SVB står för Svenska Volleybollförbundet och är den organisation som ansvarar för volleyboll i Sverige. Förbundet bildades 1947 och är medlem i både Svenska Riksidrottsförbundet och International Volleyball Federation (FIVB). SVB arbetar för att främja volleyboll i Sverige genom att arrangera tävlingar, utbilda tränare och domare samt stötta klubbarna i deras verksamhet. Du kan läsa mer om SVB på deras hemsida.

Fed och SEC granskar Goldman Sachs sista SVB-dagar

Fed och SEC granskar Goldman Sachs sista SVB-dagar

Federal Reserve och Den amerikanska finansinspektionen, SEC, har påbörjat en granskning av Goldman Sachs dubbla roller i Silicon Valley Bank (SVB). Det skriver Wall Street Journal och hänvisar till källor med insyn. Goldman Sachs hade en avgörande roll under SVB:s sista dagar innan kollapsen. Storbanken anlitades som rådgivare för en kapitalanskaffning. Samtidigt köpte de en obligationsportfölj från SVB för 21 miljarder dollar. Silicon Valley bokförde den 8 mars en förlust på 1,8 miljarder dollar och när det blev officiellt kraschade aktien.

CNN: Krisbankstopparna skyller ifrån sig i senaten

CNN: Krisbankstopparna skyller ifrån sig i senaten

När tre tidigare chefer för de två kollapsade Silicon Valley Bank och Signature Bank fick svara inför USA:s senat under tisdagen var de snabba att slå ifrån sig ansvaret. ”Alla gjorde bort sig utom vi”, var kontentan, enligt CNN:s analytiker Allison Morrow. SVB:s tidigare vd Gregory Becker sa att han var ”mycket ledsen” att banken kollapsat och skyllde på ”en rad oförutsägbara händelser” så som Feds snabba räntehöjningar, dålig PR och att panik spred sig via sociala medier. Senatorerna var inte nöjda med bankchefernas svar och skrädde inte med orden. De liknade bortförklaringarna med ”min hund har ätit upp min läxa”, kallade dem ”skrattretande” och ifrågasatte deras kompetens som bankchefer. Inflation, högre räntor och stora börsrörelser. Hur stor avkastning vågar vi räkna med ett år som detta? Vilka fällor ska man undvika på börsen? Och inom vilka sektorer finns vinnare? Med Omnis systerapp Omni Ekonomi får du Sveriges mest heltäckande bevakning av börs- och bolagsnyheter. Lägg därtill att Sveriges främsta aktieexperter svarar på de svåra frågorna och hjälper dig att navigera marknaderna. Nu får alla Omniläsare chansen till en klok investering – testa Omni Ekonomi i två månader för endast 49 kronor (spara 269 kronor).

USA:s tv-marknad tillbaka till 1992 – före kabel-tv

USA:s tv-marknad tillbaka till 1992 – före kabel-tv

2,3 miljoner amerikanska hushåll avslutade sina tv-abonnemang under det första kvartalet. På årsbasis motsvarar det ett tapp på 6,9 procent vilket är den största nedgången som har uppmätts. Det skriver en branschanalytiker på SVB Moffett Nathanson, enligt Market Watch och Variety. För femton år sedan betalade över 80 procent av de amerikanska hushållen för traditionell tv. Nu har andelen minskat till 58,5 procent. En sådan låg nivå har inte synts sedan 1992, vilket var två år innan kabel-tv slog igenom på bred front. SVB Moffett Nathanson skriver att hela branschen håller på att tyna bort till förmån för streamingtjänster. De regionala sportkanalerna har gått i konkurs medan nyhetskanalerna skär ner i budgetarna och underhållningsjättarna flyttar sitt bästa innehåll till streamingvärlden.

Kinnevik-ägda Lunar skräms inte av kallare klimat och röda siffror – ska öka intäkterna på alla bredder

Kinnevik-ägda Lunar skräms inte av kallare klimat och röda siffror – ska öka intäkterna på alla bredder

Investerarklimatet är kallare än på länge för fintech och flera stora skalv har skakat banksektorn den senaste tiden, med SVB:s kollaps som det första varnande exemplet.

Det kräver en lägesrapport från den snabbt växande neobanken Lunar. Den Kinnevik-backade danska banken blottade en svällande förlust för 2022.

Men bolagets vd Ken Villum Klausen räds inte motvind. Han säger att det har skett en hälsosam gallring i branschen och att bolaget står inför ett avgörande steg för att utmana ”storbankernas kartell”.

Fed självkritiskt om SVB-kollaps – lovar bättring

Fed självkritiskt om SVB-kollaps – lovar bättring

En ledning som misslyckades i sin hantering av riskerna och en centralbank vars övervakare inte fullt ut förstod sårbarhetens omfattning. Det är två av skälen till banken SVB Financials kollaps i mars, enligt en rapport från  Federal Reserve. – Efter Silicon Valley Banks kollaps måste vi stärka Federal Reserves övervakning och reglering baserat på vad vi har lärt oss, säger Fed-guvernören Michael Barr som har ansvar för banköversyn. Inflation, högre räntor och stora börsrörelser. Hur stor avkastning vågar vi räkna med ett år som detta? Vilka fällor ska man undvika på börsen? Och inom vilka sektorer finns vinnare? Med Omnis systerapp Omni Ekonomi får du Sveriges mest heltäckande bevakning av börs- och bolagsnyheter. Lägg därtill att Sveriges främsta aktieexperter svarar på de svåra frågorna och hjälper dig att navigera marknaderna. Nu får alla Omniläsare chansen till en klok investering – testa Omni Ekonomi i två månader för endast 49 kronor (spara 269 kronor).

"På ytan fick Fox News stryk – men var det verkligen en seger?"

På ytan tycktes Fox News nedslagna efter den stora förlikningen med rösträkningsföretaget Dominion. Uppgörelsen kostade mediebolaget 786 miljoner dollar. Det är ingen struntsumma ens för Fox News, utan tvärtom en tredjedel av bolagets årliga inkomster. Ändå tvekar mediebolagets kritiker kring om utfallet i förtalsmålet blev något att fira. På vissa sätt tycks det stora ansvarsutkrävandet ändå ha uteblivit. Är det en seger eller en förlust för kritikerna? frågar sig New York Times. The $787.5 million settlement was among the highest for a defamation lawsuit. But some wanted to see Rupert Murdoch face a stiffer penalty. By Michael M. Grynbaum

The New York Times, 19 April 2023 On the surface, Fox News got pummeled. Rupert Murdoch, its founder, agreed to a settlement of $787.5 million, roughly two-thirds of the Fox Corp.’s net annual income. Fox News was embarrassed by revelations that its anchors privately despised former President Donald Trump. And Dominion Voting Systems, the election technology firm derided on Fox airwaves, declared victory Tuesday on the courthouse steps. Yet for some Murdoch critics, the outcome of this landmark libel case fell short of something to celebrate. “Rupert Wins Again,” declared Politico press critic Jack Shafer, who noted Murdoch’s long history of paying tens of millions of dollars to settle claims of phone hacking, workplace harassment and other ignominies. “Country lost, democracy lost,” First Amendment lawyer Martin Garbus wrote in an email, predicting that Fox hosts Tucker Carlson and Maria Bartiromo would be feted by conservatives as “heroes” who “stood up against the liberal world.” Others lamented what they perceived to be a lost opportunity for a legal reckoning for the misinformation that has poisoned many Americans’ trust in the democratic process. “Great win for democracy? I don’t know about that,” said MSNBC host Joy Reid, who told viewers that Fox News “saved their stars from having to take the witness stand and answer questions about all those embarrassing texts and revelations.” Three-quarters of a billion dollars is no small sum, even for Murdoch, and Fox is still facing a similar defamation suit from another elections firm, Smartmatic, which has asked for $2.7 billion in damages. (Dominion initially demanded $1.6 billion.) The network has often argued that its newsroom is walled off from ideological forces, but emails that were revealed in the case made clear that top executives had rebuked their own journalists who tried to fact-check Trump. Still, Fox News was not required under the terms of the settlement to issue an on-air apology for the baseless claims it aired about Dominion, asserting the company had tried to rig the 2020 presidential election in Joe Biden’s favor. Of the anchors cited in the lawsuit, all but Lou Dobbs remain employed. And Fox’s public statement Tuesday about the settlement was hardly an apology. “We acknowledge the court’s rulings finding certain claims about Dominion to be false,” the network wrote, adding, with Murdochian defiance, “This settlement reflects Fox’s continued commitment to the highest journalistic standards.” (That line prompted CNN anchor Jake Tapper to tell his viewers that it was “difficult to say with a straight face.”) For Dominion, a for-profit company that argued its reputation and future revenues were devastated by Fox’s coverage, the settlement was a win. John Poulos, Dominion’s CEO, praised the outcome during an interview Wednesday on ABC News, only to be grilled by anchor George Stephanopoulos, who pointed out: “What you didn’t get was an apology.” “There was an acknowledgment — and certainly it’s not the way I wrote it — and I had some conversations with our team, my co-founder and I, and at the end of the day, the court system is really about accountability,” Poulos replied, a bit haltingly. He added: “For us it was never really about Fox per se. It was about telling the truth, and the media telling the truth.” His words echoed the remarks of one of Dominion’s lead lawyers, Stephen Shackelford, who argued Tuesday that the size of the penalty paid by Murdoch was itself a form of reckoning. “Money is accountability,” he told reporters, “and we got that today from Fox.” The view inside Fox News — that the Dominion case was an overblown spectacle fueled by the channel’s dedicated critics — was voiced in part by Howard Kurtz, the network’s media correspondent, who reported the news of the settlement on two afternoon programs Tuesday. (The case did not merit a mention during the network’s highly watched prime time hours.) Kurtz said on the air: “Much of the media was looking forward to six weeks of — frankly, a lot of people in the mainstream media, anti-Fox, rooting for Fox to lose. They’re now going to be deprived of that opportunity, and the rest of us get to go home.” Kurtz did not disclose the specific $787.5 million figure to the network’s viewers, saying he personally could not confirm it, although his colleague Neil Cavuto did. On Wall Street, investors appeared mostly unfazed by the outcome. Fox’s stock was down slightly more than 2% in Wednesday morning trading. SVB MoffettNathanson, a research firm, wrote in an analyst note Wednesday that “it isn’t clear there has been much, if any, impact of these lawsuits on Fox News’ viewership and business.” The note concluded: “The network remains a key growth driver for the overall company.” © 2023 The New York Times Company. Read the original article at The New York Times.

SVB på YouTube

SVB VS JOSHUA FILLER | Semi Final Highlights | 2024 US Open Pool Championship

Five-time US Open Pool champion Shane Van Boening takes on Joshua Filler for a place in the 2024 US Open Pool ...

Matchroom Pool på YouTube

Shane Van Boening’s Greatest Pool Shots and Moments … "South Dakota Kid" SVB Magic

Dr. Dave presents a fitting tribute to the great US pool champion Shane Van Boening, “The South Dakota Kid,” showing the ...

DrDaveBilliards på YouTube

SVB Top Shots 🇺🇸 ▸ Shane Van Boening on fire!

Shane Van Boening, one of the greatest pool players in the world, showcases his extraordinary skills. Enjoy some of the best ...

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SVB vs Vitaliy Patsura | Quarter Final Highlights | 2024 US Open Pool Championship

Five-time US Open champion Shane Van Boening takes on Ukraine's Vitaliy Patsura in the quarter finals of the 2024 US Open ...

Matchroom Pool på YouTube


Witness a thrilling showdown between two of the world's top pool players, Fedor Gorst and Shane Van Boening, as they battle it ...

Pro Billiard TV på YouTube

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Grundläggande kommunikation på svenska kan vara lätt! Lär dig bara de 10 svenska fraserna som är mest användbara. Och du är redo...

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varför jag inte skulle bo i Sverige igen

delar bara med mig av min erfarenhet av att bo och studera i sverige i 6 månader! den här videon är inte för att avskräcka någon eller prata illa om...

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Komma förbi svensk immigration #immigration #sketchcomedy #sweden Vår special "Swines" 2022 är nu tillgänglig GRATIS ...

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SVB i poddar

Making Cents of SVB’s Collapse With Mark Cuban and Sheila Bair

Could the Silicon Valley Bank collapse have been avoided? On this week’s podcast, we chat about how SVB’s risky investments lead to its eventual failure. We are joined by Sheila Bair, former chair of the FDIC, and Mark Cuban, entrepreneurial multihyphenate, to discuss where the regulation was for these banks, why we don’t bail out citizens like we do businesses, and what’s next for banks with similar investment strategies to SVB.Season 2 is now streaming on Apple TV+.CREDITS
Hosted by: Jon Stewart Featuring, in order of appearance: Mark Cuban, Sheila Bair Executive Produced by Jon Stewart, Brinda Adhikari, James Dixon, Chris McShane, and Richard Plepler.Lead Producer: Sophie EricksonProducers: Zach Goldbaum, Caity Gray Assoc. Producer: Andrea BetanzosSound Engineer: Miguel CarrascalSenior Digital Producer: Freddie MorganDigital Producer: Cassie MurdochDigital Coordinator: Norma HernandezSupervising Producer: Lorrie BaranekHead Writer: Kris Acimovic Elements Producer: Kenneth HullClearances Producer: Daniella PhilipsonSenior Talent Producer: Brittany MehmedovicTalent Manager: Marjorie McCurryTalent Coordinator: Lukas ThimmSenior Research Producer: Susan Helvenston Theme Music by: Gary Clark Jr.The Problem With Jon Stewart podcast is an Apple TV+ podcast produced by Busboy Productions.

Bill Ackman on The Banking Crisis, What the Fed Should Do, The Three-Tiered Banking System, Why SVB is the Safest, Why Jamie Dimon Should Run For President; Losing $400M on Netflix

Bill Ackman is the CEO of Pershing Square Capital Management, L.P., an SEC-registered investment adviser founded in 2003. Pershing Square is a concentrated research-intensive fundamental value investor in long and occasionally short investments in the public markets. Bill is also a member of the board of Universal Music Group N.V. He serves as a member of the Investor Advisory Committee on Financial Markets for the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and a member of the Board of Dean’s Advisors of the Harvard Business School. Prior to forming Pershing Square, Mr. Ackman co-founded Gotham Partners Management Co., LLC. ----------------------------------------------- Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 0:40 How Bill Raised His First Fund 4:13 Bill’s Relationship with David Berkowitz 6:40 How Bill Decides Who to Trust 8:27 What is Bill running from/towards? 10:26 Bill’s Biggest Losses 18:19 Tips for Position-Sizing 23:35 Why Bill Posts on Twitter 26:58 The SVB Banking Crisis 42:31 Bill’s Relationship to Money 45:58 Tips for a Happy Marriage 49:26 Tips for Raising Kids as a Rich Person 51:50 The Trend Most Investors Are Missing 52:48 Who Bill Most Admires 53:50 Bill’s Favorite 10-Year Long & Short 55:08 Why Bill’s SPAC Failed 57:26 Bill’s Idea to Fix Income Inequality 1:00:42 Problems with the Tax Code Today 1:03:35 What scares Bill Ackman about the economy? 1:05:40 Will America be stronger or weaker in 10 years? In Today’s Episode with Bill Ackman We Discuss: 1.) From HBS to Starting Your First Fund: How did Bill go from HBS to raising his first fund in Gotham Partners? How was that first fundraise? From 100 meetings, what worked? What did not work? What were the core fundraising lessons? What did Bill learn about great partnerships from his time with David building Gotham? 2.) Bill Ackman: A Winner’s Mindset: How To Deal with the Highs and Lows: On reflection, what have been the most challenging times for Bill professionally? What does he say to himself when he is going through the hardest times? What is his mind talk? When the war is lost and it is time for learning, how does Bill reflect and learn from losses? How does Bill know when enough is enough, he was wrong and it is time to change his approach? 3.) Bill Ackman: SVB + Bank Runs and The Future of our Financial System: Why does Bill believe that the depositor guarantees for SVB and Signature Bank have created a “Three Tier Banking System”? Why does Bill believe that SVB is now the safest place to deposit your money? Why is First Republic Bank and SVB very different in terms of their exposure? What can be done to prevent further bank runs? What should the Fed be doing? Why are they not doing it? What would Bill do if he was in charge of the Fed? Why does Bill believe the current levels of FDIC insurance are insufficient and outdated? What should be used in their place? 4.) Bill Ackman: The World Around Us & Potential Politician Why does Bill want Jamie Dimon to run for President? If it is Trump vs Biden, who wins? Why does Bill believe Biden’s tax policies destroy the US economy? What should we have instead? Why does Bill believe we should give every newborn baby $6,500 and invest it for them when born? What are Bill’s 10-Year Long’s and 10-Year Shorts? Why them? Would Bill ever run for politics? When is the right time? ----------------------------------------------- Subscribe to our Newsletter: Subscribe on Spotify: Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: Follow Harry Stebbings on Twitter: Follow Bill Ackman on Twitter: Follow 20VC on Instagram: Follow 20VC on TikTok: Visit our Website:

SVB, SBF and (more) OpenAI: The 2023 chronicles, pt. 2

This is the second of a two-part series looking back at 2023. Mary Ann and Alex called on two colleagues to help us chat through some of the year’s biggest events. Here’s what we got into!The decline, fall of SVB: It’s a bit hard to believe, but the chaos at Silicon Valley Bank happened earlier this year. Yes, much has happened since, but the sudden, and shocking collapse of what was effectively the family bank of tech sent waves throughout the global technology landscape. Venture was impacted. Public companies were impacted, and some startups actually got a boost!Chaos at OpenAI: Another weekend-powered period of high-drama in tech this year was the defenstration of Sam Altman from his role at OpenAI, only for the tide to entirely flip in short order, Altman back the co, and most of the folks who wanted him out gone themselves. This one is still developing, so we had Devin Coldewey on to help us understand what is coming next.SBF’s trial: It was long. It was tedious. It was occasionally very interesting. But in the end, former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried was found super-duper guilty for various financial crimes relating to his now-failed crypto exchange. We invited Jacquie Melinek back on the show to tell us more.You can find part one of our year-end roundup here if you need even more! And don’t forget, Equity has even more great stuff coming your way, so stick close to your favorite podcast app.Connect with Equity on X and Threads @EquityPods, and keep up with all of TechCrunch's podcasts @TechCrunchPods on TikTok.For episode transcripts and more, head to Equity’s Simplecast website.Equity drops at 7 a.m. PT every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, so subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts, Overcast, Spotify and all the casts. TechCrunch also has a great show on crypto, a show that interviews founders and more!  Credits: Equity is hosted by Editor in Chief of TechCrunch+ Alex Wilhelm and TechCrunch Senior Reporter Mary Ann Azevedo. We are produced by Theresa Loconsolo with editing by Kell. Bryce Durbin is our Illustrator. We'd also like to thank the audience development team and Henry Pickavet, who manages TechCrunch audio products.

SVB: Silly Con Valley Boss Bois

It's a bank run, dummies! The SVB collapse is true corporate gossip catnip, and we couldn't resist bringing you this ~very special~ episode about the biggest corporate shitshow of the year (so far). Aaron Cohn, business professor and scorned ex-lover of venture capital, joins Becca to recap the bank's meltdown and subsiquent VC temper tantrum. Aaron is fresh off the plane from SXSW and ready to spill all the tea on venture capital. It's a little bit cringe, a little bit spooky, but mostly a good reminder to never trust a billionare and that NOTHING MATTERS ANYMORE :)  Don't forget to rate and review this podcast!  We're on Youtube Support the pod by buying us a coffee Check out our reading list  Tiktok: @corporategossippod Hosts: Becca Platsky ( Adam Platsky (  Produced by: Michael Albanese @bigmanmike Links:  The Incredible Tantrum Venture Capitalists Threw Over Silicon Valley Bank Silicon Valley Bank Fails After Run on Deposits EXCLUSIVE: Aloha suckers! Silicon Valley Bank's failed CEO Gregory Becker escapes to his $3.1million Hawaiian hideaway days after being fired, leaving the chaos of the collapse in the dust

SVB Shockwave: Unraveling the Mystery with Michael Brown

Join me for this captivating episode as we sit down with macro expert Michael Brown to dissect the recent SVB shockwave that rocked the trading world. We’ll cover all aspects of the event, including: The inside story of what happened at SVB and why it mattersThe Credit Suisse collapse and its contributing factorsThe role of public sentiment in shaping market reactionsA simplified model of a bank, and how it led to SVB’s downfallTwitter’s impact on creating a modern-day bank runThe ripple effect on other banks: sentiment or genuine concern?The perplexing Nasdaq rally amidst banking collapsesThe FED’s involvement and potential misstepsPredictions for the FED’s next moveHarnessing FX implied volatility for smarter tradingStrategies for planning day trades based on big money flow Tune in as we navigate these complex topics, explore possible surprises in the market, and learn how to develop a trading roadmap to be well prepared in today’s volatile financial landscape.

Crypto & the SVB Banking Crisis with Marty Bent & Michael Krieger

In this episode, Whitney is joined by Marty Bent and Mike Krieger to unpack the recent collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and the financial instability that has ensued and interrogate the flimsy narratives used to justify, among other things, the SVB bail-out and the shutdown of Signature Bank. Show notes Follow Marty on Twitter @Martybent,, TFTC - YouTube, Rabbit Hole Recap Follow Mike on Twitter @libertyblitz and Originally published 03/17/23. Get early access to podcasts by becoming an Unlimited Hangout member. Find previous episodes on all podcast platforms Order Whitney’s book One Nation Under Blackmail.  Sign up for the weekly newsletter to receive updates on the book, new articles, podcasts, and interviews.

Are Banks Unsafe? What the SVB Shutdown Might Mean for You

WTF is happening with SVB? Are we heading into another 2008? Is it even safe to use a bank right now? In this pep-talk episode, host and financial educator Tori Dunlap is here to give you the TLDR on what’s happening with Silicon Valley Bank, what it might mean for you, and how to continue to make sure your money is protected.  Read more about SVB, get transcripts from the episode, and grab additional resources at If you were affected by the shutdown, see resources from the FDIC: Not sure where to start? Take our FREE money personality quiz! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Mice cell eggs | SVB | Office cake

Vittorio Angelone and James Nokise join host Alice Fraser for episode 103 of The Gargle, the weekly topical comedy podcast from The Bugle - with no politics!🐁 Mice cell eggs🏦 The fall of SVB🍰 Office cake🖥 Workers, go home🇮🇪 ReviewsProduced by Ped Hunter and Chris Skinner.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.