Senaste nytt om Vodafone - Nyheter, podcasts, videor och inlägg på sociala medier om Vodafone.
Senaste nytt om Vodafone - Nyheter, podcasts, videor och inlägg på sociala medier om Vodafone.
Indiska Vodafone Idea steg nära 6 procent i Indien efter att ha signerat avtal värda 3,6 miljarder dollar med finska Nokia, svenska Ericsson och sydkoreanska Samsung för att köpa telekomutrustning under tre år för att expandera 4G-nätverk och lansera 5G på viktiga marknader. Det rapporterar internationella medier på måndagsmorgonen.
Det schweiziska telekombolaget Swisscom är nära att förvärva sektorkollegan Vodafones italienska verksamhet efter att ha lämnat ett bättre bud än den franska miljardären Xavier Niel, som nyligen köpte Kinneviks innehav i Tele2.
Vodafone, en global ledare inom telekommunikation med 29 miljoner användare på den turkiska marknaden, inleder nu ett strategiskt partnerskap med Kiliaro och Sosyopix.
Rapportsäsongen saktar ned under måndagen med enbart en bolagsrapport på Stockholmsbörsen. Utomlands redovisar budgetflygbolaget Ryanair och teleoperatören Vodafone.
Det är fortfarande ovanligt med kvinnor på vd-positioner – till exempel är inte ens tio procent av vd:arna på S&P 500 och FTSE 350 kvinnor. Den vanliga vägen till ledande topproller går ofta genom finansiella och operativa roller, som främst innehas av män. Men det finns tecken på framsteg. Allt fler kvinnor får regionala vd-befattningar samtidigt som HR inkluderas i ledningsgrupper, vilket kan bredda gruppen av möjliga kandidater. För att uppnå jämställdhet på högsta nivå behöver företag ändra sina urvalsprocesser och syna sina fördomar, skriver Financial Times. The FT analyses exclusive data on the pipeline of women coming up through the ranks of business. By Emma Jacobs Financial Times, 17 July 2023 Chanel boss Leena Nair and former Xerox head Anne Mulcahy have something in common: they were appointed chief executive after extensive experience in human resources. But their promotions were not typical. Figures from global data company BoardEx show a far more common route to the top job is through finance and operational roles — and these are still overwhelmingly held by men. For the number of female CEOs in the US and UK to increase, BoardEx says there must be a significant shift in recruitment practices. Either companies broaden their search beyond traditionally male-dominated jobs or step up efforts to appoint women to these positions. Using exclusive data on senior roles within the S&P 500 and FTSE 350, the Financial Times has analysed the pipeline of potential future female CEOs and assessed the path to greater equality at the head of business. UK telecoms group Vodafone this year elevated its finance chief, Margherita Della Valle, to become its first female CEO. It is a common career path — in the FTSE 350 as a whole, 13 per cent of current CEOs were promoted from a CFO position, according to data provided by BoardEx. But still only 23 per cent of UK CFO positions are currently held by women, indicating the challenge for companies to achieve better gender diversity. Similarly, of the S&P 500 bosses that were not already a CEO in their previous role, 13 per cent were promoted from the position of chief operations officer and 6 per cent from CFO, both heavily male-dominated roles in the US. The BoardEx data analysed the careers of current CEOs over a 20-year period. This showed a clear trend of CEOs coming up through the ranks of traditionally male-dominated finance and operational roles. About 45 per cent of those holding S&P 500 and FTSE 350 CEO jobs in the first quarter of 2023 had previously run a division. A fifth of S&P 500 and a quarter of FTSE CEOs had held a role in finance. Only 1.4 per cent of current CEOs in the S&P 500, and 1.6 per cent in the FTSE 350 had HR experience over the 20 years prior to their appointment. About 9 per cent of US bosses and 5 per cent of those in the UK had held marketing roles. There are more female CEOs in the US and UK than five years ago, according to the BoardEx data — but the numbers still do not even make double digits. Women account for 8 per cent of CEOs in both the S&P 500 and FTSE 350 now, up from 4 per cent for both indices in 2018. Drop one tier down and women are still by far the minority, although the numbers are higher. They hold 21 per cent of senior finance roles in the top US companies, up from about 18 per cent five years ago, according to BoardEx. Amy Hood at Microsoft, Ruth Porat at Alphabet and Colette Kress at Nvidia are among the female CFOs in the US. British water group Severn Trent, one of the few FTSE 100 businesses with a female CEO, recently appointed Helen Miles as CFO. The same role at Barclays has been held by Anna Cross since last year. The “C-suite” roles where women make up the majority are HR, marketing and PR. They account for about half the senior sustainability positions and 40 per cent of senior legal roles. But the BoardEx data suggests these functions have not historically been a stepping stone to the top job. Maya Imberg, senior director at BoardEx, said not enough women were gaining the relevant experience as their careers developed to later become CEO of a large listed company. With women a minority in top level commercial, operations and finance roles, she said “there is a limited pipeline of possible female candidates for an eventual CEO position”. She added that to build that pipeline at UK and US-listed companies, “female leaders need to gain more experience in either commercial and executive functions, finance, operations or sales. Female CEOs who initially worked in HR often gained experience elsewhere in their companies before landing the top job. Mulcahy at Xerox, for example, began her career in HR, but moved into senior operational positions before becoming CEO. Mary Barra, CEO and chair of General Motors, led other sections of the carmaker following her time as vice-president of global HR. Roisin Currie, chief executive of UK bakery chain Gregg’s, spent 30 years in HR but gained additional experience as the company’s retail and property director. However, there are signs of a shift in how companies perceive HR roles, which could help more women progress up the ranks. HR positions are now more likely to be considered part of the “C-suite” than five years ago. According to the BoardEx data, 59 per cent of FTSE 350 companies have an HR officer in their senior leadership team, up from 42 per cent in 2018, while in the S&P 500 77 per cent of companies do, up from 61 per cent. The inclusion of female-dominated roles, such as HR, in senior leadership teams could help broaden the pool of potential chief executives. “HR is not the country cousin it used to be,” said Denise Wilson, CEO of the FTSE Women Leaders Review. “Post-Covid has brought about monumental changes about what is needed for leadership and expectations among employees.” Other factors are also advancing the pipeline of potential female CEOs. The share of divisional and regional CEO roles and similar executive positions held by women has increased, according to the BoardEx data. In the S&P 500, women make up 22 per cent of these roles, up from 14 per cent in 2018. In the UK, it is 18 per cent, up from 10. This matters particularly in the US, as these roles are increasingly a stepping stone to the CEO position. Over the 20 years before their appointment to the top job, 45 per cent of US CEOs had experience as divisional chiefs, up from 39 per cent in 2018, while the proportion of CEOs with experience as regional chiefs increased from 5 per cent to 8 per cent. Katie Bickerstaffe, who was appointed co-CEO of British retailer Marks and Spencer last year, has experience in HR and marketing, but was also a regional CEO of Dixons Carphone (now Currys). Imberg noted that more women were being appointed to C-suite roles in finance, operations and sales, although these remained heavily male-dominated. “In the long run this will help boost the pipeline for future female CEO candidates.” Some companies are also making efforts to give women exposure to other parts of the business. Danny Harmer, Aviva’s chief people officer, said the insurer had created a commercial leadership programme to develop a diverse pipeline. “The programme covers everything from commercial insights and case studies to understanding the investor perspective and AI. It even includes a mini MBA.” The increase in female non-executive directors is also preparing women to become CEO, acting as “an accelerator,” according to Laura Sanderson, UK country head at headhunter Russell Reynolds Associates. She cited Liv Garfield, chief executive of Severn Trent, and Alison Rose of NatWest as examples. Wilson said a big part of the problem was “a bias in the selection process [and] about our perception of what a leader looks like. It feeds into our choice.” “It’s not that [women] don’t have the right experience,” she added. Sanderson agreed: “There are still some basic hangups about how a CEO looks, sounds and behaves.” Leagh Turner, co-CEO at Ceridian, a US-listed HR software provider, said leaders, especially in male-dominated sectors, should encourage women to join their teams. “Companies should reflect the world their customers are operating in. When they do they immediately strengthen the relationship with their customers.” Wilson said that even the slow progress in appointing women to CEO roles was not reason alone to be gloomy. “Is it woeful? Yes, it is. [But] it’s our standout poor statistic in good progress.” ©The Financial Times Limited 2023. All Rights Reserved. FT and Financial Times are trademarks of the Financial Times Ltd. Not to be redistributed, copied or modified in any way.
Vodafone och mobiloperatören Three UK har kommit överens om ett avtal om att slå samman sina brittiska telekomnät. Går fusionen igenom kommer bolagen bilda Storbritanniens största mobiloperatör, det uppger The Guardian.
Vodafone och mobiloperatören har kommit överens om ett avtal om att slå samman sina brittiska telekomnät. Går fusionen igenom kommer bolagen bilda Storbritanniens största mobiloperatör, det uppger The Guardian.
Europabörserna utvecklades mestadels nedåt under tisdagen, i linje med övriga världens börser. Det sammanvägda regionsindexet Stoxx 600 tappade 0,4 procent.
Telekomjätten Vodafone ska skära ner på antalet anställda med 11 000 under en treårsperiod. Det meddelar företaget i sin kvartalsrapport. Företagets nya vd Margherita Della Valle säger att nedskärningarna är en del av planen för att vända sämre resultat och ge tillväxten en återstart. De största nedgångarna har skett på Vodafones största marknad, Tyskland. Enligt kvartalsrapporten har Vodafone i dag 104 000 anställda. Företaget rapporterade ett intäktslyft på 0,3 procent för helåret. Inflation, högre räntor och stora börsrörelser. Hur stor avkastning vågar vi räkna med ett år som detta? Vilka fällor ska man undvika på börsen? Och inom vilka sektorer finns vinnare? Med Omnis systerapp Omni Ekonomi får du Sveriges mest heltäckande bevakning av börs- och bolagsnyheter. Lägg därtill att Sveriges främsta aktieexperter svarar på de svåra frågorna och hjälper dig att navigera marknaderna. Nu får alla Omniläsare chansen till en klok investering – testa Omni Ekonomi i två månader för endast 49 kronor (spara 269 kronor).
Telekombolaget Vodafone ska skära ned med 11 000 tjänster under en treårsperiod, meddelar företaget i samband med sin senaste kvartalsrapport. Företaget har i nuläget drygt 100 000 medarbetare enligt den senaste årsrapporten.
Ogilvy Mumbai has created the campaign.
Say Hello to 5G with The UK's Best Network. As voted by readers of Trusted Reviews. How to get your Vodafone 5G SIM into your ...
Introducing the New Recharge Cards from Vodafone. Use one card for all your needs. Choose from Data or Flex or Credit or ...
Introducing our best ever WiFi hub and award-winning apps. Experience our best ever home broadband, with our most powerful ...
Our Christmas advert is a joyful and nostalgic journey of how Vodafone have connected the nation at Christmas over the last 40 ...
In this episode we discuss Imperial Brand, Vodafone, Burberry, Hotel Chocolat, BAE Systems & PayPal $imb $vod $brby $hotc $ba $pypl
Ian King is joined by Economics and Data Editor, Ed Conway, to discuss yesterday's Autumn Budget and the news that business activity has risen this month.He also speaks with Eamonn O'Hare, one of the founders of Zegona - a UK-listed business set up to invest in telecoms assets - which is buying Vodafone's Spanish business for 4.3 billion pounds.And as Black Friday looms, value-for-money car brand Dacia is shutting down its entire online sales for the day to prove it's just a gimmick. Brand director Luke Broad tells Ian King why.
Tommy Tiernan is, without a doubt, Ireland's most successful comedian and in the first instalment of this very special two-part interview of an Irishman Abroad he sits down with Jarlath in front of a live audience at the Vodafone Comedy Carnival to discuss his life and career. In what is possibly one of the most revealing and personal interviews with Tommy, he opens up to Jarlath about his years of self-loathing, huge regrets and the loneliness that he feels in places where he is unknown. Tommy also speaks about the media's ruling in Ireland, finding wisdom in laziness, his stubborn confidence, feeling trapped financially and why he believes improvisational comedy is his true calling. To access this episode in full and to hear all of our episodes in full each week, visit www.patreon.com/irishmanabroad and sign up for just the price of a pint every month. In return, you will gain full access to our entire archive of all of the podcasts we have ever released including - An Irishman In America, Men Behaving Better and An Irishman Behind Bars. If you come over and join in the first two weeks of August 2020, you will be given something very special as an additional thanks that won't disappoint. Our charity partner is jigsawonline.ie. In these tricky times, Jigsaw provides a range of resources, advice and care for your people to help them strengthen their mental health and the skills needed to navigate life. Please visit their website and consider making a donation. For updates on future episodes and live shows follow @jarlath on Twitter, visit www.jigser.com or email the show directly on irishmanabroadpodcast@gmail.com. Disclaimer: All materials contained within this podcast are copyright protected. Third party reuse and/or quotation in whole or in part is prohibited unless direct credit and/or hyperlink to the Irishman Abroad podcast is clearly and accurately provided.
Mobile giants Vodafone and CK Hutchison, which owns Three UK, have agreed a merger to create Britain’s biggest phone operator. ‘Massive impact’ of Covid-19 lockdowns given ‘very little thought’ by government, inquiry hears. AI’s human colleagues ‘lonelier, boozier & exhausted’, says the University of Georgia. Also in this episode:‘Google maps for Mars’ lets Earthlings surf Red PlanetTiny Scottish island get super-fast internet from spaceGlow-worm romance dimmed by street lights, study findsGTA IV & Red Dead Redemption still hits many years after release Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
In today's Finshots, we talk about the latest ruling on the Vodafone Tax matter and explain the whole case in as few words as possible.
The episode begins with Jemma Slingo, who runs through the recent results from listed management consultant Elixirr. What can the interim figures tell us about future growth?It’s then on to Arthur Sants, who discusses Vodafone, a company that features in our most recent cover story on Income Majors. What could the merger with Three bring to the company? And what can we expect the new chief executive to do?Last up, Mark Robinson shares his thoughts on ‘buy and build’ specialist Judges Scientific. Can its bread-and-butter strategy still thrive in tough economic conditions? Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
In An Irishman Abroad's first ever live show in Ireland, Irish comedy legends Dara O'Briain and Ed Byrne sit down together with Jarlath in an intimate theatre at the Vodafone Comedy Festival in Dublin. Dara and Ed deliver some hilarious stories of their long friendship, how being Irish can be an asset abroad, the trials and tribulations of being a working comic and how modern parenting differs from that of previous generations. To access this episode in full and to hear all of our episodes in full each week, visit www.patreon.com/irishmanabroad and sign up for just the price of a pint every month. In return, you will gain full access to our entire archive of all of the podcasts we have ever released including - An Irishman In America, Men Behaving Better and An Irishman Behind Bars. If you come over and join in the first two weeks of August 2020, you will be given something very special as an additional thanks that won't disappoint. Our charity partner is jigsawonline.ie. In these tricky times, Jigsaw provides a range of resources, advice and care for your people to help them strengthen their mental health and the skills needed to navigate life. Please visit their website and consider making a donation. For updates on future episodes and live shows follow @jarlath on Twitter, visit www.jigser.com or email the show directly on irishmanabroadpodcast@gmail.com. Disclaimer: All materials contained within this podcast are copyright protected. Third party reuse and/or quotation in whole or in part is prohibited unless direct credit and/or hyperlink to the Irishman Abroad podcast is clearly and accurately provided.
In today's Finshots for 06th Aug 2021, we discuss why there's so much doom and gloom surrounding Vodafone Idea.
Harvard Business School professor Bill Kerr discusses how Vodafone, one of the largest companies in the telecommunications space, incorporated technological advancements like big data, automation, and artificial intelligence to improve productivity while ensuring new opportunities were created for the next generation of workers.
In the first in a series of bonus podcasts from the Shares magazine team to accompany AJ Bell’s Money & Markets podcast, Tom Sieber, Steve Frazer and Martin Gamble hold an insightful discussion on two stocks. The trio dig into the problems which have dogged Vodafone and the prospects for new boss Margherita Della Valle of turning things around. Dividends, debt and the machinations of a big new shareholder are all up for discussion as part of an analysis of what’s gone wrong at the FTSE 100 firm. Martin also talks about the company behind brands like KFC and Pizza Hut and how it has been so successful over the years.
The Vodafone State of Scams report is a real eye opener and shows we’ve still got a massive problem, Norton has released a new AI-powered app than can help you spot the scams, my affair with Tesla has come to an end – I’ve actually gome back to my ex, we take a look at the DJI Osmo Action 4 camera, Oppo has launched the new Reno10 5G smartphone, BlueAnt releases a tiny but mighty portable speaker and we’ll answer all your questions in the Tech Guide Help Desk.