Musk vill öka "bandbredden" mellan människa och maskin – behövs det?

Musk vill öka "bandbredden" mellan människa och maskin – behövs det?

Elon Musks företag Neuralink söker efter volontärer med ALS eller ryggmärgsskador för att testa ett hjärnimplantat med 1 024 elektroder som ska kunna överföra tankar från människa till maskin. Och i förlängningen från människa till människa. Han vision är att öka ”bandbredden” för informationsöverföring med en faktor på 1 000. Menar Musk att det skulle gå att genomföra någon typ av snabbtelepati? frågar sig Antonio Regalado, som bevakar biomedicin för MIT Technology Reviews i sitt veckobrev. Nej, kommer han fram till efter att ha intervjuat flera forskare. Däremot kan det mycket väl förbättra maskinernas förmåga att avläsa mänsklig tankeverksamhet, och exempelvis kunna spåra även emotionella tillstånd som depression. I dag publicerar Omni Mer Antonio Regalado senaste veckobrev om hur tekniken förändrar medicinsk och biomedicinsk forskning. Speeding up communication between humans is surprisingly tricky. By Antonio Regalado 29 September, 2023 This article first appeared in The Checkup, MIT Technology Review’s weekly biotech newsletter. To receive it in your inbox every Thursday, and read articles like this first, sign up here. Last week, a post by Elon Musk on X (formerly known as Twitter) caught my eye. The entrepreneur claimed that sticking electrodes in people’s heads is going to lead to a huge increase in the rate of data transfer out of, and into, human brains. The occasion of Musk’s post was the announcement by Neuralink, his brain-computer interface (BCI) company, that it was officially seeking the first volunteer to receive the “N1,” an implant comprising 1,024 electrodes able to listen in on brain neurons. This volunteer, the company said, will be someone who has ALS or has been paralyzed due to a spinal cord injury. The point of the experiment is to let them “control external devices with their thoughts”—specifically, move a computer cursor, or control a phone app. There’s little doubt they can do it. Such experiments have been going on for decades. One difference is that the N1 device has more than twice the number of electrodes as used in previous implant experiments. More electrodes means Neuralink can collect more data from more nerve cells. That brings us to to Musk’s post, in which he discussed a long-term goal of vastly increasing “bandwidth” between people, or people and machines, by a factor of 1,000 or more. What did he mean, and, I wondered, is this really possible? Are we talking about some kind of fast telepathy where I could tell you about my day in nanoseconds? Here’s what his X post said: After speaking with a few scientists, I can report to you that the idea that a brain implant can speed up communication between, say, you and me, is largely hogwash. However, speeding up the rate at which machines can read from the brain is very real, and it is key to some cutting-edge uses of mind-reading interfaces, like allowing profoundly paralyzed people to “speak” via a computer. “Bandwidth” in this case simply refers to a rate of data transfer. Scientists have estimated that humans share information at a speed of around 40 bits per second, no matter what language they use. That’s pretty slow. (A computer download is a million times faster). And there are reasons why it might never speed up. Ever have two people talk to you at the same time? Your ears let the information in, but your brain can’t process it. The speed of thinking itself sets a limit on your bandwidth. “The idea that we’re going to hook up two people with bits of wire and do better than what you and I can do right now, speaking, is folly,” says Lee Miller, a neuroscientist at Northwestern University who works with brain interfaces. “If that’s the plan, I’m not investing.” Yet scientists concede there are situations in which faster data transfer could allow a fundamental change in how we express ourselves. Say you’ve been mugged and you want to describe the face of your assailant to a sketch artist. Even though you can picture it clearly, it’s going to take a while for you to communicate those details at your spoken-word rate of 40 bits per second. Yet, in theory, mental images could be communicated directly between minds. Researchers pointed me to the case of Krista and Tatiana Hogan, twins conjoined at the head who share part of their brains. It’s claimed they can see through one another’s eyes, in effect sharing information coming off the retina into the optic nerveat 10 million bits a second. In fact, Neuralink has started investigating whether its implant electrodes can stimulate the visual cortex of monkeys. Vision produced in this way is extremely crude—essentially, just a few spots of light—but it could get better with more and more electrodes. One day, it might be possible to transmit a picture between two brains over a cable. “Elon thinks a lot about mental imagery, and I believe he’s imagining a future where the image that I’m thinking of could be presented to you, or stimulated directly in your cortex,” says Vikash Gilja, a professor at the University of California, San Diego. So that’s where more bandwidth could make a difference—not in speeding up speech, but in unexpected forms of thought transfer. It’s also possible, for example, to detect emotional states, like whether a person is depressed, by measuring the brain. Those feelings are not only hard to describe, but you might not even be aware of them. “I think that there are going to be profoundly interesting things that BCI can read out that people can’t, let’s say, communicate volitionally very easily right now,” says Matt Angle, CEO of Paradromics, a Texas company which has developed its own implant system with around 1,600 electrodes. “Electrodes reading from different brain areas could give access to information that’s not … consciously accessible.” But let’s return to Earth and the near-term applications of brain-computer interfaces. Do they need more bandwidth? The main use of these devices is to let a paralyzed person operate a computer by moving a cursor with their thoughts. For that, more bandwidth isn’t really required. Scientists can do that by listening in on a few neurons, and adding more will typically bring diminishing returns. Where collecting more information will behelpful—and where implants with more electrodes will help—is to unlock more natural communication. We saw some of those this year, including when two paralyzed people were able to speak through a computer, using their thoughts. This works because when the subjects imagine saying words, the electrodes measure their motor neurons, whose firing rate contains information about how they are trying to move their tongue and larynx. From these data it is now possible to determine what words people are thinking of saying with surprising accuracy. Researchers believe that with more electrodes listening to more neurons, and more bandwidth, they’ll get even better at it. “We don’t need more electrodes for cursor control, but for speech, we are in a regime where data rate matters a lot,” says Angle. “It’s very clear we need to increase the channel count to make those systems viable. With a thousand electrodes, it will be as good as a cell phone transcribing your speech. So in this situation, yes, you’re increasing the information rate by 10 or a hundred times.” Bottom line: When it comes to enhancing communication between nondisabled people my sources were skeptical that more bandwidth matters. The brain’s going to get in the way. But when it comes to restoringfunction, it does matter. It takes a lot of neurons—and a lot of data—to get a patient back to communicating at that basic 40 bits a second. In 2021, I profiled Dennis DeGray, a paralyzed man who, at that time, was the world record holder for direct brain-to-computer communication. He could type via his thoughts  at 18 words a minute “It’s almost a conversation between the device and myself,” DeGray told me. “It’s a very personal interaction.” But speed records keep falling. This August, researchers demonstrated that two people who’d lost the ability to speak–one due to a stroke, another because of ALS–were able to quickly utter words through a computer connected to implants placed in their brains. Read the report by Cassandra Willyard here.  A few years back, Adam Piore recounted the bizarre tale of Phil Kennedy, a pioneering brain-implant researcher who took the extreme step of getting an implant installed in his own brain.  A second person has received a heart from a gene-modified pig. Lawrence Faucette, a Navy vet with heart failure, underwent transplant surgery on September 20 in Maryland. The previous subject lived two months after the surgery. (Associated Press) Scientific sleuths are getting better at uncovering rotten research. (WSJ) Those new generation weight-loss drugs were prescribed to 1.7% of Americans in 2023. And you can expect the market for semaglutide to expand fast. That’s because more than 40% of Americans are obese. (CNN) © 2023 Technology Review, Inc. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency.

Kalles fyller 70 år – han är ansiktet på tuben: "Gratis kaviar hela livet"

Kalles fyller 70 år – han är ansiktet på tuben: "Gratis kaviar hela livet"

Historien om Kalles startar på 50-talet. Det var då som företaget Abba köpte receptet på rökt kaviar och startade produktionen. Tidiga provsmakningar visade att barn var speciellt förtjusta i den, lite mildare, kaviar-smaken. Företagets reklambyrå föreslår därför att ett barn ska pryda omslaget på tuben. Vd för Abba vid tillfället är Carl Almens pappa, och det är alltså historien om hur en 6-årig Carl Almen hamnade på omslaget. – Din son är ju jättesöt, han har guldigt hår och blåa ögon. Herregud, vi sätter honom på tuben, berättar Carl. Ett fotografi taget på en strand av hans mamma används som motiv. ”Ibland är det lite märkligt” I år har Carl alltså prytt tuben i 70 år och han erkänner att det ibland kan kännas lite märkligt att se sitt ansikte så pass ofta. – Samtidigt är jag van. Jag tycker det är väldigt, väldigt roligt. Varje dag man öppnar kylskåpet ligger han ju där och ler mot en, det är väl trevligt? En Sverige-symbol Han säger att Kalles är en produkt som nästan alltid ses som något positivt. – Man kan tycka eller inte tycka om kaviar. Men man har alltid en trevlig och positiv uppfattning om den här lilla Sverige-symbolen, säger han. Totalt har det sålts över en halv miljard tuber under dessa 70 år men trots att det är hans ansikte på kaviartuben har Carl aldrig fått några pengar för det. Däremot har han tillgång till gratis kaviar – resten av livet. – Men det hade varit något. Då hade jag varit i klass med Elon Musk, säger han.

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Elon Musk i poddar

Sunday Special: Elon Musk at 'DealBook'

Tech billionaire Elon Musk has come to define innovation, but he can also be a lightning rod for controversy; he recently endorsed antisemitic remarks on X, formerly known as Twitter, which prompted companies to pull their advertising. In an interview recorded live at the DealBook Summit in New York with Times business reporter and columnist Andrew Ross Sorkin, Musk discusses his emotional state and why he has “no problem being hated.”To read more news about the event, visit

The Man Who Followed Elon Musk Everywhere: "Elon's Dad Abused Him, His Trans Child Disowned Him, And Here Are His Secrets For Success!" Walter Isaacson

If you enjoy hearing about industry changing innovation, I recommend you check out my conversation with Airbnb founder, Brian Chesky, which you can find here: you ever wanted to see inside the mind of the richest and most powerful man in the world, this episode is for you.Before becoming the world’s leading biographer, Walter Isaacson was formerly the chair and CEO of ’CNN’, the editor of ’Time’, and President and CEO of the ’Aspen Institute’. His best-selling biographies including, ‘Steve Jobs’, ‘Leonardo da Vinci’, ‘Einstein: His Life and Universe’, and most recently, 'Elon Musk'.In this conversation Walter and Steven discuss topics, such as: How he followed Elon Musk for 2 years Elon Musk’s childhood Elon’s abusive father The mental and physical scars of Elon’s childhood What haunts Elon Why Elon equates pain with love The 2 sides and personalities of Elon Elon’s ‘demon mode’ Why Elon loves drama and chaos What separates Elon from everyone else If he thinks Elon is a genius Elon’s first principle thinking Why Elon ignores rules and likes risk takers How 80% of people can’t work with Elon Why Elon bought Twitter How Twitter has hurt Elon Elon’s 3 aims for humanity Why there will be a mission to Mars in 30 years time Elon’s rules for success How Elon and Steve Jobs changed reality Why Elon is not happy Elon and Jeff Bezo’s rivalry You can purchase Walter’s new biography, ‘Elon Musk’, here: Walter: Instagram: the episodes on Youtube - new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now: me:Instagram: Eight Sleep: STEVEN (save $150 on the Pod Cover)Uber One: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

#722 - 15 Lessons From 2023 - Jordan Peterson, Alex Hormozi & Elon Musk

Get my free End Of Year Review Template here - It’s the end of 2023 and to celebrate I thought I’d run through some of the best lessons I’ve picked up over the last 12 months. This year has had over 10,000 minutes of episodes produced so there was a lot to choose from but I ended up settling on 16 insights from some of my favourite conversations both inside and outside of the podcast. Expect to learn what Toxic Compassion is, why Alex Hormozi needed to do damage control this spring, the reason you should just "be yourself", why getting what you want isn't actually a win, the reason you don't want to be Elon Musk, why trajectory is more important than position, how a terrible job can be a huge blessing and much more... Sponsors: Get 20% discount on Nomatic’s amazing luggage at (use code MODERNWISDOM) Get 10% discount on all Gymshark’s products at (use code: MW10) Get $150/£150 discount on the Eight Sleep Pod Cover at (discount automatically applied) Extra Stuff: Get my free Reading List of 100 books to read before you die → Buy my productivity energy drink Neutonic: - Get in touch. Instagram: Twitter: YouTube: Email: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Elon Musk's BRUTALLY Honest New Interview With UK PM Rishi Sunak

Elon Musk's BRUTALLY Honest New Interview With UK PM Rishi Sunak. Credit: X

Elon Musk: The Man Who Fell to Earth

Uncovering the hidden histories of concepts, people and events you thought you knew.  In a first for Origin Story, Dorian Lynskey and Ian Dunt focus on a living figure: the ubiquitous and divisive richest man in the world, Elon Musk. In the past two years the public perception of Musk has changed dramatically, from Time's Man of the Year and “real-life Iron Man" to radicalised right-wing troll and destroyer of Twitter. Ian and Dorian trace his journey from sci-fi obsessed child prodigy in Apartheid-era South Africa to dotcom entrepreneur to the self-appointed techno-messiah at the helm of SpaceX and Tesla, and ask what happened to the man who said he wanted to save the world. They discuss what his career says about the arc of Silicon Valley and 21st-century capitalism, the cult of technocracy and the dangers of believing your own hype. Support Origin Story on Patreon for exclusive benefits:  “He doesn’t seem that interested in money. The choices he’s made have not been your regular ‘rich guy’ choices.” – Dorian Lynskey “On Twitter some of the disinformation has been morally abysmal. You think, how could you be a person who would even write these words?” – Ian Dunt "He said it was the duty of the educated to reproduce so ‘we don’t devolve into a not very literate, theocratic and unenlightened future.’ It’s low-level eugenics.” — Dorian Lynskey Reading list: Eric Berger – Liftoff: Elon Musk and the Desperate Early Days That Launched SpaceX Agustin Ferrari Braun – The Elon Musk Experience: Celebrity Management in Financialised Capitalism David S. Kidder – The Startup Playbook Hamish McKenzie – Insane Mode: How Elon Musk’s Tesla Sparked an Electric Revolution to End the Age of Oil Ashlee Vance – Elon Musk: How the Billionaire CEO of SpaceX and Tesla Is Shaping Our Future Douglas Coupland, ‘The smartest person in any room anywhere:’ in defence of Elon Musk, The Observer, 2021 Tad Friend, Plugged In, The New Yorker, 2009 Jordan Liles – What We Know About Elon Musk and the Emerald Mine Rumor, Snopes, 2022 Linette Lopez, Elon Musk Doesn’t Care About You, Business Insider, 2018 David J Roth, Burning Down the House, Defector, 2023 Neil Strauss – Elon Musk: The Architect of Tomorrow, Rolling Stone, 2017 Matthew Sweet, Why Jeff Bezos and Elon’s Musk real business inspiration is science-fiction, The Times, 2021 The Elon Musk Show, BBC documentary, 2022 I Do Not like Elon Musk Very Much, Behind the Bastards podcast Elon Musk: The Techno Shaman, Decoding the Gurus podcast Written and presented by Dorian Lynskey and Ian Dunt. Audio production and music by Jade Bailey. Logo art by Mischa Welsh. Lead Producer is Anne-Marie Luff. Group Editor: Andrew Harrison. Origin Story is a Podmasters production.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Elon Musk x Nelk Boys | Ep. 53

Elon Musk Reveals His Knowledge on Aliens, Challenges Putin to UFC, and Predicts WW3 Presented by Happy Dad Hard Seltzer. Find Happy Dad near you (21+ only). Video is available on Follow Nelk Boys on Instagram Part of the Shots Podcast Network ( You can listen to the audio version of this podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts & anywhere you listen to podcasts. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

What's going on with Elon Musk?

Search Engine investigates the erratic behavior of the world’s wealthiest man with Hard Fork’s Casey Newton. The three top theories for why Elon Musk has begun to act strangely, including one theory that upset our understanding of reality itself. If you'd like to read more about this episode or support the show financially, go here. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Ep 116: Tax cut lies, Susan Hall lows & Elon Musk meltdowns

The episode opens with a trip to the Plymouth Christmas lights switch-on, where Torty MP, Johnny Mercer is met with a different type of Christmas cheer.  Then it's report time... Because last week the OBR published its economic and fiscal outlook for 2024, and it's a grimmer read than one of Nadine's dirty novels - though in the OBR report, a significantly higher number of people are getting screwed.  Jemma and Marina discuss the numerous newspaper headlines celebrating Hunt's tax cuts, which is problematic, given we're now facing the biggest tax burden since WWII. But hey, why let the truth get in the way of a client journalist's headline? Then settle in for a gripping, action-packed, true crime story, featuring Tory Mayoral candidate Susan Mason. Less Die Hard, more Lie Hard. Underrated clips of the week include Elon Musk wiping another few billion off the X share price during a public soiling of himself, and a little treat from Cilla Black - God Rest Her Soul. Pudding is served up by Moog with his version of Susan Mason's terrifying run-in with the criminal underworld of London. Sadiq Khan has a lot to answer for... Thank you for sharing and do tweet us @MarinaPurkiss @jemmaforte @TheTrawlPodcast Patreon Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

TIP593: Elon Musk by Walter Isaacson

On today’s episode, Clay shares the lessons he learned from reading Elon Musk by Walter Isaacson.  As our audience knows, Elon is, financially speaking, one of the world’s most successful individuals as Forbes has his net worth estimated at $248 billion, making him the richest individual on the planet. 25 years ago, Elon was making his mark in Silicon Valley in the early days of PayPal, and today he is launching dozens of rockets into orbit, taking the lead in the world’s transition to electric vehicles, actively working to stay on top of the world of AI, and has taken over one of the world’s largest social networks in Twitter, now known as X. IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN: 00:00 - Intro. 03:48 - The highlights of Elon Musk’s childhood and upbringing in South Africa. 07:03 - The key themes Clay found in Elon’s life. 07:40 - Peter Theil’s key insight in working with Elon. 10:01 - How Elon and Kimbal made their way to the United States. 13:34 - The three fields Musk found in college that he decided he wanted to commit his life to. 15:25 - The early businesses that Elon and Kimbal Musk started in the 90s. 16:58 - What led Elon to join forces with Peter Thiel and create PayPal. 22:29 - The beginnings of SpaceX. 24:26 - The early key decisions within Tesla. 29:35 - Business tactics Elon Musk used that were similar to Steve Jobs. 29:57 - Elon’s master plan for Tesla. 32:44 - What made the great financial crisis one of the most troubling periods of Elon’s career. 53:14 - How Elon got interested in artificial intelligence. 58:58 - How Tesla made it through what Musk called “Production Hell.” 01:11:33 - The backstory of the Cybertruck, Starlink, & Optimus. 01:30:04 - The story of Elon’s takeover of Twitter.  Disclaimer: Slight discrepancies in the timestamps may occur due to podcast platform differences. BOOKS AND RESOURCES Join the exclusive TIP Mastermind Community to engage in meaningful stock investing discussions with Stig, Clay, and the other community members. Check out Elon Musk by Walter Isaacson. Book Mentioned: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Learn more about Tesla’s developments in artificial intelligence. Learn more about the Berkshire Summit by clicking here or emailing Clay at Related Episode: TIP417: The Incredible Story of the PayPal Mafia w/ Jimmy Soni or watch the video. Check out all the books mentioned and discussed in our podcast episodes here. NEW TO THE SHOW? Check out our We Study Billionaires Starter Packs. Browse through all our episodes (complete with transcripts) here. Try our tool for picking stock winners and managing our portfolios: TIP Finance Tool. Enjoy exclusive perks from our favorite Apps and Services. Stay up-to-date on financial markets and investing strategies through our daily newsletter, We Study Markets. Learn how to better start, manage, and grow your business with the best business podcasts. SPONSORS Support our free podcast by supporting our sponsors: River Shopify Vanta Alto NetSuite AlphaSense Toyota American Express Business Gold Card Babbel Percent Salesforce Monetary Metals Efani Ka’Chava Wise Glengoyne Whisky HELP US OUT! Help us reach new listeners by leaving us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts! It takes less than 30 seconds, and really helps our show grow, which allows us to bring on even better guests for you all! Thank you – we really appreciate it! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Elon Musk BEST Motivation 2020! | 10 Rules for Success | MORNING MOTIVATION | Motivational Speech 2020

Instantly Manifest REAL Spendable MONEY, Abundance And Pure Bliss - 20 seconds for this life changing video : YOUR BEAUTIFUL SOUL, YOUR LITTLE DONATION WILL HELP US TO SURVIVE AND GIVE YOU MORE OUR WORK, 💕 You can support us  : 📚 Everyone Should Read At Least Once In Their Lives : 📖Elon Musk: How the Billionaire CEO of SpaceX and Tesla is Shaping our Future  📖The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People  :  📖Think & Grow Rich: THE 21st CENTURY EDITION :  📖Think Like a Monk : Jay Shetty  📖Rich Dad Poor Dad (Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!)  📖How to Win Friends and Influence People : --- Elon Musk 10 Rules For Success: 1. Work Like Hell 2. Have a High Pain Threshold 3. Critical Think 4. Add Value to Society 5. Take Risks 6. Have a Great Product / Service 7. Attract Great People 8. Constantly Seek Criticism 9. Don't Follow the Trend 10. Overcome Critics ▼ Follow Red Pills Production Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Pinterest: Website:"   -- tag: best morning podcasts on Spotify, morning motivation podcast, motivation podcast Spotify, best motivational podcasts 2019, sports motivation podcast, work motivation, the mindset and motivation podcast motivational podcasts Spotify best motivational podcasts 2019 motivational podcasts for athletes motivational podcasts Reddit best motivational podcasts 2020 morning motivation podcast sports motivation podcast

Elon Musk Discuss The Future!

Elon Musk Discuss The Future!

Matt Taibbi - On Populist Uprising, Elon Musk & UK Files

Joining me today is independent journalist Matt Taibbi. He was one of the leading publishers of the Twitter Files and you can find his work on Substack at  We will be talking about the UK Files, Media Matters’ case with Elon Musk & New Twitter Files exposing the “Election Integrity Partnership”.   Support this channel directly here: Listen as a podcast: Follow on social media: X: @rustyrockets INSTAGRAM: @russellbrand FACEBOOK: @russellbrand