Vem skriver framtidens horoskop: stjärnor eller AI?

Vem skriver framtidens horoskop: stjärnor eller AI?

Planeters och stjärnors positioner har i hundratals år guidat människor via horoskop. Nu vill den populära astrologiappen Co-Star låta artificiell intelligens agera astrolog, skriver New York Times. En maskin, som hämtat estetisk inspiration från Nasa, tvättmaskiner och sovjetiska datorer, ska svara på frågor som normalt inte tas upp i astrologiska sammanhang. Bland dem: Hur får jag ett bättre jobb? Borde jag starta en sekt? Svaren AI-genereras utifrån frågeställarens stjärntecken och får blandat mottagande när tidningen besöker ett PR-evenemang. För opersonligt, tycker vissa. Mer pålitligt än en spåtant, säger andra. A new machine furthers a technology company’s aims at providing astrological readings using artificial intelligence. By Saam Niami 4 July, 2023 NEW YORK — The machine stood beside a deli counter, towering over cardboard boxes piled near the entrance to the Iconic Magazines store. It had the stature of a standing washer-dryer, with black buttons, rows of blinking lights and gauges labeled with celestial bodies — “sun,” “moon” and the eight planets — on the front of its white facade. “It could be something from NASA,” said Tim Wiedmann, a 27-year-old student from Germany who visited the Manhattan store on a Wednesday night in June. While Wiedmann stood in front of the machine, its front screen directed him to “ask the stars.” Using a knob, he cycled through some 100 questions. Among them: How do I get better at my job? Should I leave New York? Should I start a cult? After choosing a question, Wiedmann entered his birthdate, time and place. The screen flashed a message that read, in part: “All answers are based on astrological calculations.” The machine, using a built-in camera, took his picture. Moments later, it spat out a piece of paper containing his grainy portrait and an answer to his question. “It’s like someone is in there,” said Wiedmann, who was one of many who came to use the machine that night. At times, lines started to snake through the store as people waited for a turn. A lot of visitors said they had heard about the machine on TikTok, including two 19-year-old students. “I asked for my red flags,” one of the students said of the question he chose, before the other student read the machine’s printed answer aloud. She said: “Your red flags include a tendency to set high expectations and a fear of conflict. Your Jupiter and Saturn placement suggests a need for perfectionism and a fear of rejection. By avoiding conflict, you may limit your potential for growth and meaningful connections. Remember, conflict is an inherent part of intimacy. Practice it with compassion and let go of unrealistic expectations.” Like most people who used the machine that night, neither he nor she initially knew that its answers were generated using artificial intelligence, including ChatGPT and GPT-3. The machine was developed by Co-Star, a technology company with a buzzy astrology app that uses AI to generate readings. It will be at Iconic Magazines for most of the summer and then move to Los Angeles. Astrologers for centuries have referred to the movement and positions of planets and other celestial bodies to inform readings and horoscopes. Co-Star follows similar methods, but its daily readings are prepared by AI that pulls text from a database written for the app by a team of astrologers and poets. The machine, which was free to use, was created to promote Co-Star’s new in-app service, Embrace the Void, which starts at about $1. The service functions similarly to the machine: Users can ask open-ended questions that are not normally addressed in the app’s astrological readings and receive answers generated by AI using Co-Star’s database of prepared text. Co-Star founder Banu Guler, 35, named a range of aesthetic inspirations for the machine, including Soviet-era computers, devices used by NASA, photo booths, and vending and washing machines. It was also influenced by the Zoltar fortunetelling machines that were once common attractions at boardwalks and arcades, she said. “The best part is you get your little reading,” Guler said of the Zoltar machines. “And then you put your reading on your fridge, or in your book or in your journal, or it just loiters at the bottom of your bag for months, if you’re me. “Even though you know it’s garbage, it’s special garbage,” she added, flashing a smirk. Before starting Co-Star in 2017, Guler was working in art sales. She said that back then, she taught herself how to code AI that could predict how certain factors, like the weather on the date of an auction, might influence the sale price of an artwork. She later drew on what she had learned about AI to develop Co-Star. “It was like, How can this fit into astrology?” she said. “Astrology is not a perfect science, but there’s also no perfect science, which I’m not saying in an anti-science way,” Guler added. “I don’t believe that science is perfect, and I don’t believe anything else is perfect, because humans are imperfect. And that’s cool. Like, genuinely, it’s beautiful.” Vijender Sharma, an astrologer of 35 years in northern India who specializes in Vedic astrology, said he has used software to prepare readings. He said that because astrology was informed by science, as long as AI was trained with the proper knowledge, he did not see any harm in using the technology. Susan Miller, an astrologer in New York who has written horoscopes for decades, was more skeptical. “AI is exciting for things like splitting atoms,” she said, adding that she would not trust such technology in a practice that often deals with human emotions. “Machines make mistakes,” Miller said. “And the person who gets the answer may walk around with that wrong answer in their head forever.” After checking out the Co-Star machine at the magazine shop, Nisarga Kadam, 23, who works in financial technology in New York, was also skeptical of its AI-generated answers. “It’s a bunch of trained words put together,” Kadam said. “It’s not personal.” Anna Jonska, 26, a video director in New York, felt the opposite. Jonska said she isn’t the biggest fan of astrology and that the machine’s use of AI made her trust it more. “I’d be more inclined to believe that an old lady leaning over a crystal ball is lying to me than a computer,” she said. © 2023 The New York Times Company. Read the original article at The New York Times.

"Din kropp, mitt val" – hat och hot mot kvinnor ökar efter valet

"Din kropp, mitt val" – hat och hot mot kvinnor ökar efter valet

Med Donald Trumps återkomst till makten, där många verkar se hans vinst som en seger för rörelser som vill inskränka kvinnors rättigheter, befarar många att hatretoriken är på väg att eskalera. – Jag vaknade till att en massa män kommenterade 'din kropp, mitt val', skriver en TikTok-användare, enligt ISD. – Jag var tvungen att radera en video eftersom jag blev hotad och flera män kommenterade att det längtade tills jag blev våldtagen, skriver en annan. ”Din kropp, mitt val” Institutet för strategisk dialog (ISD) har granskat hur dessa narrativ spreds på plattformar som bland annat X, TikTok, Facebook och Reddit mellan den 4 och 6 november 2024. Bland annat ökade fraserna ”Din kropp, mitt val” och ”Gå tillbaka till köket” med 4600 procent online under det första dygnet efter valet. Bland de tidiga förespråkarna för hatretoriken finns högerextrema podcast-profilen Nick Fuentes, vars inlägg med frasen “Din kropp, mitt val” nu har visats 95 miljoner gånger på X och även fått stor spridning på TikTok. Vill avskaffa kvinnors rösträtt Hatfulla kommentarer riktade mot Kamala Harris – där hon beskrivs som en ”dum fitta” – och andra kvinnliga profiler, som Rachel Maddow hade den 5:e november redan fått över 64 000 omnämnanden från 42 000 olika konton. Institutet rapporterar även om ett antal inlägg som hotar kvinnor med sexuellt våld. Ett inlägg uppmanade till “våldtäktsgäng” och ”våldtäkt” och hade visats över 18 000 gånger. Även inlägg om att kvinnors rösträtt bör avskaffas ökade med 663 procent jämfört med veckan före valet, skriver ISD. Men hatretoriken har även letat sig till platser utanför nätet. ISD rapporterar om hur kvinnor och unga tjejer trakasseras, framför allt på amerikanska skolor och universitet. – Idag fick min dotter höra 'din kropp, MITT val' vid tre olika tillfällen i skolan. En grupp pojkar sa åt henne att sova med ett öga öppet i natt, skriver en förälder på Facebook.

Nanne Grönvalls 20 år gamla hit viral – i Kina: "Fantastiskt"

Nanne Grönvalls 20 år gamla hit viral – i Kina: "Fantastiskt"

För nästan 20 år sedan hörde vi ”Håll om mig” för första gången. Det var i Melodifestivalen 2005 som Nanne Grönvall låten – som nu fått ett oväntat genomslag i Kina. På Tiktok ser vi nu kinesiska användare sjunga, dansa och göra egna covers på låten. Nu berättar Nanne Grönvall om succén. – Jättekul! Det är ju fantastiskt. Jag har vetat att den har spelats en del där senaste åren, säger Nanne i Nyhetsmorgon. De senaste två åren har hon fått flera videoklipp skickade till sig där folk filmat att låten spelas i allt ifrån köpcentrum till taxibilar. – Man ba: Oj! Jaha! säger Nanne. Låten har också legat på musiktjänsten Shazams Topp 200-lista i Kina, förklarar artisten. – Men sedan har jag väl trott att det har dämpats, men nu har den blivit ännu större har jag förstått, fortsätter Nanne. Har ingen aning om varför Varför den blivit så stor i Kina har hon ingen aning om. – Jag tror att det kanske är soundet, att det är ganska lättsjunget. Men jag vet inte, säger Nanne. – Det är häftigt! Men några spelningar i Kina har hon inte planerat in. – Jag är så fullbokad med jobb i dagsläget att jag inte ens tar mig över till Köpenhamn, skrattar hon.

Trend bland unga "meatfluencers" på Tiktok: Kött, rå lever och smör som snacks

Trend bland unga "meatfluencers" på Tiktok: Kött, rå lever och smör som snacks

I sociala medier har en kontroversiell trend vuxit sig allt starkare – ”meatfluencers” eller ”köttfluencers”. De äter rå lever, kött och ser smör som snacks och menar att en diet rik på animaliska produkter gör dem både friskare och snyggare. Trots kritik från hälsovården och oro för klimatpåverkan lockas allt fler, särskilt unga kvinnor, till denna köttfokuserade livsstil. Vad är det som driver denna trend, och vad säger forskningen om effekterna av en sådan diet? Journalisten Katarina Muhr reder ut fenomenet som rör upp känslor i sociala medier. Hör om denna växande trend i ”Läget”, Expressens dagliga nyhetspodd. Du hittar den i spelaren! Eller: Lyssna direkt på Spotify! Lyssna direkt på Podcaster!

Kvinnornas protest mot Trump: Lovar att sexstrejka – i fyra år

Kvinnornas protest mot Trump: Lovar att sexstrejka – i fyra år

Unga, kvinnliga demokratväljare har tagit till en oväntad metod för att hantera Donald Trumps vinst i det amerikanska presidentvalet. I sociala medier uppmanar de varandra till att sexstrejka, rapporterar flera amerikanska medier. Trenden tros vara inspirerad av 4B-rörelsen, som fick stor uppmärksamhet i Sydkorea efter Metoo-liknande protester mellan 2017 och 2019. I rörelsen uppmanas sydkoreanska heterosexuella kvinnor att avstå från att dejta, gifta sig med, skaffa barn med och ha sex med män. – Kvinnor började fundera över hur regeringen och landet och männen har svikit dem, och slutade belöna dem genom att avstå från heterosexuella relationer, säger doktoranden Meera Choi om rörelsen till NBC News. På Tiktok har uppmaningarna om sexstrejken fått särskilt stort genomslag. – Jag kommer att avstå från sex de nästkommande fyra åren, säger en användare, enligt The Telegraph. ”Bojkottar män” Rädslan för vad som ska hända med landets abortlagstiftning och ilska över att känna sig svikna av landets män är faktorer som tros ligga bakom uppmaningarna om sexstrejk bland amerikanska kvinnor, rapporterar NBC News. Abortfrågan var en av väljarnas viktigaste frågor under valet, enligt nyhetsbyrån AP:s opinionsundersökning. Efter Donald Trumps valvinst befarar nu vissa amerikaner att rätten till abort och situationen för kvinnors reproduktiva hälsa kommer att försämras. – Amerikanska kvinnor uttrycker sin ilska och hopplöshet genom den här nya sortens aktivism där de bojkottar män och bojkottar heterosexuella relationer, säger Choi till NBC News. Fått stor uppmärksamhet The Guardian har pratat med en kvinna som deltar i sexstrejken. – Det är förkrossande att vi har kommit till den här punkten. Jag kommer inte låta en till man röra mig tills jag har fått mina rättigheter tillbaka, säger hon till tidningen. 4B-rörelsen har fått stor uppmärksamhet på Internet de senaste åren, rapporterar NBC News. Enligt sajten hade frasen ”4b movement” över 200 000 Google-sökningar under onsdagen, efter att det rapporterats att Trump vunnit valet.

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TikTok i poddar

S2 Ep 78: Wardrobes, Coffee & TikTok Tom

We’re talking… messy wardrobes, high-level hygiene, a very strange dinner table, the errors of hanging up T-shirts, loud irons, cap collections, Tom’s new TikTok videos, social media food reviewers, Pret problems, bogus baristas, a very dubious story about cronuts and some calorie confusion. For questions or comments please email us at - we’d love to hear from you. Instagram - @wolfowlpod TikTok - @wolfowlpodcast YouTube - Merch & Mailing List - A Shiny Ranga Production For sales and sponsorship enquiries: HELLO@KEEPITLIGHTMEDIA.COM Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

1: Max Balegde Plays 'Say It or Shot It', BAD S*x Stories & Rudest TikToker Revealed?!

TikTok star Max Balegde joins GKBarry for the first episode of Saving Grace! They play 'Say It or Shot It' and Max reveals getting into the car's of strange men after nights out... And of course, Grace herself spills the beans on some of her worst nights at the infamous Pryzm Nottingham. Max Balegde: Watch on YouTube: Follow on TikTok: Follow on Instagram: GKBarry on TikTok:

(347 PART 1) Sarel on how her authenticity on TikTok landed her a TV role

Hello all you Private Parters, welcome back to the podcast where nothing is off limits!It's Friday and to help kickstart your weekend, we've got another fantastic episode for you today. Jamie is joined by TikTok sensation, actor and podcast host, Sarel. Sarel first gained popularity on TikTok after joining the app during lockdown as an escape. She has gone onto amass nearly 1million followers and 51.3 million likes after posting funny videos and Love Island debriefs. She now hosts a podcast, Closet Confessions, with author and presenter Candice Braithwaite.Jamie and Sarel an incredibly insightful chat about social media and content creating, the importance of staying relevant, how her content has changed over time and being trolled on Twitter. She also chats about going through her saturn return, which left her questioning everything she was doing, plus she gives insight into her new Sky Comedy series, Smothered. Smothered can be streamed now on Sky Comedy and NOW TV. To follow Sarel on TikTok, click here. Don't forget to follow us on all our socials by clicking here, and make sure you don't miss out on our weekly episodes by subscribing! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

(347 PART 2) Sarel on how her authenticity on TikTok landed her a TV role

Hello all you Private Parters, welcome back to the podcast where nothing is off limits!It's Friday and to help kickstart your weekend, we've got another fantastic episode for you today. Jamie is joined by TikTok sensation actor and podcast host, Sarel. Sarel first gained popularity on TikTok after joining the app during lockdown as an escape from what was going on. She has gone onto amass nearly 1million followers and 51.3 million likes after posting funny videos and Love Island debriefs. She now hosts a podcast, Closet Confessions, with author and presenter Candice Braithwaite.Jamie and Sarel an incredibly insightful chat about social media and content creating, the importance of staying relevant, how her content has changed over time and being trolled on Twitter. She also chats about going through her saturn return, which left her questioning everything she was doing, plus she gives insight into her new Sky Comedy series, Smothered. Smothered can be streamed now on Sky Comedy and NOW TV. To follow Sarel on TikTok, click here. Don't forget to follow us on all our socials by clicking here, and make sure you don't miss out on our weekly episodes by subscribing! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

#302: TikToker Killed 2 People To Help Hide Her Mom’s Affair & Save Her Career

Ansreen’s daughter was a rising TikToker that was gaining followers by the day. May loved showcasing her dancing, fashion, and even religion on her platform to inspire others. Even Ansreen was getting attention from joining May in some dancing TikToks. And with fame - comes people who want to cross boundaries to be with you. Ansreen had what she deemed a stalker. He was far from harmless. He had videos of her that would end her life, marriage, family, and even her daughter’s career if they were ever leaked. She and her daughter would team up to make sure that never happened. Even if meant killing two people to keep their secret. Full Source Notes: To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Gacha Life/Club TikTok Comp

Happy New Year!  ————————— *I don’t have a right to claim the video, tiktoks and cover as my own. CREDITS goes to @• Hαρρy Foх • on YouTube!* (Shoutout for them for working hard on this TikTok Comp.) Pin link - Pin creator - ⁠ Sasha’s Note: I hope 2024 is going to be an great year! ———— If u don’t like this video. Then don’t even comment and just leave. If u comment offensive crap. Ur comment well be deleted or worst “Blocked”.. Okay?? :) ——— Thank you for reading the description. 💕 --- Send in a voice message:

Link Accidentally Reveals His TikTok History | Ear Biscuits Ep. 403

If you haven’t made your TikTok likes private, here’s your sign to do so! In this episode, Link discovers his TikTok history was public, causing him to freak out at what he might have “liked,” and Rhett finds out some intriguing details to his son’s music choices. Plus, why you really shouldn’t be donating sex toys to a thrift store. Or… anywhere, really. Eww. Join the Mythical Society to watch the Cotton Candy Randy Mediation Special! To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Frank Ocean - Wiseman (TikTok Version)

Frank Ocean, born Christopher Francis Ocean on October 28, 1987, in Long Beach, California, is a celebrated American singer, songwriter, and rapper, known for his avant-garde musical styles and introspective, elliptical lyrics. He gained recognition with his albums "nostalgia, ULTRA" and "channel ORANGE". His first studio album, "Channel Orange," was notably successful, including songs like "Swim Good" and "Pilot Jones". Frank Ocean is also a member of the hip-hop collective OFWGKTA and has contributed as a songwriter for artists like Justin Bieber, John Legend, Brandy, and Beyoncé. "Wiseman" is a song by Frank Ocean, initially intended for Quentin Tarantino's "Django Unchained," but was not included in the film. However, Ocean released it on his Tumblr page on December 23, 2012. The song delves into the emotional impact of slavery, toxic masculinity, and showcases Ocean's thoughtful lyricism. In 2023, the song gained renewed attention when Frank Ocean performed a punk rock version of it at Coachella. Additionally, Canadian rapper Drake sampled "Wiseman" in his song "Virginia Beach" from the album "For All the Dogs" in 2023, which brought the song to the limelight again. This sampling and the subsequent attention it garnered on platforms like TikTok and YouTube helped reintroduce "Wiseman" to a broader audience. The TikTok community embraced the song, and the version sampled by Drake was circulated and appreciated, indicating the timeless appeal and profound lyrical depth of "Wiseman." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

120. TikTok Star Rufus Rice Talks Sh*gging Olympic Gold Medalist, Dealing With A Micro-Penis & DISGUSTING Uni Stories

HELLO SHAGGERS! TikTok's golden boy and leader of #ToryTok is here for a serious booze up with The Fellas. Rufus skipped a university lecture to appear on this podcast, who said Uni wasn't pointless?  Talking all things wealth, being a rich kid overseas & reads some truly DISCUSTING confessions... You don't want to miss this. Want to call into the podcast LIVE? Join the Discord: Join the discussion: All Links: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

84 - Olly Bowman & Emily Brogan - Moving Abroad In Your 20’s & Unexpected TikTok Fame

This week the girls have 2 fellow Aussie’s in the guest chairs, Ollie Bowman & Emily Brogan. Both Olly & Emily moved overseas in their early 20’s to Norway & London and share their individual experiences from finding a lease, adjusting to the weather, dating in London, making new friends & much more! The pair also share their rise to TikTok fame & the unexpected opportunities that have come their way! Tune in to find out more xoxo Follow us on: Instagram: @_commonchaos TikTok: @_commonchaos Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

TikTok Thinks We’re Getting Divorced, Our Travel Nightmare & Flying With a Newborn

In this episode, we talk about how TikTok thinks we're getting divorced because of a TikTok we released about how much sugar we let Griffin have, Abby's terrible road trip experience & our, let's just say, eventful first flight with our newborn. This episode is sponsored by Skylight Frames. To get $15 off your purchase of a Skylight Frame just go to BUY OUR MERCH!! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit