Senatsledaren frös till två  gånger: "Tänker inte avgå"

Senatsledaren frös till två gånger: "Tänker inte avgå"

Mitch McConnell tystnade i mer än 30 sekunder • ”Har inget att tillägga”

Kravet: Biden måste attackera Iran

Kravet: Biden måste attackera Iran

Anklagelserna görs med det specifika politiska målet att förändra verkligheten i regionen, säger Irans utrikesministers talesperson Nasser Kanaani, enligt Irna. Angreppet inträffade natten till söndagen, och enligt amerikanska uppgifter skadades ett 30-tal personer i attacken. Attacken ökar risken för att konflikten kommer att spridas ytterligare i regionen. Joe Biden var tydlig när det gäller åt vilket håll misstankarna riktas: ”Vi samlar fortfarande in fakta kring attacken, men vi vet att den utfördes av en militant, extremistisk Iranstödd grupp som är verksam i Syrien och i Irak”, sade presidenten i ett uttalande. ”De ansvariga kommer att ställas till svars på det sätt vi ser som lämpligast, var så säkra på det”, fortsatte Biden. Republikanerna ställer krav Nu kräver flera republikaner i senaten att USA:s president ska gå till attack mot Iran, rapporterar Axios. Kravet kommer bland annat från minoritetsledaren Mitch McConnell och senatorerna Lindsey Graham, Tom Cotton och John Cornyn. De uppmanar Biden att tillsätta direkta militära ingripanden. Cotton kräver ”förödande militär vedergällning [...] både i Iran och i resten av Mellanöstern” och tillägger: ”Allt annat skulle bekräfta att Biden är en ynkrygg som inte är värdig att vara högste befälhavare.”

Altman om AI-hot mot jobben: "Inte det minsta rädd"

Altman om AI-hot mot jobben: "Inte det minsta rädd"

Open AI:s vd Sam Altman räds inte konsekvenserna på arbetsmarknaden som AI-revolutionen leder till. Det sa han på Wall Street Journals årliga konferens Tech Live i veckan: – Varje teknologisk revolution får följder för arbetsmarknaden. Jag är inte det minsta rädd för det. Under mötet samlades världens techledare – från bland annat Meta och Arm – för att diskutera de snabba förändringar som AI medför för näringslivet och politiken. Tidningen listar här några höjdpunkter från samtalen. OpenAI’s Sam Altman, Meta’s Chris Cox and others spoke at WSJ’s annual event. By WSJ Staff

The Wall Street Journal, 18 October 2023 Tech leaders convened on The Wall Street Journal’s annual Tech Live conference this week, where discussions focused on the fast-paced changes wrought by artificial intelligence across business, technology and policy-making. Here are some highlights from interviews. AI has been a central topic this year, as its impact on business and society is hotly debated. Sam Altman, chief executive of OpenAI, said the two things that will matter the most over the next few decades are abundant and inexpensive intelligence, and abundant and cheap energy. OpenAI is working to make ChatGPT cheaper and faster, so that it can be more broadly accessible. “If we can get these two things done in the world then it’s almost, like, difficult to imagine how much else we could do,” he said. Mustafa Suleyman, CEO of Inflection AI, said the race to build AI chatbots is reminiscent of the rush to build websites at the dawn of the internet or apps after the advent of smartphones. “This is really just the beginning of a complete transformation in the way we interact with computers,” said Suleyman, whose company makes a ChatGPT rival called Pi, short for personal intelligence. Meta is also optimistic about the impact of AI. “One of the most profoundly impactful applications in the near term for AI is helping businesses be more effective,” said Meta Platforms Chief Product Officer Chis Cox. Meta last month unveiled its own AI chatbots based on celebrities such as Naomi Osaka and Snoop Dogg. Cox said Meta is making it clear these characters aren’t the real people. “Having products that experiment with what is possible is great, but having anything that doesn’t make clear to people what is going on is a problem,” he said. Consumers are going to gravitate to TikTok, ChatGPT and other applications powered by generative artificial intelligence, instead of using traditional search engines, said Michael Wolf, co-founder and CEO of consulting firm Activate. He predicts that domination within the $100 billion search industry is “up for grabs,” adding that the rise of open-source AI models is paving a pathway for smaller entrants to meaningfully compete with large, established companies. Professionals from physicians to writers have been fearing that AI will entirely replace some jobs. “Every technological revolution affects the job market. I’m not afraid of that at all,” said OpenAI’s Altman. “That’s the way of progress. And we’ll find new and better jobs.” Still, it’s not going to be a seamless process. “The thing that I think we do need to confront as a society is the speed at which this is going to happen,” he added. Adam Wenchel, chief executive of AI company Arthur, took a more sanguine view of the job impact from AI than some other panelists at Tech Live. “These systems are going to roll out over time, very gradually, people are going to adapt to them and it’s going to be OK,” he said. Indeed, companies are still determining how to implement new AI technology. “Even at the highest levels, we’re still trying to figure out what does all of this mean to our business model,” said Vince Marin, chief information officer of law firm Sidley Austin. Charles Sims, chief technology officer at United Talent Agency, said AI makes it more important for people to have generalized skill sets that enable them to adapt as technology replaces specific specialties. “If you’re talking to a college student today, it’s about generalization, it’s about trying to learn as many things as you can,” he said. Elise Smith, CEO of Praxis Labs, said it is critical to involve the next generation of workers in discussions about how to use technology: “They want to be brought in and brought along on the journey,” she said. “They want to be doing the innovation day, the hackathon, where they’re getting to give ideas around how AI can transform their business.” Adobe’s president of digital media business, David Wadhwani, said that despite fears, he sees artificial intelligence as a tool that will boost employment rather than put people out of jobs. Tools like Adobe’s Firefly, which can generate images and logos, allow more people to become creative professionals, he said. “We will have creative professionals being more productive than ever before and more creative professionals in the world,” he said. Arm CEO Rene Haas said the chip company is using artificial intelligence to help in some of the areas where they struggle to hire enough talent, such as with debugging and testing chips. But he said the semiconductor industry faces some challenges in its role powering artificial intelligence. He described a future when energy shortages could constrain AI advancement, and a shortage of talent could limit production of semiconductors. “The kind of people we are looking to hire are hard to find. We are looking for really expert engineers,” Haas said. Investors are weighing whether it’s too late to get into AI. “Most investments in AI today—venture investments—will lose money,” said venture capitalist Vinod Khosla. Khosla, who founded Khosla Ventures almost two decades ago, said AI investing had entered a hype cycle, and only highly disciplined investors will reap the benefits of the transformative technology. The buzzy new technology has generated significant concerns, though. “We’ve got a fierce task ahead of us to figure out what are these downsides and discover, understand them, and build the tools to mitigate them,” said OpenAI Chief Technology Officer Mira Murati. For instance, sometimes chatbots confidently espouse information that doesn’t seem to be justified by its training data. “We’ve made a ton of progress on the hallucination issue with GPT-4, but we’re not where we need to be. We’re sort of on the right track.” Murati said. OpenAI is continuing to use techniques including reinforcement learning with human feedback to reduce the number of times that its model makes up information. It is also working on technology that can help detect the provenance of an image, Murati said. Suleyman, CEO of the company behind Pi, said another problem is that Pi and other AI chatbots aren’t designed to doubt themselves, which makes it hard to know when they’re wrong. He suggested that a possible safeguard for users would be to have responses ranked by their accuracy. “This skill of uncertainty estimation is a critical part of intelligence and actually key to making them reliable,” he said. Suleyman said he and his peers are also discussing the potential risk of AI interfering with next year’s U.S. presidential elections, and he hopes to build parameters that will prevent Pi from recommending political candidates. One of the leading risks to the development of the nation’s AI sector is the imbalance between public and private sector investment in what will soon be a technology as ubiquitous as electricity, said Fei-Fei Li, co-director of the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence and a former vice president at Google. U.S. government investment and incentives should at least match the U.S.’s investment in space exploration decades ago with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. “This technology is as big or even bigger than the space technology,” Li said. “We cannot just leave it to the private sector.” Li said the Food and Drug Administration, Environmental Protection Agency and other government agencies should urgently take a role in regulating AI. “It is very hard to imagine one ring that rules them all,” Li said. Roblox CEO David Baszucki said the gaming company is treading carefully when it comes to training artificial intelligence models, and isn’t harvesting anyone’s code without permission. “That’s a big societal discussion right now,” he said. The energy costs associated with powering artificial-intelligence programs have also been a concern for climate advocates. But former Meta Chief Technology Officer Mike Schroepfer, whose new firm Gigascale Capital invests in climate-focused companies, said AI will save energy in other ways. “It will be a large consumption of power, but you also have to think of the replacement costs,” he said, referring to efficiencies that AI is expected to provide. Cryptocurrency is another area in tech rife with pitfalls. Anthony Scaramucci, founder of SkyBridge Capital, said he should have been more wary of Sam Bankman-Fried, the founder of collapsed cryptocurrency exchange FTX, who is on trial in New York facing fraud and conspiracy charges. “I took the aura of all of that too seriously, and I probably should’ve been more of a skeptic,” Scaramucci said. “He committed a crime and I believe he has to go to jail for a very long time.” Executives and advocates also highlighted the risks of social media, especially for young people. Larissa May, founder and executive director, of nonprofit #HalfTheStory, said kids are spending an average of eight hours a day on their devices. “We better be looking at the place where they’re spending more time than anywhere else in their life, including sleep,” May said. Social-media companies should think about more than how much time young people are spending on social media app—they should find ways to measure whether apps are supporting or hurting them. “It’s so much bigger than just a dollar sign,” May said. Comedian and creator Elsa Majimbo said social media can be too negative. She called X, the social-media platform formerly known as Twitter, “a soft dark web” that should have a minimum age requirement of 18. Award-winning musician John Legend, who is launching his first-ever tech startup, agreed that AI has its limits. He said computer-generated music won’t replace songwriters, in part because audiences like the artists’ stories behind their music. “There’s just something that’s still so human about music, songwriting and that interaction we have with our audience,” he said. Arnold Schwarzenegger said he is aware of AI use in Hollywood and has heard a fake version of his voice. Whether or not his likeness will be used by AI in the future is a point his children will have to negotiate, the 76-year-old actor said. “I will not be around, even though I want to live forever,” he said. Even venture capitalist Khosla has tried his hand at it. When his daughter got married earlier this year, he asked ChatGPT to turn a speech he wrote into rap lyrics and then turned those lyrics into a song through an AI startup called Splash. He blared the song over speakers. “It extended my capabilities,” he said. “It meant a lot to me.” In addition to the uncertainties of AI, technology leaders are also now dealing with critical questions regarding the impact of geopolitics on the sector. Venture capitalist Khosla said that winning the race to develop advanced AI would give the U.S. an economic and political advantage over China. “I think the world’s political system—what influences Southeast Asia, Africa, Latin America—is at stake,” he said. “Western values are at stake in this technology battle, so we should do whatever we can to win this battle and beat China at it.” Khosla also warned against making the code behind advanced AI models available to the public, which some technologists have championed as a way to bolster the technology’s development. “You don’t open-source the Manhattan Project,” he said, referencing America’s clandestine efforts to build an atomic bomb during World War II. The war between Hamas and Israel, which has been a tech hub for years, was also a focal point of TechLive this year. Palmer Luckey, founder of defense technology company Anduril Industries, said U.S. corporate chiefs should be more vocal in their support for Israel. “It reflects very poorly on our billionaire class that you aren’t seeing a whole-of-country effort to become involved and to speak up about these issues. That you are seeing hedging on the condemnation of Hamas for fear of saying the wrong thing either in the court of public opinion or because it hurts their business interests,” Luckey said. Charlie Shrem, general partner of Druid Ventures, was asked about the use of cryptocurrency by Hamas to fund its attacks in Israel. He said it is “a really sad thing to see something that we were all involved in creating early on become used in these negative ways.” When it came to domestic politics, Schwarzenegger said aging leaders of the Republican and Democratic parties should step aside and make room for a new generation. The former California governor alluded to recent instances of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell freezing and falling silent, and said people in that position should “start thinking about stepping aside and letting a newer generation step in and fill the vacuum.” Sarah E. Needleman, Annie Gasparro, Berber Jin, Mengqi Sun, Georgia Wells, Sarah Krouse, Heather Somerville, Tom Dotan and Deepa Seetharaman contributed to this article.

Trump om åldersdebatten: "Jag är inte ens nära 80"

Trump om åldersdebatten: "Jag är inte ens nära 80"

Den republikanske presidentkandidaten Donald Trump anser inte att ålder är något problem för sig själv eller den sittande presidenten Joe Biden. Det säger han i en intervju med NBC. – Jag tycker inte att Biden är för gammal. Men jag tycker att han är inkompetent, och det är ett större problem. Den 77-årige ex-presidenten säger att han har fått fina resultat på läkarundersökningar, och han understryker att han ”inte ens är nära 80 förresten”. Åldersfrågan har bubblat i USA under sommaren efter att kongresspolitiker som Mitch McConnell, 81, och Dianne Feinstein, 90, uppvisat tecken på sviktande hälsa.

83-åriga Nancy Pelosi tar sikte på omval nästa år

83-åriga Nancy Pelosi tar sikte på omval nästa år

USA:s tidigare talman, den 83-åriga demokraten Nancy Pelosi, vill nästa år bli omvald till representanthuset där hon representerat San Francisco sedan 1987. Det rapporterar ABC News. ”Nu mer än någonsin behöver vår stad oss för att främja San Franciscos värderingar och fortsätta vår återhämtning”, skriver hon på X, tidigare Twitter. Pelosi var representanthusets talman mellan 2019 och 2023. Innan dess hade hon varit minoritetsledare sedan 2011. Ålderstigna toppolitiker är ett omdiskuterat ämne i USA. 80-årige president Biden, 90-åriga demokratiska senatorn Dianne Feinstein och 81-årige republikanske minoritetsledaren Mitch McConnell har alla fått sin lämplighet ifrågasatt i ljuset av deras höga ålder.

Läkare: "Frysningar" ingen stroke eller Parkinson

Läkare: "Frysningar" ingen stroke eller Parkinson

Det finns inga tecken på att den republikanske senatsledaren Mitch McConnell drabbats av en stroke eller lider av någon anfallssjukdom. Det uppger kongressläkaren Brian Monahan enligt The Hill, efter att 81-åringen ”frusit” två gånger på kort tid. I båda fallen blev han plötsligt okontaktbar under pressträffar. Läkaren baserar sin slutsats på en rad undersökningar, bland annat med magnetröntgen och EEG, samt ”konsultationer med flera neurologer”. Det rör sig inte heller om Parkinsons sjukdom, enligt utlåtandet. För drygt en vecka sedan sa samma läkare att McConnell lider av yrsel, något som är vanligt efter hjärnskakningar. McConnell fick en hjärnskakning i våras efter att han ramlat.

Därför väljer USA åldringar – trots att de vill ha yngre ledare

Återigen har en amerikansk toppolitiker agerat märkligt framför kameran. Och återigen frågar sig många i landet om inte deras ledare börjar bli lite väl gamla. Men vad beror det egentligen på att USA:s högst uppsatta politiker ofta är så mycket äldre än sina kollegor i Europa? Och om väljarna nu inte gillar det – varför fortsätter de att rösta på dem? Det hände igen: Senatorn och minoritetsledaren Mitch McConnell tystnade. Han förblev tyst i trettio sekunder, till synes oförmögen att svara på den ganska enkla fråga han precis hade fått av en reporter: ”kommer du ställa upp för omval 2026?” Det var andra gången på kort tid som senatorn ”frusit” som amerikanska medier beskriver det. Reporterns fråga är högst relevant. Mitch McConnell är 81. Nu frågar sig många om han inte redan är alldeles för gammal för att sköta sitt ämbete. ”Om McConnell var busschaufför, programledare, lärare eller något annat yrke som, precis som lagstiftare, kräver svar i realtid hade han bänkats i väntan på en medicinsk undersökning”, skriver Politicos Jack Schaefer. Mitch McConnell är tveklöst en person med stort inflytande. Och det handlar inte bara om honom. Nancy Pelosi, 83, var fram till i tidigare i år representanthusets talman. Den tredje i successionsordningen efter presidenten och vicepresidenten samt, enligt Forbes, världens tredje mäktigaste kvinna. Diane Feinstein, senator från Kalifornien, är 90. Efter ett utbrott av bältros tidigare i år var hon frånvarande vid omröstningarna i tre månader. Sedan återkomsten har hon körts runt i rullstol och, enligt reportrar i senaten, verkat vara förvirrad. Så där fortsätter det. Inte minst är detta en fråga inför det kommande presidentvalet. Joe Biden är 80 och Donald Trump är 77. När nyhetsbyrån AP under augusti frågade det amerikanska folket om de tyckte att presidentkandidaterna var för gamla för att sitta ytterligare fyra år i Vita huset svarade 77 procent ja gällande Joe Biden. Donald Trump, som själv har gjort Bidens ålder till ett politiskt vapen, tycker 51 procent av amerikanerna är för gammal. – Jag är så trött på alla gamlingar som styr vårt land. Jag vill inte ha någon som står på dödens tröskel, sa 38-åriga väljaren Nicole Farrier från Michigan till New York Times tidigare i år. Ja, USA sticker faktiskt ut, och det handlar inte bara om att plocka russinen ur kakan heller. Även om vissa enskilda politiker får mycket uppmärksamhet för sin ålder, är politikerna som grupp också gamla i USA. Snittåldern i senaten är i dag över 65 år, så hög har den nästan aldrig varit tidigare. I den svenska riksdagen är den, som jämförelse, 46. Mer anmärkningsvärt, kanske, är att de riktigt höga positionerna i landet – som president, domare i högsta domstolen eller ledare i senaten – domineras av personer i riktigt höga åldrar. I Europa går trenden, enligt Bloomberg, i motsatt riktning. I januari i år kallade brittiska The Guardian USA för en gerontokrati – det vill säga en stat där ledningen utses baserat på vem som är äldst. Det är ett begrepp som annars framförallt används om mycket auktoritära stater – inte sällan förment kommunistiska – och stamsamhällen. Det har gått så lång att somliga politiker har börjat tala om att införa en övre åldergräns för sina kollegor. Niki Haley, som utmanar Donald Trump om att bli republikanernas presidentvalskandidat, har sagt att hon vill se ett ”obligatoriskt kompetenstest” för politiker över 75. – Amerika har inte passerat sin topp – det är bara det att våra politiker har det, sa hon i samband med att hon lanserade sin presidentvalskampanj tidigare i år. Och USA:s befolkning verkar hålla med. Undersökningen som visar att de tycker att både Trump och Biden är för gamla för en ny mandatperiod visar också att det finns ett överväldigande stöd för åldersbegränsningar för politiker. Vad de än påstår i opinionsundersökningar så fortsätter väljarna i USA att välja väldigt gamla personer till landets högsta positioner. Det är det korta svaret. Vad det beror på är lite svårare att reda ut, även om många har försökt. Troligen spelar flera faktorer in. En är att äldre i USA tar sig till valurnorna i mycket högre utsträckning än yngre. Bland de som faktiskt röstar är snittåldern 57 år. Klart högre än om man ser till alla som är röstberättigade. Äldre personer är i sin tur mer benägna att rösta på äldre kandidater, och värderar dem som mer trovärdiga. En annan förklaring är att äldre politiker har haft längre tid att bygga upp nätverk av donatorer och supportrar, vilket kan tänkas vara extra viktigt i USA där politiska kampanjer ofta finansieras i hög grad på det sättet. Läs mer

Mitch McConnell på YouTube

Sen. Mitch McConnell freezes during press conference

Republican Leader Mitch McConnell was unable to finish his opening remarks during his weekly press conference on ...

Eyewitness News ABC7NY på YouTube

Senator Mitch McConnell has another freezing moment

Republican senator Mitch McConnell appeared to have another freezing moment on Wednesday at a Kentucky event prompting ...

Guardian News på YouTube

Senate Republican Mitch McConnell freezes during news conference

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell left his news conference after stopping mid-sentence, appearing to be disoriented.

Sky News på YouTube

Mitch McConnell booed during RNC vote call

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) was booed as he presented Kentucky's delegates' vote at the Republican ...

Washington Post på YouTube

Top Senate Republican Mitch McConnell freezes mid-sentence

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) froze mid-sentence while addressing reporters at the Capitol on Wednesday, ...

Washington Post på YouTube

Mitch McConnell i poddar

What’s Going On With Mitch McConnell?

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s health is raising concerns. On Wednesday, McConnell froze and fell silent during a press conference. He had a similar incident earlier this summer. WSJ’s Siobhan Hughes reports on the veteran Republican’s health scare and the speculation about who might succeed him.  Further Reading: - Mitch McConnell Freezes a Second Time During Kentucky Press Conference  - Mitch McConnell’s Health Scares Shine Spotlight on Senate’s ‘Three Johns’  Further Listening: - How Biden and McConnell Do Business  - The Fight Over the Speaker of the House  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Episode 197 | PinkyDoll /Glizzy NPC, Mitch McConnell, & We’re Back On Tour

TOUR TICKETS ARE ON SALE!!! Get your tickets now to Toronto, Los Angeles, London, or New York. We begin with discussing the Chew Live Crew hitting the road. Rory makes fun of Julian for going to a “Raya” mixer. Speaking out being outside, bottle wars are back. Except people are dumping them in the club. Somehow this leads to a Meek Mill & Robert Kraft conversation. Staying on old white men Mitch McConnell is really going through it. Mal questions the love from a dog/cat. Love for animals is almost the same as love for an NPC. Is Pinkydoll a sex worker? Have you seen the Glizzy Gobbler? We go into a hilarious discussion where we find out everyone’s go-to meal to cook for a date. It’s time for voicemails. Tune in as the guys discuss all of this + more! See you on the road soon.Follow The Team:Rory - - - - - Tickets / Merch: Subscribe:

Alternative History: What if Mitch McConnell voted to convict Trump?

Former Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.) joins Chuck to game out what could have happened in a world where Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell voted to convict former President Trump in his second impeachment trial relating to the insurrection.

#97: "Controlled Opposition" + Obama's Hands + Cis Allies + Mitch McConnell's Decline + Sam's Stripe

Sam gets a stripe, Obama maybe beat the **** out of someone, Mitch McConnell strokes out, Anthony Weiner has an epic showdown on Valuetainment, and a moron wants a colony on Venus.Visit to get your quote today!Enjoy "Don't Panic" on the Wondery App or wherever you get your podcasts!More stuff:Get episodes early, and unedited, plus bonus episodes: or Broken Simulation: media:Twitter: @fatdragonpro, @johnnywoodardInstagram: @samtripoli, @johnnyawoodardThe outro song is "Growing Growing Gone" by Fastball. Listen to it at!Want to see Sam live? Visit for tickets!Hosts: Sam Tripoli, Johnny Woodard

Ep 29 | Is Obama Gay? Will Mitch McConnell See Another Day? | Guest: Mike Eshaq

Tucker Carlson claimed Barack Obama is gay, and Mitch McConnell had another incident. Joined by Mike Eshaq.


From the Debt Ceiling to the reconciliation Infrastructure Bill, Mitch McConnell and the Republican Party have been nothing but obstructionists. They've proven that they clearly don't care about the people of this country. They are more concerned with "owning" the Democrats then doing the job they were elected to. Let's get into it. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

47: Tinfoil Time: Logan Paul, Mitch McConnell, and UFOs

Merch:  Join our Discord:  Ad Free Episodes:  AHHHHHH! HELP! Oh, nevermind, we’re good. This episode Zach and Wahlid put on their tinfoil hats and investigate the wildest conspiracy theories imaginable: Mitch “The Glitch” McConnell, Travis Scott’s Egyptian concert, and UFOs. If you listen on Apple Podcasts, go to: ZAWS IG:  ZAWS Twitter:  TMG Studios YouTube: TMG Studios IG: TMG Studios Twitter: ZACH  WAHLID  Hosted by Zach Piona & Wahlid Mohammad, Created by TMG Studios, Zach Piona & Wahlid Mohammad, and Produced by TMG Studios, Zach Piona & Wahlid Mohammad. CHAPTERS: 00:00 Ahhh, help!!! 00:25 Intro 1:06 A Totally Normal Podcast Moment 1:56 Gambling on Discord 2:59 Winning $150,000 6:18 Playing Fortnite for the 1st Time 10:03 Zach Needs a Job 11:44 We Roast LinkedIn Profiles 14:33 Bring Out the Tinfoil Hats 16:34 Mitch "The Glitch" 19:06 It’s a Conspiracy!! 22:00 UFOs Are Everywhere 23:49 We AREN'T War-Ready 27:29 The Moon Landing? Yeah, Good Movie 29:06 Logan Paul, Heard of Him? 30:46 Is Travis Scott an Alien? 35:00 The Travis Scott and Drake Conspiracy Theory 39:48 The Subway and Subway Show 42:22 The Meat Whistleblower 45:26 Wahlid is a New Person 45:44 It's Cacti, My Guy 47:12 Voicemails 49:26 Speak Persian??? 51:36 Do You Journal, Bro? 54:59 Recently Unemployed Gang 58:13 An Ex X Employee


[26 JULY 23] BCP: UNFILTERED! Season 3, Episode 77. Run Time: 41:44 In this episode: Hunter Biden pleads NOT GUILTY...Plea deal off the table...for now. Ridiculous Prank Call Drama The UFO distraction. Hmm...Why is in the news so much as of late? McCarthy talks Impeachment Inquiry. What this means and why it’s weak. White House response/non-response to impeachment talk Mitch McConnell strange incident today during press conference Demonic possession of congressional aide? Matt Gaetz: Let’s stop these damn anchor babies! PLEASE FOLLOW THIS SHOW ON X AKA TWITTER: PICK UP SOME MERCH TO LOOK COOL AND SUPPORT OUR WORK: Also, check out my daughter Juniorette’s YouTube channel here:


[27 JULY 23] BCP: UNFILTERED! Season 3, Episode 78. Run Time: 21:29 In this episode: UFO, I mean, UAP, distraction Hunter Biden must get a job or he will be arrested! The propaganda MACHINE goes into overdrive! Mitch McConnell had a face plant incident. It was hidden from the public Lebron James’ son is a HUGE public victim of the poison vaccine, so CNN steps in to do damage control. PLEASE FOLLOW THIS SHOW ON X AKA TWITTER: ⁠⁠ PICK UP SOME MERCH TO LOOK COOL AND SUPPORT OUR WORK: ⁠⁠ Also, check out my daughter Juniorette’s YouTube channel here: ⁠⁠


[2 OCT 23] The BCP Podcast. Season 3, Episode 131. Run Time: 36:32 In this episode: Supreme Court Declines Case Attempting To Keep Trump Off 2024 Ballot. The Enrique Tarrio Goal Is Officially Met! Patrick Byrne Comes Through! Trump in Court Today. The Witch Hunt Continues.  MTG Exposes Jamaal Bowman Trump Made My Heart Sing When He Said This! New Jacob Chancley Video Surfaces Sam Bankman-Fried Gave Mitch McConnell Money! Tried to Buy Trump Off! GOP Swamp Actively Plotting to Oust Matt Gaetz PLEASE FOLLOW THE BCP PODCAST ON TWITTER: PICK UP SOME MERCH TO LOOK COOL AND SUPPORT OUR WORK: Also, check out Juniorette and Nana’s YouTube show, NOTHING BUT THE NEWS! :

Let's talk about Mitch McConnell and the future....

Let's talk about Mitch McConnell and the future.... --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast: