Elon tecknar exklusivt nordiskt avtal med BSH gällande försäljning av Siemens extraKlasse-sortiment

Elon tecknar exklusivt nordiskt avtal med BSH gällande försäljning av Siemens extraKlasse-sortiment

Elon, ledande aktör inom den frivilliga fackhandeln för hemprodukter i Norden, har tecknat avtal med BSH Northern Europe gällande försäljning och distribution av Siemens ExtraKlasse-sortiment. Avtalet ger Elon exklusivitet via sina butiker och partners i Nordens samtliga länder; Sverige, Norge, Finland, Danmark och Island.

Liquid Wind och partners Alfa Laval, Carbon Clean, Siemens Energy samt Topsoe inviger eFuel Design & Performance Centre för att påskynda innovations- och produktionstakten av grönt elektrobränsle

Liquid Wind och partners Alfa Laval, Carbon Clean, Siemens Energy samt Topsoe inviger eFuel Design & Performance Centre för att påskynda innovations- och produktionstakten av grönt elektrobränsle

22 februari 2024 - Liquid Wind inviger ett eFuel Design & Performance Centre (DPC) i Hørsholm, Danmark, tillsammans med internationellt ledande partners inom avkarbonisering; Alfa Laval, Carbon Clean, Siemens Energy och Topsoe. Med en gemensam forsknings- och utvecklingsavdelning, kommer DPC att vara pådrivande för tekniska framsteg, stärka produktionskapaciteten och påskynda utbyggnaden av anläggningar för storskalig produktion av elektrobränslen.

Satsade på gasexport – nu har Egypten ständiga strömavbrott: "Katastrof"

Satsade på gasexport – nu har Egypten ständiga strömavbrott: "Katastrof"

När Ryssland inledde sitt fullskaliga krig mot Ukraina förra året såg Egypten sin chans – att exportera mer fossilgas över Medelhavet. Men i sin strävan att producera och exportera mer misslyckades landet att planera för minskande fält och att diversifiera energikällorna, menar bedömare. Resultatet blev att landet under sommaren har haft problem med återkommande strömavbrott. En statsvetare säger att det är pinsamt för president Abdel Fatah El-Sisi. Det får också stora konsekvenser för befolkningen. – Vi har en katastrof, och katastrofen är inte jämnt fördelad, säger företagsledaren Khaled till The Washington Post. (Svensk översättning av Omni). Analysts say Egypt was overzealous in its drive to produce and export natural gas, contributing to rolling blackouts across Cairo this summer. By Claire Parker and Heba Farouk Mahfouz 1 September 2023 CAIRO - When Russia invaded Ukraine last year, and European demand for natural gas skyrocketed, Egypt saw an opportunity. Riding high on the discovery of a massive offshore field in 2015, and desperate for foreign cash, the government ramped up gas shipments across the Mediterranean. A year later, during a sweltering summer, gas shortages have left Egypt struggling to keep the lights on. Exports have ground to a halt. For the first time in nearly a decade, Cairo is experiencing rolling blackouts, fueling public discontent as President Abdel Fatah El-Sisi prepares to run for a third term. For an hour each day, air conditioners and fans whir to a stop. Elevators stop running. Internet cuts out. Neighborhoods without power at night are illuminated only by the headlights of passing cars. In rural areas outside the capital, the outages are more frequent and last longer. A ballooning population and hotter summers have increased domestic demand for electricity in the Arab world's most populous country, straining a grid that is highly dependent on natural gas. Egypt was overzealous in its drive to produce and export natural gas, analysts say, failing to plan for declining fields and to diversify the energy sources that power its grid. In early summer, the electricity began to switch off seemingly at random, Egyptians recounted - sometimes multiple times a day, sometimes for hours. Hussein Anwar, 22, works at a pharmacy in Giza, on Cairo's western edge. When the power cut out for three to four hours at a time in July, Anwar had to gather all of the refrigerated medications - hormones, insulin, vaccines - and run them across the neighborhood to a building with electricity. In Mahalla, a midsize city in the Nile Delta, the power cuts continue to be "very random," anywhere from five minutes to three hours per day, according to Khaled, the chief executive of a medium-sized business there. The company, which regularly processes international transactions, had to buy a new generator recently, which cost more than 100,000 Egyptian pounds (about $3,200). Egyptian law prohibits ferrying fuel in jerrycans, so "every couple of days, I have to hire a truck to take the generator to a fuel station to refuel it," Khaled said. Like others in this piece, he shared his story with The Washington Post on the condition that he be identified by his first name so he could speak freely about a sensitive issue. The government "is failing dramatically," Khaled said. "We have a catastrophe, and the catastrophe is not equally distributed." In June, recognizing that the power grid was under pressure, the government halted gas exports. But a brutal heat wave followed in July. The government announced measures that month to conserve energy - including a schedule for daily power cuts across the country. Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly announced that Egypt would import more diesel to fuel its power plants. Egypt's coastal regions, which draw foreign tourists and Cairo's elite during the summer months, were exempted from the planned blackouts. "Foreign tourists come and pay in hard currency, which constitutes a major source of income for the Egyptian government," Madbouly said then. "If we cut off electricity to the coastal areas, tourists will not come." Some of the capital's newly built upscale suburbs have also been spared. But the outages this year are notable for reaching some of Cairo's most exclusive neighborhoods. In Zamalek, a leafy refuge on an island in the Nile, a wine bar on a recent evening served sweating patrons in the pitch dark. In a spice shop in Al Haram, a middle-class neighborhood next to the Giza pyramids, a Quranic recitation emanated from a black TV screen - damaged in a power cut, according to Mahmoud, who works there with his uncle. The pair rely on digital scales to portion out loose cumin, turmeric and dried beans. "We're really struggling," Mahmoud said. "If the electricity is out, we can't measure anything." For the government, the energy crunch "couldn't come at a worse time," said Timothy Kaldas, deputy director of the Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy. "The country has a massive hard currency shortage, has huge external liabilities with its debt servicing and has very limited access to external finance," he said. "So buying energy, on top of elevated global food prices and all the rest of it, is putting additional burdens on the state." The last time Cairenes experienced widespread, months-long power cuts was between 2012 and 2014, after the 2011 revolution that overthrew longtime autocrat Hosni Mubarak. Creaking power infrastructure from the Mubarak years, coupled with political and financial unrest, contributed to frequent, hours-long blackouts across the country, analysts said. After Sisi became president in 2014, he invested heavily in ramping up production capacity, awarding German company Siemens its largest-ever contract to build massive new gas-powered plants in Egypt. Natural gas was first discovered in Egypt in the 1960s. But the industry took off in the past decade with the 2015 discovery of the Zohr field - the biggest gas find in the Mediterranean. When Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, and European countries reliant on Russian gas had to look elsewhere, Egypt stepped up. By the end of that April, Egypt had earned as much from gas exports as it did in all of 2021 - $3.9 billion, Quartz reported. Under a deal inked in June 2022 with Israel and the European Union, Israeli gas was also supplied to Egyptian plants to be converted into liquid form and sent to Europe. Egypt exported 8.5 million tons of LNG in 2022, making it the world's 12th-largest exporter, according to Rystad Energy. For the first time, 60 percent of its natural gas production went to Europe, authorities announced. Market analysts began to sound alarms about declining output in spring of this year, amid reports of water filtration problems at the Zohr field. But Egypt continued to export LNG at the same rate. Egyptian officials have acknowledged that a gas shortage led to this summer's power cuts, but have downplayed issues at the Zohr field. Sisi has blamed high temperatures and said the electricity shortage would be worse if not for Egypt's gas boom. "When there is a burden, we all have to help one another," he said in August. Some analysts say Egypt went too hard, too fast on natural gas. "Even if you have a large field, if you decide to produce a very substantial amount of gas in a short period of time, you face some difficulties," said Siamak Adibi, of the global energy consultancy FGE. The government should have factored in gas field decline and the needs of a growing population, Kaldas said. "It was understood that Egypt being a gas exporter was going to be temporary unless there were some additional massive finds," he said. "Why did the state fail to plan?" The power cuts are particularly embarrassing for Sisi because he has staked his legacy on improving infrastructure, said Bessma Momani, a political scientist at the University of Waterloo in Canada. "The electricity crisis I think just hits people in the face, because it's in stark contrast to what Sisi has been standing for," she said. The government announced plans Tuesday to drill 35 exploratory wells and to expand capacity at the Zohr field. Israel's decision last week to expand natural gas exports to Egypt could also help down the line. For now, Egypt is counting on cooler temperatures in the fall. Local media reported this week that power cuts are expected to end in September. For Mahmoud and his uncle at the spice shop in Al Haram, that day can't come soon enough. "We hope and pray to God that things will change for the better," his uncle said. © 2023 The Washington Post. Sign up for the Today's Worldview newsletter here.

Börsen stiger inför viktiga inflationssiffran

Börsen stiger inför viktiga inflationssiffran

På OMXS30-indexet, med de mest omsatta aktierna, stiger fastighetsbolaget SBB och klädjätten H&M mest, med 3,9 respektive 2,1 procent. Den danska läkemedelsjätten Novo Nordisk som kom med rapport på morgonen backar med 0,7 procent på börsen i Köpenhamn. Tyska industrijätten Siemens bommade förväntningarna i en rapport på morgonen, men stiger med 0,1 procent. I Asien steg indexen på Tokyobörsen medan Hongkongbörsen stängde runt nollan. Marknaden inväntar den nu den senaste inflationssiffran från USA, som kommer 14.30 svensk tid. Terminerna på Wall Street handlas på plus inför det.

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Siemens i poddar

EP #172 | All we know about bonds and whether we should own them | & Germany's financial reforms, Siemens earnings

Welcome to Episode 172 of DividendTalk, where we delve into the intriguing world of bonds and ask the burning question: should we own some? We kick off with the latest financial news, including Germany's reforms to boost its tech industry and Alibaba's historic introduction of dividends. Siemens, a powerhouse in the corporate landscape, reports record-breaking earnings, paving the way for a discussion on the pros and cons of owning bonds. At the heart of the episode, we break down the fundamentals of bonds—what they are, the different types (including government, municipal, and corporate bonds), and their inherent risks and rewards. Derek and eDGI explore the stability and predictable income bonds offer, contrasting it with the risks, including the dreaded duration risk and the potential lack of income growth compared to dividend hikes. The main question lingers: Should we own bonds? We share our perspectives, with Derek emphasizing his current focus on growth and eDGI considering bonds as part of a savings plan for future investment. Asset allocation strategies, such as the classic 60/40 portfolio and age-based allocations, are dissected to provide listeners with practical insights. Wondering where to buy bonds? We've got you covered, discussing options like brokers, ETFs, and even buying directly from the U.S. government. Armed with this knowledge, the hosts reflect on whether owning bonds aligns with their investment strategies at this stage. But that's not all! The episode is rounded off with engaging listener questions covering topics like stock screening, sector preferences, and intriguing hypothetical scenarios. Tune in to hear the hosts' takes on various tickers, from Roche's dip to eDGI's frustration with Bayer Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting your financial journey, this episode of DividendTalk offers valuable insights and answers to your burning questions. Join us for a deep dive into the world of bonds and financial strategies that could shape your investment decisions. Stock Screener article: https://www.europeandgi.com/how-to/dividend-stock-screener/ Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/dividendtalk

Overcoming Supply Chain Challenges | Sponsored By Siemens

In this sponsored podcast leaders from Siemens explain how aerospace companies can embrace digital transformation and invest in market intelligence to manage their supply chain. They break down the results of a Siemens supply chain survey conducted by Aviation Week. Watch Siemens' full webinar here.

Episode 199: Siemens Energy Solutions & Trade Finance

Welcome to the Corporate Treasury 101 podcast!Visit our website for more educational content!www.corporate-treasury-101.comThis is the third and final part of our full interview with Danilo Gonzalez, where we discuss about Siemens Energy Solutions & Trade Finance.In the episode of today, expect to learn:What Siemens Energy does and the role they play in changing the renewable energy sector?How do companies like Siemens Energy navigate and mitigate Trade Finance obstacles?Are there technological or innovative solutions that the energy sector has adopted to streamline Trade Finance processes?Some success stories or lessons from Siemens Energy Solutions.And… much more!Another interview that happened in person, you can find it on Youtube and watch Hussam and I interview Danilo who has been fantastic to us, especially for a first “Industry Focus” interview. We hope you will enjoy the episode. If that is the case, and when you are thinking about how you found our podcast, chances are it was through word of mouth, social media, or a recommendation from your favorite podcast platform.This is our only request to you. The best way you can support the podcast is to head to Youtube and subscribe to our Youtube Channel Corporate Treasury 101, that would mean the world to us, and help more people learn about Treasury! Learn More from Danilo Gonzalez : ClickSponsor:Automation Boutique - Check out their AI-Powered Free Automation Scan! Click hereLinks & ReferencesDanilo on LinkedIn: Click Here.Siemens Energy Website: Click Here.__________________________Learn the fundamentals of corporate treasury by downloading our free ebook at www.corporate-treasury-101.com Connect with us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/corporate-treasury-101/If you have any questions or topics you want us to tackle in the future, reach out to us on Instagram or email us at contact@corporate-treasury-101.com

Master these skills to build fast-moving, future-ready teams: Siemens CEO Roland Busch

The digital transformation is shifting more than technology - it’s changing the skills workers will need, the mindsets required to tackle big challenges, and the nature of business itself. Roland Busch, Siemens CEO, shares how tech is reshaping Siemens and how reskilling will evolve, and how managers especially will need to empower teams for the changes ahead. He shares why more decisions should happen near the bottoms of organizations (to compete in a fast-changing world), the corners leaders will be tempted to cut for short-term gains in tough quarters (but shouldn't) and the ingredient that's critical for building agile and accountable teams. He also shares the skills he depends on most after 30 years at the company, including how his PhD in physics shaped his approach to problem-solving, and a key turning point that changed how he delegates. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

“Be Completely Open to Trying Different Stuff” Career Advice from Sarah Black-Smith of Siemens Digital Industries

In this episode of Careers Unwrapped, host Mark Fawcett is joined by Sarah Black-Smith, General Manager of Motion Control at Siemens Digital Industries. Together they discuss her journey into engineering, how to foster a culture of innovation, and how we can work to get more young people interested in STEM careers.

EP #25 - Should you buy Siemens AG after a dividend cut?

In this episode, we review Siemens AG after their recent dividend cut. We also answer some questions from our community