
Euron är den gemensamma valutan inom Europeiska unionen (EU). Den infördes som elektronisk valuta 1999 och som sedlar och mynt 2002. Euron används idag av 19 av de 27 medlemsländerna inom EU och är en av världens största valutor. Den symboliseras med € och används för att underlätta handel och ekonomiskt samarbete mellan medlemsländerna.

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Så dyr kan euron bli nästa år

Så dyr kan euron bli nästa år

Den svenska kronan stärktes efter onsdagens räntesänkning i USA och hoppet väcks återigen om en vändning. Men tidigare förhoppningar om kronan har hittills kommit på skam. Efter de senaste årens rejäla försvagning är den i princip oförändrad sedan årsskiftet mot euron och dollarn. Svenskar som vill turista utomlands får nu betala omkring 10,16 kronor för en dollar och 11,34 kronor för en euro. Den som hoppas på en tydlig förstärkning av kronan det kommande året är dock fel ute, enligt norska storbanken DNB. På 12 månaders sikt tror DNB att en euro kommer att kosta 11,80 kronor, det vill säga drygt 4 procent mer än i nuläget. Även dollarn bedömer man ska bli dyrare och kosta 10,80. På tre månader är bedömningen 11,60 gentemot euron så vår bild är att kronan kommer att gå svagare, säger chefsekonomen Ulf Andersson. En försvagning Bakgrunden till den svaga kronkursen är bland annat ett kontinuerligt sparandeöverskott i Sverige som bland annat används till investeringar i värdepapper i euro och dollar. Det bidrar till en försvagning av kronan. Detta spelar stor roll. De finansiella flödena är helt avgörande för vart kronan går på kort sikt, inte de kommersiella, säger Ulf Andersson. Utöver den faktorn så är det faktum att den svenska kronan precis som den norska kronan är en känslig valuta, vid marknadsoro så väljer man att sälja av kronorna. Sedan är det väldigt låg likviditet vilket gör att den plötsligt kan gå ned 20 öre utan att det egentligen behöver ha hänt så mycket i svensk ekonomi, det är inget konstigt alls. Inga faktorer Ulf Andersson ser heller ingen faktor som riktigt kan förändra läget i närtid. Jag ser inte vad som skulle få kronan att gå mycket starkare givet vilka faktorer som tagit den dit vi är i dag. Vad har förändrats? Nordea tror däremot på en förstärkning av kronan, där en euro kommer att kosta 10,70 i december nästa år. Normalt är den här miljön vi nu ska in i med lägre räntor bättre för vår krona än när man har högre räntor, säger chefsekonomen Annika Winsth. Rättat: I en tidigare version fanns en felaktig formulering kring Nordeas bedömning av kronan.

Euron på YouTube

Pehrson: Därför borde Sverige införa euron

Liberalernas partiledare, Johan Pehrson, gästar Börskoll. Se hela programmet här: ...

Dagens industri på YouTube

Hur euron orsakade den grekiska krisen

Grekland befinner sig i ett tillstånd av ekonomisk och finansiell kris som har dominerat globala rubriker denna vecka. Voxs Matt Yglesias förklarar ...

Vox på YouTube

Euron Greyjoy's apocalypse in the Game of Thrones books

Audible: Will Euron Greyjoy bring apocalypse to Westeros? Was Euron visited by Bloodraven, the ...

Alt Shift X på YouTube



Euron Selimi på YouTube

Rambo Amadeus - Euro Neuro - Live - 2012 Eurovision Song Contest Semi Final 1

Powered by: Montenegro: Rambo Amadeus - Euro Neuro - Live - 2012 Eurovision Song Contest Semi ...

Eurovision Song Contest på YouTube

Nej, Sverige ska inte införa euron

I tider av en svag krona kan euron kännas lockande för vissa, men faktum är att euron i grunden är en riktigt svag valuta med stora ...

Jessica Stegrud på YouTube

Amerikanska reagerar på 'Secrets of the Euro'

Tack för att du såg mig, en ödmjuk amerikan, reagera på Secrets of the Euro Original-video: ...

Ryan Wuzer på YouTube

Euron i poddar

Euron Greyjoy's apocalypse (Alt Shift X)

This is the audio from the video "Euron Greyjoy's apocalypse in the Game of Thrones books" on Alt Shift X. Video: Alt Shift X: Alt Shift X Podcast: Patreon: Twitter:

Forsaken, the team's star

Five unknown Indian players get the opportunity of a lifetime: joining one of the world’s biggest eSports organisations and competing internationally. And they're not just there to learn, but to win. They impress and give hope to the Indian Esports scene. Until, one of them, Forsaken, is about to take an action that will shake the foundations of the team and the legitimacy of the eSports world itself.In the special true crime podcast miniseries, Hacker Hunter: Next Level, we delve into the thrilling world of hacking. Join us across three episodes as we travel to India and the US to meet three extraordinary hackers: Anthony, Forsaken, and Manfred. These individuals have played a pivotal role in some of the most notorious hacking cases in video game history.Hacker Hunter: Next Level is brought to you by Tomorrow Unlocked, the cyber immunity channel from Kaspersky, in collaboration with the Euronews Tech Talks team. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

'Capitalism is dead' with Yanis Varoufakis

It’s the most wonderful time of the year for retailers. With Christmas around the corner, shopping soars: groceries and drinks for dinners, toys, electronics for gifts, and clothes for events. It seems wild not to believe that capitalism is in perfect health... However, former Greek Minister of Economics Yanis Varoufakis not only thinks it's in decline but claims it's already dead. Who killed it? Well, according to him, Amazon and Alibaba, among others.This is an extract from the new Euronews podcast My Wildest Prediction.To continue listening, visit the My Wildest Prediction feed on your favorite podcast app. If you prefer watching, check our website. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Euron Greyjoy (2017)

Including an appearance by special guest PoorQuentyn (NotACast podcast!) for a deep dive into the past, present, and future of Euron Greyjoy. Published June 3, 2017. NotACastASOIAF: Bonus Eps & More - Shirts & Stickers -

European IPOs on Euronext - Stephane Boujnah (IPO Stories, Ep. 13)

Stéphane Boujnah is the CEO of Euronext, the largest European stock exchange, managing the bourses of Amsterdam, Brussels, Dublin, Lisbon, Oslo, Paris and Milan.  Stephane has been the CEO for the last 8 years, leading an M&A drive that saw the company acquiring and integrating the Irish stock exchange in 2018, Oslo stock exchange in 2019 and Borsa Italiana in 2021. With Stéphane, we go back to the origins of stock markets to discuss why they are the natural home for ambitious growth companies, the reforms needed to spur more equity investment in Europe, and the importance of trust when you are building a track record as a listed company CEO. If you have feedback, or there are any topics you would like us to cover on the show, please reach out at Disclaimer: this discussion is not financial advice, nor an investment recommendation, nor a solicitation to buy or sell any financial instruments, or an offer for financial services or any other transaction. The information contained in the recording have no contractual value and are destined for an informational purpose only. Amundsen Investment Management and the participants on this podcast may have holdings in the companies being discussed.  

Ep.18 Nick Strickler from late models to Euronascar and everything in between

Join Max as he delves into the heart-pounding experiences that have shaped Nick's career. Hear about the challenges he faced as he navigated the competitive landscape, the sacrifices he made to chase his dreams, and the relentless determination that fuels his desire to reach the podium.Through Max's thought-provoking questions, listeners will gain a deeper understanding of the technical aspects of Euronascar racing and the unique challenges faced by American drivers in the European circuit. Discover the strategies, skills, and mental fortitude required to compete at the highest level, as Nick shares valuable insights from his own experiences.Beyond the racetrack, Max and Nick explore the human side of the sport, discussing the importance of teamwork, the camaraderie among drivers, and the support systems that keep them going during the ups and downs of their careers. Get to know the person behind the helmet as Nick opens up about his personal journey and the role of passion in overcoming obstacles.Support the showTo learn more about motorsport head to

'Dating apps will die' with Former Tinder CEO Renate Nyborg

Renate Nyborg was Tinder's first female CEO, but she left the popular dating app with a mission to use technology to combat loneliness. She is launching a new app, Meeno, that utilizes AI to help solve relationship problems. She also predicts that the future will involve fewer online dating experiences and more real-life encounters.In this first episode of Euronew's new podcast My Wildest Prediction, Tom Goodwin discusses with Renate Nyborg her boldest predictions on love and chatbots.If you want to listen to the rest of the conversation, go to My Wildest Prediction’s feed. You will find a new episode every other Wednesday starting from November 22nd.If you prefer watching, check our website. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Euronet Worldwide, Inc., Q3 2023 Earnings Call, Oct 20, 2023

Euronet Worldwide, Inc., Q3 2023 Earnings Call, Oct 20, 2023

Euronet Worldwide, Inc., Q2 2023 Earnings Call, Jul 26, 2023

Euronet Worldwide, Inc., Q2 2023 Earnings Call, Jul 26, 2023

Anthony, the child prodigy

When four friends realized they could hack one of the most popular video games ever invented, it wasn't long before serious money started rolling in. They didn’t hide; they believed they were doing nothing wrong. However, the FBI would end up raiding their homes. Discover the story of one of the biggest gaming hacks in history.In the special true crime podcast miniseries, Hacker Hunter: Next Level, we delve into the thrilling world of hacking. Join us across three episodes as we travel to India and the US to meet three extraordinary hackers: Anthony, Forsaken, and Manfred. These individuals have played a pivotal role in some of the most notorious hacking cases in video game history.Hacker Hunter: Next Level is brought to you by Tomorrow Unlocked, the cyber immunity channel from Kaspersky, in collaboration with the Euronews Tech Talks team. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.