
Thule är en svensk tillverkare av takboxar, takräcken och andra produkter för transport av utrustning. Företaget grundades 1942 och har sedan dess blivit känt för sin höga kvalitet och innovativa design. Thule är idag en av världens ledande aktörer inom sitt område och deras produkter används av människor över hela världen.

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LO-ordföranden: Inga problem med Pim van Dorpels vitmakt-bakgrund

LO-ordföranden: Inga problem med Pim van Dorpels vitmakt-bakgrund

Pim van Dorpel var den enda kandidaten till posten som LO-ordförande men hoppade av i sista stund. I går publicerade Arbetet en intervju där van Dorpel berättade att han rört sig i vitmakt-miljöer som ung. – Jag bekände mig inte till nazismen. Men jag kallade mig för patriot eller Sverigevän, säger han till tidningen. Ville passa in Han minns inte om han var medlem i någon organisation men säger att han sökte sig till skinnskallekulturen i Nyköping som 14-åring, bland annat med anledning av bandet Ultima Thule som har sina rötter i staden. – Jag gjorde säkert vad som helst för att passa in. Jag har kanske heilat på fester, på fritidsgårdar. Det kan säkert finnas bilder och filmer. Men jag vet inte, säger Pim van Dorpel till Arbetet. ”Klart man kan göra fel” Den nya ordföranden Johan Lindholm säger att informationen om Pim van Dorpels bakgrund nådde valberedningen nära inpå LO-kongressen. Valberedningen visste inte vad det skulle betyda och Pim van Dorpel tog själv beslutet att dra sig ur av ”personliga skäl”. – Det finns säkert som jag eller någon annan har gjort som 14-15-åring också. Man kan inte vara diskvalificerad för det i ett sådant här uppdrag, det är klart att man kan göra fel, säger Johan Lindholm. Det är oklart om Pim van Dorpel kommer att återgå till posten som vice ordförande i Hotell- och restaurangfacket.

Därför hoppade LO-kandidaten av

Därför hoppade LO-kandidaten av

Det var dagen före LO-kongressen som Pim van Dorpel valde att hoppa av sin kandidatur som ny ordförande. Frågorna har sedan dess varit många. Nu väljer han att själv berätta om anledningen bakom beslutet. Till tidningen Arbetet säger han att han under högstadiet rörde sig i vitmakt-miljöer. – Jag bekände mig inte till nazismen. Men jag kallade mig för patriot eller Sverigevän, berättar han för tidningen. Berättar om högstadietiden Han minns inte om han var medlem i någon organisation och Pim van Dorpel vet inte heller vilket rörelse han i så fall skulle varit en del av. Men han sökte sig som 14-åring till skinnskallekulturen i Nyköping. Den kulturen var stark vid den tiden och han drogs dit mycket tack vare bandet Ultima Thule som har sina rötter i staden. – Men jag gjorde säkert vad som helst för att passa in. Jag har kanske heilat på fester, på fritidsgårdar. Det kan säkert finnas bilder och filmer. Men jag vet inte, säger Pim van Dorpel till Arbetet. Fackföreningen LO valde under förra veckan Johan Lindholm som ny ordförande.

Thule på YouTube

Introducing: Thule Outset hitch tent – Experience the revolution in outdoor living

Discover a new standard in outdoor living with the Thule Outset – the first towbar-mounted tent on the market that is tailored for ...

Thule på YouTube

Thule Tepui Foothill

Spacious rooftop tent sleeps two adults and folds compactly, preserving valuable space on your roof for bikes, kayaks and other ...

Thule på YouTube

Smart TÄLT på DRAGKROKEN, men svindyrt. (Thule Outset)

Thule Outset funger perfekt, men kostar däremot en hel del. I skrivande stund 47 000 kronor. Extra finurlig lösning om man kör en ...

Glenn Lindberg på YouTube

Trunk Bike Rack - Thule OutWay Hanging (Easy Mounting Tutorial)

Thule OutWay Hanging is a sturdy, top-of-the-line trunk bike rack. It's available in a 2 and 3-bike version and in this installation ...

Thule på YouTube

Thule Onto Rear Cargo Box Product Demonstration Video

The Onto is a great solution for those with small cars but lots of luggage, or anyone who wants an extra 300L of cargo space that is ...

Roof Rack Store Australia på YouTube


iTunes: Spotify: Google Play: ...

Stormzy på YouTube

Thule i poddar

Thule Society Pt. 1

Before there were the Nazis, the Thule Society sprang up as a secret order dedicated to Aryan superiority. Followers of Thule believed the future of Germany lay in returning to the past and practicing the magic of the old Norse gods. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Thule Society Pt. 2

In 1919, the Thule Society led a revolt against the communist government that had taken control of Munich. In the shaky political aftermath, Thulists joined a new fascist political party, and influenced a burgeoning dictator: Adolph Hitler. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

The Ultima Thule Flyby...and Alien Abductions?

Stream podcast episodes on demand from (mobile friendly).Episode 135 of Space Nuts - *The Ultima Thule flyby...*Chang’e 4 update...*Alien abductions are down..Would you like to help support the show and get yourself one of our new T-Shirts? Details here: (They make a great present…)If you like to get your hands on a copy of Dr. Fred Watson’s book ‘ ‘Why Is Uranus Upside Down? And other questions about the Universe’ it’s available as a Kindle edition from Amazon - Dunkley also has a book…’All I See Is Mud’ based on his grandfather's experiences during WW1. Details at Subscribe, rate and review Space Nuts via all good podcatcher apps, including Apple Podcasts (formerly iTunes) (featured in New & Noteworthy), Google Podcasts (now available via the Google Play store), Stitcher, Pocket Casts, Podbean, Overcast, TuneIn Radio, CastBox.FM, iHeartRadio, Spotify etc.RSS feed: To receive the free Astronomy Daily Newsletter, just join our mailing list at us at spacenuts@bitesz.comWebsite: (mobile friendly)For more, follow Space Nuts on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Spreaker:Facebook - @spacenutspodcasttwitter -  @spacenutspodcstGoogle+ - - Enjoying what we do? Then please share with and tell your friends. Your recommendation is the best we could possibly get. Thank you...#astronomy #space #science #technology #news #aao #drfredwatson #stargazerfred  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit  See for privacy and opt-out information.Become a supporter of this podcast:

The Mysterious Island of Thule

Today we're following the astronomer Pytheas, who in about 300 BCE went on a journey of discovery to the far north, following the tin route. His book "On the Ocean" unfortunately got lost, but we know from other accounts that he made his way to Britain and from there, Barbarians showed him "where the sun goes to rest": another six day journey across the sea and there was the island he called Thule. It has been assumed for a long time that Thule must be Iceland, though in recent times, other theories have emerged, suggesting Smøla in Norway and Saaremaa in Estonia. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ultima Thule, Dry January, Periodic Table

2019 means the opportunity to explore the most distant object yet encountered in our solar system – the brilliantly named Ultima Thule as Nasa’s New Horizons spacecraft hit the headlines this week when it flew past an object 4 billion miles away, took photos and sent them back to earth. The stunning images confirmed that Ultima Thule looks a bit like a snowman, only several miles in length and orbiting somewhere much colder than any earth winter. Inside Science talked to Dr Carly Howett, a member of the New Horizon’s team and deputy principle investigator of the RALPH instrument, which will send back data on Ultima Thule’s form and structure later this year.And For many of us, January is a time to try a bit better. And millions of us decide to give up alcohol. It’s called Dry January. But what does this alcohol break actually achieve? Has anyone scientifically researched the results of a month off the sauce? Marnie Chesterton spoke to liver specialist and senior lecturer at university college London, Dr Gautam Mehta. And because chemists are celebrating the 150th birthday, or rather birth-year, of the Periodic Table we thought BBC Inside Science should as well. The table is that chart on every science classroom wall. It’s a grid of small boxes, each with a symbol that represents a chemical element. And elements are the fundamental substances that make up everything you can see, and quite a few things that you can’t.We spoke to chemist Dr Eric Scerri at UCLA, who has written a book on the history and significance of the Periodic Table while Roland Pease visited the lab of Professor Andrea Sella, who is making a physical representation of the whole table, if he can find all the elements that is.

Sommar med Thule

Lasta takboxen och starta semestern, men hur ser det ut för Thule på börsen? Vi går igenom deras framtidsplaner. Vi placerar även våra bets på fajten mellan Marc Zuckerberg och Elon Musk. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Makhosi Himi Gogo Thule: The Mothermind: Connecting with Ancestors, Dream realms, Rites of Passage and Motherhood

Makhosi Himi Gogo Thule is a devoted sangoma, diviner, prayer warrior, and healer. Sangoma is a Zulu term for a seer who brings forth messages from their ancestors to help or serve their community. This gift is a calling & a responsibility rooted in indigenous cultural knowledge. Makhosi’s work acts as a bridge into shamanic ceremonial traditions from her lived cultural experiences guided by the elevated ancestors of her lineages from Burkina Faso, South Africa, & Ancient Kemet. Her healing practice is rooted in ancient African cosmologies, initiations & spiritual traditions that elevate our consciousness to return harmony within our inner and outer nature. She walks the path of a wisdom keeper devoted to preserving and honoring the ancestral way of healing.Makhosi details her initiation, where In the Ubungoma tradition is called Ukuthwasa and is a process of cleansing, releasing, death, and rebirth. Similar with the monk path, there are protocols throughout the day that need to be fulfilled, such as dressing up in certain colors, working with plant medicines and different cleanses, and doing prayers, dances, and songs of the tradition. This opens the dreaming tradition wherein you move through this process of cleansing that opens your dreams, lets you see your ancestors who give you instructions, and show you things about yourself that you need to see and understand in order to move on to the next phase of your life. There’s no final date; when you’re shown and the elders see that you’re seeing what you’re supposed to be seeing at that moment, then you pass through the next gate or space and graduate. However, for Makhosi, there’s no such thing as graduation and that life itself is an initiation.   What we discuss: 01:08 – Introducing Makhosi03:39 – The Time of the Feminine for Makhosi06:26 – Remembrance09:19 – Truth for Makhosi12:03 – Inspiration to Keep Going15:19 – Makhosi’s Initiation18:15 – Dreams and the Dreamworld20:54 – Difficulty in Dreaming23:51 – Elders in Society28:41 – The Makhosi Foundation32:59 – Makhosi Embodied37:08 – The Truth and Truly Listening40:51 – Healing in Our Culture44:57 – The Healing of Togetherness49:18 – Helping Others Free Themselves51:46 – Motherhood1:00:05 – Makhosi in Behalf of the Great Mother To amplify your health with GoddessWell products, go to to and use the code SISTERHOOD at checkout to buy one and get one free!   Sign up for Moon School a 29-day meditation journey beginning on the New Moon on June 17:   Learn more from Makhosi:   Websites:https://www.makhosistarmother.com   Instagram: Ancestral Dreams, Omens & Prophecies Podcast:   To follow us on Instagram, @theglobalsisterhood @Laurenelizabethwalsh @shainaconners