Spector: SCB:s mätmetod höjer arbetslösheten

Spector: SCB:s mätmetod höjer arbetslösheten

Den svenska arbetsmarknaden är i bättre skick än man kan tro. Det senaste årets försämringstrend håller på att mattas och matchningen har förbättrats. Dessutom gör egenheter i hur arbetslösheten mäts att den ser högre ut i Sverige än i andra länder. Om SCB räknade på samma sätt som fram till 2020 skulle den vara 0,5-1 procentenhet lägre. Det säger Nordeas makrochef Susanne Spector i ett specialprogram om arbetsmarknaden.

Inflationen sjunker

Inflationen sjunker

Från 1,2 procent i augusti till 1,1 i september. Inflationstakten fortsätter att avta. Under förra veckan kom SCB med sitt nya Snabb-KPI, som förutspådde att inflationen skulle sjunka ytterligare. Nu fastställer man alltså siffrorna. – Inflationstakten sjönk i september, vilket framför allt kan förklaras av att drivmedelspriserna har gått ned, säger Filip Hellberg, prisstatistiker på SCB. Siffran är en bra bit under Riksbankens mål på 2,0 procent. Risk för en för låg inflation Septembers siffra är ytterligare ett bevis på att inflationsbekämpningen har lyckats, menar sparekonom Frida Bratt. – Det har gått väldigt fort här på slutet och nu börjar man snarare prata om risken för en för låg inflation, för det vill vi ju inte heller ha. Vi vill att inflationen ska ligga där på målet, säger hon i Nyhetsmorgon. Frida Bratt tror mer och mer på en dubbelsänkning av styrräntan. Speciellt med tanke på Riksbankens kommunikation vid förra beskedet, då man krattade för en dubbelsänkning någon gång under hösten. – Men det är inte skrivet i sten, säger hon. Dyrare citroner Enligt SCB:s Konsumentprisindex steg matpriserna något i september. De genomsnittliga priserna på livsmedel och alkoholfria drycker steg med 0,6 procent i september jämfört med augusti. I årstakt ökade priserna med 2,1 procent jämfört med september i fjol. – Prisökningarna var störst på citroner, färska bär, och apelsiner. Samtidigt sjönk priserna på purjolök, blomkål och gul lök, säger Caroline Neander, prisstatistiker på SCB, i ett pressmeddelande. Bland varugrupperna som steg mest i pris i september hittar vi kaffe, te och kakao, där ökningen var totalt 7,2 procent jämfört med samma månad 2023.

Maten som skenar i pris i extremvädret

Maten som skenar i pris i extremvädret

De senaste åren har värmeböljor, regnbrist och översvämningar plågat flera delar av världen, och ställt till bekymmer för bönderna. Vi får mer extremväder, och får mer angrepp av skadegörare. Livsmedelsproduktionen påverkas redan, och kommer att påverkas ännu mer framöver, säger Elin Röös vid SLU, som forskar om matens miljö- och klimatpåverkan. Här är några varor som redan skenat i pris: Apelsiner Det ser ut att bli ett mörkt apelsinår i Brasilien, som står för tre fjärdedelar av den globala produktionen. Skörden 2024–2025 beräknas bli drygt 24 procent mindre än föregående säsong, enligt en prognos från Fundecitrus. Orsaken är värmeböljor, regnbrist och en citrusangripande bakterie. Apelsinjuicepriset har redan skenat, där Mintecs riktpris för koncentrat hade stigit med 120 procent i april jämfört med ett år tidigare. Choklad Mer än hälften av jordens kakao odlas i Elfenbenskusten och Ghana, och kakaon är dessutom känslig för klimatförändringar. Västafrika drabbades av regn under fjärde kvartalet förra året, vilket ledde till sjukdomar som fick kakaobönorna att ruttna. Mellan juli 2022 och februari 2024 steg världsmarknadspriset med 36 procent, enligt FN-organet Unctad. Oliver Värmeböljor i Medelhavsområdet har slagit hårt mot olivodlarna och priset på olivolja har rusat. På den spanska olivoljemarknaden i Jaén fick man betala 902 (10 225 kronor) euro för 100 kilo extra virgin-olja i mitten av januari, enligt Internationella olivrådet. Det kan jämföras med 201 euro (2 278 kronor) i januari 2020, och märks även tydligt i butikshyllan. Priset har dock sjunkit rejält i år, och skörden i Spanien ser ut att bli bättre i år, vilket väntas dämpa priserna. Vin Extremväder slog hårt mot vinodlarna förra året, med bland annat svamputbrott som följd, vilket gjorde att den globala vinproduktionen sjönk 10 procent, till den lägsta nivån sedan 1961, enligt vinorganisationen OIV. I Frankrike har bekymren fortsatt i år, medan det ser bättre ut i exempelvis Italien. Kaffe Kaffeodlarna i Vietnam har haft det kämpigt, trots att man odlar robustabönan, som anses mer klimattålig än arabican. Kaffeplantorna har kollapsat i värmeböljor och torka, och fått robustaterminerna att skena. Arabicabönorna har dragits med av bara farten, trots att de skördarna på sina håll ser bättre ut. Potatis Potatisskörden har på flera håll i Europa regnat bort. Förra året gick 650 000 ton potatis förlorade och blev kvar i de blöta åkrarna eller förstördes på annat håll, enligt Nordvästeuropeiska potatisodlarna (NEPG). Även svenska bönderna drabbades förra året, först av försommartorka och sedan av rekordhög nederbörd, och skörden var sju procent lägre än femårsgenomsnittet, enligt SCB.

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SCB i poddar

Aiming High While Keeping Community Close with Bobbito Garcia

In this episode of the SCBWI Podcast, we are joined by Bobbito Garcia!NYC native Bobbito García is a visionary creative who has put an indelible footprint on multiple urban movements. During the 1990s, the legendary air personality was one-half of the “Stretch and Bobbito” program on WKCR. The duo introduced the world to an unsigned Nas, Biggie, and Wu-Tang, as well as an unknown Jay-Z, Eminem, and the Fugees. The total record sales for all the artists that premiered on their platform exceed 300 million. In 1998, the Source Magazine voted them as “The Best Hip Hop Radio Show of All Time,“ and in 2023, they were inducted into the NAB Radio Hall of Fame. As the progenitor of sneaker journalism, García penned his landmark Source article “Confessions of a Sneaker Addict” in 1990, then in 2003 became the critically acclaimed author of Where’d You Get Those? NYC’s Sneaker Culture: 1960-1987 (Testify Books). In 2005, ESPN’s “It’s The Shoes” series, hosted by Bobbito, became the first show on the subject in broadcasting history.  A founding member of the Kennedy Center’s Hip Hop Culture Council and a 2018 Wesleyan University “Distinguished Alumni Award” recipient,  "Kool Bob Love” currently produces his b-ball tournament Full Court 21™ in four continents, co-produces Stretch & Bobbito + The M19s Band music, is a DJ/Host on Apple Music Hits’ “Stretch and Bobbito Radio,“ and is the proud author of his first children’s book titled Aim High, Little Giant, Aim High! www.koolboblove.comFollow Bobbito on Instagram @koolboblove Buy Aim High, Little Giant, Aim High! here: https://bookshop.org/p/books/aim-high-little-giant-aim-high-bobbito-garcia/20576498?aid=79539&ean=9798888901533&listref=books-i-ve-authored-c15b87e5-577b-482c-8763-8ef0ed6c1ac7&and check out his bookshop:https://bookshop.org/shop/koolbobloveRegister for the 2024 In-Person Conference Here: https://www.scbwi.org/events/scbwi-in-person-winter-conference-2024SCBWI on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/scbwi/SCBWI on Twitter: https://twitter.com/scbwiBecome an SCBWI member today: https://www.scbwi.org/join-scbwi/Shop the SCBWI Bookshop.org page: https://bookshop.org/shop/SCBWI

How to Grab Your Reader's Attention with Chris Grabenstein

In this episode of the SCBWI Podcast, we are joined by Chris Grabenstein!CHRIS GRABENSTEIN is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Mr. Lemoncello, Smartest Kid in the Universe, Dog Squad, and Welcome to Wonderland series, and many other books, as well as the coauthor of numerous page-turners with James Patterson and of Shine!, cowritten with Chris’s wife, J.J. Grabenstein. Chris lives in New York City.Visit him at ChrisGrabenstein.com and on Twitter at @CGrabenstein.Facebook: Chris.Grabenstein Instagram: @chrisgrabenstein Buy  No is All I Know! By Chris Grabenstein Illustrated by Leo Espinosa :  https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/647090/no-is-all-i-know-by-chris-grabenstein-illustrated-by-leo-espinosa/Buy The Smartest Kid In the Universe here: https://bookshop.org/p/books/the-smartest-kid-in-the-universe-chris-grabenstein/14371307?ean=9780525647782and check out the rest of his books here:https://bookshop.org/contributors/chris-grabenstein-086f1049-f650-4ffd-8e82-8604eea5706f?gclid=Cj0KCQjw7aqkBhDPARIsAKGa0oJJkFgWMQ6b-VeP67nk4CsUW1jgzD_Qf1QnBdNvWp78KvP3IuoTz4AaAh80EALw_wcB SCBWI on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/scbwi/SCBWI on Twitter: https://twitter.com/scbwiBecome an SCBWI member today: https://www.scbwi.org/join-scbwi/Shop the SCBWI Bookshop.org page: https://bookshop.org/shop/SCBWI

What it Means to Be a Writer with Kate DiCamillo

In this episode of the SCBWI Podcast, we are joined by Kate DiCamillo!Kate DiCamillo is the author of many books for young readers. Her books have been awarded the Newbery Medal (Flora & Ulysses in 2014 and The Tale of Despereaux in 2004); the Newbery Honor (Because of Winn-Dixie, 2001), the Boston Globe Horn Book Award (The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, 2006), and the Theodor Geisel Medal and honor (Bink and Gollie, co-author Alison McGhee, 2011; Mercy Watson Goes for a Ride, 2007). She is a National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature Emerita, appointed by the Library of Congress. A native of Florida, Kate now lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota. https://www.katedicamillo.com/ Buy The Puppets of Spelhorst here:  https://bookshop.org/p/books/the-puppets-of-spelhorst-kate-dicamillo/19660446?ean=9781536216752and check out the rest of her books here:https://bookshop.org/contributors/kate-dicamillo-c2ac26f8-7768-41eb-b8ca-92dbd9cbba12Register for the 2024 In-Person Conference Here: https://www.scbwi.org/events/scbwi-in-person-winter-conference-2024SCBWI on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/scbwi/SCBWI on Twitter: https://twitter.com/scbwiBecome an SCBWI member today: https://www.scbwi.org/join-scbwi/Shop the SCBWI Bookshop.org page: https://bookshop.org/shop/SCBWI

Curated Chaos with Dhonielle Clayton

In this episode of the SCBWI Podcast, we are joined by Dhonielle Clayton!Dhonielle Clayton is a New York Times Bestselling author of The Belles series, Shattered Midnight, co-author of Blackout, and the co-author of the Tiny Pretty Things duology, a Netflix original series. She hails from the Washington, D.C. suburbs on the Maryland side. She taught secondary school for several years, and is a former elementary and middle school librarian. She is COO of the non-profit We Need Diverse Books, and President of Cake Creative, an IP story kitchen dedicated to diverse books for all ages. She’s an avid traveler, and always on the hunt for magic and mischief. Up next: The Marvellers, her middle grade fantasy debut. You can find her on social media @brownbookworm. https://www.dhonielleclayton.com/ https://www.instagram.com/brownbookworm/ Buy The Marvellers here:  https://bookshop.org/p/books/the-marvellers-dhonielle-clayton/16191610and check out the rest of her books here:https://bookshop.org/contributors/dhonielle-claytonSCBWI on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/scbwi/SCBWI on Twitter: https://twitter.com/scbwiBecome an SCBWI member today: https://www.scbwi.org/join-scbwi/Shop the SCBWI Bookshop.org page: https://bookshop.org/shop/SCBWI

The Life of a Bibliophile with Lawrence Schimel

In this episode of the SCBWI Podcast, we are joined by Lawrence Schimel!Lawrence Schimel is a full-time author, writing in both Spanish and English, who has published over 120 books in a wide range of genres. He is also a prolific literary translator, working into both English and Spanish, of over 140 books.His picture books have won a Crystal Kite Award from the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators, been selected for the White Ravens from the International Youth Library in Munich, Germany and have been chosen for IBBY's Outstanding Books for Young People with Disabilities three times, among many other awards, honors, and distinctions.For his adult books, he has won the Lambda Literary Award (twice), the Spectrum Award, the Independent Publisher Book Award, and many others.His translations have won a PEN Translates Award from English PEN three times and a National Endowment for the Arts Translation Fellowship (with Layla Benitez-James for HIJA DEL CAMINO by Lucía Asué Mbomio Rubio), and have been an Honor Title for the Américas Award and the Global Literature in Libraries Best Translated YA book Award, and been finalists for the Eisner Award, the Thom Gunn Award, and the Lambda Literary Award, among other honors.His writing has been published in over 50 languages, including Afrikaans, Arabic, Armenian, Basque, Catalan, Changana, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, English, Esperanto, Estonian, Farsi (Dari), Filipino, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, isiXhosa, isiZulu, Isindebele, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Kurdish, Latvian, Luxembourgish, Macua, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romansh, Romanian, Russian, Scots, Sena, Sepedi, Serbian, Sesotho, Setswana, Siswati, Slovak, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish, Tshivenda, Turkish, Ukrainian, Welsh, and Xitsonga translations.He started the Spain chapter of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators and served as its Regional Advisor for five years. He also coordinated the International SCBWI Conference in Madrid and the first two SCBWI-Bologna Book Fair conferences. Follow Lawrence Schimel on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/LawrenceSchimelBuy BEDTIME, NOT PLAYTIME! here:https://bookshop.org/p/books/bedtime-not-playtime-lawrence-schimel/16170723?ean=9781459826731 and check out the rest of his books here:https://bookshop.org/contributors/lawrence-schimel SCBWI on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/scbwi/SCBWI on Twitter: https://twitter.com/scbwiBecome an SCBWI member today: https://www.scbwi.org/join-scbwi/Shop the SCBWI Bookshop.org page: https://bookshop.org/shop/SCBWI

Making the Personal Feel Universal with Sally J. Pla

In this episode of the SCBWI Podcast, we are joined by Sally J. Pla!In addition to being an advocate for neurodiversity and autism acceptance, Sally J. Pla is the award-winning author of The Someday Birds and Stanley Will Probably Be Fine (HarperCollins), and the picture book Benji, The Bad Day, And Me (Lee and Low). Her next middle-grade novel, The Fire, The Water, and Maudie McGinn (HarperCollins/QuillTree), is slated for Summer 2023. She’s also co-founder and editor of A Novel Mind, a web resource on mental health and neurodiversity in children’s lit. Find out more at https://linktr.ee/SallyJPla, and follow her on Twitter @sallyjpla. https://sallyjpla.com/ https://www.instagram.com/sallyjpla/ Buy The Fire, the Water, and Maudie McGinn  here:  https://bookshop.org/p/books/the-fire-the-water-and-maudie-mcginn-sally-j-pla/18968427?ean=9780063268791and check out the rest of her books here:https://bookshop.org/contributors/sally-j-plaSCBWI on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/scbwi/SCBWI on Twitter: https://twitter.com/scbwiBecome an SCBWI member today: https://www.scbwi.org/join-scbwi/Shop the SCBWI Bookshop.org page: https://bookshop.org/shop/SCBWI

Taking Flight with Naz Kutub

In this episode of the SCBWI Podcast, we are joined by Naz Kutub!Naz Kutub was born and raised in Singapore, and currently lives in Los Angeles with his partner Benson, and his two furry garbage collectors – Alex and Raffe. He will forever be grateful to fried chicken for being a primary motivator in his early years, and also for preventing him from becoming a fitness model, because writing is much more fulfilling. https://nazkutub.com/https://www.instagram.com/nazkutub/ Buy The Loophole here:  https://bookshop.org/a/19191/9781547609178SCBWI on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/scbwi/SCBWI on Twitter: https://twitter.com/scbwiBecome an SCBWI member today: https://www.scbwi.org/join-scbwi/Shop the SCBWI Bookshop.org page: https://bookshop.org/shop/SCBWI

Process and Pathways with Corinna Luyken

In this episode of the SCBWI Podcast, we are joined by Corinna Luyken!  Corinna Luyken is the author-illustrator of ABC AND YOU AND ME (June 2023); THE TREE IN ME (an NCTE Notable Poetry Book and Indie Bestseller); MY HEART (A New York Times Best Seller); and THE BOOK OF MISTAKES (which The Wall Street Journal called “sublime”). She is also the illustrator of IN THE DARK (Aug 2023) and NOTHING IN COMMON, both written by Kate Hoefler; PATCHWORK (A New York Times and Kirkus Best Picture Book of 2022), written by Matt de la Peña; SOMETHING GOOD and ADRIAN SIMCOX DOES NOT HAVE A HORSE, both written by Marcy Campbell; and WEIRD LITTLE ROBOTS, written by Carolyn Crimi. She was raised in Oregon, California, and Hawaii; and studied dance improvisation, poetry, and printmaking at Middlebury College in Vermont. She now lives near the Salish Sea in Olympia, WA with her husband, daughter, and two small cats. Follow Corinna on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/corinnaluyken/ Follow Corinna on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RutaSepetys Purchase ABC and You and Me (2023): https://bookshop.org/p/books/abc-and-you-and-me-corinna-luyken/18822676?ean=9780593530467 SCBWI on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/scbwi/ SCBWI on Twitter: https://twitter.com/scbwi Become an SCBWI member today: https://www.scbwi.org/join-scbwi/ Shop the SCBWI Bookshop.org page: https://bookshop.org/shop/SCBWI

Inside the Mind of Shaun Tan

In this episode of the SCBWI Podcast, we are joined by Shaun Tan! Shaun Tan grew up in Perth and works as an artist, writer and film-maker in Melbourne. He is best known for illustrated books that deal with social and historical subjects through dream-like imagery, widely translated throughout the world and enjoyed by readers of all ages. Shaun is the recipient of an Academy Award for the short animated film The Lost Thing, the prestigious Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award in Sweden and the Kate Greenaway Medal in the UK.https://www.shauntan.net/ Follow Shaun Tan on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shauncytan/Buy  Creature: Paintings, Drawings, and Reflections here:  https://bookshop.org/p/books/creature-paintings-drawings-and-reflections-shaun-tan/18261950?ean=9781646142002and check out the rest of his books here:https://bookshop.org/contributors/shaun-tan-94745734-66e5-4e2b-8728-4db2dd8a090f SCBWI on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/scbwi/SCBWI on Twitter: https://twitter.com/scbwiBecome an SCBWI member today: https://www.scbwi.org/join-scbwi/Shop the SCBWI Bookshop.org page: https://bookshop.org/shop/SCBWI

SCB Steelers Podcast 351 - DO or Die in Baltimore

On this edition of the SCB Steelers Podcast presented by DEK Roofing Inc... We discuss what Mason Rudolph has done so differently to get this offense clicking... What exactly happened last week with Kenny Pickett? We look at how everything transpired... T.J. Watt is selected by his teammates as the MVP for the fourth time. Was anyone else worthy of the honor... Joey Porter, Jr was selected as the team's top rookie... The Steelers have done better against Baltimore than any other team. Can they keep it going to keep their postseason hopes alive... All that and much more!

Episode seventeen - Two sets of twins, two SCBU experiences

Welcome to That NICU Mum, a podcast sharing the stories of New Zealand parents who have had a baby in a neonatal unit across the country. This episode of That NICU Mum is supported by the Premmie Knitting Club, a NZ registered charity which has a virtual tribe of knitters providing beautiful knitted clothing to units across the country. A huge thank you to Courtney and the whole PKC team for supporting us and our podcast!You can find them online premmieknittingclub.org and on instagram and facebook @premmieknittingclubnzThis episode we talk to Steph, who has had two sets of twin boys(!!!) who both experienced SCBU however her first set only had an overnight stay versus her second set having a 5 week stay.Steph talks us through her pregnancies and how different they were, the surprise at finding out they had another set of twins on the way, the surprise TTTS found at the birth of her second set of boys and the juggle between having her little boys in SCBU and her big boys at home.Steph is amazing and I hope you love this episode!Chat soon,Shan x x Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

SCB Steelers Podcast 350 - And a Rudy Shall Lead Them

On this edition of the SCB Steelers Podcast presented by DEK Roofing Inc... We examine the play of Mason Rudolph who sparked the Steelers to best offensive output of the season... Is Rudolph the right call even if Kenny Pickett is able to play... How did the defense, as banged up as it is, slow down the previously hot Bengals' offense... Did the Steelers' offense evolve or do anything different with Rudolph behind center... We examine the bounce back of George Pickens... The two-headed monster of Najee Harris and Jaylen Warren and much more!

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[ ลงทุนนิยม x SCB Connect ]  โค้งสุดท้ายปลายปีแบบนี้ จะลงทุน สะสมความมั่งคั่งเพื่อวัยเกษียณทั้งที ถ้าจะให้ดีต้องประหยัดภาษีได้ด้วย อย่างกองทุน SSF/RMF แต่จะลงทุนเท่าไหร่ คำนวณยังไง กองไหนดี หรือถ้าเป็นมือใหม่จะเริ่มจากตรงไหนฟังดูเหมือนยาก แต่จริง ๆ แล้วเริ่มได้ง่าย ๆ ไม่ยากอย่างที่คิด กับตัวช่วยดี ๆ EASY Tax บน SCB Connect ติดตามรายการ ‘ลงทุนนิยม’ กับ ผู้ริเริ่มแนวคิด ‘ใช้แรงทำเงิน ให้เงินทำงาน’ เฟิร์น ศิรัถยา อิศรภักดี #WealthMeUp #ให้เงินทํางาน #ลงทุนนิยม #EASYTax #SCB #SCBConnect

From Journalism to Children's Books with Katherine Marsh

In this episode of the SCBWI Podcast, we are joined by Katherine Marsh! Katherine Marsh is an award-winning author of novels for middle-grade readers including The Lost Year (coming January 2023!); Nowhere Boy, winner of the Middle East Book Award; The Night Tourist, winner of the Edgar Award for Best Juvenile Mystery; Jepp, Who Defied the Stars, a New York Times Notable; and The Door By The Staircase, a Junior Library Guild selection.  Katherine grew up in Yonkers, New York in the home of her Ukrainian grandma who taught her to love stories and borscht. A former journalist and managing editor of The New Republic, Katherine lives in Washington, DC with her husband, two children and an astonishing array of pets. https://katherinemarsh.com/https://www.instagram.com/katherinemarshauthor Buy  The Lost Year: A Survival Story of the Ukrainian Famine https://bookshop.org/p/books/the-lost-year-katherine-marsh/18231657?ean=9781250313607and check out the rest of her books here:https://bookshop.org/contributors/katherine-marsh SCBWI on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/scbwi/SCBWI on Twitter: https://twitter.com/scbwiBecome an SCBWI member today: https://www.scbwi.org/join-scbwi/Shop the SCBWI Bookshop.org page: https://bookshop.org/shop/SCBWI

SCb Steelers Podcast 349 - We’ve Got a Lot of Problems With This Team

On this edition of the SCB Steelers Podcast presented by DEK Roofing Inc... With the team on a three-game losing streak there is no shortage of things to discuss. Should George Pickens be on the sidelines this week... Did Mike Tomlin handle this situation properly... Where is the leadership on this team... How can the coaching staff not know what the problems are on offense after 14 games... We also discuss Mason Rudolph getting the start... The situation at safety... Plus our predictions for the game and much more!

SCB Steelers Podcast 348 - Making Sense of the Mess

On this edition of the SCB Steelers Podcast presented by DEK Roofing Inc... It's been a week since the Steelers lost another embarrassing game at home and the attacks are coming from all sides... We discuss the comments from former players, analysts and the media... What exactly is the problem with this team... Is it finally time for Mike Tomlin to move on... What about the lack of effort and overall lack of fire... Can this team rally and get into the postseason or is it destined for something far worse... All that plus we look ahead to the Colts.

From Slush Pile to Stand Out Manuscript with Deborah Halverson

In this episode of the SCBWI Podcast, we are joined by Deborah Halverson!Deborah Halverson was an editor at Harcourt Children’s Books for ten years—until she climbed over the desk and tried out the author’s chair on the other side. Now she is the award-winning author of Writing Young Adult Fiction For Dummies, Writing New Adult Fiction, the teen novels Honk If You Hate Me and Big Mouth, the picture book Letters to Santa, and three books in Remix series for struggling readers. Armed with a master’s degree in American literature and a fascination with pop culture, she sculpts stories from extreme events and places—tattoo parlors, fast-food joints, and, perhaps most extreme of all, high schools. In addition, Deborah is a freelance editor, writing instructor, and founder of the popular writers’ advice website DearEditor.com. She serves on the advisory board for the University of California San Diego Extension “Children’s Book Writing and Illustrating” certificate program and speaks extensively at writing conferences and workshops. She has been working with authors—bestsellers, veterans, debut, and aspiring—for over twenty-five years. She specializes in editing picture books and middle grade, teen, and new adult fiction and nonfiction. The books she’s edited have garnered awards and rave reviews, and many of the aspiring writers she’s coached have landed agent representation and book deals. She lives with her husband and triplet sons in San Diego, California. For more about Deborah, visit www.DeborahHalverson.com. Follow Deborah Halverson on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deborahhalversonbooks/Buy Writing YA Fiction for Dummies here:https://bookshop.org/p/books/writing-young-adult-fiction-for-dummies-deborah-halverson/8821834?ean=9780470949542SCBWI on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/scbwi/SCBWI on Twitter: https://twitter.com/scbwiBecome an SCBWI member today: https://www.scbwi.org/join-scbwi/Shop the SCBWI Bookshop.org page: https://bookshop.org/shop/SCBWI

SCB Steelers Podcast 336 - Winning Ugly is Still Winning

On this edition of the SCB Steelers Podcast presented by DEK Roofing inc... We react to the Steelers' first win of the season... We discuss Matt Canada and the fact he isn't going anywhere... What about Kenny Pickett? Is it the lack of running game? Poor protection? We dive in... Plus the run defense's issues... Minkah Fitzpatrick... Deshaun Watson and we look ahead to the Raiders!

SCB Steelers Podcast 334 - Our 2023 Season Preview!

On this edition of the SCB Steelers Podcast presented by DEK Roofing Inc... The 2023 season is here! We give you all of our division winners, wild-cards, Super Bowl Teams, MVPs and much more! We also go through a series of "Over/Unders" for many of our Steelers and we preview the game against San Francisco and give you our predictions on the game and the Steelers' season record. You won't want to miss this one! The show originates from the Bradshaw Bourbon Studio!

Perfect Repose with Lamar Giles

In this episode of the SCBWI Podcast, we are joined by Lamar Giles!Lamar Giles writes for teens and adults across multiple genres, with work appearing on numerous Best Of lists each and every year. He is the author of the acclaimed novels Fake ID, Endangered, Overturned, Spin, The Last Last-Day-of-Summer, Not So Pure and Simple, The Last Mirror on the Left, The Last Chance for Logan County, and The Getaway as well as numerous pieces of short fiction. He is a founding member of We Need Diverse Books and resides in Virginia with his family. Follow Lamar on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lamargilesFollow Lamar on Twitter: https://twitter.com/LRGilesPurchase The Getaway here  https://bookshop.org/p/books/the-getaway-lamar-giles/18073727SCBWI on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/scbwi/SCBWI on Twitter: https://twitter.com/scbwiBecome an SCBWI member today: https://www.scbwi.org/join-scbwi/Shop the SCBWI Bookshop.org page: https://bookshop.org/shop/SCBWI Support the show