Här är Wagnergruppens revolt – steg för steg

Vad var det egentligen som hände? Under ett kaotiskt dygn satte Wagnergruppens ledare Jevgenij Prigozjin skräck i världen – och säkert i Putin själv. Han gjorde uppror mot den ryska militären och startade en frammarsch mot Moskva. Men den hotfulla situationen tog en tvär vändning – Wagnertrupperna drog sig plötsligt tillbaka. Faran för det som såg ut att kunna bli ett blodigt, ryskt inbördeskrig blåste över. Wagnerledaren Prigozjin släpper ett raspigt ljudklipp på Telegram. Han anklagar militärledningen i Ryssland för att “mörda tiotusentals ryska soldater”. Prigozjin låter arg och säger att hans trupper kommer att börja tåga mot Moskva i protest. 25 000 soldater påstår han ha bakom sig. “Det här är ingen kupp, det är en marsch för rättvisa”, säger han, och hotar den som försöker stoppa honom. Ryska försvarsdepartementet avfärdar Prigozjins anklagelser som falska och som en provokation. Senare på kvällen svarar Rysslands säkerhetsstyrka FSB Prigozjin genom att anklaga den 62-årige Wagnerledaren för myteri. FSB startar en brottsutredning. Sergei Surovokin, en av Rysslands toppgeneraler, uppmanar Wagnersoldaterna att lägga ner sina vapen. Det här anses intressant eftersom Surovokin setts som en möjlig allierad till Prigozjin, och att Prigozjin alltid uttalat sig uppskattande om Surovokin. I en extrasändning i den statskontrollerade kanalen Channel One spelar nyhetsankaret ner Prigozjins uttalanden. I en interjvu i samma nyhetsprogram uppger Kremls talesperson Dmitry Peskov att Vladimir Putin är informerad om händelserna. Under natten trappas säkerheten kring Moskva upp. På sociala medier sprids bilder på militärfordon mitt i staden. Tidig på morgonen hamnar miljonstaden Rostov-na-Donu i södra Ryssland i händelsernas centrum. Wagnerstyrkornas stridsvagnar och beväpnade fordon rullar in i staden, där den ryska arméns södra förband har sitt huvudkvarter. Prigozjins trupper omringar nyckelbyggnader, som militärhögkvarteret och säkerhetsstyrkan FSB:s kontor. Guvernören för Rostov-regionen uppmanar invånarna att behålla lugnet och stanna inomhus. En lokal bloggare - Andrei - går runt på gatorna och filmar vägspärrar som polisen satt upp. ”Alla är rädda”, berättar han, rapporterar Financial Times. Prigozjin filmas när han är inne på militärens lokala högkvarter. Han samtalar med Rysslands vice försvarsminister. Konversationen är spänd. Prigozjin säger också att hans trupper intagit militärens högkvarter utan att avlossa ett enda skott, och hävdar att han har stöd av lokalbefolkningen. Ryska försvarsdepartementet uppmanar Wagnerstoldaterna att vända sig emot sin ledare eftersom Prigozjin har lurat dem och dragit in dem i kriminella aktiviteter, som försvarsministeriet uttrycker det. I Moskva-regionen blir läget allt mer spänt. Myndigheterna annonserar att säkerhetsläget höjs. Det innebär bland annat ökad övervakning och slumpmässiga id-kontroller ute på gatorna. Många flyr redan nu staden. Alla direktflyg från Moskva till Istabul i Turkiet och Tbilisi i Georgien säljer slut. För första gången under den eskalerande konflikten visar sig Putin själv. Han håller ett extrasänt tv-tal som bryter in i dom annars positiva morgonnyheterna om Rysslands framgångar i Ukraina. Putin anklagar Prigozjin för ett “väpnat myteri” och ett “knivhugg i ryggen”. Han förklarar också att den ryska militären fått order om att ”neutralisera” de ansvariga för upproret och kallar Wagnerledarens agerande för ”förräderi”. Samtidigt som Putin talar till folket börjar en Wagner-konvoj röra sig på motorvägen M4, som leder till Moskva. Ryska militären försöker stoppa konvojen och det kommer också rapporter om en nedskjuten rysk helikopter. Mitt på dagen publicerar ögonvittnen bilder och filmer som visar Wagner-gruppens stridsfordon i Voronesj-regionen. En helikopter flyger över en oljedepå i utkanten av Voronesj, invånarna hör en kraftig explosion och svart rök väller mot himlen. Flera nyhetsmedier rapporterar att Wagnertrupperna tagit kontrollen över staden. Samtidigt är stämningen god i Rostov-na-Donu, staden som är i Wagner-gruppens grepp. Invånare tar glada selfies med Wagner-soldater och klättrar upp på stridsvagnarna. Wagnerstyrkorna fotas när de äter take-out lunch och zippar kaffe i solskenet. Under dagen kommer rapporter om att presidentplanet har lyft från Vnukovo-flygplatsen i Moskva i riktning mot Sankt Petersburg. Det är oklart om Putin själv är ombord. Kremls talesperson Dmitrij Peskov hävdar att Putin jobbar på som vanligt på hemmaplan. Wagnerkonvojen når Lipetsk-regionen, 40 mil från Moskva. Ryssarna försöker stoppa konvojens framfart genom att blockera vägarna med bussar och stridsvagnar. Man börjar också gräva hål i vägbanorna. Plötsligt - sent på kvällen – tar den hotfulla situationen en tvär vändning. Belarus diktator Aleksandr Lukasjenkos stab uppger att man träffat en överenskommelse med Prigozjin. Lukasjenko har klivit in som en slags medlare i konflikten och har pratat med Wagnerledaren i telefon. Han har Putins stöd att uppmana Prigozjin att lägga ner vapnen för att få fri lejd till Belarus, uppger han. Wagnergruppens snabba framryckning tar stopp. Prigozjins skickar ut ett meddelande på Telegram: ”De senaste 24 timmarna har vi tagit oss så nära som 20 mil från Moskva. För att undvika blodspillan så vänder vi om”. Mindre än ett dygn efter att man rullade in i staden lämnar Prigozjin och hans trupper Rostov-na-Donu. Videoklipp som sprids på nätet visar hur civila hyllar legosoldaterna som hjältar när de lämnar staden. Enligt en uppgörelse med den ryska regeringen går Prigozjin och trupper som deltagit i det väpnade myteriet fria från åtal. Uppgörelsen innebär också att Wagnergruppen ska återvända till slagfältet i Ukraina. Prigozjin kommer att gå i exil i Belarus. Vad han ska göra där är inte känt. Den abrupta vändningen skapar frågetecken. Världens Rysslands-experter spekulerar i varför Prigozjin valde att vända om. Möjligtvis förstod han att han tagit sig vatten över huvudet, kanske fick han inte det stödet som han förväntat sig? USA:s utrikesminister Blinken uttalar sig om utvecklingen i Ryssland och säger att han är övertygad om att kaoset inte är över. “Det är som en film och sista akten har ännu inte visats”, säger han till CNN. Han säger också att Ryssland är distraherat och att detta kan gynna Ukraina. På måndagen uttalar sig kinesiska myndigheter för första gången om helgens dramatik i Ryssland. Det är ett försiktigt uttalande som klassar turena kring Wagner-gruppen som “Rysslands interna angelägenhet” Rysslands försvarsminister Sergej Sjojgu visar upp sig för första gången sedan Wagnergruppen startade sin framryckning. I filmklippet är han på besök hos ryska trupper i Ukraina. Ryska nyhetsbyrån Ria citerar en rapport från försvarsdepartementet, som klargör att Sjojgu fortfarande leder armén. Försvarsministern har varit Prigozjins huvudsakliga måltavla, han har anklagats av Wanger-ledaren för att vara inkompetent och inte levererat ammunition. Klippet på Sjojgu kan vara producerat redan under helgen, men visar att försvarsministern fortfarande har Putins stöd, menar bedömare. På måndagen släpps också ett videotal med Putin – det första uttalandet sedan tv-talet på midsommardagen. Wagnerupproret nämns dock inte av presidenten, som istället ägnade talet åt att gratulera deltagarna i en industrikonferens. Irans president Ebrahim Raisi pratar i telefon med Putin. ”Den iranske presidenten uttryckte sitt fulla stöd för det ryska ledarskapet med anledning av händelserna den 24 juni”, skriver Kreml i ett uttalande. Qatars emir Tamim bin Hamad har också uttryckt sitt stöd telefonledes, enligt Kreml. Efter att han hade lämnat Rostov-an-Donu var det tyst från Wagner-ledaren Prigozjin. Spekulationerna om vart han tagit vägen tog fart. Men på måndag eftermiddag dök han upp, och gjorde ett elva minuter långt uttalande. Han uttryckte att målet med marschen var att skydda Wagnergruppen, som ansett sig attackerad av ryska helikoptrar. ”Vi marscherade inte för att störta Rysslands ledning”, säger han.

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Vladimir Putin i poddar

Vladimir Putin's war against Russia: interview with Evgenia Kara-Murza

Day 649.Today, we bring you the latest military, diplomatic and political updates from Ukraine and across the world and we sit down with Evgenia Kara Murza. Evgenia is a Russian human rights activist and wife of political prisoner Vladimir Kara-Murza, a Russian and British political activist who has been imprisoned since April 2022 for protesting the war on Ukraine. In April 2023, he was sentenced to 25 years in prison. We spoke to Evgenia about her husband’s campaigning, his arrest, detention, and the brutal realities of Vladimir Putin’s regime.Contributors:David Knowles (Head of Audio Development). @DJKnowles22 on Twitter.Francis Dearnley (Assistant Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on Twitter.Dominic Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on Twitter.Evgenia Kara-Murza (Russian human rights activist). @ekaramurza on Twitter. Evgenia is the wife of political prisoner Vladimir Kara-Murza, a prominent Russian-British opposition leader, who has been imprisoned since April 2022. In April 2023 he was sentenced to 25 years in prison. Many of our listeners have raised concerns over the potential sale of Telegraph Media Group to the Abu Dhabi-linked Redbird IMI. We are inviting the submission of comments on the process. Email salecomments@telegraph.co.uk or dtletters@telegraph.co.uk to have your say.Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatestEmail: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.ukSee Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

1. The Moth

From street thug to spy – what the Russian president did before he came to power. To understand what Vladimir Putin might do in the future, you need to understand his past; where he’s come from, what he’s lived through, what he’s done. Jonny Dymond hears tales of secret agents, gangsters and the time a young Putin faced off a rat. He’s joined by:Nina Khrushcheva, Professor of International Affairs at The New School in New York and the great-granddaughter of former Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev Tim Whewell, who watched the rise of the man who’s changing the world as Moscow correspondent for the BBC in the 1990s Dr Mark Galeotti, author of "We need to talk about Putin" and an expert in global crime and Senior Associate Fellow at the Royal United Services Institute.Production coordinators: Sophie Hill and Siobhan ReedSound engineer: James Beard Producers: Caroline Bayley, Sandra Kanthal, Joe Kent Series Editor: Emma Rippon Commissioning Editor: Richard Knight

Vladimir Putin's Russia: Past, present & future

Day 632. During the Ukraine: the latest team's recent trip to the United States, David Knowles sat down with Dr Leon Aron, writer, historian and senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. Dr Aron was born in Moscow, and came to the US from the former Soviet Union as a child as a refugee in 1978. In this interview we hear about his research into the cultural development of modern Russia, and look at the transformation of Russian politics and society under Vladimir Putin. Contributors:David Knowles (Host). @djknowles22 on Twitter.Dr Leon Aron (Senior Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute). @AronRTTT on Twitter.Riding the Tiger: Vladimir Putin's Russia and the Uses of War, by Leon Aron: https://www.aei.org/research-products/book/riding-the-tiger/Find out more:Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatestEmail: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.ukSee Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Vladimir Putin (Part 2)

In the second episode on the life of Vladimir Putin, I analyze his communication strategy, his vast wealth and why it doesn't matter, and the possibility that Putin orchestrated multiple false flag terrorist attacks within Russia. Once again my main sources for this episode are "The New Tsar: The Rise and Reign of Vladimir Putin" by Steven Lee Myers and "The Man Without a Face: The Unlikely Rise of Vladimir Putin" by Masha Gessen. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

119. Starmer's most controversial move yet, the truth behind Vladimir Putin, and the Good Friday Agreement

Has Keir Starmer lost Labour the moral high ground after his attack on Rishi Sunak? What is Vladimir Putin really like behind closed doors? Will peace and power-sharing return to Northern Ireland, 25 years after the Good Friday Agreement? Tune in to hear Alastair and Rory answer all this and more on today's episode of The Rest Is Politics. TRIP Plus: Become a member of The Rest Is Politics Plus to support the podcast, enjoy ad-free listening to both TRIP and Leading, benefit from discount book prices on titles mentioned on the pod, join our Discord chatroom, and receive early access to live show tickets and Question Time episodes. Just head to therestispolitics.com to sign up. Instagram: @restispolitics Twitter: @RestIsPolitics Email: restispolitics@gmail.com Producers: Dom Johnson + Nicole Maslen Exec Producers: Tony Pastor + Jack Davenport Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

2. Out of the shadows

Operation successor: the story behind the Russian president's mysterious rise to power. From bag carrier to the most powerful man in Russia. In just a few years Vladimir Putin went from working for the mayor of St Petersburg to being prime minister, then president. To make sense of how he did it, Jonny Dymond is joined by:Misha Glenny, former BBC correspondent and author of ‘McMafia’ Natalia Gevorkyan, co-writer of the first authorised biography of Vladimir Putin published in 2000, and of “The Prisoner of Putin” with Mikhail Khodorkovsky Oliver Bullough, writer, journalist. former Moscow correspondent for Reuters and author of “Butler to the world”Production coordinators: Sophie Hill and Siobhan ReedSound engineer: James Beard Producers: Caroline Bayley, Sandra Kanthal, Joe Kent Series Editor: Emma Rippon Commissioning Editor: Richard Knight

Vladimir Putin (Part 1)

Vladimir Putin: Modern day czar, KGB man, billionaire, reformer, murderer. In part 1, we examine his rise to power. Tune in next Thursday for part 2. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

4. The Shallow Roots of Democracy

Cementing power in Russia, a revolution in Ukraine and a challenge to the US - Jonny Dymond examines Vladimir Putin’s second term as president. To help him make sense of how this tumultuous period from 2004 to 2008 began a path towards events we are witnessing today, he’s joined by: Steven Lee Myers, former Moscow bureau chief for the New York Times and author of ‘The New Tsar; The rise and reign of Vladamir Putin’ Natalia Antelava, former BBC correspondent and co-founder and editor of Coda Story Arkady Ostrovsky, Russia and Eastern Europe editor for the Economist and author of ‘The Invention of Russia From Gorbachev's Freedom to Putin's War’Production coordinators: Sophie Hill and Siobhan Reed Sound engineer: James Beard Producers: Sandra Kanthal, Caroline Bayley, Joe Kent Series Editor: Emma Rippon Commissioning Editor: Richard Knight

How Vladimir Putin changed everyday life in Russia

Russia’s president Vladimir Putin says he’s going to stand for the top job again in March. He’s been in charge of the country in some way or another for almost 25 years. The BBC’s Russia Editor Steve Rosenberg takes us through his rise to power and how the country has dramatically changed under his rule. Plus Alex from the What in the World team brings us five surprising facts about the man himself. Here’s one to get you started… he might be the richest man on earth.Email: whatintheworld@bbc.co.uk WhatsApp: +44 0330 12 33 22 6 Presenter: William Lee Adams Producer: Alex Rhodes Editors: Verity Wilde and Simon Peeks

8. The Splinter

Master strategist or opportunistic gambler? Vladimir Putin styles himself as a judo master – an expert in spotting weakness in his opponents and then exploiting it. To figure out what we can learn from his attempts to call time on liberal democracy and Russian meddling in the 2016 US election, Jonny Dymond is joined by:Henry Foy, European diplomatic correspondent for the Financial Times and a former Moscow bureau chief Nina Khrushcheva, professor of international affairs at the New School in New York Misha Glenny, author of ‘McMafia’ and rector of the Institute for Human Sciences in ViennaProduction coordinators: Sophie Hill and Siobhan Reed Sound engineer: Rod Farquhar Producers: Caroline Bayley, Sandra Kanthal, Joe Kent Series Editor: Emma Rippon Commissioning Editor: Richard Knight

Vladimir Putin Part 1 (Updated)

Vladimir Putin: Modern day czar, KGB man, billionaire, reformer, autocrat. In part 1, we examine his rise to power. This is an updated version with a new introduction and a few minor additions. Thank you to our sponsor, CopyThat. Take your writing to the next level. Go to TryCopyThat.com and use code TakeOver for $20 off. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

5. An Indispensable Tsar

Bare-chested photo ops and the invasion of Georgia - what Vladimir Putin did as prime minister. Then, he returns to the presidency vowing to save Russia from the west.To make sense of his carefully crafted image and how his attitudes to both Ukraine and the West have defined his rule, Jonny Dymond is joined by: Catherine Belton, author of ‘Putin’s People: How the KGB took back Russia and took on the West' Andrei Soldatov, a Russian investigative journalist and author of ‘The New Nobility: The Restoration of Russia's Security State and the Enduring Legacy of the KGB’Mark Galeotti, University College London lecturer and director of Mayak Intelligence. Production coordinators: Sophie Hill and Siobhan Reed Sound engineer: James Beard Producers: Caroline Bayley, Sandra Kanthal, Joe Kent Series Editor: Emma Rippon Commissioning Editor: Richard Knight

Chapter 1: The Ghosts

The Soviet Union suffers unthinkable horrors during World War II. Leningrad, the city into which Vladimir Putin is born, loses more than a million of its citizens to starvation, and Vladimir Putin’s parents barely make it out alive. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices

6. The Believer

Playing cat and mouse games with the world and using so-called little green men for masked warfare – what Russia's annexation of part of Ukraine in 2014 tells us about Vladimir Putin.“Like tsars through the centuries, Putin sees himself as the rightful heir and the guardian of one true Christian faith,” says Lucy Ash, who has seen first-hand how the Russian leader has used religion to justify war and bolster his image. To make sense of the man everyone is trying to figure out, Jonny Dymond is joined by:Lucy Ash, BBC reporter and author of the upcoming book “The Baton and the Cross” about the Russian Orthodox Church under Putin Steven Lee Myers, New York Times correspondent and former Moscow bureau chief Dr Gulnaz Sharafutdinova, professor of Russian politics at Kings College London and author of “Red Mirror: Putin's Leadership and Russia's Insecure IdentityProduction coordinators: Sophie Hill and Siobhan ReedSound engineer: Rod Farquhar Producers: Caroline Bayley, Sandra Kanthal, Joe Kent Series Editor: Emma Rippon Commissioning Editor: Richard Knight

Chapter 5: All the World’s a Dvor

To predict what Vladimir Putin might do next in Ukraine, it’s helpful to remember his first and foremost education — in the dvor.   To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices

14. 12 Months On: President Putin’s Next Steps?

Ukrainecast comes together with Putin, the BBC Sounds and Radio 4 podcast which examines the life, times, motives and modus operandi of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. Returning to the show are three lifelong Kremlin-watchers to cast ahead and speculate on just how this war might develop. Professor Nina Khrushcheva is an historian at The New School in New York and the great grand-daughter of Nikita Khrushchev, Sir Laurie Bristow was the UK’s Amabassador to Moscow from 2016-2020, and Vitaly Shevchenko is the head of the Russia section for BBC Monitoring. Today’s episode was presented by Jonny Dymond as part of a series of episodes marking the one-year anniversary of the start of the war in Ukraine. The producers were Fiona Leach and Luke Radcliff. The technical producer was Mike Regaard. The editor is Sam Bonham. Email Ukrainecast@bbc.co.uk with your questions and comments. You can also send us a message or voice note via WhatsApp, Signal or Telegram to +44 330 1239480

Chapter 4: The Big Brother

Organized crime and violence reign supreme in post-Soviet Russia. In this world, the rules of the dvor prove invaluable — for the men fighting over the jewels of the Soviet industrial empire, and for Vladimir Putin. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices

11. To the Brink

In late 2021, Vladimir Putin emerges from his Covid-19 bunker with an even smaller inner circle, increasingly outlandish demands of NATO and the west, and an immense military build-up on the border of Ukraine. How did seclusion change his mindset? And how did the west misunderstand him so badly?To understand the Russian President and interpret his words and actions in those crucial weeks before the invasion, Jonny Dymond is joined by:Andrei Soldatov - Investigative journalist, specialist in Russia’s intelligence services, and author of ‘The Compatriots: The Russian Exiles Who Fought Against the Kremlin’ Sarah Rainsford - BBC Eastern Europe Correspondent and former Moscow Correspondent Sir Laurie Bristow - Former British diplomat and UK Ambassador to Russia, 2016-2020. Production coordinators: Helena Warwick-Cross and Siobhan Reed Sound engineer: Rod Farquhar Producer: Nathan Gower Researcher: Octavia Woodward Series Editor: Simon Watts

9. The Emperor's Palace

President Putin tries to crush the leading opposition figure, Alexei Navalny as Russians take to the streets in protest over pensions and local elections. And there are revelations about expensive watches and a secret and very opulent palace.To understand how Vladimir Putin rules Russia Jonny Dymond is joined by:Catherine Belton, author of ‘Putin’s People: How the KGB took back Russia and then took on the West'Sergei Guriev, Professor of Economics at Sciences Po and co-author of 'Spin Dictators' Vitaliy Shevchenko, Russia Editor, BBC Monitoring Production coordinators: Sophie Hill and Siobhan Reed Sound engineer: Rod Farquhar Producers: Caroline Bayley, Sandra Kanthal, Joe Kent Series Editor: Emma Rippon Commissioning Editor: Richard Knight

Transcendance #9 - Achilles heel of Vladimir Putin | William Browder | TEDxBerlin (2018)

(source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BT254smRufA ) How I figured out the Achilles heel of Vladimir Putin | William Browder | TEDxBerlin William Browder is an American-born investor and former hedge fund manager who is known for being an outspoken critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin. In the 1990s, Browder established an investment fund in Russia called the Hermitage Fund, which became successful by investing in the newly privatized companies in the country. However, he later discovered that many of these companies were corrupt and being robbed by their majority shareholders, who were Russian oligarchs. In response, Browder began researching and exposing the corruption and sharing the information with the international media. As a result of his efforts, he has become a prominent critic of Putin and has been targeted by the Russian government in various ways, including being blacklisted and having a warrant issued for his arrest. by TEDx Talks Youtube channel