USA:s justitiedepartement överväger uppdelning av Google

USA:s justitiedepartement överväger uppdelning av Google

Det amerikanska justitiedepartementet, DOJ, överväger ett försök att dela upp Googles verksamhet, sedan en domare förra veckan konstaterade att bolaget monopoliserat sin sökmotortjänst på smarttelefoner.

"Ska googla synonymer till “fantastiskt" så jag inte blir tjatig"

"Ska googla synonymer till “fantastiskt" så jag inte blir tjatig"

Den här veckan ska idolerna ge sig på det årtionde som kanske formade mig mest. Då jag gick från tonåring till vuxen, då jag fick min första synth, då jag fick producera min första skiva (en hörnsten i svensk musikhistoria, Lili och Susies julskiva). 80-talet, det enda årtionde då jag av egen fri vilja ägnat mig åt syslöjd. Jeansen skulle ju ha kilar av skinn insydda i sidorna för att få det rätta stuket. Jag kan ju inte ha vare sig synthlugg eller pudelkrull nu för tiden, säkert till viss del för att mitt hår till slut sa upp sig och flyttade till ryggen efter att jag färgat och blekt det lite för ofta. Tillbaka till kvällen. 80-talstema. Det ska bli riktigt intressant. Det kan ju bli Toto, Abba, Devo, Baccara, Boney M, AC/DC, Aerosmith eller varför inte något trallvänligt med Göran Fristorp? Vi i juryn har ju ingen inverkan på vilka låtar idolerna väljer att sjunga, men jag hoppas att någon av deltagarna som begåvats med stora röster vågar ge sig på Toto eller Queen. En hemlig önskan inför kvällen Jag har en liten hemlig önskan och det är att den av idolerna som fick Katia att prata om fulla engelskalärare förra lördagen skulle välja att sjunga Marvin Gayes “Sexual Healing”. Då får vi nog plocka ned fröken Mosally från ljusriggen... Det som är ännu viktigare än att välja rätt låt är att idolerna vågar göra sina egna tolkningar, för det är ju originalartister vi vill få fram i programmet. Det finns massor och massor av människor som är duktiga coverartister, men det vi söker är det där lilla extra. Stjärnglansen. Modet och förmågan att ta en känd låt och göra den till sin egen. Det är ingen lätt uppgift, långt därifrån, men det är inte heller några dussinmänniskor vi har med oss på scenen i dag. Jag vet att jag och mina kollegor ofta brukar säga att vi har det starkaste startfältet någonsin just i år, men det är ju sant. ”Fortfarande väldigt tomt efter mamma” Det är en sån enorm bredd, ett sådant djup i den församlade talangen på scenen i kväll att jag ska sätta mig och googla på synonymer till “fantastiskt” nu så att jag inte blir tjatig i direktsändningen. För övrigt är det fortfarande väldigt tomt efter mamma som lämnade oss nyligen. Som Göran Tunström skrev: När mammor dör, då förlorar man ett av väderstrecken. Då förlorar man vartannat andetag: då förlorar man en glänta. När mammor dör, växer det sly överallt. Det är sant. Fast i mitt fall inte just med slyet, ett av mina sätt att hantera min saknad är faktiskt att köra traktor och klippa sly. Puss på dig Mamma. Jag vet att du tittar.

Rådet till unga män: Då behöver du söka hjälp för dina erektionsproblem

Rådet till unga män: Då behöver du söka hjälp för dina erektionsproblem

Det har blivit vanligare att unga män söker hjälp för erektionsproblem. Det finns ingen helt klarlagd statistik för exakt hur många, men kuratorn Jonna Abelsson menar att killar ofta söker för erektionsproblem i samband med att man söker för något annat. – Jag tänker att man är rädd att det ska vara något fysiskt fel på en. Det är ofta då man söker till den medicinska sidan, att det är något fel på ens kropp eller att man har hormonbrist eller så. Man kanske har googlat lite själv, säger hon i Nyhetsmorgon. Barnmorskan Sofia Strand menar att problemen kan uppstå vid bland annat stress, ångest, oro och nedstämdhet. – Om man tänker alla under 50 så är det oftast beroende av psykologisk natur. Men sen kan det vara andra saker. Hormonbrist är det ganska få som har. Det är i senare ålder som testosteron kan sjunka och det kan då ge påverkan på lust och erektion. Det finns också en stor oro för att inte kunna prestera för en partner eller så också, säger hon i Nyhetsmorgon. Varningen: Det ska man inte göra Både Sofia Strand och Jonna Abelsson är tydliga med att man ska söka hjälp om det blir ett återkommande problem, men att det inte är något ovanligt. – Om man upplever problem med det här och är orolig vill vi säga att det är inget konstigt. Det är inget onormalt, de allra flesta med en penis är med om det här. Försök också komma ihåg att sex är mycket mer än bara en erektion, säger Jonna Abelsson. – Om det blir ett återkommande problem ska man söka för det, säger Sofia Strand. Alkohol och droger påverkar mer än vad vissa tror. – Det påverkar erektionen jättemycket. Det är också jätteviktigt att veta. Det är en väldigt stor bov i det här. Nikotin på lång sikt påverkar kärlen också, säger Sofia Strand. Jonna Abelsson skickar också med en varning till de som söker sig till svarta marknaden för att köpa potenspreparat. – Det kunde man inte göra för 25 år sedan, men det kan man nu. Det ska man inte göra, säger hon.

De tilldelas Nobelpriset i kemi – har "knäckt koder" inom proteiner

De tilldelas Nobelpriset i kemi – har "knäckt koder" inom proteiner

David Baker, Demis Hassabis och John M Jumper tilldelas årets Nobelpris i kemi för upptäckter om proteiner. Vetenskapsakademin beskriver att årets kemipris handlar om proteiner, livets kemiska multiverktyg. ”David Baker har lyckats med det nästan omöjliga konststycket att bygga nya proteiner. Demis Hassabis och John Jumper har med hjälp av en AI-modell löst ett 50-år gammalt problem – att förutspå proteiners komplexa strukturer”, skriver akademin i sin motivering. Designat ett nytt protein Proteiner består av 20 olika sorters aminosyror, som kan beskrivas som livets byggsats. År 2003 lyckades David Baker med konststycket att med denna byggsats som grund, designa ett nytt protein som var olikt alla kända proteiner. Sedan dess har hans forskargrupp tagit fram flera proteiner som kan fungera som läkemedel, vaccin, nanomaterial och minimala sensorer. Den andra upptäckten handlar om att kunna förutspå hur proteiner ser ut. I ett protein är aminosyrorna sammanlänkade i långa strängar, som veckar sig till en tredimensionell struktur. Denna struktur är avgörande för proteinets funktion. Sedan 1970-talet har forskare försökt förutsäga proteiners strukturer, men det har varit otroligt svårt. För fyra år sedan skedde ett genombrott när Demis Hassabis och John Jumper presenterade en AI-modell kallad AlphaFold2. Förutspå strukturen Med hjälp av den har de kunnat förutspå strukturen för i princip alla de 200 miljoner proteiner som forskare känner till. Sedan genombrottet har AlphaFold2 använts av mer än två miljoner personer från 190 länder. Bland väldigt mycket annat, kan forskare bättre förstå antibiotikaresistens och skapa bilder av enzymer som kan bryta ner plast. Det blir andra dagen i rad som artificiell intelligens är grunden i Nobelpristagarnas forskning. Demis Hassabis är medgrundare och vd vid Googles Deepmind-avdelning där han jobbar med generell artificiell intelligens. I måndags tilldelades amerikanerna Victor Ambros och Gary Ruvkun årets Nobelpris i medicin. De prisas för sina upptäckter om vilken av all information i våra gener som blir verkstad. I går gick Nobelpriset i fysik till John J Hopfield och för Geoffrey E Hinton, för lärande maskiner. I morgon, torsdag, presenteras årets Nobelpris i litteratur. På fredag tillkännages fredspriset.

Google på YouTube

Meet the Google TV Streamer | Your Favorite Entertainment, Without All the Drama

Meet the new #GoogleTV Streamer and get to your favorite entertainment, without all the drama.¹ Experience buttery-smooth ...

Made by Google på YouTube

iPhone 14 Pro vs Google Pixel 6 Pro 😳 #shorts

iPhone vs Android | Google Pixel 6 Pro vs Apple iPhone 14 Pro Max Comparison Subscribe ...

TechDroider på YouTube

Google Pixel 9 Pro XL Unboxing and Camera Test - Unboxing

Today I will be unboxing and testing out the camera of the Google Pixel 9 Pro XL. I hope you enjoy! #google #unboxing #asmr.

Dr Debox på YouTube

Meet Google Pixel 9 Pro Fold With Gemini | An Epic Display of Google AI

Meet Google #Pixel9 Pro Fold—an epic display of Google AI. ⚡ Multitask in Split Screen¹ and get help supercharging your ideas ...

Made by Google på YouTube

Introducing the Google Pixel 9 Pro

A phone built for the Gemini era. It can do a lot—even let your old phone down easy. Learn more and sign up for #MadeByGoogle ...

Made by Google på YouTube

Google i poddar

Google DeepMind Co-founder: AI Could Release A Deadly Virus - It’s Getting More Threatening! Mustafa Suleyman

Mustafa Suleyman went from growing up next to a prison to founding the world's leading AI company. Dropping out of Oxford to start a philanthropic endeavour because he thought it would be of more real-world value than a degree, he went on to co-found DeepMind, which has since been acquired by Google and is leading their AI effort. In 2016, DeepMind gained worldwide fame for programming the first AI program to defeat the world champion of Go, considered the most complicated game in the world and with infinitely more variables than chess. There is no better authority on the progress of AI and what it means for all of us. His new book, 'The Coming Wave,' is out on September 5th.In this conversation Mustafa and Steven discuss topics, such as: Emotional Responses to AI Surprises of the Past Decade Concerns and Fears The Containment Challenge AI's Physical Manifestations Regulating AI The Future of AI Containment AI-Human Interactions Quantum Computing and AI Cybersecurity Challenges Founding an AI Company Government's Role in Regulation Containing AI: Strategies and Approaches Emotional Impact of AI The Shift Towards AI Interactions Guidance for Young Innovators Success and Failure Scenarios Continuation of the Conversation You can purchase Mustafa’s book, ‘The Coming Wave: Technology, Power, and the Twenty-First Century's Greatest Dilemma’, here: Mustafa:Twitter: the episodes on Youtube - new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' pre order link: me: Instagram: Huel: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Google’s Epic Loss + Silicon Valley’s Curious New Subculture + How 2023 Changed the Internet

A jury decided the Google Play store unfairly stifles competition and maintains a monopoly. Kevin and Casey discuss how the ruling could reshape the digital economy. Then, a growing movement of developers and enthusiasts of artificial intelligence want the technology developed as quickly as possible, even if it has negative consequences for humanity. And finally, why the internet of the future could look totally different. Today’s guest: Cloudflare CEO and co-founder Matthew Prince. Additional Reading: Epic Games won its lawsuit against Google.‘Effective Accelerationism’ is Silicon Valley’s latest, and maybe weirdest, counterculture.Cloudflare tracked the biggest changes to the internet in 2023.We want to hear from you. Email us at “Hard Fork” on YouTube and TikTok.

Our thoughts on Google's new FREE interview practice tool

In case you missed it, Google has released a new free interview warm up tool that allows you to 'practice key questions, get insight about your answers, and get more comfortable interviewing.' But is it endorsed by Sarah & Emma?In this week’s episode, we discuss the tools strengths, weaknesses, and who is most likely to benefit (hint - certain industries will find it MUCH more valuable)!🏀 Shoot Your Shot - Shoutout to Colton who bought us 10 coffees! "Thank you for all your support through the interview process. I stumbled upon your profile because I was trying to find a way not to feel guilty when going to the gym instead of applying to jobs. Sometimes I just didn't have the strength to keep applying to jobs but I could turn on your podcast so I could keep moving the needle forward. What I didn't realise is that over the months of listening to just about every possible episode, I was ready for the interview process and could go forward confidently. I just got done with 6 rounds of interviews for one job and am one of the final two being considered for the position. I know how to follow up, knew what to listen to before and after, how decisions are made behind the scenes, the psychology tips and tricks, dealing with the mental anguish of the job search. I'm so grateful for you and just know that every time I was feeling anxious or in my head, your podcast brought me back to the present. Thank you, Colton."☕ Did our podcast help you out? Want to say thank you in coffee form? Shout us a virtual coffee here:📄 To book an interview coaching session with Sarah, go to 💌  Follow us on Instagram💻  Check out our website for free jobseeker in this episode:Interview Warmup - Grow with GoogleMentioned in this episode:New To the Podcast? Start Here!Episodes For Your SituationWant to support the show? Buy us a coffeeBuy Us a Coffee

Epic Games Wins Against Google, COP 28, and Guest Naomi Alderman

Kara and Scott discuss Tesla recalling 2 million vehicles, Netflix revealing viewership statistics, and a couple of….terrifying liquids. Then, nearly 200 countries have approved a global pact that calls for transitioning away from fossil fuels at COP28. And Epic Games has beat Google in court, with a jury ruling the company violated antitrust laws. Then we’re joined by Friend of Pivot, Naomi Alderman, on her new book, “The Future.” You can find Naomi Alderman on X at @NaomiAllthenews. Follow us on Instagram and Threads at @pivotpodcastofficial. Follow us on TikTok at @pivotpodcast. Send us your questions by calling us at 855-51-PIVOT, or at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Google's Epic Loss!

Andrew is back! This week, Marques, Andrew, and David bring back the chaos and discuss the Google Gemini video being heavily edited, Beeper Mini being taken down by Apple, a new update to the Meta's Ray-Ban AI glasses that makes them multimodal, and the surprising outcome to the Google Vs Epic court case. There's a lot to get into! Then Andrew chimes in on a few stories that he's missed before we close it out with trivia. Enjoy! Links: Beeper Mini Update: Google's AI Demo: Google's AI Storyteller: Epic v. Google: Shop the merch: Instagram/Threads/Twitter: Waveform: Waveform: Marques: Andrew: David Imel: Adam: Ellis: TikTok: Join the Discord: Music by 20syl: Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Google's Next Top Model + Will the Cybertruck Crash? + This Week in A.I.

Warning: This episode contains some explicit language. Google’s new artificial intelligence model ‘Gemini’ is out. It’s advertised as America’s next top A.I. model. Kevin and Casey ask, is it really better than OpenAI’s GPT-4? Then, by some estimates millions of people pre-ordered Tesla’s Cybertruck, but has Elon Musk’s recent behavior soured people on the brand? And finally, more A.I. news you may have missed. Additional Reading: Google is chasing ChatGPT with the launch of Gemini.Even if people cancel their Cybertruck pre-orders, it could still be massively successful.A new A.I. development may help fight wine fraud.Amazon’s new enterprise chatbot had a “severe hallucinations” problem.OpenAI blocked a prompt that would cause ChatGPT to regurgitate its training data.Mountain Dew’s latest marketing stunt had an A.I. watching Twitch streams.

E252: EMERGENCY EPISODE: Ex-Google Officer Finally Speaks Out On The Dangers Of AI! - Mo Gawdat

Mo began his career at IBM Egypt as a systems engineer, before moving to NCR Abu Dhabi to cover the non-finance sector. He worked in various roles at Microsoft for seven-and-a-half years before joining Google in 2007 to start it’s business in emerging markets. In 2013, he joined Google’s innovation arm, ‘Google X’ and eventually became its chief business officer. He left this role in 2018 to focus helping one billion people become happier as part of the #onebillionhappy global movement. He is the author of three books; ‘Solve for Happy’, ‘Scary Smart’ and, ‘That Little Voice in Your Head’, as well as the host of the podcast ‘Slo Mo: A Podcast with Mo Gawdat’. In this conversation Mo and Steven discuss topics, such as: Everything you need to know about Artificial Intelligence How AI will have radically changed the world by 2025 How he witnessed the evolution of AI firsthand The impact of AI on creativity and the creative industries His solutions for gaining control of AI and the societal changes it will createYou can purchase Mo’s book, ‘Scary Smart: The Future of Artificial Intelligence and How You Can Save Our World’, here: Mo:Instagram: the episodes on Youtube - new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' per order link: me: Instagram: Huel: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Ep407 - Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic | Storytelling with Data

Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic visits Google to discuss her book “Storytelling with Data”. It’s surprisingly easy to make a confusing graph. No one sets out with that purpose, but it happens frequently—across all industries and by all sorts of well-intending people. One way to avoid this challenge is to never simply show data, but rather to tell a story with it. “Storytelling with Data” teaches you the fundamentals of data visualization and how to communicate effectively with data. You'll discover the power of storytelling and the way to make data a pivotal point in your story. Storytelling is not an inherent skill, especially when it comes to data visualization, and the tools at our disposal don't make it any easier. This book demonstrates how to go beyond conventional tools to reach the root of your data, and how to use your data to create an engaging, informative, compelling story. Rid your world of ineffective graphs, one exploding 3D pie chart at a time. There is a story in your data—and this book will give you the skills and power to tell it. Originally published in November of 2015. Visit to watch the video.                                

S04 EP27: The One Where Josh Google's himself...

S04 EP27: The One Where Josh Google's himself...More (mis) adventures in parenting and beyond from Rob and Josh...Enjoy. Rate and Review.BIG NEWS.... we're writing a book!⭐ All the stories we can’t tell on the podcast – in depth.⭐ What it’s like to raise a stiff neck and a loose neck – straight from the horse’s mouth (our parents)⭐ And.. the BIGGEST REQUEST WE’VE EVER HAD FOR THE PODCAST… Hearing from our wives, Rose & Lou. They’ve got a chapter each and YOU can submit your burning questions to them... PARENTINGHELLBOOK@BONNIERBOOKS.CO.UKWhat's it really like to be a parent? And how come no one ever warned Rob or Josh of the sheer mind-bending, world-altering, sleep-depriving, sick-covering, tear-inducing, snot-wiping, bore-inspiring, 4am-relationship-straining brutality of it all? And if they did, why can't they remember it (or remember anything else, for that matter)?And just when they thought it couldn't get any harder, why didn't anyone warn them about the slices of unmatched euphoric joy and pride that occasionally come piercing through, drenching you in unbridled happiness in much the same way a badly burped baby drenches you in milk-sick?Join Josh and Rob as they share the challenges and madness of their parenting journeys with lashings of empathy and extra helpings of laughs. Filled with all the things they never tell you at antenatal classes, Parenting Hell is a beguiling mixture of humour, rumination and conversation for prospective parents, new parents, old parents and never-to-be parents alike.Find out everything you need to know, including how you could win a pair of tickets to the Parenting Hell LIVE tour & an overnight stay in London here: you want to get in touch with the show here's how:EMAIL: @parenting_hellINSTAGRAM: @parentinghellMAILING LIST: parentinghellpodcast.mailchimpsites.comA 'Keep It Light Media' Production Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Prof G Markets: Epic Defeats Google, Ohtani’s Dodgers Contract, and Argentina Devalues the Peso

Scott shares his thoughts on why Google lost Epic’s lawsuit, while Apple was able to win in a similar case. He then discusses what it means to devalue a currency, and whether or not Argentina can turn its economy around. Finally, he breaks down the largest sports contract in history, and explains what working professionals can learn from it when it comes time to negotiate compensation.  Have a prediction for 2024? Send us a voice recording at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

How to Get to the Top of Google Again and Again and AGAIN

Did you know there are a whole bunch of different ways to rank at the top of Google? And here at Exposure Ninja, we’ve helped our client's sites rank using…all of them! Here's how you can do the same. Watch the video instead Get a FREE review of your website Get the show notes Get a FREE copy of How To Get To The Top of Google You May Also Enjoy… How to Create the Perfect Marketing Strategy for 2024 The Best B2B Marketing Strategies for 2024 The Best B2C Marketing Strategies for 2024 How To Do B2B Marketing That DOMINATES in 2024 How To Do B2C Marketing That CRUSHES in 2024 How To Get B2B LEADS That Come to YOU How to 10X Your Conversions (Like a $5M Business) How to Get Buy-in For Your Marketing Strategy

Ep403 - Kevin Mitnick | My Adventures as the World's Most Wanted Hacker

Kevin Mitnick visits Google to discuss his book ""Ghost in the Wires: My Adventures as the World's Most Wanted Hacker.” Kevin Mitnick was the most elusive computer break-in artist in history. He accessed computers and networks at the world's biggest companies--and however fast the authorities were, Mitnick was faster, sprinting through phone switches, computer systems, and cellular networks. He spent years skipping through cyberspace, always three steps ahead and labeled unstoppable. But for Kevin, hacking wasn't just about technological feats - it was an old fashioned confidence game that required guile and deception to trick the unwitting out of valuable information. Driven by a powerful urge to accomplish the impossible, Mitnick bypassed security systems and blazed into major organizations including Motorola, Sun Microsystems, and Pacific Bell. But as the FBI's net began to tighten, Kevin went on the run, engaging in an increasingly sophisticated cat and mouse game that led through false identities, a host of cities, plenty of close shaves, and an ultimate showdown with the FBI, who would stop at nothing to bring him down.  “Ghost in the Wires” is a thrilling true story of intrigue, suspense, and unbelievable escape, and a portrait of a visionary whose creativity, skills, and persistence forced the authorities to rethink the way they pursued him, inspiring ripples that brought permanent changes in the way people and companies protect their most sensitive information. Originally published in September of 2011. Visit to watch the video.                                

Meta and Google Cut DEI Programs & Can TikTok Save Peloton?

Episode 229: Neal and Toby discuss why companies like Google and Meta are cutting DEI programs. Plus, Google is also beginning to get rid of cookies and ESPN strikes a massive $920 million deal with the NCAA to air over 40 college championships. And a big part of that deal is thanks to women's basketball. The guys share their stock and dog of the week, including why Peloton's new partnership with TikTok could help the company. And finally, Target runs out of special Stanley cups and the personal finance author that is $1 billion in debt. Listen to Morning Brew Daily Here: Watch Morning Brew Daily Here: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

The Sunday 7- Google strikes back in the AI wars, COP 28 at risk of drifting into fossil fuel lobby’s hands, Quantum Computing is coming and the Clothes that change Colour when you make a gesture

The Smart 7 is an award winning daily podcast that gives you everything you need to know in 7 minutes, at 7 am, 7 days a week...With over 14 million downloads and consistently charting, including as No. 1 News Podcast on Spotify, we're a trusted source for people every day and the Sunday 7 has just won a Gold Award as “Best Conversation Starter” in the International Signal Podcast Awards  If you're enjoying it, please follow, share, or even post a review, it all helps...Today's episode includes the following guests:Will Guyatt - The Smart 7’s Tech Guru  Sultan Al Jaber - President of COP 28 and CEO of Adnoc Al Gore - former US Vice President and Environmental CampaignerHillary Clinton - former US Secretary of StateJohn Kerry - US Special Presidential Envoy on Climate Clive Smith - Chairman of the Haemophilia SocietyAndy Evans - Chair of the “Tainted Blood” lobbying group Francesca Pasquini - Member of French ParliamentDr Emeka Okorocha - NHS DoctorHarmut Neven - Vice President of Engineering at Google and Founder and Manager of the Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab. Michio Kaku - Physicist and AuthorDario Gil - IBM Head of Research Seve Paeniu - Tuvalu Climate Minister (2021)Grace Malie - Tuvaluan youth delegate Professor Jeanne Tan - Hong Kong based Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence and DesignContact us over at X or visit www.thesmart7.comPresented by Ciara Revins, written by Liam Thompson and produced by Daft Doris.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Toast - Google Glass

From the team behind the hit series, Sliced Bread. Sean Farrington investigates wonder products and businesses which promised so much to consumers.... but ultimately ended up toast. Sean is joined by the self-made millionaire and serial entrepreneur, Sam White, to conclude what went wrong. Together they look at why a product or business failed, and what we can learn from their stories today. In this episode, Sean talks about wearable tech and Google Glass. These futuristic looking spectacles, with a heads-up display which showed text messages and street directions and allowed users to record video footage of what was happening around them, were named in Time Magazine as one of the best inventions of 2012. There was plenty of hype. Google even demonstrated them by live-streaming a sky dive using Google Glass.But by 2015, just two years after their release, Google announced that Google Glass Explorer, the consumer version of the glasses, was going to be shelved, and the version used by businesses has since been ditched too. Sean and Sam speak to the BBC's former technology correspondent, Rory Cellan Jones, and the 'godfather' of wearable technology, Professor Sandy Pentland from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology), to discover how Google Glass went from being the best thing since sliced bread, to toast.This episode is from 6 April, 2023.Presenter: Sean Farrington Producer: Jay Unger

U.S. v Google

For years, the government has been trying to rein in Big Tech, pursuing some of the largest and most powerful companies on the internet. This week, the government takes on Google in the first monopoly trial of the modern internet era.David McCabe, who covers technology policy for The Times, discusses the case against the internet giant and what it might mean for the future if the it loses.Guest: David McCabe, a technology policy correspondent for The New York Times.Background reading: The 10-week trial amps up efforts to rein in Big Tech by targeting the core search business that turned Google into a $1.7 trillion behemoth.A federal judge said that the Justice Department could not move forward with a number of claims in antitrust complaints, narrowing the scope of the trial.For more information on today’s episode, visit Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.

121: The Google Conspiracy

Four close man friends gather around to be zionists. This is the Official Podcast. Every Thursday. At 7pm EST. Or Every Wednesday at 7pm on iTunes. Links below. GET THE FREE MONEY SAVING TOOL: GET FREE STOCK WITH THIS AMAZING INVESTMENT OFFER: GET A FREE ONLINE VISIT TO HELP WITH YOUR MEN'S ISSUES: PATREON: MERCH: Topics: 00:20 Previously On The Official Podcast 04:05 Charlie, The Zionist 18:22 Google Stadia 21:40 Honey *Ad* 23:33 Returning To Stadia & Google 38:50 Robinhood *Ad* 39:58 Apple TV Plus & Stephen Spielberg 48:16 Roman Health *Ad* 49:16 Dictators & Their Families 57:41 The Things We Like Corner 01:03:48 The Cartoon Corner 01:08:30 Ending Hosts: Jackson: Andrew: Charlie: Kaya: The Official Podcast: SubReddit: Soundcloud: Spotify: iTunes: Music by: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit