Larmet: Fler ukrainska krigsfångar avrättas

Larmet: Fler ukrainska krigsfångar avrättas

Nio ukrainska krigsfångar har nyligen avrättats av ryska styrkor, rapporterar tankesmedjan ISW. Samtidigt larmar tankesmedjan om att allt fler ukrainska krigsfångar avrättas.  ”Ryska befälhavare verkar i stor utsträckning tolerera, uppmuntra eller direkt beordra avrättningarna”, skriver ISW.

Putins desperata drag – för att återerövra ryska regionen

Putins desperata drag – för att återerövra ryska regionen

Den 6 augusti blev ryskt territorium för första gången sedan andra världskriget angripet av utländska styrkor. Ukraina hade inlett sin motoffensiv och många experter antydde att agerandet kunde innebära en vändpunkt i kriget. Drygt två månader senare står det relativt stilla i Kursk. Ingen av parterna har gjort något större avancemang under de senaste dagarna, rapporterar CNN. – Med tiden har Kursk-operationen till en viss grad blivit normaliserad, säger analytikern Mark Galeotti vid den brittiska tankesmedjan Royal United Services Institute till nyhetskanalen. Enligt experter vill Ukraina använda sin offensiv som en ”moralhöjare” i de egna leden, medan Rysslands president Vladimir Putin gör allt för att spela ner betydelsen av det som hänt. Viss framgång för Ryssland Den amerikanska tankesmedjan ISW bedömer att Ukraina erövrat ett område på drygt 76 000 hektar i Kursk. ISW uppger samtidigt att Ryssland haft vissa militära framgångar i Kursk. Enligt ryska uppgifter har Ukraina pressats tillbaka på flera håll. Ukraina har dock inte bekräftat uppgifterna. – Det är trovärdiga uppgifter om att Ryssland är på frammarsch, men enligt de uppgifterna som finns tillgängliga handlar det inte om en total ukrainsk reträtt från det här området som man kapade åt sig i augusti, säger TV4 Nyheternas utrikesreporter Johan Fredriksson, som rapporterar från staden Lviv i Ukraina. – En stor bit av Kurskregionen behärskas fortfarande av ukrainska trupper, fortsätter han. Tusentals soldater till regionen Nyligen skickade Ryssland ytterligare 40 000 soldater till regionen för att trycka tillbaka Ukraina. Enligt den brittiska tankesmedjan Royal United Services Institute består manskapet av ”vad som gått att få ihop”. – Det kan liknas vid att leta bland soffkuddarna för att hitta lite småpengar," säger Mark Galeott. ”Ryssarnas motattacker bedöms endast nå flankerna av de ukrainska styrkorna.”, uppger en befälhavare för en ukrainsk bataljon inne i Kursk för CNN. – Hur det här påverkar kriget, och hur det kommer att gå för ryssarna att återerövra området är svårt att svara på, säger Johan Fredriksson. – Det kan också vara så att Ukraina väljer att dra sig ur under ordnade former, fortsätter han.

Spionchefen: Nästa år avgörande – annars väntar "allvarliga problem"

Spionchefen: Nästa år avgörande – annars väntar "allvarliga problem"

Kyrylo Budanovs budskap är tydligt: Rysslands förmåga att upprätthålla sina krigsansträngningar i Ukraina kommer avsevärt att försämras – och det snart. Budanov, som är chef för Ukrainas försvarsunderrättelsetjänst, hävdar att Ryssland, enligt sina egna beräkningar, kommer att ställas inför allvarliga ekonomiska problem som riskerar att långsiktigt skada landet, från mitten av 2025 och framåt. Det skriver Tankesmedjan Institute for the study of war, efter att ha tagit del av Budanovs uttalande på Yalta European Strategy meeting i Kiev, i helgen. – Det är en avgörande tid för dem. De vill avsluta kriget då (slutet av 2025, början av 2026). För enligt sina egna beräkningar, om de inte kommer ut ur detta krig, så kommer Ryska federationen på lång sikt – inom de närmaste 30 åren – att förlora den supermaktsstatus de strävar efter, säger Underrättelsechefen. ”En nyckelperiod” Med hänvisning till ryska dokument uppger Budanov att om Ryssland inte vinner kommer det i slutet av 2025 bara att finnas två supermakter kvar i världen: USA och Kina. – De är medvetna om detta. Det här är en nyckelperiod för dem. Så de kommer att göra allt för att vinna. Annars kommer de att hoppa av absolut alla globala processer. Allt de kan lita på är regionalt ledarskap och de är inte nöjda med det. Under helgens anförande kallade Budanov samtidigt det ryska mobiliseringsproblemet för ”akut”. Enligt underrättelsechefens bedömning kommer den ryske presidenten Vladimir Putin tvingas att fatta ett kritiskt beslut: antingen starta ytterligare en riskabel och kontroversiell mobilisering eller minska intensiteten i stridsoperationerna i Ukraina. På måndagen kom besked från Kreml. Putin beordrar att den ryska armén ska utökas med 180 000 soldater, rapporterar Reuters. Armén skulle då bestå av 1,5 miljoner soldater, enligt nyhetsbyrån. Det är dock oklart hur mobiliseringen ska gå till men Roger Djupsjö vid Försvarshögskolan ser det inte som omöjligt att den kommer lyckas. Beroende av Nordkorea Enligt underrättelsechefens vidare bedömning kommer västerländska stater att upprätthålla stödet för Ukraina på nuvarande nivåer under de kommande ett till två åren. Huruvida Rysslands samarbetsparters kommer det ser Budanov som mer oklart. Samtidigt skriver ISW att den ryska armén riskerar att drabbas av vapenbrist och att landet framöver kommer att bli allt mer beroende av samarbete med sina allierade för att fylla på sina lager. ISW slår därmed fast Ryssland förmodligen kommer behöva förlita sig på ett utökat militärt samarbete med Kina, Iran och Nordkorea för att kompensera för sinande vapenlager.

Zelenskyj bekräftar: Ryssland har inlett motoffensiv i Kursk

Zelenskyj bekräftar: Ryssland har inlett motoffensiv i Kursk

Ryssland själva uppger att man lyckats återta tio byar i Kurskregionen. ”Trupper i norr har befriat tio byar inom loppet av två dagar”, skriver det ryska försvarsministeriet i ett uttalande som publicerats på Telegram. Motoffensiven bekräftades av Ukrainas president Volodymyr Zelenskyj under en pressträff i Kiev på torsdagen. ”Ryssarna har inlett motoffensiver, vilket går i linje med vår ukrainska plan”, säger Volodymyr Zelenskyj. ISW: ”Situationen förblir flytande" Uppgifterna om rysk motoffensiv rapporterades först av den amerikanska tankesmedjan ISW, som skriver att de ryska motattackerna inleddes under tisdagen och onsdagen. "Storleken, omfattningen och utsikterna för de ryska motanfallen i Kursk oblast den 11 september är oklara och situationen förblir flytande", skrev ISW i rapporten, som släpptes tidigt under natten till torsdag svensk tid. Vill frita Kursk innan oktober Flera medier har tidigare rapporterat om att den ryske presidenten Vladimir Putin beordrat sina styrkor att frita Kursk senast 1 oktober – något flera militärexperter bedömer som osannolikt att lyckas. – Om de ryska motåtgärderna bedrivs på samma sätt som nu, och om de Ukraina gräver ner sig och inrättar ett försvar av tagen terräng, är första oktober ett önsketänkande, har tidigare överstelöjtnant Jörgen Elfving tidigare sagt till TV4 Nyheterna. I början av augusti inledde Ukraina en motoffensiv mot Ryssland genom att tränga in i Kurskregionen. Aktionen innebar att Ryssland invaderades för första gången sedan andra världskriget.

Experten om omplacerade ryska elitstyrkorna: "En skugga av sitt forna jag"

Experten om omplacerade ryska elitstyrkorna: "En skugga av sitt forna jag"

Det är den amerikanska tankesmedjan ISW som rapporterar om de ryska truppförflyttningarna, där åtminstone ett regemente från luftanfallsstyrkan VDV uppges beröras. De uppges flyttas till Kursk för att stärka upp, då det för närvarande befinner sig många ryska värnpliktiga soldater där. – Det är liksom lite gott och blandat av olika förband med olika dignitet med olika organisatoriska hemvister. Och det har skapat ett problem både när det gäller ledning och underhållstjänst, säger den tidigare överstelöjtnanten Jörgen Elfving. ”De har begränsad förmåga” Han säger att de ryska luftansättningstrupperna generellt sågs som elitförband – innan den fullskaliga invasionen i februari 2022. I dag, säger han, är de bara en skugga av sitt forna jag. – Man har tillfogats förluster både i personal och materiel. Det är ett fallskärmsförband vi talar om, ett förband som ska luftansättas med helikopter, men jag bedömer att den förmågan i dag är utomordentligt begränsad, säger han. Ukrainarna gräver ner sig Jörgen Elfving säger att Ukrainas motoffensiv i den ryska regionen Kursk överraskat ryssarna, som han upplever försöker spela ner situationen. Vladimir Putin har sagt att de ukrainska förbanden ska ha hunnit drivas ut till den 1 oktober, vilket Elfving inte håller som sannolikt. – Det finns indikationer på att ukrainarna gräver ned sig, säger han. ”Ryssarna urusla på taktik” Samtidigt trycker Ryssland på i Donetsk-regionen i östra Ukraina, där man nu bara står några kilometer från staden Pokrovsk. – Man kan konstatera att Ryssland har ett övertag när det kommer till både personal och materiel men däremot är man urusel på stridsteknik och taktik, säger Jörgen Elfving och avslutar: – Det beror bland annat på förlusten av officerare av lägre grad, det vill säga plutonchefer, kompanichefer och bataljonschefer, och att deras ersättare inte är lika välutbildade.

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ISW i poddar

ISWIS SE05EP43 The "Oh My God The Season Is Overrr" Episode

Hello Boys and Girls, Hello All! Welcome to the finale of season 5!It been such an exciting season and your fave girls FK and Jollz talk about their year, excitement for the live show this week, what they got up to o the weekend and so much more. Find out how Dekunle broke Jola's heart, FK's thoughts on shower etiquette and of course, lots of wise advice for some of your dilemmas. See you soon!Enjoyy!limited extra tickets to the live show on the 24th are avaialable in our bios or a’t forget to use #ISWIS or #ISWISPodcast to share your thoughts while listening to the podcast on Twitter! Rate the show 5 stars on whatever app you listen and leave a review, share with everyone you know and if you also watch on YouTube, like and leave a comment! If you want us to solve your dilemma on the podcast follow the link: sure to follow us on Twitter: @ISWISPodcastInstagram: @isaidwhatisaidpodYoutube: @ isaidwhatisaidpod Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

ISWIS SE05EP42 The "Everybody Is Not Okay" Episode ft. Funmto Ogunbanwo

On this amazing episode the bounce takes us to therapy. Your favourite girls FK and Jollz are joined by clinical therapist Funmto Ogunbanwo and together, they try to help some of you with your dilemmas. They also talk about the struggles of moving back to Nigeria, taking charge of your life, being gentle with yourself and taking stock of the past year while making actionable resolutions for the next one.Make sure you cop your tickets for the live show coming up on the 24th of December 2023!:!Don’t forget to use #ISWIS or #ISWISPodcast to share your thoughts while listening to the podcast on Twitter! Rate the show 5 stars on whatever app you listen and leave a review, share with everyone you know and if you also watch on YouTube, like and leave a comment! If you want us to solve your dilemma on the podcast follow the link: sure to follow us on Twitter: @ISWISPodcastInstagram: @isaidwhatisaidpodYoutube: @ isaidwhatisaidpod Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

ISWIS SE05EP41 The “A B C aka A Big Cee” episode ft. Cee C

On this amazing episode of the podcast, we have your favourite hosts, FK and Jollz joined by Cee C. A lawyer, actress, former Big Brother housemate and filmmaker, Cee C brings on her multi-talented nature to help some of you solve your problems and lets us know about her life before and after Big Brother. They also talk about pocket watchers, dicey best friends and starting a new career form scratch.Enjoyy!Have you bought your ticket to our Live show going down on the 24th of December, 2023? We're shutting down Lagos with our faves, grab your tickets before they're all gone!:’t forget to use #ISWIS or #ISWISPodcast to share your thoughts while listening to the podcast on Twitter! Rate the show 5 stars on whatever app you listen and leave a review, share with everyone you know and if you also watch on YouTube, like and leave a comment! If you want us to solve your dilemma on the podcast follow the link: sure to follow us on Twitter: @ISWISPodcastInstagram: @isaidwhatisaidpodYoutube: @ isaidwhatisaidpod Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

ISWIS SE05EP40 The "Alteezee" Episode ft Teezee

On this amazing episode, your favourite girls FK and Jollz are joined by Native Presido Teezee! They talk about vulnerability, the convoluted path to starting a creative career, managing a record label and so much more. Of course, they help you solve some of your dilemmas and Jola's unsafe space is back to make impact!EnjoyyDon’t forget to use #ISWIS or #ISWISPodcast to share your thoughts while listening to the podcast on Twitter! Rate the show 5 stars on whatever app you listen and leave a review, share with everyone you know and if you also watch on YouTube, like and leave a comment! If you want us to solve your dilemma on the podcast follow the link: sure to follow us on:Twitter: @ISWISPodcastInstagram: @isaidwhatisaidpodYoutube: @ isaidwhatisaidpod Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

ISWIS SE05EP39 The "Maintain Your Colour" Episode ft Chidera & Ebube

On this insightful, yet hilarious episode, your favourite hosts, FK and Jollz talk about how skin bleaching and beauty standards can create artificial insecurities. They are joined by Chidera, the founder of Olaedo Naturals and Ebube who's still figuring out life in law and tech. Together, they help some of you solve dilemmas, talk about skin bleaching experiences and colourism!Enjoyy!Don’t forget to use #ISWIS or #ISWISPodcast to share your thoughts while listening to the podcast on Twitter! Rate the show 5 stars on whatever app you listen and leave a review, share with everyone you know and if you also watch on YouTube, like and leave a comment! If you want us to solve your dilemma on the podcast follow the link: sure to follow us on Twitter: @ISWISPodcastInstagram: @isaidwhatisaidpodYoutube: @ isaidwhatisaidpod Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

ISWIS SE05EP38 The "Biggest Brother" Episode ft. Ebuka

On this amazing episode of the podcast, your favourite girls, Jollz and FK are joined by a very special guest you may already be familiar with, Ebuka Obi-Uchendu! Most popular for hosting The Big Brother Naija show, Ebuka is actually a bag of numerous talents, he's also a fashion icon, anchor, lawyer and agony uncle! The girls and Ebuka help some of you solve your dilemmas and also talk about building success slowly, deciding what path to take in your career and how showing up consistently brings rewards. They also talk about being #BornSocial check it out!Enjoy!Don’t forget to use #ISWIS or #ISWISPodcast to share your thoughts while listening to the podcast on Twitter! Rate the show 5 stars on whatever app you listen and leave a review, share with everyone you know and if you also watch on YouTube, like and leave a comment! If you want us to solve your dilemma on the podcast follow the link: sure to follow us on Twitter: @ISWISPodcastInstagram: @isaidwhatisaidpodYoutube: @ isaidwhatisaidpod Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

ISWIS SE05EP37 The "Focus On Your Career" Episode ft. BOJ & Odunsi The Engine

The bounce is back and in their alté bag! Your favourite hosts FK and Jollz are joined by BOJ, independent artist, all round fresh boy and alté music pioneer as well as Odunsi The Engine, multi-talented, singer, producer and artiste. They have a riveting, hilarious conversation about being creatives, they gist about what happens in the lives of artistes and of course they help some you solve some pesky dilemmas with sage advice.Enjoyy!Don’t forget to use #ISWIS or #ISWISPodcast to share your thoughts while listening to the podcast on Twitter ! Rate the show 5 stars on whatever app you listen and leave a review, share with everyone you know and if you also watch on YouTube, like and leave a comment! If you want us to solve your dilemma on the podcast follow the link: sure to follow us on Twitter: @ISWISPodcastInstagram: @isaidwhatisaidpodYoutube: @ isaidwhatisaidpod Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

ISWIS SE05EP36 The "Small, Big & Medium Pressure" Episode

On this amazing episode of the podcast, your favourite girls FK and Jollz get into a hilarious of conversation about online dating and what they got up to over the weekend. Of course, they help some of you solve your dilemmas and they get into a discussion about how social media pressures affect how one views themselves and how they portray their lives on the internet. They also talk about how they navigate feelings of discontentment and they motivate themselves to enjoy their now and do better where they can.Enjoyy!Don’t forget to use #ISWIS or #ISWISPodcast to share your thoughts while listening to the podcast on Twitter! Rate the show 5 stars on whatever app you listen and leave a review, share with everyone you know and if you also watch on YouTube, like and leave a comment! If you want us to solve your dilemma on the podcast follow the link: sure to follow us on Twitter: @ISWISPodcastInstagram: @isaidwhatisaidpodYoutube: @ isaidwhatisaidpod Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

ISWIS SE05EP35 The 'Betraying Yourself" Episode ft. Chinasa Anukam

On this amazing episode, your favourite hosts are taking seats! FK and Jollz are joined by host of the "Is This Seat Taken?' show on YouTube, Chinasa Anukam. They have the funniest and insightful discussion about self betrayal and staying true to your own self. They also talk about the difficulties trying to expand as a creative in Nigeria and they help you solve some interesting dilemmas.Enjoyy!Don’t forget to use #ISWIS or #ISWISPodcast to share your thoughts while listening to the podcast on Twitter! Rate the show 5 stars on whatever app you listen and leave a review, share with everyone you know and if you also watch on YouTube, like and leave a comment! If you want us to solve your dilemma on the podcast follow the link: sure to follow us on Twitter: @ISWISPodcastInstagram: @isaidwhatisaidpodYoutube: @ isaidwhatisaidpod Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

ISWIS SE05EP34 The “Hahahaha” episode

On this amazing episode, the bounce is shaved and engaged! FK and Jollz are joined by 'the blide', Dimma Umeh, a YouTube sensation, content creator and good friend. Together, they help you guys solve your dilemmas and they have a super interesting discussion about hilarious weekend shenanigans, body image, money and how it affects relationships and much more. Jola's unsafe space is back this week as well! Want to know what it is about? Listen in!Enjoy!Don’t forget to use #ISWIS or #ISWISPodcast to share your thoughts while listening to the podcast on Twitter! Rate the show 5 stars on whatever app you listen and leave a review, share with everyone you know and if you also watch on YouTube, like and leave a comment! If you want us to solve your dilemma on the podcast follow the link: sure to follow us on Twitter: @ISWISPodcastInstagram: @isaidwhatisaidpodYoutube: @ isaidwhatisaidpod Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

ISWIS SE05 BONUS EPISODE The “Inner Compass” Episode ft Pheelz & Nissi

This fantastic episode was sponsored by Spotify! Jollz and FK have the most interesting and funny conversations with special guests Pheelz and Nissi as well as a live audience to banter with! They give you the full experience talking about what they have up to, they help some of you solve your dilemmas and have a rocking time with the audience at the event.Enjoyy!Don’t forget to use #ISWIS or #ISWISPodcast to share your thoughts while listening to the podcast on Twitter! Rate the show 5 stars on whatever app you listen and leave a review, share with everyone you know and if you also watch on YouTube, like and leave a comment! If you want us to solve your dilemma on the podcast follow the link: sure to follow us on Twitter: @ISWISPodcastInstagram: @isaidwhatisaidpodYoutube: @ isaidwhatisaidpod Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

ISWIS SE05EP33 The "Children Can Frustrate You" Episode

On this amazing episode, your favourite girls, FK and Jollz are back at it with a nanny this time! They get into their activities this past weekend, what its like being a nanny, what is it like working for a family and living with them and all the crazy shenanigans kids get up to. Enjoy!Don’t forget to use #ISWIS or #ISWISPodcast to share your thoughts while listening to the podcast on Twitter! Rate the show 5 stars on whatever app you listen and leave a review, share with everyone you know and if you also watch on YouTube, like and leave a comment! If you want us to solve your dilemma on the podcast, follow the link sure to follow us on Twitter: @ISWISPodcastInstagram: @isaidwhatisaidpodYoutube: @ isaidwhatisaidpod Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

ISWIS SE05EP32 The "Everything Na Double-Triple" Episode

On this hilarious episode, the bounce is in multiples! Today your favorite hosts, FK and Jollz sit with a set of triplets and a set of twins to talk about the unique experience of being born a multiple birth. The episode is not complete until they help some of you solve your dilemmas and they delve into what the twin and triplet sibling relationship is like, especially their favourite and not-so-favorite bits. Listen in to get all the juicy details!Enjoy!This episode of the I Said What I Said Podcast is proudly sponsored by Schweppes! Check them out and their new PET bottles here:’t forget to use #ISWIS or #ISWISPodcast to share your thoughts while listening to the podcast on Twitter! Rate the show 5 stars on whatever app you listen and leave a review, share with everyone you know and if you also watch on YouTube, like and leave a comment! To write into the podcast follow the link sure to follow us on Twitter: @ISWISPodcastInstagram: @isaidwhatisaidpodYoutube: @ isaidwhatisaidpod Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

ISWIS SE05EP31 The "Seventh Moon Is In The Fourth House" Episode

On this hilariously chaotic episode, Dekunle is back as a guest and in full Agony Uncle aso oke to help some of you solve your problems. Your favourite girls, FK and Jollz talk about their weekends and they make Dekunle google very questionable things. They also talk about the new business venture they want to go into.Jola's unsafe space of the week is cooking in this planetary cycle, listen for it! Enjoy!Don’t forget to use #ISWIS or #ISWISPodcast to share your thoughts while listening to the podcast on Twitter! Rate the show 5 stars on whatever app you listen and leave a review, share with everyone you know and if you also watch on YouTube, like and leave a comment! To send in your own dilemmas, follow the link sure to follow us on Twitter: @ISWISPodcastInstagram: @isaidwhatisaidpodYoutube: @ isaidwhatisaidpod Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

ISWIS SE05EP15 The “Bosom Buddy” Episode

On this hilarious episode, your favorite hosts, Jollz and FK have their friends on the podcast for an absolutely fantastic time! They talk about their weekends, tell us the funniest stories, and as usual, they give you guys advice for some of your dilemmas!Enjoy!!!Don’t forget the use the hashtag #iswispodcastMake sure to share, like subscribe and rate this podcast so more people can find it and the iswis family can grow!You can listen to the full episode Https:// sure to follow us on Twitter: @ISWISPodcastInstagram: @isaidwhatisaidpodYoutube: @ isaidwhatisaidpod Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

ISWIS SE05EP30 The "Imole" Episode

On this episode, Jollz and FK are up to their usual antics. They talk about their weekends and help some of you with your dilemmas in the agony aunt session. The girls also take time to discuss the passing of the Nigerian artiste Mohbad, and their thoughts on it. Can you guess what came up in Jollz's Unsafe Space of the week? Listen to find out!Enjoy!Don’t forget to use #ISWIS or #ISWISPodcast to share your thoughts while listening to the podcast on Twitter! Rate the show 5 stars on whatever app you listen and leave a review, share with everyone you know and if you also watch on YouTube, like and leave a comment! To write into the podcast follow the link sure to follow us on Twitter: @ISWISPodcastInstagram: @isaidwhatisaidpodYoutube: @ isaidwhatisaidpod Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

ISWIS SE05EP27 The "Secrets, Lies and Embarrassment" Episode

On this delightful episode, Jollz and FK are joined by their friend, Fisayo Longe, founder of the amazing Kai Collective and they look at the secrets and lies that you've told. They also discuss growing in public, being a one hit-wonder and more. Listen to the episode to enjoy the whole conversation!Enjoy!Don’t forget to use #ISWIS or #ISWISPodcast to share your thoughts while listening to the podcast on Twitter! Rate the show 5 stars on whatever app you listen and leave a review, share with everyone you know and if you also watch on YouTube, like and leave a comment! To write into the podcast follow the link: sure to follow us on Twitter: @ISWISPodcastInstagram: @isaidwhatisaidpodYoutube: @ isaidwhatisaidpod Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

ISWIS SE05EP29 The "On the Highway" Episode

On this hilarious episode, FK and Jollz have a silent guest and they talk about F.I.R.E., retiring early, a hamper they received form a kind listener and what they did over the weekend. Of course the episode doesn't end without them helping some of you solve your dilemmas.Enjoy!Don’t forget to use #ISWIS or #ISWISPodcast to share your thoughts while listening to the podcast on Twitter(or X as they want us to call it now)! Tag us in your favourite bits on Instagram too. Rate the show 5 stars on whatever app you listen and leave a review, share with everyone you know and if you also watch on YouTube, like and leave a comment! To write into the podcast follow the link sure to follow us on Twitter: @ISWISPodcastInstagram: @isaidwhatisaidpodYoutube: @ isaidwhatisaidpod Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

ISWIS SE05EP25 The "In The Know" Episode

On this episode, Fk and Jollz catch up on their weekends, talk about grief and how we perceive it in our culture and they help you solve some interesting dilemmas. They play a fun card game at the end of the episode, you'll want to hear it. If you know, you're in the know and if you don't know, then, listen to the episode!Enjoy!Don’t forget to use #ISWIS or #ISWISPodcast to share your thoughts while listening to the podcast on Twitter! Rate the show 5 stars on whatever app you listen and leave a review, share with everyone you know and if you also watch on YouTube, like and leave a comment! To write into the podcast follow the link - sure to follow us on Twitter: @ISWISPodcastInstagram: @isaidwhatisaidpodYoutube: @ isaidwhatisaidpod Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

ISWIS SE05EP28 The "Grammy as in Gramophone" Episode

On this Grammy award winning episode, FK and Jollz are joined by Kah-Lo, their friend who is a talented musician and former tech CEO. Together they help you guys solve your dilemmas (a Whatsapp group was suggested) and they also talk about Kah-Lo's journey from Yaba all the way to New York!Enjoy!Don’t forget to use #ISWIS or #ISWISPodcast to share your thoughts while listening to the podcast on Twitter! Rate the show 5 stars on whatever app you listen and leave a review, share with everyone you know and if you also watch on YouTube, like and leave a comment! To write into the podcast follow the link sure to follow us on Twitter: @ISWISPodcastInstagram: @isaidwhatisaidpodYoutube: @ isaidwhatisaidpod Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

ISWIS SE05EP24 The "Marital Bible" Episode

On this episode, your fave hosts are back for another fantastic time! Fk and Jollz talk about what they got up to these past two weeks, they some of you solve your dilemmas and of course as the title says they get into the art of appearing and disappearing from parties and some of their favorite experiences at Nigerian weddings!Enjoy!Don’t forget to use #ISWIS or #ISWISPodcast to share your thoughts while listening to the podcast on Twitter! Rate the show 5 stars on whatever app you listen and leave a review, share with everyone you know and if you also watch on YouTube, like and leave a comment! To write into the podcast follow the link - sure to follow us on Twitter: @ISWISPodcastInstagram: @isaidwhatisaidpodYoutube: @ isaidwhatisaidpod Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

ISWIS SE05EP19 The “Ugly Cars Park Outside” Episode ft. Laila Cadne

FK & Jola are joined by their friend Laila Cadne, a makeup artist, esthetician and multidisciplinary artist to give advice on dealing with family members you can’t stand, being a “cool gal”, random things we like in men and Laila’s journey as an artist and her latest exhibition! Don’t forget to use #ISWIS or #ISWISPodcast to share your thoughts while listening to the podcast on Twitter! Rate the show 5 stars on whatever app you listen and leave a review, share with everyone you know and if you also watch on YouTube, like and leave a comment! To write into the podcast follow the link - sure to follow us on Twitter: @ISWISPodcastInstagram: @isaidwhatisaidpodYoutube: @ isaidwhatisaidpod Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

ISWIS SE05EP21 The "Gist Loving Agony Aunts" Episode

This time, it's just your favorite girls on the podcast ! FK & Jola spend the entire time gisting about childhood shenanigans, the weird and sometimes violent discipline tactics Nigerian parents use and of course they help some of you solve your problems with the wisest advice in the country. Enjoy!Don’t forget to use #ISWIS or #ISWISPodcast to share your thoughts while listening to the podcast on Twitter! Rate the show 5 stars on whatever app you listen and leave a review, share with everyone you know and if you also watch on YouTube, like and leave a comment! To write into the podcast follow the link - sure to follow us on Twitter: @ISWISPodcastInstagram: @isaidwhatisaidpodYoutube: @ isaidwhatisaidpod Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

ISWIS SE05EP22 The "Validate Yourself" Episode

On this episode, your favourite hosts, FK and Jollz catch up on their weekends (guess who met Malala!), give advice to people with bad behaviour, people who need to set better boundaries with family and more. They also talk about having a self-validating compass within yourself and the dangers of leaning too heavily on external validation.Enjoy!Don’t forget to use #ISWIS or #ISWISPodcast to share your thoughts while listening to the podcast on Twitter! Rate the show 5 stars on whatever app you listen and leave a review, share with everyone you know and if you also watch on YouTube, like and leave a comment! To write into the podcast follow the link - sure to follow us on Twitter: @ISWISPodcastInstagram: @isaidwhatisaidpodYoutube: @ isaidwhatisaidpod Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

ISWIS SE05EP20 The "Spontaneous Land Is Green" Episode ft. TY Bello

FK & Jola are joined by photographer, musician, and multidisciplinary artist, TY Bello to give advice on dealing with close friends who won't return the money you lent them, the mental higi haga of driving in Lagos, growing roots in the industry doing what you love and so much more.Don’t forget to use #ISWIS or #ISWISPodcast to share your thoughts while listening to the podcast on Twitter! Rate the show 5 stars on whatever app you listen and leave a review, share with everyone you know and if you also watch on YouTube, like and leave a comment! To write into the podcast follow the link - sure to follow us on Twitter: @ISWISPodcastInstagram: @isaidwhatisaidpodYoutube: @ isaidwhatisaidpod Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

ISWIS SE05EP23The "Cool Mum" Episode ft. Chinyere, Folusho & Mfonabasi

On this episode, FK and Jollz are joined by the cool mums of the internet where they discuss parenting, the hidden costs of babies $$$, ensuring that they have a sense of personhood outside being someone's mum and of course they help some of you with some wise advice for your dilemmas.Don’t forget to use #ISWIS or #ISWISPodcast to share your thoughts while listening to the podcast on Twitter! Rate the show 5 stars on whatever app you listen and leave a review, share with everyone you know and if you also watch on YouTube, like and leave a comment! To write into the podcast follow the link - sure to follow us on Twitter: @ISWISPodcastInstagram: @isaidwhatisaidpodYoutube: @ isaidwhatisaidpod Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

ISWIS SE05EP01 "The Bounce 5.0"

On this Jolly Episode, FK & Jollz talk about the break and what they did, what to expect this new season and of course the elections. Enjoy!!Make sure you rate, share and leave a comment wherever you listen to the podcast telling us how much you enjoyed the episode! Better Ratings mean even more people find out about the podcast!Don't forget to use the hashtag#iswispodcastTo stay up to date with everything about the electionsDownload the Stears app to follow live election results - can listen to the full Episode ➡️ Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

ISWIS SE05EP16 The "NLL" Episode

On this wonderful episode, it is just your two favorite hosts, FK and Jollz encouraging you to be your best self this week #NLL. Seriously, FK and Jollz talk about their weekends, creating a pink list, importing a tailor all the way from Kwara for FK's Jumpsuits and so much more. They also help some of you guys solve your problems in the agony aunt session where they talk about loneliness and being more intentional about the choices that you make in your life. Also, why does FK keep refusing Jola's warm embrace? it's not good.Enjoy!!!Make sure to share, like subscribe and rate this podcast so more people can find it and the iswis family can grow!Don’t forget the use the hashtag #iswispodcast when you share the episode on social mediaYou can listen to the full episode Https:// you want us to give you some of our wise advice you send in your problems here: Make sure to follow us on Twitter: @ISWISPodcastInstagram: @isaidwhatisaidpodYoutube: @ isaidwhatisaidpod Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

ISWIS SE05EP11 The "It Really Is That Deep" Episode ft. Abxola

On this amazing episode, FK and Jollz are joined by @Abxola, a chief strategist, and marketer. They have a deep, insightful conversation about boundaries, being self driven, introspecting as an adult and so much more. Of course, they help some of you solve your problems in the agony aunt session.Enjoy!!!Don’t forget the use the hashtag #iswispodcastYou can listen to the full episode Https:// like, subscribe, rate and share our podcast so more people can find and enjoy the episodes! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.