Klart: Han tar över Chelsea – presenterad av klubben

Klart: Han tar över Chelsea – presenterad av klubben

▸ Mauricio Pochettino, 51, är Chelseas nye tränare. Den tillfällige tränaren Frank Lampard har lämnat och argentinaren tar…

Hur säkra kan vi vara på att Sverige verkligen vann – så exakt är tekniken

Sverige är vidare till kvartsfinal efter att ha slagit ut regerande världsmästarna USA i en straffläggning som lär gå till svensk fotbollshistoria. Avgörandet fälldes efter att arenans automatiska så kallade mållinjesystem bekräftat att bollen passerat mållinjen med minsta möjliga marginal efter Lina Hurtigs straffspark. Men kan vi vara helt säkra på att tekniken har rätt? Alltså helt säkra? Omni tittar under huven på systemet Hawk Eye. Sverige slog ut försvarande världsmästarna USA i söndagens åttondelsfinal i fotbolls-VM. Avgörandet gjordes på straffar. – Straffar, för att vara uppriktig, de suger. De är hjärtlösa. Jag har gått igenom för många under min karriär, sa Lindsey Horan, USA:s lagkapten, kort efter matchens slut. Man kan förstå att hon var besviken. Domaren dömde inte mål omedelbart efter Lina Hurtigs skott, och om bollen faktiskt gick in var svårt att se. Beskedet kom från arenans så kallade mållinjeteknik: hela bollen hade passerat mållinjen. Tv-bilderna efteråt visade att det var med minsta möjliga marginal. Sverige hade vunnit, kanske tack vare det avancerade tekniska system som VM-arenorna är utrustade med. Systemet som används under fotbolls-VM i Australien och Nya Zeeland heter Hawk eye. Det bygger på 14 höghastighetskameror, som kan tar upp emot 340 bilder per sekund, och som kan följa bollen även vid höga hastigeter. Bilder ur olika vinklar vägs ihop för att avgöra bollens exakta position i förhållande till mållinjen. Resultatet, mål eller inte, skickas till domarens smarta klocka. Enligt Fifa tar det hela vanligtvis mindre än en sekund. När det är klart skapar mållinjesystemet också en 3D-rendering av målögonblicket, som kan visas för jublande eller gråtande fans på stora skärmar på planen eller i tv. För att räkna ut bollens positionering använder Hawk Eye två matematiska formler. Den första är triangulering, samma formel som används i en till exempel GPS-systemet, och som gör det möjligt att räkna ut en tredje punkt om man vet avståndet mellan två. Det andra är ett system för att beräkna bollens hastighet och riktning, en idé som Hawk Eye grundaren Edward Hawke säger sig ha fått via automatiska robotförsvarssystem. Till sist använder Hawk Eye AI för att identifiera bollen i varje bildruta, och räkna ut bollens position och riktning. Hawk Eye-systemets 14 kameror är fördelade så att sju är fokuserade på varje målstolpe. För att trianguleringen ska fungera krävs att minst två av kamerorna kan fånga bollen på bild vid målögonblicket. Hela 12 av kamerorna kan alltså ha sikten skymd utan att systemet slutar fungera. I alla fall i teorin. Ja. Oavsett vilka tekniska hjälpmedel som används, oavsett om det är mållinjeteknik, VAR eller det halvautomatiska offsidesystemet som börjat införas, är det huvuddomarens ord som gäller. I teorin skulle hen alltså kunna besluta tvärt emot vad mållinjetekniken säger – även om det säkert skulle ge upphov till viss irritation. Men kan vi vara säkra på att tekniken har rätt då? När det handlar om så små marginaler? Ganska, men inte helt. Mållinjetekniken som används i VM har haft fel förut. 2022 fick företaget till exempel be om ursäkt till Premier League-laget Huddersfield Town efter att tekniken inte registrerat ett mål, som resulterade i att laget förlorade med 1–0 mot Blackfield. Men felen har oftast handlat om att ett mål, precis som i det fallet, inte döms ut snarare än tvärt om. Företaget själva uppger att systemet har en felmarginal på 2,2 millimeter. För att vara helt säkra på att Lina Hurtigs skott gick in skulle bollen alltså behöva vara minst 2,2 millimeter över mållinjen. Hur det är med den saken får vi dock troligen aldrig veta. För allmänhetens ögon genererar Hawk Eye bara ett binärt besked: ja, eller nej. Om felmarginalen tas i beaktande, och i så fall hur, är oklart. En annan fråga efter söndagens straffläggning gäller tiden. Enligt Fifas regler måste ett mållinjesystem ge svar på sekunden för att få användas. Men det tog 27 sekunder för domaren Stéphanie Frappart att bekräfta målet, och Sveriges seger. En möjlig förklaring är att hon, givet de extremt små marginalerna, inväntade ett andra utlåtande från videosystemet VAR. De senaste åren har debatten om huruvida Svensk fotboll behöver VAR blivit bitvis hätsk. Det systemet låter domare gå igenom videomaterial från en händelse vid svåra beslut – och om nödvändigt ändra sin dom. Det har kritiserats för att sakta ned spelet och skapa situationer där firande fans efter ett par minuter kan bli snuvade på glädjen, när ett mål till exempel döms bort i efterhand. Men där VAR återkommande skapar offentliga debatter och diskuteras i otaliga spaltmeter sportkrönikor är mållinjeteknik närmast en ickefråga, enligt Isak Edén, ordförande i Svenska supporterunionen. Han menar att det eftersom beslutet kommer nästan omedelbart och är helt svartvitt – mål eller inte mål – gör att de flesta supportrar är positiva eller likgiltiga. – Att det inte diskuteras i svensk fotboll har med kostnaden att göra, och att det är max ett eller två beslut per år där det faktiskt skulle behövas. Det gör nog att man tycker att de pengarna kan spenderas på annat, säger han till Omni. Nuförtiden är mållinjeteknik väl etablerat och används många stora turneringar och ligor. Men så har det inte alltid varit. De första försöken gjordes inom Premier League så tidigt som 2006, men 2010 röstade Fifa och den internationella fotbollsorganisationen IFAB gemensamt för ett permanent nej till att införa mållinjeteknik. Det dröjde dock inte länge innan flera uppmärksammade kontroversiella domslut fick organisationerna att vända. Mest känt är kanske den brittiske spelaren Frank Lampards ”spökmål” mot Tyskland under VM 2010. Målet dömdes bort, trots att bollen enligt många fans – och enligt vad man kan se på bilder och video – var klart innanför mållinjen innan den studsade ut igen. Fifas dåvarande ordförande Sepp Blatter bad om ursäkt och lovade att återuppta diskussionerna om mållinjeteknik. 2012 röstade IFAB enhälligt för att tillåta systemen: något som krävde en ändring i organisationens ”grundlag”, de 17 regler som definierar hur en fotbollsmatch ska spelas. Det lär dock dröja innan mållinjeteknik blir standard i mindre fotbollssammanhang. Anledningen är helt enkelt att det är dyrt. När brittiska Premier League införde systemet 2013 beräknas det ha kostat 250 000 pund, motsvarande över tre miljoner kronor i dagens penningvärde per arena och lag. Det är mer än vissa av de mindre allsvenska klubbarna gör i vinst på ett år.

Mauricio Pochettino tar över som tränare i Chelsea

Mauricio Pochettino tar över som tränare i Chelsea

Mauricio Pochettino tar över tränarrollen i Chelsea, bekräftar klubben i ett pressmeddelande. – Han är en vinnande tränare, säger sportcheferna Laurence Stewart och Paul Winstanley. Chelsea har en tung säsong bakom sig och slutade tolva i Premier League trots flera stora spelarköp. Klubben har dessutom sparkat två tränare under säsongen. Pochettino har tidigare tränat klubbar som PSG och Tottenham. När argentinaren tar över rollen i sommar lämnar den tillfällige tränaren Frank Lampard klubben.

Frank Lampard på YouTube

TOP 10: Frank Lampard Goals | Chelsea Tops

Chelsea legend Frank Lampard scored some of the best goals in our history during his time in a Blues shirt. Five years ago this ...

Chelsea Football Club på YouTube

Frank Lampard Moments of Genius 😵

This YouTube video is a tribute to Lampard's mesmerizing career, highlighting his extraordinary ability to control the game from ...

AJcompsHD på YouTube

Frank Lampard Ridiculous Moments No One Expected 😱

Get ready to witness the unexpected as we dive into the remarkable career of football legend Frank Lampard! From jaw-dropping ...

AJcompsHD på YouTube

Frank Lampard disallowed goal vs Germany - World Cup 2010 - BBC Commentary

A FUCKING EGREGIOUS TRAGEDY OF EPIC PROPORTIONS. Lampard's deft touch delicately flew over Neuer, hitting the ...

Sir Tommy Pigeon Original på YouTube

Frank Lampard i poddar

The Obi One: Episode 2 - Frank Lampard

On Episode 2 of the brand new Obi One Podcast, John Obi Mikel and Chris McHardy are joined by a man John Terry labelled on last week’s installment as “the greatest player in Chelsea’s history”. Step forward, ‘Super’ Frank Lampard. In a wide-ranging conversation, Frank talks tears, tantrums and transfers. He opens up on his second stint as Chelsea boss, reveals the big-name he failed to bring to the Bridge and the one manager he didn’t see eye to eye with. Download and subscribe to the Obi One Podcast NOW. Available on all your usual platforms and in full on YouTube - @obionepodcast Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Frank Lampard reveals how he was sacked by Chelsea, spy-gate & more

I am absolutely delighted to share this episode with you all, brought to you by Sky Bet. Frank Lampard takes me to a pub that’s close to his heart, as we tackle cocktails, starters and more in the kitchen.We discuss how Frank moved on from Chelsea, and then how he dealt with retirement. We chat all things Derby, including the infamous spy-gate… And then move on to the Chelsea job. From becoming manager, to getting sacked, to then watching his side win the Champions League – Frank shares all.I really hope you enjoy this one, make sure you follow and tell me who you want to see on future episodes.  Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

E21 - Frank Lampard: Taking on 100% responsibility, whilst retaining humility

Frank Lampard is the current head coach of Chelsea FC. Frank retired as one of the greatest players of the modern era, with his legendary status cemented by his extraordinary achievements and statistics.When he left Chelsea in the summer of 2014, Frank was the club's record goalscorer with 211 goals from 649 appearances - a truly remarkable return for a consummate professional plying his trade in midfield.He won 106 international caps for England and was central to the most successful spell in Chelsea's history where he won 11 major trophies, including three Premier League titles, four FA Cups and the Champions League in 2012. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

E136 - Frank Lampard: Why I'm stronger from a setback

It has been 2 years since Jake and Damian first sat down with Frank Lampard. In this new episode the three of them return to their previous discussion to see what has changed, what has stayed the same and the steps he’s been taking to change his life…Frank is the current manager of Premier League club Everton and former Chelsea manager and their record goal scorer. In this episode Frank reflects on his time at Chelsea, the things he was right about and what he could have done better. Frank shares how important alignment is at a football club, the need for optimism is in his working life, especially as someone who is not used to losing. He speaks on his biggest strengths and weaknesses.If you subscribe to HP Plus, you can enjoy an extended episode, ad-free with Frank.- - - - - -Pre-order the new High Performance Daily Journal - 365 ways to become your best! smarturl.it/HPJournalWant even more from High Performance? We have launched our brand new premium podcast service 'High Performance Plus' for people who want to support the podcast, listen to ad-free episodes and have access to exclusive bonus content so we can get you even closer to a life of high performance. We'll ask our guests extra questions, just for you and keep recording when the mic stops so you will hear those slightly more intimate conversations at the end of each record. Expect more from Jake and Damian, as they'll be doing regular Q+As and bring you behind the scenes gems that you wouldn't normally get. We hope you love the extra content. Remember, there is no secret. It is all there for you. So chase world class basics. Don't get high on your own supply. Remain humble, curious and empathetic. Sign up on Apple Podcasts apple.co/highperformance or Supercast https://highperformanceplus.supercast.com/Watch all our episodes on YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/c/HighPerformancePodcast/videosFollow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/highperformance/Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/highperformancepodcastJoin our new Telegram for behind-the-scenes access and exclusive competitions: https://t.me/highperformance_circle Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Frank Lampard's 'Frankie's Magic Football: The Great Santa Race'

It's (almost) Christmas! So what better at this time of year than for the Book Club to sit down around the log fire with a copy of Chelsea legend Frank Lampard's children's classic 'Frankie's Magic Football: The Great Santa Race'. Frank wrote *twenty* books in the 'Frankie's Magic Football' series back in the 2010s, with this being the most festive of the lot. Featuring talking dogs, evil animatronic penguins who eat mince pies and plenty of mundane football action. Can little Frank save Christmas? And should four thirty-somethings be doing something better with their time than reading a kid's book? Find out as we get festive with Frank.Enjoy the show and want to hear more? Join the Football Book Club *Club* at www.patreon.com/footballbookclubFollow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/FootieBookClubInstagram - https://www.instagram.com/footballbookclub/ Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

"In and around the Kremlin", Frank Lampard's Football Clubs & the January Transfer Window XI

The Athletic's Adam Hurrey, Charlie Eccleshare and David Walker form this week's Adjudication Panel. On the agenda: A young fan's tin-foil Papa John's Trophy, trying to establish the criteria for answering the age-old question of "Who won the transfer window?" and picking apart Frank Lampard's first interview as manager of Everton (Football Club). Meanwhile, the panel run through a "January Transfers That Just Sound So Right XI", captained by Aston Villa's Calum Chambers. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Beckham versus Hoddle, Gazza’s Golf Routine and Why Lampard Blanked Big Meeks

Was Glenn Hoddle right to blame David Beckham for England going out of the World Cup? How did Paul Gascoigne entertain Gary and co on his first international call up? And what made Frank Lampard blank Micah Richards at Stamford Bridge? Gary Lineker is joined by Alan Shearer and Micah Richards to talk all things football. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

Frank Lampard

One of the World’s best-known sports promoters Eddie Hearn chats to some of the biggest names in sport, entertainment and business. This series includes in-depth interviews with Gary Lineker, Dina Asher Smith and Virgil Van Dijk. Eddie learns about their passions, what gets them up in the morning, and how they dealt with the world grinding to halt this year.This week, Eddie is joined by Chelsea manager Frank Lampard. Both Eddie and Frank were at Brentwood School at the same time, so they reminisce over their memories of their school days, talk about the drive to succeed that took Frank to the top of the game, and his transition from playing into management in recent years.No Passion, No Point is produced by Gwyn Rhys Davies, and is a BBC Studios Production for BBC Radio 5 Live. Listen now on BBC Sounds.

BITESIZE # 17 | Frank Lampard: Have conviction and a willingness to learn

Great leaders have a conviction in their beliefs but show a willingness to learn.In our chat with Frank Lampard, he described the importance to seek advice from a wide variety of ideas, arguments, and information in order to think rationally and come up with effective solutions.Frank spoke about gaining the advice of his wife Christine to give him a rounded perspective.ICYMI: https://pod.fo/e/29666 . . . . . . . A big thanks to our founding partners Lotus Cars and GIVEMESPORT - the exclusive sports partner of the High Performance Podcast. To gain further access to editorial and social content from the Podcast click here https://www.givemesport.com/podcastJoin our new members club ‘The High Performance Circle’ for exclusive podcasts, keynote speeches, a monthly newsletter and so much more: https://www.thehighperformancepodcast.com/circle PRE-ORDER THE NEW HIGH PERFORMANCE BOOK NOW! smarturl.it/hv0sdzRemember, you can also get extended episodes of the podcast on our YouTube channel bit.ly/HPPYouTube and follow us on Instagram @highperformance. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

BONUS: Frank Lampard Interview Special

In an exclusive interview with Optus Sport, Frank Lampard divulges all about his managerial journey, including his appointment at Derby, his touchline blowup with Jurgen Klopp, being dismissed by Chelsea, how he saved Everton from relegation, his future ambitions, and touches on Harry Redknapp's famous words about him when he was just 17.Listen to Optus Sport's award-winning limited series, Football Belongs, charting the cultural threads of Australian society through the lens of nine football matches: https://play.acast.com/s/football-belongsSubscribe: https://sport.optus.com.au/signup Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Frank Lampard Saved My Career - Alex Iwobi

The Beautiful Game Podcast - Episode 132 - EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW ALEX IWOBI - We discussed the career of Alex #Iwobi with the man himself. We discussed playing for Arsenal, his Arsenal departure, #Everton season and the current ownership. We discussed Frank Lampard, Sean Dyche’s impact, representing #Nigeria + much more.Timestamps0:00 Intro0:50 Guest intro2:12 Take us back to the beginning3:53 Overcoming setbacks on the journey5:17 How important are your parents in your career.6:28 Process of getting his first contract at Arsenal8:28 Arsene Wenger influence9:16 Step up from youth team into Men’s football10:31 Making his debut for Arsenal11:39 What made you come to the decision to leave Arsenal?15:16 How do you think your departure was handled?17:57 Signing for Everton20:07 How is it playing in several different positions?20:37 Playing under Frank Lampard24:34 How was Frank Lampard’s relationship with the Everton fans?25:57 Did you feel you were fighting for Lampard’s Job before the West Ham game?27:10 How did the players receive the news that Frank Lampard had been sacked?28:35 How difficult was it playing at Goodison Park?29:59 Fans anger to the Everton board30:55 What has Sean Dyche changed at Everton?32:45 What are Sean Dyche's non negotiable’s?33:32 Sean Dyche and Frank Lampard differences35:25 Mindset shift from Arsenal to Everton36:38 Alex on Amadou Onana37:47 How pivotal is DCL to Everton’s chances of Survival?39:20 Assessing Alex personal season so far42:43 What are the problems with Everton’s infrastructure?44:26 What does pressure do?45:28 Do the players feel adequately supported by the board?48:07 Message to Everton fans50:28 Are there contract talks to extend your time at Everton?51:46 How would you grade your time at Everton?51:35 Representing Nigeria53:37 Victor Osimhen55:26 What needs to change for Nigeria to be successful?1:01:52 Arsenal right now1:03:45 Bukayo Saka1:04:30 Eddie Nketiah1:06:07 Are Arsenal gonna win the league?1:08:29 Personal aims for career1:10:54 Life outside of football1:18:00 Outro Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Dundee United Cake: Frank Lampard makes a welcome return, Steve Bruce makes a return, and there are transfers afoot

We’re back in your ears and though we were only gone for a short while, the football Gods (Newcastle United) have provided, in the squishy form of Steve Bruce. We react with a range of emotions while also casting an eye over Frank Lampard’s appointment at Stamford Bridge and looking at some of the more interesting transfers we’ve seen so far this summer.There’s also the usual stuff like Mark McGhee’s Bitcoin side hustle, Pascal Chimbonda’s summer adventures and Pete’s sumo wrestling related travel adventures. Join us on 5th August for the start of Football Ramble Daily. Keep an eye on our socials in the meantime for all the info— see you soon!Email us here: show@thefootballramble.com***Please take the time to rate and review us on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your pods. It means a great deal to the show and will make it easier for other potential listeners to find us. Thanks!***Further reading:Alan Shearer begged Steve Bruce not to take the Newcastle job, begged him:https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/alan-shearer-reveals-urged-steve-16604321West Ham may have a gem in Sebastien Haller:https://www.theguardian.com/football/who-scored-blog/2019/jul/18/sebastien-haller-west-ham-good-business-transferMegan Rapinoe and the USWNT have been a summer highlight:https://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/womens_football/womens-world-cup-2019-usa-equal-pay-megan-rapinoe-stats-attendance-audience-a8995996.html Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

How Frank Is Frank Lampard's 'Totally Frank'?

In 2006, Chelsea legend Frank Lampard released his autobiography 'Totally Frank'. And, sixteen years later, we're finally asking the question on everyone's lips... Just how frank is it? Featuring naked conversations with José Mourinho, his mortal enemy Adrian Mutu, and his true feelings about his West Ham days. Plus Frank Lampard's interview speak in book form and we reveal what's REALLY written on those little notes subs bring onto the pitch.FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: @footiebookclubINSTAGRAM: @footballbookclubJOIN THE FOOTBALL BOOK CLUB *CLUB*: www.patreon.com/footballbookclub Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

“He Defied Science!” The Frank Lampard Effect

James Allcott is joined by Rory Jennings to take a look at the life and times of Frank Lampard. The pair discuss Lampard’s astronomical impact at Chelsea, the ripple that caused the move, and how Lampard has affected the game since going into management. Where next for Frank Lampard? And is he one of the all-time greats of English football?Host: James AllcottGuest: Rory JenningsProducer: Cai JonesEditor: Finn McSkimmingAdditional Production: Jonathan Fisher Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

2. January Blues

As the run of poor results continues, pressure on manager Frank Lampard grows and questions are asked about his future. Conor Coady finds himself defending for the club both on and off the pitch as he faces the media. Meanwhile, the club puts out a controversial statement and relationships with fans go from bad to worse. At the end of last season, loyal fans turned out to support the team as they arrived at Goodison Park, playing an important role in keeping the team in the Premier League. Are they prepared to do the same again?Everton are mid-table in the Women’s Super League. We’re in the changing room as manager Brian Sorenson and the team prepare to face Reading.

Frank Lampard’s Chelsea and Arsenal’s Anfield acid test

Jimbo, Duncan Alexander, Charlie Eccleshare and Jon Mackenzie are back in a week packed full of Premier League football and yet more managerial movement. Frank Lampard is back at Chelsea as interim manager until the end of the season. He needs to introduce more spirit at Stamford Bridge and more chairs at Cobham. Newcastle thrash West Ham 5-1 in a game so odd it could be considered a one-off. And a big weekend beckons, with leaders Arsenal hoping their excellent away record can stand the test of time at Anfield. Plus why Leeds have been lucky, that Ferguson flick and Tottenham’s eyes on De Zerbi. Produced by Charlie Jones. RUNNING ORDER:  • PART 1: A James Milner stat (02.00) • PART 2: Lampard returns to Chelsea, with Dom Fifield (03.30) • PART 3a: Midweek Premier League roundup (21.00) • PART 3b: A big week for Leeds (31.00) • PART 4a: Liverpool v Arsenal preview (38.00) • PART 4b: The rest of the Premier League weekend (44.00) SIGN UP TO THE ATHLETIC TODAY FOR £2 A MONTH FOR 12 MONTHS • theathletic.com/totally Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

MNF | Chelsea defeat rivals Fulham | Lampard discusses managerial career | Classic Chelsea v Liverpool battles 2004-09

Dave Jones is joined by Jamie Carragher and Frank Lampard as Fulham host Chelsea on Monday Night Football. They discuss the major summer signings and departures of Chelsea, noting the dramatic difference in age, with players coming in far younger than players leaving. Where can Chelsea finish this season? Is their lack of finishing their only real problem? Frank then looks at his other former club Everton and looks at the issues they’ve faced the last few years.There’s then another look at the controversial moments from Tottenham’s win over Liverpool. Does something need to be done to improve VAR after PGMOL’s apology over their disallowed goal? Was Curtis Jones unlucky to be sent off?Frank Lampard then takes a deep look into his experience as Chelsea and Everton manager – what were his philosophies, transfer policies and hardest parts of the roles?Finally, Jamie and Frank assess the battles they had between Chelsea and Liverpool between 2004-09. Which players were the hardest to play against and how did they adapt their games?

England Win the Finalissima and Frank Lampard Returns to Chelsea

Ian is joined by Musa Okwonga and Flo Lloyd-Hughes to look back at England’s win on penalties over Brazil in the inaugural Finalissima (05:08), played between the winners of the Copa América Femenina and UEFA Women's Championship. They discuss England’s brilliant team goal, finished by Ella Toone, and what Sarina Wiegman can learn from Brazil’s pressure in the second half, which led to an injury-time equaliser. They also chat about Frank Lampard’s return to Chelsea (30:18), what it says about the club’s direction, and how both club and (interim) manager might be able to use this period to grow in the future.Host: Ian WrightGuests: Musa Okwonga and Flo Lloyd-HughesProducers: Jonathan Fisher, Ryan Hunn, and Roscoe Bowman Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

Episode 91 – The Old Vietnamese Dustbin, and Frank Lampard!

Johnny & Gav were joined by a real proper sports star this week – no joke – ex-England and Chelsea legend Frank Lampard took his place on The Kickabout. The boys also discussed The Good, The Bad & The Ugly of the sporting week, and of course worked through your brilliant Mexican Handbags – send them in to kickabout@radiox.co.uk You can hear The Kickabout live on Radio X from 11am every Saturday, and if you want to take the boys Around Your Ground or introduce them to your mates in the Sunday League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen then get in touch on kickabout@radiox.co.uk

3. The Big Decision

It’s January and Everton are in the bottom three of the Premier League. After more disappointing results, Frank Lampard’s time runs out. Club Captain Seamus Coleman opens up about what it’s like to lose yet another manager. We meet new gaffer Sean Dyche on his first day at Finch Farm. He’s the club’s eighth manager in seven years. Will he be the one to turn things around? On Liverpool’s waterfront, work progresses on Everton’s new stadium. The club needs a home that’s fit for a top flight football club. But the ambitious and expensive project comes with financial risks too.

Episode 6: Is Frank Lampard the man to replace Michael Beale?

The Times Chief Football Writer Michael Grant joins Peter Martin, Hugh MacDonald and Tam Cowan for this week's episode of The Journos. The panel discuss the vacant managerial role at Rangers, they debate if Frank Lampard is the man to replace Michael Beale and where it all went wrong for the former QPR boss at Ibrox. 

Frank Lampard & Dean Smith emerge as CLTFC coaching candidates

John Hayes and Danny Brams react to the news that Charlotte FC has interviewed Frank Lampard and Dean Smith for its open managerial position. Is either a good fit for the club? Copa America is coming to Charlotte! The QC will host the semi-final and third place match in this summer's massive tournament. Charlotte is a Soccer City. Plus, TFOS questions.Subscribe to our new substack for free: https://charlottesoccercity.substack.com/

Royal Blue: Frank Lampard sacked as Everton Manager

A special edition of the Royal Blue podcast as the ECHO’s Everton correspondent Joe Thomas and Everton reporter Chris Beesley join host Connor O’Neill to discuss Frank Lampard’s sacking as Blues boss. The former Derby County and Chelsea manager was dismissed following a 2-0 defeat to West Ham United, Everton’s eighth loss in nine matches with only goal difference keeping the team off the bottom of the Premier League. The panel give their thoughts on where it went wrong for Lampard and who Farhad Moshiri should turn to now as he looks for an eighth incumbent in the Goodison Park dugout since taking control of the club in 2016 and someone to try and steer Everton clear from the threat of a first relegation in 72 years. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Oh, Canada!, AFCON, and Frank Lampard Is the New Everton Manager | Stadio Podcast

Musa and Ryan begin this week with the news of another grim story from the world of football. Then, it’s on to more cheerful stuff, starting with Canada’s win over the USMNT to pull clear at the top of their World Cup qualifying group (11:59). Cameroon, Senegal, Egypt, and Burkina Faso made it through to the semifinals of the AFCON (23:18) and Frank Lampard was appointed Everton's manager (29:25).Hosts: Musa Okwonga and Ryan HunnProducer: Ryan HunnAdditional Production Assistance: Isaiah Blakely Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

Lampard Sacked

An emergency pod about Frank Lampard’s dismissal from Chelsea that ends up being about David Batty instead. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Christine Lampard - my old fashioned romance with Frank and why i'm an anxious mum Ep12

TV’s Christine Lampard reveals all about her old-fashioned romance with husband, Frank - after meeting at the Pride of Britain awards - while winner Karen Johnson explains how she faced the tragic loss of her two boys. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Assessing Frank Lampard's tactical nous

The Athletic's Michael Cox & Ali Maxwell are joined by our Chelsea writer Liam Twomey to analyse the tactical approach Frank Lampard has taken so far in his inaugural season as a Premier League manager, with a particular focus on how he has tackled the games against the other 'top 6 teams' Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices