Guide: Här är rättsfallen mot Trump – och risken att han blir fälld

Guide: Här är rättsfallen mot Trump – och risken att han blir fälld

Det krävs en juristexamen eller stor uppmärksamhet, ännu hellre båda delar, för att hålla reda på de många rättsfallen mot Donald Trump. Totalt står han åtalad för 91 brott i två delstatsdomstolar och två olika federala distrikt, som alla kan leda till fängelsestraff. Han har också ett civilrättsligt mål i New York som kan tvinga fram drastiska förändringar i hans affärsimperium. The Atlantic har sammanfattat de viktigaste rättsfallen mot Trump, inklusive viktiga datum, en bedömning av hur allvarliga anklagelserna är och sannolikheten för att Trump döms. Fraud. Hush money. Election subversion. Mar-a-Lago documents. One place to keep track of the presidential candidate’s legal troubles. By David A. Graham 30 October, 2023 Not long ago, the idea that a former president—or major-party presidential nominee—would face serious legal jeopardy was nearly unthinkable. Today, merely keeping track of the many cases against Donald Trump requires a law degree, a great deal of attention, or both. In all, Trump faces 91 felony counts across two state courts and two different federal districts, any of which could potentially produce a prison sentence. He’s also dealing with a civil suit in New York that could force drastic changes to his business empire, including closing down its operations in his home state. Meanwhile, he is the leading Republican candidate in the race to become the next president. If the court cases unfold with any reasonable timeliness, he could be in the heat of the campaign trail at the same time that his legal fate is being decided. Here’s a summary of the major legal cases against Trump, including key dates, an assessment of the gravity of the charges, and expectations about how they could turn out. This guide will be updated regularly as the cases proceed. In the fall of 2022, New York Attorney General Letitia James filed a civil suit against Trump, his adult sons, and his former aide Allen Weisselberg, alleging a years-long scheme in which Trump fraudulently reported the value of properties in order to either lower his tax bill or improve the terms of his loans, all with an eye toward inflating his net worth. When? A judge ruled against Trump and his co-defendants in late September, concluding that many of the defendants’ claims were “clearly” fraudulent—so clearly that he didn’t need a trial to hear them. (He also sanctioned Trump’s lawyers for making repeated frivolous arguments.) A trial to determine the amount of damages Trump must pay is ongoing in Manhattan, and could stretch for weeks or even months. Justice Arthur Engoron, the presiding judge, has already fined Trump a combined $15,000 for violating a gag order in the case. How grave is the allegation? Fraud is fraud, and in this case, the sum of the fraud stretched into the millions—but compared with some of the other legal matters in which Trump is embroiled, this is pretty pedestrian. The case is civil rather than criminal, and though it could end with Trump’s famed company barred from business in New York, the loss of several key properties, and millions of dollars in fines, the stakes are lower, both for Trump and for the nation, than in the other cases against him. How plausible is a guilty verdict? Engoron has already ruled that Trump committed fraud. The outstanding questions are what damages he might have to pay and what exactly Engoron’s ruling means for Trump’s business and properties in New York. Although these other cases are all brought by government entities, Trump is also involved in an ongoing defamation case with the writer E. Jean Carroll, who said that Trump sexually assaulted her in a department-store dressing room in the 1990s. When he denied it, she sued him for defamation and later added a battery claim. When? In May 2023, a jury concluded that Trump had sexually assaulted and defamed Carroll, and awarded her $5 million. A second defamation claim remains under consideration. How grave is the allegation? Although this case doesn’t directly connect to the same fundamental issues of rule of law and democratic governance that some of the criminal cases do, it is a serious matter, and a judge’s blunt statement that Trump raped Carroll has been underappreciated. How plausible is a guilty verdict? Trump has already been found liable for defamation and sexual assault, and a further finding of defamation is possible and perhaps likely. In March 2023, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg became the first prosecutor to bring felony charges against Trump, alleging that the former president falsified business records as part of a scheme to pay hush money to women who said they had had sexual relationships with Trump. When? The case is set to go to trial on March 25, 2024. In September, the judge overseeing the case signaled that he is open to changing that date, given the various other court cases that Trump is juggling, but he also said he didn’t think it was worth discussing until February. How grave is the allegation? Falsifying records is a crime, and crime is bad. But many people have analogized this case to Al Capone’s conviction on tax evasion: It’s not that he didn’t deserve it, but it wasn’t really why he was an infamous villain. That this case alleges behavior that didn’t undermine democracy or put national secrets at risk makes it feel more minor—though those other cases have set a grossly high standard for what constitutes gravity. How plausible is a guilty verdict? Bragg’s case faces hurdles including the statute of limitations, a questionable key witness in the former Trump fixer Michael Cohen, and some untested legal theories. In short, the Manhattan case seems like perhaps both the least significant and the legally weakest criminal case. Some Trump critics were dismayed that Bragg was the first to bring criminal charges against the former president. Jack Smith, a special counsel in the U.S. Justice Department, has charged Trump with 37 felonies in connection with his removal of documents from the White House when he left office. The charges include willful retention of national-security information, obstruction of justice, withholding of documents, and false statements. Trump took boxes of documents to properties where they were stored haphazardly, but the indictment centers on his refusal to give them back to the government despite repeated requests. When? Smith filed charges in June 2023. Judge Aileen Cannon has set a trial date of May 20, 2024. Smith faces a de facto deadline of January 20, 2025, at which point Trump or any Republican president would likely shut down a case. How grave is the allegation? These are, I have written, the stupidest crimes imaginable, but they are nevertheless quite serious. Protecting the nation’s secrets is one of the greatest responsibilities of any public official with classified clearance, and not only did Trump put these documents at risk, but he also (allegedly) refused to comply with a subpoena, tried to hide them, and lied to the government through his attorneys. How plausible is a guilty verdict? This may be the most open-and-shut case, and the facts and legal theory here are pretty straightforward. But Smith is believed to have drawn a short straw when he was randomly assigned Cannon, a Trump appointee who has sometimes ruled favorably for Trump on procedural matters. In Fulton County, Georgia, which includes most of Atlanta, District Attorney Fani Willis brought a huge racketeering case against Trump and 18 others, alleging a conspiracy that spread across weeks and states with the aim of stealing the 2020 election. When? Willis obtained the indictment in August. The number of defendants makes the case unwieldy and difficult to track. In late September, one defendant who breached election equipment struck a plea deal. Three more, Kenneth Chesebro, Sidney Powell, and Jenna Ellis, pleaded guilty in late October. No date has been set for the other defendants’ trial, but it likely won’t come until 2024. How grave is the allegation? More than any other case, this one attempts to reckon with the full breadth of the assault on democracy following the 2020 election. How plausible is a guilty verdict? Expert views differ. This is a huge case for a local prosecutor, even in a county as large as Fulton, to bring. The racketeering law allows Willis to sweep in a great deal of material, and she has some strong evidence—such as a call in which Trump asked Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to “find” some 11,000 votes. Three major plea deals from co-defendants may also ease Willis’s path. But getting a jury to convict Trump will still be a challenge. Special Counsel Smith has also charged Trump with four federal felonies in connection with his attempt to remain in power after losing the 2020 election. This case is in court in Washington, D.C. When? A grand jury indicted Trump on August 1. A trial is scheduled for March 4, 2024. As with the other DOJ case, Smith will need to move quickly, before Trump or any other Republican president could shut down a case upon taking office in January 2025. But even before the trial begins, heated legal skirmishes are under way: In October, following verbal attacks by Trump on witnesses and Smith’s wife, Judge Tanya Chutkan issued an order limiting what Trump can say about the case. How grave is the allegation? This case rivals the Fulton County one in importance. It is narrower, focusing just on Trump and a few key elements of the paperwork coup, but the symbolic weight of the U.S. Justice Department prosecuting the attempt to subvert the American election system is heavy. How plausible is a guilty verdict? It’s very hard to say. Smith avoided some of the more unconventional potential charges, including aiding insurrection, and everyone watched much of the alleged crime unfold in public in real time, but no precedent exists for a case like this, with a defendant like this. © 2023 The Atlantic Media Co., as first published in The Atlantic. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency.

Stor splittring i nyckelstaten: "Harris är sänd av djävulen"

Stor splittring i nyckelstaten: "Harris är sänd av djävulen"

Både republikaner och demokrater är igång med upploppet av sina kampanjer och både Kamala Harris och Donald Trump har gjort otaliga besök i delstaten. När Nyheterna befinner sig i delstaten Pennsylvania råkar Donald Trump ha kommit för att besöka en McDonalds restaurang där han ska arbeta med att fritera pommes frites under några skälvande kampanjminuter. ”Hon är ond” Ute på gatan väntar mängder med människor längs bilens kortegeväg. Det finns egentligen inga officiella kampanjtider, men ryktet har naturligtvis gått. Det blir hätskt i folkmassan när ett par Harrissupportrar börjar diskutera med trumpisterna. Och språket är hårt när en Trumpanhängare beskriver Harris. Det är ingen tvekan om att nerverna ligger utanpå. – Hon är ond, sänd av djävulen. Trump kommer återinföra den moral vi hade före Biden, säger Trumpväljaren Will Dunklin.

I valet 2016 vann Donald Trump i Pennsylvania och 2020 hette segraren Joe Biden. Det handlade om några tusen röster som avgjorde valet. Demokraterna har en väloljad kampanjorganisation. ”Varje röst räknas” Två av aktivisterna som Nyheterna träffar berättar att de kommer ifrån en organisation som verkar mot skjutvapenvåld och som stödjer Kamala Harris. De har kommit från den angränsande delstaten New Jersey för att hjälpa till med kampanjandet här eftersom det är så viktigt att vinna i Pennsylvania. Kvinnorna ägnar några timmar åt dörrknackning i valkretsen Bucks County – som är särskilt osäker. Ett direkt möte med en kampanjaktivist anses fortfarande vara den bästa metoden för att vinna de osäkra väljarna. – Jag är väldigt motiverad. Väljarundersökningarna pekar på ett jämt val. Harris-Walz-kampanjen tar inget för givet. Varje röst räknas. I synnerhet i Pennsylvania, säger en av aktivisterna, Fran Carrol, som är kampanjarbetare för Kamala Harris. Ingen vågar förutspå En arg ung man blåser i en trumpet och prisar Trump. Han tycker att både aktivisterna och vi i TV-teamet borde ge oss av från Bucks County. Fran Carrol och hennes aktivistkollega konstaterar att det är ett irritationsmoment, men att de flesta människor ändå bemöter dem med artighet och respekt.

Vem som vinner? Den frågan vill ingen svara på i något av lägren. Alla hoppas, men inte ens de mest inbitna supportrar vågar förutspå hur det går.

Experten: Två saker kan påverka utgången av presidentvalet i USA

Experten: Två saker kan påverka utgången av presidentvalet i USA

Donald Trump har blandat och gett under den senaste veckan. En utdragen dansshow och en anekdot om en gammal proffsgolfares könsorgan har blandats med förslag om att sätta in militären mot politiska motståndare och uttalanden om att stormningen av Kapitolium var ”en dag av kärlek”. Kamala Harris har å sin sida ifrågasatt Trumps form och tvivlat på om 78-åringen kan klara av en ny presidentperiod. Enligt USA-kännaren Andreas Utterström är det inget som egentligen förvånar, utan han menar att vi nu befinner oss i något form av vakuum eftersom det inte längre finns några givna programpunkter fram till valdagen. – De har hamnat lite i sina gamla greatest hits. Trump fortsätter komma med oväntade utspel som stärker bilden av honom som en icke-traditionell politiker som skjuter från höften, medan Harris fastnat i att kritisera Trump, säger han. Fortsätter växa bland unga män Harris möjliga segerrecept, och förklaring till fokuset på Trump, beror enligt Utterström på att man ser en chans att vinna osäkra väljare i svängstaterna som tvivlar på Trump som person. Samtidigt visar mätningar att den 78-årige expresidenten fortsätter att växa bland unga män – en grupp som opinionsmätningar har missat i beräkningar inför tidigare val, och som kan leda Trump till en vinst. – Han omfamnar karikatyren av sig själv, nästan som en seriefigur. Det finns många som lockas av det och som är trötta på vanliga gamla politiker och vill se någon som rör om i grytan eller spränger systemet inifrån, säger Utterström. Två saker kan påverka utgången av valet Med bara veckor kvar till det rekordjämna valet beskrivs det ofta som att minsta lilla röst kan fälla avgörandet. Men i slutändan ser Andreas Utterström att det egentligen bara är två saker som kan påverka utgången. Det nyckfulla vädret i USA – eller ett skandalavslöjande om Kamala Harris. – Sofflocket kan avgöra. Om det blåser halv storm i en svingstat eller ösregnar, och alla som inte har förtidsröstat väljer att stanna hemma. Det eller att det avslöjas något om Harris, i stil med något lik i garderoben eller att hon inte är den som hon utgett sig för att vara. Det kan påverka. Historien visar att skandaler inte biter på Trump, säger han.

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Donald Trump i poddar

What to expect from President Trump 2.0

Despite being banned from the ballot paper in two states (so far) and multiple legal hurdles, Donald Trump is the clear favourite to return as the Republican candidate for US president, and opinion polls also give him the edge in a rematch with Joe Biden. Trump has joked about becoming a "dictator" for a day if he wins, and says he would carry out mass deportations – and that’s just the beginning of his plans for a second term.This podcast was brought to you thanks to the support of readers of The Times and The Sunday Times. Subscribe today: Guest: David Charter, US Editor, The Times.Host: Manveen Rana.Clips: Sky News, ABC News, New York Post, CBS News, Trump 2024, The Economic Times, Fox News, The 700 Club, CNN, US Network Pool, Forbes, The Benny Show. Read more: Will Donald Trump still run in 2024? The Colorado decision explainedIf Donald Trump becomes US president again, here’s what he’ll doEmail us: out more about our bonus series for Times subscribers: 'Inside the newsroom' Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Donald Trump: Dictator in Chief?

The shadow looming over the fourth Republican debate was the party’s most recent president, Donald Trump. But while the other candidates traded blows at one another, Trump was conspicuously absent, instead taking part in a town hall event on Tuesday evening. He raised eyebrows when saying he would only be a dictator on ‘day one’ if elected president. The Americast team chew over Trump’s comments – and the Republican debate – before speaking to GOP candidate Asa Hutchinson, the former governor of Arkansas who’s still in the race for the White House.And, a clip of American university leaders has gone viral after they failed to say explicitly to Congress that calling for the genocide of Jewish people violated their schools code of conduct. The team assesses how we’ve reached this point. HOSTS: • Justin Webb, Radio 4 presenter • Marianna Spring, disinformation and social media correspondent • Anthony Zurcher, North America correspondent GUEST: • Asa Hutchinson, Republican presidential candidate GET IN TOUCH: • Join our online community: • Send us a message or voice note via WhatsApp to +44 330 123 9480 • Email • Or use #Americast Find out more about our award-winning “undercover voters” here: This episode was made by George Dabby with Alix Pickles, Catherine Fusillo, Claire Betzer and Maia Davies. The technical producer was Mike Regaard. The series producer is George Dabby. The senior news editor is Sam Bonham.

You've Got Mailbag

At the end of every episode of Prosecuting Donald Trump, we ask you to submit your questions and today, we finally have a chance to answer some of them. As we’re all reflecting on the year ahead, Andrew Weissmann and Mary McCord answer your questions about 2023’s legal landscape and what’s to come in 2024. 

Will the courts Trump the Donald?

Today, we look at Donald Trump’s disqualification from the Colorado ballot.The state’s Supreme Court has ruled him ineligible because of his actions in the run up to the US Capital riot in 2021. Americast’s Sarah Smith and Justin Webb join to discuss whether this could be the beginning of the end for his 2024 bid.And the departing First Minister of Wales, Mark Drakeford, is in the studio to talk about his political legacy, as well as really liking cheese. You can join our Newscast online community here: Newscast brings you daily analysis of the latest political news stories from the BBC. It was presented by Adam Fleming. It was made by Chris Flynn with Gemma Roper, Sam McLaren and Joe Wilkinson. The technical producer was Matt Dean. The senior news editors are Jonathan Aspinwall and Sam Bonham.

Disqualified in Colorado

For the first time in history, the 14th Amendment has been used to disqualify a presidential candidate from running for office. In this special breaking news episode, MSNBC legal analysts Andrew Weissmann and Mary McCord react to the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision to disqualify former president Donald Trump from the state’s 2024 presidential ballot under the Constitution's insurrection clause. Andrew and Mary discuss what the court’s decision means and the potential fallout. Note: Trump’s legal team intends to appeal the decision. 

BONUS: The Full Presidential Immunity Hearing

Former President Donald Trump appeared in federal court Tuesday morning as his lawyers argued that he is immune from prosecution on charges to overturn the 2020 election. Listen to the full hearing here. 

Is America about to give Donald Trump a second chance? Dispatch from the Deep South

Emily reports from Georgia, the eye of the Donald Trump legal storm, where he was caught on tape trying to get an election official to 'find' him more votes to win the 2020 election. A year out from 2024, is this purple state closer to staying blue or turning MAGA red? The latter could tip the election in Trump's favour. And we cross state lines to the hometown of the woman who could capitalise should a jail cell call for the Donald. Nikki Haley. Could she prove to be the Republican nominee come election day?And...Jon is in Paris, France- and he's nabbed the Mayor of Detroit - Mike Duggan. Don't ask how. He talks to the man in charge of a crucial blue city in a crucial swing state. Editor & Field Producer: Gabriel RadusVideo Producer: Rory SymonYou can listen to this episode on Alexa - just say "Alexa, ask Global Player to play The News Agents USA".

DC Drama

Former president Donald Trump renewed his efforts to delay the DC election subversion case by asking for a halt in all proceedings while his appeal on presidential immunity moves through the courts. Meanwhile, Special Counsel Jack Smith is pushing to keep the trial on schedule by bringing the issue before the Supreme Court. MSNBC legal analysts Andrew Weissmann and Mary McCord break down Smith’s strategy and what this could mean for the former president’s other criminal cases. Plus, they discuss news out of Wisconsin where ten fake Donald Trump electors settled a civil lawsuit admitting their actions were part of an effort to overturn the 2020 election.

Immunity Denied

In what could be his most consequential legal defeat yet, a federal judge rejects Donald Trump’s claims of presidential immunity in his 2020 election case. MSNBC legal analysts Andrew Weissmann and Mary McCord break down what this – and a similar ruling in a parallel civil case --could mean for the ex-president. Plus, they'll talk GA where Trump’s lawyers say he shouldn’t be tried until 2029 if he wins next year’s election.

Bunker USA: The 5 key Donald Trump dramas you need to focus on

Donald Trump is never out of trouble. And it’s hard to keep up with his latest wrongdoing. Jacob Jarvis is joined by Andrew Rudalevige, Thomas Brackett Reed Professor of Government at Bowdoin College and a visiting professor at LSE, to go over the five key areas of drama you need to understand in the run up to 2024. • “If Trump were convicted of all 90 of his current felonies, he'd’ be looking at something like 700 years in prison.” • “Any private citizen not named Donald J. Trump would inevitably get convicted for espionage and obstruction of justice in the classified documents case”  Written and presented by Jacob Jarvis. Producer: Eliza Davis Beard. Audio production: Simon Williams. Managing Editor: Jacob Jarvis. Music by Kenny Dickinson. THE BUNKER is a Podmasters Production. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Trump's Thanksgiving Threats

Donald Trump’s Thanksgiving threats take center stage as judges in NY and DC decide whether to reinstate his two gag orders. Plus, we’ll dig deeper into Trump’s charade of victimhood as he tries to get his federal election case in DC dismissed. All this, as Andrew and Mary celebrate 50 episodes of the pod!

Foreseeable Consequences

Donald Trump’s team and the U.S. government squared off in a DC appeals court over his latest attempt to undo a gag order issued against him in his federal election subversion case. MSNBC legal analysts Andrew Weissmann and Mary McCord break down Trump’s claims and which way they think the three-judge panel is leaning. Plus, a judgein Colorado denies a motion to keep Trump off the ballot there in 2024 – but why some say the ruling is still a bad one for the former president.

Trump's Tumultuous Testimony

Donald Trump took the witness stand Monday in the biggest moment of his civil and criminal trials thus far. MSNBC legal analysts Andrew Weissmann and Mary McCord dig into some of his big admissions and how badly he may have hurt himself. Plus, we’ll get into the former president’s latest efforts to delay his federal trials and the new criticism facing Judge Aileen Cannon in the FL documents case.