Två färska köpråd från Börsveckan

Två färska köpråd från Börsveckan

Börsveckan ger köpråd för Loomis och Thule i den senaste utgåvan. Tidningen lämnar rådet avvakta för Dometic och Sobi samt ger säljråd för Xano. Tidningen kommenterar även tre bolag, där tidigare råd kvarstår, innebärande köpråd för Instalco och Bredband2 samt avvakta för Neobo.

Neobo på YouTube

Neobo | Fokuserar på att öka avkastningen för fastighetsportföljen - VD Ylva Sarby Westman

Fastighetsbolaget Neobo presenterade på Stockholm Corporate Finance 9e kapitalmarknadsdag fastigheter. I videon ...

Direkt Studios på YouTube

Är en Nyemission nödvändig i Neobo?

LIVE-sändning (på YouTube) varje måndag klockan 19.00. Jag rekommenderar dig att titta på mina tidigare videos, särskilt ...

Aktieanalytikern på YouTube

Neobo: Aktien rasar 12% på rapporten. Vad anser Aktieanalytikern?

Aktiekurs, Neobo, vid inspelning av denna video: 16,30 sek (Börsvärde ca 2,4 md)

Aktieanalytikern på YouTube

Neobo i poddar

Neobo del 2

Neobo delades ut till aktieägarna från SBB. Fastighetsbeståndet består av gamla Amasten samt lite smått och gott som SBB tillfört och dragit ifrån. De handlas i dagsläget till ca 77% rabatt och står inför stigande räntor samt kämpar med höga vakanser och förhandlingar om högre hyror. Lyckas de rida ut den värsta stormen finns stora värden som inte reflekteras i kursen. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Where Are Your Guts, Brits?

In this unveiling episode Neoborn Caveman goes after all the shenanigans in the United Kingdom while trying to figure out why there is a social unwillingness for a change and self-governance. Of course, the USA and Canada are not exempt either in their scandalous behavior and NC ain't let it go in this free speech episode marinated in comedy.Introducing the music ofVan Hechter: Electric BlueJulience: Port to PortSupporting Purple Rabbits!.......................... Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Touch The Happiness Meter Again

Once again, Neoborn Caveman and Andia have a high-octane episode in which they talk about misheard quotes and sayings, the nature of language and perception, chasing happiness, quantum computing, film reviews, and cultural differences. The Two Purple Rabbits discuss the importance of connection and being anti-fragile, as well as the role of parental figures and role models. They also touch on social issues such as political engagement and simplification in films. You know, thinking critically and embracing diversity are great traits! Neoborn and Andia go on with various societal issues and the factors contributing to crime and violence. They explore the impact of sociopathy and antisocial behavior, highlighting the need for understanding and addressing these issues. Then, their open tea-house conversation delves into the role of schools in preventing crime and the importance of taking responsibility in society. You know, there is a difference between indoctrination and education! Open discussions and well-informed opinions are always better than any propaganda... oh yeah, their Battle of Jokes is back!We also appreciate some good music, like Sisters by pMad.Have you checked out our Patreon page? It's full of rarities and coolness: Here are a few takeaways from this episode:Misheard quotes and sayings are common and can lead to humorous misunderstandings.Language and perception are closely linked, and different languages can shape our understanding of the world.Chasing happiness may not lead to true fulfillment; instead, doing difficult things and facing challenges can bring greater satisfaction.Cultural differences and diversity should be embraced and celebrated.Simplification in films and storytelling can sometimes detract from the depth and complexity of the original concept.Free speech marinated in comedy.Supporting Purple Rabbits!............................ Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Kvartalet | Ylva Sarby Westman om Neobos K3 2023

I detta avsnitt av Kvartalet möter vi Ylva Sarby Westman, vd för Neobo Fastigheter, som kommenterar bolagets resultat för tredje kvartalet 2023. Likt andra aktörer i branschen påverkas Neobo av stigande räntor samtidigt som man har lyckats sänka vakanserna och kostnaderna i förvaltningen.Intervjun görs av Sverrir Thór (Fråga Lou), snabbanalys av Niclas Höglund (JLL), redigering av Jacob Engdahl (Bucket Media) och musik av Mats Ingemansson (Beppo Ljudproduktion).Vill du veta mer om Kvartalet?

Long Licked Life

Neoborn Caveman calls to preventative actions against another trend that takes children's lives before he dissects a new science trend that wastes resources to create energy from air humidity. You'll be happy when you are forced to take the public transport, "it'll be cleaner" - although the air quality is multiple times worse in the subway in reality... What is Amazon's new, unlimited phone service actually about? NC digs deep and you won't be happy for the breadcrumbs of truth he finds... Parents do have responsibility to help and guide their children to save their kids from drugs. Also, what is a walk-out in society these days? It is keeping cash alive! Why? Neoborn walks you through this - and he might even make some sense... Changes are not necessarily always bad: life is a learning opportunity, keep your chin up, we have a choice over our responses! Plus: the claim of "public safety grounds" is against free speech and freedom.... Holiday? Only in the carcinogen waters just like in Tunisia! Then, NC once again educates himself on how this methane in the atmosphere works - fun fact: not like the propaganda says in the mainstream media... More control over humans in the name of climate whatsoever - although it turns out, practically 120 companies create all the mess, literally...And if you haven't fallen asleep yet, in the music introduction segment:Shelby Lentz: Doing FineSuperhighwayman: My SonVan Hechter: Electrical BlueKelsie Kimberlin: Road TripXS: Summer LoveFrau Fleischer: Shining Starsoundtrack by Neoborn Caveman.Supporting Purple Rabbits!........................ Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

We Can Do Better If...

Neoborn Caveman appreciates Oliver Anthony (who happens to be Christopher actually) for his dignity and not giving in for industrialization of music. Of course NC keeps taking on the shenanigans of Carl Schwab (not his real name...) and the rest of the handful globalist Marxist ignorant wannabe overlords - yes "net zero" is a financial scam, just ask Vandana Shiva. Come on people, a gigantic hoover to clean the air from taxes? And this William who goes by the name Gates still does not have any credible education neither in the field of health or environment...The American Empire aka American Banana Republic (formerly USA) still holds political prisoners in dark sites without even charging them, for example Ryan Sampson. Where is the freedom now and the people standing up for it and each other?Hawaii fires definitely not caused by global whatsoever... according to Michael Shellenberger and researchers it turns out the wildfires were once again caused by humans. Not a joke.NC still calls out the obesity in people with the help of researches and even with fidgeting significant changes can be achieved. How and what now exactly?What happens when you talk in your private life and all of a sudden you lose your work without a say or hint or any clue? Sybil Ruth now experienced the East-German reporting at Cornerstone...Why can't you sue your government when they have been lying and they are also covering for even greater manipulators and liars? Damages of the hearts and good scientists and journalists show never roll over to forced propaganda.The population replacement is creating more havoc and now it has reached the children in Zelzate and the government is unwilling to do anything against this. What is their agenda? Do they want to trigger us to revolt so in exchange they could curtail more of our freedom? What is the real way to unite against them and for each other?All this and many more with the music introduction ofVan HechterJulienceKelsie KimberlinShelby LentzpMadAnd a live jam from the Two Purple Rabbits's Christmas Shingles album: "Life is Good - Ask Julian Assange"Free Speech marinated in comedy.Supporting Purple Rabbits!.................................. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Blue Balls and Bonus Holes

Neoborn Caveman is back and although life might be a blow sometimes he is not to be blown away in the wind. Chinada (formerly known as Canada) is taking away anyone's organs who are down a bit. Road rage and irresponsible parents with heated up cars? Special guest pMad on eating less or being less? Procrastination versus physical education and prayers... which would suit a more wholesome life? Andia's thoughts and ideas arrive and stay for a few minutes about the summer, Finland, and the army. Plus "Storytime with Neoborn Caveman" - a brand new segment - tonight about the donkey and the tiger.And many more.Introducing the music of Van Hechter and Sainte-Croix: My Kind of PeoplepMad: FurySUPERHIGHWAYMAN: My StoryNeoborn Caveman feat Mike Tyler: Keep Changing Me (new version)With some sounds and thought from all around and inside.Free speech marinated in comedy.Supporting Purple Rabbits!.................. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Kvartalet | Ylva Sarby Westman om Neobos K2 2023

Vi möter Ylva Sarby Westman, vd för Neobo Fastigheter, som kommenterar bolagets andra kvartal 2023. Det är också bolagets andra verksamhetskvartal i sin nuvarande bild och fokuset på att förbättra driftnettot och minska vakanserna är stort.Intervjun görs av Sverrir Thór (Fråga Lou), snabbanalys av Niclas Höglund (JLL), redigering av Jacob Engdahl (Bucket Media) och musik av Mats Ingemansson (Beppo Ljudproduktion). Vill du veta mer om Kvartalet?


Neobo delades ut till aktieägarna från SBB. Fastighetsbeståndet består av gamla Amasten samt lite smått och gott som SBB tillfört och dragit ifrån. De handlas i dagsläget till ca 70% rabatt och står inför stigande räntor samt kämpar med höga vakanser och förhandlingar om högre hyror. Lyckas de rida ut den värsta stormen finns stora värden som inte reflekteras i kursen. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Where Do You Draw The Line?

Where do you draw the line when it comes to your own oppression? As the WEF and their minions are pushing their agenda through the propaganda and institutions is there any way to trust and rely on the news, media or even the government? We are so easily convinced to believe and do anything we never thought a little while ago - so, how can we stand tall? Neoborn Caveman dives deep.Human negligence or climate cult versus reality? Hot topics and hollow science!NC tells a real-life story about a special family, the one above all - who are they who sell out the Americans and inflame more war? And what is the antidote? Listen to Neoborn Caveman!The so-called AIs aren't getting royalties - why does it matter for humans and creators?What happens to you when you are innocent but social dirt is thrown at you? You lose everything you built up from your childhood. This happened to Mason Greenwood. Controversial? Truth is in!Who speaks for the average people? ULEZ is not what it seems and was initiated by The Clown. Brits still do not seem to find their guts and balls. What comes now?Brain-computer interface helping patients now - but at what cost and where will it lead in this slippery slope of losing what it means to be a human?Neoborn Caveman challenges the New-China (aka Chinada, formerly known as Canada) direction against freedom of speech and freedom of thought - yes, the new round of Jordan B Peterson versus Trudeau game. The series of events are about all of us in reality...Where do you draw the line? Is it OK to attack a paramedic in the EMT when attending a convict who is walking free even after this? The Julia Fatum case.And let's appreciate the police for what they actually do right, just like in Louisville where they freed a chained woman from a non-human entity.Plus: the Human Tissue Act - people are harvested now - and it's not a movie but Canada.With the musical introduction ofHot Rod by JulienceElectrical Blue by Van HechterHorror by pMadAnd the re-appearance of Andia and her "60 seconds of drumming" and the Battle of Jokes.Enjoy free speech marinated in comedy!Supporting Purple Rabbits!.............................. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Tonight with Shelby Lentz

A very special guest, Shelby Lentz is sharing her music and new album while talking about life with Huntington's Disease and how to be champions despite everything. Of course, meaning of live music and some fun are also in the free conversation between her and Neoborn Caveman.Supporting Purple Rabbits!...................... Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Can We Fix The World?

Why?Why is the world in shambles?How come no leaders or powerful made it better for all of us?It's now on Neoborn Caveman and Andia to bring the environmental issues out in a meaningful way and find solutions with no strings attached. You never knew that much about soil and excrement before this!Can they do it still in a comedic way? Well, yes.Also, social nonsense is also on the table. It's a big table and full... some historical knowledge might come for the save.In this radio-show version the musical guests areKelsie Kimberlin with Spoof I Wonder and Road TripSuperhighwayman with Artifactwith their latest songs.Also, Mike Tyler sings Keep Changing Me.And some surprises, of course.Tune in!Supporting Purple Rabbits!.......................... Hosted on Acast. See for more information.