Nathan Shachar: Trumps utspel kan få betydelse för vedergällningsattack

Nathan Shachar: Trumps utspel kan få betydelse för vedergällningsattack

JERUSALEM. Donald Trumps skarpa utfall mot president Joe Bidens Mellanösternpolitik kan få direkt betydelse för Israels vedergällningsattack mot Iran. Bidens krav på Israel att inte bomba Irans kärnvapenprogram ”är det tokigaste jag nånsin hört”, sade Trump till Fox News.

Trump vill stoppa kritisk reklam

Trump vill stoppa kritisk reklam

Murdoch kontrollerar USA:s största kabelkanal Fox News och tidningarna Wall Street Journal och New York Post, bland annat. Jag ska träffa Rupert Murdoch, sade Trump under en intervju i Fox News program Fox and Friends. Murdoch är den ende han kan tala med om saken och den rätte att framföra budskapet till, ett ganska rakt och enkelt sådant, enligt Trump: Kör ingen negativ reklam i 21 dagar (läs: fram till valet), sade Trump och syftade på reklam kritisk mot honom själv. Han tillade att inte heller några politiska motståndare eller kritiker till honom, fruktansvärda människor enligt Trump, bör låtas komma till tals i Murdochs medier. Trump visade stor upprördhet nyligen över att Fox News intervjuade demokraternas presidentkandidat Kamala Harris. Trump sade att Rupert Murdoch kanske inte är jätteförtjust över att deras kommande möte blir känt. Men jag kommer att säga: Rupert, gör så här och sedan kommer vi att vinna och det tror jag att vi alla vill, sade Trump.

Riskfyllda "chansningen" för att nå Trumps väljare: "Gick faktiskt hem"

Riskfyllda "chansningen" för att nå Trumps väljare: "Gick faktiskt hem"

Fox-ankaret Bret Baier inledde med att fråga Harris hur många illegala invandrare Bidenregeringen släppt in i landet de senaste åren. En fråga som Harris undvek att ge ett direkt svar på. – Poängen är att vi har ett trasigt migrationssystem som måste repareras, svarade Harris och underströk att systemet även var trasigt under Trumps tid som president. Hon fick frågan om hon fortfarande vill ge papperslösa rätt att ta körkort och få tillgång till subventionerad sjukvård, vilket Baier framhöll att hon ville under sin valkampanj inför presidentvalet 2020. – Det var fem år sedan och jag är väldigt tydlig med att jag kommer att följa lagen, svarade Harris. ”En chansning som gick hem” Tomas Kvarnkullen, TV4:s korrespondent i USA, har följt tv-framträdandet. – Det var en hård intervju, bitvis väldigt tjafsig.  Och responsen har varit positiv på flera håll, berätta han. – Det var nog en chansning från Harris sida som faktiskt gick hem, har jag hört kommentatorer från båda sidor säga. Tar avstånd från Biden Förra veckan sade vicepresident Harris i en uppmärksammad intervju att hon inte kunde komma på något som hon själv hade velat göra annorlunda än president Joe Biden. Nu tar hon mer avstånd från presidenten, vilket tagits emot positivt. – Mitt presidentskap kommer inte att vara en fortsättning på Joe Bidens presidentskap, försäkrade hon nu inför Fox-tittarna. Jakob Stenberg, USA-kännare, tar upp att det dock inte framgick exakt hur Harris tar avstånd från Biden. Presidentkandidaten har tidigare kritiserats för att inte vara så tydlig med vad hon vill. – Det som var mindre bra var att hon inte var så tydlig med på vilket sätt hon ska skilja sig från Biden och vad det innebär för ekonomin, migration eller aborträtten, säger Stenberg i Nyhetsmorgon. ”Rätt nöjda” Tomas Kvarnkullen menar att intervjun handlade om att vinna över väljare som bara tittar på Fox News, och som kanske tidigare röstat på republikanska kandidater, men som inte är helt övertygande om att Trump är rätt kandidat. Det ser fortfarande jämnt ut inför valet och de väljare som ännu inte bestämt sig är mycket viktiga. – Den stora frågan är om det här lyckades. Men det vi har hört från Harris-kampanjen är att de är rätt nöjda med utfallet.

Maktkampen om Murdochimperiet

Maktkampen om Murdochimperiet

▸ Murdoch-familjen sägs vara inspirationen till HBOs hyllade serie "Succession", där patriarken Logan Roys fyra barn slåss om att ta över ett mäktigt mediebolag. Verklighetens Logan Roy är 93-årige Rupert Murdoch, grundaren av News Corporation, som äger en rad inflytelserika tv-kanaler och tidningar, främst i USA. Däribland Fox News och Wall Street Journal. Nu står medieimperiets framtid på spel när Rupert Murdoch möter fyra av sina barn i rätten. Varför? Han vill riva upp ett 25-år gammalt avtal som ger de fyra barnen lika delar makt över företaget efter hans död. Tvisten har kallats för århundradets familjefejd. Hur mäktigt är egentligen familjens imperium? Och hur kan konflikten påverka framtiden för världens medielandskap? Gäst: Olle Lidbom, medieanalytiker. Producent och programledare: Olivia Bengtsson. Klipp i avsnittet: CNN News, ABC News. Kontakt:

Kräver förändring efter nya skolskjutningen: "Meningslösa tragedier"

Kräver förändring efter nya skolskjutningen: "Meningslösa tragedier"

Det var under onsdagen som skjutningen inträffade på en skola utanför Atlanta i den amerikanska delstaten Georgia. Fyra personer dog och ytterligare nio personer skadades. En 14-årig elev greps efter skjutningen, skriver nyhetsbyrån AFP. 385:e masskjutningen i år Händelsen är en i raden av flera skolskjutningar i USA där debatten om skjutvapenvåld har varit långvarig. Gårdagens skjutning är den 385:e masskjutningen i år, där fyra eller fler personer skadades eller dödades, enligt Politico som hänvisar till Gun Violence Archive. Demokraternas presidentkandidat Kamala Harris nämnde skottlossningen under ett framträdande i delstaten New Hamshire bara timmar efter dådet. – Det här är bara en meningslös tragedi ovanpå så många meningslösa tragedier, och det är upprörande att föräldrar varje dag i vårt land, i USA, måste skicka sina barn till skolan, oroliga för om deras barn ska komma hem levande. Det är meningslöst, säger Harris. Kräver förbud mot anfallsvapen Harris har tidigare krävt förbud mot anfallsvapen och vill införa bakgrundskontroller på personer som äger vapen men nämnde ändå inga specifika policyändringar under sitt framträdande. Även nuvarande president Joe Biden har varit involverad i prevention av skjutvapenvåldet i landet och anlitade Harris för att leda Vita husets byrå för skjutvapensprevention. I sitt tal uppmanade Harris Republikanerna att ”samarbeta med Demokraterna och införa en skyddslagstiftning mot vapen”, skriver tidningen. ”Ska läka vår värld” Även Republikanernas presidentkandidat Donald Trump nämnde skolskjutningen i Georgia och lovade att ”läka vår värld” om han blir återvald i presidentvalet i höst, skriver Fox News. – Det är en sjuk och ilsken värld på många sätt och vi kommer göra den bättre. Vi kommer läka vår värld, sa Trump under ett framträdande i tv-kanalen Fox News. ”Existentiellt hot” Trump har länge varit en nära allierad med USA:s National Rifle Association (NRA) och har flera gånger kritiserat Harris inställning till skjutvapen, skriver The Race. Även NRA har länge varit emot regleringen av skjutvapenvåldet i USA och skriver att ”Kamala Harris är ett existentiellt hot” mot folkets rätt att bära vapen.

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Fox News i poddar

It's Web Week (with guest correspondent Daniel Foxx)

It's that weird bit in between Christmas and New Year, but your two favourite Northerners are on hand to try make sense of it all.Top stories this week include the proposed opening of sex dungeon in Runcorn, and a Grinch impersonator that may have taken things a step too far.Featuring guest correspondent, comedian Daniel Foxx.Daniel will be on tour with his stand-up show 'Villain' in February 2024, for tickets and information head to Want Extra! Extra! content? Join our Patreon or Apple Subscription for weekly bonus content.Got a juicy story from t'North? Email it to Northern News on Twitter @NorthernNewsPod and Instagram @NorthernNewsPodcastAnd follow Daniel on Twitter and Instagram @dnlfoxxRecorded and edited by Aniya Das for Plosive.Artwork by Welcome Studio.Photography by Jonathan Birch. Get bonus content on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

From Washington: A Tumultuous Congressional Year Comes To An End

A historic year for Congress comes to a close. For the first time in history, the Speaker of the House was voted out, and former Congressman George Santos was expelled for numerous ethics violations. FOX News Senior Congressional Correspondent Chad Pergram joins to discuss former Speaker McCarthy’s ousting, the expulsion vote of former Congressman Santos, Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries’ rise to power, and electing a new Speaker.   Also this year, the Supreme Court delivered final decisions on various high-profile cases, many of which were used as political tools to ignite voters. In July, the high court struck down the use of affirmative action in college admissions, as well as President Biden's student loan forgiveness plan, leading Democrats to take aim at the institution's legitimacy to fire up their base. FOX News Senior Congressional Correspondent Chad Pergram joined co-director of the Fox News Poll and professor at the University of Texas at Austin Daron Shaw after the court reached its decision to discuss how Democrats' strategy ahead of the upcoming election year. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

“THIS Is Why Fox News Fired Me!” – Interview With Tucker Carlson

Why was Tucker Carlson, Fox News’ number one host, fired from his job at the cable network? Even he says he doesn’t know for sure, but in this interview with Jimmy Dore he and Jimmy discuss some of the possible reasons, including his position on vaccines, his critical take on the U.S. involvement in Syria, and his willingness to host a controversial figure like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to Carlson about how freeing his departure from Fox has been. Plus Jimmy's interview with the so-called "QAnon Shaman" Jake Chansley who is out of prison and running for Congress as a Libertarian. Also featuring Mike MacRae and Stef Zamorano! And phone calls from Joe Biden and Vince Vaughn!

11/27/23: Hostages Released, Possible Ceasefire Extension, Massive Destruction In Gaza, Ukraine Official Says NATO Killed Peace, UFO Whistleblower Says We Aren't Alone, Fox News Falsely Claims Border Terrorist Attack, And US Officials Exposed On Israel Vs Ukraine Hypocrisy

Krystal and Saagar discuss a potential ceasefire extension as hostages are released, new images of the destruction in Gaza, Ukraine official admits NATO killed peace deal, P Diddy and Cuomo hit with MeToo allegations, UFO whistleblower says we 100% aren't alone, Fox News falsely claims terrorist attack on border, and US officials exposed on Ukraine vs Israel hypocrisy. BP Holiday Merch LIVE NOW (Use code BLACKFRIDAY for 15% off Non-Holiday Items):  To become a Breaking Points Premium Member and watch/listen to the show uncut and 1 hour early visit: for privacy information.

From Washington: Biden 2024 Campaign Kick-Off

President Joe Biden officially began 2024 with a campaign speech on Friday, laying out what's at stake for the upcoming election and defining it as a fight for democracy ahead of the third anniversary of the Capitol riot. It was the president's first campaign event of the year, and the Biden camp jumped on the fact that many Americans remain shaken by former President Trump's alleged involvement in the events on January 6th. Fox News Radio's Political Anchor and Washington Correspondent, Jared Halpern, explains President Biden's anti-MAGA campaign strategy and why he continues to tout his economic success despite an unfavorable response from Americans. 2024 is an election year, and while many are looking ahead to November's general election, special elections in the coming months will also have big implications for the Congressional balance of power. With vacancies in many high-profile seats, the earlier contests could mean House Republicans lose their majority control. FOX News Senior Congressional Correspondent Chad Pergram explains what makes special elections so interesting and discusses the pressure placed on Speaker Johnson as he navigates his party's slim majority. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Iraq PM on US exit, Trump back on Fox, Ecuador violence and eating disorders at the Olympics

The Iraqi prime minister tells Reuters why he is calling for the U.S. military to withdraw. A TV station is stormed by an armed gang as violence escalates in Ecuador. Donald Trump appears live on Fox News for a townhall ahead of the Iowa caucuses – what is his relationship with the network like now? Athletes raise concerns about eating disorders in climbing and call for action ahead of this year’s Olympics. Plus, Lloyd Austin’s health and Bitcoin’s false alarm. Visit the Thomson Reuters Privacy Statement for information on our privacy and data protection practices. You may also visit to opt out of targeted advertising. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Governor DeSantis Makes His Case To Iowa

Republican candidates are gearing up for the first primary contest of the 2024 presidential election, with the Iowa GOP caucus just 10 days away. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has campaigned heavily in the state, hoping to upset former President and current front-runner Donald Trump. Still, the Governor faces poor polling in primary states, along with a late surge from the former South Carolina governor, Nikki Haley. 2024 GOP candidate, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, joins the Rundown as he shares his strategy for winning Iowa, criticizes Nikki Haley for saying that New Hampshire voters will correct the vote out of Iowa, and describes what success for his campaign looks like in Iowa. Candidates are continuing to prepare for the 2024 election cycle, with President Biden preparing to give multiple campaign speeches, while former President Trump and the rest of the GOP primary candidates make their last campaign pushes before Iowa. Fox News Sunday Anchor Shannon Bream joins to talk about DeSantis and Haley's campaign leading up to the Iowa caucus, President Biden's campaign strategy, and the first set of released documents from the Jeffery Epstein case. Don't miss the good news with Tonya J. Powers. Plus, commentary from host of OutKick's Tomi Lahren is Fearless, Tomi Lahren. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Red State Versus Blue State On The Debate Stage

On Thursday night, it's a battle of the red states versus the blue states. On Fox News, Sean Hannity will moderate a debate between Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and California Governor Gavin Newsom. During the event, Governor DeSantis, a candidate for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination, is sure to be speaking directly to primary voters about his vision for the country. Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds is a red state governor herself, and she has endorsed DeSantis ahead of her state's first-in-the-nation caucus. On the Rundown, Gov. Reynolds previews what red state strengths DeSantis is likely to emphasize during the debate and unpacks her decision to endorse Governor DeSantis. FOX correspondent Benjamin Hall almost died reporting on the war front in Ukraine nearly two years ago. Since his rescue from the warzone, he has undergone dozens of surgeries and countless amounts of rehabilitation to make a strong recovery. Earlier this month, Hall went back to Ukraine, where he sat down with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to discuss the current state of the war. He joins the podcast to discuss his return and the launch of his new podcast, "Searching for Heroes." Plus, commentary by former Trump economic adviser and economist at the Heritage Foundation, Steve Moore. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

2024 Race Teases A Potential Presidential Referendum

Former President Donald Trump continues to dominate the polls into the new year. The Iowa caucus is just weeks away, with Trump poised to win the first Republican contest of the election cycle. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley are vying for second place as their polling numbers continue to narrow. On the Rundown, Daron Shaw, professor of government at the University of Texas-Austin, member of the FOX News National Decision team, and the bipartisan FOX News polling group discusses what's in store for the GOP candidates heading into the election year. The past year presented Americans with a housing market at a standstill, with a lagging economy and the Fed’s rising interest rates hurting the real estate sector severely. Yet, good news may be on the horizon. The Federal Reserve Chairman, Jerome Powell, suggested that with inflation falling faster than anticipated, the Fed’s rate hikes are likely over. Chief Economist at the National Association of Home Builders, Robert Dietz, joins the podcast to break down this good news, why so many expect the housing market to bounce back in 2024, and how the real estate and home building industry is preparing.   Plus, commentary by Fox News contributor Liz Peek. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

The Fox News ‘Lying Tax,’ Tucker and More with Brian Stelter

Why did Fox News knowingly air unhinged conspiracy theories about Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic and then fire Tucker Carlson, its most popular host, just days after settling with Dominion for $787.5 million? Brian Stelter, the former host of CNN’s Reliable Sources, explores these questions and more in a new book, Network of Lies: The Epic Saga of Fox News, Donald Trump, and the Battle for American Democracy. The TLDL: Tucker and Rupert deserved each other, until they didn’t. But do listen to get the scoops on Fox … and on CNN from this media insider. This interview was recorded live at 92NY on Tuesday November 14th.  Questions? Comments? Email us at or find us on social media. We’re on Instagram/Threads as @karaswisher and @nayeemaraza Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

11/27/23: Mitt Romney stuns MAGA, Fox fabricates its own news

-- On the Show:-- Republican Senator Mitt Romney says that even many Democrats are better than Donald Trump for President, wildly triggering MAGA Republicans-- President Joe Biden explains the timing of the October 7 Hamas attack against Israel as related to the potential for normalization of relations between Arab countries and Israel-- Donald Trump's polling surges again, hitting a new record high for the 2024 Republican primary and putting him above 60% for the first time-- Jenna Ellis, one of many former lawyers for Donald Trump and his campaign, turns on MAGA and calls it a cult-- Failed former President Donald Trump has an epic meltdown as Joe Biden continues to do things-- Fox News reporter Lucas Tomlinson reports that "people" are asking about Biden's age on Nantucket, but the only person who asked about it was Tomlinson himself-- Donald Trump is brutally booed when attending the Clemson-South Carolina college football game-- David was turned into Tucker Carlson by AI in the process of having his content stolen-- Streamer Ian Vaush attacks David as a "bloodthirsty psychopath" while providing not a single citation-- Voicemail caller unleashes disgusting hate on David amidst wild allegations of socialism-- On the Bonus Show: Former police officer Derek Chauvin stabbed in prison, Elon Musk sues Media Matters, George Santos says he expected to be expelled from Congress, much more...🔊 Babbel: Get 55% off your subscription at🎁 Uncommon Goods: Get 15% off at🌱 Ounce of Hope: Get 20% OFF with code PAKMAN at🚽 Hello TUSHY bidets: Get 25% off with code PAKMAN at🛌 Use code HELIXPARTNER25 for 25% off + free bedroom set at👍 Use code PAKMAN for 20% off the Füm Journey Pack at☕ Beam melatonin hot cocoa: Get up to 50% OFF at📈 Subscribe to Richard Vague’s free video series Tychos at Become a Supporter: Subscribe on YouTube: Subscribe to Pakman Live: Follow us on Twitter: Like us on Facebook: Leave us a message at The David Pakman Show Voicemail Line (219)-2DAVIDP

"A Red Alarm Moment For The Democratic Party": Biden Poll Numbers Sink

Voters continue to lose faith in President Joe Biden after multiple high-profile issues on the world stage and Americans' poor perception of the economy. The Biden White House sees the poor approval ratings and is attempting to recalibrate ahead of 2024. Recent Fox News polling forecasts that the President could lose in a rematch against former President Donald Trump in November. Fox News Radio's Political Analyst Josh Kraushaaur joins the Rundown to break down the numbers, share why Joe Biden continues to lose supporters among his base, and explain why Trump still dominates with Republicans. It’s “the most wonderful time of the year” for some, but that can all be upended for holiday travelers, who have faced severe airport delays and cancellations in recent years. The U.S. Department of Transportation this week slapped Southwest Airlines with a $140 million fine for their historic holiday flight shutdown in 2022 that left over two million travelers stranded. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg joined the podcast to explain how this fine will send a message to all airlines that they must take care of their passengers. Plus, commentary by Fox & Friends co-host and host of The Brian Kilmeade Show, Brian Kilmeade. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Extra: How The 2024 GOP Primary Is Starting To Look A Lot Like 2016

After months of anticipation, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis officially announced his 2024 presidential campaign from Miami, Florida this past week.  The popular Republican governor is clearly the biggest threat to former President Trump, who has a big lead in the primary polls. But like in 2016, having a viable opponent could actually prove to be a benefit to Trump. Shortly after Gov. DeSantis used Twitter to jump in to the race, host Lisa Brady spoke with Daron Shaw, Co-Director of the Fox News Poll and professor at The University of Texas at Austin, about the DeSantis impact on the GOP field, his campaign strategy so far, and how he or anyone can overcome Trump's commanding lead in the polls.  Shaw discussed how he expected the other Republican candidates to respond to Gov. DeSantis and his 'glitchy' entrance in to the race. He also explained why it was more likely the Gov. DeSantis, not Trump, would be the main target of the Republicans vying to be the nominee. Due to time limitations, we could not include the entire conversation in the FOX News Rundown segment that ran this week. In a FOX News Rundown Extra exclusive, you will hear our entire unedited interview with Co-Director of the Fox News poll Daron Shaw and get his complete breakdown of how the 2024 race so far. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit