Klonade husdjur – en dyr men lockande lösning

Klonade husdjur erbjuder en kontroversiell väg att hantera sorgen över att förlora en älskad följeslagare. Tekniken har blivit tillgänglig för allmänheten i USA relativt nyligen och lockar husdjursägare som söker tröst en möjlighet att ”lura döden”. Många hoppas att deras klonade husdjur kommer att vara en identisk ersättning för det förlorade, vilket gör kloning till en kostsam, men lockande lösning. The Atlantics reporter har pratat med flera djurägare som har valt att klona. Även om åsikterna varierar tycks den allmänna uppfattningen vara att det är svårt att få samma band som man hade med det ursprungliga husdjuret. You can replicate an animal’s DNA, but you can’t re-create its relationship with a human. By Chiara Dello Joio 26 october, 2023 I met Princess Ariel and Princess Jasmine on a sunny afternoon at a park in Garden City, New York. The two dogs—both creamy-colored shih tzu mutts with spots on their backs—were lying next to each other on the grass, front legs extended, tongues hanging out. Every so often, they’d both look off to the side at the same moment—then turn their heads back again simultaneously. When two excited little girls came over to pet them, the dogs’ owner—John Mendola, a retired police officer—made pleasant small talk with the girls’ parents. Eventually, though, he shared something that made them raise their eyebrows in surprise: The dogs were not only twins but twin clones, spawned from the DNA of his late dog, Princess. In 2016, right before Princess died, Mendola had ordered a genetic-preservation kit from ViaGen—a pet-cloning facility based in Cedar Park, Texas—and sent off a sample of her skin to its lab. The company, which opened in 2015, clones dogs and cats for $50,000 and horses for $85,000. Mendola spent several years saving (and sold his car) to afford it, but now here he is with two new versions of his beloved pup. At least, that’s one way to think of it. A cloned pet is easy enough to define physically: It’s a genetically identical animal, like a twin born on a different date. But its meaning is harder to pinpoint. Is it a continuation of the original pet? An homage to the old one, like a living gravestone? A unique animal that might share some of its predecessor’s best qualities? I talked with several pet-clone owners to find out what they’d wanted—and whether they’d gotten it. For many people, it seems, a clone is essentially an attempt to cheat death, to somehow mitigate the pain of losing a companion. But grief isn’t easily evaded. The first cloned mammal, Dolly the sheep, was born in 1996—but cloning technology has become publicly available to pet owners only more recently. ViaGen, the U.S.’s most popular facility, started cloning livestock and horses in 2002, then expanded to dogs and cats in 2015; since then, it’s cloned close to 1,000 pets, and its customer count is rising. The process (formally known as “somatic cell nuclear transfer”), requires a pet’s tissue sample to be cultured to produce millions of cells, the nucleus of a donor egg to be removed and replaced with one of those cells, and the embryo to be implanted into a surrogate animal, which will give birth to an identical twin of the original pet. Because surrogates are implanted with several embryos, there’s about a 30 percent chance that multiple clones—like Princess Ariel and Princess Jasmine—will be born (though owners can take them all home for the same price). Pet cloning is ethically fraught. Surrogate animals, for example, have to endure surgery when the embryo is implanted, and sometimes need a cesarean section or experience stillbirths as well. Snuppy, the first cloned dog, born in 2005, was the result of more than 1,000 embryos implanted into 123 surrogate dogs, resulting in three pregnancies that ultimately yielded just one healthy puppy. In 2008, 20 dogs had to be implanted to create one clone of a toy poodle. Surrogates are leased from a breeder; Melain Rodriguez, ViaGen’s client-service manager, told me that all of the company’s customers used to have the option of adopting their clone’s surrogate, but after too many clients complained that their cloned dogs were bonded more tightly with their surrogate than with them, ViaGen stopped offering canine clients the option. Ethicists and animal-welfare activists have argued, too, that cloning is particularly pernicious when millions of animals are languishing in shelters. And yet, cloning—essentially a very expensive bereavement-coping tool—can be tempting for owners who don’t feel ready to let go of their pet. In a promotional video on ViaGen’s site, Rodriguez claims that clients “don’t ever have to know what it’s like to have them gone.” And plenty of customers take that promise quite seriously: They don’t just want a new pet that reminds them of their previous one. Rodriguez told me that “a lot of our clients will go into it hoping that it’s the same pet all over again.” There’s no guarantee, though, that a cloned pet’s personality will be the same as the original’s. As with human identical twins, the two virtually always look similar. But the clone will also experience its own unique conditions—maybe a new home, or different family members or other pets around, or even just a different diet. Those factors can shape the individual it becomes. In fact, Brock Bastian, a psychology professor at the University of Melbourne, in Australia, who studies ethical decision making, told me he wonders whether people might be better off saving $50,000 and just buying the same breed again. Rodriguez said that clients are warned not to expect a reincarnation. Still, they’re likely to keep comparing their new and old pets, forever on the lookout for similarities and departures. Unsurprisingly for some owners, the attachment they’d had to their initial pet is impossible to re-create. Kelly Anderson, a dog trainer in Austin, Texas, told me that her late ragdoll cat, Chai, first came home with a lot of diseases, so Anderson spent months nursing her back to health, which she felt strengthened their tie. Chai was not a particularly affectionate cat, but in moments when Anderson was depressed, she said Chai would snuggle up to her, somehow seeming to sense her turmoil. She believes that Chai saved her life on numerous occasions. When Chai died unexpectedly at 5 years old, Anderson decided to clone her and named the new kitten Belle. Belle looks just like Chai—long-haired white fur and bright-blue eyes—but her demeanor is entirely different. Though Chai was always reserved, Belle is outgoing; whereas Anderson nurtured Chai through near-fatal illness, Belle has always been perfectly healthy. Anderson loves Belle enormously and doesn’t regret her choice to clone. But she’d forged a bond with Chai based on very specific experiences: coaxing her out from under the bed when she was scared, gently getting her to swallow her medicine, gaining her trust. With Belle, Anderson told me, she doesn’t feel the same connection. She doesn’t just miss the combination of DNA that was Chai; she misses their relationship, which was built on unreplicable memories and experiences. Other owners feel like their clone is so similar to their original pet that they hardly need to start over at all. West Westmoreland, who owns a construction company in Jacksonville, Florida, told me that Peanut II, his cloned miniature dachshund, is essentially a perfect continuation of his predecessor, Peanut. Peanut I had been deeply attached to Westmoreland, who’s quadriplegic and uses a wheelchair, and had quickly become his service dog—spending most of her time in his lap and accompanying him to his doctor appointments. When she died after 13 years, Westmoreland was devastated. Several months later, when he brought Peanut II home, the clone took on the same caregiving role as her predecessor. As soon as she could reach his foot pedals and clamber up his legs, she started spending most of her time in his wheelchair, not wanting to let him out of her sight. “It’s like having the same dog,” he told me. “It’s unreal.” One possible explanation for this perceived similarity, Rodriguez told me, is “cellular memory,” a theory that memories from the brain can actually be stored at a cellular level, and that those memories are heritable. But it’s also likely that genetically identical animals who are raised by the same owner, in the same environment, could end up displaying familiar behaviors—or at least that owners would interpret their behaviors as similar. Pets are, after all, the perfect object for this kind of projection: They can’t challenge their owners’ assumptions about who they are, what they remember, or how connected they feel to their two-legged family. However familiar a clone might seem, though, a pet owner’s initial loss isn’t so neatly resolved. Mendola told me he feels that Princess Ariel and Princess Jasmine are like the original Princess “in a new shell.” But still, he misses Princess terribly. Since she died, he hasn’t been able to sleep in the bed he shared with her; he, Ariel, and Jasmine use a different room. Westmoreland does feel like he has his treasured Peanut—or “P1” as he now refers to her—back in the form of Peanut II. But he also has two new dachshunds, Cleo and Zoe; he adopted them right after Peanut died, but they were nothing like her and, he felt, didn’t fill the void she’d left. I asked Westmoreland if it was possible that he might have bonded with Cleo and Zoe more had he not been so focused on re-creating a specific relationship with Peanut II. Perhaps, he told me, he would have connected especially with Cleo, hoping she could eventually turn into a good service dog—but now he’ll never know, because he decided Peanut II was right for the position. In fact, Westmoreland is so pleased that he’d consider getting a Peanut III. But if he keeps replacing Peanut with clones, I wonder whether he might be postponing his grief, rather than coping with it. For some pet owners, having the option of that postponement—of going around their loss, rather than through it—is a comfort in itself, even if they never actually buy a clone. Rodriguez told me that the bulk of ViaGen’s customers have a genetic-preservation sample stored in the freezer (for a fee of $1,600) but haven’t gone through with cloning yet, and may choose never to do so. Rodriguez even has cells from two of her deceased dogs preserved in case she decides to clone them in the future. And the company has cloned animals from cells that were nearly 20 years old—so owners might keep the possibility in the back of their mind for a long, long time. When I met Mendola, he showed me a video from the day he received Ariel and Jasmine. He’s sitting at a restaurant in LaGuardia Airport—visibly nervous, his hands clasped in prayer—anticipating the arrival of Princess’s clones. They’re brought to him in a carrying case, and as he’s handed the two tiny wriggling puppies, he holds them close while they start burrowing their faces into his chest; he beams down at them, sniffling tears of joy. Mendola remembers asking them, “Do you remember me?” He interpreted their kisses and wagging tails to mean they did. © 2023 The Atlantic Media Co., as first published in The Atlantic. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency.

ANALYS: Så kan Brandberg vinna på banantramset

ANALYS: Så kan Brandberg vinna på banantramset

Mot dumheten kämpar även gudarna förgäves, brukade min gamla farmor säga. Fördumningen av medierapporteringen kring bananerna är möjligen ett bevis för att hon hade rätt. Jag är journalist – jag inser fnissvärdet i storyn. Det är knasigt, det är skojigt och det är en snackis. Något man pratar om i fikarummet. För varje toppolitiker som uttalar sig i frågan växer dessutom historien. Vissa av dem pratar naturligtvis hellre om bananer – än om riktiga problem. Jämställdhetsministern lider likt tiotusentals andra svenskar av en fobi. Paulina Brandbergs fobi är bananer. Hon är rädd för dem. Vill inte se dem, än mindre äta dem. Hon har en sjuklig rädsla för bananer helt enkelt. Naturligtvis bara trams Det mindre mediadrevet om bananerna började med att SVT:s humorprogram Svenska Nyheter uppmärksammade jämställdhetsminister Paulina Brandbergs fobi mot bananer. Efter det snappade Expressen upp storyn, och grävde vidare. Efter att ha begärt ut dokument från regeringskansliet kunde tidningen avslöja hur personal tvingas ”banansäkra” lokaler som jämställdhetsministern skall besöka. Vid en resa till New York tvingades assistenten till en funktionshindrad åka 46 trappor för att banansäkra ett rum. Riktig fart tog det när Socialdemokraternas rättspolitiska talesperson Teresa Carvalho uttalade stöd för sin politiska motståndare, och erkände att också hon led av bananfobi. En stund senare rapporterades det om att finansminister Svantesson rasade mot medierapporteringen, och även Liberalernas partiledare Johan Pehrson uttalade stöd för sin partikamrat. Rapporteringen har pågått i några dygn och har eskalerat under torsdagen. Men allt är naturligtvis bara trams. Brandberg kan vinna Det finns ingen politisk konflikt. Ingen från oppositionen har riktat saklig kritik mot ministern. Tvärtom verkar de ense om att fobi mot bananer är jobbigt. Det finns ingen redaktion som publicerat några belägg för att fobin påverkat ministerns förmåga att utföra sitt yrke. Det finns heller inga belägg för att det är Paulina Brandberg som personligen instruerat någon att banansäkra rum. Det är mer troligt en ambitiös medarbetare. Under dagen har Paulina Brandberg lagt locket på och svarar inte på frågor om bananer från media. Hon vill gissningsvis hellre prata om vad hon vill göra åt hedersförtrycket, och hur hon tänker bekämpa mäns våld mot kvinnor. Mot politiken finns naturligtvis relevant kritik att rikta och frågor att ställa – i stället handlar allt i dag om bananer. Men möjligen kan Brandberg i längden vinna på skriverierna. Förre vänsterledaren Gudrun Schyman gick efter ett antal skriverier på 90-talet tillslut ut och berättade om sin alkoholism. Schyman blev folklig. Fobier och annan psykisk ohälsa är likt alkoholism sannerligen inget att leka med för de som drabbas. Många vet hur jobbigt det är. Genom att berätta om personliga svagheter som många kan relatera till kan politiker uppfattas som mänskliga. Möjligen kan Paulina Brandberg vinna förtroende genom att berätta om sin svaghet.

Donald Trump har anlänt till Vita huset – lovar en smidig övergång

Donald Trump har anlänt till Vita huset – lovar en smidig övergång

I det Ovala rummet skakade de hand, den nyinvalde presidenten Donald Trump och den avgående Joe Biden. – Politik är tufft, och i många fall är det inte en särskilt trevlig värld. I dag är det en trevlig värld, och jag uppskattar det väldigt mycket, säger Trump i samband med handskakningen. Därtill lovade han en smidig övergång. Samtidigt kommer uppgifter från The New York Times om att Trumpadministrationen inte kommer att ge mer stöd till Ukraina. Talmannen för USA:s representanthus Mike Johnson ska ha pratat om detta under ett möte bakom stängda dörrar i dag. Melania nobbade inbjudan Även Melania Trump var bjuden till Vita huset för att träffa Joe och Jill Biden, men tackade nej, skriver CNN. Enligt källor ska anledningen vara ett evenemang kring sin nya bok, där hon ska medverka. Den nobbade inbjudan bryter traditionen efter ett amerikanskt presidentval. Tidigare under dagen sa Donald Trump att han är öppen för att vara president en ytterligare, tredje mandatperiod, vilket inte är tillåtet enligt nuvarande lagstiftning.

CIA-anställd gripen – läckte attackplan

CIA-anställd gripen – läckte attackplan

En CIA-anställd man har gripits i Kambodja, rapporterar amerikanska medier. Mannen anklagas för att ha läckt hemligstämplade dokument om Israels planer på hämndattacker mot Iran tidigare i år. Mannen uppges ha gripits på tisdagen och kommer på torsdagen att ställas inför en domstol på det amerikanska Stillahavsterritoriet Guam, skriver The New York Times. Underrättelsetjänsten CIA har enligt tidningen inte velat kommentera gripandet. Uppgifterna om läckan blev först offentliga den 19 oktober. De topphemliga dokumenten sades då ha läckt till en proiransk Telegramkanal från en avdelning inom USA:s försvarsdepartement.

Veckan efter Trumps triumf

Veckan efter Trumps triumf

▸ Det har gått en vecka sen Donald Trump och Republikanerna vann i rysarvalet i USA. Medan Demokraterna och Kamala Harris slickar sina sår så har Donald Trump satt igång att jobba med vad han vill göra de kommande fyra åren i Vita huset. Bland annat ska han ha ringt till Vladimir Putin och bett honom att inte eskalera kriget i Ukraina - men det är uppgifter som Kreml förnekar. Hur har valresultatet landat? Har Trump ljugit om samtalet med Putin och vad kommer han göra fram till installationen i januari? Gäst: Emelie Svensson, Aftonbladets reporter i New York. Programledare och producent: Jenny Ågren. Klipp från: CNN, BBC News, Fox 13 Seattle. Kontakt: podcast@aftonbladet.se.

Beslut om Trump-straff skjuts upp

Beslut om Trump-straff skjuts upp

I maj fann en domstol i New York Donald Trump skyldig till att ha förfalskat dokument och brutit mot bokföringslagar i samband med utbetalningen av så kallade munkavlepengar till porrstjärnan Stormy Daniels. I ljuset av sommarens HD-beslut, som ger en president utökad rättslig immunitet, har Trumps jurister begärt att domen ska hävas. New York-domaren Juan Merchan skulle ha lämnat besked på tisdagen, men väljer att skjuta upp det till den 19 november. Det är i linje med Trumpsidans yrkanden. De anser att beslutet först ska skjutas upp och att fallet sedan helt ska avskrivas. Trump har i fallet dömts på 34 punkter. Straffpåföljden skulle enligt ursprungsplanen ha meddelats den 26 november, men nu är det oklart om det blir en sådan.

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New York i poddar

Trump's 2024 Playbook

As former President Donald J. Trump enters an election year leading his Republican rivals by wide margins in the polls, multiple court cases are taking up an increasing amount of his campaign schedule. They have been integrated into his messaging and fund-raising efforts, and his campaign staff has been developing a strategy to lock up his nomination, regardless of what happens in court. Maggie Haberman, a senior political correspondent for The Times, discusses what Mr. Trump’s campaign will look and feel like amid the many court dates for his cases.Guest: Maggie Haberman, a senior political correspondent for The New York Times.Background reading: Inside Trump’s Backroom Effort to Lock Up the NominationTrump’s Team Prepares to File Challenges on Ballot Decisions SoonIndicted or Barred From the Ballot: For Trump, Bad News Cements SupportFor more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.

Biden’s 2024 Playbook

Yesterday, we went inside Donald Trump’s campaign for president, to understand how he’s trying to turn a mountain of legal trouble into a political advantage. Today, we turn to the re-election campaign of President Biden.Reid Epstein, who covers politics for The Times, explains why what looks like a record of accomplishment on paper, is turning out to be so difficult to campaign on.Guest: Reid J. Epstein, a politics correspondent for The New York Times.Background reading: In South Carolina, Democrats see a test of Biden’s appeal to Black voters.Political Memo: Should Biden really run again? He prolongs an awkward conversation.For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday. 

A Confusing New World for College Applicants

In a landmark ruling last summer, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned nearly 50 years of precedent and banned the use of affirmative action in college admissions.The decision eliminated the most powerful tool for ensuring diversity on America’s college campuses and forced college admission officers and high school seniors to figure out what the college admissions process should look like when race cannot be taken into account.Jessica Cheung, a producer on “The Daily,” explains how, over the past year, both students and college officials have tried to navigate the new rules.Guest: Jessica Cheung, a producer on “The Daily” for The New York Times.Background reading: The first high-school seniors to apply to college since the Supreme Court’s landmark decision have had to sort through a morass of conflicting guidance.From June: The Supreme Court rejected affirmative action programs at Harvard and U.N.C.For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday. 

Why Are So Many More Pedestrians Dying in the U.S.?

A puzzling new pattern has taken hold on American roads: pedestrian traffic deaths, which had been on the decline for years, have skyrocketed.Emily Badger, who covers cities and urban policy for The Upshot at The New York Times, discusses her investigation into what lies behind the phenomenon.Guest: Emily Badger, who covers cities and urban policy for The Upshot at The New York Times.Background reading: Why are so many U.S. pedestrians dying at night?The exceptionally American problem of rising roadway deaths.More theories on the rising pedestrian deaths at night.For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday. 

The Wild World of Money in College Football

Tonight, millions of Americans are expected to tune in to watch one of the biggest sports events of the year, college football’s national championship game. On the field, the game will be determined by the skill of the players and coaches, but behind the scenes, secretive groups of donors are wielding enormous influence over what fans will see.David A. Fahrenthold, an investigative reporter for The Times, discusses the shadowy industry upending college football, and how it has brought amateur athletics even closer to the world of professional sports.Guest: David A. Fahrenthold, an investigative reporter for The New York Times.Background reading: The best teams that money could buy.A shift that allows booster groups to employ student athletes has upended the economics of college football and other sports while giving many donors a tax break.For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.

Biden Supports Israel. Does the Rest of America?

A New York Times/Siena College poll has found that voters disapprove of President Biden’s handling of the war in Gaza, though voters are split on U.S. policy toward the conflict and whether or not Israel’s military campaign should continue. Jonathan Weisman, a political correspondent for The Times, breaks down the poll and what it means for U.S.-Israeli relations and Biden’s 2024 campaign.Guest: Jonathan Weisman, a political correspondent for The New York Times.Background reading: Poll Finds Wide Disapproval of Biden on Gaza, and Little Room to Shift GearsHow Much Is Biden’s Support of Israel Hurting Him With Young Voters?Amid Dismal Polling and Some Voter Anger, Don’t Expect Biden to Shift His StrategyFor more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday. 

The Afterlife of a Gun

Across the United States, hundreds of towns and cities are trying to get guns off the streets by turning them over to businesses that offer to destroy them.But a New York Times investigation found that something very different is happening.Mike McIntire, an investigative reporter at The Times, explains the unintended consequences of efforts by local officials to rid their communities of guns.Guest: Mike McIntire, an investigative reporter for The New York Times.Background reading: The guns were said to be destroyed. Instead, they were reborn.Gun control, explained.For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.

A Snowy Night at the New York Public Library

Narrator: Thomas Jones 🇬🇧 Writer: Alicia Steffann ✍️ Sound design: distant city ambience, light snowfall 🌃 ❄️ Includes mentions of: Nostalgia, Winter, History, Gratitude, Fantastical Creatures, Animals, Architecture, Ice & Snow, US History, Travel, Shakespeare, Fantastical Elements, Fantasy, Literature & Literary History, Dreams. Welcome back, sleepyheads. Tonight, we’ll get a very special pass inside one of the world’s greatest libraries, in New York City. In contrast to our usual daytime library visits, we’ll find that there will not be any door that is closed to us, or any other patron taking up our favourite spot. 😴 Watch, listen and comment on this episode on the Get Sleepy YouTube channel. And hit subscribe while you're there! Enjoy various playlists of our stories and meditations on our Slumber Studios Spotify profile. Support our Sponsors - Shopify is the commerce platform revolutionizing millions of businesses worldwide. Sign up for a $1 per-month trial period at shopify.com/getsleepy. Check out other great products and deals from Get Sleepy sponsors: getsleepy.com/sponsors/ Support Us   - Get Sleepy’s Premium Feed: https://getsleepy.com/support/.  - Get Sleepy Merchandise: https://getsleepy.com/store.  - Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/get-sleepy/id1487513861.  Connect  Stay up to date on all podcast news and even vote on upcoming episodes!  - Website: https://getsleepy.com/.  - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/getsleepypod/.  - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/getsleepypod/.  - Twitter: https://twitter.com/getsleepypod.  Get Sleepy FAQs Have a query for us or need help with something? You might find your answer here: Get Sleepy FAQs About Get Sleepy  Get Sleepy is the #1 story-telling podcast designed to help you get a great night’s rest. By combining sleep meditation with a relaxing bedtime story, each episode will guide you gently towards sleep.    Get Sleepy Premium Get instant access to ad-free episodes, as well as the Thursday night bonus episode by subscribing to our premium feed. It's easy! Sign up in two taps!  Get Sleepy Premium feed includes:  Monday and Wednesday night episodes (with zero ads). The exclusive Thursday night bonus episode. Access to the entire back catalog (also ad-free). Extra-long episodes. Exclusive sleep meditation episodes. Discounts on merchadise. We’ll love you forever. Get your 7-day free trial: https://getsleepy.com/support.    Thank you so much for listening!  Feedback? Let us know your thoughts! https://getsleepy.com/contact-us/.   That’s all for now. Sweet dreams ❤️ 😴 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Trump’s Case for Total Immunity

Donald Trump has consistently argued that as a former president, he is immune from being charged with a crime for things he did while he was in office.Adam Liptak, who covers the Supreme Court for The Times, explains what happened when Trump’s lawyers made that case in federal court, whether the claim has any chance of being accepted — and why Trump may win something valuable either way.Guest: Adam Liptak, a Supreme Court correspondent for The New York Times.Background reading: Trump’s immunity claim in court.Analysis: Trump says his acquittal by the Senate in his second impeachment trial makes him immune from prosecution.For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.

Baseball’s Plan To Save Itself From Boredom: An Update

This week, The Daily is revisiting some of our favorite episodes of the year and checking in on what has happened in the time since they first ran.Major League Baseball is putting in effect some of the biggest changes in the sport’s history in an effort to speed up the game and inject more activity.As the 2023 season opens, Michael Schmidt, a Times reporter, explains the extraordinary plan to save baseball from the tyranny of the home run.Guest: Michael S. Schmidt, a national security correspondent for The New York Times.Background reading: Listen to the original version of the episode here.With three major rule changes this season, Major League Baseball will try to reinvent itself while looking to the game’s past for inspiration.Here’s a look at the new rules.For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.

The Year of Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift grabbed many headlines in 2023. Her widely popular Eras Tour, which proved too much for Ticketmaster to handle, has been both a business and a cultural juggernaut. And Time magazine named her as its person of the year.Taffy Brodesser-Akner, a staff writer for The New York Times, explains why, for her, 2023 was the year of Taylor Swift.Guest: Taffy Brodesser-Akner, a staff writer for The New York Times Magazine.Background reading: Ms. Swift’s greatest gift is for telling her own story — better than any journalist could. But Ms. Brodesser-Akner gave it a shot anyway.Fan demand for Ms. Swift broke Ticketmaster, and that was just the prologue. These are the moments that turned her Eras Tour into a phenomenon.For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.

Why a Colorado Court Just Knocked Trump Off the Ballot

The Colorado Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday that former President Donald J. Trump is barred from holding office under the 14th Amendment, which disqualifies those who engage in insurrection, and directed Mr. Trump’s name to be excluded from the state’s 2024 Republican primary ballot.Adam Liptak, who covers the court for The Times, explains the ruling and why the case is likely headed to the U.S. Supreme Court.Guest: Adam Liptak, who covers the United States Supreme Court for The New York Times.Background reading:Trump Is Disqualified From Holding Office, Colorado Supreme Court RulesColorado Ruling Knocks Trump Off Ballot: What It Means, What Happens NextRead the Colorado Supreme Court’s Decision Disqualifying Trump From the BallotFor more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.

The Sunday Read: ‘Ghosts on the Glacier’

Fifty years ago, eight Americans set off for South America to climb Aconcagua, one of the world’s mightiest mountains. Things quickly went wrong. Two climbers died. Their bodies were left behind.Here is what was certain: A woman from Denver, maybe the most accomplished climber in the group, had last been seen alive on the glacier. A man from Texas, part of the recent Apollo missions to the moon, lay frozen nearby.There were contradictory statements from survivors and a hasty departure. There was a judge who demanded an investigation into possible foul play. There were three years of summit-scratching searches to find and retrieve the bodies.Now, decades later, a camera belonging to one of the deceased climbers has emerged from a receding glacier near the summit and one of mountaineering’s most enduring mysteries has been given air and light.This story was recorded by Audm. To hear more audio stories from publications like The New York Times, download Audm for iPhone or Android.

The Times Sues OpenAI + A Debate Over iMessage + Our New Year’s Tech Resolutions

The New York Times sued OpenAI and Microsoft last week for copyright infringement. Kevin Roose and Casey Newton walk through the lawsuit and discuss the stakes for news publishers. Then, they talk about Apple’s “walled garden,” which is facing threats from both regulators and 16-year-olds. Finally, we set our tech resolutions for the new year.Today’s guest: Eric Migicovsky, co-founder of BeeperAdditional Reading:The New York Times sued OpenAI.Apple’s latest headache in the debate over blue vs. green bubbles.We want to hear from you. Email us at hardfork@nytimes.com. Find “Hard Fork” on YouTube and TikTok.