Specialoperationen fångas på film: Styrkor slår till – utklädda till läkare

Specialoperationen fångas på film: Styrkor slår till – utklädda till läkare

Övervakningsfilmer från en israelisk räd på Sina-sjukhuset i staden Jenin på ockuperade Västbanken sprids världen över. I klippen syns hur israeliska militära styrkor förklädda till civila rör sig i korridorerna med dragna vapen, rapporterar BBC. Två av dem är klädda som vårdpersonal och flera av männen bär slöja. Det syns också hur bland annat en rullstol och en bärsele för bebisar används som rekvisita. Enligt BBC ska de förklädda männen ha varit en del av en hemligt militärt förband. Minst en medlem i Hamas Den israeliska militären säger i ett uttalande att de dödat tre palestinska milismän som ska ha använt sjukhuset som gömställe. Enligt nyhetsbyrån AP har terrorgruppen Hamas och Islamiska jihad bekräftat att männen var medlemmar hos dem. Enligt Israel är det en av männen som ska ha tillhört Hamas. Mannen ska enligt den israeliska militären har planerat en terrorattack. Det palestinska hälsoministeriet anklagar Israel för att ha utfört ”en ny massaker på ett sjukhus”. Myndigheten uppmanar omvärlden att stoppa Israel från att utföra attacker på sjukhus. Stormade sjukhus i Gaza Under tisdagen stormades ett palestinskt sjukhus i Khan Younis i Gaza, rapporterar Reuters. Enligt nyhetsbyrån ska flyktingar och personal ha tvingats evakuera byggnaden under pistolhot. Ökade spänningar Sedan Hamas attack mot Israel den 7 oktober har spänningarna ökat på Västbanken, med nästintill dagliga gripanden av palestinier. I Jenin har flera räder utförts. Totalt har Israel dödat 357 palestinier sedan den 7 oktober, enligt FN. Samtidigt har palestinier på Västbanken dödat minst tio israeler under samma period.

Fler döda på Västbanken

Fler döda på Västbanken

Under natten till lördagen dödades två palestinier vid olika tillfällen. Bägge sprängde bilar i närheten av israeliska bosättningar och dödades i samband med det av israeliska soldater. Hamas hyllar sprängningarna, men utan att koppla palestinierna till den terrorstämplade gruppen. Sammanlagt 22 personer har dödats i israeliska angrepp på norra Västbanken sedan i onsdags, enligt det palestinska hälsodepartementet. De flesta har dödats i staden Jenin. Vill eliminera terrorister Israels militära närvaro på Västbanken är enligt Israel för att eliminera terrorister där, men boende vittnar om att även äldre personer skjutits av prickskyttar. Både Israel och de terrorstämplade grupperna Hamas och Islamiska jihad uppger att 14 stridande dödats sedan operationerna inleddes. Sedan dess har också en stor del av infrastrukturen i Jenin förstörts av stridsfordonen som rullat in. Minst 637 palestinier har enligt FN dödats av israeliska soldater eller bosättare i det ockuperade området sedan den 7 oktober i fjol. Enligt israeliska siffror har 20 israeler, bland dem soldater, dödats av palestinska attacker där under samma period.

Pourmokhtari: "Jag smiter från Säpo"

Pourmokhtari: "Jag smiter från Säpo"

Klimat- och miljöministern guidar runt Financial Times i Stockholm. Hon visar upp antika bokaffärer, blomsteraffärer och hyllar det kulturella Stockholm, något Veckorevyn rapporterat om. Det diskuteras mode men även uteliv. Pourmokhtari säger att hon jobbar de flesta kvällar, men när hon väl får chansen tycker hon om att gå ut. – Jag arbetar de flesta helger och kvällar, men när jag har tid gillar jag att gå ut. Staden har flera gömda pärlor när det kommer till restauranger och vinbarer. Pourmokhtari: Smiter från mina Säpo-vakter Som minister har dock Pourmokhtari personskydd från Säpo. Något hon även kommenterar i intervjun. Hon nämner att hon tycker om att gå ut och listar ett par ställen i Stockholm hon föredrar. – Jag älskar att smita iväg från mina Säpo-vakter och gå ut sent, säger Pourmokhtari. Ministern personskydd har tidigare varit uppmärksammat. Under förra hösten ställdes ett event i organisationen Fossilfritt Sveriges lokaler i Stockholm in. – Romina Pourmokhtaris stab ställde in av säkerhetsskäl. Mer än så kan jag inte gå ut med, sade Fossilfritt Sveriges pressansvariga Jenina Dahlberg till Aftonbladet. Anledningen till att eventet ställdes in var kopplat till gruppen Extinction Rebellion, då en person från gruppen anmält sig till arrangemanget. ”De här grupperna låtsas bry sig om klimatet, men förstör möjligheterna till ett konstruktivt samtal om klimatpolitiken. Det är riktigt, riktigt illa.”, skrev Kristersson. Säpo: Kan inte kommentera personskyddet Säkerhetspolisen vill inte kommentera uttalandet eller svara på om de känner till att ministern har smitit från personskyddet. – Vi kan inte kommentera hur personskyddsverksamhet ser ut eller vid vilka tidpunkter och evenemang statsrådet har personskydd. Det skulle kunna äventyra skyddet. Det görs alltid en samlad  bedömning kring hur hotbilden ser ut för den person som har skydd, säger Karl Melin presschef Säkerhetspolisen. TV4 Nyheterna söker Romina Pourmokhtari och statsminister Ulf Kristersson.

Moské bombad på Västbanken: "Hamas kommandocentral"

En palestinier har dödats och tre skadats i ett luftanfall mot Al-Ansar-moskén i staden Jenin på Västbanken. Det uppger Röda Korset i Palestina, enligt Reuters. Israeliska militären meddelar att personerna "neutraliserats" men ger inga detaljer om hur många som dödats eller om deras identiteter. ”Moskén har använts som en ledningscentral för att planera och utföra terroristattacker mot civila.”, skriver IDF på sitt X-konto. Bilder från moskébombningen som BBC publicerat på sin nyhetssajt visar på omfattande skador. Det israelska försvaret har också delat bilder som påstås visa ingången till en bunker under moskén där ”kommandocentralen” påstås ha funnits. Trappar upp attackerna mot Gaza Attacken kommer samtidigt som den israeliska militären uppgett att attackerna på Gazaremsan ska trappas upp. – Vi utökar våra attacker för att minimera faran för våra styrkor i krigets nästa steg. Vi kommer att trappa upp kriget från och med nu, svarar Daniel Hagari på en fråga om det är aktuellt med en markinvasion i Gaza.

Israel har sedan uttalandet utfört minst två attacker mot flyktingläger på Västbanken, varav ett flyganfall mot al-Ansarmoskén. Under de drygt två veckor som gått sedan Hamas genomförde sitt terroranfall på Israel den 7 oktober har tusentals personer förlorat sina liv. Israel har genomfört tusentals flyganfall mot Gazaremsan och mängder med raketer har avfyrats mot Israel. Minst 1 400 människor i Israel uppges ha dödats i terroranfallet, varav den absoluta majoriteten civila. På Gazaremsan har fler än 4 300 palestinier dödats och ett tiotusental skadats i israeliska anfall mot Gazaremsan, enligt palestinska uppgifter. Siffran har inte bekräftats av oberoende part.

Vad ligger bakom våldet? The Washington Post går igenom vad du behöver veta

Våldsamheterna som utbröt plötsligt på lördagsmorgonen kommer efter ett år med stigande spänningar mellan Israel och palestinierna på Västbanken och i Gazaremsan, skriver The Washington Post. Tidningen går igenom några av de största händelserna under det senaste året. (Svensk översättning av Omni). The violence erupted suddenly Saturday but comes after a year of rising tensions between Israel and Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. By Brian Murphy, Adam Taylor, Sammy Westfall, Bryan Pietsch and Steve Hendrix October 7, 2023 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the nation was "at war" Saturday after Palestinian gunmen infiltrated Israel from Gaza, launching attacks on troops and civilians in the most brazen militant operation in years. Israel responded with air and artillery strikes in Gaza, where the population was bracing for a wider campaign. By nightfall, at least 100 people had been killed in Israel, according to Zaki Heller, a spokesman for the Magen David Adom paramedic service. In Gaza, health officials said more than 230 people were killed in Israeli strikes. The violence erupted suddenly Saturday morning - but comes after a year of rising tensions between Israel and Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, which has been under a joint Israeli-Egyptian blockade since 2007. This year alone has seen a spate of deadly attacks in Israel and the Palestinian territories, an escalation that followed Netanyahu's move to cobble together the most far-right government in Israeli history. Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip and carried out Saturday's attacks, said the operation was in response to the blockade, as well as recent Israeli military raids in the West Bank and violence at al-Aqsa Mosque, a disputed religious site in Jerusalem known to Jews as the Temple Mount. "Enough is enough," the leader of Hamas's military wing, Mohammed Deif, said in a recorded message Saturday, the Associated Press reported. "Today the people are regaining their revolution." As of Sept. 19, before Saturday's outbreak of violence, 227 Palestinians had been killed by Israeli troops or settlers this year, according to U.N. figures, with most of those deaths - 189 - occurring in the West Bank. At least 29 Israelis, mostly in the West Bank, were also killed this year as of the end of August, according to the same U.N. database - 15 of the Israelis killed were settlers and three were members of the military Here are some of the major incidents that took place this year in the lead-up to the current conflict. Just last month, Israel and Hamas, the Palestinian militant group that rules Gaza, appeared to be on the brink of war. Israeli border agents found explosive material hidden in a shipment of jeans and halted all exports from the Gaza Strip. Hamas put its forces on high alert and held field exercises with other armed groups, including Palestinian Islamic Jihad. The drills included practice rocket launches, ambushes and the "storming" of settlements, local media in Gaza reported, in an apparent preview of the attacks launched on Saturday. Hamas also allowed Palestinians to begin protesting again along the separation fence between Israel and Gaza, where young demonstrators have faced off against Israeli soldiers. On Sept. 13, five Palestinians were killed when they attempted to detonate an explosive at the barrier wall. "It has been quiet, but it is beginning to boil," Basem Naim, head of Hamas's Political and International Relations Department, said in an interview with The Washington Post in September. "There is a lot of pressure under the water." The tensions in Gaza followed a violent summer in the West Bank, where tit-for-tat attacks flared between Palestinian militants on one side and Israeli forces and Jewish settlers on the other. Israel staged multiple military raids in the city of Jenin, where it said militants were planning attacks on Israeli troops and civilians. On June 19, Israeli forces raided Jenin and killed at least five Palestinians, deploying Apache helicopters in the West Bank for the first time since the second intifada, or Palestinian uprising, which lasted from 2000 to 2005. The next day, Hamas gunmen opened fire at a hummus restaurant outside Eli, an Israeli settlement in the West Bank, killing four Israelis. And on June 21, hundreds of Israeli settlers rampaged through Palestinian villages - including Turmus Ayya, where one person was killed - torching homes and cars, as well as shooting at residents, according to Turmus Ayya mayor Lafi Adeeb. Israel then also carried out its first drone strike in the West Bank since 2006, killing three suspected militants. On July 3, Israel's military launched its biggest operation there in more than two decades, staging an air and ground attack on a refugee camp in Jenin with roughly 1,000 soldiers. Israeli officials said they were targeting a militant "command center" in an operation that marked the start of an "extensive counterterrorism effort" that the Israel Defense Forces said would continue indefinitely. At least eight people were killed and 80 injured, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry. Before Israel's massive operation in Jenin in July, its security forces shot and killed a 14-year-old boy on a bicycle as they pursued two Palestinian militants in March. The Post created a 3D reconstruction of the raid by synchronizing and reviewing dozens of videos from March 16, when the incident took place, as well as speaking to witnesses. In early April, during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, Palestinian worshipers at al-Aqsa barricaded themselves inside the mosque. Israeli police then stormed the site in the Old City of Jerusalem and used "stun grenades and tear gas, fired sponge-tipped bullets, and indiscriminately beat Muslim worshipers - including elderly people and women - with batons and rifle butts," the U.N. Human Rights Office said in a statement. About a month later, Israel launched surprise airstrikes in Gaza targeting leaders of the Islamic Jihad militant organization, which is backed by Iran. The strikes killed three top militants and 10 others, according to Palestinian health officials, including four women and four children. Israel carried out the strikes a week after it reached a cease-fire with Palestinian armed factions. The Israel Defense Forces said the three senior Islamic Jihad members who were killed were responsible for recent rocket fire and attacks against Israelis. The strikes set off a five-day bout of violence that killed at least 33 people in Gaza and two people in Israel. Israel and Islamic Jihad agreed to a cease-fire on May 13. The year started with bouts of violence, including an Israeli military operation in Jenin that resulted in a shootout that killed nine Palestinians, local authorities there said. The raid was carried out on Jan. 26 - and the next day, a Palestinian gunman opened fire at a synagogue in East Jerusalem, killing seven people, including children, during prayers. At the time, Hamas official Mushir al-Mashri congratulated the attacker - who was killed by Israeli security forces - saying that the shooting was "a quick response to the Jenin massacre, and is evidence of the vitality and readiness of the resistance." © 2023 The Washington Post. Sign up for the Today's Worldview newsletter here.

FN-chefen fördömer Israels "övervåld" i Jenin

FN-chefen fördömer Israels "övervåld" i Jenin

FN:s generalsekreterare Antonio Guterres riktar skarp kritik mot Israels militär efter den storskaliga räden i Jenin på Västbanken tidigare i veckan, skriver TT. I samband med en pressträff under torsdagen lyfte Guterres bland annat att över 100 civila skadades i insatsen, och att skadade hindrades från att få vård. – Jag fördömer kraftigt alla former av våld mot civila, inklusive terrorhandlingar. Det inbegriper alla former av övervåld och uppenbarligen använde sig israeliska styrkor av övervåld i den här situationen. Vidare sa FN-chefen att han förstår Israels ”legitima oro” efter flera dödliga attacker riktade mot israeler. Men att eskalera konflikten är inte svaret, tillade han.

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Jenin i poddar

How 2 Women Changed The World For Special Children & Their Families | Jenine Shwekey & Chaya Bender

Jenine Shwekey and Chaya Bender are the founders and directors of The Special Children's Center.   The Center, as it is affectionately known, is full of laughter, learning, and love. Founded by Jeanine and Chaya in 1996, it has grown into a pillar of support and a lifeline for countless children and their families across the tri-state area.    The center provides around-the-clock respite services throughout the year. The center’s special education staff runs therapeutic programs, and hundreds of volunteers join forces to help others feel whole.       Apply for a job at Grand Fiscal Services!    Great work environment, Full female office.    Apply by emailing: Jobs@grandfiscalservices.com or Call: 609-703-0832 ____________________________________   Need Financial Planning and Life insurance?   Call Moshe Alpert!   Email: Moshe.alpert@nm.com for a free consultation, or head to Moshealpert.nm.com                                  Or call                          718-644-1594 _______________________________________   For the best-looking and most comfortable dress shirts in the world..   Collarsandco.com    Use promo code: MEANINGFUL for 15% off! ______________________________________   Subscribe to Meaningful Minute on WhatsApp:  WhatsApp Subscribe Link ____________________________________ Subscribe to our Podcast Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2WALuE2 Spotify: https://spoti.fi/39bNGnO Google Podcasts: https://bit.ly/MPPGooglePodcasts Or wherever Podcasts are available!   Follow us on Instagram: https://instagram.com/meaningfulpeoplepodcast Like us on Facebook: https://bit.ly/MPPonFB Follow us on Twitter:https://twitter.com/MeaningfuPplPod   Editor: Sruly Saftlas Podcast created by: Meaningful Minute   For more info and upcoming news, check out: https://Meaningfulminute.org   #jew #jewish #podcast #frum #rabbi #frumpodcast #meaningfulpeople #torah #mitzvah #hashem #jewishmusic #jewishpodcast #israel #kumzitz #nachigordon #jewishpod #Shwekey #Shimon #SpecialChildren  

Jenin Younes & Ann Bauer

Tonight Gaza is in flames. Communications have been cut off and the world is holding its breath while the ground invasion could be underway. Trish invites her friends Jenin Younes (whose father is Palestinian) and Ann Bauer (who is half Jewish) — to talk about how the explosions from the Middle East  are rattling society here. People who question Israel’s harsh tactics against Gaza are accused of anti-semitism. Meanwhile, actual anti-semitism is on the rise, and  so are attacks on Palestinians in North America. Thoughtful discussion on the night the lights went out in Gaza. Support the new Tamara Lich Documentary HERE: https://www.givesendgo.com/GB14C Visit Trish on Substack and stay critical. Premium Episodes: https://trishwood.substack.com/podcast Follow her on Twitter (now X) Website: www.trishwoodpodcast.com  Shop: https://www.trishwoodpodcast.com/shop  Leave us a voice message

Jenin Younes: Challenging the Big Tech-Biden Censorship Complex

The video is on Rokfin. ||| The Grayzone ||| Find more reporting at https://thegrayzone.com  Support our original journalism at Patreon: https://patreon.com/grayzone  Facebook: https://facebook.com/thegrayzone Twitter: https://twitter.com/thegrayzonenews Instagram: https://instagram.com/thegrayzonenews Minds: https://minds.com/thegrayzone Mastodon: https://mastodon.social/@thegrayzone Max Blumenthal: https://twitter.com/MaxBlumenthal https://rokfin.com/MaxBlumenthal Jenin Younes: Litigation Counsel for the New Civil Liberties Alliance https://nclalegal.org/jenin-younes/ https://twitter.com/Leftylockdowns1 https://brownstone.org/author/younes-jenin/

Ep 3 | The Area of Operations Pathocracy, Fraternalism, Israel Jenin, Joe Biden/Hunter cocaine

0:00 Pathocracy24:27 Fraternalism52:52 Israel Jenin1:09:30 Joe Biden/Hunter cocaineI bring in interesting personalities to discuss current events in a round table format.Donavan Riley Lutheran Priest and MMA stylist @the_warrior_priest Nick Baucom, CEO of @twomarinesmoving Andy Curtiss, former Green Beret @acurtiss78Stephen Prouse @fifth.horse Michael Lake of @artifex74Support the show

Jenin Younes #466

Jenin Younes is Litigation Counsel for the New Civil Liberties Alliance. She returns to the podcast to discuss her case representing renowned epidemiologists and co-authors of the Great Barrington Declaration, Drs. Jay Bhattacharya, and Martin Kulldorf, as well as Dr. Aaron Kheriaty and Jill Hines as these NCLA clients join the Missouri and Louisiana suit challenging government directed social media censorship, and more. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE LIKE AND SHARE THIS PODCAST!!!   Social media Twitter- https://twitter.com/Leftylockdowns1 Website- https://nclalegal.org/jenin-younes/   Follow Me  Twitter- https://twitter.com/CoffeeandaMike Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/coffeeandamike/ Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/CoffeeandaMike/ Truth Social- https://truthsocial.com/@coffeeandamike Gettr- https://gettr.com/user/coffeeandamike Support My Work  Venmo- https://venmo.com/code?user_id=3570365208987017385&created=1658667789.4661531&printed=1 Website- www.coffeeandamike.com Email- info@coffeeandamike.com

Jenin Younes, Esq. #703

Jenin Younes is Litigation Counsel for the New Civil Liberties Alliance. She returns to the podcast to provide an update on the case representing renowned epidemiologists and co-authors of the Great Barrington Declaration, Drs. Jay Bhattacharya, and Martin Kulldorf, as well as Dr. Aaron Kheriaty and Jill Hines as these NCLA clients join the Missouri and Louisiana suit challenging government directed social media censorship, Israel/Hamas and more. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE LIKE AND SHARE THIS PODCAST!!! Video Version of Show Rumble- https://rumble.com/v3uebjk-coffee-and-a-mike-episode-703-with-jenin-younes-esq.-talking-censorhip-and-.html   Follow Jenin Twitter- https://twitter.com/JeninYounesEsq?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor Website- https://nclalegal.org/jenin-younes/   Follow Me Twitter- https://twitter.com/CoffeeandaMike Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/coffeeandamike/ Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/CoffeeandaMike/ Truth Social- https://truthsocial.com/@coffeeandamike Gettr- https://gettr.com/user/coffeeandamike Rumble- https://rumble.com/search/all?q=coffee%20and%20a%20mike Apple Podcasts- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/coffee-and-a-mike/id1436799008     Support My Work Venmo- https://venmo.com/code?user_id=3570365208987017385&created=1658667789.4661531&printed=1 Website- www.coffeeandamike.com Email- info@coffeeandamike.com

After Jenin

Kate Adie introduces stories from the Occupied Territories, the Mediterranean Sea, Ukraine, California and Algeria.After violent clashes in Jenin last week, an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal seems as remote as its ever been. And with some Arab states now normalising relations with Israel, some observers say it is a sign some countries want to move on from the Palestinian cause. Jeremy Bowen hears one view that international support for a Palestinian state might eventually disappear from view, like the once ubiquitous Free Tibet movement has done in recent years. But, he says, a new generation of angry, desperate young Palestinians are driven to continue fighting their cause, whether the world is on their side or not.Almost 2000 people have died trying to cross the Mediterranean to reach Europe this year. But as Alice Cuddy found on a ship that had just rescued young migrants from The Gambia, the deaths do not seem to deter desperate teenage boys and young men from seeking a better life.The breach of the Karkhovka dam in Ukraine caused catastrophic flooding. But as the vast reservoir emptied, elements of the region's local history that had long been submerged began to see the light of day again. Vitaliy Shevchenko explores how Ukraine's fight for its future, is shedding new light on its past too.Californian officials have recommended the payment of reparations to the descendants of enslaved Africans, for slavery and for the effects of racial discrimination. Chelsea Bailey meets one family seeking justice, after local authorities in Palm Springs burned down their family home back in the 1960s.Algeria boasts beautiful landscapes, old Kasbahs and well-preserved Roman ruins. But unlike other Mediterranean countries, it has hardly any tourists. Why not? Simon Calder has been to Algeria and has some answers.Producer: Arlene Gregorius Editor: Richard Fenton-Smith Production Coordinator: Gemma Ashman

(ITBR Teaches) Demonic Possession in The Conjuring and Exorcist Universe (The Nun 2 and The Exorcist: Believer) w/ Jenine Cucchi (from The SoapBox NY)

Watch/Listen to this and all episodes ad free by joining the ITBR Patreon for only $5 a month! ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠patreon.com/ivorytowerboilerroom Our very own sponsor Jenine Cucchi (from The SoapBox NY) enters the ITBR to help us discuss Demonic Possession in The Conjuring and Exorcist Universe from “The Nun 2” and “The Exorcist: Believer." Andrew, Mary, and Jenine begin by questioning the wave of Demonic Possession sweeping various parts of Europe in "The Nun 2" and compare this to the wave of witchcraft hysteria that swept much of the world during the 16th and 17th century. Andrew wonders about the significance of eyes being gouged out in both films and asks, “the devil really wants to take away your sight, what’s the metaphor behind this”? Mary hints towards the expression “seeing is believing." Finally, Mary questions the religious significance in “The Exorcist: Believer” and the writer’s decision to allow baptized children to live while sacrificing the non-baptized. Stay tuned for future gothic episodes like a possible “Poltergeist” episode!  Follow Jenine Cucchi on IG, @clever.girl.11 and make sure to follow Mary's True Crime in Academia on IG, @truecrimeinacademia, TikTok, @truecrimeinacademia, and X, @tcinacademia. Be sure to follow The SoapBox on IG, ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠@thesoapboxny⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and TikTok, @thesoapboxny and call or message them to get your hands on their Four For Fall products! To subscribe to The Gay and Lesbian Review visit ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠glreview.org⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠. Click Subscribe, and enter promo code ITBR50 to receive 50% off any print or digital subscription. Follow them on IG, @theglreview. Head to Broadview Press, an independent academic publisher, for all your humanities related books. Use code ivorytower for 20% off your⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ broadviewpress.com ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠order. Follow them on IG, @broadviewpress. Order and follow ⁠⁠⁠⁠@mandeemadeit⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ (on IG) mention ITBR, and with your first order you'll receive a free personalized gift! Follow That Ol' Gay Classic Cinema on IG, ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠@thatolgayclassiccinema⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and listen here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/that-ol-gay-classic-cinema/id1652125150 Follow ITBR on IG, ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠@ivorytowerboilerroom⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠, TikTok, ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠@ivorytowerboilerroom⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠, and X, ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠@IvoryBoilerRoom⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠! Thanks to the ITBR team! ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Andrew Rimby⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ (Host/Director), ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Mary DiPipi⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ (Chief Contributor), and our Fall 23 interns (Jonathan and Sara) --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ivorytowerboilerroom/message Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ivorytowerboilerroom/support

Israel's Invasion of Jenin

Last week, the Israeli military began a two-day invasion in the Palestinian city of Jenin. Israeli soldiers killed 12 Palestinians—including at least 4 children—left over 100 Palestinians injured, and destroyed dozens of homes. Most Palestinian families living in Jenin’s refugee camp were forced out of their homes by violent militias in 1948 in order to steal their land and create Israel. Their stories are ones of survival under relentless violence at the hands of Israeli occupation and apartheid. Host Diana Buttu breaks down the recent Israeli attacks on Jenin and what it all means. Thank you for listening to 'This is Palestine'!  Follow our host Diana Buttu on Twitter here  Follow us on Instagram here Follow us on Twitter here Follow us on Facebook here Visit our website here