort your super with CBUS on their 40th birthday: Find previous episodes at Title track by Urthboy

Israel's Endgame for Gaza - Lies, Myths and Propaganda by the Media - Part 3

A new series that looks to destroy the myths around Israel and Palestine, and respond to popular talking points on the media. The third part of the series looks at Israel's endgame for Gaza. Playlist with all the parts: The Pakistan Experience is an independently produced podcast looking to tell stories about Pakistan through conversations. Please consider supporting us on Patreon: To support the channel: Jazzcash/Easypaisa - 0325 -2982912 And Please stay in touch: The podcast is hosted by comedian and writer, Shehzad Ghias Shaikh. Shehzad is a Fulbright scholar with a Masters in Theatre from Brooklyn College. He is also one of the foremost Stand-up comedians in Pakistan and frequently writes for numerous publications. Chapters 0:00 Introduction and October 7th 2:16 Israel's Plan for Gaza 4:20 Myth 21: Palestinians are Human Animals 11:20 The Media's framing of the War 16:00 Political Solutions and Netanyahu

Australia Pakistan Daily - Sydney Day 1

Australia v Pakistan, Sydney Day 1: A very watchable, and rainfree, day at Sydney to begin Warner Week, although the man himself did not feature until the final over of the day. Pakistan were all over the place then fought back brilliantly with the type of innings down the list you could watch time and again. Meanwhile, another 5fa for Cummins. Support the show with a Nerd Pledge at Get Sydney live show tickets for for 7 January: Sort your super with CBUS on their 40th birthday: Find previous episodes at Title track by Urthboy

Australia Pakistan Daily - Sydney Day 2

Australia v Pakistan, Sydney Day 2: You're not going to believe it, but there was the tiniest bit of rain at the Sydney Test today. We still got 46 overs in, and we still had enough time for Pakistan to show some mettle, make some mistakes, and leave themselves broadly in the Test match, while Australia's openers did their best to contribute to the contest. Meanwhile, across the Indian Ocean, far more extraordinary things were playing out. Support the show with a Nerd Pledge at Get Sydney live show tickets for for 7 January: Sort your super with CBUS on their 40th birthday: Find previous episodes at Title track by Urthboy

Sindhi Nationalism, Mohajir Identity, PPP and the 18th Amendment - Asma Faiz - #TPE 319

Dr. Asma Faiz comes on the podcast to discuss Sindhi Nationalism, Punjabi Nationalism, PPP, The Mohajir Identity, GM Syed, 18th Amendment, MRD, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, Benazir Bhutto and more. Dr. Asma Faiz is Associate Professor of Political Science at the Mushtaq Ahmed Gurmani School of Humanities and Social Sciences. She did her Ph.D. in Political Science from Sciences Po, Paris (2017) and M.Sc. in Political Science from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2011). Dr. Faiz’s research focuses on ethnic nationalism, populism, ethnic parties and federalism. She is the author of the book In Search of Lost Glory: Sindhi Nationalism in Pakistan (Hurst Publishers, 2021). Dr. Faiz also edited a volume Making Federation Work: Federalism in Pakistan After the 18th Amendment (2015). Dr. Faiz is recipient of several fellowships including the Fulbright fellowship, Campus France Fellowship and the Rangoonwalla fellowship. Dr. Faiz also worked with international think tanks such as Forum of Federations and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. The Pakistan Experience is an independently produced podcast looking to tell stories about Pakistan through conversations. Please consider supporting us on Patreon: To support the channel: Jazzcash/Easypaisa - 0325 -2982912 And Please stay in touch: The podcast is hosted by comedian and writer, Shehzad Ghias Shaikh. Shehzad is a Fulbright scholar with a Masters in Theatre from Brooklyn College. He is also one of the foremost Stand-up comedians in Pakistan and frequently writes for numerous publications. Chapters 0:00 Introduction 2:00 Writing a book on Sindhi Nationalism as a Punjabi 10:00 Meanings of Nationalism and the Language Issue 23:30 Sindhi Nationalism and Identity Forming 29:44 Mohajir Identity as a Political Identity 33:30 Sindh’s historical under development 36:00 Birth of Sindhi Nationalism and State’s obsession with One-Unit 40:40 18th Amendment 46:30 GM Syed and Ethnic Parties and Movements 52:24 Is PPP a Sindhi Nationalist Party? 1:01:00 Federal Structure of Pakistan 1:03:50 The Ghost of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and MRD Movement 1:10:55 Benazir Bhutto’s return and PPP 1:17:00 Audience Questions

Pakistan's POST Independence History: 1971 War, From Jinnah To Zia & More, Tilak Devasher | TRS 351

Check out my Mind Performance app: Level SuperMindAndroid - - the Level Community Here: Tilak Devasher's Social Media Handles:-Twitter: Links:-1. Pakistan: Courting the Abyss - The Pashtuns: A Contested History - Pakistan: At the Helm - Pakistan: The Balochistan Conundrum - this episode of The Ranveer Show, we welcome again Tilak Devasher, an author, and a retired Special Secretary, Cabinet Secretariat of the Government of India. He is currently serving as a National Security Advisory Board (NSAB) member and a consultant for Vivekanand International Foundation. He is the author of three widely known books based on Pakistan; ‘Pakistan: Courting the Abyss’ (December 2016), ‘Pakistan: At the Helm’ (July 2018), and ‘Pakistan: The Balochistan Conundrum’ (July 2019). This episode was about decoding the complete history of Pakistan post-independence. We talked about various aspects of Pakistan and the mindset of people there. Tilak sir dwelled upon the leadership of Muhammad Ali Jinnah & Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and how they changed the dynamics of Pakistan. He further talks about the 1971 War and decodes Pakistan's geopolitical narrative. This was an in-depth conversation about the India and Pakistan partition. We also talked about the Pakistan's history post-independence. I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I did and tell us your opinions in the comments!(0:00) - Tilak Devasher x Ranveer Allahbadia begins (4:13) - All about Muhammad Ali Jinnah & Zulfikar Ali Bhutto(19:14) - His view on Pakistan in the 60s(27:26) - About 1971 War(32:24) - Pakistan's History(44:48) - Pakistan's political leaders (58:00) - Thank you for watching  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Why the Arabs lost the wars against Israel - Hasnain Haider - Dekho Suno Jano - #TPE 311

Hasnain Haider, researcher at Dekho Suno Jano, comes on The Pakistan Experience to discuss the history of the Arab-Israel wars, and touch upon wars between Pakistan and India as well. On this week's episode of The Pakistan Experience, we discuss Arab-Israel wars, Israel's plan for Gaza, Army's operation in Swat, 1967, 1971, Kashmir, Kargil and World War II. The Pakistan Experience is an independently produced podcast looking to tell stories about Pakistan through conversations. Please consider supporting us on Patreon: To support the channel: Jazzcash/Easypaisa - 0325 -2982912 And Please stay in touch: The podcast is hosted by comedian and writer, Shehzad Ghias Shaikh. Shehzad is a Fulbright scholar with a Masters in Theatre from Brooklyn College. He is also one of the foremost Stand-up comedians in Pakistan and frequently writes for numerous publications. Chapters 0:00 Introduction 2:00 How do you see Israel-Palestine 10:00 The 1973 Arab-Israel war and its aftermath 18:00 Why the Arabs lost the 1948 war with Israel? 23:00 The 1967 war 30:00 Israel’s inability to beat Hamas and the Hanibal Directive 37:00 What is the Endgame? 39:00 Pakistan Army’s operation in Swat and Kashmir 50:00 Kargil,1971 and 1965 56:00 World War II

The Media is lying to you Hamas, Israel and Palestine - Destroying Myths - Part 1

A new series that looks to destroy the myths around Israel and Palestine, and respond to popular talking points on the media. The first part of the series looks at 10 myths around Hamas, and everything that media is getting wrong about the issue. The Pakistan Experience is an independently produced podcast looking to tell stories about Pakistan through conversations. Please consider supporting us on Patreon: To support the channel: Jazzcash/Easypaisa - 0325 -2982912 And Please stay in touch: The podcast is hosted by comedian and writer, Shehzad Ghias Shaikh. Shehzad is a Fulbright scholar with a Masters in Theatre from Brooklyn College. He is also one of the foremost Stand-up comedians in Pakistan and frequently writes for numerous publications. Pinned by The Pakistan Experience @ThePakistanExperience 38 seconds ago Sources (Agree to Disagree with us, you have to acknowledge we put in a lot of effort into our videos, and we make sure we are honest about our work, and our sources, I don't know any other channel you puts us this much work in being this transparent about their sources and puts them out like this) Books: 1.Hundred Years' War on Palestine by Rashid Khalidi 2. Method and Madness: The Hidden Story of Israel's Assaults on Gaza by Norm Finkelstein 3. Preventing Palestine: A Political History from Camp David to Oslo by Seth Anziska 4. Hamas: Political Thought and Practice by Hroub, Khaled Documentaries: 1. Born in Gaza (2014) 2. Gaza Fights For Freedom (2019) Papers: Reports: 1. Amnesty International - Operation Cast Led 2. Amnesty International - Operation Protective Edge 3. Human Rights Watch on Israel's Apartheid: 4. Amnesty International: 5. Amnesty International: 6. Amnesty International: (Articles and Videos Sourced in the Pinned Comment on Youtube) Chapters: 0:00 Introduction 1:14 Myth 1: Israel-Palestine is Complicated 3:54 Myth 2: Hamas started the war on October 7th 12:00 Talking Point: Do you condemn Hamas? 16:18 Israel’s Playbook 17:45 Myth 4: This is about Hamas 20:41 What even is Hamas? 23:54 Myth 6: Hamas is ISIS 25:05 Myth 7: Hamas cannot be Trusted 27:15 The Hamas Charter 29:30 Myth 9: The people of Gaza are responsible for Hamas 31:00 Myth 10: Human Shields

Australia Pakistan Daily - Sydney preview

Australia v Pakistan, Sydney Day 0: Happy new year. It's time for the first Final Word of 2024. And it finds Adam and Geoff kicking back in the backyard one day ahead of the third Test, after an eventful day of press appearances from Pat Cummins and Shan Masood. Let's run the tape over it all. Support the show with a Nerd Pledge at Get Sydney live show tickets for for 7 January: Sort your super with CBUS on their 40th birthday: Find previous episodes at Title track by Urthboy