Uppgift: Gränsövergång öppnas under morgonen

Uppgift: Gränsövergång öppnas under morgonen

USA:s utrikesminister Antony Blinken säger att USA, Israel, Egypten och FN arbetar med att öppna gränsövergången i Rafah mellan Egypten och Gazaremsan. – Rafah kommer att öppnas, säger han enligt NPR. Blinken specificerar inte när övergången kan komma att öppnas men NBC rapporterar, med hänvisningar till en palestinsk företrädare, att övergången kommer öppnas redan på måndagsmorgonen. Enligt kanalens korrespondent lyder beskedet att utländska medborgare och palestinier med dubbla medborgskap tillåtas lämna samtidigt som det blir möjligt att få in humanitär hjälp till invånarna i Gaza. Kanalen uppger samtidigt att liknande besked kommit tidigare i veckan men att gränsövergången ändå inte öppnats.

Putins varning – då blir det krig med Nato

Putins varning – då blir det krig med Nato

Både USA och Storbritannien har diskuterat huruvida Ukraina ska få lov att använda vapen som länderna donerat långt inne i Ryssland. Ukrainas utrikesminister, Andrij Sybiha, träffade USA:s och Storbritanniens utrikesministrar, Antony Blinken och David Lammy, under onsdagen. Då påtalade han på en presskonferens behovet av att lyfta restriktionerna. – Det är viktigt att lyfta alla restriktioner för användning av amerikanska och brittiska vapen mot legitima mål i Ryssland, sade Sybiha Från amerikanskt håll lovade man att arbeta vidare med frågan. President Joe Biden och premiärminister Keir Starmer kommer även att mötas i Washington under fredagen. Putin: ”Skulle förändra själva konfliktens natur” Med anledning av att restriktionerna på långdistansvapen kan komma att hävas uttalade sig Rysslands president Vladimir Putin under torsdagen. – Det skulle förändra själva konfliktens natur på ett betydande sätt, sade Putin till statskontrollerad rysk media. Den tidigare överstelöjtnanten Jörgen Elfving menar att liknande hot har kommit från Ryssland tidigare – Jag ser hans uttalande som ytterligare ett led i den ryska teorin. Man har hela tiden sett det västliga stödet till Ukraina som att väst för ett krig via ombud, det vill säga Ukraina, säger Elfving. Han ser uttalandet som en del i att försöka få väst att vara återhållsamma i vad man låter Ukraina göra med västligt krigsmateriel. Men också för att påverka opinionen för framtida stöd till Ukraina. – Gällande de röda linjerna har väst passerat dem tidigare, det har aldrig resulterat i någon åtgärd, säger Elfving. Sannolika målet: Flygbaser i Ryssland Om restriktionerna på långdistansvapnen skulle hävas och Ukraina får lov att skjuta mot mål längre in i Ryssland, hade det kunnat påverka Ryssland förmåga att till exempel använda sig av kryssningsrobotar mot Ukraina. – Sannolikt är det väl så att målen lär vara ryska flygbaser. Det bidrar till att dels få bort vapenbärare som kan bära vapen som kan slå mot ukrainska mål på djupet, säger Elfving och tillägger: – Det kan även eliminera den ryska överlägsenheten i luften. Samtidigt kan de komma att användas mot mål som oljeraffinaderier och rysk försvarsindustri, mål som Ukraina tidigare slagit mot med drönare.

Medieuppgifter: Ukraina kommer få skjuta längre in i Ryssland

Medieuppgifter: Ukraina kommer få skjuta längre in i Ryssland

I Vita huset i USA pågår diskussioner för fullt om vilka förbehåll som ska gälla för de vapen som har skänkts till Ukraina, uppger flera regeringskällor för Politico. Enligt brittiska The Guardians uppgifter har ett beslut redan fattats i London om att den ukrainska militären ska få skjuta ballistiska Storm Shadow-robotar mot Ryssland. Diskussioner uppges ha pågått mellan USA, Storbritannien och Ukraina under de senaste veckorna. De två västländernas utrikesministrar besökte Kiev tillsammans på onsdagen och då vädjade Ukraina på nytt om ett större handlingsutrymme. Vi arbetar skyndsamt för att fortsätta säkerställa att Ukraina har vad som krävs för att effektivt kunna försvara sig, svarade USA:s minister Antony Blinken, då han tillsammans med sin brittiske kollega David Lammy aviserade nya stödpaket till Ukraina. Pekar på iranskt stöd Under det storskaliga invasionskrigets gång har Ukrainas allierade i små steg ruckat på de reservationer som uttalats för hur levererade vapen får användas. Bland annat har man tidigare öppnat för att Ukraina ska få skjuta mot mål på andra sidan gränsen i defensivt syfte, till exempel från den ansatta Charkiv-regionen i nordost som har blivit hårt beskjuten från platser bara några mil bort. Tidigare i veckan lyfte USA fram uppgifter om att Iran har fortsatt att leverera vapen till Ryssland, nu i form av ballistiska robotar, vilket Antony Blinken beskriver som en "dramatisk upptrappning". Ukraina vill framför allt kunna använda så kallade Atacms-robotar, som har en räckvidd på upp omkring 30 mil, i större utsträckning. Sådana har tidigare skjutits mot bland annat Krimhalvön. USA:s president Joe Biden tar emot Storbritanniens premiärminister Keir Starmer i Washington på fredag. Lovar rysk respons Rysslands president Vladimir Putin har återkommande talat om "röda linjer" för angrepp mot Ryssland. Hans talesperson Dmitrij Peskov meddelar att landet kommer att svara på eventuella lättnader av vapenrestriktioner på "lämpligt" vis. Vjatjeslav Volodin, regimlojal talman i den ryska statsduman, utropar via sociala medier att västländerna "blir parter i kriget" och att Ryssland blir tvingat att ta till än mer kraftfulla vapen.

Avgörande om långdistansvapen till Ukraina närmar sig

Avgörande om långdistansvapen till Ukraina närmar sig

Det närmar sig ett avgörande i frågan om USA ska tillåta Ukraina att använda långdistansvapen mot mål i Ryssland. USA:s utrikesminister Antony Blinken och Storbritanniens dito David Lammy är under onsdagen på besök i Kiev och Biden har flaggat för att ”frågan håller på att behandlas just nu”. Rysslands svar kom under dagen: mer vapenskrammel, hot om att väst kommer att ses som parter i kriget, och om att man kommer att slå mot amerikanska leveranser av robotar.

Antony Blinken på YouTube

Antony Blinken reacts when President Joe Biden refers to Chinese leader Xi Jinping a 'dictator'

Secretary of State Antony Blinken reacts when President Joe Biden referred to Chinese leader Xi Jinping as a 'dictator': ...

11Alive på YouTube

Secretary of State Antony Blinken speaks at State Dept. news conference

Secretary of State Antony Blinken speaks at a State Department news conference on Sept. 13.

Washington Post på YouTube

Secretary Antony Blinken Plays and Sings Muddy Watters "Hoochie Coochie Man"

Secretary Antony Blinken plays and sings Muddy Watters "Hoochie Coochie Man" at the Global Music Diplomacy Initiative in ...

C-SPAN på YouTube

Antony Blinken on National Cybersecurity and an Evolving State Department | Big Interview | WIRED

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken sits down with WIRED Contributing Editor Garrett M. Graff to talk about emerging ...

WIRED på YouTube

Secretary of State Antony Blinken speaks on attack in Lebanon

Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that the U.S. had no prior knowledge of an attack which targeted pagers used by Lebanon's ...

KTVB på YouTube

Antony Blinken i poddar

Antony Blinken

As President Biden's top diplomat, Antony Blinken is in the eye of the storm as the conflict rages in Israel and Gaza. The US Secretary of State has been preparing for this role his whole life. But has he got what it takes? After a gilded upbringing - living in New York and Paris, an Ivy League education and a passion for music - he reluctantly turned his back on rock and roll to pursue a career at the top of politics, becoming a confidante of three US presidents. Stephen Smith talks to friends and colleagues to find out more about the man whose father was an ambassador and whose stepfather survived Auschwitz. PRODUCTION TEAM Presenter: Stephen Smith Producers: Sally Abrahams, Natasha Fernandes, Kirsteen Knight Production Co-ordinators: Maria Ogundele, Janet Staples, Rosie Strawbridge, Gemma Ashman Sound Engineer: James Beard Editor: Bridget HarneyCREDITS Without Ya, Ablinken (Spotify)

Ep 707: Blinken tries to calm the Middle East

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has been trying to stop the conflict between Israel and Hamas from spreading whilst also trying to secure the release of hostages and address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. How successful has he been so far?For the premium Tortoise listening experience, curated by our journalists, download the free Tortoise audio app.For early and ad-free access, subscribe to Tortoise+ on Apple Podcasts.If you’d like to further support slow journalism and help us build a different kind of newsroom, do consider donating to Tortoise at tortoisemedia.com/support-us. Your contributions allow us to investigate, campaign and explore, and to build a newsroom that is responsible and sustainable. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Interviews with: US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Republican Senator J.D. Vance, Former US Vice President Al Gore

First, a split over foreign aid divides Congress as world pressure grows over the civilian death toll in Gaza. Does the Biden administration have any conditions in its support for Israel in the war? US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is next. Next, President Joe Biden takes the fight directly to Donald Trump. Trump looks to cement his hold on the GOP. What would a second Trump term look like? Top Trump ally Republican Senator J.D. Vance of Ohio is ahead. Plus, world leaders meet to confront the climate crisis and consider phasing out fossil fuels. But will they go far enough? Former US Vice President Al Gore joins me exclusively. And, a new poll has Nikki Haley up double digits in a hypothetical matchup against President Joe Biden. We’ll dig into what's behind those numbers with our panel. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Secretary of State Antony Blinken

Tommy and Ben talk about Kim Jong Un’s trip to meet with Vladimir Putin, Viktor Bout’s entrance into local Russian politics, Armenia’s diplomatic shift away from Russia, and a positive development in Nagorno-Kabarakh region. They also dig into an escalation into the economic war between the US and China, allegations about an undercover Chinese spy in the UK parliament, Biden’s trip the Vietnam and political value of foreign trips, Mexico’s future female president, the resignation of Spain’s head soccer official, a Florida man trying to cross the Atlantic in a hamster wheel and a red wine flood. Then US Secretary of State Antony Blinken joins to discuss the war in Ukraine, the G20, a reported Saudi Arabia-Israel normalization deal and more. For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast. Help those affected by the Morocco earthquake:USAID Center for International Disaster Information-- https://www.cidi.org/disaster-responses/morocco-earthquake/Give Directly-- https://www.givedirectly.org/morocco-earthquake/Banque Alimentaire (The Food Bank) -- https://banquealimentaire.ma/en/

Niger coup: Wagner taking advantage of instability - Antony Blinken

Russia's Wagner mercenary group is "taking advantage" of instability in Niger, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has told the BBC. What does this mean and what is next for Niger? Surviving the bombing of the US embassy in Nairobi's capital 25 years ago, a woman reveals her children face still stigma due to her injuries. More than 200 people died and thousands of others were injured in the 1998 al-Qaeda attacks.Authorities in the South African province of Limpopo have introduced the ‘midnight alcohol law’, which bans the sale of liquor past midnight. The provincial government says the alcohol curfew will help tackle social issues like gender based violence. We’ll hear from the National Liquor Traders Council and from organisations raising awareness on the harm caused by alcohol.

October 22 — Sec. Antony Blinken, Rep. Kevin McCarthy and fmr. VP Mike Pence

Secretary of State Antony Blinken joins Meet the Press to discuss U.S. involvement in the Israel and Gaza war as Hamas releases hostages and a ground invasion appears imminent. Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) exclusively joins to discuss House chaos as leaders scramble to elect a new speaker after he was ousted from the top job. Plus, Former Vice President and GOP presidential candidate Mike Pence reacts to ex-Trump lawyer Sidney Powell and Kenneth Chesebro’s guilty pleas in the Georgia election interference case.

Interviews with: US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul, Former Vice President Mike Pence, Israeli Minister of Strategic Affairs Ron Dermer, Republican Senator Markwayne Mullin, Republican Congressman Mike Lawler, Former U.S. Ambassador to Israel Thomas Nides, Former Defense Secretary Mark Esper

Israel responds after brutal Hamas terror attacks by formally declaring war. Will that war engulf the Middle East? US Secretary of State Antony Blinken joins Dana to discuss. Next, Congress rushes to condemn the Hamas attack and pledges to aid Israelis. But will the lack of a formal House Speaker hamper any US response? Dana gets reaction from key lawmakers, including House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul, Republican Senator Markwayne Mullin, and Congressman Mike Lawler. Then, with hundreds Israeli civilians killed and "a significant number" abducted, the world scrambles to understand how Hamas could pull off such a massive surprise attack. Dana speaks with Israeli Minister of Strategic Affairs Ron Dermer, former US Ambassador to Israel Thomas Nides, and former Defense Secretary Mark Esper about what went wrong and how Israel will respond. Finally, our panel of experts discusses the challenges facing Israel and what to expect in the days and weeks ahead. To learn more about how CNN protects listener privacy, visit cnn.com/privacy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Antony Blinken, Former Deputy Secretary of State, on Today's Foreign Policy Challenges

In this episode of Intelligence Matters, host Michael Morell interviews former deputy Secretary of State and deputy National Security advisor to President Barack Obama Antony Blinken, who weighs in on the Trump administration's foreign policy decisions in some of the world's top geopolitical hotspots. Blinken evaluates the opportunities seized, squandered and still ahead in countries including Saudi Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan, Russia, North Korea and China. A former national security advisor to Vice President Joe Biden, Blinken discusses the parameters of a potential Biden foreign policy. See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

Interviews with Secretary of State Antony Blinken & White House National Security Council Spokesman Adm. John Kirby

As the Israel-Hamas war continues, Mo News hit the road for Washington to interview two key US national security leaders about the conflict, the US role and other top challenges for the US. Mosheh spoke with Secretary of State Antony Blinken about how this war will end, who will lead Gaza after Hamas, and whether the US is doing enough to bring home the hostages. They also discussed the threat from Iranian groups like the Houthis, continued White House concerns about TikTok and how the Biden administration is trying to combat the rise of authoritarianism globally.  Also on this podcast: An interview with White House National Security Council Spokesperson, Admiral John Kirby. He discusses how the US is approaching dialogue with Israel, whether eliminating Hamas is possible given our experience with ISIS and al Qaeda, and what Israel risks with the escalating civilian death toll. Mosheh and Admiral Kirby also discussed the latest in Ukraine and the larger communication challenges in the social media era.   **Mo News Premium For Members-Only Instagram, Private Podcast: (Click To Join)** — Mosheh Oinounou (@mosheh) is an Emmy and Murrow award-winning journalist. He has 20 years of experience at networks including Fox News, Bloomberg Television and CBS News, where he was the executive producer of the CBS Evening News and launched the network's 24 hour news channel. He founded the @mosheh Instagram news account in 2020 and the Mo News podcast and newsletter in 2022. Jill Wagner (@jillrwagner) is an Emmy and Murrow award- winning journalist. She's currently the Managing Editor of the Mo News newsletter and previously worked as a reporter for CBS News, Cheddar News, and News 12. She also co-founded the Need2Know newsletter, and has made it a goal to drop a Seinfeld reference into every Mo News podcast. Follow Mo News on all platforms: Website: www.mo.news Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mosheh/ Daily Newsletter: https://www.mo.news/newsletter Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@monews Twitter: https://twitter.com/mosheh TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mosheh Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MoshehNews Snapchat: https://t.snapchat.com/pO9xpLY9 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Biden’s Cabinet Picks, Part 2: Antony Blinken

What kind of foreign policy is possible for the United States after four years of isolationism under President Trump?Antony Blinken, President-elect Joe Biden’s pick for secretary of state, has an interventionist streak, but some vestiges of Trump-era foreign policy will be hard to upend.If confirmed, Mr. Blinken faces the challenge of making the case at home that taking a fuller role abroad is important, while persuading international allies that the United States can be counted on.What course is he likely to steer through that narrow channel? Guest: David E. Sanger, a national security correspondent for The New York Times. We want to hear from you. Fill out our survey about The Daily and other shows at: nytimes.com/thedailysurveyFor an exclusive look at how the biggest stories on our show come together, subscribe to our newsletter. Read the latest edition here.Background reading: Mr. Blinken’s extensive foreign policy credentials are expected to help calm American diplomats and global leaders after four years of the Trump administration’s ricocheting strategies and nationalist swaggering.European allies of the United States have welcomed a president who doesn’t see them as rivals. But with the possibility of a Republican-controlled Senate, they are also wary.Mr. Biden wants to reactivate the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, but the killing of the top nuclear scientist in the Middle Eastern nation, which Tehran has blamed on Israel, could complicate that aim. For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily.

Mr. Blinken, please shut up and go home.

On Friday, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited Israel for the fourth time during the Israel-Hamas war, while continuing a pattern of statements full of empty and frankly meaningless clichés.

Interviews with Secretary of State Blinken and Ukrainian President Zelensky

This week on the show Fareed shares two important conversations he had while attending the Aspen Security Forum. First, he speaks with Secretary of State Antony Blinken about the America’s role in supporting Ukraine and getting Kyiv the equipment it needs to push back Russian troops. They also talk about how to ensure that competition with China does not lead to conflict, as well as what steps are being taken to work towards a new nuclear deal with Iran. Then, Fareed speaks with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky via video conference while on stage at the forum. They discuss the Ukrainian counteroffensive and President Zelensky shares his thoughts on the state of the Russian army since the Wagner mutiny.  To learn more about how CNN protects listener privacy, visit cnn.com/privacy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices